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Palin Administration Responds to Ethics Complaint. Hopes Constituents Will Face “Backlash”.

~~~Seen in The Valley~~~

~~~Seen in The Valley~~~

The official response to the 12th ethics complaint filed against Governor Palin came in the form of a state issued press releaseThe complaint is referred to as “outrageous.”

One thing in the press release was particularly disturbing:

Mike Nizich, the governor’s chief of staff [said] “I hope that the publicity-seekers will face a backlash from Alaskans who have a sense of fair play and proportion.”

What exactly is the “backlash from Alaskans” that Nizich wishes to be leveled at the private citizens who have filed ethics complaints? I know the names of 6 of the filers, and wonder what they are thinking when the administration wishes them “backlash”?  One of them, Linda Kellen-Biegel,  has addressed this question  HERE.

“There’s a core hypocrisy in nearly all of the ethics complaints brought against the governor, including this one. The ethics act clearly states that complaints, when filed, are to be confidential. Ms. Tompkins publicized her filing on several blogs, breaking the letter and the spirit of the law. While there are no penalties in the statute for this illegal behavior, Alaskans of all political persuasions should be appalled that the people who are alleging unethical behavior by the governor are repeatedly doing so unethically.”

I will admit that one of those who filed an ethics complaint against the governor did make very sure to do it in public, and announce it with lots of media attention, right before the election in November, with an obvious desire to influence voters.  That person was Sarah Palin, herself. Oops.

Kellen-Biegel in the link above talks about this issue as well.

[h/t to an anonymous Valley Mudflatter for the picture!]



223 Responses to “Palin Administration Responds to Ethics Complaint. Hopes Constituents Will Face “Backlash”.”
  1. Dame says:

    Don’t the Palin’s (read this during the election) have 7MM in assessts? And wasn’t her one of her debaucles, I think trooper gate funded by someone in Texas? Come on. If these people who donate their hard earned money to her realized how much money she has and how little she cares about them, they would feel conned and embarassed.

  2. InJuneau says:

    @short-timer (April 23rd, 2009 at 7:42 PM)–I’d forgotten that Tibbles was CoS first, but I’m pretty sure Nizich was around in the gov’s office from the start doing something else before he got the CoS job. He’s a holdover from the Murky administration.

  3. Lainey says:

    @nswfm CA
    How did she even graduate from college, let alone have friends? My guess is mental illness came out during college, and she lashed out at her friends, and they ran the other way.
    I think you’re right! Stress is a trigger for her kind of mental illness. What better stress for her is that of LEARNING!

  4. Matha says:

    Like rats fleeing a sinking ship! republicans (small r on purpose) cannot flee far enough or fast enough, from Palin on the national level.

    Excerpt and link;

    Palin, Fundraising Firm Part Ways

    Campaign Solutions head Becki Donatelli had long been associated with the fundraising efforts of Arizona Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) and got to know Palin during last year’s presidential campaign.
    The parting of ways between Palin and Campaign Solutions is the latest sign of a divide between the governor’s official Alaska staff and those advising her on the national level. Palin has struggled badly to balance those competing interests; she recently agreed to and then canceled an appearance at a fundraiser to benefit the Republican House and Senate campaign committees.

    The news of the latest problem in Palin’s political world comes on the same day that the Alaska governor announced the formation of the Alaska Fund Trust, an official legal fund designed to “defend the integrity of the Alaska Governor’s Office from an onslaught of political attacks launched against current Governor Sarah Palin, the First Family, and state-employed colleagues,” according to a mission statement on the organization’s Web site

  5. Lisabeth says:

    If I was one of the complaitants, I would also send my complaints to the feds. As sauerkraut agreed above, these complaints are not being handled properly in Alaska. Sarah wil manipulate/threaten people to get the complaints dropped. I hope these people do not five up!! they should send the ethics complaints above people she appoints herself!!!! It’s not right and we know Palin will go to any lengths to prove she is innocent!

  6. Lilybart says:

    WakeUpAmerica Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 5:01 PM

    Vengeance? Yep, sounds like the demented guv. Such a wonderful example of a Christian.

    Yup, yup, another Vindictive Liar for Christ.
    I was in a Christian Missionary church in my early teens. I know what Jesus said he wanted from us. If America really were a Christian country, I would be fine with that!! If America were a place of justice and forgivness, love and caring for the less fortunate, I would be fine with America being a Christian county.

    But her brand of Christianity seems very un-Christlike. Like Tom Delay, wanting to bring the Bible to Washington, he said, and he is the most nasty corrupt of all of them.

  7. Nan says:

    @ DarleenMB
    …calling Hannity a girl = praise, not insult
    Love it!

    @ DebinOH
    I saw that donate banner, too – it looks like its a “google ad” and out of control of the blogger… google saw “Sarah” and slapped the CAPharaS thing on there.

  8. DebinOH says:

    I looked at the link and oh my, the blogger is CONSERVATIVE TOO. They told a conservative blogger to shut up!! HAHAHAHA. That blogger got really mad. She is posting all of Shannyn and Mudflats stuff too …. Looks like Syrin is going to be mad as long as Sarah P. is in the picture.

    If any “backlash” happens you know whose door to lay it at.”

    I checked out this blog. Did anyone notice there is a DONATE to SarahPAC at the bottom of her blog. Beyond weird.

    I sure hope that all of you (that have blogs & ethics complaints against the queen) have alarm systems on your homes. These people are beyond nuts. To suggest that other people put pressure on people who file ethical complaints is just criminal specially when coming from a government office. The person who suggested this needs to have an ethical complaint filed on him. Unbelievable.

  9. Tealwomin says:

    Syrin…that song cover…GREAT!
    ABBA, I’ll never think of them the same again….

  10. sauerkraut says:

    179 Lisabeth Says: April 23rd, 2009 at 9:47 PM

    Isn’t it unethical that people appointed by the Gov are the ones who investigate these complaints? They can’t possibly be fair and objective.

    You are absolutely correct. It gives the appearance of conflict of interest and is one area of the law which needs to be revised by the legislature. Or, in the alternative for the current complaints, those matters should be referred to the US Attorney’s office for fair and objective handling.

  11. DarleenMB says:

    Aussy, wth kind of insult is that? “Sean Hannity is a girl.”

    Hannity is an idiot. A wimp. A wuss. Calling him a “girl” is praising not insulting. Get your insults straight. 😉

  12. austintx says:

    210 Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 2:18 AM
    austintx Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 2:00 AM
    Thanks for that video. I’ve agreed with KO all the way on torture. Sean Hannity is a girl – nothing will come of this.
    You are being too kind to Sean. He is a sissy – bi^*h.

  13. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    austintx Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 2:00 AM
    Thanks for that video. I’ve agreed with KO all the way on torture. Sean Hannity is a girl – nothing will come of this.

  14. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    sally Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 1:22 AM
    That was indeed about Ivy Frye calling up Syrin and telling her, “Stop blogging – stop blogging now!” Syrin and Sarah both being Wasilla gals, I expect Sarah truly believed that she could use her new clout to bully any Wasilla girl she wanted …..

    ‘Poison Ivy’ was actually a #1 hit in Australia – probably because of the novelty of a ‘plant’ warning – sharks and venomous snakes and spiders and man-eating crocodiles don’t give you a rash 😀

    I bet if Syrin knew about it, she would have posted this instead ….

  15. austintx says:

    OT – Remember during the campaign when KO gave 100 bucks to the Special Olympics of AK. everytime sarah lied ?? Well , he is at it again with Hannity. KO calls his punk ass out.

  16. @sally
    I looked at the link and oh my, the blogger is CONSERVATIVE TOO. They told a conservative blogger to shut up!! HAHAHAHA. That blogger got really mad. She is posting all of Shannyn and Mudflats stuff too …. Looks like Syrin is going to be mad as long as Sarah P. is in the picture.

    If any “backlash” happens you know whose door to lay it at.

  17. ds55 says:

    At images dot google dot com you can search for pictures on the internet.
    Levi’s legal team, Rex Butler and Tank Jones in Anchorage, look pretty tough to me.

  18. nswfm CA says:

    My kittykid just said, “Hey, whaddo I need to do to get some tuna juice around here?” Her sister just said “You went to the kitchen—can I have some yogurt?” The same conversation, 10 times a day.

  19. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    oh, man, forgot the link – so, to be PC:

  20. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    “Natural gas in storage is now 36 percent greater than it was at this time last year. The Energy Department’s Energy Information Administration said Thursday in its weekly report that natural gas inventories held in underground storage in the lower 48 states are 23 percent above the five-year average.”

    Didn’t I just read about some pipeline crowd asking for permission to start thinking about a pipeline to “somewhere”? And wasn’t that the “Alaska business” from the Indiana trip … ?

  21. DITTO says:

    Does this legal defense fund have to be registered in the State of Alaska? I hate that this fund is being run by her best friend? Sheeesh………. She didn’t trust SarahPac or Team Sarah?

  22. sally says:
    Think you post anonymous…think again. This song is the result of an ADN blog…someone who warned us long ago that we were headed for disaster with this governor. This person got a call from the governors office telling them to stop blogging. I’m thinking, how in the he double hockey stick did that info get out? Anyhow, I found this song on the internet, imo, it’s about the threatening phone call asking the blogger to stop blogging!

  23. SameOld says:

    Who knows what goes through the head of a cat. A young bird got into the house a few weeks ago. On the second day I came down to find the cats all sitting with the bird, looking out the window. They were very helpful in getting it outside. Otherwise they sit in the window and talk away to the birds.

  24. nswfm CA says:

    I should add that I love cats and am not big on fish, but one of my cats love love loves tuna. She’s trained my family to save her the tuna “juice” from the kind packed in water.

  25. nswfm CA says:

    She was a small fish in a big pond. Now she’s a big, stinky fish in a small (yet large geographic area) pond.

    Her venture out of her little pond reminds me of a story my neighbor told me about one of her koi jumping out of the pond and flip flopping on the deck while her elderly Persian cat just stared at it. Kind of like McCain….My neighbor said she thinks Persian cats are not real smart.

    She also said another koi flopped out and baked, unnoticed, in the sun and died, dried up like leather.

    Draw your own conclusions on that.

  26. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    ds55 Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 11:38 PM
    I wonder why the GINO has no college classmates she can give jobs to.
    Last year I was looking at a UI alumni website and they were quite distressed because they could only find one person who remembered her. They couldn’t find any lecturers or tutors who remembered her, either.

    Imagine it – all those folks went to college with her and they don’t even recognize her face!

  27. sally says:

    Yogi…here you go. It is funny, yet very sad at the same time. All along, I thought this Dairy Fiasco was Pandora’s Box. In other words, the beginning of the end of her career. The circle is nearly full:

    “a little bit of rhetoric, you’ll do just fine…” (when approval was high)

  28. Irishgirl says:

    ds55 Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 11:38 PM

    I wonder why the GINO has no college classmates she can give jobs to.

    That made me laugh……..yes it is noticeable that they are all school friends!

  29. nswfm CA says:

    How did she even graduate from college, let alone have friends? My guess is mental illness came out during college, and she lashed out at her friends, and they ran the other way. Hence, no friends from that era. I think I remember Hawaii was too rainy (depressing) for her.

    Also too, the lower 48 seem to get a lot of disdain from her because we are “outside”.

    Think about that, southern SP supporters. All she wants is your money and misplaced worship.

  30. Amereurocan says:

    How can she start a legal defense fund legally without those funds being considered gifts?

    The blatant contradiction of this woman screams impropriety.

    She has gall but she lacks guts.

  31. ds55 says:

    I wonder why the GINO has no college classmates she can give jobs to.

  32. YOGI BEAR says:

    LYNNROCKETS….so enjoying your songs! Brilliant! Have you heard Syrin’s “Dairy Queen?” Seem appropriate to bring it up again now that the dairy debacle has surfaced again! You can google it—delightlful little ditty complete with some brilliant quote’s out of Palin’s mouth. Enjoy.

  33. disgusted says:

    Yes, indeedy…..Palin’s childhood pal, Kristan Cole will be in charge of cashing all your donations and making sure they are all accounted for. Wink Wink. Do some studying about the “Dairygate” debacle and you will be shocked at what has gone on. The new Valley Dairy DBA Matanuska Creamery has been making no loan payments and two of the owners have already defaulted on over $4 million in state loans. The latest $630,000 loan (wink , wink) was done without any signatures of personal guarantee OR any collateral…so when they default….there will be no consequences they just walk away. No bank nor AIDEA would loan them money but Kristan Cole and Gang, by golly….. passed the money on to these con-artists. This is one incestuous bunch of crooks and now the ringleader will be in charge of the fund? Unbelievable!
    When is that Legislatative Audit going to be complete on the investigation of this hand picked board headed by Kristan Cole?

  34. strangelet says:

    lynnrockets: I think you have too many free neurons on your hands. But I admire the results.

    On Topic: The Press Release. OMFG. I know Sarah likes to hire old grade-school and high-school classmates, but haven’t ANY of them progressed their brains into adulthood?

  35. Visitor says:

    Hey NYHawk – It may interest you to know that the trustee for Palin’s new Legal-Defense Fund is non other than Miss Alaska 1982, Kristan Sapp, aka Kristan Cole!!!!

  36. Peaceful Granny says:

    So let’s see the Gino gets the acting AG to give his opinion that she can make up the rules to suit herself, gets her school chums to start another legal fund to help her pay to defend her illegal and unethical behavior and then stands by and watches as someone else on her staff calls for a backlash on AK citizens that legally complain about her. Is that like forty lashes to the backs of anyone that dares to file a complaint against her?

    Now would it be the AG or the new legal fund that is going to defend the Palins when Levi sues for his paternal rights. And who will be representing her when she sues the Feds for putting all those whales. wolves, bears and other animals on the endangered list. Come to think of it, who will be paying for those suits?

    No wonder she gets so little done, she is so tied up in legal issues she has little time to think, darn I forgot she doesn’t have to think that’s what she has an AG and hopefully a legal defense fund for.

    Rolling eyes and going off to see what’s happening with the graduation class of U of I. Hopefully some new law students will be getting summer internships in AK.

  37. Boo-Boo-bear says:

    Palin’s best friend, Kristan Cole got appointed to be the new Board chairman of the Board of Agriculture…just google “Dairygate” to read about all the money that funneled to Palin’s dairy farmer neighbors (and childhood babysitter). Kristan Cole’s mother , in the March 2003 1st issue of the Kamploop’s British Columbia newspaper “Newsbreak” speaks of over $700,000 being embezzled. Guess the apple did fall far from the tree? And this person will be the TRUSTEE of the New and improved Legal Defense Fund??? Laughable and scary? You be the judge.

  38. EyeOnYou says:

    Palimonium Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 10:29 PM
    The Alaska Whistleblower Act
    ……..Hmmmmmm. . . . . . Mr. Nizich, I’d like to discuss a little problem. . . . .


    It’s odd how those anonymous bloggers seem to have a better understanding of the laws than the government officials do! 🙂

  39. Palimonium says:

    The Alaska Whistleblower Act
    The Alaska Whistleblowers Act (AS 39.90.100 — 39.90.150) prohibits public employers from
    discharging, threatening, or otherwise discriminating against employees for reporting matters of public
    concern to a public body. The whistleblower protection extends to those who have made — or are about
    to make — reports on matters of public concern, as well as those who participate in court actions,
    investigations, hearings, or inquiries on matters of public concern.
    A “matter of public concern” means a violation of state, federal, or municipal law, regulation, or
    ordinance; a danger to public health or safety; gross mismanagement, substantial waste of funds, or clear
    abuse of authority; a matter that the office of the ombudsman has accepted for investigation; or
    interference or failure to cooperate with the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee.
    A “public body” means an officer or agency of the federal government, the state, a political subdivision of
    the state, a public or quasi-public corporation or authority established by state law, or the University of
    Alaska. Consequently, whistleblower protection could apply to a state employee’s report to his or her
    own employer.
    Whistleblower protection applies only when the reporting person reasonably believes that the information
    reported is or is about to become a matter of public concern and the person reports the matter in good
    faith. The protection does not apply if the matter of public concern is the result.

    Hmmmmmm. . . . . . Mr. Nizich, I’d like to discuss a little problem. . . . .

  40. EyeOnYou says:

    I posted this response to the Governor’s Press Release at Celtic Diva’s Blog :

    What kind of “backlash” against her constituents is the Governor’s office hoping for?
    I would wager a guess that it would be something along the lines of this:
    (This comment was posted on the ADN website story regarding the ethics complaint. )
    lezrol64 wrote on 04/23/2009 09:19:42 AM:
    Sondra Tompkins complaint is ridiculous, preposterous, laughable, pathetic, embarrassing, and absurd or any other word your thesaurus may find to describe this outlandish and bizarre behavior. Is she on welfare? Does she work somewhere? Lets protest her work or where she lives?? We must publicly hold these people accountable.
    Eddie Burke

    It is absolutely appalling to know that government officials are actually not only calling for a backlash against citizens and constituents for following through with their rights to hold their elected officials accountable, but doing so publicly and on the government in questions website. This is thuggery and a public demand for retaliation at its finest!

  41. KallieinTexas says:

    The Palin Gremlins have been hitting the abuse buttons at the ADN today.
    Must be rabid SarahPac people.

  42. AlaskaDisasta says:

    Calling for a backlash? Subliminal threats by those in office? What’s going on up there? Is mizzz palin the ‘charismatic’ (I jest) leader of a new following of brown shirts because it sure is beginning to sound that way.

  43. EyeOnYou says:

    Lisabeth Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 9:29 PM
    Wow I just read the comments on that newsminer page and there sure are some stupid rednecks in Alaska (sorry).

    Try and remember that not all of those who respond to the Alaska Newspaper articles are truly Alaskans. Many are Palin supporters from C4P and TS who take on names to give the impression that they are from AK. The most hateful and nasty comments tend to come from these members and I doubt very much that the majority of those people are “true” Alaskans.

  44. EyeOnYou says:

    Lisabeth Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 9:47 PM
    Isn’t it unethical that people appointed by the Gov are the ones who investigate these complaints? They can’t possibly be fair and objective. Is there a way Alaskans could petition to have an objective panel. It’s ourageous the way it’s set up now?????


    I seem to recall that the personnel board must hire an independent investigator to look into any ethics complaints, so while the 3 member personnel board members are not the ones who actually do the investigation, they do make the final decision on what to do with the results of that investigation. And yes, if I recall correctly all 3 of the personnel board members are “at will” employees for the Governor.

    Hardly what you would consider fair and impartial if you take into account what has happened to other “at will” employees of Governor Palin.

  45. Lisabeth says:

    Isn’t it unethical that people appointed by the Gov are the ones who investigate these complaints? They can’t possibly be fair and objective. Is there a way Alaskans could petition to have an objective panel. It’s ourageous the way it’s set up now?????

  46. Brettapplebaum says:

    winkwinkWA Says:
    Question–is there a max dollar value on gifts GINO can except??

    I work for the state – we have to submit a report if a gift is given.
    I don’t remember the dollar amount because I don’t want to accept gifts but I think the maximum is $250 per year.

  47. NYHawk says:

    Somebody notify Tina Fey:

    Kristan Sapp knows how to do the beauty pageant walk, also, too.

    She was Alaska’s Miss America pageant delegate in 1983. She was “Miss South Central” from a little town called Wasilla.

  48. Lisabeth says:

    Wow I just read the comments on that newsminer page and there sure are some stupid rednecks in Alaska (sorry). I know they are everywhere but I am continually amazed. I grew up thinking education, progressiveness and open-mindedness were good things. Also it would have been really unpatriotic to talk about our president the way these people do! And Palin!!! She is just getting nuttier each day. She needs help but obviously her problems are everyone elses fault!

  49. Tealwomin says:

    ..Lynn…I loveBARRY…THANKS…

  50. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ lynnrockets

    You are something else and I enjoy your songs tremendously! Thanks for popping in to crack everybody up!

  51. lynnrockets says:

    Night folks, I’m out of creative juice.

  52. the norwegian blue says:

    @ Sally 151

    The best thing about the WSJ article is that the picture makes her look truly nuts, and witchy also, too.

  53. lynnrockets says:

    (sung to Rod Stewart’s song “Maggie May”)

    Wake up Sarah I think we’ve got something to say to you
    Since last September you’ve really acted like a praying fool
    The First Dude’s really a joke.
    Not to mention your other kinfolk.
    Oh, Sarah I wish we’d never seen your face
    You’ve disgraced our wonderful home
    Time has come for you to be de-throned
    You reflect on us and that’s what really hurts

    The morning sun when its in your face really shows your age
    I’m sure that worries you some, cuz in your eyes you’re everything
    You’re so damn full of yourself
    Without a care for anyone else
    Oh, Sarah your faults can’t be covered by paper and lace
    You’ve disgraced our wonderful home
    Got pranked by Sar-ko-zy on the phone
    And you’ve cast your lot with likes of Ol’ Wayne Ross

    What we needed was a Guv who was a role model
    But you’re a backwoods “Hockey Mom” and
    Mother what a bum, you’ll be thrown out
    Levi Sleepin’ in Bristol’s bed
    Renewed support for Old Uncle Ted
    Oh, Sarah you’re bringing down the human race
    You’ve disgraced our wonderful home
    A lipsticked pitbull with a poisonous bone
    Politics of hate are something we can live without

    (Musical Interlude)

    I suppose with all your fancy clothes you’ll be a game show host
    Or use some common sense and have your mental state diagnosed
    Or become a lobbying rat, and work for “Arctic Cat”
    Oh, Sarah just leave and take along your base
    You made first-class fools out of us
    In school you must have rode that short bus
    You stole our hearts then threw that love away!

    (Musical Interlude)

    Sarah, I wish we’d never seen your face
    We’ll get our pride back one of these days

  54. empish says:

    Kristan Tanner/ Cole, nee Kristan Sapp. And no I am not joking about the name.

  55. Lee323 says:

    166 Philip Munger Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 9:04 PM

    How fortunate for the intrepid settlers!

    Out of the frying pan and into Palin-dominated…..whatever.

  56. lynnrockets says:

    How’s this one?

    (sung to the Thin Lizzy song “The Boys Are Back In Town”)

    Guess who just got back today?
    That beehived lass that had been away
    Hasn’t changed, still too much to say
    Oh man, that Palin chick is crazy

    People asking if she was around
    That really crazy lipsticked hound
    She thought she was D.C. bound
    Man, that meth high left her hazy

    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    I said
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town

    You know that Guv that used to wink a lot?
    One time she had a laughable cable TV sports spot
    Man, she couldn’t tell a free throw from a slap shot
    Ya betcha, idiotic!

    And that time over at Wooten’s place
    Well Barbie got so pissed that she slapped Michael’s face
    Man, the First Dude fell about the place
    If Monegan don’t like it, forget him!

    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    I said
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town

    Spread the word around
    Sarah’s back in town

    Let’s spread the word around

    Friday night we’ll be dressed to thrill
    Down at the Mudflats Bar & Grill
    If barracuda looks could kill
    Man, Caribou would chew us up and spit out

    That jukebox in the corner blasting out Lynnrockets songs
    She’ll be out of office, it won’t be long
    Won’t be long till she’s long gone
    Now that the people are on to her

    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    Spread the word around
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back, the noise is back

    The noise is back in town again
    Been hangin’ down at Mudflat’s
    The noise is back in town again

  57. lynnrockets says:

    @ Tealwomin:

    Those college nicknames are always witty. Just north of Boston we have a school named Salem State. It is affectionately known as as Seldom Straight. Now this is a good nickname because in the 60’s and 70’s, Seldom Straight referred to the drug and alcohol problems at the school. In the 80’s through today however, the school has become somewhat gay so Seldom Straight has taken on a whole new meaning.

  58. Kristen Cole used to be Kristen Tanner. She and her ex-husband, Don Tanner, moved to South Africa to become (white) settlers during the peak of apartheid. They moved back to Alaska when the government in Rhodesia changed from white-dominated to black-dominated.

  59. Tealwomin says:

    U of RI… they had so many parties, called the school UR High…hard to live down…

  60. lynnrockets,

    Copacavilla – 707

    That’s probably the only Barry Manilow song I ever liked. That takes care of that…

  61. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    😀 sleep tight, lynnrockets

  62. Tealwomin says:

    Lynn…Boston huh? lived in RI while attending UR High over in N Kingston

  63. Tealwomin says:

    That ONE! is my fav Lynn!

  64. lynnrockets says:

    Look, folks, it’s late here in Boston, but can we all sing along to this one before I go to bed?

    (sung to the Barry Manilow song “Copacabana”)

    Her name was Sarah, She was a schoolgirl
    With lots of style gel in her hair and a dress cut down to there
    She used to play flute, no not the skin type
    And yes she was a sportscaster, a job that she could not master
    Although she was a pup, with Todd she got knocked-up
    They were young and they had each other
    Just a mere hiccup

    At the Copa, Copacavilla
    The hottest spot north of Wasilla
    At the Copa, Copacavilla
    Those rimless glasses made them look like asses
    At the Copa…they fell in love

    (Copa Copacavilla)

    His name was Toddie, she liked his body
    They got married one fine day, He insisted he’s not gay
    They said a prayer, then she was mayor
    But to add some attitude, she changed his name to the “First Dude”
    Sarah then hired some crooks, and then she banned some books
    There was trouble with city contracts
    So they cooked the books

    At the Copa, Copacavilla
    The hottest spot north of Wasilla
    At the Copa, Copacavilla
    Handouts and kickbacks and lots of “Joe Sixpacks”
    At the Copa…next it was Guv

    (Copa Copacavilla) (Copacavilla, ahh ahh ahh ahh)
    (Ahh ahh ahh ahh Copa Copacavilla)
    (Wasilla, rhymes with vanilla)
    (Dumbness and fashion… were always her passion)

    Her name is Sarah, she is the Guv’nor
    She even tried to be V.P., cuz she was so damn “Mavericky”
    That was a pipedream for our gal, Sarah
    The job was above her pay-grade. More substance in lemonade
    Her inlaw getting high. Now she just hates Levi
    She lost the race and she lost her mojo
    Now she’s lost her mind!

    At the Copa (CO), Copacavilla (Copacavilla)
    The hottest spot north of Wasilla (Here)
    At the Copa (CO), Copacavilla
    No education. Unwed procreation
    At the Copa…That’s our dear Guv

    (Copa) That’s our dear Guv
    (Fade to end)

  65. hindsite2020 says:

    Does anyone know how an ethic complaint is handled? How long does it take for a complaint to be heard by the board? Why is it taking so long for the complaints to be resolved? Do they go to the AG first or the board? Thanks in advance for any info anyone may have.

  66. Deb says:

    can we bump it up from a “rash” of ethics complaints to a “plethora’ of ethics complaints?

  67. Deb says:

    to sally- did the article say “a RASH of ethics complaints”??

  68. lynnrockets says:

    I’ve got to tell you folks, this Palin chick has put Alaska on the map in more ways than I can count. i do not think that I have ever thought of Alaska in my life other than the Iditerod and to be honest, I’m not even sure sure if that is an Alaska event. Nonetheless, this moron has made me access Alaska sites and from that I’ve learned that Alaskans are some of the coolest, wittiest folks
    that I’ve ever encountered. Keep up the good work folks and please bear with me, too.

  69. Team Alaska says:

    Well said Lee323!

    The dairy farm is pretty valuable farm/new development land for a real estate developer to get there hands on. What happens to a failed dairy farm? Does it get auctioned off to a real-estate developers?

  70. Deb says:

    most excellent, lynnrockets 🙂

  71. lynnrockets says:

    Hey folks, if this is not entertaining, let me know. I have one good follow up.

    (sung to the Gordon Lightfoot song “Carefree Highway”)

    Pickin’ up the pieces of my sweet Alaskan dream
    I wonder how “Joe Sixpack” is tonight
    Her name was Sarah, she wore rimless glasses on her face
    She was Guv and she was quite uptight
    Wasilla Highway, let me slip away on you
    Wasilla Highway, she’s seen better days
    The Sarah Palin blues from her beehive to her shoes
    Wasilla Highway, please take her away
    Her away on you.

    Turnin’ back the pages to the good Ol’ Palinfest
    I wonder if she’ll ever be the same
    During interviews she only stumbled and then lied
    Now all she has is Levi left to blame
    Wasilla Highway, must see Sarah my old flame
    Wasilla Highway, she’s seen better days
    The Sarah Palin blues induced by mainstream nightly news
    Wasilla Highway, just take her away
    Her away on you

    Searchin’ through the fragments of a career that once was
    I wonder if “Joe the Plumber” is still kind
    Was it Ross, Levi, Wooten or Diana Palin’s bust
    Or some other secret she wants left behind
    Wasilla Highway, did she sneak away on you
    Wasilla Highway, she’s seen better days
    The mornin’ after blues caused by meth and cheap-ass booze
    Wasilla Highway, did she sneak away
    Sneak away on you

  72. Deb says:

    I can donate to a legal fund to defend Palin against ethics complaints and that has to be public, but I can’t PUBLICLY file an ethics complaint?

  73. sally says:

    APRIL 24, 2009
    Palin Backers Set Up Legal-Defense Fund
    Supporters of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will announce Friday the creation of a legal-defense fund to help her pay old legal bills, respond to a rash of ethics complaints and perhaps give her a political boost.

  74. Deb says:

    what about “privacy” ( don’t mind cacklingin the backgroung)

  75. Deb says:

    oh…this is too delicious! the names and dates of all contributors will be published?

  76. Blue Idaho says:

    Could somebody file an ethics complint against Mike Nizich for encouraging people to seek revenge on iddividuals who have filed ethics complaints against Gino?

  77. Grover says:

    These are the names at the bottom of the article:

    Write to John D. McKinnon at [email protected] and Monica Langley at [email protected]

  78. Grover says:

    This is what I cut and pasted from the WSJ site, the drawing of SP didn’t come through, and I didn’t get the caption, sorry. I’m way overdue for sleep.

    Supporters of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will announce Friday the creation of a legal-defense fund to help her pay old legal bills, respond to a rash of ethics complaints and perhaps give her a political boost.

    The 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate — and possible 2012 White House aspirant — has about $500,000 of legal debts, stemming in part from investigations into efforts to fire an Alaska state trooper who was her former brother-in-law. A legislative investigation found that Gov. Palin abused her power in the matter, but a subsequent investigation by the state Personnel Board concluded she could not be held responsible. Additionally, supporters say, about a dozen new ethics complaints have been filed against Ms. Palin in the past four months, as the governor has come under increasing scrutiny from the national media, Democrats and liberal activists.

    “The purpose is really to provide a legal and proper way for the governor’s supporters to help her respond to these frivolous complaints that have been leveled, keeping her from being able to do her job and…really harassing her,” said fund trustee Kristan Cole, a real-estate agent and longtime friend of the governor from her hometown of Wasilla.
    [Sarah Palin]

    Sarah Palin

    Donations will be capped at $150, according to materials describing the fund, and no contributions will be accepted from corporations, state contractors, state or federal lobbyists, lobbying firms or foreign nationals.

    Palin backers also said all names of donors, dates and contribution amounts will be made public. Supporters say the governor wanted the fund to be more restrictive and transparent than other legal-defense funds.

    Such funds have become increasingly common as scrutiny of politicians has intensified. While helping officials to rally supporters, the accounts also have been a source of controversy, in part because they are sometimes lightly regulated relative to campaign funds.

    The latest legal challenge to Ms. Palin came Wednesday, when an Anchorage woman filed a complaint with the state attorney general’s office saying the governor violated state ethics rules by accepting outside employment through her political-action committee, and improperly benefited personally by speaking at a recent anti-abortion dinner in Indiana. Ms. Palin’s chief of staff termed the recent complaints “ridiculous.”

  79. yoohoo says:

    Like Kinky (Big Dick) Friedman says,

    “You can lead a politician to water, but you can’t make them THINK!

  80. yoohoo says:

    Like Kinky (Big Dick) Friedmand says, “You can lead a politician to water, but you can’t make them THINK!

  81. michigander says:

    problem child and crystal wolf, thanks I think it’s my server so this might not come through either. I was ‘whining’ for someone to start a recall again though. I can’t help it, if someone cared enough to start one it would make a difference )o:

  82. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    short-timer OH, ok. Thank you so much !

  83. short-timer says:

    May I respectfully ask why you link to an article about Sheryl King, a missing Realtor? Thanks.

    If you go to the article you can see King (the missing realtor) is Kristen Cole’s mother.

  84. nswfm CA says:

    Ooh, I was talking about SP’s childhood friend at Mat-Maid. Not the linked article above. My thoughts were about the sports complex, the house built by Todd’ buddies and so on.

  85. sauerkraut says:

    Pity is about the lowest human emotion anyone can direct at any other human being.

    That said… I truly pity Sarah Palin. So much potential, so little achieved.

  86. Seriously, if you are in fear of reprisals, I am available as a personal protective agent. I offer discount rates for Progressives and friends of AKM. I think SP is not far from that kind of action. I know, I know. But seriously….

  87. Lee323 says:


    1) Palin and her staffers act like they have no clue about what the process of filing an ethical complaint entails.

    2) Palin is throwing out any and all counter-accusations in hopes they are what the public remembers.

    3) Palin is ramping up her “vindictive amateur” status in calling for a public “backlash.”

    4) Palin is ridiculously hypocritical yet one more time in neglecting to mention her own public filing of an ethics complaint against herself but savages Tompkins for the same thing.

    5) Palin is demonstrating her honed abilities in lying when she says all of the complaints have been baseless (Really?? Why is she paying back $10,000 in illegal travel expenses? Or paying back taxes on the per diem ethics complaint? Or giving back the state’s Suburban vehicle? Why is The Dud maintaining a lower profile than his previous “co-governor” status? And where are all those state-related emails on the illegal private account that Palin was ordered to turn over??)

    5) The “alarming new development in Alaskan politics” is not citizens filing ethical complaints, it’s the blustering truculence and self-centered grandiosity of the governor of Alaska. What the guv. is actually seeing DEVELOP is increasing citizen involvement and empowerment in their own government. THEIR government….not Palin’s private office to spin her webs of self-enrichment and personal vendettas.

    6) Palin is foaming at the mouth. Nothing she says anymore has an iota of sincerity, thoughtful consideration, or disciplined intelligence. “Outrageous, outrageous” Palin shrieks. Yawn.

  88. nswfm CA says:

    I read that thing about Cole when at work. They had the line drawing of SP. That’s where I got the info on her realtor buddy. What other stuff is hidden in that pile of real estate papers? I’ll bet there are some more ethics problems in with those two with money and real estate. Who out there can get the scoop?

  89. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Sally says:
    News Break, March 2003
    Missing Realtor Leaves Unanswered Questions, by Jason R Hewlett

    May I respectfully ask why you link to an article about Sheryl King, a missing Realtor? Thanks.

  90. sally says:

    Thursday, June 21, 2007
    Kamloops Real Estate Agent Receives Sentence

    A realtor who bilked fellow agents out of hard earned money has been sentence to a conditional sentence, to be served in the US.

    Realtor to serve sentence in U.S.
    by Robert Koopmans of the Kamloops Daily News
    Posted by Snap Up Real Estate on 6/21/2007 Labels: Fraud, Realtors

  91. short-timer says:

    34 InJuneau Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 3:54 PM
    Nizich is the Chief of Staff. He’s been around since the beginning I think. He just usually stays out of the news, at least until recently.

    Nope, Mike Tibbles was there first. He left before all the Wooten stuff hit the fan:

  92. sally says:

    News Break, March 2003
    Missing Realtor Leaves Unanswered Questions, by Jason R Hewlett

    page 2, paragraph 7

  93. Alaska Pi says:

    @ GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble –

    You need to practise a bit… you’ve almost got it.
    It goes
    Bless their ROTTEN LITTLE hearts…

  94. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    @Alaska Pi

    OKay………….. I’ll pity them for all that – as long as i get to read about it. Bless their hearts.

  95. Krubozumo Nyankoye says:

    One has to laugh at any politician who claims that ethics complaints against
    them are unfair, when they fired their prime public safety officer because he
    would not illegally inflict retribution on one of their private enemies. Any one
    want to bet that Levi isn’t charged with some heinious crime within the next
    couple of months by the Palin dictatorship? I don’t usually offer such opinions
    but this one is just too ripe to avoid taking a bite.

  96. Andrew reviews the flaws on the Wall street journal:

    “While Carlton does identify Cole as a “grade-school friend” of Palin’s, he leaves out a couple of deeply pertinent facts. He doesn’t mention that Cole lacked any credentials for a high government post overseeing agriculture: she was a prominent local realtor, without any expertise in the dairy or any other farm-related industry. Carlton also fails to mention Cole’s close personal ties to at least one dairy farmer, Robert Havemeister. Havemeister’s daughter-in-law, Franci, had worked for Cole as a realtor. (Even more incredibly, Franci Havemeister was appointed Director of the Division of Agriculture by Palin, a position with direct oversight of the Mat Maid dissolution, despite being equally unqualified for her position and having an horrendous conflict of interest.)”

  97. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    the problem child IS MY NAME! Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 7:14 PM

    michigander Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 6:36 PM

    Came back and tried to comment. I guess I’m banned – I care but I apparently did something wrong. I’m sorry, I have tried to be an advocate. I never meant to offend.
    You don’t look banned to me. Comments with more than one link tend to go to moderation. Have hope.
    Also too…
    When too many people try to post at once the post get stuck in the tubes 🙁
    That happened to me last night while live blogging and I have one floating around somewhere at the moment. Frustrating. AKM doesn’t really ban anyone unless they are outright trolls!

  98. Star says:

    Liar, Liar, pants on fire!! Run sarah run…

  99. Alaska Pi says:

    @120 GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble Says:
    You’re a better person than I am ’cause pity never crossed my mind. I want GINO and every other taxpayer employee (read government official) to get exactly what’s coming to them. Be it embarrassment, praise or prison.

    Nope- not a better person.

    I have pitied every one of the twits we have sent off to jail for corruption.
    We need to send some more…?
    I’ll pity them for selling out their families, their neighbors, everyone and everything which really matters for some dumb thing like self-aggrandizement and a few bucks
    And if necessary I’ll lock their cell door.

  100. DrChill says:

    A nice layout of the executive ethics law id here:
    It may be out dated, so look here to doublecheck


    Legislative ethics:
    if the committee finds that a complainant has violated any confidentiality provision, the committee shall immediately dismiss the complaint. Dismissal of a complaint under this subsection does not affect the right of the committee or any other person other than the complainant to initiate a complaint based on the same factual allegations.


  101. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    @Alaska Pi

    Being famous for having the Leg reprimand you at the level they did this go around, over almost everything, including her disengagement from her job, is almost pitiful though.

    You’re a better person than I am ’cause pity never crossed my mind. I want GINO and every other taxpayer employee (read government official) to get exactly what’s coming to them. Be it embarrassment, praise or prison.

  102. Alaska Pi says:

    @117 wavelength Says:
    Kudos to those who do go public with their formal, filed complaints against SP.

    And some some nice friendly pats on the back and handshaking and ‘thank you neighbor”
    We’ll save the backlash for the ghastly gov getting lipstick and whine all over our State website…

  103. DrChill says:

    Funny thing about Alaskan Law- Title 39 Public Officers and Employees – Chapter 52 Is the – ALASKA EXECUTIVE BRANCH ETHICS ACT
    The language relating to confidentiality applies to State employees and officers. When they get the complaint , they’re supposed to maintain confidentiality.
    Those filing are not required to maintain confidentiality.

    The legislative ethics law was amended to require the legislative committee to dismiss a complaint if the complainant reveals the content of the complaint or the fact that a complaint was filed.

    The only people compelled to maintain confidentiality are public employees.

  104. wavelength says:

    Of course the body receiving the complaint would be required to keep the information confidential until an investigation is conducted. But I read nothing in the regulations and policies of the State of Alaska that says it’s incumbent upon the person FILING the complaint to not make their identity or the complaint public.

    Kudos to those who do go public with their formal, filed complaints against SP.

  105. Michelle says:

    Looks like the WSJ pulled the article. She must have called. The beginning is still on HuffPo.

  106. WrongTruth says:

    Take her out AL.
    !@it hanging around, making my a@! hurt.

    Now, lets what the AG does with this one. OH! does she have one?

  107. WrongTruth says:

    Fish Hawk,
    IL on da blog
    Next to Palin, Blago looks like he has a halo.

  108. dowl says:

    The WSJ article about SP’s legal defense fund does not load. What’s up with that? Could not find the article on the online.wjs website.

  109. Laurie says:

    Just a thought. When I first read the WSJ article re: the legal defense fund…I noted that it was dated Apr. 24. Perhaps they just put it up too early? That happened on and off during election season as well. (with various articles)

  110. michigander says:

    Came back and tried to comment. I guess I’m banned – I care but I apparently did something wrong. I’m sorry, I have tried to be an advocate. I never meant to offend.

  111. zyggy says:

    Was Palin the first person to file an ethics complaint against herself? Even if she wasn’t seems to me Alaskans are just following what she felt was necessary. Guess she can’t handle anything truthful.

    That woman needs to step down, she’s useless, the state of Alaska deserves better.

  112. Canadian Neighbour says:

    GINO’s legal fund has made it on to Huff:

  113. Mirage 18 says:

    I just ran across this pre-announcement of a Palin Legal Defense Fund at:

    When you click on the Wall Street Journal article, it doesn’t work, but it takes about the fund being run by a childhood friend. Would that be Kristen Cole – the person referenced in one of the recent comments?

    I haven’t had time to read all of the comments, so, maybe this is already being addressed. If not, it looks like AKM has another controversy to write about. It just never ends, does it?

  114. Tealwomin says:

    “Big-headed, @zz-backward narcissistic, pathetic Gov-wanna-be, who lie – annoy me.”

  115. sauerkraut says:

    27 Deb Says: April 23rd, 2009 at 3:37 PM

    I am not a lawyer, but I assume the statute written about privacy of a complaint places that burden upon the State, not the person filing the complaint. In other words, the State cannot release details of a complaint, but I would be willing to bet that the person filing a complaint is not subject to the same “privacy” laws as the State.

    Yep, you assume correctly. At least according to the citation included in the PR response.

  116. Alaska Pi says:

    99 GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble Says:
    Well, she wanted to be famous.

    I know.
    Being famous for having the Leg reprimand you at the level they did this go around, over almost everything, including her disengagement from her job, is almost pitiful though.
    ALMOST pitiful…
    If it serves to help send her back down to the minor leagues where she belongs I will let myself feel some pity for a human gone so astray.

    If not, we will just have to hope some of these ethics complaints stick like the travel one did because no matter how I feel about accepting her failures as a human being, the ghastly gov has no business in state govt… nor federal… nor even serving on a Friends of the Library Board.
    Washing cars maybe? Greeter for a Wal-Mart?

  117. OT OT kristen Cole – Dairy gate

    “After a senior ARLF loan officer informed both Chair Kristen Cole and the state’s attorney in an e-mail that the application was incomplete and should be denied, the loan officer was immediately replaced and removed from any further reviews regarding the Valley Dairy”.

  118. Tealwomin says:

    So may I ask What happened to here DEMANDING clean and clear, transparent government?
    …she must have been taking about other officials-not herself

    She filed a complaint or two, so she understands that what she is doing by posting it on the state web site is funky as heck…really shows how CONTROLLING she is & not fair at all, makes all the things [already] in the media seem true


    ..yet another baseless ethics complaint has been filed as part of an alarming new development in Alaska politics.

    ….Woman there are 12 issues facing you….new indeed!

    YET another baseless ethics complaint?
    ….Everybody HATES Raymond, I mean GiNO
    …don’t hate me cause I’m beautiful, I mean there are sssooooo many other reasons…..

    I’m sure she is alarmed that more and more ppl are holding her to her own words….and NOT TAKING her nonchalant BS

  119. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Cole understands/speaks Palinese!!!

    KRISTAN COLE, FRIEND OF GOV. SARAH PALIN: Gosh, I’ve known the governor almost 40 years, Greta

    VAN SUSTEREN: Is she a diva?

    COLE: Absolutely not. I mean, these folks, these folks that are making these statements about her anonymously — I mean, the truth is, I’ve known her almost 40 years and she is a very down-to-earth, very hard-working person. And she would never do anything that’s unbecoming as a governor.

    COLE: No, she doesn’t. I think she — you know, she expects that.

    I mean, you know!!!!! Gosh!!

  120. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Alaska Fights a Tourism Cold Front
    Cruise lines and resorts offer steep discounts; missing a ‘Palin effect’

  121. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    @Alaska Pi

    The Leg bucked her pretty well this time around… they didn’t even manage this much spine when Murkowski was selling us off to the lowest bidder.
    Well, she wanted to be famous.

  122. Alaska Pi says:

    @90 Lisabeth Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 5:40 PM
    Responding to an ethics complaint like that on a state website us tacky and very low class. Can you imagine other governors, senators, etc doing that?? Never!! They might give a similar quote when interweiwd but to say what she did on her official website is really tacky!!!!
    Tacky doesn’t touch it…
    The ghastly gov has been using the State website like a personal blog for months now…

  123. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    BPOINT Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 5:34 PM

    Something funny has happened.
    The WSJ article about GINO’s plan to announce a defense fund has been taken down. Interesting development?
    I saw that?????

    I also wonder, with Mat-Maid all the news “got fraud?” all Halcro’s article on it, why hasn’t the FBI busted her yet? WHY????
    The more I see this…words can’t describe what I feel? And John McCain want US to have HER as VP disgusting!!!!!!

  124. Bret says:

    Hi AKM,
    OT, but wondering if you have announced the conclusion to the cliffhanger and I missed it, or is it still in the works???? Thanks!

  125. Alaska Pi says:

    @66 Matha Says:
    “I said majority of Alaskans, and that appears to be true, as the majority ARE republicans. I would have thought that even republicans had become fed up with Palin by now

    From day #! there was a history of her shenanigans going back to her days as mayor in Wassilla. For Alaskans there was no “sheeps clothing”.”

    I have to respectfully disagree with you. The majority of Alaskan voters are not Republicans- though they tend to vote that way more often.

    The ghastly gov did not do as well with Republican voters as might be expected with Halcro splitting off a certain percentage… though some would also say the Halcro vote is why Knowles lost…
    A certain type of conservative Republican has been against the gov from the first…her work to renegotiate sweetheart oil royalty deals with the coalition majority in the Leg was totally unacceptable to them.
    The whispers from Wasilla then were just that- whispers.
    The ghastly gov came to office as a fresh-face. There were plenty of us who had heard the whispers who were quite startled that she managed to stay pretty much on task for the first 2 sessions. Fresh faces usually start to smell in public pretty fast…she managed to mind her P&Qs in public pretty well.
    It wasn’t until the Troopergate probe became public that the the ghastly gov’s pancake makeup started showing real visible cracks…
    Sorry- she just flat kept it in the inner circle pretty darn well for quite awhile…
    The Leg bucked her pretty well this time around… they didn’t even manage this much spine when Murkowski was selling us off to the lowest bidder.

  126. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Someone previously posted that Cole was in real estate. Here is some personal info from the former Miss Alaska 🙂 Where have we heard from another pageant participant before?? Wonder if this who beat her!!! LOL

    Are you a Billion Dollar Agent or do you believe you will hit that level during your career?
    “I estimate we have closed over $375 million so far, and I plan to reach one billion before I retire.”

    Been in real estate 23 years — think she’ll make it?? $375 million on a Billion Dollar Agent Blog!!!

  127. Gingerbread Man says:

    Kristan Cole used to be married to Don Tanner, a friend of Wayne Anthony Ross. “Right Wing Watch” website describes Tanner as follows
    “Don Tanner, a white nationalist who moved to South Africa for a period during the 1980s to support its apartheid government,…reveled crowds of conservatives with anti-black “South African jokes” upon his return to Alaska.”

    I believe that Sarah’s newly appointed head of the Department of Agriculture (who is a high school classmate of Palin) worked briefly with Kristan Cole as a real estate agent. It would appear to be her only work experience since HS graduation. Nice promotional opportunity, huh?

  128. Lainey says:

    somebody’s getting under her skin…only the guilty would react…I’m just sayin’.
    what’s the backlash? sounds like a threat to me! I feel a lawsuit coming on.
    wow, how’s she planning to use that assault rifle? …gonna shoot game from her front porch now? who, in their right mind, would give a crazy person an assault weapon? she better REALLY pray that one of her kids don’t get a hold of it.
    Damn, now she ’s down to grade school friends in appointed positions. Next it’ll be somebody she potty-trained with.
    ——–made me giggle…she’s a piece of work, isn’t she?

  129. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    OT from Huffpo – Houston we have a solution

  130. Tealwomin says:

    Lisabeth …..Her Official Web site…NOT!

    it belongs to the State of AK….she thinks it belongs to her….like everything else

  131. austintx says:

    bumper sticker’s for sarah………

    Pregnant Unwed High School Dropouts for Palin

  132. Lisabeth says:

    Responding to an ethics complaint like that on a state website us tacky and very low class. Can you imagine other governors, senators, etc doing that?? Never!! They might give a similar quote when interweiwd but to say what she did on her official website is really tacky!!!!

  133. KittenStCyr says:

    @ Matha
    Believe it or not, the largest number of registered voters in AK are not affiliated with any political party. We choose which ballot we want in the primaries.
    Non partisanism is what I miss most about the days before Palin was tapped. Once the RNC was ensconced in Juneau we started hearing Republicans “this” and democrats “that”. When someone starts calling out Palin’s detractors as damned Democrats, it’s how I can tell who really knows AK and who does not.

  134. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Poor Sarah, all she’s got time to do now is stomp out fires. Busy lady.

  135. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    BPOINT Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 5:34 PM

    Something funny has happened.
    The WSJ article about GINO’s plan to announce a defense fund has been taken down. Interesting development?
    I see her trying to suck back pretty much everything she’s said since she didn’t blink. Oh, the relentless glare of fame.

  136. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    WakeUpAmerica Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 5:09 PM

    Hasn’t anybody on here grown up with Sarah? Can’t someone tell us what she was like growing up? I’m quite curious to know if she was a conniving bully who threw her “friends” under the bus when she was finished with them. Or is this an adult development in her personality?
    Everyone who grew up with her is working for her!!!! Is Kristen Cole, the one whose “love of cows” was her qualification for the Dairy commission?

  137. BPOINT says:

    Something funny has happened.
    The WSJ article about GINO’s plan to announce a defense fund has been taken down. Interesting development?

  138. Tealwomin says:

    55 austintx Says: Well – gee wiz – there is her qualification for any job in the state !!

    The GiNO and her whole administration get a big fat NO!

  139. Tealwomin says:

    wheres the ethics in treating the AK Official State Website as if it were a gossip blogg

    …if only

  140. BPOINT says:

    @A Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 5:26 PM
    Since Sarah reads everything, I’m sure she read this

    Wonder what she thought.

    The funny thing is she certainly read the story, and then she refused to take any questions concerning the matter or any other matter while on the campaign trail.

  141. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    anon blogger Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 4:38 PM

    Thanks, AKM.

    Hahaha…trying to use peer pressure to manipulate behavior…kid stuff!

    I wonder, 12 ethics complaints, a world record?
    I hope another one come ASAP and make’s it a “Baker’s dozen” HeH!

  142. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Old, but Huffpo’s reporting it as new again.

  143. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Since Sarah reads everything, I’m sure she read this

    Wonder what she thought.

  144. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Two words come to mind:

    Blamey Whinehouse (thank you Jon Stewart – we will need you around for more of these as she self destructs).

  145. phoebe says:

    I still think someone needs to infiltrate the Wasilla High School. Anyone of you Alaskans out there who look young for your age will be considered.

  146. Tealwomin says:

    “…will face a backlash from Alaskans who have a sense of fair play and proportion…”

    the words – coming from the Gov office – really suprised me

  147. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    The Kristan Cole Team has sponsored Todd Palin many times; Todd and his partner have won the Iron Dog race four times, in 1995, 2000, 2002, and 2007. Todd is the “First Dude” of Alaska and the husband of Governor Sarah Palin.
    The Valley Dairy: Got Fraud?
    “The board’s Chair is Palin’s close friend and stauch supporter Kristen Cole, who’s own family ties include a mother who was recently charged with embezzlement of $700,000 from real estate companies. The rest of the board is also comprised of friends and neighbors of Palin.”

  148. winkwinkWA says:

    sorry spelling???? Progressive Alaska

  149. winkwinkWA says:

    Go over to Progressive Aalska and check out the dead animal around GINO’S neck…..wonder if she shoot it herself. She should have worn that piece of wardrobe in the campaign. lol

  150. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Hasn’t anybody on here grown up with Sarah? Can’t someone tell us what she was like growing up? I’m quite curious to know if she was a conniving bully who threw her “friends” under the bus when she was finished with them. Or is this an adult development in her personality?

  151. WakeUpAmerica says:

    I think the biggest problem with GINO WHINO is that she is a princess and we all refuse to recognize it. That in itself just really pisses her off. Now get with it people and bow down!!!

  152. ocliberal says:

    I say keep those ethics complaints coming. Every one of those complaints needs to be examined and acted upon.

    And I wouldn’t be surprised if they do worry Palin just a tiny bit. I doubt the title of Queen of the Ethics complaints is something she wants on her resume.

    She lost big on the travel expenses complaint and I personally don’t think Celtic Diva’s complaint is frivolous at all. I hope they investigate and publicize just how Palin came across a custom jacket with advertising all over it and how much Artic Cat really paid the Palin team. I think that information would be interesting.

    She is truly a piece of work. Has this woman ever in her entire life taken responsbility for her screw-ups? I mean once?????

    I bet in high school she was the one on the basketball team blaming everyone else to cover up her own screw ups.

    Her schtick is getting real old and tiresome. I just can’t believe that anyone wouldn’t rather have some intelligence, integrity, compassion, humanity and accountability in their leadership instead of this empty-headed, vindicative, shallow, no-class bully that defines Sarah Palin.

  153. nswfm CA says:

    Seems Kristan Cole was out of a job, so SP had to get into MORE trouble so she could get her friend to RESCUE her again. SP’s economic stimulus plan for her inner circle.

  154. Matha says:

    Alaska Pi Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 4:38 PM
    @43 Matha Says:
    “How much of the nonsense are they willing to put up with?

    The country got rid of Bush and his cronies during the election, doesn’t Alaska want to wake up to to the daylight?”

    Holy moley- America got 8 years to dump the chump and Alaska only gets since last August when the ghastly gov came out of her sheep’s clothing?
    LOTS of progress has been made in the last few months… Refusing to confirm WAR is huge…
    We’re working on it, take a deep breath and let us keep working…

    First of all I was not referring to the this blog or the folks that comment here.
    I said majority of Alaskans, and that appears to be true, as the majority ARE republicans. I would have thought that even republicans had become fed up with Palin by now

    Secondly, I have been reading this blog and others since Palin was brought into the national spotlight.

    From day #! there was a history of her shenanigans going back to her days as mayor in Wassilla. For Alaskans there was no “sheeps clothing”.

    When someone applies for a job, you look at their resume, all politicians running for office have a history that is public knowledge.

    Just look at her education for heavens sake! What was it 5 colleges in 6 years?
    That in itself just BEGS the question….why?, what is wrong with this person?

  155. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Vengeance? Yep, sounds like the demented guv. Such a wonderful example of a Christian.

  156. NYHawk says:

    Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator

    Kristan Cole, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:
    Creation Schwarzkopf Palin

  157. winkwinkWA says:

    Question–is there a max dollar value on gifts GINO can except?? Commenters have said since this assult rifle is custom made it is worth $5000k, she will be presented this in May at some NRA event.

  158. AlaskaGuy says:

    So completely off topic, is Halcro dropping his blog in order to run for Governor in 2010?

    What do those in the know know? 🙂

  159. austintx says:

    58 pvazwindy Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 4:44 PM
    Damn, now she ’s down to grade school friends in appointed positions. Next it’ll be somebody she potty-trained with. When will this absurdity in Alaska end?
    Yeah – she is running out of people. Notice no one from the 6 colleges she went to have ever been around…..

  160. pvazwindy says:

    Damn, now she ‘s down to grade school friends in appointed positions. Next it’ll be somebody she potty-trained with. When will this absurdity in Alaska end?

  161. Alaska Pi says:

    @43 Matha Says:
    “How much of the nonsense are they willing to put up with?

    The country got rid of Bush and his cronies during the election, doesn’t Alaska want to wake up to to the daylight?”

    Holy moley- America got 8 years to dump the chump and Alaska only gets since last August when the ghastly gov came out of her sheep’s clothing?
    LOTS of progress has been made in the last few months… Refusing to confirm WAR is huge…
    We’re working on it, take a deep breath and let us keep working…

  162. BPOINT says:

    This was some of the fallout when the story broke last fall

    “a Wasilla blogger, Sherry Whitstine, who chronicles the governor’s career with an astringent eye, answered her phone to hear an assistant to the governor on the line, she said.

    “You should be ashamed!” Ivy Frye, the assistant, told her. “Stop blogging. Stop blogging right now!”

  163. anon blogger says:

    Thanks, AKM.

    Hahaha…trying to use peer pressure to manipulate behavior…kid stuff!

    I wonder, 12 ethics complaints, a world record?

  164. austintx says:

    50 BPOINT Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 4:29 PM
    Kristan Cole — a grade-school classmate of Gov. Palin — as the chairman.
    Well – gee wiz – there is her qualification for any job in the state !!

  165. Matha says:

    More Palin …..hmmmmm……crap. Excerpt and link;

    Sarah Palin To Be Given Huge Engraved Assault Rifle

    The gift is an assault rifle custom-engraved with the image of a moose, the Big Dipper, a map of Alaska, and the words “In Honor of Governor Sarah Palin.”

    The governor could really mow down a moose with this thing, or perhaps spray several wolves from a helicopter, or, say, terrify one Levi Johnston.

    Check it out:

  166. hedgewytch says:

    This just in from Huffingtpost: Palin backers set up legal defense fund:

    And who is the backer? Why it’s an old friend that just happens to owe her a favor:

  167. BPOINT says:

    From a September 08 WSJ story

    Within days, the governor replaced the entire Board of Agriculture and Conservation, which oversees the Creamery Board. The new agriculture board then appointed itself as the Creamery Board and named Kristan Cole — a grade-school classmate of Gov. Palin — as the chairman. The new board reversed the closure and removed Mr. Van Treeck as CEO. He filed a suit in Alaska Superior Court charging he didn’t get what he was owed. The case is still pending.

    Ms. Cole declined to comment on the suit. She blamed mismanagement by the past regime for part of its financial problems. She said the creamery failed to rein in spending, for example, as milk prices were rising. Officials of the old creamery board dispute that.

    The decision to keep the creamery open at first looked good. In June 2007, it posted a small profit. But the next month, Matanuska Maid posted a $300,000 loss — its biggest ever in a month. Ms. Cole attributed that, in part, to the cost of going through a near-closure. The losses kept mounting until the new board in December decided to close the business down.

  168. Canadian Neighbour says:

    How ‘legal’ will this Legal-Defense Fund be?

  169. austintx says:

    BPOINT – thanks !!

    fund trustee Kristan Cole, a real-estate agent and longtime friend of the governor from her hometown of Wasilla.

    AK. pups , what’s the poop on Kristan ???

  170. austintx says:

    Are the “Impeach Palin” signs still standing ??

  171. Greytdog Δ says:

    here_in_PA Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 4:10 PM

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s office says she’s being victimized by ridiculous ethics complaints.

    I’d say the citizens of Alaska have been victimized by their ridiculous governor. But I’m starting to wonder, also, if the majority of Alaskans are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. . .I’m pretty sure TX is considering the latest poll regarding secession

  172. BPOINT says:

    The fund trustee is childhood friend who was embroiled in the dairy scandal

  173. BPOINT says:

    This just in from the Wall Street Journal

    Palin Backers Set Up Legal-Defense Fund

  174. Matha says:

    Rob in Ca Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 3:27 PM

    Well done Rob!!!!!!!!!!

    I’m sorry to say”you just can’t make this stuff up!” Unbelievable!!

    I just fail to understand the Alaskan legislature and the majority of the Alaskan public.

    How much of the nonsense are they willing to put up with?

    The country got rid of Bush and his cronies during the election, doesn’t Alaska want to wake up to to the daylight?

    Things are bad enough, just what ARE Palins’ plans for the stimulus monies??

    Will Alaska loose all of it? Just what HAS she done about it? What does she INTEND to DO about it?

    How do the governing rules about the stimulus effect Palins’ actions or inactions?

    What has the legislature done to insure that Alaskans understand WHAT needs to be done and WHEN it needs to be done?

    What communication has the legislature had with Washington, to ensure that everything is going according to plan, in order to reassure the Alaskan public?

    This is all a great sideshow and I’m sure that Palin is greatly relieved that it distracts from the important business of the people.

    I don’t understand why the Alaskan papers, the legislature and governors office are not FLOODED with these questions.

    I’m sure that there are many pressing matters that are not receiving the attention they deserve.

    Has Palin ever been interviewed about the stimulus monies? Palin would rather talk about WAR, screwball senate antics, abortion etc., I know but………….?

  175. rocket says:

    Palin is nothing more than a petty, petulant, catty, and vindictive… 14-year old Junior High school kid.

    Seriously, she is THE MOST juvenile “adult” in America!

  176. here_in_PA says:

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s office says she’s being victimized by ridiculous ethics complaints.

  177. ericmiami says:

    I draw the line at waterboarding. Maybe she deserves it, but it’s still not right.

  178. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Thanks InJuneau. Have grown accustomed to Meg throwing out the drivel like the re-issue of the same blah, blah, blah to Larry King

  179. Ripley in CT says:

    excellent addition of the bumper STICK’her!

    I do wonder if there isn’t at least one SANE person in her entourage. How can it be that they all are the same type of sycophants? It’s like she’s a big bully… then again, we haven’t seem much of Toad these days…. I wonder if he isn’t the impetus behind all the cowtowing.

  180. Fish Hawk Road Jody says:

    Her headline is : Wasilla Chillbilly Governor employs peon to wish harm on citizens concerned with ethics.

    That woman is an unstable nightmare. She almost makes my ex-gov. Blago look sane. }:>

  181. Winski says:

    I continue to be astonished by SP’s belief that the real world doesn’t exist except the one she believes she creates.

    Let’s be honest, people TRULY dislike this person and I’m glad they do. She has been REAL bad for Alaska in the last 6 months…

  182. nswfm CA says:

    17 CA dreamin of AK Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 3:25 PM
    Just took a quick look on google. Seems like the Governator had 1 filed against him in 2005. That in a state with at least 1 school district with an enrollment comprable to AK’s population. You’d think with all these people down here, someone would be filing a complaint against him a day.

    Complaints filed per capita: Governator 1:33,000,000

    Palinizor: 12:680,000 or about 1: 56,666

    Hope she likes all those sixes! Heh.
    Heh. Heh. Heh. Heh! Hasn’t the Governator been in office at least twice as long as the Palinizor?

  183. InJuneau says:

    Nizich is the Chief of Staff. He’s been around since the beginning I think. He just usually stays out of the news, at least until recently.

  184. NYHawk says:

    Rob in Ca Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 3:27 PM

    The official Governor’s press release is the outrage here.

    Excellent comments, Rob!

  185. All l Saw says:

    That picture rocks.

    Saw a bumper sticker at the hospital that said “Obama and Osama Had Friends That Blew Up The Pentagon”

    I really really really wanted to write something in sharpie on it. Something not very ladylike at all, but I really wanted to.

    Anyway, great picture. Spells out exactly how I feel as a resident of Wasilla.

  186. penny says:

    S.P. flies off the handle with private, innocent citizens .. like wild fire
    Could you even fathom how she would react had she became Veep .. and then when old man mccain croaked, PREZ.. reacting to the rest of the world like this?

    We would all be in dire danger of retaliation from abroad…

    She picks battles with little people.. The nature of being a Politician (or anyone in the public eye) people aren’t going to always like you .. and it’s not grade school anymore, you shouldn’t care! It’s part of the business.

    I’m surprised she hasn’t resorted to making late night prank calls with threatening little witchy messages .. she sure gets angry and riled easily.. too easily for sanity

    Watch out.. the old girl’s gonna blow!

  187. Sandra says:

    Having watched Sarah Palin try grinning and winking her way past having any semblance of knowledge of national issues — and having watched her ignore sound biological and wildlife management science — I am convinced that her continuing break-the-law-and-who-cares attitude comes from base ignorance. She knows nothing about anything, but she continues to hope that trying to look “cute” (getting a little long in the tooth to keep carrying that off) will defray the reality: she lacks intelligence and has no interest in learning.

  188. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Who is this pee-on Mike Nizich? Is he replacing McAllister? I don’t recall seeing this numbnuts name before

  189. does GINO need some cheese to go with her whine???

  190. Deb says:

    I am not a lawyer, but I assume the statute written about privacy of a complaint places that burden upon the State, not the person filing the complaint. In other words, the State cannot release details of a complaint, but I would be willing to bet that the person filing a complaint is not subject to the same “privacy” laws as the State. (Obviously, as seen by the case of Mr. Doo-doo head, the legislature/administration in Alaska seem to have some difficulty interpreting who/what is subject to what laws especially when it comes to privacy!)

  191. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Sorry, AKM. I got my commas discombobulated.

  192. InJuneau says:

    @sandra in oregon–Well now, that we do allow, though I’m not sure her minions could raise enough of themselves to have pickets enough for all the complaints! 😉

  193. I’ll bet if someone turns that picture into a bumper sticker, AKM will sell it on her Cafe Press site!!!

    (I’ll be the first customer!)

  194. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Gramiam Says:
    April 23rd, 2009 at 3:24 PM

    I just don’t understand why Alaska just doesn’t end all this drama and recall the Palinator.

    I’m kinda’ thinking that government in Alaska is just beginning to pull out of some very ugly and dirty political times, thanks in large part, to those pajama clad anonymous bloggers. Perhaps they’re taking it slow so they can get it right.

  195. sandra in oregon says:

    Maybe picket signs would work.

  196. Paula says:

    Boo hoo whaaaaaaaaaa! I am so Mavericky! I am, I am, I am! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    What a crybaby Palin is!

  197. Rob in Ca says:

    The official Governor’s press release is the outrage here.
    1. It is termed ‘baseless’. Excuse me, but that decision is made by the ethics board.
    2. It is termed ‘part of an alarming new development in Alaska politics’. No, it is the individual act of a citizen, using the mechanism specified under law to raise an ethics issue. What might be ‘new’, is a Governor who continues to raise questions about ethics with her behavior.
    3. This termed part of an ‘orchestrated effort’. Really? Does the Governor have evidence to suggest that the complainant acted in concert with anyone else? That sounds almost slanderous to me.
    4. …”differences of opinion and ideology almost criminal”. There is nothing in the complaint about opinion and ideology. What there is in the complaint is questions about actions taken.
    5. “…no charge has been substantiated”. On the contrary, the legislative committee substantiated the Troopergate charge, and the issue of misuse of state funds for personal travel was not only substantiated, but resulted in an agreement to repay the funds.
    6. “I hope the publicity seekers will see a backlash from Alaskans…”. What is the Governor trying to incite here? Shunning? What kind of backlash would she like to see?
    7. The complaint is characterized as an attempt to ‘distract the administration’. How can motive be described this way? It is an attempt, under the law, to raise a question of the Governor’s behavior. This is a right and duty of the citizenry and it is contrary to the intent of the ethics law to attempt to quash a complaint, discourage others, incite a ‘backlash’.
    8. Finally, it is absurd to think that a citizen cannot raise a question of ethics in a public forum. Free speech is not overridden by the poor wording of a statute. Certainly the investigation can be kept confidential. By the way, the only places I saw the complaint published was on blogs, and it was before the complaint was filed. I am no lawyer, but that sounds like it is in compliance to me.

    Again, I would stress that the repeated attempts to discourage other citizens, incite a backlash, and publicly browbeat the citizens who have filed complaints, is in itself indefensible and unethical. Governor Palin is the servant, the citizens are the master.

  198. pvazwindy says:

    Thats quite a coterie she’s assembled. Nizich needs to get up to speed, seems like he’s stuck in the past, as much as he refers to it. Stevens, Sarah, and Todd in Kodiak tonight for some fish convention. Was Todd invited? Was the form filled out? Geez, she makes it so difficult. And I must say thats pretty expensive airfare to Kodiak.

  199. CA dreamin of AK says:

    Just took a quick look on google. Seems like the Governator had 1 filed against him in 2005. That in a state with at least 1 school district with an enrollment comprable to AK’s population. You’d think with all these people down here, someone would be filing a complaint against him a day.

    Complaints filed per capita: Governator 1:33,000,000

    Palinizor: 12:680,000 or about 1: 56,666

    Hope she likes all those sixes! Heh.

  200. Gramiam says:

    I just don’t understand why Alaska just doesn’t end all this drama and recall the Palinator. After all, there is too much work to be done to square things away before next winter. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that nothing will change with this woman until you toss her perky little butt out into a snow bank and get a competent grown-up elected governor.

  201. Ryan H says:

    Mike Nizich, the governor’s chief of staff [said] “I hope that the publicity-seekers will face a backlash from Alaskans who have a sense of fair play and proportion.”

    Sure Mike. And we hope you’re boss will stop giving citizens reasons to file ethics complaints against her.

    Palin is her own worst enemy.

  202. Team Alaska says:

    The GINO Administration Responds To Ethics Complaints because they don’t like being shoved, “UNDER A BUS”. The Palin staffers admitted, that their past employment with the Palin Administration will hurt their job opportunities in the future.

  203. InJuneau says:

    @sandra in oregon–ah, fortunately we don’t allow billboards up here!

  204. UK Lady says:

    GAaah! You Alaskans and your cliffhangers. Halcro has been taking tips from AKM!

  205. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Same old whine with justification. Is she really so removed from reality that she can’t see this isn’t working anymore?

  206. CA dreamin of AK says:

    I wonder how many other governors have ethics complaints filed against them–and how many for each? Does even Blago have this many?
    Find one more ethics complaint to file against her–throw in one for free to make it a baker’s dozen! Then let Hansel and Gretel (or Anne and CC) shove her into the oven.

  207. deist says:

    In a nutshell: been there, done that; that’s what they told me. I’d be interested if they’re telling something else to others.

  208. Frank LI NY says:

    I look at the other 49 states, and then I look at Alaska.
    (shakes head)
    I just don’t get it.

  209. sandra in oregon says:

    Probably the best backlash would be impeachment of these private citizens, cancelling subscriptions to blogs, and putting up billboards publicizing the complaints. That would show them!

  210. deist says:

    We should also review Alaska Administrative Regulations 9 AAC 52.140 and .160 (or at least as a private citizen that is what they told me).

    140 is at:!3A!279+aac+52!2E140!27%5D/doc/%7B@45366%7D?

    160 is at:!3A!279+aac+52!2E160!27%5D/doc/%7B@45374%7D?

  211. austintx says:

    in·flam·ma·to·ry (n-flm-tôr, -tr)
    1. Arousing passion or strong emotion, especially anger, belligerence, or desire.
    2. Characterized or caused by inflammation.


    in·flamma·tori·ly adv.

    The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

  212. phoebe says:

    Spin, spin, spin….what doubletalking bullies.

  213. deist says:

    AS 39.52.340. Confidentiality.

    (a) Except as provided in AS 39.52.335 , before the initiation of formal proceedings under AS 39.52.350 , the complaint and all other documents and information regarding an investigation conducted under this chapter or obtained by the attorney general during the investigation are confidential and not subject to inspection by the public. In the case of a complaint concerning the governor, lieutenant governor, or attorney general, all meetings of the personnel board concerning the complaint and investigation before the determination of probable cause are closed to the public. If, in the course of an investigation or probable cause determination, the attorney general finds evidence of probable criminal activity, the attorney general shall transmit a statement and factual findings limited to that activity to the appropriate law enforcement agency. If the attorney general finds evidence of a probable violation of AS 15.13, the attorney general shall transmit a statement to that effect and factual findings limited to the probable violation to the Alaska Public Offices Commission. The attorney general and all persons contacted during the course of an investigation shall maintain confidentiality regarding the existence of the investigation.
    (b) It is not a violation of this section for a person to contact an attorney or to participate in a criminal investigation.
    (c) The subject of the complaint may, in writing, waive the confidentiality protection of this section.

  214. Ripley in CT says:

    wait….they’re angry now about the lack of anonymity of someone? I don’t get it. They either want people to tell who they are or they don’t. Can’t have it both ways, GINO.

  215. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Nizich, McAllister, Stapleton – how much money is being spent on rude and nasty press releases by these mouthpieces? And how many more overpaid parasites and “chiefs” are hanging around the governor’s office? Has anyone done a headcount lately?

  216. zyggy says:

    her minions are threatening citizens? Oh Em Gee, You got crazy peeps up in Alaska, sorry, but I had to say it.