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Open Thread – Dog Days


Ah, the dog days of summer…

Like many Alaskans, Buf has been enjoying the company of a summer visitor. Her name is Ladybug. Let’s just say there has been much wagging, and rolling, and frolicking in the grass.



15 Responses to “Open Thread – Dog Days”
  1. mike from iowa says:

    Cicadas are buzzing up a storm-means first frost in six weeks. Never heard them this early ever before. Need rain and less heat.

  2. bubbles says:

    marvelous picture AKM. thank you.

  3. mike from iowa says: The head of the RNC says the individual mandate “IS NOT A TAX”,just like Obama says, only rwnj are gonna insist it is a tax for political purposes.

  4. mike from iowa says:

    Testing1…2…3… It is now 8:44 A.M. Central(Iowa) time. Let’s see when this post shows up. Yesterday they didn’t show up on my computer at all.

  5. Lacy Lady says:

    Will be interesting to see how Rommney will wiggle out of this one.

  6. Kath the Scrappy says:

    Lovely, it’s great seeing Buf again! Looks like they’re having a wonderful time.

  7. mike from iowa says:

    Iowa’s reprehensible rwnj gubbernor of,for and buy the rich Terry “the turd” Braindead has decided to forego Medicaid expansion and leave abiut 150,000 low income Iowans without insurance. Claims it is federal blackmail. You can bet he can find tax breaks for his wealthy clientele.

  8. mike from iowa says:

    Iowa’s gubbernor of,for and by the rich said Iowa would opt out of the federal blackmail,expanded Medicaid plan leaving about 160,000 Iowans without insurance. I bet he can find tax breaks and incentives for the 1 %.

  9. mike from iowa says:

    One pooch appears to be a shameless exhibitionist and the other looks to be too embarrassed to be seen in the same photo.

  10. COalmostNative says:

    Aww. This brought tears to my eyes: the first week of June we lost my daughter’s beloved Burrito. He was Miss Mocha’s best friend and buddy- he got wonderful treatment for his cancer, but in the end it came back.

    I think Mr. B is frolicking pain-free with Tippy and Pluto in heaven…

    • Beaglemom says:

      Just about that time we lost one of two beloved beagles. Almost at the end of her kennel stay, she ate the yarn edging on her blanket and big chomps out of one side of it. Eating anything that came to mouth was her biggest problem and it proved to be a fatal flaw. Despite prompt attention from the kennel and excellent treatment by an area vet, she was just in such a bad state that we made the very painful decision, by cell phone about 400 miles from home, to have her put to sleep. I would have wanted to be there to whisper in her ear that she would soon see her first owner, Ivan, who died when she was about six years old. And I would have loved to hold her big (overly so for a beagle) soft front paws once more. All dogs go to heaven as we all know and I’m sure that, once she’s through with orientation, our dog will be spending some of her time visiting her former owner.

    • zyxomma says:

      I think you’re right (((((( CoAlmostNative & family )))))))).

  11. Beaglemom says:

    About two hours ago we returned from a quick overnight trip to visit our son – a five hour drive on a very hot and sunny day. We took our beagle with us for the first time (our son has two dogs) and we did not want to leave our dog at the kennel because, about three weeks ago, her beloved companion beagle died while they were both being boarded. (Our dog will eventually stay at the kennel again but we think that her experience was pretty traumatic and we want to give her some space.)

    Well, my husband and I both worried about the long drive and then the stay in a small house with two dogs our beagle had never met. I had visions of sleeping in the car with the dog! Well, all three dogs did just great! We were proud of them all. My son’s dogs were perfect hostesses and our dog was a good guest. She took cookies and shared them well. And we were all so relieved. Seeing Buf and friend lolling about on the grass is a lovely thing and a reminder of the weekend.

  12. InJuneau says:

    SO sweet! Looks like they’re having loads of fun.