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The Mudflats Calls Senate District I

There’s an alphabet soup of newly drawn Senate districts out there, but with 84 days until the polls close, and 0% of precincts reporting in, The Mudflats is prepared to call the election in Senate District I, for the beloved and awesome Democratic candidate Johnny Ellis.

His opponent, Republican Paul Kendall (also known by his talk radio call-in alias “Will Free”) believes in Hydrogen energy, and women not working outside the home. It’s a devastating political duo of philosophies, which puts Mr. Kendall simultaneously in both the 22nd and 17th centuries. But for some reason, it doesn’t seem to be gaining any traction with the voting public.

Anchorage residents may remember that he ran for mayor back in 2009, garnering an impressive 146 votes out of 58,233 votes cast (.25%). He did not make the runoff election that time around, and has since been biding his time waiting for this next political opportunity to throw his hat in the ring.

According to his recent APOC filing, Mr. Kendall has raised, so far, a total of $68 for his campaign, and it’s all from one donor – Paul Kendall. Ironically, $60 of that was spent on putting together a website to accept donations. Our research team at The Mudflats was unable to find the site. The other $8 went for photocopying, presumably for these fliers he was handing out at the recent Solidarity picnic to bewildered looking firefighters.

Congratulations, Senator Ellis.




8 Responses to “The Mudflats Calls Senate District I”
  1. Hogs10 says:

    Senator Ellis is my first cousin. I am very proud of his tireless efforts as an Alaskan state Senator. Be grateful Alaska for my uncle being posted with the U.S. Air Force following Vietnam. Although as a Missouri resident I rarely see him, I’m still proud.

  2. AKblue says:

    We are lucky to have many excellent state Democratic congressmen. I am in Hollis French’s district and his campaign signs are all over the neighborhood!

  3. John says:

    Johnny has been a great force for all of Alaska. While most of us like to criticize politicians, we actually have some great ones working for us in Juneau (and one in DC). One thing I am most happy about, and that I think Johnny has played a large role in, is the bi-partisan working coalition. It has proven to me that when individual’s rise above partisan politics, and actually work to reach solutions through debate and compromise, great things can happen. I am saddened that several members of that coalition are now running on a platform against it. Just as Palin turned on the Democrats who helped her gain success as soon as she could, these senators are turning on the one thing that made them successful over the last few years.

  4. loki says:

    And how about a shout-out to my new Senator, Hollis French? Re-districting can sometimes be great (bye,Lesil!)

  5. Alaska Pi says:

    I wrote Senator Ellis once as an Alaskan , not a constituent , thanking him for his diligence and hard work on something which mattered a great deal to me.
    His gracious return note was a pleasant surprise .

    You are lucky folks there in District 1.
    Thank you for sending Mr Ellis to stand for you and all the rest of us.

    I am in the only Senate District which will not be voting for a State Senator because of redistricting and look forward to having Mr Ellis and Mr Egan back on board for Alaska.

  6. Zyxomma says:

    Oh, I see. You’re talking about STATE senators. I have a great one in my district, a Democrat (natch) named Daniel Squadron, who has meetups at bars and bowling alleys, and who always votes green.

  7. Joe Huber says:

    But of course! Sen. Ellis has been an exemplary public servant for many years, and will be so for many years to come. Congratulations, Senator!

  8. SuzySnowflake says:

    With the re-districting, I am newly in Johnny Ellis territory. I’m glad and relieved, and look forward to having him be my Senator. Go Johnny!