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Palin’s Future in the GOP.

After the deep, dreamless, recuperative shut-eye that was the inevitable result of the brutal Legislative session that ended yesterday, I awake to this on Politico:

“Is Palin the Rev. Jackson of the GOP?”

(balls up fists and rubs eyes furiously, blinks and checks again)

“Is Palin the Rev. Jackson of the GOP?”

Yup, I read that right.

(runs to get coffee, comes back and reads)

This article is a good one.  It talks about Palin’s role in the GOP, now that she’s proved herself to be completely unfit for the nation’s highest office.  Not only is it chock full of little giggly morsels like:

Some of my Republican friends hope she can forge a different public image. They believe that if she were to write a book on foreign policy or get linked to a think tank, all would be forgotten.

That’s not how media politics or public image works. It’s like hoping Bill Clinton will become a spokesman for marital fidelity or George W. Bush for eloquence.

it also makes some really good comparisons between Jackson and Palin. Great fundraisers, but electable? Not so much.

And although we can’t know what the future will bring, I have a feeling that Palin may well be a thorn in our side for a while, but at least she won’t be calling the shots from the oval office. Lack of experience, ability, and intellect, coupled with fringy-type religious and political views means that chances are slim to none for a 1600 Pennsylvania address, according to Politico.

If Democrats really want to help their chances for 2012 and even 2016, they should quietly donate money to Palin’s political action committee.

I don’t know how many Democrats are willing to take that advice, but there are growing numbers of Alaskans who are ready to show her the door, and let her become a poster-girl at GOP fundraisers. Because despite her lack of experience, ability and intellect, she actually is still running our state.



180 Responses to “Palin’s Future in the GOP.”
  1. marjtoo and Chaim, two more people who get all their (lack of) knowledge about “black problems” lol from the television.

    And apparently believe it all, too.

    Only thing missing were choice quotes from The Bell Curve.

  2. Karen says:

    A book on foreign policy? About what, how to talk on the phone to “President Sarkozy”?

    Now, maybe if there was a I-Just-Don’t-Think tank……

  3. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    @ Physicsmom

    I always thought it was because she didn’t want him to get baby drool/ upchuck on her flag pin/ Neiman Marcus duds.

  4. Physicsmom says:

    marjtoo: I finally figured out that weird carry technique GINO uses with Trig – she faces him outward so everyone can see his face and the signs of his genetic heritage. If she cuddled him like a normal mother, then all the public would see is a cute baby bum and the back of his head, which doesn’t suit his role as a prop. Ta Da!

  5. marjtoo says:

    Sammy … good questions about Trig’s care … you didn’t actually mention what are his mother’s priorities when it comes to her children, but especially to her youngest, versus her career? Anyone recall Bristol being asked how she was adjusting to taking care of her baby, and she replied (in a rather sarcastic tone) that she’s had ‘lot of experience?’

    I hated seeing that little fellow carried around, as you said, like a sack of onions … almost always facing outwards rather than being cuddled as most mothers would do with their babies. A rather unusual campaign prop, it seemed.

    I remember that about Barry commenting on Jackson, Chaim … I lived in IL for 10 years … still have family up there.

    Good night, all. As always, enjoyed reading all the comments here!

  6. marjtoo says:

    Sorry I’m SO far behind in commenting on comments, but…

    Aw, gosh, guys … Please don’t do the Hate Republicans thing. Not all Republicans are created equal, just as not all Democrats are created equal … if you know what I mean. I personally vote for the person–the qualifications, the intelligence, the basic personality, and even the promises (not to say that always works out) … just wish everyone else did, too. Although … boy, I hate to say this but … an awful lot of men voted for CUTE, and an lot of women voted for FEMALE, this past presidential election, rather than voting their parties.

    Remember … a lot of Republicans, as well as independents, voted for the Obama ticket.

    Something reminded me of P’s “God opening the door” speech about her future political plans … It kind of looked to me like He closed it in November, but she didn’t notice that?

  7. Chaim says:

    Agree with marjtoo. Here in Chicago JJ is known as a shakedown artist who takes care of himself. He has, or had, a gift for oratory, but never took on the responsibility of actually dealing with problems. I think the classic line, IIRC, was from Marion Berry, when there was talk of JJ running for mayor of DC: “Jesse don’t want to run nothing but his mouth.”

  8. Nan says:


    @Curiouser – Cool! I’ll look for you 🙂

  9. curiouser says:

    @Nan – I have Track’s birthday but don’t have any skill with rectification. Sounds like maybe you do. I’ll try to sign up for the forum tomorrow and look forward to taking up the discussion there.

  10. marjtoo says:

    Kind of OT: I have to disagree with sauerkraut’s comments about Jesse Jackson; when he ran for office, I researched too much about him to believe that he actually, personally cares much for people, and he definitely is a stab-you-in-the-back guy–you’d have to read what he threatened to do to several companies (one was Pepsi) when they tried to refuse his demands for large ‘donations’ to his organization. As far as I could find, all of them capitulated.

    I guess he is intelligent, maybe … since he managed to become a millionaire using his ‘own people’ to incite hatred against most ‘whites.’ He was (and probably still is) rather a hate monger–you know, one who wished he could cut off Obama’s … um … private parts–apparently because of Obama’s statements about many black problems being at least partly their own fault (like not finishing school, fathers not taking responsibility for their illegitmate babies, being more into Rap than into working, etc)? Sorry, just my opinion on that.

    Basheert: Thought the same as you did … that Cindy McCain was horrified and disgusted at having to be placed anywhere near her husband’s running mate. Seemed like she was having a hard time keeping her expressions sort of neutral.

  11. honestyinGov says:

    Just got home and was reading the posts to make sure I was not duplicating.

    In addition to the comments that Newt was making out there and some of the papers are picking up on. Roland Martin (covering for Campbell Brown ) on CNN on todays show had his ‘daily political briefing’ with a number of topics. He mentioned that Newt had made some remarks about Obama but the length of the convo was about Newt’s remarks on Palin. Quoting the line at the end of his comments…about she might have a place on the Nat’l scene ..BUT she needs a LOT of work. I don’t think Sarah will send Newt a Christmas card this year.

  12. Lee323 says:

    “Is Palin the Rev. Jackson of the GOP?”


  13. phoebe says:


    Don’t they all have love children…..or worse.

  14. Sammy says:

    Hope no one considers this off topic, but it is something I have been wondering about for a long time.

    Children with Down syndrome need extensive help in developing motor, language and social skills and they need close bonding with the mother and father who should be be the primary care givers (as opposed to the cousin, sister, or third aunt, once removed).

    Some are more prone to medical issues like infections and are more likely to have other serious medical issues that need to be closely followed. They also need physical therapy to build muscle tone, play therapy and stimulation to build coordination and and they get older they need speech and occupational therapy to build language skills, hand-eye coordination and social skills. And if they have physicial and other impairments they need therapy and/or treatment for that. All of this must be done on a daily basis.

    Can someone please tell me who is providing all of these things for Trig? It is well and good to hire a nanny or drop the kid off at Granny’s house, but what kind of mothering is Trig getting from Sarah Palin?

    I actually feel sorry for all of the Palin children. And her carrying Trig around the country like a sack of onions for the sake of photo-ops does not count as mothering and care giving.

  15. marjtoo says:

    Lori in Los Angeles, I’d almost forgotten that line during the VP debate: ““I am not answering your questions, I am going to say what the American people want to hear”

    Could hardly believe the moderator let her get away with that one, or that even her supporters didn’t seem to realize (or care) that it was just one more way of ducking questions for which she knew she had no solid answers.

    Well, at least she knew enough about running for political office to have grasped the essence of trying to garner votes … i.e., say what the people want to hear … and it doesn’t even have to make much sense, let alone be true. It’s all in the presentation, maybe? You know … like … I’m a biased airhead pit bull hockey mom (when has she had much time to be a hockey mom, anyway?) but I’m so danged cute when you try to confuse me?

  16. A comment from the Huffo article about Palin/Sebellius:


    “This is why Sarah took a critical weekend off from her long-neglected role as Governor of Alaska to go to the Anti-Abortion meetings. She was out there in the back rooms encouraging the Pro-Lifers to go after Sibelius, whom she feels could be a real rival to her down the road.”
    Makes sense to me.

  17. SystemBucker says:

    My, my, my…that is a fine Catholic. I think he took that whole “Father” thing a step too far!

  18. Nan says:

    OT (sorta)
    Curiouser – glad to share a smile or three! 🙂

    re: chart – I just thought of this, if we know her 1st born’s b-day, we might be able to rectify (roughly) with that – at least figure out if it was a.m. or p.m…


  19. phoebe says:

    Well, I used to be a Catholic so he can take my place. I wasn’t that good of a Catholic either, but for different reasons. Good to see the Queen’s chances are dimming, but I getting worried about all the other nutcases sprouting up.

  20. curiouser says:

    I’m not on the forum…have barely checked it out. And by the way, your links to the Canadian broadcasts really brightened my day. Thanks!

    @ Lainey…her emotional outbursts are daily….

    I felt like I was going out on a limb but, considering the excellent point you make, it’s actually super safe to forecast an emotional outburst.

  21. austintx says:

    Yeah – here is a fine catholic for you………

  22. SystemBucker says:

    austintx, I’m Catholic and I can honostly say, the Catholics would welcome him with open arms…money and power baby! May I also add, I’m probably not considered one of the ‘good’ Catholics…shame on me.

  23. SystemBucker says:

    Basheert, I think you might be right. Just think how the woman has behaved in public then think about how it must be at home! Makes me kinda feel for the Dude…and the kids of coarse.

  24. austintx says:

    154 phoebe Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 5:43 PM
    Did you know that Newt is a Catholic now? He converted to Catholicism a few months ago. What’s up with that? Some years ago when his first wife was in the hospital getting a masectomy he came to the hospital & told her he wanted a divorce. I’m surprised the Catholics would have him….. the man’s all heart. Don’t the repugs have any sane choices?
    His current , now third wife was an intern that he was boinking while married to his 2nd wife. Family values indeed !!

  25. Basheert says:

    SystemBucker: Good resources, although it might get even worse.

    The roller coaster is heading to the downslope.

  26. SystemBucker says:

    It seems that more and more comments are suggesting that the Crazy Lady (Ms. Look-at-me Palin) could be suffering from a personality disorder. I totally agree with Lisabeth about the NPD.

    So all this disorder talk got me curious. I did a little searching on the net to better understand NPD and boy oh boy, I’m more convinced than ever that there is a serious mental problem going on.

    Read this little bit from with Palin in mind. Very creepy stuff. And the most alarming thing is, due to the nature of the disorder, the person with it very seldom can admit or see there is a problem!

    ……………..”The narcissist has to condition his human environment to refrain from expressing criticism and disapproval of him or of his actions and decisions. He has to teach people around him that these will provoke him into frightful fits of temper and rage attacks and turn him into a constantly cantankerous and irascible person. The disproportion of his reactions constitutes a punishment for their lack of consideration and their ignorance of his true psychological state. In a curious reversal of roles -the narcissist blames others for his behaviour, accuses them of provoking him and believes firmly that “they” should be penalised accordingly. There is no way to dissuade the narcissist once he has embarked on one of his temper tantrums. Apologies -unless accompanied by verbal or other humiliation -are not enough. The fuel of his rage is spent mainly on vitriolic verbal send-offs directed at the (often imaginary) perpetrator of the (oft imaginary) offence.”

    Best of luck AK! I think an intervention may be in order…something like…hmmm…a recall perhaps?

  27. phoebe says:

    Did you know that Newt is a Catholic now? He converted to Catholicism a few months ago. What’s up with that? Some years ago when his first wife was in the hospital getting a masectomy he came to the hospital & told her he wanted a divorce. I’m surprised the Catholics would have him….. the man’s all heart. Don’t the repugs have any sane choices?

  28. Lainey says:

    @Lisabeth….see comment #94

    Could I sell you on a demise first, followed by a spiritual awakening…hehe?
    Don’t expect it on May 20, though it’s possible. Those specific dates are for possible emotional outbursts
    —————Oh yes, I expect “it” on May 20th…her emotional outbursts are daily, so that’s not it. 🙂

  29. Nan says:

    curiouser – are you on the forum?

  30. curiouser says:

    @icysouthernbelle ….I am just waiting for her to declare herself a “prophet”

    Chilling thought.

  31. icysouthernbelle says:

    I am just waiting for her to declare herself a “prophet” in her own new religion that morphs into a political party. I’m dusting off my copy of “A Handmaid’s Tale”!!

  32. curiouser says:

    128 crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    curiouser: I’ve found 2 different times listed. 4:40pm (I think this is leo rising based on “her hair”???)

    And another from someone named Jude
    7:06:26am PST
    Thanks for the times. I’ll pass on the beehive, too. Using the 7:06am PST/8:06MST/6:06AK, the days for high emotions are May 30, Oct 11 and Oct 15 (another protecting her family tirade, perhaps) give or take 3 days. If something special happens on these days, it could help confirm the birth time.

    138 Lainey Says:
    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…palin has to have AWARENESS to even notice if she’s having a spiritual awakening OR have a CONSCIENCE to be able to clean up her act (she can’t say God made her do it), so I guess it’s continued “inflated/over-confident/aggressive mode” business as usual for her. And you have to HAVE a heart for it to break. ;D Can’t wait until May 20…she’ll be responsible for her own demise.
    Could I sell you on a demise first, followed by a spiritual awakening…hehe?

    Don’t expect it on May 20, though it’s possible. Those specific dates are for possible emotional outbursts (see response to crystalwolf). The more powerful transits mess with her chart the entire year and there’s no telling when she’ll crumble…but something’s gotta give….at least, a major burn-out.

  33. ItsAbout Time says:

    Palin’s main claim to fame was her 80% approval rating among you Alaskans. What is it now?

  34. winkwinkWA says:

    Article in Washington Post, Ruth Marcus_ on Palin’s Personal Choice. C4P is spinning this every which way, interpreting what she meant when she had second thoughts for a moment at the Pro-life convention….WOW they are really out there!!!

  35. Karin in CT says:

    @127 Austin

    113 Karin in CT Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 2:55 PM
    85 Austintx–aarrgghh! Hearing her speak actually hurts my ears more than her playing the flute! That is bad stuff.
    I just wanted to be fair and point out that sarah could also play {cough – hack – sputter} an instrument.
    Uhm, any particular reason you left out the word “musical” before the word “instrument”? I’m no musical expert, but geeze…

    Let’s post the link on C4P for hahas. They’ll be comparing her to Beethoven and Mozart in no time flat!

  36. Lisabeth says:

    Lainey what is on May 20th? If she forms another party, that ps fantastic news for Obama and the democrats. What will the call themseves? The party of Sarah?

  37. Lisabeth says:

    Basheert I agree with you! I do not think she or this is funny. I think truly she and others with this disorder are very sick and do a lot of damage. So far she has gotten away with a lot but I am sure it won’t last. I have seen others like her eventually self-destruct. I look forward to the day when she is out of politics and will happen.

    What is also scary are her supporters. They are clueless. We can make fun of them except look they got Bush elected. And look what happened. Why can’t they see this?

  38. Lainey says:

    You realize that if the GOP doesn’t want her, she’s going to try to create a 3rd party, right?
    FundaMENTALism with a palin doctrine twist

  39. Lainey says:

    She could have a spiritual awakening and clean up her act or she could stay in inflated/over-confident/aggressive mode and generate real heartbreak. It also looks like something could happen between May 20 – June 13 and then again in Oct. that will evoke extra strong emotions
    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…palin has to have AWARENESS to even notice if she’s having a spiritual awakening OR have a CONSCIENCE to be able to clean up her act (she can’t say God made her do it), so I guess it’s continued “inflated/over-confident/aggressive mode” business as usual for her. And you have to HAVE a heart for it to break. ;D Can’t wait until May 20…she’ll be responsible for her own demise.

  40. Physicsmom says:

    No Basheert, her followers think her sh*t doesn’t stink. They are so deluded that it actually smells like roses, or some weird pheremones which attract them like flies.

    GINO is running the state like there is no tomorrow, and if you’re an “end timer” like her, she really believes that. . .

  41. InJuneau says:

    Hey guys, how about we use “Republic” instead of “Republican” from now on???

    Funny, I’ve suggested the same thing to the spouse!

  42. Basheert says:

    Owlhole1: So what? I mean literally SO WHAT? The GOP will squash her if/when she tries that. They are in so much trouble at this point.

    As much as I hate the Republics at this point, I can’t see them allowing a mentally ill loose cannon have the reins.

    She is really toast. For heaven’s sake, they EAT their OWN!

    Hey guys, how about we use “Republic” instead of “Republican” from now on???

  43. InJuneau says:

    Well, she should go right ahead and do that then, also, too. She’d siphon off far right votes from the Rs’ candidate, and I’d bet you dollars to donuts that she wouldn’t be siphoning off any D votes to her third (Tea Party) party.

  44. 0whole1 says:

    You realize that if the GOP doesn’t want her, she’s going to try to create a 3rd party, right?

  45. Basheert says:

    Absolutely 100% true.
    Look I can’t stand her either – but I don’t really think it’s funny. It’s sad and it’s horrible because of all the people she is affecting in such negative ways.

    The fact is, she has NPD and she will never attain what she thinks will make her happy. She has no self insight. You are so right – she will never admit a mistake, or that she was wrong about anything (did we not just go through 8 years of some of this??????)

    We can laugh and cry and scream, but this non-functioning, barely coherent human being is attempting to run Alaska and she has some feather-brained morons who believe her s*it stinks. I believe these individuals are throwbacks to lemmings who cheerfully jump off a cliff after their poor, misguided leader. In their own way, they are just as ill as she is. They literally are unable to function unless they have someone to worship, preferably someone they believe isn’t receiving what she deserves.

    I love the blogs and I love to harp on SP, but she is one very sick lady and she’s going to take down a lot of people and hurt a lot of people. She should be legally and politically stopped.

    That’s just my feelings.

  46. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    phoebe Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 2:34 PM

    I have to say I’m hearing Newt Gingrich’s name way too often recently. The repugs keep recycling these old far**. I thought he was gone forever, but looks like he is back….
    Some way, some how I got on Newts phone and mail list???? It could be when I emailed the RNC and Bitched at them of GINO’s despicable behavior during the campaign….anyway, Newt is a whackjob!
    He sends sh*t “Their taking the church out of the square!!!!” WTF? Whatever THAT means! He wants a Flat tax. No DEATH tax. These GOPHERs rule everyone with doom and gloom and fear and everyday some fricken gun totin’ whack job kills people b/c of it! Faux, Bill O, hannity,Beck, all of them AssHats of the worst kind.
    I am so sick of this! The party of No (brains, what so ever!)

  47. ericmiami says:

    You have loyal readers, AKM. They cleverly finish sentences in case your thoughts run out because of deserved exhaustion. Keep up the good work!

  48. Howdy says:

    I want to hear her read “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish” like Jesse did on Sat Nite Live – bet she couldn’t get that meter, no matter how much she tried! Har

    Oh, and she’s been running the state? That’s the thing that’s the scariest to me: it just lowers the bar to every bit & all of the nonsense that’s been taking place in the Lower 48 for generations. Someone actually said today, “Anybody would be better than Palin,” but that’s what they said about Murkowski, and that was how we got Palin…

  49. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    curiouser Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 1:21 PM

    65 Lainey Says… KARMA is what it is, and I will delight in watching this one play out…palin will spiral downward…in flames

    You might not have to wait too long. I was looking at Palin’s astrology chart (as a complete amateur) and there are powerful transits affecting her now
    curiouser: I’ve found 2 different times listed. 4:40pm (I think this is leo rising based on “her hair”???)

    And another from someone named Jude
    7:06:26am PST

    Maybe its just me…(I hate behive/ratted,tatted hair) I would go with Judes.
    But follow your intuition and let us know… 🙂

  50. austintx says:

    113 Karin in CT Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 2:55 PM
    85 Austintx–aarrgghh! Hearing her speak actually hurts my ears more than her playing the flute! That is bad stuff.
    I just wanted to be fair and point out that sarah could also play {cough – hack – sputter} an instrument.

  51. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    OY VEY – possible news regarding the new AG of Alaska from Shannyn Moore:

  52. IANAL but hasn’t she done enough illegal activities to be recalled or impeached?

  53. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Canadian Neighbour – GINO already has it covered re the debates. She just says “I am not answering your questions, I am going to say what the American people want to hear” wink wink, no gotcha questions for me, you betcha! That is what she did in the VP debate and her followers found that “oh-so-smart and clever!”

  54. Irishgirl says:

    But, but, but…..I have never seen a monster like this!!!

  55. UK Lady says:

    Hi Irishgirl across the Irish Sea. Haven’t been to Dublin for a year, but love it.

    I know what our problem is —- The damn GOPers are stealing all our best lines!

  56. Karin in CT says:

    85 Austintx–aarrgghh! Hearing her speak actually hurts my ears more than her playing the flute! That is bad stuff.

  57. phoebe says:


    I guess the moral of the story is be very careful who you vote for for Mayor of your small icky little town because you know it you’ve created a monster.

  58. Irishgirl says:

    You see, the problem is….how the h*ll did she ever get into that position of power?
    And once she got there…she didn’t hesitate to abuse it.
    We know from her behaviour that she acts like a petulant and vindictive teenager. I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall when she finally agreed to Dennis Egan.

    (Just giving a wave to UK Lady…over the Irish Sea). 🙂

  59. phoebe says:

    I have to say I’m hearing Newt Gingrich’s name way too often recently. The repugs keep recycling these old far**. I thought he was gone forever, but looks like he is back….just like Nixon & Reagan. Our focus here is on the Queen, but there are really alot of awful candidates out there. I think Miss Sarah knows the writing is on the wall…the prolifers will be her meal ticket for the future. She sticks with the easy emotional topics that attract the criminally insane & stays away from the real politics of Alaska because she’s a pinhead.

  60. Tealwomin says:

    Yeap austintx…half is too giving her too much credit…

  61. Tealwomin says:

    ‘Like the Good old Boys’ said she would replace their way of doing things but all she did was take their place…Same old S..t

  62. austintx says:

    ………half ass.
    ………back asswards.

  63. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Winkin’ and a Blinkin’

  64. Tealwomin says:

    ‘Like she blinked – a lot’

  65. Ratfish says:

    But she has great executive experience.

    Just ask legislators of both parties who pretty much ignored her (since she was ignoring them).

  66. Tealwomin says:

    ‘Like she runs her family’
    ‘Like a drunk driver’
    ‘Like she didn’t take her meds or popped too many pills’
    ‘Like a 2-yr old brat – but worst’
    ‘Like she’s as transparent as a brick’
    ‘Like no one is holding her accountable’

  67. Star says:

    When in danger, when in doubt, rn in circles , scream & shout!!! Sound familar??? Run Sarah run….LMAO ..I would gladly donate to any apposing group against SP..

  68. Canadian Neighbour says:

    The difference from last August till now is that when GINO was picked to run with McCain, most people had never heard of her. McCain/GINO got a bump in numbers initially because there was the Dems and Independents that supported Clinton. All they had to go on was that ‘80%’ approval state rating. As you know, the more she talked, did interviews, the bumb numbers dropped as they got to see her, hear her and learn about her. She only had to do one debate. The Dems and Independents backed away!!

    Look to now. She has remained in the ‘light’. There is a track record people have been exposed to by so much that has been in the media and it isn’t pretty. It is not as difficult to find information on her now. To see her ‘true’ work ethics. She ad nauseam spoke basically the same speech day in, day out. Her governoring record since that time doesn’t confirm those work ethics at all. Can you honestly see her as Pres — someone who has to work long hours everyday!! That’s something I laugh at just knowing that’s an impossible high bar for her to reach. Instead of Where’s Sarah buttons — it would be Where’s the President. The other vision — before it would ever even reach the presidential campaign — would be all the debates throughout the primary campaign. Put her on the stage with Newt, Guiliani and Romney to name a few. The debates would have a huge viewing audience as it would be to watch them totally scramble her without much trouble and further, provide comic relief. As in, get the popcorn ready!! There are also Tina Fey’s SNL appearances which will forever stay in the minds of people and history is searchable, via youtube. Might find they rerun them for a reminder!

  69. CRFlats says:

    UK Lady Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 1:46 PM


    ..from behind closed doors?

    and a closed mind

  70. AlaskaGuy says:

    This quote from the ADN sums up her intelligence:

    “It became more and more obvious that the Senate Democrats were looking for someone that was going to be acceptable by the local Democrat party,” [Palin] said.

    Umm, yeah. No shit, Sherlock.

  71. pvazwindy says:

    Ron Paul, says that secession is worthy of discussion. How long before SP, brings up secession and the AIP.

  72. UK Lady says:


    ..from behind closed doors?

  73. InJuneau says:

    “like a toddler in meltdown mode”

  74. aussiegal77 says:

    “……So Palin has a positive future in the Republican Party if she wants it. But running for the top of the ticket of her party’s presidential nomination in 2012, she’s the Democrats’ dream. They win if she loses, and win bigger if she wins.”

    Great article – and my fave part is above.

    Republicans better get comfortable in exile because it will be a cold day in hell before Sarah Palin realises her shortcomings and is actually humble enough to accept a different kind of role than POTUS or Leader of GOP. She has no such insight into her own abilities and worse – she will not be denied. Oh the Palin Express is riding all the way to the top – Party Future be damned! Palin cares for herself and herself only and the good Lord help anyone who stands in her way.

    Lead on Ms Palin, I say! Let me open the gate for you, in fact! Run! Run towards that White House pie in the sky! You go, girl!


    Sarah Palin: Bad for GOPers, Fab for Dems!

  75. Nan says:

    “in absentia”
    “into the ground”

  76. CRFlats says:

    “…..she actually is still running our state”

    …in name only.”
    ….out of it’s mind.”
    …around in circles.”
    …from her blackberry.”


  77. aussiegal77 says:

    “…..she actually is still running our state”

    Oh honey, I know. I know. More’s the shame.

  78. Lisabeth says:

    I have also studied NPD extensively before Palin because I think my mother has it and I dated at least 3 men with it. Most people fascinated by it I think have had other experinces with it like this. Now if I meet someone who exihbits this disorder I run the other way. I think I follow Palin because of all this. There us NO doubt in my mind that she has NPD. One of the most telling signs is she never admits when she has been wrong. Narcissusts have zero insight and they are incapable of change. Have any of you ever heard her admit she has made a mistake? Has she ever aplogized? Compare her to Obama that way. He is lightyears ahead of her in emotional IQ and development.
    I think she will self destruct at some point and then she will disappear. Right now she plays the victim but at some point it will implode.

    Ps I just cannot in good conscience, donate to sarahpac but I will donate to anyone trying to bring her down or run against her.

  79. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Andree McLeod (R) Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 12:25 PM

    RE: Palin’s Alaska Legal Trust Fund for Palin and colleagues
    I wondered if that was legal…? Maybe they did it under “legal” info from WAR?
    How can it be called the AK legal fund?
    Something stinks here…..!

  80. Visitor says:

    curiouser: SP’s birthtime listed on the website of JudeCrowell was 7:06:26 AM, PST.

  81. curiouser says:

    @ 85 austintx ….you beat me to the flute comment…..with video! Awesome!

  82. EyeOnYou says:

    sauerkraut Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 12:59 PM

    The c4pee’s remind me quite a bit of that other bitter group of folks, aka PUMA, No We Can’t… some might remember them as the folks were hyper-pissed about Obama being selected as the Democratic nominee for Prez.

    I think that what I find most entertaining about them is the level of devotion that they show towards everything Palin. It is very cultish behavior. They don’t take a realistic viewpoint on anything. I can’t say that about all of them, but for the majority of them it is an obsession. It goes deeper than being just bitter. This is worship of someone on the deepest level. TS is much the same. The absolute way they defend her every action is as frightening as it is entertaining.

  83. Trini says:

    @54 nswfm CA: You are right! She couldn’t even get a quote correct from her cup! I feel bad for Madeleine Albright.

    @60 Smallsteps. Sorry, fundie or not, she drinks the stuff by her own admission and noted by AKM:

    BTW, AKM that was a great article!

    I wonder if she is aware of the inconsistency of her own viewpoints with her choice of coffee? Smallsteps, you raise a good point. I guess it’s kind of funny. Not surprising, but certainly amusing. There IS a special place in hell for her. But there is no special place for her in the future with the GOP. She just doesn’t get it yet.

  84. UK Lady says:

    matt newman obviously needs to get his ‘head read’. SP isn’t a sharp enough tack to be another Ann Coulter, let alone Phyllis Shlafly.

    Trying hard here not to bring quotes over from ‘there’, but a priceless one that I just can’t pass up. Paraphrasing ” CNN have just had Newt on about party leader and then went on to talk about Romney, and not one mention of Sarah! Are they mad? Didn’t they see that she got the highest Yahoo hits today? They are just hiding their heads in the sand!”.

    OooH Aaaarrrrggh! Just Aaaarrgh!

  85. curiouser says:

    65 Lainey Says… KARMA is what it is, and I will delight in watching this one play out…palin will spiral downward…in flames

    You might not have to wait too long. I was looking at Palin’s astrology chart (as a complete amateur) and there are powerful transits affecting her now and throughout the year, with potentially long lasting impact. (Actually there is a powerful conjunction of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron that could impact a lot of people/nations but it is specifically active for SP.) She could have a spiritual awakening and clean up her act or she could stay in inflated/over-confident/aggressive mode and generate real heartbreak. It also looks like something could happen between May 20 – June 13 and then again in Oct. that will evoke extra strong emotions. Wish I knew her time of birth so I could pin it down.

    77 Sheesh says….…at least Huckabee can play a bass!
    Don’t fret. Sarah can have a show on Fox….she can play the flute.

  86. austintx says:

    77 Sheesh Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 1:02 PM
    …….. oh yeah…forgot…at least Huckabee can play a bass
    Now hold on just a second………..sarah plays the flute :

  87. Lisabeth says:

    Basheert is anyone running against McCain in 2010? I hope so.

    Also I read Andreas post with the laws but I am not sure I understand it either. Can anyone decipher?-does it mean her defense fund is legal?

  88. Sauerkraut @ 73 – LOL

    “Nowhere dame
    please listen
    it’s Newt’s butt
    you’ll be kissin’”

    If that doesn’t persuade her, we’re doom!

  89. Basheert says:

    Here’s a few thoughts on narcissism – please feel free to read and form your own opinion. I believe she is very very ill and unable to change. Unfortunately she is also destructive to anyone that gets in her way:

  90. Lisabeth says:

    Philip, if you have a fundraiser for Andrea, please let those of us who are out of state know how we can contribute.

    The politico article is great. The comments are hysterical because palins supporter are so stupid they don’t realize their comments int validate the authors article!!

  91. Basheert says:

    Sharon Alexander: That is easy.

    As a narcissist, she wants what she wants and nothing will stop her. She honestly believes that she deserves to be (not VP) but POTUS. I’m sure in her black little heart, she was very aware of McInsane’s melanomas (x4) and his age. She is not a kind person – and her future was all she cared about.
    Narcissists do not change direction. They have no functioning conscience or ability to make choices.
    She believes the American people denied her something that was her birthright. She was supposed to be POTUS and she will say and do anything until she gets that job (it will never happen but it won’t stop her from trying). She will not change her mind, she is not capable of changing.
    She is angry, she did not get her way and someone needs to be punished. This won’t be pretty.

  92. Sharon Alexander says:

    This comment sure gives food for thought!!

    mattnewman said:

    Just curious–why do people assume Palin wants to be president, as opposed to the next Phyllis Schlafly (much more lucrative and much less responsibility)? If she doesn’t really want to be president but does want a career exciting the base, wouldn’t she do pretty much exactly what she has done?

  93. Basheert says:

    Being from AZ, I find McInsane’s reticence to even mention nilaP very interesting I have always believed that Cindy was HORRIFIED at her. Now Cindy is a rich heiress and a stepford wife as well. But Cindy McMealticket is NOT stupid and she can recognize an aging high school dimwitted cheerleader when she sees one. Every time she looked at SP, she appeared nauseous (sort of like all of us), and I believe that deep down in that little black Mafia heart of hers, she saw exactly what naliP actually is.
    McInsane is being very quiet down here since the election – he is NOT supporting nilaP. Bear in mind that CindyLu McMealticket BOUGHT and PAID for Johnny McInsane. He moved to AZ as a carpetbagger and she bought his office. Johnny and Joe Bonanno were pretty good friends through the Hensleys. It’s why McInsane is senator.
    She hasn’t said a word since the election. AZ has goofy politics too, but normally you would expect some type of feedback and there has been nothing.
    No I don’t care for CindyLu, but I give her credit for a lot of damned good intellect and from what I saw – she recognized the SP thing for what it was. Frankly and this is just an opinion, I believe that to someone with CindyLu’s background, SP was disgusting. She wouldn’t like a “climber”. SP is nowhere near CindyLu’s league.

  94. Sheesh says:

    Not surprised in the least that the GOP is distancing themselves from her. I really had to laugh about Newt doing his best to avoid addressing the issue of SP’s relevancy in the party. Her support base will always be there…the uber right wing religious faction but any saavy candidate knows that you have to win the moderate middle which is exactly what Obama did. He went for the moderate vote early on and secured it when McCain put Palin on the ticket. The economic crisis clinched it but even if the economy had not been the burning issue McCain would have lost. He would have stood a far better chance with any of his other choices. I contend that SP was forced on McCain because Obama paved the way by not adding Clinton as his VP. Had Clinton been his choice Sarah would have never been considered by the GOP. They knew they were taking a chance but hoping her attractiveness would give them the shot in the arm. It did but it only lasted a week until she opened her unscripted mouth. I’ll agree that her only future with the party is to fundraise her base for others. She’ll never see a national office and I seriously doubt a party leadership role and I still contend that we’ll probably see her either forced out of her current office but definitely not re-elected if still completes her term as Gov. And then she’ll take her rightful place on Fox :)…hey…if Huckabee can have a show why not Palin? oh yeah…forgot…at least Huckabee can play a bass!

  95. margaritamix says:

    I am very disappointed that Halcro is ending his blog. I have learned so much from both he and the Mudflats and hopefully he will be throwing his hat in the ring. I would work for him! So AKM it is up to you!

  96. UK Lady says:

    austintx, small steps, and all who are curious re why MMcC hasn’t dished the dirt. IMHO she is stalling to garner the highest price for her book and/or is protecting her father from the inevitable derision that would follow. Not to mention the righteous anger that would be felt by many for putting the US is such a perilous position.

  97. sauerkraut says:


    The c4pee’s remind me quite a bit of that other bitter group of folks, aka PUMA, No We Can’t… some might remember them as the folks were hyper-pissed about Obama being selected as the Democratic nominee for Prez.

  98. Andree McLeod (R) says:

    Palin’s politically motivated legal issues go way back. The recent WAR nomination for AG exposed the fact that WAR represented SP in 2003 and 2004 on ethics complaints. It’s usual in Alaska for attorneys to do pro bono work for individuals involved in AK politics. However, if one is already a public official, they must disclose “gifts” if in excess of $250.
    SP’s public official financial disclosure reports do not include receipt of gifts other that Todd’s endorsements. Could it be that she was charged for WAR’s services and she paid him? Or was she remiss in filling out her APOC forms accurately as it pertains to legal services rendered in relation to ethics complaints?
    See for yourself:
    2004 disclosure for year 2003,%20Sarah-04.pdf?pofd_applicationDir=Asc&s_first_name=sarah&s_last_name=palin
    2005 disclosure for year 2004,%20Sarah-05.pdf?pofd_applicationDir=Asc&s_first_name=sarah&s_last_name=palin

  99. sauerkraut says:

    Where is our bardette this fine wet day?

    With all due apologies to the Bittles…

    Nowhere dame
    please listen
    it’s Newt’s butt
    you’ll be kissin’

    Nowhere dame
    your future is bleak and near…

    she’s a real pain to us
    been done thrown off the bus
    she’s no good at anything
    but being nothing

    Nowhere dame
    please listen
    it’s your future
    you’re dissin’

    Nowhere dame
    go back to drinkin beer…

    (youse all can fill in the rest)

  100. GINO From Hell says:

    I was raised by evangelical Christian parents (who are wonderful by the way; but the church thing? not so much) and was not at all surprised to see Alaska’s GINO focus on the anti-choice issue after her disastrous campaign last fall. Her “followers” are all single-issue voters, but they are part of an aging demographic who is furious and largely unhinged over their continuing loss of political power (see James Dobson’s recent comments, and witness the loss of Marilyn Musgrave in Colorado). GINO will continue to cater to the conservative fringe to the ultimate detriment of the GOP.

  101. 62
    Andree McLeod (R) – THANK YOU!

    It is the law, Now can someone explain it to me? is palin defense fund illegal and that’s way Stapletongue is stalling before backtracking on it?

    Oh the GINO saga! – A roller coaster to nowhere.

  102. EyeOnYou says:

    Basheert Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 12:39 PM
    Her insect brain followers will go completely insane when that happens.

    And. It. Will. Happen.

    No need to wait for it, it is already happening and her faithful followers are behaving in the predictable manner. The C4P’ers are furious with any republican who doesn’t show their same level of support for the “Cuda”. They are contacting the RNC and letting them know that because of the lack of support for “the ‘cuda” that money will no longer be given to the RNC but to SarahPAC instead. It is priceless to watch.

  103. Basheert says:

    Liz P: Thanks for the insight into narcissistic personality disorder. SP shows all the signs and symptoms and is very likely to become more and more erratic and downright dangerous as she is denied what she wants.

    Liz is correct – SP will not ever get better. She will continue to decompensate and attempt to destroy anything and anyone that stands in her way.

    She has a very sad life ahead of her and no one to blame but herself.

  104. Basheert says:

    I am in shock and awe with the statement about her writing a book on anything.

    Has she ever even READ a book??

    Watching the Republics toss SP under the bus and squash her like a bug is going to be fun. Her insect brain followers will go completely insane when that happens.

    And. It. Will. Happen.

    Sit back, put up your feet, grab a glass of wine and … Enjoy the fireworks.

  105. curiouser says:

    “If Democrats really want to help their chances for 2012 and even 2016, they should quietly donate money to Palin’s political action committee.”

    I’ll take a pass on that advice and beg others to do the same. I’d rather the dems have a tougher candidate in 2012 or 2016. I can’t take any more of SP, the politician.

    She could actually be of true service if she got out of politics and focused on her ‘culture of life’ ideals. With her devout following, she could lead the ‘right to life’ movement away from banning abortions and toward preventing unwanted pregnancies and developing support systems when prevention fails. Hey, she could resign as governor and get to work now.

    @24 K8KZ….Hold off on those donations to her PAC and wait for the new defense fund!!

    Wow! I wonder if SarahPAC already has sufficient play money or if they want to direct perceived limited fundraising to cover the legal bills. What type of person would donate their $$$ to cover ‘politically motivated attacks’ without knowing the specifics of the ‘attacks’?

  106. KallieinTexas says:

    Sarah better be running…..running away ! The house of cards she built is caving in! Run, run, Sarah, can you see Russia? Maybe Putin will give you asylum.

  107. TX Lisa says:

    Liz P.–Thanks for the reminder about Narcissists.

    That is one of the reasons I got sucked into the SP drama—to learn more about personality disorders. My x has a pd and I didn’t recognize it. Now, I’m getting the equivalent of a Master’s degree in this area, partially by keeping up with Sarah’s shenanigans.

    She could be a textbook example for several personality disorders, and probably will be!!!

  108. Annie in NC says:

    I wish we could find some family of Susan B Anthony who would stop that group from using her name for their obnoxious anti-woman anti-family policies. It just irritates me so badly.
    I’ve been lurking and cheering for months – yall Mudpups are the best!

  109. austintx says:

    Meghan is probably “holding her powder” , so to speak. If she can see her making progress on the national level , BAM !! Plus she just signed that book deal…………

  110. Lainey says:

    This is ALL about Sarah’s narcissism and politics is only the stage upon she performs HER play
    Narcissist do NOT get better; they get worse and eventually self destruct, usually harming many others in the process
    an unfortunate (for those OTHER ppl harmed), but necessary end (sick or not)…KARMA is what it is, and I will delight in watching this one play out…palin will spiral downward…in flames
    insert Vincent Price’s laugh from the Thriller video here

  111. EyeOnYou says:

    AKM writes:Because despite her lack of experience, ability and intellect, she actually is still running our state.

    Shannyn Moore has a new post up that is interesting:

    Newest Palin Rumor…
    “That since Palin has already appointed Corrections Commissioner Joe Schmidt as the 3rd in line, she is planning on announcing Sean Parnell for AG and Joe will be Lt. Gov….That may fall under things you already know…but thought it worth the pass off….“


    File this under “YIKES”!

  112. Nan says:

    @ Andree McCleod
    Well now, seems to me, that pretty much sums up SP’s governorship. (oxymoron bedanged)

  113. Andree McLeod (R) says:

    RE: Palin’s Alaska Legal Trust Fund for Palin and colleagues

    39.52.120 (a), “unwarranted benefits or treatment” includes
    (1) a deviation from normal procedures for the award of a benefit, regardless of whether the procedures were established formally or informally, if the deviation is based on the improper motivation; …
    (b) A public officer may not grant or secure an unwarranted benefit or treatment, regardless of whether the result is in the best interest of the state.

    9 AAC 52.020. IMPROPER MOTIVATION. A public officer may not take or withhold official action on a matter if the action is based on an improper motivation…
    9 AAC 52.990. DEFINITIONS.
    (b) In the Ethics Act and in this chapter
    (4) “improper motivation” means a motivation not related to the best interests of the state, and includes giving primary consideration to a person’s
    (A) kinship or relationship with a public officer;
    (B) financial association with a public officer;
    (C) potential for conferring a future benefit on a public officer; or
    (D) political affiliation;

  114. let it run says:

    I’m thinking Meghan Mc must be pretty pissed at Daddy for creating the SP monster. I hope she “opens up” about it all soon. [pretty please]. My guess is she doesn’t want to hurt the daughters ( not that they can’t hack it after what they have been through and continue to go through).

    To be fair, SP can read the Starbucks cup, she just can’t remember what she read.

  115. SouthPaw says:

    In the WashPo today: Palin’s Personal Choice

    “Alaska’s governor makes an eloquent (huh?) case for choice at a right-to-life fundraising dinner”…

    The dot.comments are well worth a read.

  116. SmallSteps says:

    Sauerkraut – You said it!

    nswfm CA – Todd and the kids do through their Native heritage, SP wouldn’t that way, BUT through her government employment yes. BTW The Native Hospital in Anchorage is beautiful. One of the few pieces of nice architecture, although there have been more in recent years.

    UK Lady – I always thought so too. But I wonder why MMcC hasn’t dished on SP?

    Trini – I know so many fundies who wouldn’t step foot in a Starbucks EVER let alone read their cups. Starbucks had a pro-alternative lifestyles message on one of their cups. I’m sure SP would never buy Starbucks. There’s even a bumper sticker I read in Eagle River, AK “Friends don’t let friends buy Starbucks” It was to support the local coffee kiosks, but fundies would approve of it too.

  117. nswfm CA says:

    She isn’t going to write anything on foreign policy! Or any policy, for that matter.

    She’d need to be able to read a sentence or two off a Starbucks cup!

    Also too, ditto on Oklad’s comment.

  118. Liz P. says:

    Last line of my previous post, “Just keep watching her — she will show us all.”

    AND THEN, I read Shannyn’s blog. Palin is maybe going to move Parnell to AG and Joe Schmidt to Lt. Gov.?

    I am pretty good at connecting dots, seeing ploys and agendas behind other ploys and agendas but I got to hand it to Palin. I never see what she is going to come up with next. Mayabe that is a compliment to myself in that I just cannot wrap my mind around her sickness well enough to see her next move.

    Ok, Ok, must remember to keep sense of humor. Must remember to keep sense of humor. Must remember to keep sense of humor, ditto, ditto, ditto, ohcrap, this is NOT funny !

  119. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    Phoebe, What UK Lady said, but it does also have an national (even international) following of “women who hate”. Membership about 70,000 perhaps?

  120. Liz P. says:

    Don’t you get it??

    It’s not about the senate seat or denying Juneau representation. It’s not about denying Kertulla or the democrats, it’s not about going after the Presidency.

    THis is how a narcissist, when the only attention they get is negative, fights back.

    She is showing those on her “enemies list” i.e. ANYONE who opposes her in the slightest, that SHE CAN AND WILL do as much damage to that person as possible.

    Kertulla said she was not VP material, Democrats are “against” her party, Republican legislators spoke out against her, Juneau did not support her VP run, Levi is losing his fear and now has an attorney.

    Her house of cards is falling and ANYTHING she can do to ANYBODY to show them she is the Queen and SHE can hurt THEM, she WILL do. Narcissist do NOT get better; they get worse and eventually self destruct, usually harming many others in the process.

    This is ALL about Sarah’s narcissism and politics is only the stage upon she performs HER play.

    Continued: Like Nixon who stated an action was NOT illegal if he did it because he was the president, and like her own previous statement as mayor, “I’ll do whatever I want until a court tells me I can’t” ( re: her unauthorized $50,000 office renovation), as a full blown narcissist, Palin feels that WHATEVER she has to do to protect herself from those who are against her is justified.

    Narcissist literally feel their very existence depends on the positive attention of others. To lose that “love” –to them– is to have their life threatened and thus WHATEVER they feel they have to do is only SELF DEFENSE and thus justifiable. If it’s not legal, THEY feel the law is wrong i.e. also “against them” and deserves to be broken.

    Just keep watching her — she will show us all.

  121. UK Lady says:

    Phoebe – maet haras was not a grass roots movement of housewives for SP, it was founded by the Susan B Anthony List, a rabid anti choice group.

  122. nswfm CA says:

    Trini, she couldn’t even read the starbucks cup!

    Ditto on the oxymoron.

    Also too, doesn’t her family get socialized healthcare? Whether through Todd’s Native blood or through her government job benefits?

  123. UK Lady says:

    austintx – Can’t see SP popping anything off in MMcC’s direction. The dirt that girl must have to dish on Palin must be awesome.

  124. sauerkraut says:

    Three big differences between Rev. Jackson and Sarah Palin:

    1) Jackson is smart;

    2) Jackson cares about people, and

    3) Jackson has never been I’m-gonna-get-even-by-stabbing-you-in-the-back kinda guy..

  125. Trini says:

    Gov. Sebelius has experienced something that GINO will never know…..a re-election as governor! It must really incite the green monster in her that Sebelius got the nomination. She needs to go read that Starbucks cup again. Oh well, at least we know she reads something!

  126. phoebe says:

    If she writes a book on foreign policy….I’ll eat my hat. It’s such a relief to think she won’t be on the scene in 2102. If she could just be impeached as gov. , but I’m afraid Team Sarah is a rather formidable cult. Who the heck are they anyway…crazy Alaskan women or just crazy women from all over the country.

  127. rebekkah says:

    Not that the State Legislature has wound down, am wondering what SP has up her sleeve for attention-grabbing – how is she going to cope without being in the national news every week?

  128. austintx says:

    Meghan McCain is being pretty vocal these days. Wonder if sarah will be stupid enough to pop off in Meghan’s direction ?? Meghan has been known to tell people to “Kiss my fat ass !!”

  129. CrabbyPatty says:

    Anyone know that actual number of frootloops at haraSmaeT? It would be interested to know their “firepower” re: the calls against Sebilius, or if they are like the Puma groups that were supposedly in the millions and turned out to be, eh, not so many.

  130. Rob in Ca says:

    On Halcro, I agree with those who lament the loss of his insights. He certainly is to the right of me, but I cannot question his sincerity, his courage of conviction, or his knowledge. I have learned a tremendous amount by reading his blog, and have often listened to his radio show. This is a real loss from my point of view, particularly in terms of access to information about energy development in Alaska.
    It has been fascinating to learn a little (since I don’t claim to be an expert even after 9 months in Halcro’s ‘class’) about the complexities of the oil and gas business and the differing interests of the state, the oil companies, rural Alaskans, Transcanada, and of course the Governor herself…
    I hope Andrew will in fact throw his hat in the political ring in some fashion, as his wisdom and expertise would be an asset anywhere, and I certainly hope to continue to learn from him, even if in another venue.
    For me, the two biggest influences on my knowledge and understanding of Sarah Palin have been AKM and Halcro. I started reading them both the day after Palin was chosen by McCain, and have not missed an entry from either one.

  131. the problem child IS MY NAME says:


    I think Andree also mentioned a new group having been formed, perhaps implying that she was involved. If so, and they had a blog or website with a donate button, I think they might be pleasantly surprised at where the donations came from.

  132. InJuneau says:

    I suspect it’s a response to the “not official” defense fund that was set up by someone in TX (or wherever he was). They’re trying to make sure they can get all the $ they can for the official fund, and there were apparently laws against being able to accept any of the unofficial $.

  133. EyeOnYou says:

    While I may understand the idea behind donating to the Palin Pac in order to give her the sense that she still has options outside of Alaska, I would never give that woman a dime of my hard earned money. I can think of much better things to do with it, like donate to the charity of my choice, put it towards anyone who is going to oppose her no matter what she is doing, buying that homeless guy/gal on the street a hot meal….there are so many ways that my money would be put to better use.

  134. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    “At this time, we ask you to please hold your much appreciated donation and keep checking back here for the link to the Alaska Fund Trust, the official legal defense fund that will be announced shortly to help the family and state colleagues pay off legal debts incurred by politically-motivated attacks.”

    So the attack ferret (I know her by her writing by now) wants people to not donate to the PAC, but donate to the defence fund at an unspecified later date? Sounds like maybe donations haven’t been coming in as fast and furious as they were hoping and they are afraid that they might dry up entirely before the legal bills can be covered? Bizarre request, otherwise.

  135. UK Lady says:

    Has SP gotten herself a little quandary? Does she distance herself from the fruitloops at ‘maet haras’ over their idiotic catterwauling about Sibelius? or agree with them.

    If she disses them she risks losing some of her base. If she doesn’t, she looks more of a fool than ever.

    Lose, lose situation?

  136. SMR says:

    Typo in AKM’s last sentence —

    she actually is still running our state

    should read

    she actually is still RUINING our state

  137. CRFlats says:

    Phil, hold it after the opener, and I’ll get you some fresh Copper River Salmon. That’ll bring ’em!

  138. Tealwomin says:

    1. Don’t you know that the math simply does not exist to calculate the dumb of Sarah Palin?

    2.Sarah has never been the same after slipping on bear shit and hurting her head.

    f u n n y…OUCH

  139. Sarah in SC says:

    Oxy Moron

    adj + noun

    OXY (as in Billy Mays yelling “OXYclean gets your clothes EXTRA clean!!”) means EXTRA, more than usual

    Moron means, well, moron.

    Oxy Moron (in my thesaurus): syn. , Sarah Palin.

  140. In the comments at my post at Progressive Alaska from yesterday, “Can We Return to Our Lives Now, Governor….?” Andree McLeod joined in the comments. She stated that the fees for obtaining more ethics info on Gov. Palin are getting to be a burden. I’m thinking of holding a fundraiser for Andree in mid-May, either in Anchorage or in Wasilla (heh, heh…)

    Any ideas on who/what/how for such a fundraiser? I’d be happy if you commented on that over at the essay cited above, or right here at the Mudflats.

  141. CRFlats says:

    @26 InJuneau Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 11:14 AM

    OT, but did anyone else notice that Andrew Halcro is going to be ending his blog?

    That’s a shame. I like getting Andrew’s R view. He’s connected, thoughtful, and never drank SP’s brand of Kool-Aid.

  142. ericmiami says:

    A sincere thanks, Mudflats.

  143. Tealwomin says:

    Daily KOS QUOTES…hehehehhe

    1. Don’t you know that the math simply does not exist to calculate the dumb of Sarah Palin?

    2. Sarah has never been the same after slipping on bear sh*t and hurting her head.


  144. Lainey says:

    I wouldn’t give ANY of her funds a plug nickel…not one!

  145. BigPete says:

    “Lack of experience, ability, and intellect, coupled with fringy-type religious and political views means that chances are slim to none for a 1600 Pennsylvania address, according to Politico”.

    That, and the fact that she already sank the GOP ticket once, without making a lot of new friends in the process.

  146. Ok, sorry not out topic………just slow lol

  147. mlaiuppa says:

    No no no. You don’t want to donate to the legal defense fund. Only to her campaign.

    And yes, you can kill roaches if you squish them hard enough. Personally. I like to tap them hard enough to break their backs and pin them, but let their little legs flail in agony and impotence before delivering the final blow. This works great for the really big water roaches. The rest, poison. Surprisingly….Boraxo is pretty effective.

    I unbookmarked Andrew Halcro when he endorsed Dan Sullivan. I only know what I read, not living in Alaska. So also can’t vote. But it sounds to me like you do not want Dan Sullivan as your mayor.

  148. Lainey says:

    When GINO loses her Naughty Librarian appeal, the fan base will evaporate
    lmao…that’s EXACTLY why the Grand Old Party (dirty old white men-including McCain) thought with their little heads and got so excited over this new, fresh piece
    she’s not looking so attractive now, is she? even horn*dogs get weary of a pretty (not actually), stupid (actually) little s*x fantasy without substance

  149. OT OT way OT but,
    TeamSarah is boycotting Sebellious confirmation as per huffo article.

    Yesterday I read this on the Alaska standard comments of the post entitled “Is it game over for Sarah Palin?”

    Is this true? I wonder if it could be posted on the comments of the Huffo article.

    TeamSarah is NOT a group of moms across America supporting the bizarro governor of Alaska. TeamSarah is an Anti-Choice LOBBYIST group under the umbrella of Anti-Choice Lobbyist group Susan B. Anthony List.
    TeamSarah was founded for the sole purpose of pushing Palin to DC – through con artistry – so that Palin could be in a position to push for Anti-Choice Legislation.
    TeamSarah was founded by the Susan B. Anthony List President, Marjorie Dannenfelser. Susan B. Anthony List is a registered 501c4.

  150. JanMarie says:

    The fall-out continues, and supporters are beginning to see clearly… Que Sarah Sarah!!

  151. FW says:

    Sarah is the GOP’s Jesse Jackson, I just think it’s hilarious that they really want to send her packing, but can’t because of the third part threat.

    I will still never bring myself to donate money to SarahPac…I’d rather flush it down the toilet, then help pay for Staplemouth’s salary.

  152. InJuneau says:

    OT, but did anyone else notice that Andrew Halcro is going to be ending his blog?

  153. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Amen! Oaklad

  154. K8KZ says:

    Hold off on those donations to her PAC and wait for the new defense fund!!

    This just in from harasPAC:

    Thank you for visiting us to learn more about Sarah. We all appreciate your interest and support.
    At this time, we ask you to please hold your much appreciated donation and keep checking back here for the link to the Alaska Fund Trust, the official legal defense fund that will be announced shortly to help the family and state colleagues pay off legal debts incurred by politically-motivated attacks.

  155. Oklad says:

    From the Politico article.

    “But McCain’s choice of Palin, who seemed to have the foreign policy knowledge of a bowling alley waitress, made these attacks sound silly.”
    This really isn’t fair to bowling alley waitresses… 🙂

  156. BPOINT says:

    I love the this paragraph:

    As I said during the campaign, John McCain’s most effective attack on Barack Obama was calling him inexperienced. But McCain’s choice of Palin, who seemed to have the foreign policy knowledge of a bowling alley waitress, made these attacks sound silly.

    Bowling Alley Waitress….lol

  157. mae lewis says:

    I finally forced myself to watch some of those clips from Sarah’s Indiana speech. The Alaska Geography Lesson was all I needed to see to know that she really isn’t much without the McCain speech writers, rehersal, staging, makeup and lighting. She read from a script (no teleprompter), looking down too many times showing the poor rehersal. She spoke much too fast. Without glamorous makeup and lighting, she wasn’t dazzling. So, the answer is, she can’t do it on her own, and now, it’s going to be hard to run on all of that Alaska executive experience. She’s the best thing that could happen to the next presidential campaign, because she drives the Republicans further to the right. We all remember that Reagan won by appealing to middle-ground, moderate voters. They are the same voters who voted for Obama because they couldn’t stand the idea of some one so inexperienced that close to the White House. It’s good sport for us here in the Lower 48, but you’re stuck with her, I’m sorry to say. She can do alot of damage in the next two years; you’ll never want for topics for your blog!

  158. Memphis, NY says:

    Sent email to Senator Schumer in support of Sebelius

  159. ds55 says:

    Jesse Jackson, Sr. probably has the ‘word salad’ problem in common with GINO, but in his defense I believe Jackson has a speech impediment and GINO just has no sense.

    Also, too, Jesse Jackson’s popularity was never based on his looks. When GINO loses her Naughty Librarian appeal, the fan base will evaporate.

  160. Tealwomin says:

    mlaiuppa…Squish her like a bug…

    Roached NEVER die!

  161. Tealwomin says:

    …You guys know GiNO don’t mess around with Blk men, and now you compare her to JJ…THIS GONNA MAKE HER REALLY MAD!

    Look for the Official Press Release on the AK web site & CAPharaS

  162. The Right Reverend says:

    UK Lady
    Thanks for the link! I completely forgot about that wonderful misquote by Sarah! And her team yammering for Repugs to keep blocking Sebilius when so many Americans want and need health care reform NOW. Sarah and her Maet are now the monster the GOP created and wish they hadn’t… Newt, you can’t squash this bug. It’s not a bug, it’s part of you! You can’t run, either!

    By all means, let the fun begin. >:D

  163. mlaiuppa says:

    Already went to the SEIU site and signed the petition in favor of confirming Sebelius. Wouldn’t hurt to post the link all over.

  164. Lainey says:

    @Madcitychick #6
    OT a bit, but Huffington Post is reporting the haraS maeT folks are trying to push against Kathryn Sebelius nomination today:
    this letter reads like a sorority put it out (no offense to those who once belonged)

    and I hope palin realizes she need not try any more to climb those imaginary political steps to the top (in her little mind)…her name WILL be in all the history books, so she accomplished SOMETHING…now go start a church in the woods and leave the rest of us non-believers (in you) alone!!!

  165. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Billy Mayes says, Oxymoron, keeps your dimwits bright!

  166. Moose Pucky says:

    She is actually running away…actually.

  167. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    “Palin’s Future in the GOP.”…Its up to Levi….

  168. Moose Pucky says:

    Yeah, that link on KOS is super!

  169. Moose Pucky says:


  170. mlaiuppa says:

    Palin is never going to go away.

    But she will be made irrelevant. And by her own party. She had her shot. She thinks she has a chance in 2012 or even 2016. She is just clueless that it’s over for her. The GOP will be glad to use her as a fundraiser (*if* she agrees to show up) but she won’t be the nominee. And I think Newt made it perfectly clear that if she tries to go all “mavericky” on them, they’re prepared to squish her like a bug.

    That could be very entertaining.

    So here’s to Sarah going third party. Grab a soda and some popcorn and let the fun begin.

  171. Team Alaska says:

    “GOING NOWHERE” Thats something I can Believe In!

    She will get her “game on” to make a showing for 2012, lots of money for the “GOING NOWHERE BUS”. THere will be lights, camars, cloths, fans, shoes, and book deals. She is going to the bank in 2012, raping the right wing is her game plan.

  172. Madcitychick says:

    OT a bit, but Huffington Post is reporting the haraS maeT folks are trying to push against Kathryn Sebelius nomination today:

    Hi Team!

    Today’s the day! Our Not on Our Watch! Phone Bank Blast is set for TODAY from 2pm – 4pm ET. Write a note & stick it on your forehead, set your cell phone alarm – do what you have to do to remember to make your calls TODAY!

    Our goal is to flood the phone lines of the Senate Finance Committee and make our message heard loud and clear – NO SEBELIUS! Not on Our Watch!

    For the complete project information, including the phone numbers of the members of the Senate Finance Committee, visit: (I removed link on purpose) “gather around the Water Cooler.

    Also, if you haven’t sent out your postcards or letters yet, it’s not too late! Send them out as soon as you can so that they reach the Senate Finance Committee this week.

  173. UK Lady says:

    Oh my good grief!!

    Just read this story on Kos, please read it folks, and the comments, they are just so damn funny over there!!

    Sarah Palin Heading for Hell!

  174. austintx says:

    jo in AK – I read AKM’s post and when I got to the last sentence , I was thinking the same thing that you wrote !! Then I started on comments……….BINGO !!

  175. Mel Green says:

    Oops, your last sentence got cut off.

    “She actually is still running our state” … into the ground.

  176. jo in AK says:

    Our word for the day as it relates to Sarah Palin running the state.

    Inflected Form(s):
    plural ox·y·mo·rons also ox·y·mo·ra -ˈmȯr-ə
    Late Greek oxymōron, from neuter of oxymōros pointedly foolish, from Greek oxys sharp, keen + mōros foolish
    : a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (as cruel kindness) ; broadly : something (as a concept) that is made up of contradictory or incongruous elements

  177. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    It would be so great if she, and her zealot lemmings, just walked off one of the many steep bluffs in Alaska. We will have to deal w her and her rats, but there is NO DOUBT in my mind that she will ever be electable. There are so many reasons, they go on and on, but just think of one – she won’t talk to the press unless they are friendly to her! That gets her a big fat GOING NOWHERE button – bright red – to pin right on her snotty forehead.

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