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Stevens Endorsement – Kiss of Death?


Wow.  I didn’t expect this one.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — In a poll conducted by Channel 2 News, Thursday, April 23, 2009, respondents were asked if they were more or less likely to vote for Dan Sullivan with Ted Stevens’ endorsement of Sullivan.

Here is the official question and results:

Are you more or less likely to vote for Dan Sullivan with Ted Stevens’ endorsement of Sullivan?

More likely                   13%
Less likely                  70%
No change                   17%

All polls conducted by Channel 2 News and are unscientific.

I know, I know.  These kind of polls mean nothing.  I get it.  But it was nice anyway.  Because the usual scenario is that the scouts over at Team Sarah and other conservative websites will scour the Juneau Empire, KTUU and national sites that touch on Alaskan topics and flood the poll with pro-Palin or pro-conservative votes.  It appears they didn’t make it to this one, and that leads me to believe it’s more accurate than usual. 

Now…that said, early voting is open at City Hall, so go get ’em and vote for Eric Croft.



23 Responses to “Stevens Endorsement – Kiss of Death?”
  1. SouthPaw says:

    Women Who Run With The Wolves Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 7:48 PM
    *Alert*…….go on over to NalinPalinNow and read her latest blog insert. Very good, worth the time and thought.

    Can you gives us a ‘link’ WWRWTW’s thanks.

  2. hedgewytch says:

    When I saw the headline, my thought’s echoed your own exactly!

  3. BigPete says:

    Are you more likely to vote for Dan Sullivan with Ted Stevens’ endorsement of Sullivan?

  4. miss behaved says:

    Those polls don’t mean a thing, why waste the time and bandwidth talking about it ?

  5. Impeach_Palin says:

    Lynnrockets, you are a wicked wordsmith. My fave bands (that you may like/know of also, too) are The Clash, the Ramones, and Bad Religion, if I have to pick 3. I read that you are 46? so you must be familiar with The Clash’s and the Ramones’ songs, Bad Religion, maybe not. Anyway, thanks for your lyrics!

  6. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ lynnrockets – I know you are in sleepy land but I just had to say THANK YOU for your completely GINORMOUS sense of humor and wit! Your songs are killing me!

  7. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Team Rats & Idiots for Palin aren’t all that smart – they search for the Head Rat’s name and that’s about it. They don’t really understand what she’s doing (boy that’s an understatement!) and they are completely clueless about the rest of the Alaskan players. They don’t know anything about any of these people and they are basically thumbs up their noses until SP points out a foe. GAWD – if I had followers like these, I would rapture EARLY and not tell them where the rapture grounds are. In other words, don’t send them the memo (not very sure that most of them read very well anyway)!

  8. Enjay in Eastern MT says:

    Mr Ted ~~ Will you PLEASE throw your entire political support on SP for her next election???

    Please ?????

  9. wired differently says:

    @Bea: I checked out Kodiak Konfidential’s blog, and saw this in the comments from someone who went to the exhibits: “What’s there is interesting – saw golden king crab larvae through the microscope!” No mention of the political celebs. I would have to agree that crab larvae are more interesting…

    you know, those … remind me of mhrt (or is it mrht) from Oregon who used to comment regularly and used … a lot. Where are ya these days mhrt?

  10. Women Who Run With The Wolves says:

    Off subject, but……go on over to NalinPalinNow and read her latest blog insert. Very good, worth the time and thought.

  11. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Budget watchdog? According to Paul Honeman, Sullivan was the Assembly Budget Chair when the worst of the blowout took place!

  12. Star says:

    @Bea~ tooo funny…:))

  13. Bea says:

    wired differently Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 6:08 PM

    How did that shindig in Kodiak go w/ Ted and Sarah and Todd (and Alice)?



    I saw a pic on another AK blog of GINO and Convicted air kissing and hugging, so I guess all is hunky-dory with The C(r)ook, the Thief. His Wife & Her Lover. 😉

  14. wired differently says:

    Maybe the poll doesn’t mean much, but still, 70% is a lot!

    How did that shindig in Kodiak go w/ Ted and Sarah and Todd (and Alice)?

  15. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    I hope someone has crunched some prospective sales tax numbers somewhere. I’d like to see them.

    I think for sure they would convince a lot of residents who can’t see beyond their own wallets.

  16. Polly says:

    Loussac Library hours -website with photo – One of my favorite places in Anchorage.

  17. Greytdog Δ says:

    Maybe Sullivan can get Michael Steele to come out in support of him. . .that should really clinch the race for Croft (Steele’s endorsement of Tedisco certainly did in that particular race)

  18. Polly says:

    Canadian Neighbour -spelled- Loussac Library 🙂 Thank you for the assist! (Loussac Library is a pretty fantastic library, too.)

  19. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Meet & Greet with Eric Kroft/Croft on Saturday 1 – 3
    Local 302 new building on Delaney St behind Home Depot (Tudor St)
    Holding a raffle too BBQ

  20. Rob in Ca says:

    Seems to me that sales tax issue should be a great way to encourage voters to Croft….

  21. Rob in Ca says:

    Can’t put too much into these polls. Both sides try to flood them. Not scientific at all…I don’t think this tells us much really.

  22. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Early voting too according to one of the callers to KUDO with Les said at the Lusac (spelling??) Library on the 2nd floor

  23. Tewise says:

    wow, I thought uncle ted was loved