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Shannyn Moore is on Keith Olbermann Tonight!

Shannyn will be talking about Sarah Palin’s sliding poll numbers on Keith Olbermann tonight!

Tune in and talk about it here!



57 Responses to “Shannyn Moore is on Keith Olbermann Tonight!”
  1. akwhiteraven says:

    KUDO women were the best part of their venture into local celebs

  2. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    If I was a competitior of MystikLube I would be askin’, “How do I file an ethics complaint?”

  3. austintx says:

    Wow – Product placement. Wonder what the payout is . Should the tax payers get a piece of that action ?? Just sayin’……..

  4. austintx says:

    53 the problem child IS MY NAME Says:
    May 8th, 2009 at 11:02 AM
    I think having anything called “mystic lube” within three clicks of a State of AK page is kind of gross…
    It’s a Palin thing……..what can you say………

  5. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    I think having anything called “mystic lube” within three clicks of a State of AK page is kind of gross…

  6. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    sorry for the dupes!

  7. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Never mind Arctic cat…this is even worse IMHO…

    Iron Dog sponsor link from the duds State page

  8. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Shannyn should go after this….
    Never mind Arctic cat…this is even worse IMHO…
    2 clicks from the duds page is another SPONSOR!
    And there he is…The Toad in all is glory

  9. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Shannyn should go after this….
    Never mind Arctic cat…this is even worse IMHO…

    Start here:

    Then here:

    And there he is…The Toad in all is glory

  10. PalinSucks says:

    Wow, just watched, Moore, on video from, last night. LOVING the intelligence, quick wit, demur, presentation and representation. Thank you, Shannyn!!!

  11. susitna su says:

    I did what another “progressive” suggested and I killed my TV.

    So no Keith Olberman for me.

  12. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    And on topic, yet on a completely frivolous note, I like Shanny’s new hair cut. 🙂

  13. UK Lady says:


    Thanks once again for providing a link to something I can’t get here.

    WOW, democracy works! AKM is going to give us a shiny open thread every day, so never fear. 🙂

  14. wasillawarrior says:

    I just watched Shannyn…she was great….way to represent…

  15. Impeach_Palin says:

    Thank you all for describing EVIL. For warning me about her. Ske is vile.

    Palin in the 7 Mountains cult. This is a religious cult. Holy huge scam or what.

  16. Impeach_Palin says:

    Thank you all for describing EVIL. For warning me about her. She is in the 7 Mountains cult. Oh for goodness sakes.

  17. Lainey says:

    finally got to see Shannyn…she was great! like the “on tour” comment

  18. Lainey says:

    finally got to see Shannyn…she was great! like the “on tour” comment

  19. Cathy from Colorado says:

    austintx, Thanks for putting the link up. It was a good interview.

  20. sauerkraut says:

    dang, missed it. both times.

  21. Ennealogic says:

    Shannyn did do a great job on KO tonight. She looked official and she kept on target and she perfectly reamed SP on basics. Basics of governing Alaska that is. Which is where SP’s megaphone keeps insisting SP is focusing, except it is painfully obvious that is not the case.

    Well done, Shannyn. BTW, I like the glasses. 🙂

  22. Karin in CT says:

    Thanks CorningNY! So true. My son is BIG TIME into politics and is serving in the Senate at his school and he and I had a long conversation over dinner about the GOP. The party is so doomed in the eyes of the youth! It is wonderful.

    Shannyn rocked! Everytime she is on KO, she gets better and better!

  23. CorningNY says:

    Karin in CT–Happy Birthday to your “baby boy”! Just when your kids start to have interesting, intelligent conversations with you, they leave!

    Glad Shannyn hit on all the relevant points–the more people hear about the collective disaster that is SP, the more they will start to question her fitness for ANY position, either VP or Governor.

  24. austintx says:

    UK Lady – 1 more reason…….Wanda Sykes. I’m tellin’ ya , unless told not to , she would take a shot at sarah.

  25. empish says:

    :$ CC tomorrow night! Sigh, this is what comes in midlife after working in an alzheimer ward for 20 years. Forgot what day of the week it was!

  26. austintx says:

    16 the problem child IS MY NAME! Says:
    May 7th, 2009 at 4:35 PM
    Don’t you be slipping anywhere, austintx!
    17 UK Lady Says:
    May 7th, 2009 at 4:46 PM
    What’s up?
    Talk of change. People leaving. Don’t like it. I voted.

  27. austintx says:

    PalinSucks – Here’s Shanynn.

  28. BooBooBear says:

    What is so comical is that just a few days agao MegaMouthMeg said she did not know if GINO was going to the East Coast. Really? And now today they say she has cancelled her trip. Why…so she can look like a savior to the flooded folks in Eagle? I think it has more to do with her abysmal poll numbers. It may have shocked her into actually staying home and doing her real job. I gotta think all these blogs that stay on her every move is helping. She may be realizing her adoring crowds are down to a handful of people in the entire State who think she is a good Governor.

  29. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Lori in Los Angeles,
    The White House Correspondent Dinner is at the Washington Hilton. Therefore DINO has no need to be at the White House.

  30. nswfm CA says:

    If that is true, it would be like declaring an emergency after all the house have floated away and are in the ocean. Or the Gulf of Mexico. [Or after Santa Barbara or San Diego had burned down.]

    Hmmm. Let’s wait and see if we really are having a disaster.

  31. PalinSucks says:

    Is this true?

    From huff.
    “Gov. Palin says a formal written “disaster declaration” will be issued AFTER the “spring flooding” is over.”

    Palin says she won’t submit a request to President Obama until AFTER the Spring Flooding is over.

  32. PalinSucks says:

    UK Lady Says “And!, they get the Dud instead, well won’t that be just thrilling for them!”

    Didn’t get the memo 🙂 Todd, is now, The First Gentleman.

    Guess with his availability to chaperon Bristol, on a days notice and have tea with the GOP, he is not, “Working”, anymore.

  33. anon blogger says:

    And Randy, too??! I can’t help but think the walls are tumbling down.

  34. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Dud going to White House dinner? I hope they stop him at the door – “sorry, Todd, we just could not get your security clearance, the AIP thing and all.”

  35. anon blogger says:

    Thanks, NMJ @ 18….and you’re right, Shannyn did get it all in. Great job!

  36. UK Lady says:

    And!, they get the Dud instead, well won’t that be just thrilling for them!

  37. Karin in CT says:

    I’ll catch it at 10:00. Just got home from UCONN after taking my baby boy out to dinner to celebrate his big 2-0.

    Shannyn on KO is always fun to watch!

  38. UK Lady says:


    The only two reasons GINO ain’t going to the ball are 1) Falling poll numbers and 2) Standing anywhere next to real beauties like Eva Longhoria.

    Actually three – who wants to be at a party where everyone either dislikes you or is laughing at you apart from fruitloops like Beck.

    YAY!! Go Shannyn, the proof that there are really smart women in Alaska.

  39. PalinSucks says:

    Oh this sounds great!!! We have got to have something with teeth to put up against this Palin, sacrifice of staying in Alaska, to do her J O B, instead of getting to pony u to the buffet back East.

  40. NMJ says:

    Shannyn was just fantastic! She looked professional and businesslike and spoke in a concise, hard-hitting, matter-of-fact manner. Every word counted, and she got it all in: rural AK fuel costs of $2000-$3000, the advice to “cut down trees”, GINO as the only gov to refuse the 23M for energy/weatherization, neither caring nor involved in the lives or governance of Alaskans and Alaska, Alaskans aware now that she cares more about her political ambitions, and stirring up the media about her family problems, coming back from the campaign and staying in campaign mode. You name it, she got it said…really hung her out to dry!

    I recorded it, and I can’t wait to watch it again…

  41. UK Lady says:


    What’s up?

  42. austintx says:

    Can’t put my finger on it……..just feels like something slipping away here……..

  43. sean says:

    Nice Job Shannyn!!!

  44. Ripley in CT says:

    What did Shannyn say!??? What did Keith do to JTP?

  45. UK Lady says:

    Poor Ol’ Randy also said that paying some of the money back for kids travel was an admission of wrongdoing.

  46. austintx says:

    3 PalinSucks Says:
    May 7th, 2009 at 4:01 PM
    Is there a live stream somewhere?
    If no one beats me to it , I’ll throw it up after she talks. They put it up when the show is done. I put up the Bristol piece last nite. Wait…….Bristol piece……oh never mind……..

  47. UK Lady,

    Poor Sarah. Ol’ Randy, the guy she claimed she took down, is still there six years later, sniping away from the same post he had in 2003, when she decided to pay him back for not helping her enough in her Lt. Gov race, by filing a complaint against him.

  48. UK Lady says:

    Randy Ruedrich was on Eddie Burke just now as well, trashing GINO.

    Said if she had dealt with Troopergate properly all the ethics complaints wouldn’t have happened. Said the one she filed against him was wrong. Said it was wrong to name the defence fund Alaska Fund Trust.

  49. empish says:

    CC’s on tonight too!
    Pasted the following from an email.

    Tomorrow we’ll be doing another virtual radio stint on KWMD 104.5 at 5 pm. Spread the word and tune in, Call in!

  50. I got home in time to see Shannyn on KO, but I missed (not) Joe the NOT a plumber! Oh well, guess I’ll catch that later on.

    Shannyn ROCKS!

  51. Nebraska Native says:

    Nicely done Shannon!

  52. Professor Geezer says:

    Shannyn is on now.

  53. Professor Geezer says:

    I don’t know re: live stream. KO is covering Joe the Plumber leaving the GOP now. They just mentioned Palin’s latest polling Epic Fail.

  54. PalinSucks says:

    Is there a live stream somewhere?

  55. samper says:

    KO starts in 5 minutes.

    Already made the daily cocktail and dragged out the “good” pillows for the couch!

    Anything about SP seems to attract me like a magnet… she’s just so ENTERTAINING in all she does.

    Too bad she can’t also too be effective in her elected position!

  56. austintx says:

    Well awrighty then !! Watch him every nite. Comes on twice here……..probably catch the second.