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Friday, January 28, 2022

Meet Pete Kelly. Whoa.

One of the races to watch in this cycle involves the stalwart, awesome Joe Paskvan, whom you may remember sitting at the end of the table in the Resources Committee meeting last session taking no guff from the administration, and helping to keep Alaska from hemorrhaging $2 billion dollars a year from our coffers to Texas and London.

He’s running a close race with Pete Kelly (R) up in Fairbanks. This is not what Pete Kelly looks like when you see him on the street right now. This is what Pete Kelly would look like on the inside, if you had special magical scary goggles.

The Alaska Dispatch has a great article up on this race with more than a few jaw-droppers. Here’s a taste to whet your appetite. The full course of OMG is available HERE.

Kelly is a former lawmaker-turned University of Alaska lobbyist-turned Parnell special assistant. When he was a lawmaker, he said things like, “This legislation will not end juvenile crime. It cannot protect kids from a popular culture that replaces the virtues of honor, bravery and chastity with the anemic values of open-mindedness, diversity and Earth worship.” And, “Jesus said we were to give to the poor, not to take other people’s money and give it to them.”

In 2001, the Anchorage Daily News charged that Kelly and his allies “could use a civics course” because they “displayed a shocking ignorance of the basic principles of American and Alaska constitutional government.” Nonetheless, Parnell still found it fit to give Kelly a state job, doing what, nobody really knows. Kelly has been getting plenty of help from the Alaska Republican Party, but not all of it’s been helpful. One of his mailers had a typo in the word “Fairbanks.”

So, there you go.

I hold Fairbanks in high esteem, and every race, every elation is all about voter turnout… so get going Golden Heart City!  As much fun as it would be to blog about this asshat in the coming years, I’d much rather Fairbanks continued to have representation from a senator of whom you can be proud.

As soon as you can wrap your anemic little open mind around this, and stop your Earth worshipping, grab your sane friends, neighbors, coworkers, and family and get them to the polls. Seriously.






4 Responses to “Meet Pete Kelly. Whoa.”
  1. Carol says:

    I thought, well, am pretty sure, it was Mark Hamilton as the President of the UA system who gave Kelly a job as a lobbyist for the University. Okay, I just reread what you wrote about him being Parnell’s special assistant – to what? Thanks for the push for Joe Paskvan.