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Ethics Complaint Filed Against Sarah Palin for “Misuse of Official Position”

This just in…


An ethics complaint against Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will be filed this afternoon asserting that Palin’s involvement with SarahPAC constitutes “outside employment” and “misuse of official position.”

Anchorage resident Sondra Tompkins, child disability advocate and mother of a special needs child, is filing the complaint after observing Governor Palin repeatedly display “a pattern of unethical behavior.”   Sondra believes that the tipping point for her was Sarah Palin’s most recent abdication of her role as Governor and apparent conflict-of-interest when she spoke at two outside events in Indiana rather than work with the Alaska Legislature during the most critical time, the end of the session.

The complaint alleges:

a) Governor Palin has entered into a contract outside of her official duties with the donors, employees, partners and any or all other participants involved in Sarah PAC.  

b) The recent partisan trip to Indiana by the Governor was purely to benefit personal interests, had no benefit for the State of Alaska and was in direct conflict with her official duties.

c) The Governor left the State to participate in these events during the most critical end-of-session Legislative activities, at a time where the legislators themselves are not permitted to leave.

Let’s see…(counting and running out of fingers)…that makes an even dozen ethics complaints.  What should we call this one?  Where’s Sarah Gate?

[Also see my article on Huffington Post HERE]

UPDATE:  Copy of official ethics complaint here >>>  ethicscomplainttompkins



258 Responses to “Ethics Complaint Filed Against Sarah Palin for “Misuse of Official Position””
  1. Davey says:

    Ha, i actually know someone called Sarah Gates.

  2. Mizz Kitteh says:

    yay! happy earth day!

  3. libby says:

    From the ADN: “Someone has to be the adult in this situation. Levi is 18. Sarah is … well, older. I would suggest that she take the adult role.”

    Just get back to work, gov…is that too much to ask?

  4. Tewise says:

    According to the press press lease McCallister stated that Ms. Tompkins violated her ethics also by announcing her complaint. But after reading the passage McCallister posted on the site “Sec. 39.52.340. it does not refer to the citizens it refers to the actions of the legislative bodies. If I remember correctly this passage was just passed this year.

    Why are they making Ms. Tompkins the bad guy. If you are in politics you should know that you will be held in a different light to others. These press releases are crazy, about the money it takes to defend the gov. If they are such garbage why in the world do you need someone to represent you. If you are above board and honest in your dealings you should have nothing to hide and you definitely do not need a lawyer spokesman. Go in front of the board answer their questions about the trip and move on, why do you need an attorney.

    It is a complaint some people think it is criminal to file them. So if you go to a restaurant and you meal is not prepared right are you just going to eat it and be quiet. If a policeman is seen sitting in his car and it parked and you notice that he is asleep are you going to act like you didn’t see him and him not doing his job. Aren’t you going to complain? Another example the Mayor of some little town there sorry can’t remember what town, but he wanted to play police and pull people over and write them tickets. Doesn’t people have the right to complain? It is a complaint not a criminal charge, not a lawsuit, not an impeachment, not a recall, it is only a citizen complaining that her governor is not doing her job in her opinion. Why, oh why does this need to be drawn out, attorney’s suiting up, why not have the governor come to a meeting in front of the board and just answer questions?

    By the Gov.’s actions or inaction it appears that she is doing wrong and she knows it and that is why she owes that law firm so much money. According to that press release they said none of the complaints have been substantiated, which we know that is not true, two of them we know of (could be more) were found that she did violate the ethics law.

  5. lisabeth says:

    She is SO incredibly low class. You don’t respond like that on a government website. It makes her look more guilty. It shows her anger and it only makes things worse for her. Can you imagine Obama responding to personal complaints on his website?
    She just does not get it…….

  6. nswfm CA says:

    Womanwithsardinecan, my kittykids send you purrs and loves.

  7. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    “Under the Legislative Ethics Act, publicizing an ethics complaint against a lawmaker would result in the automatic dismissal of that complaint. The Executive Ethics Act does not contain that provision.”

    So why is he talking about it?

    “[McAllister] noted that the governor left Alaska only twice during the recently completed legislative session — for a total of just four days, including travel time — and that during both trips she conducted state government business.”

    The money shot.

  8. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 9:16 PM
    And the Governor responds to the complaint:
    Latest Complaint Deemed Outrageous
    So does this mean Billy Mc is back?

  9. yukonbushgrma says:

    @ womanwithsardinecan:
    (and all the rest of you)

    Doggone it, now you’ve all got me cryin’ ……….

  10. EyeOnYou says:

    And the Governor responds to the complaint:

    Latest Complaint Deemed Outrageous

  11. UgaVic says:

    234 womanwithsardinecan Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 5:25 PM
    Sorry to be so negative. My beloved 17 year old cat is dying. I can’t stop crying. I can’t decide whether to have her put to sleep or wait another few days or a week
    I have an 18 y/o kitty that is in the same shape. Take it one day at a time. I would have told you mine was only a day or so away over a month ago. Talked to our vet and they said “you will know”.
    I was amazed by how well she came back. Still know we are stalling but she is purring, eating and looking for pets. When that stops it will be time.
    Believe me I know the feeling and send so many hugs and good thoughts
    Victoria B

  12. tm68 says:

    RE- the moose story- the school is in the “Wasilla” district, but phyiscal address is considered Palmer. It’s all under the heading of the borough district, but most of the kids attending that middle school live in the Wasilla city limits- not Palmer.

    I’m still a bit in shock over that story. Not even remotely excusable.

  13. Quetzalcoatl says:

    234 womanwithsardinecan
    Aw, I feel for you. It’s indeed sad and a tough decision, even when that day comes. I’m sure those 17 years have been wonderful and you’ve enjoyed each others company and the cat thanks you for that.
    My Mom had to take her 17 year old Abby [they usually live 8 or so years] in. She also let us know it was time. Truly. It took a while, but now Mom has taken in 2 feral cats. A Mom and her daughter. The Mom is still very, very cautious and is trying to teach the daughter to be careful, the kid ignores her. They’re a sight, rumbling in the hallways. They look like horses running side by side, neck on neck.

    244 EyeOnYou I understand, it’s good to go over what the other party may do, but ‘we’ don’t let them even go there. It’s a typical stance of victimizers. That’s why we don’t even bite and point to the issues today and the facts. Besides, so many of her predecessors are in jail, it doesn’t count.

  14. Basheert says:

    Womanwithsardinecan: As a feline supporter, I would like to share my feelings with you.
    My cats – the girls – the children – always have a way to communicate what “we” as “their”humans must do.
    I’ve always believe that I know when the time comes, because they do too.
    When we adopt our fur-children, we are endowed with the wisdom to enable them to share with us, their end-time.
    I’ve talked with many friends who agree. We know when their time has come. If we don’t sense it, it isn’t right.
    When I choose them – I also accept the responsibility to be there and make a choice when it is “time”….I care enough to be there. Our furrpeople are with us at the beginning of their lives – and I consider myself honored to be able to be there at the end.
    It is so hard to let our beloved pets go – but it is a gift that they trust us to make that decision.
    To those that I am boring – or feel I am off topic.
    To share a live is a gift.
    To be there at this end is a trust.

    Thanks for understanding.

  15. Nan says:

    what yukonbushgrma said is 100% right on.

    You have my sympathy and support. you’re both in my thoughts.


  16. EyeOnYou says:

    Quetzalcoatl Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 3:54 PM
    EyeOnYou: “No doubt there will be comparisons between Gov. Palin and her predecessors on the amount of time spent out of the session….”

    We aren’t comparing here. We’re looking at Palin’s attendance record, not someone’s from the past, please. We’re setting new standards today, yesterday’s suposed ’standards’ don’t apply today, there are many more pressing issues today, also.


    I understand what you mean and I happen to agree. I was pointing out what Palin supporters would start doing. I have seen it time and again, when anything is brought up, they immediately start to compare to her predecessors and always claim she is doing better than they are. In my opinion that is just like saying, “well sure she is bad, but she isn’t as bad as those others so why complain”. It is laughable at best.

  17. EyeOnYou says:

    I notice that Celtic Diva has some of those C4Pers so aggravated that they are ranting and raving about hate and how they love sarah so much and one is even making the claim he is now sending $500 to SarahPAC because of it. You can almost see the veins popping out around his skull, his eyes bulging and the spit flying out of his mouth onto the keyboard as he types it out.
    LMAO if this group isn’t seriously messed up in the head I don’t know who is.
    Not a single one of them can have a rational conversation and discuss why they don’t believe in this ethical complaint other than to say it is all about hating Sarah and being jealous of her. If this is the kind of people she has supporting her, then she needs to think long and hard about accepting that kind of support. Then again, I think perhaps that she craves that kind of adoration.

  18. tm68 says:

    Bravo Sondra! I’ve never read an entire ethics complaint on Palin before- just the “cliff notes”, so it was fascinating to see the format. It is well-written and very credible. What is the time span between a filing and a respone or investigation?

  19. sauerkraut says:

    # 204 Aussie Blue Sky Says: April 22nd, 2009 at 1:34 PM

    I thought the ethics complaint would be about her conspiracy with WA Ross regarding the senate seat.


    I’ve been re-reading the materials related to this and think it would make not only an excellent ethics complaint but also an item into which the US Attorney’s office could sink its teeth (think Blago). Maybe Shannyn, Andree, Linda and Sondra can combine their talents to get this one moving.

  20. yukonbushgrma says:

    @ womanwithsardinecan:
    Oh, I can’t find words ….. so, so sorry. Reminds me of when we lost our 15-year-old beloved Heinz 57 mutt a few years ago. Back then someone said something I’ll always remember: “You know, when they’re ready to go, they will let you know.”

    You know, it’s true. We could tell that he no longer wanted to live that way. He told us. And I suspect your dear kitty will tell you too. Until then, just keep on lovin’. Best to you.

  21. sauerkraut says:

    Basheert Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 12:49 PM

    The C4Peeeeeers are really being nasty on the HuffPo Buzz – especially on the AKM blog.

    Guess when ADN shut down their “abuse” game, they decided to take it elsewhere.

    c4pee’rs are prime examples of what is currently wrong with and in America. They bring nothing to the table except their paranoid self-centeredness. For them, life is a conspiracy wrought by critters who inhabit Area 51. Is it any wonder then that they are eager to stick their collective noses up Sarah Palin’s nether regions?

  22. sauerkraut says:

    # 133 the problem child IS MY NAME Says: April 22nd, 2009 at 11:09 AM

    I sincerely hope I am wrong.


    Unfortunately, you are not.

  23. GlobalVillage says:

    I really hope that poor moose wasn’t Brian or Brenda. This is pure evil. There is definitely a link between animal cruelty in younger years and criminal behavior in adulthood. The poor animal.

  24. sauerkraut says:

    102 AlaskaGuy Says: April 22nd, 2009 at 10:28 AM

    This one seems pretty thin, but to me that isn’t the point. Just the simple fact that so many people are pissed off enough with you to bring ethics complaints should tell you something. The rate is greater than one a month isn’t it?

    Which brings up another concern. A number of the ethics complaints, imho, are marginal. Considering the number of filed complaints, she could easily make a defense centered around politics by volume, ie, death by a thousand politically motivated cuts. It’s a slippery slope best avoided. My suggestions have centered around substantive complaints to the IRS and DOJ relative to the house and a few other things (Allen’s initial contribution to Palin?).

  25. sauerkraut says:

    31 Professor Geezer Says: April 22nd, 2009 at 8:41 AM

    @sauerkraut, I always enjoy your posts, even when you make fun of me. 🙂
    But why should Palin have to go outside of AK to exercise her right to free speech? Why not speak about the same topic during the legislative session in AK?

    She told the crowd she gets TONS of invitations to speak, but she picked that one. So it would be hard to say she had no other opportunity for free speech…even on that topic.

    Sorry I’m a bit late with my response but here goes.

    We do not get to tell each other where and at what time we get to exercise our free speech rights. Nor are we limited in our travels, unless incarcerated. She may be the governor, but she’s not (yet) a prison inmate.

    I agree that she should have focused on her duties as governor. But does her lack of attention to more important matters mean that she acted unethically? No.

    No matter how annoying she is or self-aggrandizing or whatever, she still gets to enjoy the same rights as any of her (cough) fans do. That may annoy us, but that’s just the way it is. It is a line we should never cross.

  26. womanwithsardinecan says:

    Sorry to be so negative. My beloved 17 year old cat is dying. I can’t stop crying. I can’t decide whether to have her put to sleep or wait another few days or a week. Evil children and horrid fake governors somehow make it worse. I have only recently, in the last couple of days, felt brave enough to venture into comments. I have read the AKM posts for a week or so, before that I avoided all Alaska. Just too depressing, too nasty, too disheartening, too…Palin.

  27. Matha says:

    Several key conservative movement leaders, in an attempt to jack up pressure against Kathleen Sebelius Wednesday, sent a memo to the Senate urging members of both parties to oppose her Health and Human Services Secretary nomination. Sebelius cleared a key Senate committee yesterday by a comfortable 15-8 margin and her nomination is expected to come up for a vote shortly.

    We all know by now this was SarahPac. With no concern whatsoever to state business, most importantly the stimulus monies, Palin throws her full weight into taking down Kathleen Sebelius. Palin could not be 1/1000000000 the governor Sebeleius was.

    Conservative Movement Throws Full Weight Against Sebelius

    Link and excerpt;

    Calling themselves “leaders of a citizen based conservative movement,” the letter-writers followed up on an eleventh-hour effort by a group of Sarah Palin supporters to derail Sebelius’ nomination. The push against Sebelius is unusual for how long it took to gather steam after her nomination was announced in late February, nearly two months ago.

    The letter is signed by Tony Perkins, James Dobson, Grover Norquist and other leaders of the conservative movement. The opposition flags Sebelius for tax problems, but their major concern with the Kansas governor is her pro-choice stance on abortion.

  28. InJuneau says:

    Now that it’s been filed, it’s disappeared into the “we can’t talk about it” world of the Dept. of Law I think. We won’t hear anything unless and until there’s a decision made and the parties agree to let the findings become public (at least I think that’s what happens).

  29. honestyinGov says:

    I was reading Celtic Divas blog last night and I got to wondering…

    Who will oversee the Cat-Gate complaint….. and where is it at right now….?

  30. InJuneau says:

    Actually, that moose death was in Palmer, where I expected somewhat better behavior than Wasilla, but there you have it…

  31. Judith says:

    First of all, the moose death in Wasilla is so disgusting. And, sooooo Wasilla! With Sarah Palin as a role model, what do you expect? I hope Huffington Post picks this story up! Ughhhh. Nasty little brats.

  32. Quetzalcoatl says:

    Misuse of official position?

    Not at all, Palin has been lying, down on her job

    She believes it’s cheaper by the dozen, including ethics violations. What a frugal shopper.

    Damn bloggers agin’.

    Soon she’ll have her phd, piled high and deeper [in sh^t].

    I salute Ms. Tompkins for her vision.

    Up next, HOUSEgate! How DID that house by the lake appear so miraculously at the same time the Wasilla Community Rink went up? How many ‘Friends’ does Dud have to build it so quickly. And the skillz between them is truly diverse. Backhoe’s, framers, brick layers, shinglers, electricians, plumbers, drywallers, painters… wadda list. Indeed.

    45 EyeOnYou: “No doubt there will be comparisons between Gov. Palin and her predecessors on the amount of time spent out of the session….”

    We aren’t comparing here. We’re looking at Palin’s attendance record, not someone’s from the past, please. We’re setting new standards today, yesterday’s suposed ‘standards’ don’t apply today, there are many more pressing issues today, also.

    8 BPOINT This wet noodle wasn’t written on a kitchen table. More like a solid oak one. The 5 pages are quite succinct in outlining the why. Reaching for an excuse and saying it was to promote tourism, did she hand out any pamphlets? Did she even take any. Just doing a book report on Alaska doesn’t seem to cut it, frankly. Did she meet with a tourism head of state? No lunch? Didn’t think so. In fact, the group she spoke to has nothing to do with promoting advertising travel to Alaska in Indiana. Amateur hour. That dog won’t hunt.

    sjk Banned? Then register with a new name, new email, a throw away type like gmail or hotmail or yahoo…

    209 Nan Sarah the wedding planner. LOL. Good one. Loved that.

  33. CCH says:

    To anyone waiting for Larry King’s show, there is an interesting article in the L.A. Times about his interview tonight with Levi.

    Go to the L.A. Times and type in Levi Johnston. It should be the top item.

    Good for a laugh!

  34. Tewise says:

    Lainey…………..yup sooner or later it will get her, when all else fails we have IRS

  35. Lainey says:

    I have to disagree with some, I read this complaint and it has some teeth. When investigating this complaint guess her some of her witnesses are going to be? Yep you got it the Senate and the House. Remember all the statements they have made about her not looking out for the state of Alaska her being awol. About her not being there to tell them whether she is backing whatever legislation is up.
    just had a twisted thought…please forgive me!
    remember how OJ was aquitted the first time on the obvious? (in my opinion)…then he was incriminated later on a totally different charge and is now in prison for a very, very long time…because his behavior never changed. Karma?
    She has been given all these get-out-of-jail-free cards on all her other ‘gates’, but because her behavior never changes, she will be found guilty of SOMETHING down the road…when she least expects it. Of course, I hope it’s sooner, than later. I hope witnesses and others won’t be intimidated or afraid to do the right thing for their state. She won’t have the power to retaliate if she’s behind bars, where she belongs. I’d even settle for a cushy, locked-down, ‘medical’ institution or stripping her of her title. Didn’t they do that to Blago?… including barring him from EVER holding a public service position again? I like Blago…I DON’T like palin.

  36. InJuneau says:

    New thread alert…

  37. Tewise says:

    I have to disagree with some, I read this complaint and it has some teeth. When investigating this complaint guess her some of her witnesses are going to be? Yep you got it the Senate and the House. Remember all the statements they have made about her not looking out for the state of Alaska her being awol. About her not being there to tell them whether she is backing whatever legislation is up. Her associates not being able to advise them of the Gov. wishes. Even her behavior to the aide in the office where she showed her natural a@@ will probably come into play too. Then even if she did want to call it a baby vacation might not be good because what she should have done was left the Lt. Gov. in charge while she was out of state…just my opinion

  38. trisha says:

    Palin really does think she is above the law, doesn’t she?

  39. pvazwindy says:

    Alaska, you’ve been duped. You’re paying the gov $125 grand a year, when you could have had her for a box of Hersheys.

  40. austintx says:

    Terpsichore Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 2:27 PM
    Does Gov. Sarah Palin understand that her choice for Attoney General, Wayne Anthoney Ross, would have been more likely to represent Levi Johnston or Mike Wooten than Bristol Palin or Molly Heath?
    Yup , you are spot on. And that’s why she wanted him , because he is an ass-wipe who would “protect” her. She has no principles of any kind.

  41. austintx says:

    womanwithsardinecan – Hi !! sigh………..yeah that kinda stuff makes you wanna kick a parents ass. Well – nice to see ya again.

  42. JakeW says:

    One of the comments I haven’t seen on this has to do with Alaska having more stringent ethics laws, partially due to the widespread corruption that has been perceived up here and which Sarah Palin was ironically elected to combat.
    I have read the Alaska ethics laws and the Indiana visit does seem to be at odds with what would be considered a conflict of interest as defined by Alaska law, particularly with regard to the trip occurring at the end of the legislative session.

    I don’t know the laws under which Mitt Romney or Obama ran for President , but I suspect they are less stringent. So what is legal for Massachussetts or for a federal employee such as a U.S. Senator may be far different than what is legal for an Alaskan government post, which is what Palin was elected to.

  43. Terpsichore says:

    Does Gov. Sarah Palin understand that her choice for Attoney General, Wayne Anthoney Ross, would have been more likely to represent Levi Johnston or Mike Wooten than Bristol Palin or Molly Heath?

    And she thought he was the best choice for all Alaskans …

  44. ericmiami says:

    Can a person living in Florida file a complaint about the way Palin makes me feel since she is losing her looks quicker than a wilting rutabaga?

  45. Haiku for you says:

    Bloggers are busy
    Another Palingate crops up
    Sarah Palin Falls

  46. deist says:

    Aussie Blue Sky:

    I agree. What about the rights of the 30,000 plus people in that senate district who she cut off from being represented for much of the legislative session?

  47. Daisy daisy says:

    Larry King Live Blog Comments Open Now

    Go here to leave questions for tonights show……there seem to be more hateful rather than useful questions/comments at the moment.

  48. Libby says:

    BigPete: I’m still shaking my head…that tape is insane. Thank you for sharing…I think. ; (

  49. Nan says:

    I haven’t been able to get the complaint to open; in a bit, I’ll reboot and try again. It just seems to me that travel is part of a Governor’s job… but NOT when the legislative session is in the last push before shutting down for the season. It’s a little like the wedding planner “delegating” all over the place, and top it off by ducking out of town for the night of the wedding rehearsal & dinner. Nuts, is what it is.

    As for the middle schoolers, apparently they were disciplined, but no one will say how many or how – citing ‘privacy” of the students. Humpf.

    I read the post on Wonkette, and felt a little nauseous afterwards. Redstate was singled out for having made snarky innuendo, but wonkette’s was even more distastful (to me).

  50. Lainey says:

    thanks for the link.
    What Thinking Folks Are Up Against…….the perfect title!
    What lowest-of-the-low caliber of voters put these ppl in the House???
    Unbelievably ignorant and pompous at the same time!
    What an embarrassment for the states they represent! It’s also unfortunate that the majority who placed these high and mighty in their seats are satisfied with their swell-headed, uninformed points of view!

  51. sandra in oregon says:

    There is some writing on another site that advocates having W.A.R. do the pro bono defense of SP on this charge. I would think he might join in the charge because his loss of the approval may have been connected to the governor being gone. She should have been working the legislators to ensure passage of the nomination. Have I lost a piece in the logic here?

  52. womanwithsardinecan says:

    The moose torture story makes me feel sick. Actually makes me want to kill some young people by throwing them repeatedly against a wall until they die in agony. I thought I was going to make it all the way through the comments without feeling like leaving all things Alaska. Who is raising the kids in that sick valley? I feel so sick.

  53. BigPete says:

    Energy Secretary Steven Chu (the Nobel laureate who stole Palin’s job) fielding questions from moronic Republicans re. oil in Alaska.

  54. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    I’m disappointed. I thought the ethics complaint would be about her conspiracy with WA Ross regarding the senate seat.

  55. Gindy50 says:

    This poll has been freeped, show the Prez some love!

  56. phoebe says:

    Lord Have Mercy…I never bother to go to Sarah Palin websites they annoy me, but I ventured over to one. They thought McCain shoulld apologize to Sarah for not mentioning her for 2012 & also you can light a candle for Sarah….so far over 133, 845 candles have been lit from 113 countries. This really makes me look forward to tonight. She’s becoming a damn martyr.

  57. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    EyeOnYou, no attacks except on Levi, Obama, and Trig Truthers!

  58. penny says:

    Mudflats ran the ethics story..
    I went over to C4Pee and noticed they hadnt yet mentioned the coverage
    I thought how strange.,,
    They are usually ahead of the curve with new S.P. stuff

    Then checked back a few hours later and .. lo and behold
    NOT one but TWO coverage’s of this
    One, the first, seemed a little shady

    Like was put out AFTER the ethics complaint was known
    and yet went on about some off the wall story saying.. hmm.. I just see another ethics complaint coming relating to her Indiana trip

    Then the next one.. ooops OH I was right there is a new ethics complaint

    Totally silly.. like holy shiatz a new ethics complaint.. How can I post this story as to keep the morale up with my following,..err fellow bloggers
    C4Pee on this subject, see right through it..

  59. nswfm CA says:

    Somewhere I saw a thing that said something like “men are men, women wear lipstick and kids torture a moose” so I went to ADN and saw the following:

    VALLEY STUDENTS DISCIPLINED AFTER MOOSE DEATH (Mat-Su Frontiersman): A group of Colony Middle School students have been disciplined for taunting a moose so severely, the frightened animal repeatedly threw itself into a wall until it died. The story about the incident is drawing extensive and angry reader comment at One who described herself as a Colony student wrote: “I for one I was ready to kill those kids — they were eighth-graders … It ran into a metal fence, three times till its antler went into its head. Most people were laughing except my friends and I. We were crying, while others made fun of us for crying for the moose.”

    What is in that water up there? Torturing an animal to death? Has Cheney been shooting people in the face there to train them to be jerks?

  60. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    ds55, Now you are starting to sound like a c4p “moderator”. Give this a try…skip the posts you dont want to read….

  61. lisabeth says:

    Canadian Neighbor and others,

    I am playing Devils advocate. Look at Obama. He was a senator for two of the years he was running for president and he missed many votes and important meetings and was raising money during that time. I do not think what she is doing is that uncommon (unfortunately). That is why I am not sure this is a great complaint, sorry, my opinion.

    PS If you notice I did say that the fact she was gone during the end of the session was the most important / significant part of the complaint…….

  62. WrongTruth says:

    Well, can’t wait for GINO’s response to Levi. I’m surprised she hasn’t commented already. Hopefully Larry will ask if Trig is Bristol’s baby.

    Looks like Alaska gets a chopper.
    Wonder who gets it, Todd or Wasilla.

  63. ds55 says:

    I have never visited “c4p”, the website for supporters of GINO. I don’t intend to go there. I don’t need to know what they’re saying, maybe others find that fun or interesting, I don’t. I especially don’t like to see multiple posts here on Mudflats telling me what’s going on over on “c4p” because it’s becoming an ongoing petty argument now. Please stop it. If you want to visit their site, help yourself, but spare me the drama. Thank you.

  64. Canadian Neighbour says:

    You don’t take a 36 hour vacation within the last 5 days of a Legislature Session that only sits once a year.

    It also appears that it was more than 36 hours in that from the time she left til the time she returned, then seemed unavailable to which you add it was the baby’s birthday on the Saturday. 36 hours — a lie

  65. hedgewytch says:

    “Guess when ADN shut down their “abuse” game, they decided to take it elsewhere.” Basheert: What’s the news there? Last night when I checked the C4P’ers were proudly proclaiming their “abuse reported” powers.

  66. EyeOnYou says:

    sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 1:09 PM
    EyeOnYou, the sure do have a ZERO tolerance for dissention over at see four pee.
    they called me names and told me I was rude and banned me! Ouch!

    No surprise there. It also goes to show what a liar Videmus Omnia is. This person came here and stated that they didn’t ban people for disagreeing with them and that they didn’t allow personal attacks or slander against anyone.

  67. lisabeth says:

    I agree she should NOT be posting Alaska News on her Sarahpac page That just seems very inappropriate to me. Is she posting that same information “for Alaskans” other places? Like on the state website or in the newspaper. That is pretty strange!!!

    The other thing about this complaint I feel unsure of is that it says that Gov Palin is not entitled to a 36 hour vacation. Well, that is just unrealistic isn’t it? Don’t all Governors take some vacation?

    After reading the complaint, there are some good things in it, the most important being that she left town during the very crucial days of the end of the session. I wish that stood out as the main complaint….. just my opinion….

  68. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    EyeOnYou, the sure do have a ZERO tolerance for dissention over at see four pee.
    they called me names and told me I was rude and banned me! Ouch!

  69. Gindy50 says:

    “How many times have we seen on this blog, people saying they were planing a cruise to Ak. and changed thier minds because of Palin? Is that helping Ak?”

    Not just a cruise. We had planned a 21 person family reunion 2 week tour of Alaska that included tours, sled rides, etc. We canceled it due to the aerial wolf shooting when they first started it. We would love to replan the trip, but not until the unwarranted, idiotic slaughter of the very animals we want to see is stopped and made illegal.

  70. lisabeth says:

    Speaking at a RIGHT TO LIFE Banquet is NOT a “charity” trip! That is crazy!!!

    I am not sure of what I think of this complaint though, I just read it. Other politicians clearly have these pacs and full time jobs and I am sure not every trip they take is for their state. I have to read it closely. It is just important (I think) that complaints that aren’t valid aren’t turned in or they could start to sound very partisan. I am not saying this one is invalid at all, I am just reading it.

    Also Basheert or someone, where does this “connie” use AKMs name …on Huffington?
    What a jerk really……..

    I can only imagine how the CPees are spinning this and I await Sarah’s new press release blaming bloggers…. I bet there are even more ethics complaints coming. What happened to religiongate? That seemed like one of the worst to me.

  71. austintx says:

    People that read Huffpo can spot lame s^*t a mile away……just like we can.

  72. austintx says:

    178 mmboucher Florida Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 12:55 PM
    How many times have we seen on this blog, people saying they were planing a cruise to Ak. and changed thier minds because of Palin? Is that helping Ak?
    Co almost native mentioned 2 large groups. One was 70 people.

  73. austintx says:

    Tealwomin – Thanks for the PAC info.

  74. mmboucher Florida says:

    How many times have we seen on this blog, people saying they were planing a cruise to Ak. and changed thier minds because of Palin? Is that helping Ak?

  75. EyeOnYou says:

    Basheert, is that really any surprise? Just from reading their comments on their own site you can see that they have little reading comprehension at all, let alone any ability to counter argue something in any rational way without resorting to the typical name calling and such. It shows their immaturity and the level at which their minds operate.

  76. Basheert says:

    The C4Peeeeeers are really being nasty on the HuffPo Buzz – especially on the AKM blog.

    Guess when ADN shut down their “abuse” game, they decided to take it elsewhere.

  77. EyeOnYou says:

    Basheert Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 12:37 PM
    EyeonYou: Didn’t you know people like this in high school or junior high? They follow the popular ones around – you know, the Ken and Barbies. The hangers on all think that by carrying Ken and Barbie’s trash, they become popular by association.
    And all the time, Ken and Barbie are laughing at the for being so stupid.

    Yes I saw a lot of that while I was in school, but most of those people actually grew up and out of that childish and immature behavior. I see that these guys didn’t and undoubtedly won’t ever grow out of it if this behavior is any indication. Just like the one they worship.

  78. Basheert says:

    BigPete: The RTLers at her speech/talk were mouthbreathing worshippers. She could have recited “See Spot Run” and they would have drooled in approval.

  79. BigPete says:

    yukonbushgrma @166

    Now, she wasn’t attending a travel agency conference, was she? No, the gatherings were for RTL and DS, her pet projects. The travel connection has no bearing on the ethics complaint. And besides that, it was just plain goofy!
    Doesn’t the super-extra cleverness of the ‘travelogue’ imply that Palin’s help realized very well that the trip was bogus? A little bit embarrassing for the people in attendance…to be part-inadvertently- of the tourism silliness.

  80. Basheert says:

    EyeonYou: Didn’t you know people like this in high school or junior high? They follow the popular ones around – you know, the Ken and Barbies. The hangers on all think that by carrying Ken and Barbie’s trash, they become popular by association.
    And all the time, Ken and Barbie are laughing at the for being so stupid.

  81. DebinOH says:

    “OK…a little OT but I just went to see how “creepy” c4p was…I googled “c4p” and the first listing is NOT what I was looking for…creepy, yes, but it had little to do with SP. Yikes.”

    I did this the first time too. It was really kind of funny. Even funnier when you realize these people started calling themselves “teabaggers”. This is exactly why these people are all making fools of themselves. They don’t know what google is nor do they know they are always being filmed & documented. I think that WAR & Sarah are finding this out the hard way. Or not?

  82. EyeOnYou says:

    I notice that a lot of the C4P rationale is “well they did this, so it is okay if we do it back”.

    It reminds me of my children when they were small and how they used to rationalize their poor behavior as being caused by someone else.

    This is the same thing that the Governor does and they take their cue from her I guess. Either that or they are just a group of immature adults.

  83. Basheert says:

    Only if it also illegal for someone to impersonate being Governor.

  84. EyeOnYou says:

    sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 12:21 PM
    c4p is creepy. they keep banning me!


    Creepy is a very nice way to put it! 🙂

    Now they are talking about getting W.A.R. to do a pro bono job for them. They want to make it illegal to file “false” ethics complaints. So everyone better watch out or it will come back to get you! (their words not mine)

  85. libby says:

    OK…a little OT but I just went to see how “creepy” c4p was…I googled “c4p” and the first listing is NOT what I was looking for…creepy, yes, but it had little to do with SP. Yikes.

  86. yukonbushgrma says:

    re: that crazy disgusting rambling “Alaska travelogue” in her speech —

    Now, she wasn’t attending a travel agency conference, was she? No, the gatherings were for RTL and DS, her pet projects. The travel connection has no bearing on the ethics complaint. And besides that, it was just plain goofy!

  87. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    c4p is creepy. they keep banning me!

  88. Alaskan Sisu says:

    Yeah, STAR, where are Mr. and Mrs. Greta?

    Like ethics lawsuits, GINO is a real crap magnet. Perhaps they became de-mangetized and headed for cover.

  89. Sue says:

    Go, Sondra! Gosh—and she isn’t even one of us pesky anlke-biting bloggers. : )

  90. duct idaho palin says:

    I don’t get why anyone would take Sarah’s word for what a great state Alaska is, when Sarah spends so little time there herself.

  91. Tealwomin says:

    windpond…So use a RIGHT-2-LIFE Rally/Dinner to promote Alaska?

    OK, SURE, I believe that….LOL

  92. gnomestrath says:

    Why can’t someone file an ethics complaint agaist her because she falsley claimed she was capable of being the Governor of Alaska

  93. Basheert says:

    Charity Trip? The SarahNailpin Early Retirement Plan I hope.

    Get her to a psychiatrist, quickly.
    We took a long 3 week trip to Central America. A lot of people asked about where we lived and we told them.

    We did not write it off our taxes as “charity”.

    Has she found a loophole?

  94. Basheert says:

    I realize it was “outed” but we’ve all tried to not use it out of deference to AKM’s wishes and out of respect. I wonder if “Colleen Idiot” is the one who mailed the packet of info on the conservative bloggers hoping that the liberal bloggers would use the info?

    Just another sick C4Per???

  95. BPOINT says:

    Someone should tell C4P that journalists aren’t tourists.

  96. libby says:

    Thanks, Tealwomin…good info.

    Basheert: Saw that and cringed. Interesting that “Colleen” doesn’t grace us with her full name.

  97. windpond says:

    Over at C4P: “But, by all means, let’s slam Palin for a 36-hour charity trip to give a 40 minute speech — half of which was a travelogue for Alaska! She has done more to improve the tourist industry in Alaska than any governor in the state’s history.”
    So there’s the reason for the totally wacko intro to her speech.

  98. Tealwomin says:

    fec. gov 2009 PAC count

    Beginning in March, committees must disclose new information on their status to comply with regulations resulting from the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007 (HLOGA), known as the lobbyist bundling rules.
    A political committee that is directly or indirectly established, financed, maintained or controlled by a candidate for Federal office but which is not an authorized committee of the candidate or individual and which is not affiliated with an authorized committee of the candidate or individual must identify itself as a “Leadership PAC.” In addition, any political committee that is “established or controlled” by a lobbyist/registrant must identify itself as a “lobbyist/registrant PAC” on FEC forms. Registered committees must amend their Statements of Organization (the FEC form required to establish a committee) by March 29. Committees that register with the FEC on or after March 19 will have to identify themselves as Leadership PACs and/or lobbyist/registrant PACs.

  99. Basheert says:

    I hope you all realize that Colleen somebody or another has once again, used AKM’s whole name in the comment section.

  100. Enjay in E.MT says:

    I know ~ old news & off topic

    Anyword on those pesty confidential government emails
    that were CC’d to Todd’ers?
    That has been out there pending for quite some time…..

    Not that I am counting the days
    – or holding my breath
    – or how many more gray hairs are on my head ….

  101. MadasHelinVA says:


    I have to say that the comments on your ‘you tube’ vid appear to be more accurate than anyone here could ever elucidate due to restrictions on language, so I am thankful those comments said it like it really is about Zeigler. If Palin can stomach being around him for even one moment that tells me she is just like him – not worth a breath.

  102. PalinSucks says:

    Becki Donatelli, (Who is officially running Sarah PAC) and her fundraising and Internet strategy firm is based in Virginia. Is it something that, Team Sarah, directs donations to Virgina, as well? Is Donatelli, running both SarahPac & Team Sarah?

    Betcha if she is, she is transferring monies between to two organizations, from, Greta’s Scieno buddies. Another Palin scam?

  103. curiouser says:

    Yay! Huff Post is running AKM’s ‘Palin’s Dirty Dozen’ as a headliner on the Politics page.

  104. Tealwomin says:

    PACs have the option to file these reports quarterly or monthly, and may change their filing frequency as often as once a year. PACs that choose to file quarterly may be required to file certain pre- and post-election reports, depending on their activity.

  105. PalinSucks says:

    “SO AGAIN ‘Who is behind sarahPac?”
    they really didn’t answer the question….”

    The Husband Of Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren Is A ‘Protector Of The Palin Brand’

  106. Lilybart says:

    I guess we shouldn’t expect much news tonight on Larry King if Levi wants a book deal.

    He’ll save what he has,if he has been coached properly.

  107. Tealwomin says:

    the report is PAST DUE, just like GiNO

    “ she stood up for the old politics for the special interests, for the lobbyists, the big oil companies, and the good-ol’-boy network.”

  108. EyeOnYou says:

    The FEC website still shows “SarahPAC” as $0 so they have not given the information as of yet, either that or it is not available as of yet.

  109. Angler says:

    John Ziegler, Palin’s documentary “Media Malpractice” filmmaker was on a dating reality show. Here’s the footage John isn’t happy about.

    Hint: The date didn’t work out, and it ends ugly.

  110. libby says:

    Are the SarahPac contributions on public record? How about any expenditures by the group? Who keeps these folks accountable?

    Nice catch, Tealwomin!

  111. AddictedToMud says:

    Okay I know it’s childish but every time I see caPharaS I can’t help but see it phonetically … problem solved : x

  112. Ethan says:

    Yes! Another ethics probe! Hooray! 😀

  113. austintx says:

    136 Canadian Neighbour Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 11:27 AM
    Sounds like we have Indi-Gate.

    She zoomed out of town like a speeding Indy car!!

    hahahahahahaha !!!

  114. Tealwomin says:

    Something About Sarah…the movie

    Popcorn anyone?

  115. Cathy says:

    Kudos to you AKM and all that you do!

  116. austintx says:

    I’m sure it has been asked and answered. How often do PAC’s have to release the financial statement ?? Is Sarahpac due ??

  117. Ennealogic says:

    Who decides where the SarahPAC donations are spent? Who gets to spend them? What kind of account are they in and who has signature authority on that account?

  118. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Sounds like we have Indi-Gate.

    She zoomed out of town like a speeding Indy car!!

  119. Tealwomin says:

    Please note:
    There are many websites claiming to support Sarah Palin. is the ONLY political action committee authorized by Sarah Palin

    whats that again….

    Paid for by SarahPAC
    Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee

    “My friends,” again I ask, which one is it – am I missing some hidden code for authorized – but- not authorized?

  120. Cynamen Winter says:

    @ #97 EyeOnYou Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 10:18 AM :
    Done and done!
    This is an ongoing problem that the Governor refuses to address or correct, instead she blames everyone around her (as do her faithful supporters) for things that are obviously ethical issues! She needs to be called to the carpet for this problem as it is not going away until someone makes her stop.
    Amen and amen!

  121. Tealwomin says:

    the problem child IS MY NAME… HERE IT IS clearly stated that GiNo is the Chairperson:::::

    Who is behind SarahPac?

    Gov. Sarah Palin believes all Americans must work together for the future, regardless of their party affiliation. Gov. Palin….is the honorary chair of SarahPac, and its supporters are Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and those unaffiliated with any political party.

    SO AGAIN ‘Who is behind sarahPac?”
    they really didn’t answer the question….

  122. EyeOnYou says:

    Forever Anonymous Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 11:08 AM

    Right, it just nags at me, I’m always trying to connect the dots about GINO”s behavior.



    Now see you have to understand that if you try to use normal logic you will go crazy trying to understand why the Gov does what she does. Don’t try to think like a normal rational person or you will just go in circles trying to figure her out. 😉

  123. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    To clarify, I think that there is something profoundly disturbing about GINO’s trip to Indiana, and that it might constitute an ethics violation (rather than just being in really poor taste and politically stupid). I just don’t think the complaint is very well framed.

  124. Team Alaska says:

    I will never forget when the Trooper Gate report first came out and said that GINO was guilty of ethics abuse. She was on the campaign trail at the time, and she clearly spun the truth and lied very bluntly. That is the footage I never have to see again, my mind right then and there lost any sorrow for this poser. (I would like to see that footage again….hint hint)

    She had a chance to come clean with the truth and make amends to Alaska, and most of all Walter Monagan. She dealt her cards, and they will keep coming back to bit her in ways that will make her always have to lie and lie. A person can lose there mind withholding the truth……. Has she lost hers?

    Soon, her little mind will get overloaded again on another Ethics issue, and lie some more. She can twist the truth for a while, and then twist the truth no more! I have come to realize that Bloggers are pretty smart caring folks, and not lazy, grimy, PJ clad anti-socials. GO FIGURE GINO!!

  125. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    I have read the complaint through. I am still on the fence as to whether it will hold water. Not because of the free speech/ association issue, but because the web that this complaint is trying to weave is so, well, legally convoluted.

    First, the point about “always being governor, 24-7”. Just because your PR flack claims that is the case doesn’t make it so. I don’t think the “Exclusive Compensation” (AS 39.20.050) clause is about that either, but about not accepting outside employment. If she chose to temporarily assign her duties to the GINO Lite, she would still get paid, right?

    Second, I’m not at all sure that GINO has any kind of legal “contract” with the PAC or its supporters. The PAC (maybe) has a contract with it’s supporters, and if GINO is an officer of the PAC she may have duties to the PAC, but I think it’s definitely stretching it. GINO would not have a contract with employees of the PAC (PAC would be the employer).

    Third, “While the Governor is restricted from ALL outside employment, this standard of “conflict with proper performance of official duties” could be used as a determination of whether the Governor is engaged in outside employment.” I’m sorry, I just don’t think this makes sense. Services here (AS 39.52. 170 a), I believe, refers to services that you are able to provide because of your position as a state employee, not in some other employment.

    Unfortunately, all three premises for the complaint are kind of shaky, IMHO.

    I hesitated before posting this because of maybe giving ammunition to those who would love to shoot down this complaint. But then it occurred to me: if I, with no particular knowledge of AK law beyond what I have read for myself, coupled with a general knowledge of legal principles (and some expertise in statutory interpretation, it is true, not to blow my own horn) could come up with that in fifteen minutes, just think what the Department of Law will be able to do, with real, live, Alaskan lawyers.

    I sincerely hope I am wrong.

  126. EyeOnYou,

    Right, it just nags at me, I’m always trying to connect the dots about GINO”s behavior.


  127. austintx says:

    125 Tealwomin Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 11:00 AM
    …promoting AK tourism…

    then she should resign her job, that would bring in a million
    Dang right !! Co almost native has mentioned that on 2 different occasions , large groups of people she is aware of changed their plans to Canada. Because of sarah.

  128. Star says:

    Where’s Greta & John…Anyone taking bets???? LMAO 🙂

  129. Tealwomin says:

    …promoting AK tourism…

    then she should resign her job, that would bring in a million

  130. Tealwomin says:

    DebinOH…those PR people have their “PRE-Press Release” about Levi ready, sure it will be released before the show airs…LOL

  131. EyeOnYou says:

    Forever Anonymous Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 10:48 AM
    EyeOnYou @97,

    what about TeamSArah rallying against the Sebellious appointment? I believe that was the reason behind Sarah speech in Indiana.

    That might have given her more motivation to attend, but attending this event had been planned for a while now.

  132. BigPete says:

    Professor Geezer @78

    I think others are saying (check out Shannyn Moore, whom I adore, for example) that perhaps Palin will defend her Indiana trip by saying she was promoting AK tourism.

    When Schuster (msnbc) covered the Indiana roar trip, ha was quite perplexed as to why Palin started off her ‘right to life’ speech with a rambling monologue about the beauty of Alaska.

  133. Tealwomin says:

    also…@ CAPharaS…

    At this time, we ask you to please hold your much appreciated donation and keep checking back here for the link to the Alaska Fund Trust, the official legal defense fund that will be announced shortly, to help the family and state colleagues pay off legal debts incurred by politically-motivated attacks.

    “…legal defense fund that will be announced shortly…” Last month it read, ‘Later this month’, now they have changed it…must have had some issues…

    “…to help the family and state colleagues pay off legal debts incurred by politically-motivated attacks.”

    WTHeck is going on- I guess to pay for legal issues surrounding child custody issues, Todd, that FRIENDS & FAMILY PLAN again!

    “…legal debts incurred by politically-motivated attacks.”

    If you’re a politican, does that mean you get to call EVERYTHING a “politically-motivated attack?” As if what took place by the politican wasn’t political…so in fact it’s just a response to what was done/said originally.

    So we were right…

  134. MadasHelinVA says:

    When one only has the lunatic fringe for support, it is unwise to put oneself in a position of ‘gadabout’ for the purpose of promoting oneself as the only GOP person who has the capacity to ‘lead’ others [over the cliff]. Palin would be so much better off if she simply started a religious cult for which she could be the head nut [along with her current religious witch doctor] because afterall, anymore the entire premise of the GOP is no more than a rightwing religious cult [anti-abortion, anti-death penalty, anti-gay, anti-everything else] with its ever-diminishing membership.

  135. pearl89 says:

    That should be favorite quote about chocolate. Why do we never notice omitted words, typos, etc until after we’ve hit the submit button?

  136. pearl89 says:

    My favorite quote is: “All I need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt!”…Lucy Van Pelt in Peanuts by Charles M Schultz

    Come to think of it Lucy and the governor seem to have a lot in common on the surface. Although, I think SP could use Lucy’s professional advice. I’m sure SarahPac could spare 5cents for the governor to visit Lucy when the psychiatrist is in.

  137. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    c4p is so full of shit… stinks!

    R. A. Mansour said…
    sjk from the belly of the beast,

    I’ve had enough of you. You’re banned. Get off my website. You annoy me and you spam our posts with nonsense.

  138. austintx says:

    111 BPOINT Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 10:38 AM
    But if he tells the truth and adds flesh to the skeletons that are in GINO’s closets, then I am certain she will sue him to give the appearance that he is lying.
    I bet Rex Butler is gonna be there. If not sitting with him , just off camera. Rex is chompin’ at the bit to get it on with sarah !! Levi is holding some good cards……..just hope he play’s it right.

  139. EyeOnYou @97,

    what about TeamSArah rallying against the Sebellious appointment? I believe that was the reason behind Sarah speech in Indiana.

  140. Ennealogic says:

    Ha! I just read the complaint after writing my last comment about Sarah not being a candidate, and Sondra noted that too!

    Ok ethics board and acting AG, do your job!

  141. DebinOH says:

    Well, I don’t know what to think but I do know that she won’t have to pay for the legal stuff because everyone will bail her out. I am sure her mind is on the Larry King Live stuff tonight also too so she probably doesn’t even care about the complaint.

    When she went back to Alaska she should have put her nose to the grindstone & not played all the games she did. She has no one else but herself to blame.

    She should have also made sure that she & her daughter didn’t play such silly games with Levi. I know that she doesn’t think things through but who in God’s name is watching her back? You think Todd & her handlers would have enough sense to put this fire out before it even started. I really don’t think Todd has much sense either (Oh, that’s right he stalked his brother in law too & used her office to try and fire him – I can see why Levi has 24hr protection he sure as heck needs it).

    Do you think these people really left jr. high? It sure doesn’t seem like it.

  142. Tealwomin says:

    Ennealogic…it ALSO says:

    Please note: There are many websites claiming to support Sarah Palin. is the ONLY political action committee authorized by Sarah Palin.

  143. austintx says:

    94 Donna Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 10:10 AM
    I am, well, a little embarassed to write this but….the National Enquirer is reporting that Levi is shopping a book about the Hillbillies.
    It’s ok. You were at the ckout at the grocery store and it was right in front of you. I do it all the time……..
    You can count on one hand how many times the Enquirer has had to payout on getting it wrong. And funny thing , I have to go by the grocery store later……..

  144. Closet Mudpup says:

    AKM on Huffington Post – re: New Ethics Complaint—new_b_190101.html

    Kudos, AKM – very nicely written article.

  145. BPOINT says:

    I am willing to bet the house that if Larry King does his job tonight and asks follow up question that give definitive answers to the nagging questions the public has had recently, then the Palins will file a lawsuit against the young fellow.
    Now I am a bit leery of Levi because he tends to be vague and does lie. He lied first when asked about condoms-it counts as a lie-though I do think he was understandably uncomfortable talking about such matters, especially on National TV. But if he tells the truth and adds flesh to the skeletons that are in GINO’s closets, then I am certain she will sue him to give the appearance that he is lying.

  146. ds55 says:

    @ crystalwolf #103: I never thought of that! Maybe she only spoke at the right-to-life meeting because they agreed to pay travel expenses for her whole family. It makes me wonder if she has some agreement with Todd to not leave town unless they can all go with her. That would make it tricky to hold national office.

  147. Ennealogic says:

    I think you can go out of state to promote yourself when you are openly running for another office. But what SP is doing is soliciting funds for her personal use when she is NOT a candidate for anything.

    SarahPAC disclaimer plainly states: “Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee .”

  148. Tealwomin says:

    Sarah Palin…Putting Alaska First…[that is after her & her friends & family-of course]

  149. Alaskan Sisu says:

    The cultish Palin type followers enable me see how easily Levi could have slipped into the Palin control abyss. Levi seems to be more in control of his own future and less beholden to Palin lately; things could get velllllly intelesting indeed.

  150. Tealwomin says:

    …and the Blame Train keeps rolling right on along…

    to be one who also cursades for TRUTH & TRANSPARENCY, GiNO sure seems to be working in the Opposite direction…

    She must be one of those OPPOSITE people…I really think she does some stuff just because it’s the opposit of ‘whatever’ the issue is at the time…but maybe I give her too much credit for putting that much thinking into the process???

  151. akmuckraker says:

    Post updated with link to copy of ethics complaint.

  152. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    from c4p…

    “The National Enquirer is reporting that Levi ‘is shopping an explosive tell-all book targeting the former vice-presidential candidate, say sources’.”


  153. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Andree McLeod (R) Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 8:58 AM

    23 crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 8:34 AM
    I never saw anything about REDOUBT on the SOA website. Why would Alaskans be going to SARAHPAC for ANYTHING except to give donations?
    sarahpac (megan) uses SOA resources to develop their press releases…word for word….
    I would of never thought to look there! But, if she had issued a “press release” about it the ADN would of picked it up etc. Instead people donating to SARAHPAC ceeforpee’rs who don’t live in Alaska, get to see about the “press realease” about the volcano!
    Also too…
    I was wondering if her “tourism of Alaska” was a way for her to claim per dieim? And she has so many people wanting her to speak but she only accepted this one (that happened to be during the Leg. session) could it be they were the only ones who checked the box-yes “is the first family invited”?
    And people are going to say, she has a right to go wherever, but, there was important business at hand, WAR’s (non) appointment, Juneau Senate seat, stimulus funds all left hanging for her to “speak her mind”??? I could see her leaving if she had all her state business covered BUT SHE DIDN’T!
    She was negligent in discharging her duties. That should be impeachable. IMO!

  154. lynnrockets says:

    @ Bijou: Touche

  155. AlaskaGuy says:

    This one seems pretty thin, but to me that isn’t the point. Just the simple fact that so many people are pissed off enough with you to bring ethics complaints should tell you something. The rate is greater than one a month isn’t it?

    Even if it is driven by the media and blogs, you have to be pretty delusional if you think they’re doing it because they don’t like how successful and great you are. Of course, no one needs to respond to the previous sentence.

  156. priceless says:

    Levi should know not to tick off the queen of slime. She wont get mad, but she’ll sure get even. Levi is the Kato Kalian of the Alaska soap opera called “As the Palin Turns”.

  157. Tealwomin says:

    TX Lisa…Thanks, a new site for me!

    That was really funny…yeap, so that’s where GiNOs executive experience thingy started…

  158. AlaskaGuy says:

    Around and around and around it goes.
    Where it stops, nobody knows.

  159. EyeOnYou says:

    Sarah in SC Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 9:37 AM
    Somebody better get a screen shot of that Volcanic Ash warning on SarahPac before it disappears!!!


    Done and done! 😉

    Now for all those who are saying that others have PAC’s as well and it is no different, you are correct it is no different. That isn’t the point. The point is that during a legislative session in AK where there were some pretty serious issues going on (W.A.R. nomination, Empty Juneau Senate Seat, budget issues, stimulus issues) the Governor felt that it was the right thing to do to leave those issues behind and attend a RTL dinner.
    She has every right to go attend some of these things she has been invited to, but when it interferes with her job, that is when it makes a difference. She refused to give an answer to a GOP invitation stating that she needed to be at home due to business/her job and that was for something that was taking place after the session was over, yet she had no problem attending a RTL meeting in the final days/hours of the session.

    She is allowing SarahPAC to issue statements for her job in AK (the ashfall advisory is a good example) and if she is allowing Meg Stapleton to use anything to do with the government (offices/phones/supplies etc..) that is a HUGE conflict of interest.

    This is an ongoing problem that the Governor refuses to address or correct, instead she blames everyone around her (as do her faithful supporters) for things that are obviously ethical issues! She needs to be called to the carpet for this problem as it is not going away until someone makes her stop.

  160. Lilybart says:

    From Huffpo, re:Larry King

    A pal of Levi’s told The ENQUIRER that the young father is eager to write the book to provide financial security for his son Tripp and himself, to set the record straight.

    “If Levi could get a million bucks, it would be worth telling all he really knows.” said the source.

  161. Alaskan Sisu says:

    DropOfKim: Eat the ChoKolates first!

  162. SP-Gotta- GO says:

    Well, of course the Queen will say she went to Indiana to promote Alaska Tourism! When I watched her speech I thought it was weird that she went on and on about our rivers, our mountains, our succulent seafood…… it is apparent why she did that. It was like listening to book report.

  163. Donna says:

    I am, well, a little embarassed to write this but….the National Enquirer is reporting that Levi is shopping a book about the Hillbillies. Now, I normally would completely dismiss anything they write but they DID get John Edwards correctly so who knows? But certainly, if Our Young Hero were to spill enough about Bristol’s wildness, for example, that would really gum up the Palinator’s works.

  164. Lilybart says:

    If she would just leave elected politics and become the spokesperson for Right to Life or the Concerned Women for America or something, I could walk away and let all this go.

    But I have read It Can’t Happen Here and seen the film A Face in the Crowd and so, her and the idiots who love her are still dangerous to me in NYC.

    So, I will stay engaged and help Palins Deceptions with its ongoing detective work!

    If she would just give up being president I wouldn’t care if she faked 5 more pregnancies!

  165. bijou says:


    I am glad the people in MA. could see thru Romney’s self interest. We definitely have the same thing going on here. I just wanted a comparison because even tho they aren’t sitting governors at this time, Huckabee had a PAC at the same time he was governor. Don’t know about Romney…assume so. Jindal? Don’t care. I am just so “done” with GINO’s word salads. I want her gone.

  166. austintx says:

    86 BPOINT Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 9:59 AM
    I am certain GINO is not thinking about the complaint today. The Larry King things has to be ringing in her belfry like a church gong. I bet it is the only thing on her mind. Like an abcess tooth.
    She is grinding those teeth to a nub over LK tonite. I’m sure it will be tv family nite at “Casa de Palin” !! Bristol holding both her kids on the couch while sarah stomps around screeching…………hahahahahahaha…….

  167. DropOfKim says:

    ATF has a wonderful start to an idea! Y’all should overload that woman’s office with “gifts” of chocolate. A snarky way to hint to her you would like her to stay and do for Alaska. I would send some myself (the Wildberry site looks awesome!) but we don’t want her back here in Iowa.

  168. BPOINT says:

    I am certain GINO is not thinking about the complaint today. The Larry King things has to be ringing in her belfry like a church gong. I bet it is the only thing on her mind. Like an abcess tooth.

  169. Physicsmom says:

    I note in the complaint that the legislators are not permitted to leave the state at the end of the session, does the same law apply to the Gov? If so, she’s clearly in violation. However, I assume the Gov. has more leeway and she will spin it as somehow related to state business, if not vacation. The timing is horrible, but may not be illegal. There are other issues with CapharaS which have more potential to make the complaint stick.

  170. LibertyLover says:

    I’m personally waiting for the Baker’s Dozen of ethics complaints… it can’t be too far behind.

  171. lynnrockets says:

    In my last post, I meant to say Romney’s national election campaign was then torpedoed by his flip flops. (sorry)

  172. Lainey says:

    WHY did it take an average citizen to do what local government should have done and followed through with, months and months ago?
    See? Alaskans…you CAN do it! You CAN ‘recall’ if the motivation and heart and determination is there.
    PLEASE…stand behind this local, brave citizen and support this effort, ALL THE WAY to the top…for the results you NEED!

    Sarah can see the unemployment office from her front porch.
    ———–THAT’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout! lmao

  173. Enjay in E.MT says:

    Am going to “Fire Back” at
    Sauerkrout #22

    I agree with your assessment

    “Under our federal constitution, a person exercising his or her free speech rights is allowed to freely associate with anyone they care to associate. This particular ethics complaint needs to be reworded because neither a state law nor state regulation can trump the rights a person has under the federal constitution.”

  174. lynnrockets says:

    @ bijou:

    You are correct, there is not much difference between Palin’s out of state activities and those of Romney in preparation for his big 2008 POTUS run. In fact, Sarah may learn the same lesson Romney did.

    Romney was barely in-state for the 2 year period prior to his Presidential run. In the meantime, however, the good people of Massachusetts realized that they no longer had a Governor that would further their state’s interests. Remember his flip flops on abortion rights and gun control and immigration policy? Well, the people smartened up and Romney realized he was now unelectable within the state. He forgot his Massachusetts duties, concentrated only on his national campaign and then was torpedoed by his own policy flip flops.

    Sarah may experience the same.

  175. libby says:

    I bet McCain is smirking.

  176. libby says:

    It truly is the timing of her absence. But I have to agree with Shannyn Moore when she says that SP will just say that she was promoting the State of AK with that whole geography lesson of an opener she gave at the Indiana shindig. So, tourism trumps the end of the legislative session.

  177. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Bet McCain’s cringing.

  178. Professor Geezer says:

    bijou, are Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabees sitting governors?

  179. Professor Geezer says:

    @Valley Independent, I think Palin has the right to free speech anywhere. Has Palin defended the trip as exercising her right to free speech?

    I think others are saying (check out Shannyn Moore, whom I adore, for example) that perhaps Palin will defend her Indiana trip by saying she was promoting AK tourism.

  180. bijou says:

    I’m playing devil’s advocate here for a sec. Why is it any different for Mitt Romney or Huckabee traveling out of their states with their PAC monies? Is the crux to Miss Tomkins complaint the fact of the timing? Meaning at the end of the legislative session? GINO will most likely call it personal time off. A bad decision with the timing? Absolutely. She is known as the “Teflon Queen” for a reason. Anyway….good luck to you Sondra.

    And I am still waiting to write my John Hancock on a recall petition!

  181. leenie17 says:

    Democrat G Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 8:51 AM
    God is opening another door for you Palin….
    – – – – – – –

    Isn’t that the one with “EXIT” in red neon lights overhead??????

  182. Sarah in SC says:

    Somebody better get a screen shot of that Volcanic Ash warning on SarahPac before it disappears!!!

  183. ericmiami says:

    Sarah can see the unemployment office from her front porch.
    Actually, getting out of government and into the private sector should pay off well for her for a while. She’ll be just fine on radio when her looks are completely gone and she can read from a script. Lookout, Rush, here comes Sarah!

  184. lynnrockets says:

    (sung to the Thin Lizzy song “The Boys Are Back In Town”)

    Guess who just got back today?
    That beehived lass that had been away
    Hasn’t changed, still too much to say
    Oh man, that Palin chick is crazy

    People asking if she was around
    That really crazy lipsticked hound
    She thought she was D.C. bound
    Man, that meth high left her hazy

    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    I said
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town

    You know that Guv that used to wink a lot?
    One time she had a laughable cable TV sports spot
    Man, she couldn’t tell a free throw from a slap shot
    Ya betcha, idiotic!

    And that time over at Wooten’s place
    Well Barbie got so pissed that she slapped Michael’s face
    Man, the First Dude fell about the place
    If Monegan don’t like it, forget him!

    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    I said
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town

    Spread the word around
    Sarah’s back in town

    Let’s spread the word around

    Friday night we’ll be dressed to thrill
    Down at the Mudflats Bar & Grill
    If barracuda looks could kill
    Man, Caribou would chew us up and spit out

    That jukebox in the corner blasting out Lynnrockets songs
    She’ll be out of office, it won’t be long
    Won’t be long till she’s long gone
    Now that the people are on to her

    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    Spread the word around
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back, the noise is back

    The noise is back in town again
    Been hangin’ down at Mudflat’s
    The noise is back in town again

  185. ValleyIndependent says:

    It was not okay for Palin to take off on a personal engagement during the last days of the session, but I agree with sauerkraut that this ethics complaint has no legs, and think it would set a dangerous precedent. Why would anyone want to run for office if you had to give up all your rights as a citizen to do it?

    As to the Professor’s note that she could have spoken for her causes here, I think that just helps her – complaint, wise. If she has free speech here legally, she should have free speech anywhere.

    She has been derelict in her duties, but I’m guessing the only way to constructively deal with that is impeachment. Can anyone enlighten me?

    Good points crystalwolf and Andree. She has used public resources for personal political gain before and gotten away with it. (It’s kind of funny how she went after Ruedrich for doing what she herself did.) I’d like to see her caught and prosecuted.

  186. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Alaska Executive Branch Ethics:

    Lots of good info here! Compare to your own state – that might be interesting.

  187. Closet Mudpup says:

    @ TX Lisa

    I saw that – wouldn’t it have been sweet if that had surfaced during the campaign when she was touting her tenure as mayor to fortify her Executive Experience cred?? Community Organizers would have been rolling in the streets laughing over her awesome “actual responsibilities.” Imagine a recreation of that scene on SNL!! Oh, my. lol

  188. lynnrockets says:

    And so, he thought to himself as he read the anti-Palin posts, “just how does this dolt win elections anyways?”

  189. austintx says:

    I’ve pointed this out before. Whenever wonkette has a story on sarah , or anything to do with her , an ad for sarahpac pops up on the left. Well , today there is a Levi story about tonite………….BAM…..the ad. wonkette hates sarah’s guts. So I guess “principle” has nothing to do with ad placement for Sarahpac. Anyway , here is the story and it’s a hoot !! Comments also.too.

  190. Physicsmom says:

    Also posted at HuffPo:
    Way to go, AKM! Because of her desire to keep in the limelight in hopes of claiming another national prize, we need to keep paying attention to the foolish things she does, even though I’d just as soon she went quietly away. This last ethics complaint seems less well-founded as some of the others, but clearly illustrates her indifference to the issues taking place in her state compared to her political ambitions

  191. Basheert says:

    Good Morning MudPuppies:
    Click on the link in AKM’s post to go to HUFFPO and BUZZ IT UP. Let’s get onto the HuffPO front page again!!

    Woo Woo!!!

  192. Professor Geezer says:

    Re: Palin and chocolates. She should not mention chocolates as if reminds too many people of Forrest Gump.

  193. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    AKM has provided more at HuffPo… no comments yet.—new_b_190101.html

  194. TX Lisa says:

    Andrew Halcro has a link to a funny “dramatic reading” of the minutes of the May 1996 Wasilla Town Council meeting that someone posted on Anchoragetube. (you know, where a well-known leader got her start)

  195. phoebe says:

    Darn, I was hoping for something bigger than the SarahPac.


    Palinot….love the song

  196. yukonbushgrma says:

    @ libby Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 9:02 AM
    EyeOnYou: “No doubt there will be comparisons between Gov. Palin and her predecessors on the amount of time spent out of the session….”
    “Exactly, but I’d like to see the comparison of the time out of the last days of the session…no matter how long it may be.”
    Libby – Me too, and *what those guvs were doing* out-of-state. As I recall, they certainly did leave, but it was mostly State of Alaska business!

  197. ATF says:

    @ Andree

    “I thank you though for your generosity and for just those thoughtful clever fun Indiana treats. But you know…you had me at the chocolates.”

    All it cost Indiana was a box of chocolates to get Sarah to pick their invitation out from the hundreds of thousands of invitations she receives each day?

    Wow. It’s too bad we Alaskans were unaware of her chocolate jones. Just think what we could get her to do if we were to send her chocolates from our own Alaska Wildberry and Chocolate factory.

  198. mlaiuppa says:

    So who is heading the Palin Recall and when does it start?

  199. Andree McLeod (R) says:

    Good job Sondra! There is nothing frivilous about Palin’s continued misuse of public-funded state time, staff and resources for her and her family’s personal benefit and gain. Palin keeps flauting the rule of law even though concerned citizens file complaints. And when will Palin quit securing and granting SarahPAC’s Meghan Stapleton unwarranted benefits and treatment by letting her use the gov’s office as her own SarahPAC office? When will the legislators do what they are sworn to do…provide the checks and balances while Palin keeps blurring the lines between the state’s interests and all these external conflicts of interest, having nothing at all to do with official Alaska business?

    Sec. 39.52.120. Misuse of official position.
    (a) A public officer may not use, or attempt to use, an official position for personal gain, and may not intentionally secure or grant unwarranted benefits or treatment for any person.
    (b) A public officer may not
    (1) seek other employment or contracts through the use or attempted use of official position;
    (3) use state time, property, equipment, or other facilities to benefit personal or financial interests;

  200. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    sauerkraut, BPoint et al, this is just the press release (which does kind of make it sound like a squib, frankly).


    I’m going to hold my fire until we see how the actual complaint is worded. If it’s anything like Celtic Diva’s, it will have lots of detail and some pretty clear legal argument.

  201. DrChill says:

    No public employee may work (paid or unpaid) for a person or
    organization other than the public employee’s own department, if that
    work is incompatible or in conflict with the proper discharge of
    official duties.

    oops !

    This AK ethics guide gives an example of improper behavior.

    –Megan regularly reads the Wall Street Journal at the office to
    learn about her investments and often calls her stockbroker
    during work hours.

    hmmm does this mean its okay to leave her desk for 36 hours?

  202. Ryan H says:


    Good thing for that legal defense fund. Maybe WAR will toss cold water on this lady from his stupid hummer.

    Flats, you should put up a countdown on your site until the next election. I can hardly wait until Gov Clownshow is voted out of office.

    Halcro ’10!!!!

  203. silverfox67 says:

    OT…but what happened to McAlister?..hope I spelled his name correctly

    He is very ill. AKM

  204. TX Lisa says:

    Ennealogic–that’s a good point about the “news” on SarahPac basically being AK press releases.

    I wonder who is paying Meg Attack Ferret’s salary now that she seems to be doing some state AK work due to McAllister’s leave of absence. That would be interesting to investigate.

  205. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    (*munchin’ popcorn*)

  206. libby says:

    Can she collect per diem on vacation? ; )

  207. austintx says:

    33 C. Rock Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 8:46 AM
    Just curious …..Mega mouth had said it was like taking a 36 hour vacation going to Indiana .Dose Gino get vacation time off ?
    I asked a lo-o-n-ng time ago how many vacation days sarah is entitled to , and how many she has claimed.

  208. libby says:

    EyeOnYou: “No doubt there will be comparisons between Gov. Palin and her predecessors on the amount of time spent out of the session….”


    Exactly, but I’d like to see the comparison of the time out of the last days of the session…no matter how long it may be.

  209. pvazwindy says:

    Alaska Public Offices Commission, meets April 23, and 24th. New fodder to chew on. Good timing on the latest charge.

  210. Professor Geezer says:

    @Andree, thanks for posting that. VERY telling.

  211. EyeOnYou says:

    No doubt there will be comparisons between Gov. Palin and her predecessors on the amount of time spent out of the session, but people need to remember that her predecessors had 120 day sessions vs her 90 day sessions iirc.

  212. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    Sondra has been upset for a while, and was at the Troopergate protest:

    “Sondra Tompkins, a reliably Republican voter, found herself speaking out at the rally — upset, she said, because of Palin’s handling of the trooper issue and the example it sets for children in the state.

    “They’re listening, they’re watching, and they’re asking questions,” Tompkins called out to the crowd. “Do we tell them it’s OK not to tell the truth? Do we tell them it’s OK to bend the truth? Do we tell them it’s OK to distort the truth if you have a gaggle of lawyers to defend you?

    “It’s not OK, and I think Alaskans have had enough.””

  213. Andree McLeod (R) says:

    23 crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 8:34 AM
    I never saw anything about REDOUBT on the SOA website. Why would Alaskans be going to SARAHPAC for ANYTHING except to give donations?
    sarahpac (megan) uses SOA resources to develop their press releases…word for word….

    And sarahpac uses gov’s office staff, time and resources to process palin’s personal invitations and logisltics: transcrips from Indiana speech Pt. 2:
    “So I get invited to Indiana and my governor’s office did have just a blast seeing what was going to arrive to kind of entice us-be interested- in visiting Evansville. And what it would be to get us to say yes…to these invitations that we’ve received. It started with the chocolates. And they were sent on my birthday and I brought them to a press conference…tried to sweeten up the press corps that day before they filed their stories on the day’s happenings and…you know…when not even Hoosiers chocolates can put a smile on a reporter’s face…you know there’s no hope for the guy…so… tried that. And then we loved the doughnuts too…you mentioned the doughnuts and the pastries and we served these at a big oil and gas meeting and there…we’re meeting around a table pushing this ramped up development of domestic supplies of energy so that Alaska can help further this agenda that America needs to be on so we can become energy secure…energy independent…and…so that America can quit relying on dangerous unreliable costly energy that comes from dangerous foreign regimes that don’t like America. And I sent a picture of us meeting around this table to your local bakery to prove to them… your doughnuts were fueling us as we’re fueling the United States of America with abundant safe domestic energy from Alaska. And then the hockey stick…ugh…the hockey stick…Evansville Youth Hockey Association. It is proudly displayed in my office with the kids signatures on it and it’s sittin’ there out of the corner of my eye and I restrain myself…I don’t draw any penalties. As tempting as it is to use it with some of the interviews in my office…I thank you though for your generosity and for just those thoughtful clever fun Indiana treats. But you know…you had me at the chocolates.”

  214. austintx says:

    32 GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 8:45 AM
    I’m with you, sauerkraut. Sounds kind of frivolous to me. And that may not matter, if the point is to keep GINO pi$$ed and responding.
    YUP. And Levi tonite.

  215. hindsite2020 says:

    Why is it taking so long for these ethic complaints to be heard? Does anyone know what the timeline is for hearings to b held? I’ve seen murder trials take less time than the foot dragging going on at the ethic board. Sheesh, might be time for someone in state to do an op-ed piece in the local media.

  216. Professor Geezer says:

    One last thought: this ethics compliant seems designed to highlight SarahPAC activities versus Palin’s AK obligations. I think that could get very interesting from a legal perspective.

  217. EyeOnYou says:

    C. Rock Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 8:46 AM
    Just curious …..Mega mouth had said it was like taking a 36 hour vacation going to Indiana .Dose Gino get vacation time off ?


    Surely she does, but the question that should be asked is if taking a 36 hour vacation during the last hours of the legislative session with so much at stake was a proper thing to do.

  218. Ennealogic says:

    The “News” page on SarahPAC is filled with press release type statements about all the things that the gov is doing, or is concerned about. This is .. like .. official Alaska state business. What is it doing on a fund-raising site that is supposedly for helping find solutions to national problems?

    “By supporting SarahPac, you will allow Gov. Palin to help find and create solutions for America’s most pressing problems…”

  219. Democrat G says:

    God is opening another door for you Palin….and he is closing others as well! GOOD LUCK!!

  220. Democrat G says:


    Scary enough, her backers are so stupid and blind they believe EVERYTHING she says even when the facts are there in their faces. SAD PEOPLE!

  221. deist says:

    And of course Ms. Tompkins will have to endure some kind of personal- attack press statement against her, probably to be released today. I’d bet money the statement will include either the word “unfortunate” or “unfortunately.” They like to use those words when they are cutting people down.

  222. C. Rock says:

    Just curious …..Mega mouth had said it was like taking a 36 hour vacation going to Indiana .Dose Gino get vacation time off ?

  223. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    I’m with you, sauerkraut. Sounds kind of frivolous to me. And that may not matter, if the point is to keep GINO pi$$ed and responding.

  224. nswfm CA says:

    Pretty soon, people will cancel their cable tv and just watch the 24 hour a day soap opera/reality show.

    Is there a website like ladbrokes (sp) that is taking bets on the date she leaves politics?

  225. Professor Geezer says:

    @sauerkraut, I always enjoy your posts, even when you make fun of me. 🙂
    But why should Palin have to go outside of AK to exercise her right to free speech? Why not speak about the same topic during the legislative session in AK?

    She told the crowd she gets TONS of invitations to speak, but she picked that one. So it would be hard to say she had no other opportunity for free speech…even on that topic. And what was the topic? The life and times of Sarah Palin? When matching the content of her speech to the topic of the evening, it is quite interesting.

  226. pvazwindy says:

    This latest charge was well thought out and carries the message, that will not be dismissed, as easily, as Sarah might wish. Tompkins, has been vocal in her opposition to SP, since the day she was selected, as McCain’s running mate. She has many arrows in her quiver, go Sondra, go.

  227. Diane says:

    This is a complaint that should have been filed by both parties of the legislature.
    They are should have stood up and said NO. That last trip was purely partisan and personal. She should not have missed the last few days of the legislature and the AG vote. She did not support her own candidate yet blames bloggers.

    Time to take a stand Alaska. The legislative session is over and your gov will be AWOL. She will be off doing her thing and getting money for a run in ’12.

  228. nswfm CA says:

    Another day, another ethics problem.

    Another day, another toddler meltdown from the so-called governor.

  229. Professor Geezer says:

    AKM, let’s call this one “Indiana-gate”? What I like about “Indiana-gate” is that it shows Palin was out of state during important AK biz….(IMHO)

  230. BigPete says:

    Martha Unalaska Yard Sign@15

    Ooops. I’d missed the previous noodle comment.
    Let’s remember that the outlandish over reactions seem to give the complaints even more importance.

  231. PalinSucks says:

    The complaint should add, on March 14th, during the annual, Alaska Special Olympics, Palin could not take 5 minutes to address the athletes or their event(s) BUT was quoted with photos of her tromp through Fred Meyer’s (On the very weekend of the Olympics) with Girl Scouts in a People Magazine EXCLUSIVE.

    Sarah Palin Says Daughter Bristol ‘Doing Just Great’
    (In the newsstand issue there was an exclusive photo of Palin in the aisles of Fred Meyer’s, just curious how media knew she was there, when Palin, claims, her visit, was a sour of the moment, thought).

    Palin, did not even utter, a congratulations or anything about the activities that involved over 400 Alaskans.

    Hundreds of Alaskans participated (FYI, including, coach, Levi Johnston).

    BTW, Levi, continued with the Alaskan Team to California, March 20th, again with no recognition from, governor Palin.

  232. kljcager-ohio says:

    The next Friday the 13th will click off in November 2009. I’d wager that GINO is burnt toast by then…may pop corn stocks continue to rise.

  233. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Governor Palin encourages Alaskans to follow ash fall advisory plans

    3/23/2009 – Juneau, Alaska — Governor Sarah Palin is encouraging Alaskans potentially effected by the ash fall of Mount Redoubt’ s most recent eruption to follow safety procedures. During the past two months, the State of Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management has been working with local governments to make sure communities were prepared for the impending eruption of Mount Redoubt.
    I never saw anything about REDOUBT on the SOA website. Why would Alaskans be going to SARAHPAC for ANYTHING except to give donations?

  234. sauerkraut says:

    I realize Palin isn’t particularly popular but I don’t like the wording of this particular ethics complaint. Under our federal constitution, a person exercising his or her free speech rights is allowed to freely associate with anyone they care to associate. This particular ethics complaint needs to be reworded because neither a state law nor state regulation can trump the rights a person has under the federal constitution.

    That being stated, I agree she should have stayed in Alaska to fulfill the obligations of her position. If the ethics complaint were to be substantiated, Palin (and every other elected person across the country) would essentially be prohibited from doing anything at any location with anyone simply because they hold an elected position.

    Such prohibition is un-American. And unconstitutional.

    If the ethics complaint is substantiated, it could well end up before a judge – with the judge ruling it unconstitutional. S/he’d also rule that the only way to settle people’s anger with her leaving the state instead of fulfilling her duties is either by the legislature addressing it thru corrective legislation or by the voters at the ballot box.

    Keep those ethics complaints coming, but don’t get desperate in the creativity.

    my two cents worth. feel free to fire away.

  235. BPOINT says:

    Crystalwolf-I understand. I say wet noodle, because it may stick, but it won’t hurt. She may hurt herself based on her reaction. But the complaint as a stand alone complaint, how little weight. Now as far as showing a pattern of irresponsibility that is something entirely different, and I don’t think the complaint board will look for the pattern, or I mean to say they will probably ignore the pattern.

  236. C. Rock says:

    Gino ethic complaints is giving the movie Friday the 13Th a run for the money on number of episodes.

  237. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    UK Lady Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 8:08 AM

    HaHa, No wonder Meg the mouth wanted everyone to send the money to the legal defence pot instead of the PAC.
    And that came…directly from SARAHPAC!!!!

    And Bpoint-why wet noodle?????
    Did you not notice there is nothing about Mt Redoubt on SOA webpage, but there was a blurb about wearing protective mask during ash fall out on SARAHPAC! Did you Alaskan’s know to go look for safety Volcano info on SARAHPAC?????
    OooooH! Sounds like its got teeth to me!!!!!!

  238. BigPete says:

    Martha Unalaska Yard Sign@15
    New ethics complaint a wet noodle?

    But… Martha!
    There hasn’t been a ‘peep’ from anyone!
    (Have mercy)

  239. austintx says:

    Re: sarah with American Chopper

    There is only ONE Lady Gov. that looks good on or near a Harley !! Period !!

  240. Ripley in CT says:

    Is that a little more SPINE I see up there in the coldlands!? WOOHOOO!!!! Go Alaskans and Sondra Tompkins!

  241. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    “The new ethics complaint is a wet noodle”

    That’s what everyone said about the Arctic Cat clothing complaint, and that one has tipped SP over the edge and made her look like a complete moron since she insists on purposefully misunderstanding the complaint. Snicker. Snicker.

    The collective WE just need to keep up the pressure – I’m afraid it doesn’t matter what the pressure is (as long as it’s legal) but it puts her in the corner w/ a snarled lip. Then she can’t shut up about it, which makes it all worse for her.

    I think we should ask the Gov’s office, or Dept of Law, for a summary and tally of the 12 complaints and where they stand. Details won’t happen, but each complaint and it’s resolution (finis or open) should be public record. Let’s get that list out there! Remember, she filed one on herself and has conveniently forgotten that one.

  242. zyggy says:

    ruh-row, liars, and bloggers and bears, oh my.

    Everyone is after the darlin of Alaska, wassup with dat?

    I’m all for donating money to get the Alaskan darlin out of office.

  243. lynnrockets says:

    (sung to the showtune song “Camelot”)

    It’s true! It’s true! The Guv has made it clear
    Alaskans must be happy all the year

    A law was made a day or two ago here
    You must agree your governor is hot
    And there’s a legal limit to the snow here
    In Palinot

    The winter is forbidden for forever
    Your in-laws are allowed to deal in pot
    By order, Palin gets votes in November
    In Palinot

    Palinot! Palinot!
    I know it sounds a bit bizarre,
    But in Palinot, Palinot
    Sarah Palin is our Czar

    The oil must never cease to flow from North Slope
    From Russia, Putin’s head must not appear
    In short, he better not
    Fire one pre-emptive shot
    Or Sarah will fire back, with guns right here
    In Palinot

    Palinot! Palinot!
    I know it gives a person pause
    But in Palinot, Palinot
    Those are the legal laws

    The rain may never fall upon the First Dude
    When Bristol speaks you must stand-up and cheer
    In short, you better not
    Have one dissenting thought
    Or you’ll be jailed eternally right here
    In Palinot

  244. Tewise says:

    Should be interesting. I just hope they do not harass this women and her family.

  245. The Right Reverend says:

    How many more of these have to pile up before she’s impeached? They keep adding up… and the MSM keeps playing her up… and she never.goes.away.

    She just doesn’t think. It’s astounding.

    Actually, my wife said something about that when she ran for VP:
    “If you don’t think, you don’t blink.”

  246. nswfm CA says:

    Andrew Halcrow is going to win. I knew when I read he gave warning that he was going to run.

  247. BPOINT says:

    The new ethics complaint is a wet noodle. It really is, but the interesting thing to look forward to is GINO’s over the top reaction. I bet she loses it on this one.

  248. DropOfKim says:

    Is she going blame bloggers for this one too??? I CAN’T WAIT for her reaction!!!!

  249. pvazwindy says:

    Sarah better gauge her response carefully on this charge, but I don’t think she’s capable of that.

  250. ez.pz says:

    Congratulations to Ms Tompkins!

    Are we witnessing the final nails in the coffin? Perhaps Levi will have the pleasure of driving the last one in, later on Larry King?

    Irony… you gotta love it!

  251. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    So how many does this make now?

  252. Susie Snowflake says:

    I am glad to see that people are paying attention to GINO’s modus operandi (MO) and are calling her on it in the only way that MIGHT change her ways. Of course she will respond to this by blaming someone instead of taking responsibility for her decisions and actions. It might be “fun” to have a guessing game about who or what group will get the blame.

  253. UK Lady says:

    And Sondra, a woman with a special needs child. Spin that Sarah!!

  254. UK Lady says:

    HaHa, No wonder Meg the mouth wanted everyone to send the money to the legal defence pot instead of the PAC.

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