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Bedtime in Alaska – Daily Roundup


Trees Sighted on the Lower Yukon!


When Rep. Mike Kelly (R) from Fairbanks suggested that if people in rural villages were cold, they should just “cut wood,” people in villages like Emmonak  might have been scratching their heads, wondering about the secret location of all this wood.  But now,  Nunam Iqua resident Ann Strongheart has discovered trees right in the bustling heart of downtown Nunam Iqua.  I’ll bet that purple one will burn real good.  And if they run out of food again, and get hungry, I hear that there are lots of unicorns that hang out in the forest.  A couple of those will get a family of four through the winter.  Unicorn chili….mmmm.

Drill Baby D….

A federal appeals court today threw out the Interior Department’s 2007-2012 offshore oil and gas leasing program after finding that part of the department’s environmental analysis was inadequate.

The panel found that Interior, when preparing the plan, botched its implementation of a requirement under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act that federal officials consider the “relative environmental sensitivity” of different OCS areas. It ordered a new evaluation.

While [Ken Salazar] has suggested the Obama administration is open to some new leasing, he has also accused the Bush administration of acting too aggressively to widen development. Earlier this year, he described the draft proposal as a “headlong rush of the worst kind.”

Back to the drawing board, baby.

Undisputed You Tube Queen

Nope.  It’s not Sarah Palin.  And it’s not Tina Fey.  It’s overnight internet star, singer Susan Boyle.

Visible Measures, a company that clutches the pulse of the online audience and refuses to let go, has identified more than 200 unique videos of Susan Boyle’s performance. According to Visible Measures, the combined figures seem to have exceeded the performances of George Bush’s shoe thrower, Tina Fey’s Sarah Palin, and President Obama’s victory speech.

Team Sarah Targets Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius

So, I guess “Team Sarah” isn’t just about promoting Sarah Palin, or even opposing opponents of Sarah Palin.  Now the members of the mostly female team have organized a campaign to sabotage the nomination of Sebelius for the head of the Dept. of Health and Human Services.

The nomination is expected to pass through the committee and ultimately the Senate, though on Friday the terrain got a bit rougher, when ranking Republican Sen. Charles Grassley criticized the Kansas Governor for understating the amount of money she raised from doctor who performs (legal) abortions — likely the same revelation offending the Team Sarah members.

    Best Freudian Typo

In an email from the 2012 Draft Sarah Committee:

“Governor Palin represents so many everyday average working people. She shares our conservative values and is our standard barrier [sic]. That is why I am so passionate about our work and cause here at the 2012 Draft Sarah Committee.”



157 Responses to “Bedtime in Alaska – Daily Roundup”
  1. ValleyIndependent says:

    Thanks for the links, mudpuppies. I wouldn’t have known anything about WAR and machine guns in Seward were it not for Palin spilling the beans.

    She’d do so much better if she could just keep her mouth shut. The contradictions, lies, half-truths, damaging facts, word salads, and proof of illogical thinking that come out of it certainly aren’t helping her any with anyone capable of independent thought.

    Regarding ADN: I too was blocked for stating that I thought GINO should stop being a brat, quit throwing temper tantrums and simply appoint a senator off the Dems list, especially since the process the Dems used is the same by which my Rep., Wes Keller was appointed by her home district Republicans. What’s so offensive or abusive about that?

  2. Quetzalcoatl says:

    ‘2012 Daft Sarah, Committee’. barriers et al

    Amirite! LOL.

    Blaming bloggers. Nyah nyah, pfffffffft.
    Right, the ones who quoted the idiocy of Ross verbatim, straight from the horses ass.

    In the infamous words of The Trailer Park Boys…

    “Knock, knock…”
    “Who’s there?”
    “F^ck Off!”

  3. Mattie says:

    how could anybody vote for her?

  4. sauerkraut says:

    90 Lainey Says: April 21st, 2009 at 9:37 AM
    God made palin stupid for a reason…everyone has a purpose, right?


    Lainey, you stop that!!

    Dang it…

    you get over here and clean my coffee I just spat all over my brand new monitor!!

  5. Martha says:

    here_in_PA Says:
    April 21st, 2009 at 12:18 PM
    Today is the first day that I’ve gone to ADN in a long time. I quit going there because of the abuse of flagging abuses (if that makes sense). I see that they’ve taken down the abuse flagging. Was reading about the Indigonous ppls summit on global warming. No mention about GINO there? That was a great opportunity for a photo op. Wonder why she didn’t show?
    I just checked out the ADN and closed my account. They DO continue to maintain the “abuse” button.

  6. CCH says:

    I’m at a loss to understand why the Johnstons are going to be on the Larry King show. Sarah supposedly has so much power and Sherry J. has a court date next month.

    GINO will probably respond on Thursday…acting all pissed-off…to everyone’s glee.

    It’s the best show in town!

  7. sandra in oregon says:

    Sorry, my bad. The Halcro picture wasn’t dated. It was from a different event. I was thinking the weather was pretty nice for March. Thanks for the heads up.

  8. InJuneau says:

    @here_in_PA–oh, please, that would require that she admit that there is a problem with global warming and that it’s real! 😉

  9. here_in_PA says:

    Today is the first day that I’ve gone to ADN in a long time. I quit going there because of the abuse of flagging abuses (if that makes sense). I see that they’ve taken down the abuse flagging. Was reading about the Indigonous ppls summit on global warming. No mention about GINO there? That was a great opportunity for a photo op. Wonder why she didn’t show?

  10. InJuneau says:

    oops, “herpetological” maybe?

  11. InJuneau says:

    @pdx mb–we could hope, but she’s not allowed to earn any $ outside of her gov.’s salary, so she prob. wouldn’t want to do it. Besides, she has no experience with poisonous snakes of the herepetological type, so she might not be comfortable there.

  12. pdx mb says:

    OT, but looks like Blago won’t get to do the reality TV gig. Maybe they’ll invite Sarah?

  13. pdx mb says:

    C. Rock Says:
    April 21st, 2009 at 11:53 AM
    I’m getting all screwed up. I need a break. Mind boggled.

    Or did you mean, “Mind bloggled…” ? It’s an affliction suffered by PJ-clad blog readers who can’t tear themselves away from all the clever comments. Hehe.

  14. Canadian Neighbour says:

    @GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble,
    The investigation of Don Young is I believe the reason he has a legal fund that people can contribute to, which they have. If this is correct, I don’t understand why as he hasn’t been charged yet that I am aware of.

    A thought — Don Young has a legal fund.
    Palin – one is supposed to be being set up.
    Guess Ben Stevens may have one soon too.
    Will we hear about one for Ted Stevens or is that costing the taxpayers because of the mess by the prosecutors.

    How many legal funds can you have in one state for corrupt politicians.

  15. C. Rock says:

    I’m getting all screwed up. I need a break. Mind boggled.

  16. Daisy daisy says:

    C Rock – Sorry Our posts crossed in the wind – lol!

  17. Alaskan Sisu/Global Blogger says:

    The ADN blocking has increased the anti-Palin traffic on other sites. Ain’t that just special?!!!

    Blog Baby Blog. Ummmm…We blog her crazy, uh huh, and she don’t know what to do, ooh!

  18. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    Sorry, CRock, the pics is from a time not in the pregnancy conspiracy timeline. Halcro just used an old picture that happened to have both GINO and GINO Lite.

  19. here_in_PA says:

    sheesh, everyone getting fooled by dates now.

  20. Daisy daisy says:

    C Rock

    That photo was taken on Sept 4th 2007.

  21. here_in_PA says:

    @ C.Rock, LOL, I had to go back over there and take another look at the picture. That didn’t even cross my mind when I first saw it. Now that you mention it, She don’t look preggos at all, least of all getting close to giving birth.

  22. C. Rock says:

    116 Daisy daisy Says:
    April 21st, 2009 at 11:14 AM
    Sandra in Oregon

    Sorry, but that photo was taken on Sept 4th 2007.
    Sorry didn’t see that OOPS

  23. Martha says:

    Here is something positive you can do to support Sebelius;

    Progressive groups have been pushing for an expeditious confirmation of Sebelius for weeks, arguing that the administration is being disadvantaged by lacking a cabinet figure to tackle a subject of such key political and economy importance (health care).

    Earlier this month, a Republican Senator put a mysterious hold on the confirmation of Gov. Kathleen Sebelius as Health and Human Services Secretary. It’s hard to believe that while the clock ticks on fixing health care, the top leadership position in the government’s health agency is left vacant. This is simply unacceptable.

    Here, for instance, is the SEIU’s petition:

  24. C. Rock says:

    Sandra In Oregon
    here in PA: The blog on Halcro is a retro blog. It is from March 2008. BTW check out the picture of GINO. This was one month before Trig was born.
    OMG if that’s not telling.

  25. Martha says:

    I found this on Huff Po, in case anyone wants to try it out.

    Here is the phone # for Team Sarah (703) 875-3370 .
    Since they are encouraging people to flood other offices phone #’s I suggest you retaliate.

  26. Basheert says:

    Hi everyone:
    Palingates has reposted the You Tube song of “The Ex Beauty Queen has a Gun”….head on over if you want a laugh!

  27. InJuneau says:

    Patience, dear grasshopper, patience. I’d bet that the FBI isn’t done in this state. However, the CBC stuff is much longer lived than the new GINO related stuff, so they may need to wrap up all of that before they start anything new.

  28. Moose Pucky says:

    Not a unique barrier. Not a special barrier. Not an outstanding barrier.
    Not a mavericky barrier. Just a plain old icky “standard” barrier.
    That’s got to be disappointing.

  29. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:


    Well, boo. I hope they keep pulling those strings. I know at least one of them is attached to some of the Gov’s dirty dealings.

  30. InJuneau says:

    @GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble–I suspect most of those are just still ongoing investigations from the CBC related issues. Housegate post-dates those investigations.

  31. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Interesting little tidbit on ADN

    The assertion that one or more investigations are continuing confirms what the FBI office in Anchorage said after the Stevens dismissal: While Stevens can’t be retried on charges that he failed to disclose gifts and free services, other crimes are still under investigation. Among the most prominent subjects of the Justice Department and IRS probes are Stevens’ son Ben, the former state Senate president, and U.S. Rep. Don Young.
    Oh, I hope ‘housegate’ is in there somewhere.

  32. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    here_in_PA Says:
    April 21st, 2009 at 10:42 AM

    Dont’t know if anyone posted this. Read on Andrew Halcro blog that caribou ken will be running against Don young. Go to his blog to read about it.
    Sorry, you’ve been misled. That is history. This week the blogs are “retro” blogs, blasts from the past as Andrew winds down his blog. Ken ran against Yon Dung in the primary (and lost).

  33. Irishgirl says:

    And wish him Good Luck!!

  34. Irishgirl says:

    It’s a shame he’s shutting his blog down….I enjoyed it and learnt a lot from him…..but maybe he is going on to bigger and better things!! We can only wonder?

  35. InJuneau says:

    @here_in_PA–read the “The End is Near” entry for an explanation of the appearance of the retro posts.

  36. Canadian Neighbour says:

    He’s shutting his blog down. I think it was yesterday he posted about it.

  37. Daisy daisy says:

    Sandra in Oregon

    Sorry, but that photo was taken on Sept 4th 2007.

  38. here_in_PA says:

    Thanks guys, didn’t notice the date and he must be reminessing (sp) because most of his posts lately seem to be “retro”.

  39. yardwork says:

    OT but the purple tree ref. — Flowering Plum trees look fairly purple when they’re in bloom, had a couple of them back in NM. Wondering if anyone has any luck with junipers and pyracantha up here.

  40. DrChill says:

    109 Canadian Neighbour Says: pole is still standing…
    Oh I see what you mean.
    Ann, its time to burn the furnature…

  41. Rob in Ca says:


    Halcro’s blog about Parnell v. Young was a ‘retro’ blog, one of a series of oldies but goodies he is running this week before he shuts down his blog next week. This is old news and not about what is happening how with Parnell.

  42. sandra in oregon says:

    here in PA: The blog on Halcro is a retro blog. It is from March 2008. BTW check out the picture of GINO. This was one month before Trig was born.

  43. InJuneau says:

    @here_in_PA–That was a RETRO blog. Andrew’s been reposting old blog entries as he’s transitioning to something else with his life. Please check the date on that post. It was last year that Parnell ran against Young in the primary (and lost).

  44. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Dr Chill,
    Ann would probobly get a response back that the hydro pole is still standing — use it!!!

    Why would he give thought to anyone being electrocuted.

  45. Janet in Texas says:

    Thanks, AKPetMom:

    I will definitely be watching that !

  46. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Team Alaska,
    Maybe Hurricane Hazel, the Mayor of Mississauga (the youtube video posted by Nan) should challenge GINO to a game. Hell, Hazel may be 88, but having been hit by a truck 2 years ago and it was the truck that had to be repaired, shouldn’t be problem for Hazel to take her out!!!

  47. AKPetMom says:

    kind of OT but Levi Johnston and fam will be on Larry King tomorrow night, Wed 4/22.

  48. Team Alaska says:

    A governor is not just a cheerleader for the state of Alaska. I think Gino is confused with her job and vital role leading Alaska into a sustainable future. I pesonally would love to see her hockey mommy persona stay on the ICE.

    Maybe she could develop a cheerleading campaign for the Anchorage Aces Hockey team, that would better fit her flamboyant dim witted personality. RAA RAA GINO RAA RAA!

  49. here_in_PA says:

    LOL, has anyone ever been to the Bethel National Forest? It’s real and it’s a hoot!!

  50. here_in_PA says:

    There goes the theory of him being appointed for AG.

  51. DrChill says:

    Ecological Disaster !
    The Trees have been clear cut ! Oh the horror !
    Ann emailed me after working feverishly to chop all the logs she could, and now they’re all GONE !
    I think she’s planning to Email Mike Kelly and say “Okay I’m done, and I’m exhausted, now what!?”

    Link to the former site of the forest.

  52. here_in_PA says:

    Dont’t know if anyone posted this. Read on Andrew Halcro blog that caribou ken will be running against Don young. Go to his blog to read about it.

  53. Martha says:

    Since this is a round up, I’d like to share the e-mail I sent to the ADN;

    As you can see from a few of the comments below, you have a problem. Now folks are starting to spread the word to all the blogs for a boycott of ADN. Is it really worth not taking a minute to review your postings to make sure if they are abusive or not? When you have “most recommended” being called abusive, you are not paying attention at all and demonstrating to your readership you do not believe in free speech.

    Unless the ADN is sincerely so supportive of Palin that you do not care about a boycott of your site, withdrawal of advertising etc., I suggest you start paying attention. It sure is not hard to tell that the Palin supporters constantly report unfounded abuses.

    The action or inaction you take will determine just how supportive of free speech you are.


    ADN cowers to Palin
    Submitted by AlaskanBrainDrain on Fri, 2009-04-17 13:07.
    It appears that the ADN has cowered and bowed to Palin by blocking hundreds of bloggers who were critical of Palin. You THINK your blog is on the news because you can see it BUT only you can see it, no one else. Palin wins the ADN hands down. She may have lost the AG appointment, the Senate Appointment, etc. but she has sent the ADN in a corner by their HUGE blockage of her critics. I was blocked and as a business owner, I stopped running my business ads. It put a hefty amount of money back in my pocket and I used work of mouth and other ways of promoting the business. ADN is shooting themselves in the foot with this cowering to the Palins. Yes, Palin’s thinking is disturbed, she has garnered the rest of the loonies to report “abuse” for any blogger on ADN who is critical of Palin. You get to a number of “abuse” and poof, you’re gone. Thank god for Andrew’s blog. ADN needs to acquire the same mustard as the legislators have gotten. Stand up, clear out and open up all the hundreds and hundreds of blocked accounts and start thinking this through a bit more
    Something is fishy
    Submitted by appledappel on Wed, 2009-04-15 09:22.
    Something is definitely going on ad ADN and it is not the ADN. I just posted a small post and it was gone in less than 5 minutes. Last night the same thing and I follow all the rules, OK folks here is what is going on…The S4P, sarah pac and palin bots are contacting their folks by private e-mail, blackberry, blueberry cellphone, carrier pigeon etc, and deluging ADN with complaints on anyone they determine is a threat, they now have a list of posters and are adding daily. They have “watchers” and as soon as the name pops on bang they file a complaint. I have in the past had positives well over 30-40 on my posts and sorry to admit was a supporter so I know how they work. These folks are doing the same things on the open polls now as I observed the other night on KTVA SP’s negatives were under 18% and her positives were over 82% from around 48/52. Many of the people now are the same old names and now a slew from the lower 48. So, if I sound paranoid, I’m not I just know what is going on
    My Comments still blocked at ADN
    Submitted by MyOwnThoughts on Sun, 2009-04-19 10:02.
    I could print out each post I’ve ever written on ADN and show that not one of my posts comes close to crossing any line. I don’t work that way and don’t support others who cross the line with their comments. I think it’s incredible that ADN is blocking so many people from commenting there- especially so many people who write the truths about Palin. I think this issue needs to be given more attention. Either ADN should stop allowing comments or fix this problem. Believer in Truth, Integrity and Ethics

    Someone is really doing a job for Palin over at ADN!!!
    Submitted by MyOwnThoughts on Tue, 2009-04-14 19:39.
    It seems not only is Palin doing odd things with the nominations and stimulus at the moment. It appears like some serious Palin supporters have their hands busy at ADN. I noticed that ppl in my friends list started getting blocked. I thought that was rather strange because the ADN bloggers in my list always seemed like rational respectful posters to me. At first I thought they must have had a “bad day’- until the list of blocked posters in my friends list kept growing. (Had they all suddenly gone nuts and become abusive?) As I looked into it, I saw a post that said posters at ADN are being blocked and they don’t even know it. You see your posts and assume all is normal- but the posts only show to you. I logged out and looked for my posts- and it appears to be true!!!! Here’s my last post-under an article about Palin that was in the ADN today -MyOwnThoughts wrote on 04/14/2009 05:26:50 PM: Palin clearly had reason to meet with the lawmakers last month when she cancelled on them and tossed the blame on them. With the stimulus money a major issue that she keeps flip-flopping on and limited time left in the session- it seems clear where she should be if Alaska is one of her main concerns. It certainly is noteworthy that she cancelled plans the plans for the GOP meeting in June- stating she needed to be in Alaska – when that’s well after the session ends. As for her special needs being one of her main concerns- I don’t see how anyone believes her on that when she put such a risk on Trigs life by flying during labor- knowing he was special needs and probably would need some immediate care. Sarah does what is best for herself first- and apparently that isn’t doing what’s best for Alaska. That Post Now Seems to be blocked. I believe that the ADN has all my posts blocked! It seems that things you can say about Palin here or on other decent cites- are in the process of being blocked on ADN! Believer in Truth, Integrity and Ethics

    People are manipulating ADN
    Submitted by truth4all on Wed, 2009-04-15 09:58.
    It’s the folks over at conservatives4palin and teamsarah. They go around trolling comment sections on all “anti-palin” articles posted each day. They are abusing the “report abuse” feature on ADN and causing accounts to be removed or blocked. They spend their days doing this on countless websites. They also gather to manipulate poll results whenever they run across a poll regarding palin
    I too am blocked at ADN
    Submitted by chasm on Wed, 2009-04-15 06:18.
    I calculate that ADN has gutted the comments section by blocking about 60 to 70 percent of the posters. I have never used profanity and never called other posters names, although I may have called the governor an idiot a time or two. This is a form of censorship. From the very beginning the ADN and KTUU have been apologists for Palin and have refused to follow up on the most obvious misuses of power. Now they will decide who gets to post based on whether they are a supporter or a critic of the governor
    Yes.. What ADN is doing is actually shocking!
    Submitted by MyOwnThoughts on Wed, 2009-04-15 10:11.
    I too never use profanity in my posts and don’t bash other posters. (Worse thing I have said to a poster is support Palin if you choose- but HOW can you believe Palin?) My comments about Palin actually are fairly consistent – 1. Palin facts are not Plain facts 2. Sarah had no new tricks- it’s all about Sarah 3. AK is a beautiful state- but you can’t see Palin’s integrity from there! My “ADN friends’ did not have any rude posts that I ever saw- and they are now all blocked as well. Everyone in my ADN list!! BTW they were some of the posters with top ADN recommend pts on their posts!! What ADN is doing is shocking! They need to restore the comments or end all commenting completely. Believer in Truth, Integrity and Ethics
    It’s the Palinbots (sorry for long comment)
    Submitted by truth4all on Wed, 2009-04-15 09:15.
    I’m starting to think that it’s not ADN doing this; ADN has been “Freeped”. The hardcore Sarah supporters (mostly from lower 48) at the Conservatives4Palin and TeamSarah have been exhibiting this behavior all over the place. They all got together and “Freeped” the KTUU poll regarding whether Palin was right in taking off at the end of the session. It was 80% Yes (it’s fine that she’s going) and 20% No (not okay she is going). Hmm, somehow I doubt that if the poll had been based on a 100% Alaskan response the outcome would have been the same. There are a few diehard “Palin can do no wrong” people on her websites that spend the entire day trolling on Progressive blogs and looking for polls they can influence. They show up to comment on every news article that comes out regarding Palin and they will call anti-Palin commenters “abusers” and have them banned. I think on ADN they are using the “Abuse” button and perhaps ADN has some sort of automatic account shutdown if you are reported for abuse repeatedly. That would mean that no one actually reviews the comments reported as “Abuse” and these “rabble rousers” can actually kill your account by reporting you. I’m going to do some research their system today as it’s happening to too many posters that have not broken the ADN rules to just be an ADN issue. So yup, yup, there is small but vicious “Palin Army” that is trying to censor us. I guess when she’s not busy headin’ up the National Guard in Alaska she’s drawin’ up battle plans and givin’ marchin’ orders to her own little army

  54. sandra in oregon says:

    Just bringing up the machine gun incident indicates that SP is really out to lunch. It was probably something she hoped wouldn’t come up, and thus it is forefront in her mind. So she blurted it out.

    The more she says, the more we learn. Maybe she should have her own radio show so she can keep dropping these pearls.

  55. QuiltAK says:

    I I heard the machine gun story on CC’s radio show on Kudo last week. Sorry, I don’t remember what day or what the guests name was.

  56. phoebe says: has a petition they would like people to sign to get the Attorney General to select a Special Prosecutor to review the torture tactics used by the Bush Administration. They are trying to get 200,000 signatures. OT, sorry.

  57. Molly says:

    GINO, as someone who read quite enough about Mr Ross on the tubes, and then actually read what he had to say to the legislature during the confirmation hearings……I can assure you that NOBODY in the “tube-o-sphere” mentioned anything about ill-advised machine gun use in relation to Mr. Ross. If I missed it, I apologize, but that was SURELY not one of the Big Things being discussed. There were so many many more topics you could have refuted for us, if you were able to.

    If nothing else, his own answers to the lawmakers would have been enough for them to vote “no”.

    Gino is so ………. so in need of a mental health evaluation, and a reality check, and maybe a class on critical thinking…….

    AND, she has Levi and Co. to look forward to on Wed on Larry! Ooo Todd’s Blackberry is gonna overheat!!

  58. Canadian Neighbour says:

    This is Larry King’s message on Twitter:

    kingsthings tomorrow – Levi Johnston! he’s the guy who has a baby w Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol. what do you think??

    You can also go to the CNN website to email your questions. There is also a section called Larry King Interactive where I hope they post the questions and comments when the show is on.

    The only thing with King is he takes too few calls, emails or ireports.

  59. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    Ripley in CT Says:
    April 21st, 2009 at 9:44 AM

    ” Lainey Says:
    April 21st, 2009 at 9:37 AM

    God made palin stupid for a reason…everyone has a purpose, right?”

    SOMEone has to get the lowest score on the test. heh
    Still it really brings down the average, because so many people are cribbing off her test.

  60. Alaskan Sisu says:

    Maybe Levi will get an endorcement for camo clothes – he’s going to need them when he returns to Alaska. Keep an ear out for the sound of helicopters Levi – thwump, thwump thwump!

    Also, therefore, listen for the screeching brakes and the burning smell of rubber from the infamous bus. The bus ‘you know who’ drives.

    Expect daily twists to the Palin’s end of session saga – you know who doesn’t like to lose much. War lost his own nomination everytime he opened his heart to show what a biggot he had inside, and he further exposed Sarah to be the true biggot she is too, as well, also.

  61. austintx says:

    88 Ripley in CT Says:
    April 21st, 2009 at 9:43 AM
    Go Levi! That kid is a wealth of information. He could single-handedly bring her to her knees.
    Tan , rested , and ready !!

    Dang right he could !! Hope he saved all the e-mails and text/voice messages.

    re: gunfest in Seward. I even looked here and did not see a thing.

  62. Martha says:


    If you so choose, here is an e-mail you can use to let the ADN know that you are fed up with them blocking your postings and that you are boycotting them until they change their practices. Free speech is a right, not a privilege.

    [email protected]

  63. Canadian Neighbour says:

    And Larry King doesn’t pay for interviews!!!

  64. Ripley in CT says:

    ” Lainey Says:
    April 21st, 2009 at 9:37 AM

    God made palin stupid for a reason…everyone has a purpose, right?”

    SOMEone has to get the lowest score on the test. hehe

  65. Ripley in CT says:

    Go Levi! That kid is a wealth of information. He could single-handedly bring her to her knees. Heck, I’d throw a few bucks his way if he needed a bodyguard against her. Or Toad. I think he should sue for custody. I don’t think it’s good for his baby to be brought up in the environment of the Palin household. We see how nuts she is. And lie? I never heard such back-pedalling in my entire life.

  66. phoebe says:

    I think the appearance of the Johnston Family on TV makes Ms Palin come a bit unglued. LARRY KING…..they’re hitting the big time.

  67. zyggy says:

    Palin is so going to go mavericky when the Johnston family is interviewed by Larry King. =)

    She’ll be chanting “Burn baby burn” =)

  68. Lainey says:

    God made palin stupid for a reason…everyone has a purpose, right?

  69. phoebe says:


    I was just thinking about Levi & wondering what he was up to. Good for him!

  70. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Round #3:

    Levi is on Larry King on Wed night!!
    I think his Mom & Sister will be there too!!

  71. phoebe says:

    WAR reminded me of The Godfather….god what a voice.

  72. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    Perhaps she’s slipping. Oh, I really hope that video of this statement surfaces.

  73. UK Lady says:

    Apparently Levi is going on Larry King tomorrow.

  74. UK Lady says:

    I said a week or two ago “one of these days she will tell the truth, and then have to talk her way back out of it”.


  75. Alaskan Sisu says:

    Sarah said, “He very easily and accurately refuted the lies told about him, but once a bell is rung, really tough to unring a bell,” she said…

    Keep runging those bells SarahBelle.

  76. phoebe says:

    I love it when Sarah gets all pissy & defensive……that’s when she is the most fun.

  77. Gramiam says:

    We were taught that telling the truth meant never having to remember what you said. I would merely change that to read…”Always tell the absolute truth! Otherwise, some blogger will Google until they find the dirt!!” Gotta love technology.

  78. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    Oh well, I guess if Sarah says the truth once, we can never trust her lies again. She’s gone maverick!

  79. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    A funny from the Juneau article.

    “We don’t need to rehash what he went through; you all know what he went through,” she said.

    Yeah, Sarah, bless your heart, we know how you don’t like to rehash. It just reminds us (again) of past lies and manipulations.

  80. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    May be easier to load by going to , going into the archives on the left, choosing August and then scroll down, choosing the second page.

  81. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    Darn, I forgot about the two link moderation thing. Similar to the Alaska Report report.

  82. C. Rock says:

    WTF Machine Gun Shootouts, War & Lying Blogger ? GINO has Cracked.

  83. the problem child IS MY NAME says: Similar to the Alaska Report report. May be easier to load by going to , going into the archives on the left, choosing August and then scroll down, choosing the second page.

  84. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    @Martha Unalaska Yard Sign

    Laughing hysterically. Thank you!


    I can’t figure out what kind of women would be a TeamSarah member.
    I think they’re a lot like her. Outward appearance means everything, because there’s no depth within. Sanctimonious, because they feel better about themselves only if they’re looking down on others.

  85. InJuneau says:

    @KallieinTexas Says:
    April 21st, 2009 at 7:51 AM
    Just wondering….when will Sarah take responsibility for all the lies she’s been telling?

    Approximately when h3ll freezes over, maybe….

  86. aussiegal77 says:

    “…..she is our standard barrier…..”

    Yeah….a barrier to ethical governance, a barrier to the truth in general, a barrier to intellectualism and reading and stuff, a barrier to a sense of reality and a barrier to justice, liberty and the American way.


  87. UK Lady says:

    the problem child IS MY NAME

    Just when you think things can’t get any whackier!

    Read your link – just – just – AAaaarrrrgh!

    pvazwindy – looking good for Sebelius, fingers crossed, suck on that TS!

  88. InJuneau says:

    @the problem child IS MY NAME!–nope, no lilacs blooming in Nunam Iqua just yet; they’re not even leafing out yet here! I’d love to see one in bloom up there though! 😉

  89. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    @UK Lady —
    Yup, she opens mouth and either lies or out drops something equally damaging: the truth that had, until she dropped it, remained quietly hidden. I bet those Seward neighbours won’t be too happy to hear that they are liars.

  90. Cathy says:

    Sarah Logic–All the bloggers supporting her are also spreading lies????

  91. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    I’d like to know who at the Juneau Empire is doing their Google searches? Maybe their Google is broken?

  92. pvazwindy says:

    Sebelius nomination clears cmte, now to the full senate.

  93. UK Lady says:

    What on earth is all that claptrap about machine gun parties and Seward County? First mention I’ve ever heard of it, and I followed the whole thing closely. Has the fool slipped up and mentioned something she shouldn’t have, or is she just plain old lying again?

  94. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    Actually, there was a machine gun shoot “fundraiser” in Seward involving WARthog. It was mentioned in the Alaska Report back in August, 2008. Maybe nobody noticed it at the time, but there it was:

  95. CRFlats says:

    The “Tree” thing reminded me of a “joke” my dad said was prevalent in WW2 when he was stationed in the Alutians and western Alaska. His mom was an Aleut from Unga and a beautiful woman. However, the standard racist GI joke of the time was that there was a “pretty girl behind every tree”. My dad was demoted from Sargeant twice due to fights brought on by racist remarks.

    My mom said during the “occupation” of troops in Alaska, a Native woman would never go out alone at night. It was far too dangerous.

    History note: The Aleuts were forcibly removed from their villages during WW2 and “relocated” to camps where many died from TB and one could say neglect. Unga village disappeared.

  96. sdragon says:

    Hey Problem Child,
    Yea, that’s the link. And thanks for the info, I’ll be practicing. My magic machine can just drive me nuts sometimes. I know, you have to be smarter than the machine, geezzzz!

  97. wired differently says:

    Seward machine gun shoot? How come I never get invited to these fun events? Perhaps because they only happen in Sarah’s head? Although. come to think of it, she probably just blurted out a real event that didn’t even make the WAR outrage list because there were so many other things ahead of it.

  98. lexky says:

    if i had to guess i believe sarah wrote that. the spelling and all is a dead giveaway.

  99. Canadian Neighbour says:

    The purple tree looks like my Christmas Tree!! Looks more pink on my monitor which my tree is. Has sat on my window table with it’s white lights for the past 3 Christmas seasons!!! Guess that’s where JCPenney found them!!

  100. BHT says:

    Check out this morning’s Juneau Empire, where it states:

    “Gov. Sarah Palin is blaming bloggers and lies for the defeat of her attorney general nominee, who the Alaska Legislature refused to confirm last week….The one example she cited was “he being engaged in a machine gun shoot on somebody’s property down in Seward, and there were witnesses to such a thing, and he’d never been there,” she said”

    The article later quotes Hollis French as saying he’d never heard of that story, and furthermore states that a Google search does not turn up any “relevant mentions of Wayne Anthony Ross, Seward and machine guns prior to the vote.”!!

    It’s too bad those nasty bloggers are making up stuff and spreading rumors…

  101. sauerkraut says:

    I have purple trees in my yard. They are the native dogwoods hiding under the canopy of stately oaks and walnuts. The purple bushes are azalea’s. And the little purple flowers popping up all over the place are hyacinths. Can’t get too much heating power from the purple flowers. And dogwoods burn too fast.

  102. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Martha Unalaska Yard Sign,
    Darn those pesky PJ clad bloggers. They just keep tripping her up!!!

    Love it that Sen. French squashed the Seaward reference saying he hadn’t heard it before and it never came up in floor debate. Must have come from one of her fairytale books she reads to Trig!

    She didn’t of course make ref to anything else and deny it as there is proof all over the place.

    As my cousin’s Ukranian grandma would say: Silly girl

  103. KallieinTexas says:

    Sarah is the Master of Lies! She couldn’t tell the truth even if it sounded better.

  104. BigPete says:

    “The panel found that Interior, when preparing the plan, botched its implementation”.

    Botch (transitive verb)-to foul up hopelessly —often used with up.

    Did the Dept. of the Interior ‘botch things up’, or did they very carefully and very cleverly, do everything possible to circumvent the law? Should we believe that an administration that lied constantly about not “torturing”, was merely careless with it’s stewardship of the environment?

  105. Tewise says:

    @ Martha Unalaska Yard Sign ,…..dam now she is making up lies, about lies, for the reason toady froggie wasn’t appointed.

  106. KallieinTexas says:

    Just wondering….when will Sarah take responsibility for all the lies she’s been telling?

  107. trisha says:

    I can’t figure out what kind of women would be a TeamSarah member. I can only picture really “plain” women who are very lonely——kind of like the ugly ducklings in high school who will do anything for the popular girl. They allow themselves to be used (do her homework, carry her lunch tray, take the fall for the popular girl, etc.)—-just so they can be “friends”. As you know, they will never be friends, and they will be thrown under the bus as soon as they are no longer useful to said popular girl.

    Maybe if these women had a life (or self esteem) they wouldn’t be trying so hard to be Sarah’s new BFF. Sigh.

  108. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Now all you bloggers, stand up and take a BOW for a job well done! Don’t forget to pull up your PJ bottoms before you do that.

  109. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Sorry – don’t know where the quotes came from on that link:

  110. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

    “With all the bad press she’s been getting lately, isn’t it about time for some Palinese whine with justification?”

    Yes, and here it is on our morning paper! You gotta love that BLOGGERS got first billing in the blame for LIES! Yeah right. She just can’t shut up – love it!


  111. rebekkah says:

    This Mike Kelly should have been in Indiana listening to Sarah’s Alaska Trivia and vital statistics. He might have learned something about where the forests are in his own state. Another thing, wood burning requires a lot of energy, maintenance of wood stoves, and wood heat can’t comfortably sustain a house’s heat in really cold temperatures; without the alternative source, gas or oil. We live in a community that for hobby reasons, many choose to use wood stoves, and on any given winter day, the air is so tight with choking smoke that no one dares go out, it’s unbreatheable. (this is collective neighborhoods of small properties crammed together with each house spurting out smoke all the time. Our town has a high the highest rate of children’s asthma.

  112. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Curiosity got me and called re tickets on Bush/Clinton (my city)

    If you call about tickets, they are not calling it a debate but calling it a Conversation between 2 Presidents. (Two ex-Presidents would not debate each other so any stories calling it debate are misleading)
    General tickets are $189
    VIP $495 (400 tickets)
    They reserved 200 tickets for special deal (whoopee — NOT) and have 19 left that you can get your pic taken with Bush & Clinton at the same time for $2500. (Only if Bush will weat devil horns!!)

    It will be so tame you would probably yawn as they don’t want to put Bush in situation of answering stuff re the memo release. I think they probably will not even take questions or they will prescreen them.

  113. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:


    I think they accidentally made a mistake on the barrier.
    No accident to it – just their stupidity showing – again.

  114. antiAnti says:

    rebekkah Says: April 21st, 2009 at 7:31 AM -“Standard bearers stand for the truth.”

    Standard bearers also carry flags into battle. Contrast that with standard barriers, whiche mostly immobile and silent and the freudian part of the slip becomes clear.

  115. rebekkah says:

    Funny about the draft Sarah committee’s word usage “standard barrier” – might they have meant instead “standard bearer”? I think they accidentally made a mistake on the barrier. The bible has many references in it about standard bearers. Standard bearers stand for the truth.

  116. Enjay in E.MT says:

    I love the Purple Tree !!

    Requesting one delivered to E. MT

  117. orange triangle says:

    The “standard barrier” is not a typo or lapse in proofreading. It’s a typical mistake made by a person who does not read. As a teacher, I have had students use words and phrases such as “worth wild” and ” for all intensive purposes”. People who read do not make these kinds of mistakes. Go Team Sarah!!

  118. Gindy says:

    Actually, that purple tree is a dead ringer for my Eastern Redbud tree. They could be twins, in fact!
    This isn’t my tree, but it is very close:

  119. the problem child IS MY NAME says:


    Definitely not your imagination.

  120. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    sdragon, here’s the link I think you are referring to:

    To post a link, use your mouse to highlight the webpage address from your browser while you are looking at the page. Right-click with your mouse and choose “copy” or “cut”. Then when you want to share the link, just right-click with your mouse again and choose “paste”.

  121. Nan says:

    Does it seem to anyone else that private matters seem to be addressed on the website of the Governor, in “official” press releases – while governor-ish matters are dealt with primarily by the spokesperson for S-PAC?

    That’s just so very bass-ackwards.

    Or is that my imagination?

  122. sdragon says:

    Okay, sorry, I just tried that & it didn’t work. Sure wish I knew how to post a link. This does work, I just tried it. Google in operation pied piper:Bill Collier, that will bring up a list of pages, go down to the third one that says submitted by leashlaw, that will bring you another list of topics, it”s the 7th one down.
    I’m so computer illiterate it’s not even funny!!!

  123. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    LibertyLover Says:
    April 21st, 2009 at 6:31 AM

    As for the “standard barrier” typo, one must proofread, not just spellcheck… “right”? wink wink…

    Hard to proofread if one is definition challenged. Seems to be a big problem in PalinLand.

  124. LibertyLover says:

    Just a thought… but being a “standard” anything is hardly “mavericky”…. is it?

    As for the “standard barrier” typo, one must proofread, not just spellcheck… “right”? wink wink…

  125. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Sarah’s being awfully quiet, which just makes me drool with anticipation (wiping my chin). With all the bad press she’s been getting lately, isn’t it about time for some Palinese whine with justification?

  126. sdragon says:

    When TeenSayrah first popped up long ago, someone put this link up. I went there & read the whole thing. It spooked me. Some of you may have already seen this. I,d like to provide the link but sigh, I don’t know how to do that. So if you google this I think it will take you there. It’s about a freaky person named Bil Collier & his warped ideas, including his part in TeenSayrah.
    operation pied Caution: could cause nausea!

  127. Lee323 says:

    Well, she’s a barrier for any ethical standards.

    Actually….she’s just a barrier for anything…..except the barrier method. Abstinence only.

  128. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    HEY! I want that purple tree in MY yard! It’s the tallest, brightest thing around. I have a ton of trees in my yard, but none as majestic and purple as that one!

    Palin certainly is a barrier to all standards. It also appears that she is getting more paranoid by the day – this is a GREAT sign! The more she feels under attack, the snarkier and stupider she behaves. She’ll screw up, again and again. Just corner her and she’ll snarl. Love it.

    It started in Wasilla, where she couldn’t control her “barrier to all standards”, and she brought it right with her to the governorship. She’s got baggage, all right – and it’s not the kind you have to pay extra for to fly with! She can’t check it, she can’t leave it in a locker, she can’t get someone else to carry it – it’s ALL HERS and it’s gonna be weighing her down more and more.

  129. Ripley in CT says:

    tee hee @ Standard Barrier!

    And these people want to get her elected?

  130. who me? says:

    Susan Boyle is fabulous. She bring tears to my eyes when she sings. Standard barrier? How appropriate.

  131. zyggy says:

    She’s a barrier, lol, that was hilarious, but so true. Silly Sarah committee, guess they’ve figured out the truth too.

  132. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    ‘Standard barrier’ pretty much sums up most of Sarah’s supporters. Seems like a lot them got ‘left behind’ under Bush.

  133. Alaska Pi says:

    Oh my- I don’t think the ghastly gov is gonna like such a clear assessment by her besotted fans.
    In this land of purple trees and unicorns and likely some shy slithy toves, the gov has come to believe her own make-believe- that she is rather extra-ordinary.
    Being outed as merely standard is gonna sting.
    Not that being a barrier to real progress and good sense isn’t a feat in itself… but being a standard ole boring barrier… gonna sting…

  134. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    If Sarah is still in draft form, when are they going to get around to editing?

  135. austintx says:

    Speaking of Bush – if there is a category beyond W.T.F. x 10 – this might not even land there………..

  136. sauerkraut says:

    Yes, she is the “standard barrier” to nearly all things near and dear to “everyday average working people.”

    That woman wouldn’t know how to get out of our way even if the door hits her behiney as she’s going through.

  137. lemonfair says:

    oops. sorry

  138. lemonfair says:

    I just love that the Bush administration pushed things through without regard to the law so that we can undo even more of them. Now if we could just impeach Bybee and find a way to undo Cheney…

    Somebody- quick – get a “standard barrier” web site

  139. lemonfair says:

    I just love that the Bush administration pushed things through without regard to the law so that we can undo even more of them. Now if we could just impeach Bybee and find a way to undo Cheney.

    Somebody- quick – get a “standard barrier” web site

  140. austintx says:

    standard barrier ??

  141. UK Lady says:

    The noodle heads are going to have to accept that their standard barrier is about as safe as that one around the oil tanks near Mt. Redoubt.

    So far she has aligned herself with Perry, how stupid was that?, his own state is disgusted with him. She could have gone with KBH, but no, she likes playing with the boys.

    She has aligned herself now with Steele, from everything I’ve read he will be out on his a*se when Murphy gains the NY 20 district over Tedisco (virtually a wrap according to Nate on 538).

    Every time Rush extolls her virtues she makes herself more unacceptable. She doesn’t have the b*lls to diss him, just like the rest of the no hopers. And, if she thinks having Ann Coulter on her side is a good thing, I have a bridge etc. etc.

  142. austintx says:

    13 Irishgirl Says:
    April 21st, 2009 at 3:19 AM
    Lol……loved the photo!!
    Don’t forget to share with your friends !!

  143. austintx says:

    lynnrockets – lynnrockets – lynnrockets

    Time to Rock the house !!!

  144. Irishgirl says:

    Lol……loved the photo!!

  145. austintx says:

    And from the other thread……..this is my personal “official” picture of sarah. And in the top left hand corner it says I can share with friends. I consider mudpuppies my friends. Share- baby-share !!!!

  146. austintx says:


  147. austintx says:

    5 Tealwomin Says:
    April 21st, 2009 at 12:24 AM
    yes, she can sing…i spend about 2 hrs the other night on U-tube, watching Brit Got Talent…now there a teen who ‘they say’ can sing like stevie wonder and might be in the running too..

    once i start watching, it’s hard to stop…
    Yup – the 12 yr. old boy can sing. The sing-off between him and Ms. Boyle is gonna be awsome.

  148. Cynamen Winter says:

    @ Chaim Says:
    April 21st, 2009 at 12:49 AM

    SP the “standard barrier”! Love it! Where she stands, there can be no standards!
    I love it when “truth” is undeniable! AKM~ you do great work… and appear more liberated since doodoo’s dastardly deed. If they only had a clue….they’d be more careful.

    Post Script ~ Thanks for all the splendid photographs… and that’s coming from another avid photographer!

    Enjoy the day everyone!

  149. Irishgirl says:

    Here is another Susan Boyle song — Killing Me Softly

  150. Chaim says:

    SP the “standard barrier”! Love it! Where she stands, there can be no standards!

  151. Tealwomin says:

    Draft GiNo 2012..she’ll have a better chnce of getting into the NBA…she’s not even qualified to walk pass the WH…much less live in it….

  152. Tealwomin says:

    yes, she can sing…i spend about 2 hrs the other night on U-tube, watching Brit Got Talent…now there a teen who ‘they say’ can sing like stevie wonder and might be in the running too..

    once i start watching, it’s hard to stop…

  153. Irishgirl says:

    I shed a tear everytime I hear Susan Boyle sing — what an incredible voice!
    Love the trees too! 🙂

  154. BigSlick says:

    Drool, baby, drool……all over that standard barrier you keep banging your head against.

  155. Ah – type fast fingers – love the trees in Nunam Iqua – I expect there may be snipes awaiting to be hunted as well. I loved the ‘a company that clutches the pulse of the online audience and refuses to let go” another priceless AKM-style metaphor – or perhaps that is an analogy – and I probably lost my first place in line by being so wordy. – night all.

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