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Celebrating Mixed Messages.

So….. Abstinence didn’t work for Bristol Palin.

And…..she doesn’t think it works for anyone else.

But….she’s now a teen spokesperson for an abstinence organization.

And…Candie’s, the organization who runs this abstinence foundation, has ads like this.




347 Responses to “Celebrating Mixed Messages.”
  1. Think yer onto something, ez.pz.

  2. sauerkraut says:

    porn to politics. not a new concept. they’ve done it in Italy for a few decades.

    Louisiana apparently is doing it, too, so why not soft stuff like Candies Foundation?

  3. trisha says:

    Some have said that this ad is for Candie’s perfume and NOT the foundation.

    Well, here is the link to the Candie’s foundation for abstinence.

    Their slogan:
    I AM SEXY ENOUGH TO KEEP YOU WAITING (worn on a tight tank-T by young girl). WTF!!!!! Are they kidding?

    What kind of message is that for teenager girls? How about teaching them that they are more than sex objects or that there is more than being sexy. Would the religious right have their teenage daughters wearing this t-shirt? What’s the message—that teens should be sexy, but just be a tease?

    Why isn’t Bristol wearing the t-shirt that has the slogan for the campaign she is promoting?

  4. trisha says:

    Palin’s “family values”….. Has Sarah ever seen these ads from Candie’s? Was she even aware that they are known for sexually charged ads that are targeted to teens? Does she know that is why they created this foundation—because they were getting flack about their ads marketing to teens?

    Does Palin’s religious right base know that this is the kind of Company that Bristol is representing?

    What is she thinking? Then again, we know she doesn’t think.

  5. Priceless says:

    What really torches me is that as a card carrying member of the GOP, I can’t get better quality reps? Pluezzes. Bristol is NOT role model for my teen daughters. Palin’s family is NOT LIKE mine. Palin had an affair. McCain had an affair. Craig gets caught playing footisie ball in the mens room. WHY CAN’T WE WALK THE WALK WE TALK? Is that asking too much? If you preach morality, live it. Don’t expect others to not be watching you pretty darn closely.

  6. leenie17 says:

    I am amazed that the Palin family believes that anyone will take Bristol’s effort to promote abstinence seriously, particularly after her own comments during the GVS interview (youtube is forever, Sarah!). While admirable on the surface (and I DO want to give Bristol the benefit of the doubt but it’s really, really hard when anyone named Palin is involved!), the connection with Candies with their semi-pornographic ads is quite a stunning contradiction.

    More importantly, since Bristol apparently didn’t learn any lessons from her own mother’s experience (the *wedding—>Track’s arrival* timeline, anyone???), why should teenagers who don’t even know the family be swayed by Bristol’s story? Since abstinence has seemingly failed TWO generations of the Palins, perhaps they should consider more ‘realistic’ options.

  7. blue moose says:

    This kids is controlled and exploited by her horrible parents and that is so SAD! No independent thinking allowed in that free house!

  8. Wurzelhexli says:

    Has anyone asked themseves why Tripp was so COMPLETELY out? I mean, he did not even twitch his nose when Bristols hair was in his face! He also did not wince or stir when she shifted him… Curious, how the Palin babies always seem to be such completely solid sleepers (remember Trig on the campaign trail? He was also completely out during the tumultuous rallies and the convention…)
    Thoughts of ‘drugging’ come to my mind… Maybe something that Child Protective Services should look into!

  9. Candies Foundation is not an abstinence foundation, just saying.

  10. ez.pz. says:

    Watched the interview… made me wonder about how Todd got the reputation as being some sort of Machiavellian, Svengali-type of operator, constantly behind the scenes, directing and manipulating.

    On the basis of that performance, he comes across as being slightly less threatening than a gaily-decorated picnic-basket.

  11. ez.pz. says:

    Watched the interview… made me wonder about how Todd got the reputation as being some sort of Machiavellian, Svengali-type of operator, constantly behind the scenes, directing and manipulating.

    On the basis of that performance, he comes across as being slightly less threatening than a gaily-decorated picnic-basket.

  12. Actongue says:

    It also means that if Palin and the Far right are for something then almost everything they want for the United States is the wrong way to go when it comes to Morality since they can not practice what they Preach.

    I am for Nuclear power though but that is another topic:}

  13. curiouser says:

    Actongue….Uh oh. Suppose the failure of the right to reduce teen pregnancies is purposeful…fits in with that ‘multiply and inherit the earth’ command.

  14. PalinSucks says:

    Thank you, UK Lady, no I had not seen it. Interesting.

  15. austintx says:

    Actongue – Had seen that before……….thanks for showing that.
    It’s a hillbilly – whitetrash thing………

  16. Actongue says:

    Interesting information on Red States and Teen pregancy

    Mississippi: 68.4%
    2. New Mexico: 64.1
    3. Texas: 63.1
    4. Arkansas: 62.3
    5. Arizona: 62.0
    6. Oklahoma: 59.6
    7. Nevada: 55.8
    8. Tennessee: 54.7
    9. Kentucky: 54.6
    10. Georgia: 54.2

    Interesting on how many of them are RED STATES


    The lowest teen birth rates continue to be in New England, where three states have teen birth rates at just half the national average.


    the Far right Fails at what they Preach.

  17. UK Lady says:

    Palin Sucks

    OT but have you seen comment 81 on the Palin helps rebrand the GOP thrad?

  18. PalinSucks says:

    I don’t think, Bristol, meant, “Here’, as in, New York, for college.

    Bristol dropped out of high school to give birth to Tripp, but continued to take classes online. She will graduate with her high school class later this month, and told Lauer she wants to begin taking college classes soon and complete her education.

  19. austintx says:

    320 let it run Says:
    May 6th, 2009 at 8:33 AM
    Probably doesn’t get the Candies until after the panel interivew. I agree with poster who believes Bristol in now a prisoner in her own home. Payback is a b**ch! Poor girl in NYC and a teenager and stuck strolling a baby around! Good Times!
    Hey – one of the panelist is a pro baseball jock. Bristol likes jocks. She should say “I’m going out. Watch your grandchild.” Batter – Up !!

  20. zyggy says:

    Tripp’s name should be Abstinence Mistake. I thought it extremely rude of first dud to call his grandchild a mistake. Bristol should have backed up her opinion that abstinence isn’t realistic, since there is evidence of that with her “mistake” on her lap. Too bad Palin’s hand puppet continues to voice abstinence, since we can see that doesn’t work.

    If it worked, little Tripp wouldn’t be there.

    750,000 little mistakes running around due to practicing abstinence.

    I think we all realize that teenagers should wait before having children, but egad, the Palin’s are not the best role models for abstinence or birth control. Like mother, like daughter. I wonder when Willow will announce to her parents that she too has a little “mistake” growing. I’m guessing she too will be a momma by age 18.

  21. Pat says:

    We are ONE SICK SOCIETY! These ads are a parody/charicature of the early 20 th century ads, The Golden Age of Illustration, painted ( not photographed, providing an income for a talented handful of artists, Cole Phillips, J C Leyendecker, Norman Rockewell.)
    But the products they were selling were “less work for Mother”, Ford Cars, (& other models) food & kitchen apliances………………everything to IMPROVE THE LIVES OF the American Populace, and support “family values” as well as increase the GDP. It’s time to take the Corporate Monster down to ground level!
    Totally corrupt and VERY SAD!

  22. austintx says:

    319 PalinSucks Says:
    May 6th, 2009 at 8:33 AM
    austintx, have you ever seen the film, In Bruges?
    Have not. Should I ck. it out ??

    Also , did it seem BP seemed a little more at ease without sarah right up on her a la the Greta “interview” ??

  23. Terpsichore says:

    “In the NBC interview, teen ambassador Bristol said she would be starting college ‘here’ in the fall. Does that mean she’ll be going to school in New York?”

    Yea curiouser, I thought I heard “here” too, also. And had the same question. Be cool if it were true!

    I thought Bristol held her own a little better than she did in the Greta interview. Interesting that she did the Cuomo interview alone, but had Dad there for Lauer’s interview.

  24. PalinSucks says:

    “A thought: maybe SP is not with Bristol because Bristol told her to stay back! I have a feeling their relationship has been frosty for some time”

    Nah, Bristol, isn’t that strong. Palin, showing up on the show, at least on camera, would be blatant, pimping. She is trying to, Rebrand herself.

    Palin, is or will be back, East, today or tomorrow.

    Todd, was there to shut down, Matt, from asking real, questions.

  25. Connie says:

    Wow, yeah. Poor, poor Trigg, er ahhh I mean Tripp being paraded across the country being called a mistake. Poor guy is not even a year old and has already been thrown under the Palin bus.

    Was Bristol paid for this interview?

    Nice smutty advertisements Candies! We can only assume Bristol, Mom and Dad approve the smut!

  26. curiouser says:

    In the NBC interview, teen ambassador Bristol said she would be starting college ‘here’ in the fall. Does that mean she’ll be going to school in New York?

  27. let it run says:

    A thought: maybe SP is not with Bristol because Bristol told her to stay back! I have a feeling their relationship has been frosty for some time ( not unusual for teenager girls and moms) but that may be the reason Todd is in NYC with Bristol’s and not her mom or the fact that since Mom is not with her she can actually get a word in edgewise.

  28. let it run says:

    Probably doesn’t get the Candies until after the panel interivew. I agree with poster who believes Bristol in now a prisoner in her own home. Payback is a b**ch! Poor girl in NYC and a teenager and stuck strolling a baby around! Good Times!

  29. PalinSucks says:

    austintx, have you ever seen the film, In Bruges?

  30. austintx says:

    Let the games begin !! Ouch !! comments also.too.

  31. austintx says:

    I wish Lauer would’ve looked down and said “Nice shoes , are those Candies ??”

  32. Bystander says:

    Sarah and Bristol Palin- the best mother daughter grifter team since Sigourney Weaver and Jennifer Love Hewitt in “Heartbreakers”.

  33. PalinSucks says:

    Among the choice communiques culled is this May 2007 conversation between Bristol and “Johnny,” on her MYSPACE whom the blog identifies as the boy Bristol dated before Levi Johnston.

    May 14, 2007 7:49 PM
    haha, my mom was asking who i was on the phone with last night, and said she heard everything i was saying…now she thinks i am pregnant.ahaha call me later if you like

    That would be a full year before Bristol actually became pregnant, rendering Palin’s later claims that she was surprised at Bristol’s pregnancy somewhat disingenuous.

    Also, if the MySpace posts pulled here are to be believed, Bristol was a pothead—or at least her brother Track narced on her to their mom that she was.

  34. PalinSucks says:

    Bristol, couldn’t HOLD OUT, 3 minutes with the GMA, interview and says abstinence is not the only education teens should get.

  35. greatgrammy1 says:

    So, Candie’s has Sarah, the unmarried pregnant mother of Bristol the unmarried pregnant mother of Tripp preaching abstinence before marriage. What is wrong with this picture? At least Sarah had the decency to marry the father of her unborn child.

  36. PalinSucks says:

    LMAO, Bristol is the ambassador, on Good Morning America, she is a statistic.

    3 out of 10 teens will get pregnant. CHECK
    Less then half will finish high school. CHECK
    8 out of 10 teens do not marry the baby’s daddy. CHECK

  37. PalinSucks says:

    Got face time over at GMA.

    http://abcnews.go.c“Regardless of what I did personally, I just think that abstinence is the only … 100 percent foolproof way to prevent pregnancy,” she told “Good Morning America” today, backing away from a previous statement on Fox News that abstinence wasn’t realistic, saying it was taken out of context.


  38. PalinSucks says:

    The Chicago Tribune’s political blog and others are reporting as fact that the governor is going to be Fox News’ guest at the White House Correspondents Dinner in Washington, D.C., on Saturday.

  39. PalinSucks says:

    Wonder, how close by, Palin was and how pissed she was she did not get camera time.

    The big mistake was putting that girl out in the public like she is. Bristol, has absolutely nothing to say worth listening to by young girls. She is going to get caught in so many lies. She has that pissy attitude & grudge gene of her mothers, which won’t play well, after, a couple more, interviews.

  40. PalinSucks says:

    “I could not watch her on Good Morning America without saying “liar liar” take after your mother. ”

    Yup!!! You heard the baby he say, the baby is exhausted? You saw she is not. I do not see, Bristol, being the one up all night with the little guy. He is nothing more then that accessory on a hip she was talking about. Wonder how long they took to drill those talking points in her heard.

    She will be an absentee mother just like her mother. BTW, which college in Alaska, has new enrollment starting in a few days?

    As we saw, Bristol, is not quick enough to cover her tracks. She will get reamed in the media.

    ALSO, the hatred she has for, Levi, is THICK. Tripp, is a pawn, in her immature emotions against the father. She better learn a better poker face or stay home away from interviews.

  41. EyeOnYou says:

    I wonder what Tripp will think about Grandpa Todd calling him a “mistake”?

  42. Bonnie says:

    I could not watch her on Good Morning America without saying “liar liar” take after your mother. My teeth grind at her the poster child for abstinence. The ad featured above couldn’t be more sexual!

  43. PalinSucks says:

    Oh, now I see, after, watching the video, Todd, is their to shut, Matt…UP, fom asking REAL questions. So he is IN on pimping his kids out just like his wife. He has got to go as well.

  44. PalinSucks says:

    Wow, even pulled, Todd, on the road AND baby. Some major, PR for, Palin.

    Lauer said that may be unrealistic. “Is there room for safe sex?” he asked Bristol.

    “If you’re going to have sex, I think you should have safe sex,” she said before going back to her message that only abstinence works.

  45. EyeOnYou says:

    I would love to know exactly how her comments on abstinence being unrealistic were taken out of context.

    VAN SUSTEREN: Levi here?

    BRISTOL: No, he’s not. He’s working.

    VAN SUSTEREN: What’s he doing now?

    BRISTOL: He’s helping his dad out and finishing up his schooling.

    VAN SUSTEREN: Does he have any sort of — does he feel the same way you feel about teen pregnancy and have some sort of — Well, maybe a good idea to wait usually, unless things happen?

    BRISTOL: Yes. He feels the same way I do. We both just — kids should just wait. It’s — I don’t know. It’s not glamorous at all.

    VAN SUSTEREN: I don’t want to pry to personally, but I mean, actually, contraception is an issue here. Is that something that you were just lazy about or not interested, or do you have a philosophical or religious opposition to it or…

    BRISTOL: No. I don’t want to get into detail about that. But I think abstinence is, like — like, the — I don’t know how to put it — like, the main — everyone should be abstinent or whatever, but it’s not realistic at all.


    BRISTOL: Because — I don’t want to get into details on this.

    VAN SUSTEREN: Well, no, I don’t mean personally, just big picture, not — not necessarily about you, but…

    BRISTOL: Because it’s more and more accepted now.

    VAN SUSTEREN: Among your classmates and kids your age?

    BRISTOL: Among — yes, among kids my age.

    VAN SUSTEREN: How do you change that?

    BRISTOL: To see stories like this and to see other stories of teen moms and just — it’s something that’s — I don’t know, just — you should just wait 10 years and it’d just be so much easier.

  46. trisha says:

    Sounds like Bristol had her microchip updated so she would repeat the “correct” message that Sarah needs her to say to advance her political career.

    The winner of the worst mother of the century goes to………………
    Sarah Palin, for using her kids for her own personal gain.

  47. trisha says:

    So, is Bristol saying that Greta’s interview was part of the “gotcha” media when they took her quote out of context?

    Hmmm. I thought Greta was Sarah’s newest BFF.

  48. lynnrockets says:

    This is Kommandante George Soros with explicit instructions from the Movement. It is mandatory that all members of the Party (oops, I meant, group) monitor Palin TV interviews this morning and report back here with all funny snippets. Viewer discretion is advised.

    Over and Out

  49. austintx says:


  50. austintx says:

    nervous…….right leg moving……..seems more at ease than with Greta……..Levi is part of baby’s life…….huh ??

  51. Lilybart says:

    Someone should ask Bristol……”Since you are not married, are you abstinent NOW?”

    Then ask Johnny, the swim coach.

  52. austintx says:

    BP looks good………up all nite

  53. austintx says:

    Yikes – BP and Todd are gonna be on in a couple of minutes on NBC. Teaser showed Todd holding baby offstage…….Bristol smiling……..will report back……..

  54. EyeOnYou says:

    Like Mother like Daughter…

    Bristol is now saying her comments on Greta about abstinence being unrealistic are being taken out of context!

  55. austintx says:

    288 Nan Says:
    May 6th, 2009 at 4:39 AM
    It only gets more surreal!

    I can’t find it now, but there was a link to the Candi’s ad with Bristol & Levi’s picture on it. I have a couple of questions about that picture:

    1. Is Levi getting paid for his image to be part of that ad campaign?

    2. The picture is obviously from the campaign, is it property of the Palin’s or of the Republicans? (i.e. copyright question)

    3. Did anyone even ask Levi for permission to use his image in that ad?
    Rex – Are you reading Nan’s valid points ??

  56. austintx says:

    285 EyeOnYou Says:
    May 6th, 2009 at 4:34 AM
    It would have been nice if someone pointed out how different Bristol’s life was from the normal teen who gets pregnant.
    No S^*T !! You are spot on with your observation. Bristol has gotten a golden hall pass all the way.

  57. Nan says:

    It only gets more surreal!

    I can’t find it now, but there was a link to the Candi’s ad with Bristol & Levi’s picture on it. I have a couple of questions about that picture:

    1. Is Levi getting paid for his image to be part of that ad campaign?

    2. The picture is obviously from the campaign, is it property of the Palin’s or of the Republicans? (i.e. copyright question)

    3. Did anyone even ask Levi for permission to use his image in that ad?

    Just askin’ is all.

    (have driven 1200 miles so far, 1000 to go, will check back tonight)

  58. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    Glad you found your purple quilt again austintx!

  59. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    austintx Says:
    May 6th, 2009 at 4:05 AM

    279 PalinSucks Says:
    May 6th, 2009 at 12:44 AM
    “Someone needs to photoshop Bristol and Levi onto that pic and caption it – Bristol Says, ” Relax, Don’t Do It! “
    Not sure if this is what you meant……..but I had to pounce !!

    lynnrockets might work some magic with this –

    I’m not sure there is really much one could do to improve on the original 😉

  60. EyeOnYou says:

    It would have been nice if someone pointed out how different Bristol’s life was from the normal teen who gets pregnant.

    She has support from everyone around her. She has gotten gifts from around the world for her child. She has a home to live in, with no worries about paying bills, feeding herself or her child. She has free childcare, can go to school without worry about her child. The father of her child is willing to be an active part of the child’s life. She lives the ideal life of a person who suddenly finds herself in the role of unexpected teen mother. No worries about anything, except which television interview to do, and which money making offer to accept or reject.

  61. EyeOnYou says:

    Mentioning about how Bristol has been nominated as Teen Ambassador for Candies.
    Pointing out the comment on Greta about abstinence being unrealistic.
    Levi begins “national media blitz”.

    Matt is smiling and polite.
    Asking if the pregnancy is a mistake. She answers no, but wishes she would have waited.
    She explains how tough being a mom is.
    Asked if she realized how tough it was going to be doing the “do as I say not as I do” role. She answers yes.
    Todd is speaking about how proud of her they are.
    No time for friends, life changes.

    Asked if there is room in the conversation for contraceptives, as in …abstinence is the best option…however…if you are going to engage in sex, contraceptives are the way to go.
    Hahahahaha, Todd won’t speak about contraceptives. He called the pregnancy a “mistake” that happened a year ago, and says that abstinence is the only way to prevent pregnancy 100%. Bristol does say that if you are going to have sex, have safe sex, but abstinence is preferable.
    Asked about Levi coming out and talking about the situation.
    Bristol refuses to speak about Levi other than to say he is a part of Tripp’s life. She says she isn’t here to talk about her personal life!

    Odd, I thought that is exactly what she was doing.

  62. austintx says:

    279 PalinSucks Says:
    May 6th, 2009 at 12:44 AM
    “Someone needs to photoshop Bristol and Levi onto that pic and caption it – Bristol Says, ” Relax, Don’t Do It! “
    Not sure if this is what you meant……..but I had to pounce !!

    lynnrockets might work some magic with this –

  63. EyeOnYou says:

    It was just announced that after the commercial break they would be talking to Bristol Palin and “the newest Palin..Tripp”. Hmmm, I thought that he was a Johnston not a Palin. I wonder what Levi would have to say about calling his son the newest Palin.

  64. EyeOnYou says:

    Bristol on the Today Show:

    Okay, Meredith V just announced that Bristol Palin AND HER FAMILY is in the studio live this morning.
    It is Bristol, Tripp & Todd in the studio.

    **Prior to interview, Matt, Meredith and Al are talking and pointing out that poor Bristol was thrust into the spotlight during the campaign when it was revealed that she was pregnant. Tripp is a little smile machine & they will be speaking to Todd as well as Bristol.


  65. aha says:

    Annie Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 9:08 PM

    It’s not rocket science…

    Hate to break it to you, girl, but according to the Candies Ad, above, it is…. heh heh

    Brittney Spears is also a sex advocate, apparently, according to….just think what will happen if BP meets BS….hopefully a Madonna moment

  66. PalinSucks says:

    “Someone needs to photoshop Bristol and Levi onto that pic and caption it – Bristol Says, ” Relax, Don’t Do It! “

    Palin, is STUPID. Levi, wasn’t, Bristol’s, “First”. He (Rumor), wasn’t her last or next to last….AFTER, Tripp, was born and now with her being 18 & coming out like this, she just put a price on her image. I betcha there are more then a couple videos out there, after, Friday, that will 10 fold in value to tabloids. Not to mention every next step is being watched.

    For a teenage girl, without guidance or support, looking for, “Love” & protection, this might get ugly.

  67. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Moose Pucky Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 8:25 PM
    And in stark contrast, First Lady Michelle Obama had a big day in NYC today.

    “I never thought I’d be on ‘Sesame Street’ with Elmo and Big Bird and I was thrilled,” she told the crowd at the mission. “I’m still thrilled. I’m on a high….”
    Ultra cool. 😀

  68. BlueCollarJane says:

    Someone needs to photoshop Bristol and Levi onto that pic and caption it – Bristol Says, ” Relax, Don’t Do It! “

  69. redwoodmuse says:

    OT = ADN has declared Sullivan the winner.

  70. pearl89 says:

    Guess they had to wait for Levi to move out of the house/her bedroom before coming out in support of abstinence.

  71. pearl89 says:

    According to the other side, Bristol volunteered to be a teen ambassador for this abstinence organization. When I first read this today, it just seemed strange to me that she would do this. Then I read that mama grizzly is going to be in NY this weekend promoting Alaskan seafood then it made sense. This is just another way for SP and BP to get a free trip to NY together. I don’t think for one minute that big mama Palin will let Bristol out on her own. Or maybe, I’ve just ingested so much Palin this year that I see things that just aren’t there there.

  72. Annie says:

    It’s not rocket science…

  73. redwoodmuse says:

    @moose pucky…..I’m with Michelle Obama….how cool to meet Big Bird and Elmo. Though I liked Bert too.

  74. North_of_the_Range says:

    Geez, talk about a stimulus package.

    And as for the political kind, didn’t someone say we should abstain from that, too?

    That didn’t turn out to be realistic at all, either.

  75. Debra Curtis says:

    I’m sorry, one more thing…can you imagine taking this picture and link to Church on Sunday…oh my!

  76. Debra Curtis says:

    P.S. Yeah, he has a rolled up sock in his pants!

  77. curiouser says:

    Professor Geezer….She not only criticized her, but did it in front of and in comparison to her cousin (and in front of the Esquire folks). She did tell Piper she was a good runner to offset the criticism. But she set her up. Why not just say something like, “Good try, Piper. You’ll get that move down with practice.” Think there’s a word for that kind of mixed message but my mind is blank.

  78. Debra Curtis says:

    This is April 1 right? Fools day? I just can’t believe this is true… I’ve never seen this company’s ads.

    I’ve seen other company ads like this when my daughter was an teen. When I would complain she say, “oh Mom, those are just HO ads, don’t you know anything?” Please….

  79. Professor Geezer says:

    @curiouser. Yes, absolutely! What you wrote totally does fit in terms of an inability to see a child as a separate person!

    That is so sad about Palin’s criticizing of Piper in Esquire.

  80. Professor Geezer says:

    TX Lisa, that is an AMAZING FIND!!! How bizarre that Bristol is now the Candies Foundation advocate after the Foundation criticized her so publicly!

    This makes no sense from any angle. I predict it is not going to go well from a marketing standpoint. I don’t think it will help Bristol Palin’s public profile either.

    Clearly, there’s hypocrisy on all sides: the Candies shoes are marketed as “sexual tools” for teenaged girls. Bristol has already said that abstinence is unrealistic. The Candies Foundation used Bristol as a poster girl for how not to behave.

    Whose bright idea was this?

  81. curiouser says:

    251 Professor Geezer Says:
    Psychologically, Sarah Palin does not see that Bristol is a separate person; she sees her daughter only as an extension of herself.
    Would constantly putting words in someone else’s mouth and telling them what they think fit with not seeing the other as a separate person?

    I noticed SP doing that a lot when Piper was asked questions during interviews. She did it with Bristol during the GVS interview. When Trig was born and Willow thought he looked like he had DS, SP said something like “even if he does, you know you will love him”. My jaw was on the floor reading the part in the Esquire”s Todd article when SP egged Piper into trying a gymnastic move she didn’t know and then criticized her gymnastic ability (bottom half of page). (Whew, I’ve been wanting to get the Piper gymnastic ‘put down’ off my chest for awhile.)

    I couldn’t find the reference, but think I remember that SP spoke of Bristol being a spokesperson for abstinence during the campaign, shortly after they announced Bristol’s pregnancy. Certainly this role for Bristol fits SP’s political ambitions. Hopefully, it’s a meaningful role for Bristol.

    Bristol would have gotten pregnant shortly after her mother announced the pregnancy with Trig (Mar. 5 ’08). Acting out much? Neither abstinence or contraception will prevent an ‘acting out’ teen from getting pregnant.

  82. TX Lisa says:

    Last fall, as part of its campaign against teen pregnancy, Candies Foundation placed full page PSA ads in the New York Times and New York Post. The ads featured a picture of Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston, among others, as examples of the “epidemic” of teen pregnancies today.

    So after being “Exhibit A” for the epidemic of teen pregnancies, Bristol is now going to advocate for the group?!

    On the webpage below, if you click on the small poster with Bristol and Levi’s picture and it will enlarge.

  83. Brettapplebaum says:

    Closet Mudpup Says: May 5th, 2009 at 2:01 PM
    “””Perhaps the Gov should investigate what other states have been doing with regard to energy-related bldg codes over the past forty years. Has anyone released a cost-benefit analysis of accepting the $29M for improving energy efficiency v. not accepting it??”””

    The US Air Force has been working out cost-benefit analyses for energy conservation regarding buildings for about 10 years. I think the data and findings are public property. A lot more than $29 million has been consumed for the information.

  84. Moose Pucky says:

    And in stark contrast, First Lady Michelle Obama had a big day in NYC today.

    “…It sounded, though, like the highlight of her day — and to take her at her word, perhaps even her life as first lady so far — was the appearance with Elmo and Big Bird.

    “I never thought I’d be on ‘Sesame Street’ with Elmo and Big Bird and I was thrilled,” she told the crowd at the mission. “I’m still thrilled. I’m on a high….”

  85. redwoodmuse says:

    sauerkraut Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 7:37 PM

    heheheheee, redwoodmuse� just heard jay leno�s joke about the palin pimping� something about there not being much of a jump from politics to porn.

    Well, I lived in CA and Schwartznegger went from porn to politics so, I suppose one could go the other way…especially if one was tarnished politically beyond all believability, doncha know, yep, you betcha wink wink.

  86. Nan says:

    MinNJ Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 7:17 PM

    Nan: Until the cash register says that she’s made enough. That time. And it’s pathetic.
    And has anybody ever seen when “enough” is “enough for SP?”

    Yup. A huge part of why I feel sorry for Bristol.

  87. Canadian Neighbour says:

    sauerkraut and palin sucks,
    Your messages are still on wow.

  88. Moose Pucky says:

    I think I’ve seen those shoes recently on someone with poofy hair and wearing a red jacket…

  89. Professor Geezer says:

    @PalinSucks, LOL! Well, I am not near Palin’s psyche…And I only see things from a “public perspective,” to be sure!

  90. irina says:

    That ad would actually be a good one for a diaphragm,
    Female barrier methods are WAY underrated
    I think the reason is that women are not supposed to grok that female barrier methods do not just apply to sexual intercourse but to all sorts of life situations and if you get used to trusting them for sex (they are very reliable IF fitted properly and used properly), then you might start employing the same concept in other life situations . . .
    and that might lead to not only female but also authentic male empowerment (the best part about diaphragms is they really lend themselves to practicing tantric nonejaculatory intercourse which is a mark of sexual maturity)

    and we know we are not supposed to be so empowered . . .

    The girl’s hand is in the diaphragm position (more or less)

    Anyway, it is kind of cute and she is blocking the rocket with her palm.

  91. PalinSucks says:

    What a way to start motherhood, her first, Mother’s Day & Bristol will be thousandths of miles away from her kid.

  92. aussiegal77 says:

    Kinda like Miss California who is a Christian……but posed semi nude for pics……and didn’t disclose that fact to the pageant committee…….but is now outraged that people are talking about said pics…….who also has fake boobs and capped teeth…….but still says gays are unnatural……and says she’s being persecuted for her beliefs……yet she has no problems persecuting gays for their belief in their right to marry.

    The wheels on the hypocrisy bus go round and round!

  93. PalinSucks says:

    Tread CAUTIOUSLY going anywhere near, Palin’s, psych.

    Make sure you take a buddy with you to help you back out!!!

  94. Professor Geezer says:

    Psychologically, Sarah Palin does not see that Bristol is a separate person; she sees her daughter only as an extension of herself.

  95. EyeOnYou says:

    It seems we have angered some of the Palin fans by talking about Bristol. I guess they feel that even though she is fine with doing television interviews and being a spokesperson on abstinence that she should be off limits from comments.

    Funny how they don’t have any problems going after Levi and calling him every name in the book, and trashing him left and right, but when it is Bristol they want her left alone.

  96. PalinSucks says:

    Palin’s PR disaster The antics of her daughter’s ex have destroyed her credibility

    If only Noël Coward had been around to advise the Governor of Alaska. Don’t put your daughter on the stage, Mrs Palin. Especially if she’s a pregnant teenager with an on-off boyfriend and the world’s media zooming in on her bump.

    But Sarah Palin doesn’t have that much sense. And by turning her family into the cast of America’s favourite soap opera, she’s destroyed her credibility both as a mother and as any sort of political brain.

  97. Quetzalcoatl says:

    Nan, trouble is that That is the price Bristol pays, constant emotional manipulation from mom. I’m sure she’s blamed for making her mom look bad having the baby and mom is holding her hostage. We saw it in that interview at home when mom swooshed in shushed her up…with that ‘smile’.

    I mean, the kid has not finished high school. What are the chances of a single Mom surviving on her own? Nil in Alaska, I’d guess. She Has to stay home, nice sentence, that isn’t guidance, she’s a prisoner with no personal space or privacy, methinks.

    She won’t be free till she gets the hell away from there. Far away. Now mom found her a job, no doubt.
    redwoodmuse, definitely pimping her out, my thoughts exactly.

  98. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Bristol’s only preaching abstinence for *other* girls – the same way her mother wants to take choices away from *other* women, not herself and Bristol. Bristol never once said *she* intends to remain abstinent.

    Mind you, she also never said she was going to work for pornographers.

  99. zyggy says:

    my friend just called Bristol, Sarah’s hand puppet

  100. sauerkraut says:

    When they do the biography/movie on the Palin family, it;’s gonna have the title Parenthood, Interrupted!

  101. PalinSucks says:

    “I, too, think Bristol has been pushed into the national arena only to benefit GINO in her run for the POTUS. If Bristol was sincere, she would have started in Alaska.”

    Palin, will EXLOIT, anyone or thing to keep her name in print. Levi, better get his baby.

  102. sauerkraut says:

    heheheheee, redwoodmuse… just heard jay leno’s joke about the palin pimping… something about there not being much of a jump from politics to porn.

  103. Isy Fleur says:

    Bristol is going to talk about the “dangers of teen pregnancy.” Dangers!?!?!?!? It sure did not cause her any harm: she dumped the inconvenient father and now she’s obviously going to rake in the dough. Role model indeed!

  104. anon blogger says:

    Martha @ 147
    The Alaska Association of Student Governments overwhelmingly passed a resolution during its spring conference in Sitka two weeks ago asking for “a mandatory, comprehensive, medically accurate, age-appropriate nine-week sex education course” for all high school students statewide.

    Thanks, Martha, for sharing your comments and all the information. And I was very impressed by the students as well

    I, too, think Bristol has been pushed into the national arena only to benefit GINO in her run for the POTUS. If Bristol was sincere, she would have started in Alaska.

  105. EyeOnYou says:

    redwoodmuse Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 7:15 PM
    in the interest of guerrilla media….he he he…I also think the screen shot of Bristol saying that ‘abstinence is unrealistic’ and her mother rushing on stage needs to be spread in viral mode around the net. If this is the only way to point out the incongruency between what is being said v. reality, well….then….

    It would be awesome to see a video of that out-take….Bristol & Greta Interview:
    VAN SUSTEREN: So this was, obviously, a huge, unexpected event.

    BRISTOL: Yes. Definitely.

    VAN SUSTEREN: Is it good?

    BRISTOL: Yes, it is. Very good. I like being a mom. I love it.


    BRISTOL: Just, like, seeing him smile and stuff. It just — it’s awesome.

    VAN SUSTEREN: You know, you’re young.

    BRISTOL: Very young, yes.

    VAN SUSTEREN: And so some people think it’s — you know, that for a young person, it’s particularly challenging.

    BRISTOL: It is very challenging, but it’s so rewarding.
    And then pointing out how different her life is from most who find themselves pregnant as a teen:
    BRISTOL: Yes. He feels the same way I do. We both just — kids should just wait. It’s — I don’t know. It’s not glamorous at all.

    VAN SUSTEREN: I don’t want to pry to personally, but I mean, actually, contraception is an issue here. Is that something that you were just lazy about or not interested, or do you have a philosophical or religious opposition to it or…

    BRISTOL: No. I don’t want to get into detail about that. But I think abstinence is, like — like, the — I don’t know how to put it — like, the main — everyone should be abstinent or whatever, but it’s not realistic at all.


    BRISTOL: Because — I don’t want to get into details on this.

    VAN SUSTEREN: Well, no, I don’t mean personally, just big picture, not — not necessarily about you, but…

    BRISTOL: Because it’s more and more accepted now.

    (She’s right, most teen mothers don’t get freebies sent to them from all over the world, and most don’t have extended families who help them out with free housing, day care, etc…., and most don’t get to go on television and do interviews just because they got pregnant)

    , then freeze that with a voice over of the statement she has put out with Candies..

    And as is noted in the DailyKos story about this, Bristol better speak up about contraception and learn to be vocal about using it and how failure to use it could result in pregnancy or worse (std’s) or she is going to find that there is no place for someone in an advocacy role who is shy about talking about her own personal situation when that is what is supposed to have inspired her to help others.

  106. redwoodmuse says:

    I just had a horrible thought, what if SP told Bristol she had to start paying her own way, and ‘by the way, I’ve set up a contract for you…comes with clothes and shoes too.’ Talk about pimping out your family.

    I really hope that was just an aberrant thought and no where near the truth.

  107. MinNJ says:

    Nan: Until the cash register says that she’s made enough. That time. And it’s pathetic.

  108. redwoodmuse says:

    in the interest of guerrilla media….he he he…I also think the screen shot of Bristol saying that ‘abstinence is unrealistic’ and her mother rushing on stage needs to be spread in viral mode around the net. If this is the only way to point out the incongruency between what is being said v. reality, well….then….

    The really sad thing here is that Candies won’t lose anything…even if Bristol bows out…look at all the press the company has garnered. There’s a tiny part of me that is sorry for Bristol…I lived on the street for 4 years -14 to 17 – married at 19 and had a baby at 21, divorced at 23, and I’ve done my share of stupid things while young (and older) but I also had a couple of adults who showed up and made me re-think some of my choices…. gave me some options….where is Bristol’s guidance?

  109. Nan says:

    I just can’t get thru all 200+ comments, so if I’m repeating something, I apologize.

    I have to say I feel more than a little sorry for Bristol; I’d be willing to bet this was something her mom signed her up for, in spite of her previous statement (re abstinence is unrealistic), just to prove some kind of point. Or to “make points.”

    How many times can Bristol *get* thrown under that dang bus, anyway?

  110. MinNJ says:

    Hmmmm, the tunes are rockin’ here tonight! Wonderful creativity! Thanks so much. Now I must go to bed so that I might see Bristol, dear lass, tomorrow, being paid to be on television for all to see. *sad circus tune*

  111. curiouser says:

    sauerkraut Says:
    redwoodmuse – just added my own two cents there. think it got deleted already!

    I just read your very excellent comment at the WoW site.

  112. redwoodmuse says:

    @Crystalwolf aka cali girl, @sauercraut and @palin sucks –

    nope, I don’t mind about being posted w/Gryphon. I think that (even though it helps advertise Candies) these pictures need to be spread (pardon) around. Nothing talks like those ads….

    I saw your comments….they go to the last page. I’ll go check back and see if they really did get deleted. Have any of the ‘approvers’ seen these ads? WTF?

  113. Star says:

    WTF is wrong with that bunch of Hillbillies…Whatever for a $$$$$$$$$..This is one screwed up family…

  114. Lainey says:

    @The Rubber Room Hotel
    You mean it is not OK for Levi to try to make some money and seek fame and fortune, but it is OK for Bristol……. WTF
    I agree…I feel sorry for Levi in a way…of all the girls he slept with, the luck of knocking up the crazy woman’s ‘easy’ daughter…connected for life b/c of the baby. yikes!
    candies, really? only the crazy palin spinmeister could carry out such an obviously arranged agenda (forced) for her daughter to prove that they have values…imagine bristol representing a point of view that she doesn’t even believe in with an advertiser promoting s*x…that’s honorable. NOT!

  115. AKPetMom says:

    Bristol herself said abstinence is unrealistic. The Palin camp makes a statement during the Levi publicity rounds that Bristol is “busy raising Tripp and promoting abstinence”. Raising a baby and promoting abstinence. Hmmmm, I guess midnight feedings are enough to make any new Mom become an advocate for abstinence 🙂

  116. bubbles says:

    rubber room i like reading your posts. you are thoughtful and passionate and kind. all that you thought was lost forever has come back and you have reunited with your beloved child. what a grand miracle….love b

  117. PalinSucks says:

    I got deleted ALSO 🙂

  118. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    redwoodmuse Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 6:45 PM

    Check this out….how come she has to have that come hither look if she’s allegedly advertising ’stay away’. Oh, and the comments are real interesting.
    This is a older pic from the campaign trail…

  119. sauerkraut says:

    redwoodmuse – just added my own two cents there. think it got deleted already!

  120. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    redwoodmuse Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 6:42 PM

    one more time….I did a little google research and I have confirmed that Neil Cole of Iconix and Neil Cole of CMA are *NOT* the same person. The pastor lives in CA and is the author of several books about spreading (ahem) churches.

    The Candies’ guy thinks his foundation to help stop teen pregnancy is a very important thing he’s done. ‘course he could just stop making p*****graphic ads and that would probably cut the rate waaaaay down.
    Redwoodmuse–I hope you don’t mind I posted your post on Gryphens site, as he is following the same story.

  121. EyeOnYou says:

    Well I hope that by making this choice Bristol (and her family) realize that she has opened herself up to TONS of tabloid speculation and attacks regarding her flip flopping messages. No more “kids are off limits” now. I also think that being associated with the “Candies” ad’s we’ve seen isn’t going to go along way on helping with her image should a court custody case ensue, and I am just waiting for the talk of her exploiting the family name for fame and fortune.

  122. KateinCanada says:

    My sympathy, Rubber Room, – I too had a teen pregnancy. And the Dalkon Shield was one the very worst tragedies of the sturggle to try and find good birth control. For people too young to remember, it was a very effective tiny IUD that didn’t cause as much cramping as other models, and quickly was recommended for people who couldn’t take or didn’t trust pills. But it had a little braided tail so it could be removed, and bacteria could travel up the tail into the uterus. It took a couple of years before it was banned and in that time many women got infections that led to sterility. That’s a terrible result from trying so hard to be careful. Life can be very unfair.

  123. PalinSucks says:

    “Bristol will likely have the baby with her.

    If she doesn’t, it wouldn’t be a good move for Levi to TAKE his son for awhile. He wants to now play this legally so no need to upset any carts!!”

    You think she will? Who would be watching him? I thought I read, the reason she is flying by night to get there is because she is not taking him?

    Either way, no way, this is going to go down well. Bristol just opened herself up to Evey IPhone in Wasilla. Tabloids will have her for lunch when she & her new boyfriend making out. No way this goes well for the baby either.

  124. sauerkraut says:

    211 austintx Says: May 5th, 2009 at 6:41 PM

    This should be interesting at the least. Dang , I wish someone would pop her with a hard question. Well – it’s wide open after tomorrow.

    Isn’t that how Bristol became preggers?


  125. redwoodmuse says:

    Check this out….how come she has to have that come hither look if she’s allegedly advertising ‘stay away’. Oh, and the comments are real interesting.

  126. PalinSucks says:

    “This should be interesting at the least. Dang , I wish someone would pop her with a hard question. Well – it’s wide open after tomorrow.”

    Bristol, better not take make-up and clothing tips from mom or Candies. Unless she goes natural and humble…She is going to get RIPPED apart. There is no way with the heinous acts of her mother or the way she herself is LYING she will escape criticism & judgment. A Lohan in the making. In the world, she wants to play in, Bristol, is one muffin away from being a FAT GIRL…cameas add poundage, she should stay home, go to school & raise her baby.

  127. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Bristol will likely have the baby with her.

    If she doesn’t, it wouldn’t be a good move for Levi to TAKE his son for awhile. He wants to now play this legally so no need to upset any carts!!

  128. Lee323 says:

    200 austintx Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 6:27 PM
    Well – figured the quilt thing out. Used my new e-mail on the repaired desktop. Am on laptop with other e-mail address. I’ll stick with purple.

    I’m glad to see that your royal purple coat-of-arms quilt thing is back. The pale green quilt was just too demure and retiring. Not your style.

  129. redwoodmuse says:

    one more time….I did a little google research and I have confirmed that Neil Cole of Iconix and Neil Cole of CMA are *NOT* the same person. The pastor lives in CA and is the author of several books about spreading (ahem) churches.

    The Candies’ guy thinks his foundation to help stop teen pregnancy is a very important thing he’s done. ‘course he could just stop making p*****graphic ads and that would probably cut the rate waaaaay down.

  130. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    You mean it is not OK for Levi to try to make some money and seek fame and fortune, but it is OK for Bristol……. WTF

  131. austintx says:

    This should be interesting at the least. Dang , I wish someone would pop her with a hard question. Well – it’s wide open after tomorrow.

  132. sauerkraut says:

    wow… she’s hot! the guy… is that the rocker formerly known as sugar ray? sorry, haven’t yet read all 207 comments.

    this is like the ms usa thing… the head of the CA pageant complains about ms CA’s boob job and topless shots, but has herself spread herself before playboy, etc. not that I mind, but seriously. hypocrisy.

  133. justafarmer says:

    Completely OT but on a happy note…
    Signs of Springtime in Appalachia…
    lightning bugs three nights ago and whippoorwill calling first time tonight!

  134. PalinSucks says:

    Maria Dolgetta, a spokeswoman for the foundation, said Palin will be paid for her appearance but declined to disclose how much.

  135. PalinSucks says:

    So, while the Palin’s ae away, Levi, should go take HIS son for awhile.

  136. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Delete the http: // from the front of the link to post. We can copy & paste it to check it out

  137. PalinSucks says:

    Unwed mother Bristol Palin is going to take part in a national campaign to help raise awareness for teen pregnancy prevention.

    The 18-year-old daughter of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has been appointed as a Teen Ambassador for The Candie’s Foundation.

    Bristol Palin will participate in a town hall meeting Wednesday in New York.

    She said in a statement that she feels she could be a living example of the consequences of teen pregnancy.

    “If I can prevent even one girl from getting pregnant, I will feel a sense of accomplishment,” she said.

    Bristol Palin gave birth Dec. 27 to a boy named Tripp. She and the boy’s father, Levi Johnston, have separated.

    Sarah Palin announced her daughter’s pregnancy on Sept. 1, days after Sen. John McCain picked her to be his Republican vice presidential running mate.

    Bristol Palin in February told Fox News that teens should avoid sex, but abstinence is “not realistic at all.”

    Maria Dolgetta, a spokeswoman for the foundation, said Palin will be paid for her appearance but declined to disclose how much

  138. PalinSucks says:

    Bristol Palin On “Good Morning America” Wednesday

    Now it’s Bristol turn. Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol will appear on “Good Morning America” Wednesday morning in her first television interview since her former-boyfriend Levi Johnston broke his silence about their break-up.

  139. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Bristol is getting paid for this gig!
    spam filter will not let me post the link 🙁

  140. Canadian Neighbour says:


    That means Bristol is on both Today Show and Good Morning America tomorrow. With Chris Cuomo moderating the panel at the Candies event I expected an interview for GMA.

    Lauer — I would think a puff piece as she will probably have the baby with her.

  141. redwoodmuse says:

    Dang, I keep getting dumped in the bucket….

    check this out…..maybe the connection with SP is ethics, er…lack thereof?

    “…In April 2003, Mr. Cole, without admitting or denying the allegations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (’SEC’), consented to the entry by the SEC of an administrative order in which he agreed to cease and desist from violating or causing any violations or future violation of certain books and records and periodic reporting provisions and the anti-fraud provisions of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the ‘Exchange Act’). Mr. Cole also paid a $75,000 civil monetary fine.,,,”

  142. redwoodmuse says:

    @Dr. Patois – I have confirmed that Neil Cole of Iconix and Neil Cole of CMA are *not* the same person.

    Here’s more interesting stuff about Candies’ Cole

    am following with another link…since I apparently included too many links in the first message.

  143. Professor Geezer says:

    Help me expand or correct this list of Palin’s fashion-related problems to date:

    1) $180,000 on clothes (RNC) still in bags somewhere;
    2) Arctic Cat jacket/walking billboard;
    3) Naughty Monkey shoe appointment;
    4) Candies’ connection for Bristol, reversing Bristol’s own statement on nat’l TV re: abstinence…

  144. austintx says:

    Well – figured the quilt thing out. Used my new e-mail on the repaired desktop. Am on laptop with other e-mail address. I’ll stick with purple.

  145. redwoodmuse says:

    @Dr. Patois – I have confirmed that Neil Cole of Iconix and Neil Cole of CMA are *not* the same person.

    Here’s more interesting stuff about Candies’ Cole especially the last link which I took an intriguing excerpt from…..maybe the connection with SP is ethics, er…lack thereof?

    “…In April 2003, Mr. Cole, without admitting or denying the allegations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (‘SEC’), consented to the entry by the SEC of an administrative order in which he agreed to cease and desist from violating or causing any violations or future violation of certain books and records and periodic reporting provisions and the anti-fraud provisions of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the ‘Exchange Act’). Mr. Cole also paid a $75,000 civil monetary fine.,,,”

  146. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    austintx…. agreed but Lauer has always been good with young people… so no I don’t think he will push her.

  147. Lee323 says:

    170 Dr. Patois Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 5:30 PM
    ” Neil is also a founding leader of the Awakening Chapels and of organic church planting movements.”
    188 redwoodmuse Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 6:09 PM
    @Dr. Patois – nope, I think you’re right. From Forbes

    If he is the same person……Just what the heck is this guy “awakening” in these chapels of his?

    The Candies advertisement above doesn’t put me in mind of the awakening of the Holy Ghost in that little filly.

  148. Karin in CT says:

    You pups are THE BEST!

    Thanks for the laughs tonight!

  149. austintx says:

    190 Gingerbread Man Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 6:14 PM
    Just saw an ad for tomorrow morning’s “TODAY” show on NBC. Bristol Palin will be on, interviewed by Matt Lauer about teen pregnancy and motherhood. Oh, Boy – should be edifying (well, OK, how about mortifying?)
    Hm-m-m………..wonder which Lauer will show up ?? He can be good at questions. Or it might be a puff piece.

  150. SystemBucker says:

    Okay, as an artist, I have to say that the photo in the ad is very nice…artistically done…but…it looks like it should be a fine art piece for the Seattle Erotic Art Festival!

    Can’t wait to see if one of Palin’s spokespeople will release a statement that the ad is misunderstood, we don’t see the subtleties and nuances…obviously, the girl is promoting abstinence, her hand is positioned to block the rocket from entering her great Galaxy!

  151. Professor Geezer says:

    Mudpups, what did I say when Celtic Diva filed the Arctic Cat complaint?

    With Palin, it’s “FOLLOW THE FASHION.”
    Repeat that meme after me and get it into the media!

    Fashion ALWAYS gets her into trouble. Now Mama P. is spreading the Naughty Monkey shoe fetish to Bristol, via Candies….

    Very sad…It’s part of Palin’s personality disorder to be so obsessed looking good, “sexy,” and fashion.

  152. Tealwomin says:

    LYNN YOU SO crazy…and I like it

  153. CO almost native says:

    You’d think I’d learn not to be sipping anything liquid when I open up mudflats…it is worth cleaning off my keyboard and screen for the upteenth time:-)

  154. Tealwomin says:


  155. Gingerbread Man says:

    Just saw an ad for tomorrow morning’s “TODAY” show on NBC. Bristol Palin will be on, interviewed by Matt Lauer about teen pregnancy and motherhood. Oh, Boy – should be edifying (well, OK, how about mortifying?)

  156. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Dr. Patois Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 5:55 PM

    Sorry, my post @ 170 is probably wrong. I cannot verify that Neil Cole of CMA and Neil Cole of Iconix are one and the same.
    They are the same!

  157. redwoodmuse says:

    @Dr. Patois – nope, I think you’re right. From Forbes
    note his total compensation is over 1million per year and his exercisable options are more than 26 million. Also as a side note, he is the (younger, I think) brother to fashion guy Kenneth Cole.

    I’m doing a bit more research.

  158. Canadian Neighbour says:

    PalinSucks Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 5:22 PM
    LMAO, Palin, linked, ADN on her, TWEET…comments are not kind to her.

    The 18 messages on her twitter page are hers or whoever it is that she has posting her messages. There are no comments from anyone else

  159. Dr. Patois says:

    Sorry, my post @ 170 is probably wrong. I cannot verify that Neil Cole of CMA and Neil Cole of Iconix are one and the same.

  160. Tealwomin says:

    …guess the company and BP are trying to change their image….NOT!

  161. Tealwomin says:

    PB is not qualified to be a spokesperson…DID she OK a visit between Levi and his son yet?

    Talk about seeking fame….I bet ‘they’ [BP & Mom] get paid, in cash & shoes….

  162. seattlefan says:

    Hahahahaha! This thread is making my day. First of all….Wow on hypocrisy of being an abstinence spokeswoman for a company like Candies. Second of all, I LOVE the songs on here tonight. You guys are so talented.

    I have a question. Do you think Palin even knew about what this company sells and how they advertise. Amazing! The “you just can’t make this stuff up” continues.

  163. aha says:

    Sorry about the multiple posts people….

  164. Tealwomin says:

    so we’re to believe that the company came looking AND NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND

  165. Basheert says:

    I kind of am in the camp that someone needs to make sure Levi gets this to his attorney – for the custody battle?

  166. PalinSucks says:

    Huh, none of the tabloids print or tv are running this story.

  167. redwoodmuse says:

    Woot, woot, woot. untalented music lover over here. I’m loving the songs…and the talented lynn rockets…and now we’ve got London Bridges. Pretty soon there will be enough for a campfire song book. …and marshmallows roasted over moose pellets.

  168. austintx says:

    BTW – If you watch the video closely , you will notice “Buf” , AKM’s beloved hiking companion. Now that dog knows how to party !!

  169. lynnrockets says:

    @ London Bridges: Terrific job

  170. Maria says:

    wow. Pure hypocrisy. Perhaps Candies could use a little embaressment. You know that Bristol got the ol’ brainwashing treatment from Mother Dear after that earlier interview so that she would tow the conservative line. Basically Bristol’s either going to be up lying about her personal stand on this issue or espousing something that in her heart she knows doesn’t work.

  171. London Bridges says:

    with apologies to the talented lynnrockets:

    a weak parody of John Lennon’s Imagine

    Imagine there’s no Palin
    It’s easy if you try
    No seceding Texas below us
    Alaska with clean skies
    Imagine all the people
    And none of them insane

    Imagine there’s no queen Sarah
    It isn’t hard to do
    No more killing to die for
    No scary religions too
    Imagine all the peoples
    Living life in peace

    You may say there are dreamers
    But Palin is not the one
    Someday soon we’ll impeach her
    And Alaska will be won(derful)!

    Imagine no ethics violations
    I wonder if you can
    No fake pregnancies
    No promoting Wasilla’s Klan
    Imagine all the free people
    Groovin’ in the world.

    You may say I’m a jamma clad blogger
    But I’m not the only one
    We hope some day y’all join us
    And the world will become one

  172. antiAnti says:

    A 17-year old aquaintance just commented on the Candies Ad above.

    “The guy looks like a jerk. What are they selling? Fragance. Figures.”

    Doesn’t sound like Candies will get much coin from her!

  173. lynnrockets says:

    @ austintx

    I might try something with the last song you suggested.

  174. Lee323 says:

    @ austintx

    I just read about your quilt on the other thread. My condolences. You will always be royal purple in my mind. Actually, this new one is quite in keeping with spring, eh? Blue-bonnets, Indian paintbrush….

  175. Dr. Patois says:

    This is what Neil Cole (Chairman, CEO and President of Iconix aka Candies) does when he is not “selling sex”.

    About CMA – People, MIssion, Values & History
    Our Team
    Neil Cole: Executive Director of CMA and a board member. Neil helped found the ministry and has helped lead it from its inception. Neil has been in pastoral ministry for fifteen years and is an experienced church planter, author and consultant. Neil is also a founding leader of the Awakening Chapels and of organic church planting movements.

    Guess this is how Gino, as only Gino could, puts her seal of approval on Bristol as Candies spokesperson.

  176. austintx says:

    94 austintx Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 4:56 PM
    93 the problem child IS MY NAME! Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 4:50 PM
    austintx, what happened to your royal purple quilty?
    Heck if I know. Just got this computer back from the shop and hooked it up and it changed colors. Have been using my son’s lap top for a few days. One of those electronic gremlin things I suppose………

  177. PalinSucks says:

    LMAO, Palin, linked, ADN on her, TWEET…comments are not kind to her. Dumbass.

  178. lynnrockets says:

    (sung to the Beatles song “Back In The USSR”)

    Flew in from Juneau via Alaska Air
    With young Bristol by her side
    They both have lots of style gel spread throughout their hair
    Hope their perfumes don’t collide
    They’re back in old NYC
    Did they bring along the baby, boy
    It’s spelled, T-R-I-P-P, yeah

    They’ve been there so much they almost own the place
    Sarah says it feels like home
    Bristol can’t remember if she packed her Mace
    Bought it in a store in Nome
    They’re back in old NYC
    Did they bring along the baby, boy
    Back in NYC
    Back in NYC
    Back in good old NYC

    Well the pregnant teens need a role model
    And Bristol’s just the girl
    Soon they’ll have more babies to coddle
    Abstinencey makes them want to hur hur hur hur hur hur hurl
    Oh, come on

    (musical break)

    They’re back in good old NYC
    Did they bring along the baby, boy
    Back in good old NYC

    Well the Candies folks found a spokesperson
    That they think will impress
    I bet their sales begin to worsen
    When the story hits the puh puh puh puh puh puh press

    Oh, then they’ll have dinner with
    The Fox News anchors
    O’Reilly’s sure to be there too
    Is there a bigger group of useless crank yankers?
    If so, please let me know who

    They’re back in good old NYC
    Is Todd babysitting that baby, boy
    Back in good old NYC

    Oh, let me tell you honey

  179. Lee323 says:

    @ austintx

    What happened to your quilt?

  180. austintx says:

    lynnrockets – You are rockin’ the house tonite !!

  181. aha says:

    You’re Kidding, right?!! Is that a real Candies ad?
    Yeah, well we call those boots ”Come F___ Me Boots”

    Can someone please track how many people conceive on this National Abstinence Day? This will undoubtedly go down campy like ”420 Day” (or hour).

    That commercial is really what the company is all about and being a party to their agenda is just as blatantly hypocritical as they are. On the other hand this is exactly what I’d expect from this ”First Family”.

    Just wend to site and Brittney is their poster girl…too funny. Have you listened to her latest song? “If You Seek Amy,” or as pronounced, slowly spells out a four letter word starting with ”F” ”You” ”C” ”K” “Me”.

    Read the HuffingtonPost article, here:

    AKM please send your post to all the religious right wingnuts you can so they can understand how their Alaskan Hope really worships mammon.

    Watch how people behave to know how they really believe: Action talks and B___S__t walks.

    So, is how much is BP being paid? Did I see Levi’s face somewhere on the Candies promotion for NAD?

  182. redwoodmuse says:

    BTW…still laughing…I flipped over to page 4 to continue reading comments….I spy Candies’ rocket lust ad followed by ‘share and enjoy’ followed by ‘Palin Helps to Rebrand the GOP’. Yep, yep, soft p*rn ads ought to do that.

  183. PalinSucks says:

    THE JUSTICE Department’s report that movie studios market adult-oriented films to young people was a hot topic during the 2000 presidential campaign. If officials had examined the use of sexually explicit ads, the same might have been true for the advertising industry. Increasingly, sexual content in the form of innuendo, nudity, and sexual situations and behavior is being used to sell products to teenagers and young adults.

    Consider, for instance, a commercial for Candie’s fragrances that was popular among young people in the study. The ad featured actress Alyssa Milano writhing longingly on a bed as her boxers-clad male friend searched for something in the bathroom, seemingly for condoms. During his search, the camera cuts intermittently to provocative shots of her as she sprays perfume on herself. The viewer soon discovers it’s cologne he is looking for, which he sprays on himself, including a quick spray in his boxer shorts. The last scene is a close-up of the fragrance bottles rocking back and forth on the sheets of the bed.

  184. Lainey says:

    The last time I saw the space shuttle being launched, the rocket it was on was vertical and parallel to the shuttle not curved to the left like a, well, bannana ….sheesh
    plus the s**t model is straddled right over it.
    ya know, the more I see Candies advertisements, the more disgusted I become.
    I think parents should ban their underage children from wearing anything they make!

  185. Lee323 says:

    Judging by the position of the young man’s fingers on the keyboard, he’s about to hit “Enter.”

    No kidding. Every pixel on this ad is carefully crafted by those advertising whiz kids to sell sex to their target audience. Hmmm….I remember reading about “subliminal messages” in advertising…..

    WTF!!….it’s clear that overt raw libido is the New “subliminal.” Nothing subtle in this ad.

    Wonder how a teenager would view this ad? I’ll go get my 15 yo daughter….

    Back again. Her response?…..

    Lots of giggling.
    “Oh, gross!”
    “This company is sponsoring a teen-pregnancy forum? You’ve got to be joking!”
    “You mean Palin’s daughter who got pregnant is on the panel? Are you kidding?!”
    “Geez, those look like hooker boots!”

    You heard it here first, folks. A live critique of the ad by a fecund ( presumably) teenage girl, the so-called target market. Doesn’t look good for the boots or the crediblity of the teen sex forum.

  186. aha says:

    You’re Kidding, right?!! Is that a real Candies ad?
    Yeah, well we call those boots ”Come F___ Me Boots”

    Can someone please track how many people conceive on this National Abstinence Day? This will undoubtedly go down campy like ”420 Day” (or hour).

    That commercial is really what the company is all about and being a party to their agenda is just as blatantly hypocritical as they are. On the other hand this is exactly what I’d expect from this ”First Family”.

    Just wend to site and Brittney is their poster girl…too funny. Have you listened to her latest song? “If You Seek Amy,” or as pronounced, slowly spells out a four letter word starting with ”F” ”You” ”C” ”K” “Me”.

    Read the HuffingtonPost article, here:

    AKM please send your post to all the religious right wingnuts you can so they can understand how their Alaskan Hope really worships mammon.

    Watch how people behave to know how they really believe: Action talks and Bullsh*t walks.

    So, is how much is BP being paid? Did I see Levi’s face somewhere on the Candies promotion for NAD?

  187. redwoodmuse says:

    @anadventurer Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 4:20 PM

    OT: I did not know where to put this but it’s pertinent to AKM and all blog commentators. Threat Level at Wired posted this piece regarding measure, H.R. 1966 and bloggers who “coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person.”

    SP will love this – ethics/schmethics –you’re causing me emotional distress… BooHoo…..remember the olden days when ‘truth was it’s own defense’? Sheesh…..I’m feeling older and more crotchety by the minute….

  188. austintx says:

    If Candies does not have what Bristol or sarah are looking for , they can shop here :

  189. lynnrockets says:

    (sung to the Village People song “Y-M-C-A”)

    Sarah, there’s no need to feel down
    I said, Sarah, just because you’re a clown
    I said, Sarah, a smile isn’t a frown
    There’s no need to be unhappy.

    Sarah, you lost a race with McCain
    I said, Sarah, you flushed him right down the drain
    And you messed up all of your interviews
    But you’re still on the nightly news

    We’ll all laugh at you in 2-0-1-2
    We’ll all laugh at you in 2-0-1-2

    We’ll have such a good time when you fall on your face,
    And we’ll revel in your disgrace…

    We’ll all laugh at you in 2-0-1-2
    We’ll all laugh at you in 2-0-1-2

    You will have SarahPac, and a new running mate
    To help spread Politics of Hate…

    Sarah, are you listening to me?
    I said, Sarah, you’ll have to go on TV
    I said, Sarah, I’m sure we’ll laugh till we pee
    And you’ve got to know this one thing!

    You make a big ass of yourself
    Every time that you open your mouth
    You give ammo, to our friend Tina Fey
    She just repeats the things you say…

    We’ll all laugh at you in 2-0-1-2
    We’ll all laugh at you in 2-0-1-2

    You’ll get all of the votes from the states that are red
    But, the now dead…

    We’ll all laugh at you in 2-0-1-2
    We’ll all laugh at you in 2-0-1-2

    You can wink and then blink, and twit everyone,
    But, you’ll need a fork cuz you’re done…

    Sarah, you’ll have a case of the blues
    I said, Sarah, has no grasp of world views
    But that’s OK, cuz she amuses us,
    As we throw her under the bus…

    That’s when she will realize that,
    Her future, is modeling for “Arctic Cat”
    Maybe she’ll host a reality show
    If they pay her with enough dough.

    We’ll all laugh at her in 2-0-1-2
    We’ll all laugh at her in 2-0-1-2

    She can wink and then blink, and twit everyone,
    But, she’ll need a fork cuz she’s done…

    We’ll all laugh at her in 2-0-1-2
    Sarah, Sarah you’ll wear a big frown
    Sarah, Sarah to us you’re a clown

    We’ll all laugh at her in 2-0-1-2
    Sarah, Sarah you’ll have a case of the blues
    Sarah, Sarah I said, why don’t you just go vamoos.

  190. aha says:

    ”I see phallic symbols” and no, it’s not my Sixth Sense. Candies is selling sex, boots, and rockets heh heh. Looks like she bracing for impact on the t.v. (notice the tense calves), and tenderly kissing that bulb bottomed bottle, meanwhile mr. badboy underneath with his finger on the button has just launched….

    Ok, I give up….lol

  191. zyggy says:

    I imagine Bristol on GMA (with Palin stage left) taking about promoting abstinence with the above ad in the background. I double dog dare her to stay that Levi couldn’t keep his rocket in his pants.

  192. KallieinTexas says:

    Boycott Candies

  193. Donna says:

    sorry, NOTHING will ever top “Super Freak”–I may never stop laughing. I’m not worthy, I’m not worthy.

  194. aha says:

    I couldn’t help but notice:

    The last time I saw the space shuttle being launched, the rocket it was on was vertical and parallel to the shuttle not curved to the left like a, well, bannana ….sheesh

  195. London Bridges says:

    It’s very interesting that when Sarah was running for VP, she never complained about any of the p*rn movies made about her by look-alikes.
    However, she always complains about “ethics” complaints made about her! Go figure! I Bristol being groomed as a p*rn queen? Sad, but might be true.

  196. lynnrockets says:

    (sung to the Bow Wow Wow song “I Want Candy”)

    I know a girl who’ll take some heat
    Candies pays this gal to speak
    She’s got a mother that is a liar
    Sarah sucks like a vampire

    She wears Candies
    She wears Candies

    Bristol is preachin’ in Gotham Town
    She should shut-up and sit down
    She don’t know squat about abstinence
    She’s got a big case of arrogance

    She wears Candies
    She wears Candies

    (musical interlude)

    Bristol is a gal that should know better
    She should be sporting a scarlet letter
    She left school cuz she was failin’
    Just like almost every Palin

    She wears Candies
    She wears Candies
    She wears Candies
    She wears Candies

    Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey

  197. Canadian Neighbour says:

    nswfm CA,

    I’m chocking from swalling water the wrong way. It was either that or spit it on my laptop!! That was hilarious!!!!

  198. Martha says:

    she told Fox News in February that abstinence “is not realistic” for young people.”

    The Candies Foundation announced Tuesday it has appointed teen mom Bristol Palin as its new ambassador.
    The foundation, which encourages abstinence to prevent pregnancy among teenage girls, has chosen Palin to help promote National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy on May 6.
    Like mother like daughter? I don’t think so. When Bristol was speaking with Greta about “abstinence is not realistic”, that is when Sarah broke into the interview and started with “what she MEANT to say was” and took over from there.

    Palin is forcing this on Bristol as part of her 2012 bid.

    It is interesting to note that the high school in Juneau HAS comprehensive sex ed.

    If Palin had lived in the governors mansion instead of collecting per diem for living at home in Wassilla, maybe Bristol would not have become pregnant. At LEAST she would have had the tools and knowledge to prevent pregnancy and STDs.

    Teens from ALL the high schools in Alaska have petitioned their state government for “comprehensive sex education”

    The Alaska Association of Student Governments overwhelmingly passed a resolution during its spring conference in Sitka two weeks ago asking for “a mandatory, comprehensive, medically accurate, age-appropriate nine-week sex education course” for all high school students statewide.

    “Comprehensive” in this context is the label used in contrast to “abstinence only” varieties of sex education, which some religious or politically conservative parents tend to favor. Because of that and other underlying controversies on the topic, the resolution’s authors were unsure of how it would be received.

    Co-author Makenzie Curtis-Johnson, a 17-year-old junior at West High School in Anchorage and occasional Planned Parenthood volunteer, said she was surprised when she found out her peers across the state showed such strong support.

    “I wasn’t quite sure it would work, whether we could actually write a decent (resolution). But then it got started and everyone involved got really interested,” she said. “When you think about the subject, it’s a controversial thing. And when you think of teenagers, you don’t necessarily think they’d want to add mandatory subjects to their schedules, but they think it’s important and that’s really admirable.”
    The resolution, on which some 225 student representatives from 20 Alaska high schools discussed at the meeting, ticks off 19 different reasons for mandating sex ed courses, including evidence of abstinence-only programs’ ineffectiveness, the public cost of teens bearing children and Alaska’s position as No. 1 in the country for per capita cases of the sexually transmitted disease chlamydia.
    Sex education is handled differently from school district to school district. In Anchorage, there’s no requirement at all, Curtis-Johnson and McNelly said.

    “The main point is, Alaska as a state doesn’t have a standardized sex ed curriculum, period,” McNelly said. “We deserve to know. If our parents don’t want to tell us, that’s OK, but it’s our lives. We need to make the choices.”

    Curtis-Johnson continued the thought: “The more information you have, the better. I’ve never seen information as a hurtful thing. It helps you make better choices. The choices are still there whether you have the information or not.”

    Copies of the resolution are on their way to state legislators, the State Board of Education & Early Development and Anchorage municipal and education officials.It’s a welcome recommendation, Juneau-Douglas High School junior Jacob Hope said.

    “I think that could be useful, tell kids what they need to do before they experience it,” the 17-year-old said while hanging out with his girlfriend after school.

    sex and relationships

    In Juneau, high schoolers have a mandatory one semester health class that includes a five-week unit on sex education, said JDHS health teacher Nancy Seamount. Most students take it their freshman year.

    The unit covers a lot more than just the biological mechanics of human reproduction and the associated risks.

    “It’s sad to me when sexuality is presented only as preventing STIs (sexually transmitted infections) and pregnancy. That’s so shallow,” Seamount said.

    Seamount’s lessons also cover a suite of concepts that could just as easily be found in a marriage counseling session, such as personal communication skills, emotional intimacy, dating and distinguishing love from infatuation.

    Parents are sent a letter outlining every lesson in the unit and can opt their children out of any of them. It’s structured so that abstinence is reinforced throughout the unit, with potentially objectionable pieces on contraceptives and preventing STDs grouped into two specific lessons. Seamount has been teaching the class for 19 years and said each year one or two students are pulled out of the lessons that deviate from the abstinence only message. She could recall only one student who was pulled out of the entire unit.

  199. austintx says:

    141 nswfm CA Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 4:32 PM
    Car stereo ad:
    funny !!

  200. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    LynnRockets that is one of my fave songs, its a keeper 🙂

  201. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    UK Lady Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 3:18 PM


    I went back fr a look too 😯
    UK lady, 😆

  202. PalinSucks says:

    “I think it’s more likely that she’s hiding (and may actually be going to school, heaven forbid!).”

    Would be AWESOME, if she escapes, her mothers ignorance.

  203. Canadian Neighbour says:


    I wondered earlier about this being that Chris Cuomo is the panel moderator:

    This message was on the GMA Twitter page:

    Tmrw Morning on @GMA: Bristol Palin’s First Live Interview

  204. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck says:

    at some point, the palin kids will escape the clutches of their mother and live a little in the real world……when they look back (should there therapist think that is a good idea)……they will be speechless.

    as speechless as i am.

    the palin brand is all about selling sex. this is what made me crazy when i first listened to her lying words and looked into her winky eyes. crazy thinking of all the truly smart, accomplished women who would not have squandered that rare opportunity with a sexual tone.

    bristol — get the hell out that house and open your eyes girl.
    levi — best be getting that book written cause your child needs his daddy.

  205. OT: I did not know where to put this but it’s pertinent to AKM and all blog commentators. Threat Level at Wired posted this piece regarding measure, H.R. 1966 and bloggers who “coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person.”

  206. northofdenali says:

    As is the norm for the Palin gang – tacky, tacky, tawdry, totally lacking tastefulness.

    Poor Bristol. With a mother like hers, she had NO chance at all, did she?

  207. honestyinGov says:

    Just ONE question…?

    Do you have to be be a ‘hypocrite’ before you join the GOP… OR do you join first and then become a hypocrite…?
    This on the same day that Miss California topless ‘ model photos’ hit the web and she wants to be a spokesperson for NOM. (National Org. for Marriage)

    Way to stay Classy Bristol. I guess that excuse about the ‘Kids being off-limits’ no longer applies now… since they are putting their own face and image out there. And will Meg be making statements for Bristol as well. What say you Meg….?

  208. Wurzelhexli says:

    WOW! Just WOW! (and, I believe Annie and Blue Idaho are correct about the guy and his ‘wood’ ‘blasting off’!

  209. Nebraska Native says:

    Do these people share one mini-brain? Amazing hypocrisy. Breath-taking. Wow. Just wow.

  210. austintx says:

    I put this up once , but now might be more on topic.

  211. mae lewis says:

    Bristol speaking about abstinence is like asking Mrs. O’Leary to preach about fire prevention. Seriously, will Bristol be answering questions from the audience? Anyone plan on attending to ask her some questions– harder questions than the ones GVS asked on Fox.

  212. Annie says:

    They don’t like the picture AKM put up?!?!? The picture is from a Candies ad. This is very same company that Bristol is now a spokesmother for their charity foundation.

  213. zyggy says:

    lol, so many funny posts. Bristol and Sarah are both poster children for abstinence. But wait, neither of them seemed to have practiced it. I realize everyone should get a 2nd chance, but not these two.

    Candies needs to find someone that actually practices abstinence, a real role model as opposed to the wanna be. I find Bristol, who I think is just being pushed by her mommy dearest to do this gig, and it’s all for the promotion of Palin’s quest to be Queen of the world.

    Can you say “Hyprocrite”? Doubt Palin even knows what that means.

  214. austintx says:

    Wonder if Bristol is taking her baby(s) along ?? If so , what say Team Levi ??

  215. nswfm CA says:

    LynnRockets, you have hit the nail on the head. They are super freaks, and unfortunately we are on the receiving end of their freakishness.

  216. yaya says:

    Palin is the next Jewel: large breasts, high cheekbones and leaves after she becomes famous. Fox News TV show in the works

  217. austintx says:

    lynnrockets – That’s what I’m talkin’ about !!

  218. 264 Crayons says:

    Pretty disgusting ad – they should have named the shoes Canties which would rhyme with Panties as in get in yours. The irony of pairing Bristol with a sex for sell company and “Abstinence Day” has me sighing heavily. I can only hope modesty is back in style when my daughter is in her teens. Gag.

  219. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    I read the Kos story also though they miss some of the point of safe sex. Safe Sex is not only about teen pregnancy it is about avoiding STD’s.

  220. C. Rock says:

    I just now noticed that the rocket on the computer screen is headed straight up to the landing pad. WTF

  221. TX Lisa says:

    lynnrockets @ 115==Love your Super Freak song!!

    You are fast!!

  222. winkwinkWA says:

    Over on (the other site) their spinning this–They say the foundations message is, Being sexy, doesn’t mean you have to have sex!! AKM, they don’t like the disgusting picture you put up!!! lol

  223. FW says:

    curioser…it will be exactly like her lame interview with GVS. Bristol doesn’t exactly seem like the sharpest knife in the drawer. Either does Levi for that matter…

  224. anon blogger says:

    Shameful. I guess that is about the nicest thing I can come up with. As a matter of fact, the whole idea is a crock. Just another political ploy, making amends with the base while generating potential votes from young folks for her mother’s own political ambitions. And the baby will be the one that ultimately suffers. For once, I would like to see the best interests of the children be made paramount. I better stop…I almost said something ugly.

    Thanks, AKM…

  225. UK Lady says:

    Comment on Kos re the ‘F me’ pumps

    “guess the ‘wait for me’ pumps weren’t selling. 😆

  226. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    irishgirl…, I agree with you, unless Bristol is as much of a narcissist as her mother, I think someday she will be very angry with her mother for using her this way, and allowing her self to be used….

  227. curiouser says:

    The post and comments are just too funny. I’m laughing but feeling sad at the same time. Hope we get to find out what Bristol actual says on the Candie abstinence panel.

  228. FW says:

    Owhole…that is Mark McGrath from Sugar Ray

  229. lynnrockets says:

    (sung to the Rick James song “Super Freak”)

    She’s a very kinky girl
    The kind that acts just like her mother
    Bristol and Sarah never let you down
    When its unwed pregnancy, ow girl
    She needs a firm reprimand
    A little family planning also
    Sarah models for Arctic Cat in the night time
    Bristol shills for Candies

    Palin girls are pretty wild now
    (They are super freaks)
    The kind of girls you read about
    (In Red State magazines)
    Palin girls are pretty kinky
    (They are super freaks)
    They love those rimless glasses
    (And monkeys on their feet)
    They’re all right, They’re all right
    Those gals really like to tweet, yeah

    Heh Heh Heh Hey

    They are super freaks. Super freaks. They’re super freaky, yow
    (everybody sing)
    Super freaks. Super freaks.

    They are “family values” girls
    (That’s what they want you to know)
    From their beehives to their toenails
    (Candies on their feet)
    And they love to preach of abstinence and pro-life
    It seems a bit obscene
    (Seein’ who it’s coming from)
    Do what we say not what we do
    Is the lesson that they’re teachin’
    When they partake in the incense, wine and candles
    It’s not a Holy scene

    Palin girls are pretty wild now
    (They are super freaks)
    The kind of girls you read about
    (In Red State magazines)
    Palin girls are pretty kinky
    (They are super freaks)
    They love those rimless glasses
    (And monkeys on their feet)
    They’re all right, They’re all right
    Those gals really like to tweet, yeah

    Heh Heh Heh Hey

    They are super freaks. Super freaks. They’re super freaky, yow
    (Temptations sing) (Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo)
    Super freaks. Super freaks. Those girls are super freaks
    (Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo)

    They are crazy right wing girls
    The kind you don’t take home to mother
    They will never practice what they preach
    Once you get them off the street

    Blow, Danny

  230. UK Lady says:


    I went back fr a look too 😯

    Daily Kos are all over this story too,-Can-We-Talk

  231. Irishgirl says:

    I don’t think Sarah Palin has her daughter’s best interests at heart….I wonder how Bristol will feel in five or ten years time, when she is maybe more mature.

    If it were me…I would never forgive my mother.

  232. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    0whole1 Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 3:09 PM

    Is it just me, or is the dude in that ad kinda…you know…”alert”?
    I had to go take a second look….its not you 🙂

  233. InJuneau says:

    PalinSucks–I think it’s more likely that she’s hiding (and may actually be going to school, heaven forbid!).

  234. 0whole1 says:

    Is it just me, or is the dude in that ad kinda…you know…”alert”?

    Just sayin’.

    Plus, he looks too much like one of the guys from Sugar Ray for me to buy anything he’s pushing. “Lemonade and Brownies” was great, but their subsequent albums had the pungent stank of corporate blahdiblah.

    Also, the youth of the female model is making me uncomfortable. 16 will get you 20? If you’re lucky, 16….

  235. MinNJ says:

    A very close friend of mine received a settlement from a class action suit against the makers of the Dalcon shield; it was a very difficult time in her life, and all of her friends shared in her grief. She now has two adopted children and a good family life.

  236. PalinSucks says:

    Question, pointed out earlier. Is Willow hiding out from embarrassment or being hid out of embarrassment?

  237. BigPete says:

    Doesn’t Bristol’s mom have a weakness for Candies footwear?

  238. Michael says:

    Bristol admitted herself in her myspace-comments which were recently published that she is a “slut”…

    Pretty interesting comments there, really.

    Google: “Gawker Bristol Palin”

    Gotta love those Christian families.

  239. FW says:

    Canadian Neighbour…yes, I saw that Hayden was on that panel…her ads for Candies were just as soft core…they had her pictured at Serendipity in NYC doing all sorts of things with ice cream and puppies. Yeah, maybe Hayden can talk about her relationship with her 31 year old Costar from Heroes (she was 18 when she dated him for over a year).

  240. txindygirl says:

    @ 95 The Rubber Room Hotel – that made me cry! i’m gonna go hug my kiddo.

  241. Lainey says:

    @The Rubber Room Hotel
    Bristol Palin ” I am a result of teen pregnancy and who better to talk about it.”
    No Bristol dear Trip is a result of teen pregnancy, wonder what he will have to say when he is your age.
    good point, b/c I don’t think she meant to spill the beans on her mother, whose footsteps she followed. that whole family wouldn’t know about being honest if it punched them in the face!
    also so sorry about your ordeal

    @crystalwolf aka caligrl #88
    you make me laugh…yeah, one foot on the ground prevents unwanted pregnancy, don’t you know that? lol

  242. C. Rock says:

    Bristol Palin Abstinence is not realistic

  243. Annie says:

    I didn’t know Candies sponsored Britney’s Circus tour. Perhaps they’ll use her song “If U Seek Amy” in their next commercial.

  244. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    txindygirl… Thanks……. For me the first real peace in my heart I had was the first time I talked to my daughter was on the phone and she told me that her parents were great and she loved them very much and were very close…….
    Even with the excitement of finding her and talking to her for the first time, that was the moment that the brick that had been sitting on my heart for years was lifted…….

  245. Ripley says:

    Oh yeah, and this: If Bristol follows through with this stuff, she’s fair game.

  246. Lainey says:

    To those who tweet: is palin’s twitter account set up so that only she can ramble and ream, but will not accept or read responses or rebuttles from anyone ‘out there’? I imagine she blocks all incoming messages, so you can’t question her motives or correct her bogus comments. …nice

  247. Canadian Neighbour says:

    let it run,
    If money or free travel and expenses are involved — it get’s fuzzy for GINO to think.

    Thing being now — Bristol is 18 so is of age to make her own choice but as displayed in the interview with Greta, Bristol looks like she almost fears speaking up to GINO so if Mommy says yes, she does.

  248. Ripley says:

    The disparity between what they say and what they do has now risen to a new zenith, IMHO.

    no pun intended.

  249. Quetzalcoatl says:

    In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel posed for an ad for undergarments. What’s pissing people off, is it’s for exchanging in your old ones…. ah, read about it! lol.

    There’s another link I have, I’m told it’s going to spam first.

  250. txindygirl says:

    @ 80 The Rubber Room Hotel – i didn’t have my child until i was 40, but for 10 years prior i felt a hole in my soul. my heart aches for what you’ve had to endure… i’m so happy you were able to meet your daughter and not wonder about how her life turned out.

  251. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Lainey Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 2:33 PM

    daisy daisy…that is one abstinence shower!!!! my oh my

    I’m so fed up with these Bible thumpin’, holier than thou, closet perves! so opposite from which they preach and preach and preach…and preach
    I think he’s…uh…tryin’ to reach for the candies shoe b/c you know what they say…keep one foot on the floor! Maybe that’s what Bristols gonna talk about and get free shoe’s!!!!

  252. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Bwaaaahaaaahaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaa!!!!! This is absolutely hilarious.! Poor Bristol. I find it hard to believe that she is doing this willing.

  253. Canadian Neighbour says:

    The Tips for Teens page lists facts, here’s one of them which is totally false:

    31: The percentage of male teens who did not use a condom the first time they had sex.

  254. Quetzalcoatl says:

    Candie’s has hired Britney Spears, Print Ads, LHS, scroll down a tad.

  255. Quetzalcoatl says:

    The ad shown targets a specific demographic. OTOH, there are plenty smart teenagers that will scoff at it plenty. Seems they’re copying edgy brands like Diesel’s redefining masculinity cologne WTH???

    The ad with the woman on the loo, again targets rave culture [gives it a nod maybe?] without the seedy loo, but they were coed and everyone was in there of both sexes. One place had absolutely no doors and a line up inside, everyone just did their business and moved on. As I said, a different culture, from a while back, I may add.

    It’s quite odd how this company is attempting to promote teen pregnancy awareness with Bristol at the helm AND these ads and PSA’s attached to their ‘brand’. Someone is doing meth there or what, because it’s schizophrenic. Such ‘family values’, indeed. I see.

    Here’s Candie’s PSA tv ad.

  256. jojobo1 says:

    The fact that Bristol already said on national TV that abstinence was not effective will follow her around and make any other point she trys to make moot. Ms Palin is again trying to back step and it will not work this time

  257. ravenstrick says:

    You have got to be kidding.

    Well, this is Bristol’s chance to imitate her mother and get her own all expense paid trips around the country to make personal appearances. However, Bristol won’t be neglecting a state government when she jets around. You think she’ll be bringing BOTH babies with her?

    I guess I really don’t understand how she is a role model for abstinence. If I were a teenager I’d be wondering, “Why did she get to have sex and I don’t?”

  258. redwoodmuse says:

    I got dumped in the bucket and I don’t think I said the anything wrong, so…I’ll recraft what I said anyway…

    okay, it’s mean, but someone ought to send those ads to the other guys over there (gestures with thumb) asking them if this is what they meant by abstinence and good family values?

    just saying…

    and from a purely business standpoint, this is a brilliant move on Candies’ part…no matter what happens or what the fallout is for Bristol, look at all the folks talking about the brand…

    I feel a little bit bad for Bristol, cause she sure isn’t getting the kind of advice that will allow her to feel good about herself later in life…

    guess this is how we end up with the “fruit not falling far from the tree” theory

    and Levi might want to be crafting a legal argument for parental fitness here….

    random thoughts ….

  259. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Bristol Palin ” I am a result of teen pregnancy and who better to talk about it.”
    No Bristol dear Trip is a result of teen pregnancy, wonder what he will have to say when he is your age.

    problem child I am with you on that……..

    Boy all the crap that has chapped my behind when it comes to the Palins this takes the cake.
    I am pretty angry right now, this is to much…..

    You see mudflaters there is more to my story…..
    After my daughter was born…. and after i went through the court process of putting her up for adoption. I ( with the help of the good old family doc) had an IUD implanted. Well ever hear of a DELCON SHIELD….. A year later I became very ill, the IUD was removed and several years after that i had to have a full hysterectomy…. I never was able to have other children which caused years and years of emotional depression for me.
    I will say that all of this was a direct result of no sex or sexual education….
    I did not understand the first thing about birth control…. STD’s or my own personal self worth….
    Yes i have come to terms with all today…..

    Which is why abstinence only education is so stupid. But to couple it with sellers of soft porn is just too much…..
    mudflaters and AKM thanks for giving me the form to vent and tell my story.

  260. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    BigPete Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 2:23 PM

    Here’s the God-fearing, bible-thumping, enemy of opposite marriage, Miss California…… just trying to make a living.
    hypocrites! False Family values! I would rather have a “couple” friends than this fake trash bimbo!

  261. Scott Palin says:

    Thanks nswfm CA ,

    Just went for a walk and saw the fire, was just up that way over the weekend. So far not so bad, just waiting to see which way the wind is going to blow tonight. It’s hot and windy here, so please send prayers and light to the fire. Thanks! Fire fighters are on it now.

  262. PalinSucks says:

    The girl’s father eventually got help and he’s recovering at home. The girl and her family got a lawyer and plan to sue the police department.

  263. Lainey says:

    daisy daisy…that is one abstinence shower!!!! my oh my

    I’m so fed up with these Bible thumpin’, holier than thou, closet perves! so opposite from which they preach and preach and preach…and preach

  264. puzzled says:

    Is Mr. cole related to Kristan Cole…the Trustee of the legal defense fund????

  265. PalinSucks says:

    “This is a MUCH better bathroom advertisement made by Candies!!”

    Bristol, is nothing but a cheap tabloid trick for Candies. Bet they dress her up in their skank clothes before the photo op.

  266. jaegermeister says:

    Is that the Space Shuttle or are you just happy to see me?

  267. let it run says:

    Re: Candies Ad: “Obvious” is word that just isn’t strong enough. Speaking of vetting, doesn’t SP have anyone on Team Scara that has the wherewithal to research these so called offers. This is horrendous. Just replace computer girl with Bristol…nice image and placement of the “exploding” rocket ship. Is she really going to whore her daughter out all in the name of absintence?? Laughable but ultimately very sad! Stay home Bristol.

  268. UK Lady says:

    Daisy Daisy

    Yikes! are we sure these people are not for abstaining from abstinence?

  269. TX Lisa says:

    This would be a great item for Jon Stewart to look at! All those ads are soft porm. Yet, this is what our kids are exposed to. (Actually, with the internet, they are exposed to far worse.)

    Anyway, I agree with everyone’s comments here–what hypocrisy by Candies and those associated with it.

    P.S. It would be fun to see what cult4nalip or meatharass would say about these pictures!

  270. Lindy says:

    Dayum. You can’t get more explicit.

  271. Kalena says:

    Candie’s has a long history of using over the top sex sells type of ads. You’d think that The Palins would have at least done a bit of checking into the company that started this foundation…especially since they’re all about family values and abstinence. *rolling eyes here*

  272. JennAK says:

    These are some of the celebrity messages the Candie’s Foundation sponsors:
    • Be Sexy: It Doesn’t Mean You Have to Have Sex
    • Be Smart: Don’t Give Up Your Education
    • Be Smart: You Are Too Young to Start
    • Not Really the Way You Pictured Your First Crib
    • Not What You Had in Mind for Your First Set of Wheels
    • You Think Being in School Sucks

    I have never even heard of this organization before, but apparently they are very influential “Neil Cole founded the Foundation in 2001 and since its’ launched The Candies Foundation has made over 500,000,000 million impressions to the teenage audience. The Foundation means a tremendous amount to him and is something that he is most proud of in his career.”

  273. daisy daisy says:

    This is a MUCH better bathroom advertisement made by Candies!!

  274. redwoodmuse says:

    okay, I thought I was done, but….

    no wonder teenage pregnancy is through the roof…despite the stated purpose of abstinence, you have to admit those photos make it all look okay….soft porn is right…..

    I guess I’m officially “old” at 52, cause I have to admit I was kinda shocked when I saw these ads

    and I’m a pagan!

  275. UK Lady says:


    I just sent in an answer to Jack Cafferty.

    “If Sarah Palin is the best the Republicans have to offer, they are in worse trouble than the Craigslist killer.

  276. BigPete says:

    Here’s the God-fearing, bible-thumping, enemy of opposite marriage, Miss California…… just trying to make a living.

  277. PalinSucks says:

    What do they do with the donations at, Candies?

  278. anonymous says:

    here’s the infamous bathroom ad


  279. Ninufar says:

    Total respect to you, Rubber Room Hotel, and any other readers who have made tough choices.

    I can see Bristol making a positive impact if she can somehow say, “gosh taking on the responsibilities of motherhood right now is a huge effort” and still tell her son he’s the best thing yet to ever happen to her. It is unfortunate that he’s gotten so much notoriety before he’s gotten teeth…

    The Candies hypocrisy makes me sick, though. Especially since they’re funding programs that (at least in Fla) make kids no less likely to experiment, but less likely to protect themselves from communicable diseases. All the while, they’re selling early and cheap sexual experience as The Thing Which Will Make You Cool.


    Unplanned pregnancies in my high school went down after they put a very broad-perspective sex ed class (incl getting kids thinking about their goals, how to stand up to peer pressure, etc.) in eighth grade.

  280. austintx says:

    A pro baseball player is gonna be on the panel.Bristol likes jocks.Batter up !!

  281. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Isn’t this an ad for fragrences?? This is not the abstinence ad.
    These are all ads run by the company that started this abstinence foundation which fundraises for said organization.

    To put these kind of provocative ads out targeting teens for their products then to speak out the other side of their mouth promoting abstinence — they are playing both sides of the fence aka hypocrites.

    Candies is also the sponsor of Britney Spears Tour — now that’s someone all young girls should aspire to be — NOT. Great role model for teens — again NOT

  282. C. Rock says:

    Way Off Topic…….Last time I will post.

    KFC is offering for FREE 2pcs Grilled chicken 2 individual sides & a biscuit.
    Coupon printable now Thur tomorrow. need to print coupon. limit 4
    Offer redeemable 4/5 to 4/19 excluding Mothers Day 4/10

    Enjoy !

  283. DonnaInMichigan says:

    Everyday I come to this website, and it’s just a continuing comedy of:

    “You just can’t make this stuff up”.

    Seriously, it should be a Reality Show, starring the entire Palin clan.

    It would be even more popular than the Osbourne’s Reality show was.

  284. redwoodmuse says:

    just saying…

    from a purely business standpoint, this is a brilliant move on Candies’ part…no matter what happens or what the fallout is for Bristol, look at all the folks talking about the brand…

    and Levi might want to be crafting a legal argument for parental fitness here….

    random thoughts ….

  285. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    If you go to the and look at the bottom you will see “iconix” click on that and here’s what you get:


    Neil Cole founded the company in 1992 and has served as the Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer since February 23, 1993. Mr. Cole also served as Chairman of the Board, President, Treasurer and a director of New Retail Concepts, Inc. (“NRC”), a publicly held licensing company, from its inception in 1986 until it was merged with and into the Company in August 1998. Mr. Cole founded and serves as Chairman of the Board of the Candie’s Foundation, a public charity dedicated to educating teens about the consequences of teen pregnancy. Mr. Cole is an attorney who graduated from Hofstra law school in 1982.
    Wow! Very mixed messages here! Christian values…oh SEX sells! Then we have Bristol who was for it before she was against it…to tell us no!

  286. delnorteco says:

    some how I am not suprised to see this ad. these people are a pay day to them the only thing they see?? send this picture to the other side,they will either start pulling their hair out or some how spin this to make it OK

  287. PalinSucks says:

    And, as a follow up, to when abstinence thingy EPICALLY FAILS…will Bristol, educate young girls how to start dating again within 30 days & play keep away with the baby’s daddy?

  288. UK Lady says:

    Rubber Room Hotel

    I’m so glad things turned out better for you, you would be a far better spokesperson for sexual education than any of those idiots in the Palin clan.

    On CNN just now, Jack Cafferty had his question for the viewers, “Rush Limbaugh says Sarah Palin is the best the GOP has, what do you think?”

    Well that’s a no brainer if ever I heard one.

  289. Basheert says:

    Now now now – these are just two young people learning about science.

  290. txindygirl says:

    43 Closet Mudpup Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 2:01 PM
    This just tweeted by SP –


    first the AP “gravely” misquoted… now she stands by “grave” concerns… either these folks are attempting to appear serious or they just need to invest in a thesaurus…

  291. Lisabeth says:

    Her tweet is stupid. I am so sick of her! Can’t you guys her rid of her already. The woman is not a team player. She would make a horrible president. Her constant complaining about “the Feds” and even calling them that all the time is unPatriotic.

  292. pvazwindy says:

    The whole damn family is frickin nuts. can’t you just see these “Candie’s) ads following palin around, as she sits in the local pizza parlor, promoting herself.

  293. debinOH says:

    Wonder how they going to spin this one. How are they spinning Miss California’s pictures? If I could stomach their devotion for one minute I would go check myself.

  294. Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
    She Done Him Wrong (1933)
    Mae West

  295. MinNJ says:

    Annie, thanks for finding that ad!

    Rubber Room Hotel: I am deeply moved by your experience and the one which you shared with your daughter, and am also enlightened by your observations. Thank you.

  296. nswfm CA says:

    Well, Bristol did say she was a sl** on myspace.

    Nonetheless, let the Palin back pedaling begin.

    Way OT, Scott Palin, CA dreaming of AK and other Santa Barbara mudflatters: stay safe from the latest brushfire.

  297. winkwinkWA says:

    Britney(no underpants) Spears is the model on I really don’t think GINO is planning on running for pres., she’s keeping her supporters on a string, so she can collect all the money she can, while she can…Sarah—the biggest grifter in the world. She’s got quite a money making scheme going.

  298. Lisabeth says:

    Isn’t this an ad for fragrences?? This is not the abstinence ad.

  299. pvazwindy says:

    gonna be an interesting summer. the palin world is gonna come crashing down.

  300. Closet Mudpup says:

    This just tweeted by SP –
    I stand by grave concerns fed pkge prohibits opportunities for AK to develop, eg. require AK to adopt new energy codes to accept more funds.
    Perhaps the Gov should investigate what other states have been doing with regard to energy-related bldg codes over the past forty years. Has anyone released a cost-benefit analysis of accepting the $29M for improving energy efficiency v. not accepting it??

  301. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Thanks UK Lady, my daughter now 30 and I are very close we talk almost every day though we are thousands of miles apart.

    But I guess I take this very personal and find this whole thing just too much.
    I made a point in my statement above to say “sexual education” not just sex education.

    The other thing that gets me, wasn’t Levi just blasted by the Palin camp for being out for fame and fortune. I wonder how Levi feels about his child’s mother being the poster girl for this one. And does Levi know?
    Soft Porn pushers now selling abstinence? When did the world go so insane.

  302. Karin in CT says:

    Things just get stranger by the day up there in Youcantmakethisstuffupistan. Unreal.

  303. PalinSucks says:

    “Does it look like this young man has wood?”


  304. Kalena says:

    Here’s another Candie’s ad…..encourages abstinence???

  305. txindygirl says:

    Professor Geezer Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 1:42 PM
    Wow. Christian Family Values just aren’t what they used to be.

    no kidding. yestterday a right-wing huffpo reader stated “what’s wrong with strip clubs?” (refering to the post on Republican meeting at a strip club).

    i suggested he take his mom to one on mother’s day …

  306. Frank LI NY says:

    I guess he really did have a rocket in his pocket too, also.

  307. Annie says:

    Link to Jenny McCarthy candie ad

  308. MinNJ says:

    Remember the ad of the girl on the toilet with the Candies shoes? Can’t remember her name right now…aarrgh! (with Jim Carrie, is against immunizations because of her son, has breast implants)

  309. UK Lady says:

    Rubber Room Hotel

    Glad you had the chance for meeting your daughter. Sorry you had such an awful time.

  310. C. Rock says:

    I’m sorry but the Palin’s bring this stuff upon them selves. They will never learn.

  311. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    I was a pregnant teen.
    I made my choice to stay pregnant then put my daughter up for adoption.
    Many years later I had the grat joy of being reunited with my daughter.
    I can tell you that the first thing I let her know is that she was the creation of a very beautiful act and that I loved her so much that I wanted better for her than what I could provide. But that of all things her creation came from a very beautiful thing.

    After all these years what I can say is. 1, my pregnancy was a direct result of no sexual education, 2, my parents (who I love) were unable to give me the love and support that I needed a the time and I looked elsewhere, and had no understanding that sex was not necessarily an act of love.

  312. debinOH says:

    You know if you go to Huff Po today you can also too see one picture (I guess there are more) of Miss California posing topless when she was a teenager. I wonder where her parents were also too?

    I am so sick & tired of all these freakin’ religious wackos telling all of us how to run our lives. How they miss their own “logs” is lost on me.

    Wonder how much Bristol is getting paid. And I also agree that when Tripp gets older and reads that she wants to prevent other teens from having to go through this how he will feel?

  313. UK Lady says:

    OMG! Blue Idaho

    You’re right. Urgh!

  314. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Hayden Panettiere is also on the panel with Bristol.

  315. Professor Geezer says:

    Wow. Christian Family Values just aren’t what they used to be.

  316. FW says:

    This must be an older ad…the guy pictured is Mark McGrath from the band Sugar Ray…their newer ads are no better…in the past they have featured Jenny McCarthy bare-butt on the toilet…all very Lolita-esque

  317. Blue Idaho says:

    Well you know it’s o.k. to promote sex if your making money. Does it look like this young man has wood?

  318. Blue_in_AK says:

    I’m speechless.

  319. Annie says:

    Oh my, I just noticed the guy’s rocket looks ready to blast off. Just say “NO,” girlfriend.

  320. UK Lady says:

    Sweet baby bejeebus!! What the hell were they thinking!

    Wonder how impressed the fundies would be if they saw this ad with Bristol and Levi’s face on. That might make them think twice about their new little icon of abstinence.

  321. Lee says:

    There are no words.

    But here is my first thought.

    This is an out and out soft porn add for advocateing sex. It has nothing to do with abstinence.

  322. FW says:

    Yup, awesome…the company that became famous in the 70’s for creating the “F me” heels favored by strippers and streetwalkers today.

    Check out their Britney Spears and Hayden Panettiere ads…lots of poses with them licking lollipops and ice cream cones while clad in tacky (and very little) clothing…stay classy Palin family, way to represent.

  323. MinNJ says:

    As I previously said, I am creeped out by all things and everything that is Palin; truly horrifying and incongruent to see and for all involved. Cognitive dissonance at its best.

  324. NY Dem says:

    Bristol Palin – a teen spokesperson ???

    Billy Mays — watch your back !!

  325. oregonbird says:

    Let’s hope Stewart has something to add tonight. Because I can’t think of a thing.

  326. NMJ says:

    The Rubber Room Hotel Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 1:29 PM

    Wonder how poor Tripp will feel when he is old enough to understand what a “mistake” he was. That his birth and conception had nothing to do with a beautiful act, he was just youthful indiscretion. Not that his parents had strong passionate feelings for each other, and were madly in love at the time.
    Nope he is now poster boy for “I should have kept my knees together”.

    Gosh, I guess he’s taking over from Track. GINO was preggers with Track before eloping with Dud.

  327. strangelet says:

    Actually, if it weren’t a picture of the shuttle, they (or FlyInUrEye) could turn it into an abstinence ad with a photoshopped explosion.

  328. C. Rock says:

    Way Off Topic

    KFC is offering for FREE 2pcs Grilled chicken 2 individual sides & a biscuit.
    Offer good now Thur tomorrow. need to print coupon.

    Enjoy !

  329. lynnrockets says:

    (sung to the Beach Boys song “Wouldn’t It Be Nice”)

    Wouldn’t it be nice if Sarah Palin
    Represents the brand new G.O.P.
    And wouldn’t it be nice if daughter Bristol
    Becomes the face of teen abstinency

    You know that truth can be stranger than fiction
    But this grabs me just like a drug addiction

    Wouldn’t it be nice if Sarah Palin
    Is the Red State candidate anew
    The Democrats will win the next election
    Then to Sarah, we can bid adieu

    And though she’ll feel that life is such a bummer
    She can spend her time with Joe the Plumber
    Wouldn’t it be nice

    Maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray it might come true
    Sarah then could find a periodical to subscribe to
    She could be learning
    Instead of book burning

    Wouldn’t it be nice

    (bah ba ba ba ba ba bah)
    (bah ba ba ba ba ba bah)

    You know the more it seems we sing about it
    It only makes it worse to live without it
    So let’s sing about it
    Wouldn’t it be nice

    (bah ba ba ba ba ba bah)
    (bah ba ba ba ba ba bah)
    (bah ba ba ba ba ba bah)
    (bah ba ba ba ba ba bah)

  330. Closet Mudpup says:

    This must be the rebranding of abstinence.

  331. strangelet says:

    Oy. Evidently, I don’t read the publications that Candies advertises in.

  332. rocket says:

    Abstinence is not realistic at all.
    –Bristol Palin, Fox interview

    You CANNOT make this stuff up!

  333. JRC says:

    *thunk* (sound of jaw hitting desk)

  334. Seagull says:

    It doesn’t get any more ironic.

  335. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Yup this is the example that I would use to teach my daughter about abstinence…..
    this whole thing makes no sense as I posted in the last thread….

    The Rubber Room Hotel Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 12:11 PM

    Wonder how poor Tripp will feel when he is old enough to understand what a “mistake” he was. That his birth and conception had nothing to do with a beautiful act, he was just youthful indiscretion. Not that his parents had strong passionate feelings for each other, and were madly in love at the time.
    Nope he is now poster boy for “I should have kept my knees together”.

  336. winkwinkWA says:

    Is this the new Christian Conservatism??? Do the Palins even see the message this sends, how stupid of me , of course they do, but it’s OK as long as they get Press!!! God opened a door, they ran in !!

  337. mwThatOne.. says:

    more mixed up than mixed, but I get your drift …….argh……let’s just set back the progress of civilization a few decades.

  338. InJuneau says:

    Wow, I just don’t think there is anything you can say to top all those “messages”…

  339. AlaskaGuy says:

    Well, I see that it says ‘No Comments’, meaning I’m first, but all I can think to say is ‘No Comment’.

  340. mhrt says:

    OH my..what can you say !

  341. Annie says:

    Nice placement of the phallic rocket.

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