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Jenny Sanford for U.S. Senate

News broke today that Sen. Jim DeMint (T–SC) is quitting the US Senate to head up the Heritage Foundation. The reason for DeMint’s abrupt departure is unclear. Assuming there are no skeletons that were about to come to light, or someone having dirt on him—and there’s no indication such is the case—my own guess is he may have realized the future for himself and his Tea Party caucus in the Senate isn’t very bright.

DeMint’s is a minority caucus in the minority party. Because he’s been such a thorn in the GOP establishment’s side—recruiting and organizing primary opponents to Republican incumbents across the nation—he’d be unlikely to be rewarded with much in the way of committee assignments and chairmanships, even if his party does reclaim the chamber’s majority soon (which in itself is a big “if”).

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley now gets to appoint DeMint’s successor for the remainder of his term. While DeMint’s own preference is for conservative Rep. Tim Scott to fill his seat, it’s not DeMint’s call and the strategically smart move for Republicans would be somewhat more unorthodox.

Remember a dopey, lovestruck governor, busted en flagrante upon his return from the Appalachian Trail Buenos Aires?

Yeah, not him—his wife.

A magna cum laude from Georgetown University, Jenny Sanford worked for six years at Wall Street investment firm Lazard Freres & Co. in New York, and later would run each of her husband’s successful campaigns for both Congress and Governor. She has long been viewed as the brains of the operation.

The state’s former first lady is a policy wonk who has worked on issues like the role of good nutrition and regular physical activity in preventing cancer and other chronic diseases. She serves on a number of  research and non-profit boards and advisory committees.

The former Mrs. Sanford remains widely beloved and respected in her state. Her political skills are formidable, her Republican credentials solid, and her party is in dire need of prominent female faces. She’s likeable, and even gets on charmingly with urban, left-leaning smartypantses like Jon Stewart (see below).

Appointing Jenny Sanford instead of yet one more male Republican suit to the U.S. Senate would be an inspired, strategically smart move.

The liberal in me is relieved it’ll never happen.

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Jenny Sanford
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10 Responses to “Jenny Sanford for U.S. Senate”
  1. Valley_Independent says:

    Proof once again that there are intelligent women in the Republican party.

    My bet is that once again they will bypass all of them.

    They’re still smarting from the idiocy of Sarah Palin, so I’d bet it’s going to be another bloviating male.

    Which will make me wonder, once again, how intelligent a woman can be if she remains in a party that is so disdainful of intelligent women, and so determined to make their most intimate decisions for them.

  2. zyggy says:

    Stephen Colbert really really wants that job. =)

  3. leota2 says:

    I’m a little late to this but somehow I don’t trust the supposedly level headed republicans these days.
    They always seem to turn into screaming teabaggers who snub, sneer at or screech at the president.
    Nikki Haley is pretty much a nightmare, but she was mentored by Mark Sanford.

  4. Zyxomma says:

    Nikki H. is not exactly full of good ideas.

  5. slipstream says:

    No, wait! I know! Appoint . . Lisa Murkowsky!

  6. David Otness says:

    I’m guessing Haley would appoint herself if able to do so.

    • Nick Danger says:

      She can, it’s legal. Been done before, too.

      • MentionedJohn Murphy says:

        Yup, it happened in Montana in 1933. The guv resigned-the lite guv got sworn in-appointed the ex-guv Senator-the Chief Justice swore him in-the whole thing supposedly took 11 minutes and the new Senator finished 4th in the next party primary.

  7. A good idea….bet it won’t happen…

  8. Elstun W. Lauesen says:

    Brilliant. Therefore. Unlikely.