We’re betting you never expected to see one of these featured as an adorable baby animal. But we’re willing to believe you’ll keep an open mind. There’s no fur, it can’t curl up in your lap, or lick your face, but he is very clever, and at this size, we dare to say cute.
[Why you should keep looking at these]
Awww. Such a cutie pie.
What is this darling? A squid? Is a sea creature an animal – other than the air breathing types (whales, seals, dolphins, etc.)?
Lunch…..if you have the stomach for it.
An octopus, by the leg-count of it.
An octopus has SIX legs!!! Who’da thunk.
Today I rule the end of a finger . . . but one day soon, my friend, I will dominate the world!
Oh, baby!
Eureka!!! The missing link between rwnj and advanced tendencies towards stoopidity.Could be the find of this century.