Ex-ConvicTed Stevens on the Dismissal of His Case.
I thank you very much for letting me join you. I just want to make one comment. When the judge dismissed the case against me, and he said in nearly 25 years on the bench he had never seen anything approaching the mishandling and misconduct it had seen in my case. Judge Sullivan appointed a special prosecutor from outside the government to investigate the original prosecutors. The Department of Justice is appointing its own investigation of the original prosecutors. Because of those investigations of the original prosecutors that is still ongoing, I have taken the decision that I will not talk about the case, or talk about those investigations so long as they continue. I hope you’ll help me honor that commitment. Once again thank you for the privilege of being with you here tonight. Your friendship speaks a great deal to me.
Nobody ever mentions it, but here’s the subtext I heard in my head during this, and continue to hear whenever people talk about the Stevens case.
When the judge dismissed the case against me, and he said in nearly 25 years on the bench he had never seen anything approaching the mishandling and misconduct it had seen by the Bush Department of Justice in my case. Judge Sullivan appointed a special prosecutor from outside the government to investigate the Bush DOJ prosecutors. The new Obama Department of Justice is appointing its own investigation of the original Bush prosecutors.
Oh, and of course, the fact that there is no connection between the botching of this case and Stevens’ innocence or guilt. Just because the prosecutors screwed up the case, doesn’t mean that suddenly now Stevens somehow DID declare $250,000 in home repairs, a massage chair, a fish sculpture, a Viking barbecue grill and a host of other assorted gifts on his Senate Financial Disclosure Reports. Just so we’re all clear on that.
We watch with interest how Stevens is being cast in the role of martyr, innocent victim, and collateral damage of “Feds Gone Wild.” But the investigations continue, and Stevens’ son Ben Stevens is a good bet for the next to be indicted. His entanglements in the fishing industry are…well…..fishy, and very much bound up with his father’s activities as a Senator. It ain’t over yet.
[Video filmed last night in Kodiak, from Dennis Zaki at AlaskaReport.com]
Help me piece this together, according to the compass article in the ADN last Sunday April 19th by John Strohmeyer “Will feds pursue Stevens on fisheries?” I quote “In 2003, an earmark inserted by Ted Stevens gave EXCLUSIVE pollock fishing rights to Alaska Naives at Adak in the Aleutians. This was a DIRECT POLITICAL INTRUSION that REVISED the boundaries drawn scientifically by the North Pacific Management Council to protect the Stellar sea lions. The measure to harvest pollack in once restricted waters was said to be worth millions for Adak Fisheries…that Native corporation paid Ben Stevens $295,000 between 2000 and 2004….when the earmark went through Ben Stevens secretly had held an option to buy into Adak fisheries…(emphasis mine)..OK…OK>>>now besides the obvious and the point I’m trying to get at, is that there is serious consideration of closing all the rivers in Alaska to subsistence or any other kind of fishing when the King Salmon are running due to lack of return last year (and they pretty run all the time)…and what is the by-catch by those questionable pollack fisheries with their (negated) SCIENTIFICALLY DRAWN BOUNDARIES…KING SALMON? THEREFORE…can we start putting the blame to rest on some bad Ted decisions for the lack of a subsistence fishery to sustain those of us, and we are thousands, who depend on this resource to help us survive here….? Not to mention the Stellar Sea Lions…am I way off? Or is there some more
‘splainin , or at least investigation to do here…
Beautifully pointed out, AKM. I’m so glad you didn’t get into being a play by play announcer for baseball.
One must keep their eye on whose prosecutors screwed up and who’s coming in with the broom.
Stevens must have dropped a few pages on the floor from his *meus nocens, ego sum non insons insontis. Shaky hands, no doubt. lol.
38 AlaskaGuy
I agree, he had his head pinned to the paper, reading each word carefully, not his usual off the cuff ‘STFU you’ remarks, no fireside chat that.
Next up on the chopping block — Ben. We’ll see how Daddy schooled sonny, I’m sure.
*latin: my bad, I am not innocent [thanks online translators!]
Hi, Ralph in Colorado here.
I think maybe we want to go with “innocent until proven guilty in a fair trial.” Even for jerks like Stevens. And he gets to proclaim his innocence from the mountaintops, too, until that happens.
The high ground comes at a cost. Always.
How hard is it to believe that this is, was just a case of payback? How hard is it to believe that not everyone in Alaska, let alone the Senate or Washington in general likes the demeanor of your, not my, Uncle Ted. Ted got to big for his britches against someone who got them self in a position in the Bush administration to take Ted down. I am sure Ted probably received a card of condolences from this person when Begich won. In Republican think, if Ted had killed someone and everyone knows he killed someone but the prosecution screwed up the case I suppose that dead person would now be alive.
All I Saw and austintx –
You are both psychic! I was thinking exactly the same thing, or should I say, speculating on it. It was the correct and fair thing to do for the DOJ, because the process was flawed. Human drama got in the way of procedure and tripped everybody up.
48 All l Saw Says:
April 25th, 2009 at 5:16 PM
I think Uncle Ted is an Obama convert. At least it brings me a chuckle to think so.
Now that give a whole new meaning to “teach an old dog new tricks” !! Maybe change dog to dinosaur…………
I think Uncle Ted is an Obama convert. At least it brings me a chuckle to think so.
Is it just me or does anybody else see that Palin, Steven’s and their ilk have delusions of granduer? (Or is it just paranoia?) The answer for the “persecution” they perceive they are receiving never has anything to do with their own behavior, but because Obama/the Democrats/the Aliens from Planet Liberal are OUT TO GET THEM!
I like your style Martha.
I enjoy the opinions of anyone that actually cares enough to say something. I have never, nor do I plan to – stand outside holding a sign in support or protest of anything, but the people who do are to be admired (even if misguided at times).
Sometimes I feel compelled to steer them in a different direction. My modus operandi is and always has been to persuade others to see things my way. Win some lose some.
Oh and another thing – remember the danger of swinging too far left – we don’t want to become like the whack jobs who are completely stuck in fantasy land. Moderation…respect…vigilance…vocal!
Now – now……..
@the problem child IS MY NAME!
Uncle Ted should be running SP’s trust fund. It would have less chance of being “diverted” because he’s already had all his renovations done.
lmao…ain’t THAT the truth! He sure got away with a lot, as has GINO. Apparently, it’s the Alaskan political way!
Also too, saw your ‘welcome’ on the forum, thanks.
All I Saw –
I’m very happy to have another Alaskan’s point of view! It’s not like me and all my friends agree on everything – mostly, but not all. My husband, who did not and never would vote for him, says “Let’s just move on” all the time. We don’t need to keep a tally of right and wrong, right or left. We just need to keep our eyes, ears and voices ready and willing for the battles which we do choose to fight. And we need to keep our sense of humor, humanity, and neighborliness.
“as is your blantant effort to stir up trouble by calling names.”
Sarah? Is that you? I recognize the paranoia and persistent effort to root out ‘troublemakers’.
Am I being excommunicated from Mudflats? I’ve been a big big fan for a really long time now – I’d hate to get banned, even if it means losing out on your opinion Bea.
You did insinuate that my opinion wasn’t welcome here, that perhaps I didn’t have a “right” to intrude upon your computer screen.
Just sayin.
It’s only as personal as you take it. I think I’ve conceded quite a bit this afternoon – my only hope was to offer a different, more forgiving perspective towards Uncle Ted. By all means fill the echo chamber, don’t let me get in your way.
All l Saw Says:
April 25th, 2009 at 3:35 PM
Insult me all you wish, if it makes you feel better. I never said you didn’t have a right to your opinion, only that I thought your reasoning was crap– as is your blantant effort to stir up trouble by calling names.
To Bea:
Didn’t know I was busting up your clique by opening my big mouth. Must be painful to encounter other people who don’t see things exactly as you do.
Watch out! I’m your neighbor, I’m that other parent at your kids’ school, I like to cook too and would love to have you over for some BBQ Salmon if you promise to laugh at our differences of opinion instead of bristle at them over a game of poker.
Pardon me. I was convinced that the opinions of all Alaskans are respected on an Alaskan Political blog – considering there are hundreds of comments associated with each entry. But I guess you are more like Bush than I first accused you of.
I’ve happened to have greatly benefited from the policies of both the Democratic and Republican parties. I don’t check the voter registration of people I strike up political conversation with. I wouldn’t be here if I disagreed more than I agreed with the opinions expressed here. I just don’t have much to say unless I disagree.
Like I said I’m much much more offended by the behavior of Bush’s Justice Department than I am of Ted’s accidental-on-purpose exclusion of big favors on Senate Disclosure Forms from a known briber. I guess that’s the difference between you and me.
Maybe we should be thankful that it took the botched prosecution of a half-assedly corrupt Alaskan Senator to expose how deeply incompetent and immoral the Bush Administration had been when it came to Justice. We might not have convinced the rest of the electorate how much one’s view of Human Rights and Justice matters even when it gives us heartburn.
Yet still ended up with what I believe will be a powerful and effective U.S. Senator in Mark Begich. It’s really a win-win in my view. Ted’s dirty laundry got aired and he lost an election because of it, as he should have.
The subtext I hear in my head is “while these charges have been thrown out there are still ongoing FBI investigations and I’ve finally realized that I’ve got to be damn careful about what I say and to whom. At least that’s what my lawyer says.”
Hey! Let’s take it easy……It’s Saturday.
All l Saw Says:
April 25th, 2009 at 2:34 PM
I won’t bother repeating your post, but you appeared out of nowhere with a lot of lame excuses for Stevens (and I DID read ALL of your lame excuses) and I make NO apology for calling you out on them.
You seem to think that as long as Stevens was pulling in the big bucks for AK, whatever perks he got on the side were A-OK. They aren’t.
And I think you will find that accusing long time Mudflats posters of being “Bushies” and “Rovian” will not serve you well here.
Geeze, that movie scares me!!! Thanks a LOT
30 Ripley in CT Says:
April 25th, 2009 at 2:04 PM
I’m thinking this: There is more. Not only for his son, but for him. The IRS will not leave him alone. Bet on that.
Back with a vengeance.
Bea Says:
April 25th, 2009 at 1:06 PM
All l Saw Says:
April 25th, 2009 at 11:56 AM
Stevens worst mistake was thinking a rich powerful man back home in Alaska was a friend, and only a friend.
Your comment would be laughable if it weren’t so pathetic.
Do you HONESTLY believe that Ted Stevens is such an stupid, innocent yokel that he could have received HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH of free stuff and had NO IDEA that it was unethical????
When you attack me for my opinion – calling it ‘pathetic’ and insinuating that it is ‘uninformed’ you sure sound like a Bushie and I don’t like Bushies. They were pretty big on the ‘with us or against us’ thing, that every scenario has a ‘right and wrong’ answer. Life hasn’t dished out black and white answers for me – maybe you haven’t lived long enough yet to see that.
I’m not going to engage in the tit for tat about this fact or that fact – because the man is no longer in office. He’s a private citizen now and I think a continued public lynching about facts that no one here (or anywhere apparently) has any intimate knowledge of – is reactionary and extremely Rovian. He only votes for himself these days.
Despite his wrongful conviction I believe Alaskans did the right thing by electing Mark Begich. I was relieved that no matter who I voted for to be our Senator, we were represented by people who had Alaska’s best interests at heart.
I did come close to a nervous breakdown about the election, worried that the rest of the country didn’t understand how badly we needed to elect Obama.
Fairness matters, even when it means losing a righteous argument. I think Obama is wrong to socialize healthcare – regulation would probably solve most of the problems associated with it, but apparently that sounds like work to Congress – and they don’t like to have to work too hard. If he really sees healthcare and energy as an existential problem – we should be socializing ENERGY in order to compete globally. I am over the moon relieved that a constitutional lawyer/professor is now at the helm of our justice system. The reason we should be so offended that Stevens prosecution was corrupt is that what happens when someone commits a larger crime, a violent crime but is set free due to a corrupt justice system. I’m glad its Ted that is getting away with wrongdoing and not some violent offender. When one part of the justice system is broken – the whole thing is corrupt.
We should be the country that eagerly sets a guilty man free when justice is perverted, the ends do not justify the means.
If you had read my posts thoroughly you would have understood that I do not believe Stevens is as pure as the driven snow, (or at least ash-less snow). Also that I really didn’t see hundreds of thousands of dollars of anything exchanged.
Its really really hard to do well in Alaska financially without the help, goodwill, friendship, advice and yes sometimes favors, (buying groceries for a family of 4 for the past 10 years in Alaska has humbled me). And YES, politicians should be required to give up the enjoyment of personal/financial favors from anyone. I just don’t see where Ted sold out Alaska in taking gifts.
If Stevens paid about $160k for the additions to his house, seems exactly what I would have charged him too – and it appears personal checks totaling about $160k were written for the work. Not selling that house at the peak market price/demand makes it appear to me that Stevens and his wife were possibly preparing to spend more time at home and less in Washington, not profit from their decades long relationships whilst selling out their constituency.
Makes me wonder why they hadn’t sold it and bought the neighboring ranch to Bill Allen’s to retire into the sunset in New Mexico – if he cared more about Bill than Alaska, of course.
Ripley in CT Says:
April 25th, 2009 at 2:04 PM
I’m thinking this: There is more.
Exactly. I think they’ve got plenty more stuff to prosecute w/out error. Who knows? Maybe this was a ‘gimme’, ’cause they have many more fish to fry.
I’m thinking this: There is more. Not only for his son, but for him. The IRS will not leave him alone. Bet on that.
And those who think that just because his case was handled fraudulently that he’s innocent… I say this: Huh?
Don’t want to hijack this thread, nor do I want to interfere in local Alaskan personal politics, so could I just ask anyone interested in SP’s latest outrageous utterings to go back to the last thread and read my posts no’s 100 and 101.
if you re-open edit and go back to the YouTube page where the embed code is, you can choose an option of the video post taking up less horizontal width on your front page. Then, delete the embed code for the widescreen you’ve got up, and paste in the narrower (width = 480) clip.
All l Saw Says:
April 25th, 2009 at 11:56 AM
Stevens worst mistake was thinking a rich powerful man back home in Alaska was a friend, and only a friend.
Your comment would be laughable if it weren’t so pathetic.
Do you HONESTLY believe that Ted Stevens is such an stupid, innocent yokel that he could have received HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH of free stuff and had NO IDEA that it was unethical????
Some heartwarming news on the horizon, yukonbushgrma!
I find it very ironic that in a state where the department of law prosecutes people for retaliation or because they disagree with them politically has a corrupt senator who acts so indignant that the feds did the same thing to him. Ted Stevens knew this was going on here and did not care. He used all kinds of excuses for not looking into it.
To: All I Saw #
“Mr. Stevens never sold the home (despite record high prices AND demand) in order to “realize” the profit made on the home. He spent money, he didn’t take any.”
Regardless of him never realizing the “profit” from the gifts he was given – without declaring them, he accepted them. Be it a chair, or remodeling or cash in the bank, or high paying job for a relative – he accepted gifts, without the disclosure of declaring them (on his senate forms or IRS as taxable gifts) – makes it difficult to monitor an elected official for potential conflict of interest when voting for or against a bill.
I totally agree with Basheert #8
“That does not mean the crime didn’t happen and he didn’t do it.”
Stevens got off on a legal technicality – overzealous prosecutors that didn’t follow the rule of law. Ted gets a walk – but that is the way our legal system works.
AllISaw: I agree with your “let it go” however people will still believe he is guilty OR innocent. People do form opinions, it’s the way we are.
mwThatOne: Hey, AKM, Obama and Olbermann remember? According to BillOrally, KO got Obama elected so GE could make some money (I know it isn’t clear but if you check with Orally he’ll clarify the intricacy of his evil little mind).
As for Ted Stevens, I think he’s guilty but everyone deserves and is entitled to a FAIR trial. We may never know what actually did happen, but no one deserves a conviction due to prosecutorial misconduct.
Now … about the Palin trials…….
Hope – you are coming out of your shell! Keep posting those thoughtful, responsive and informative posts!
All I Saw #11 and #18
Thanks for the straight talk. I appreciate your thoughtful analysis. I know most of my beliefs about Ted – though very strongly suspicious and negative – are colored by my observations over time and the evidence at the trial, his flip kind of “excuses” and blustering, and all the wink-winking going on. But mainly I think they are colored by my frustration with sp and bush and greed and just the big sense of people basically finding this to be the time to get away with whatever they can and celebrate their “win” openly without humility or apology for overstepping or for taking whatever they think they can get away with.
But I’m glad that you were able to articulate this sense that you have that his MAIN focus has been on serving Alaska and Alaskans to his best abilities for decades. I can see that, too, as being a part of the whole truth. So thanks.
Speaking of fish. I just returned Some salmon to Sam’s Club, gross.
“Seems to me that you are putting a one-sided spin on the testimony and evidence presented at trial.”
I was neither a juror or a witness to the trial. Which makes my judgment on innocence or guilt moot.
Which goes straight to my discomfort with all the armchair jurors – judgment. A lot of judgment going on. I’m not a big fan of judgmental’ism regardless of political righteousness.
A wrong is a wrong is a wrong, there should be no bigger wrong than prosecuting someone using lies and coercion in this country.
But hey, that’s just one Alaskan’s opinion. I don’t begrudge anyone theirs. That’s why I like being an Alaskan – and why I am so offended by Palin, after I was told that I may or may not be a “real Alaskan” for supporting or not supporting someone’s political career. The Republican party in Alaska has forsaken me, but I feel very uncomfortable joining up with Democrats when they are still holding pitchforks.
Obama AG Holder specifically said no further action will be taken. I say lets follow the Obama Administration’s lead on this one.
By the way. I always thought Ted was ‘not guilty’ of what he was being prosecuted for. I don’t think he was innocent, but I don’t know many adults who make it through life without a few mistakes, sometimes big ones. I also voted for Obama, a straight Democratic ticket except for my vote for Ted out of principle. If standing up for what’s right doesn’t happen in the ballot box, when does it happen?
I also happen to think Sarah is an asshole. Sarah is apparently driven by the relationships forged through her devotion to God. I happen to think that anyone who feels that strongly about God and having only Godly people around her has absolutely no business in government. I’ve actually never voted for a Republican for governor. Knowles was way more competent.
Ted and Lisa are actually the good guys, not perfect human beings mind you but two Alaskans doing their damnedest to do right by Alaska. Lisa shouldn’t have accepted that favor from Daddy but she was able to get reelected so I’m willing to let bygones be bygones. I also monitor her votes and she’s pretty strongly on the side of Women and Children – as a chick and mom, that’s the best I can ask for.
sauerkraut…its a ‘for fun blog!
As to the alaskafundtrust blog, anyone know who’s running that show? Will it be a pro- or anti-palin site? Commented but it went into moderation. Comeon, mudpuppies… if it’s one of youse, speak up!
11 All l Saw Says: April 25th, 2009 at 11:56 AM
Seems a little hypocritical to me to still regard this man with suspicion.
Seems to me that you are putting a one-sided spin on the testimony and evidence presented at trial. Did the prosecutors act with malice and contrary to the rules of the court? Seems that way, but similar issues were raised and addressed during trial. Yet, despite all that, the judge allowed the case to continue. The evidence and the prosecutor’s inability to control their testosterone are not related.
Which is why we “still regard this man with suspicion. “
Basheert… I totally agree……. like your humor; it IS all a conspiracy. You know how PO and AKM are…..always making stuff up!! (not)
“There but for the grace of God go I”
Murkowski’s behavior during this sordid incident was particularly slimy. Knowing that Stevens was guilty, she had appealing to Bush for a pardon. But after the case was dismissed, she issued a statement that clearly implied that Stevens had been innocent all along.
“I was pleased with the news that the Justice Department will drop all charges against Senator Ted Stevens, but I am deeply disturbed that the government can ruin a man’s career and then say ‘never mind”.
Anybody remember the book, “Games People Play,” that was popular in the 70s, I think? It was about ruts people get into and “play” over and over to make themselves believe they are “winning” at life. Unfortunately, these are games that prevent people from living authentic lives, because they are not life itself, but “games” that take over and occupy the course of the person’s authentic interactions as the rut gets deeper and deeper, more entrenched and more impossible to get out of.
One that I think politicians play is exemplified perfectly in Ted, and, as some of you have indicated, he’s not playing it alone. He’s got a TeamTed. I, too, have long felt that the “botched” prosecution was intentional to make it LOOK like something was being done while the seeds of “overturn” were being planted. I would call the “game” “NYA NYA NYA, Legal Shmegal” or “Gingerbread Man.” (Deep shades of “I can do whatever I want to until the courts tell me otherwise”?)
That’s what I love about Obama! I really believe he is a politician who is making every effort to avoid playing games! But it’s an uphill battle. We’ve got to find ways of helping him do this. As long as citizens buy into these games along with the other politicians, it’s increasingly difficult to get out of these ruts. Divisiveness = digging deeper, muddier ruts so it’s too much work to get out of them. We’ve got to keep trying to cut through the ruts and the games and find authentic dialogue and ways of dialogue.
Seems a little hypocritical to me to still regard this man with suspicion. No matter who it is, if the government conspires to commit felonies in an effort to secure a conviction – the defendant should be considered innocent from that point on. This isn’t some Grisham novel, it’s a man’s life.
Bill Allen was coerced to implicate Stevens after being swept up in the drugs-for-sex-with-young-girls felonies committed by AIH’s Art Boehm. Bill Allen sold Veco for millions upon millions of dollars and is living on a sprawling horse ranch in New Mexico.
Stevens worst mistake was thinking a rich powerful man back home in Alaska was a friend, and only a friend.
A salmon sculpture sitting on his deck in Girdwood? The Girdwood house itself? I grew up in South Anchorage, Mr. Stevens home in Girdwood is by a LONG measure extremely modest for the little ski town. $250,000 in construction my ass. Mr. Stevens never sold the home (despite record high prices AND demand) in order to “realize” the profit made on the home. He spent money, he didn’t take any.
Why isn’t anyone asking who REALLY instigated this prosecution?
Were the governments lawyers really the overzealous cowboys everyone seems to assume they were?
The word *fishy* seems to be coming up an awful lot lately!
Ah yes… you caught the important part: no connection between alleged prosecutorial misbehavior and any possibility of him being innocent. The evidence was credible and overwhelming as to his guilt.
Stevens got a gift. He ought to be happy with that. Now, go away, MR. Stevens.
Hey you literally cannot make this stuff up. The fact is, he did the crime. The fact is, the Prosecution was guilty of misconduct. Case dismissed.
That does not mean the crime didn’t happen and he didn’t do it.
Oh wait, AKM made all of this up – she and Obama together, to keep SP out of the VP office.
Thanks for the laugh the problem child. What else can you do in the face of this stuff?
I agree with Gindy50; it looks like they threw the game on purpose. Whether Ted has too much on too many people, or the Bush DOJ was just looking out for one of their own (Republican) these were no mere mistakes. The Prosecution was warned time after time by the judge about misconduct, failure to follow the rules of sharing discovery, etc. What I don’t understand is why the prosecutors would risk their careers and futures on this lame stunt. However, the bottom line is that was one corrupt Department of Injustice under Bush and this was no accident! And as AKM said, their mistakes do not prove Stevens’ innocence; he’s just one lucky politician.
They might have done a lousy job on purpose. Rather than Ted being set up, I think maybe Ted was busted, some one made sure the prosecution screwed up, and is now free. That makes a ton more sense to me than anything else. Blago didn’t have the vast knowledge of other people’s skeletons like Stevens has and no one liked him. Ted is well liked by a lot of folks, on both sides of the aisle.
But of course you notice that the hard right here in Alaska are claiming that Uncle Ted is vindicated. These would be the same fine citizens who think Sarah is the best gov we’ve ever had and would make an excellent pres.
Thanks for the report AKM. I think we all can rest assured that when AG Holder comes down on the next “corrupt bastard” , or “b**ch” , as well could happen , it will be absolute and brutal. He won’t bring it unless it’s a slam dunk. Oh !!…….That’s a sports saying , ain’t it ?? you betcha !!
We watch with interest how Stevens is being cast in the role of martyr, innocent victim, and collateral damage of “Feds Gone Wild.”
Well written, AKM. I get so frustrated when I hear people run to this man’s defense. He broke the law, whether the prosecutions stand or not. Admittedly, the prosecutors did a lousy job and should be punished, but that doesn’t make him innocent. I read more than a few right-wing blogs when the story broke about the convictions being dropped, and they all said basically the same thing…Ted was set up, this was some sort of plot by the Obama administration to get closer to a super majority in the Senate, the Feds are corrupt, etc.
Then when many (including that numbskull, SP) called for Mark Begich to resign from his Senate seat for a special election, I nearly hit the ceiling. They obviously looked past all of the evidence in favor of conviction. However, this is not over. The FBI spent a lot of time gathering evidence about his misdeeds, so there could potentially be more charges brought.
As for Ted, he got his get out of jail free card, but I hope that he thanks his lucky stars and spends the rest of his life as an old, happy RETIRED man with lots of free stuff in his house (unless he had to return it).
The irony here is just too delicious.