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Snidely Whiplash Does the Happy Dance!

(Imagine a hilariously funny graphic that sadly doesn’t exist, of Snidely Whiplash doing a happy dance here)

This just in….

Ethics complaint #12 (that we know of) against Sarah Palin which alleged that SarahPAC, the governor’s political action committee was itself a violation of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act was dismissed today.

The .pdf of the Personnel Board’s decision, via Independent Counsel Tom Daniel is HERE ethicscomplaintdismissal

The board stated that there was no basis to conclude that the Governor used her office to create the PAC.

So, this ethics complaint that was filed on April 22 has been dismissed because it did not have merit, according to the independent counsel. There is undoubtedly going to be much rejoicing and press releasing, and shouting from the rooftops from the Palin administration. Palin’s attorney Thomas Van Flein (who is fondly known as Snidely Whiplash here at the Mudflats just because he’s got such an awesome villain-y name)has already appeared on the Eddie Burke show today, doing the happy dance.

I wonder if he was on the clock? (getting calculator) Let’s see, that’s prep time, copying fees, (tap tap tap) travel to and from the station, (tap tap) time on air…..(whistles). No matter, Palin’s Legal Defense Fund (aka Alaska Fund Trust) is picking up the tab now.

So, if this complaint which was filed two short weeks ago has already been dismissed, then what does that mean about the others that are further ahead in line? If they had no merit, wouldn’t we have heard about it by now? Just askin.



127 Responses to “Snidely Whiplash Does the Happy Dance!”
  1. marjtoo says:

    … chastising … ~blushing~

  2. marjtoo says:

    Just kind of wondering … I’ve looked at several states’ governmental websites, and Alaska’s is the only one so far that seems as dedicated (or more so maybe) to primarily the governor.

    So … is this the state of Alaska’s site, or is it just a self-important governor’s site?

    Lots of twittering–When does this “24/7” governor have time to govern?

    Oh! Sorry … perhaps better that she dedicate her time to promoting herself and defending herself and chasting all the mean people who question her antics than to governing?

  3. EyeOnYou says:

    Andree McLeod (R) Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 2:42 PM
    With all this government dysfunction, the only mechanism Alaskans have is to exercise their constitutional rights to question their public officials by using the Ethics Act and APOC laws. Palin knows this all too well as she’s been in the exact position Sondra Tompkins and others find themselves in currently. It’s the only method to officially address the integrity, misconduct and conflicts of interests of public officials.

    I couldn’t agree more, and I applaud all of you who are doing what you can to hold the Governor accountable for her actions, and I hope that if nothing else happens that it will bring about the positive change needed to truly reform that AK government and not allow people like Palin to take advantage of it, as well as the citizens.

    You have a lot of support both in AK and here in the lower 48 so don’t give up!

  4. EyeOnYou says:

    curiouser Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 8:18 AM
    Laughter is good for your health. Coffee on a keyboard… not so good. Glad it didn’t get that far.

    I am naive. I can’t understand supporting someone to the extent you don’t question them. (I also still think my mother will change.)


    I do laugh regularly thanks to Governor Palin and her clown car antics (they just keeping pouring out one after another), and I spewed a bit on my shirt and some out the nose which caused even more laughter on my part. I do entertain myself often as well. 🙂

    You are not naive. You are a normal person, and no offense to your mother, but anyone who gives a political person or celeb unconditional support and refuses to question anything they say or do is, in my opinion, not working with a full deck.

  5. Andree McLeod (R) says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl: Andree, do you know?
    The IRS needs to audit the Palins. All income and gifts have not been claimed.
    APOC needs to get a competent executive director…the current one doesn’t know how to carry out APOC’s mission and its responsibilities to provide oversight of public officials’ financial disclosures. (Even after the whole Milky Way galaxy knew about Palin’s legal defense fund, I receive a letter several days later from the APOC director responding to my questions about this legal fund stating, “If in fact there is a trust fund…” HELLO??? There is a legal trust fund and there are still hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of clothes, hair and make-up services unaccounted for that the Palins derived benefit from last year.
    Legislators need to use their constitutional power of the purse to hold this rogue governor in check. It’s doubtful they will as they’ve clearly shown their collective feeble nature. People are still waiting for them to do something about letting the McCain campaign take over OUR entire government last year without even a whimper.
    The Ethics Act needs to be administered someplace other that the Division of Personnel’s Personnel Board which is embedded deep within the layers of the bureaucracy and within Palin’s and the governor’s office’s reach. Most people involved with applying the Ethics Act are good people…it’s the system that needs an overhaul as the incentives weigh heavily towards protecting the governor and bureaucrats.
    With all this government dysfunction, the only mechanism Alaskans have is to exercise their constitutional rights to question their public officials by using the Ethics Act and APOC laws. Palin knows this all too well as she’s been in the exact position Sondra Tompkins and others find themselves in currently. It’s the only method to officially address the integrity, misconduct and conflicts of interests of public officials.

  6. sauerkraut says:

    If Palin is the only person making appointments to the entity which is reviewing ethics complaints, then the appointment process is broken.

    The person being “investigated” should never have the ability to appoint the people who will do the “investigating.” That’s a clear-cut conflict of interest. The process appears to be lacking in checks or balances.

    Time for the legislature to step up to the plate and correct the situation.

  7. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Ever since the 1st Doogan debacle, I have been sending my concerns and complaints re: GINO to:
    Alaskans or anyone else email CREW TIPLINE

    And the FBI!

    It is painfully obvious that the personnel board hand picked by the queen is not doing its job.
    She cannot sway the “FEDS” Also, how can we get Karen Loeffler in on this?
    If the acting AG or whatever is ignoring these issues?????
    Andree, do you know?

  8. KallieinTexas says:

    The fact that the panel reviewing these complaints are appointed by the governor says it all. They are biased plain and simple.

  9. Andree McLeod (R) says:

    Thanks Sondra Tompkins for having the courage and strength of character to tackle an issue most legislators are neglecting and for holding the governor accountable for her unethical conduct. Clearly this attorney seems to think Alaskans deserve a totally distracted part-time governor being pulled ever which way but loose with all her conflicts of interests. He is wrong.
    Instead of going to an elite Wash DC beltway lawyer to justify sarahpac and defend Palin, Alaskans would have been better served had he looked into how the integrity of the governor’s position and office is being breached. His assumption about Palin’s national prominence being the status quo is wrong as it was ill-gotten by the misuse and abuse of her publicly funded postion and speaks to the premise of your complaint; that Palin’s personal and political interests take priority over the interest of Alaska and Alaskans.

  10. curiouser says:

    sjk, I was just imagining that the governor’s personnel board might defend against a complaint by saying there were lots of advertisers on the Iron Dog site, not just Arctic Cat. I’ll be really interested to see what happens to the pending Arctic Cat complaint.

  11. austintx says:

    Maybe it does not reach the level of an ethics violation , but it just stinks and is weasel ass to be linked on an official state site. just sayin’……….

  12. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    curiouser, then they should link to the AK tourism board and if they tout FeDawg as an attraction that is bit diffferent. But the “Tesero Iron Dog” race itself DIRECTLY benefits the Palins. Its not Todds “hobby”. He wins money in the race. No state pages should link to any commercial sites. Period. it aint “ethical”…

    And who is Tesoro???

    Look at my lovely states website. And my State is infamous for weird and illegal politics:

    Gov. Crists site:

    No commercials for commercial entities from Crist or his wife!

  13. curiouser says:

    jo in AK Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 7:48 AM
    I was disappointed they found both of these against. I’ll never forget the day she pitted prop 4, Palin went into the gutter over that. From that day on, I thought she was without a doubt, an idiot. I don’t care if it carries as an ethical violation according to the law. Sarah Palin is ethically challenged.

    Looks like this was the 2nd part of a finding on the prop. 4 inquiry…the 1st part went against the governor.

    From the ADN:
    Election regulators agreed last year with the first issue raised in the lodge owner’s complaint: They said a state Web site launched to educate voters on Measure 4 was biased against the proposed law and they ordered some revisions.

  14. zyggy says:

    here is First Lady of CA’s page, with the official seal, and she also has her own webiste site,, the first one does have the official state seal, the second on does not.

    I doubt first dud’s page is really in violation, but then again First Lady Maria of CA isn’t advertising anything on either of the sites.

  15. curiouser says:

    114 EyeOnYou Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 7:49 AM
    curiouser Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 7:45 AM
    It’s baffling that Palin’s supporters and contributors to her slush fund don’t ask for the details before turning over their cash.

    I’m sorry but that made me laugh so hard I nearly spit coffee onto my keyboard.
    Laughter is good for your health. Coffee on a keyboard… not so good. Glad it didn’t get that far.

    I am naive. I can’t understand supporting someone to the extent you don’t question them. (I also still think my mother will change.)

  16. curiouser says:

    #101 sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 7:09 AM

    She may be the state spokesmodel for fancy snowmachine fashion that pays her family, but her official website is being used to promote an entity that pays her family as well!

    Also playing devil’s advocate: Since there are ads on the Iron Dog webpage for all their sponsors, it would be hard to make a case that it specifically benefits the Palins. As annoying as it is, apparently a lot of people are interested in Todd and the Iron Dog which may benefit Alaska’s tourism industry.

  17. jo in AK says:

    I just read your thingy thing and I still don’t get it! I guess I’m mentally challenged!

  18. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Oops, sorry AKM, I just now started reading the daily open thread…..sorry I posted my suggestion here instead of emailing to you. I read this thread first.

  19. EyeOnYou says:

    curiouser Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 7:45 AM
    It’s baffling that Palin’s supporters and contributors to her slush fund don’t ask for the details before turning over their cash.

    I’m sorry but that made me laugh so hard I nearly spit coffee onto my keyboard. Do you really find it baffling that they don’t demand details? I don’t. They believe every word she says as the gospel truth, and they don’t question anything she does. Why would they request information like that? That would give the indication that they don’t trust her 10000000%, and we know that her die hard supporters, those who continue to donate to her PAC, her legal fund, aren’t going to question anything! Ever.

  20. jo in AK says:

    I was disappointed they found both of these against. I’ll never forget the day she pitted prop 4, Palin went into the gutter over that. From that day on, I thought she was without a doubt, an idiot. I don’t care if it carries as an ethical violation according to the law. Sarah Palin is ethically challenged.

  21. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    AKM…….just a few thoughts. Maybe you should post a little gentle note at the end of your threads, directing those who may not be aware of the new daily open thread. why it’s there and it’s use……I dunno, but it may help newcomers and those tempted to forget.

    Ya also might add in the spam swear word thingy…….I have to wonder how many peoples posts never made it because they did not know……it must be confusing to travel the web and see so many different methods used on blogs.

    and or that google link thingy or more than one link in a post thingy. It would make the mods life a whole lot easier. just something to consider, a small print clause if you will, lol.

  22. curiouser says:

    108 Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
    You’d think there would have to be legitimate record keeping, wouldn’t you?
    Attorneys keep detailed time records and have the breakdown of Palin’s legal expenses or Palin would have a reason to not pay them. It’s baffling that Palin’s supporters and contributors to her slush fund don’t ask for the details before turning over their cash. It’s also baffling why the ADN doesn’t put pressure on SP to release the info.

  23. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    cali girl, I think its best that a resident of AK does it…

  24. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 7:24 AM

    Exhibit 1: State of AK website, a resource for the State of AK.

    Exhibit 2: Gov. Palins page links to Todd Palins page with State of AK Seal.

    Exhibit 3: Todd Palins Page links directly to Iron Dog race page in which he competes for compensation, as well as Iron Dog race sponsors featuring Todd Palin.

    Exhibit 4: Todd and Sarah Palin report income from Iron Dog race.

    Exhibit 5: MISUSE OF OFFICIAL POSlTION (AS 39.52.120)
    Public employees may not use their positions for personal gain or to
    give an unwarranted benefit or treatment to any person. For example,
    public employees may not:
     use their official positions to secure employment or contracts;
     accept compensation from anyone other than the State for
    performing official duties;
     use State time, equipment, property or facilities for their own
    personal or financial benefit or for partisan political purposes;

    Exhibit 6: Use of the State web site to promote an event “for the personal or financial benefit” of the Palin family ” violates (AS 39.52.120)

    Case Closed.
    DO IT! I think you can file online…have the hard copy notarized and send!
    Just Do it!!! 🙂

  25. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    And I totally agree with Phil, “if” the legal fund is used to cover the bad govs legal fees due to eithic complaints you would think it would be broken down as to those fees PER complaint, it’s business for goodness sake.

    If they don’t it would seem a perfect PONZI scheme to me.

    You’d think there would have to be legitimate record keeping, wouldn’t you?

  26. austintx says:

    sjk from the belly of the plane – I’m with you all the way.

  27. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Exhibit 1: State of AK website, a resource for the State of AK.

    Exhibit 2: Gov. Palins page links to Todd Palins page with State of AK Seal.

    Exhibit 3: Todd Palins Page links directly to Iron Dog race page in which he competes for compensation, as well as Iron Dog race sponsors featuring Todd Palin.

    Exhibit 4: Todd and Sarah Palin report income from Iron Dog race.

    Exhibit 5: MISUSE OF OFFICIAL POSlTION (AS 39.52.120)
    Public employees may not use their positions for personal gain or to
    give an unwarranted benefit or treatment to any person. For example,
    public employees may not:
     use their official positions to secure employment or contracts;
     accept compensation from anyone other than the State for
    performing official duties;
     use State time, equipment, property or facilities for their own
    personal or financial benefit or for partisan political purposes;

    Exhibit 6: Use of the State web site to promote an event “for the personal or financial benefit” of the Palin family ” violates (AS 39.52.120)

    Case Closed.

  28. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I hope this AC talk isn’t off topic……..ethics complaints and all…….the order of which they’re dealt with an all……

  29. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    And oh yeah! The SNL skit happened months before the Iron Cat……, ya think this was just a tad wee bit orchestrated? I do

    Dress the good gov up to match the SNL and cash in on the most widely viewed SNL in it’s history. It’s so obvious. Genius marketing to the hilt, all for free.

    She was cold, har har har.

  30. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Did you also notice the SNL skit used the same AC outfit that Scarah had on, not what the Toad wore, just cuz, lol…….who do you supposed supplied that outifit, hmmm, I’d say AC, do you think they helped choose which design to put in front of the world, I do.

    And do you think AC is totally in love with all the free advertizing, I do.

    Just imagine if he’s actually won……oh boy, then there would’ve been trouble for Scarah but a very happy AC and I’m sure they would have “thanked” Scarah and Toad somehow, ya think? I do. lol

  31. EyeOnYou says:

    sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 7:05 AM

    Personal Interest – the interest or involvement of an employee (or a
    family member) in any organization or political party from which a person or organization receives a benefit.

    It couldnt be more clear.

    It couldn’t be more clear from “our” perspective, but I am trying to look at it from “their” perspective simply to provide an answer or explanation as to how they are going to view this. 🙂

  32. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    this is diffferent than “Acrtic Cat” in that this involves the use of a State website, an actual resource, which sarah is not! 🙂

    She may be the state spokesmodel for fancy snowmachine fashion that pays her family, but her official website is being used to promote an entity that pays her family as well!

  33. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I TOTALLY think Diva’s Arctic Cat walking billboard ethics complaint has TEETH!
    It has so many teeth that bite it hurts, lol.

    How many other state web sites have “first spouse” pages? seriously…….LOL.

    I think the link from Toads page to the Iron Cat is to appease all those “other” local and national sponsors of Iron Cat……..she has to make nice to them since she and Toad capitalized on the event.

    I don’t understand why the ethics complaints are not dealt with in the order they are filed. WHY? it would be a good question for someone up there to ask, cuz I have no clue and it doesn’t make sense to me.

  34. sjk from the belly of the plane says:


    Personal Interest – the interest or involvement of an employee (or a
    family member) in
    any organization or political party from which a person or organization receives a benefit.

    It couldnt be more clear.

  35. SondraTompkins says:

    The sad irony with this dismissal is that I, as complaintant, was not notified properly of the investigator’s findings. The investigator sent an email, but “forgot” to include the attachment which carried the findings!! I sincerely question whether this was intentional or not. I find it hard to believe that a highly-educated and experienced attorney would just simply forget to include an attachment. I would expect that from one of my children, not an attorney.

    I found out about the dismissal from an ADN reporter, long after Palin’s attorney appeared on a shock-jock radio program in the afternoon.

    I am obviously disappointed in the findings of the investigator, which I believe are incorrect and clearly biased. Down, but not out. I’m considering beginning a citizen’s initiative to change the process for ethics investigations. The process is inherently corrupt, and needs to be modified if we are ever to have true accountability restored in our state government.

    Failure to me means you simply need to try harder next time.

  36. EyeOnYou says:

    sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 6:00 AM
    EyeOnYou, but she explained that she just grabbed some clothes ’cause she was cold.


    Ah, yes she did say that, but photographic evidence shows that all the others sponsored by “Arctic Cat” were wearing the same clothing that day, so her reasoning doesn’t really hold up there.

    As for the rest, I think that they will go with the fact that Todd isn’t an official with the state, and therefore does not fall under the official ethics rules. Like I said, I could be wrong, would love to be wrong, but I am not going to hold my breath that anything will come of it. :/

  37. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    gotta run for now~!

  38. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    EyeOnYou, but she explained that she just grabbed some clothes ’cause she was cold. 🙂

    The link to FeDawg is gonna be hard to explain as a valid use of a state resource that doesnt directly benefit the Palin family. I dont have to prove it, they have to DISPROVE it. And they cant. its in their tax returns. FeDawg monies.

    DISPROVE that the link doesnt point to “Pesonal Interest – the interest or involvement of an employee (or a
    family member) in any organization or political party from which a
    person or organization receives a benefit.”

  39. EyeOnYou says:

    sjk from the belly of the plane ~

    I agree with you, but like I said, they will not let it go unchallenged, and I think that they will claim that Todd isn’t an official of the state, that the Governor has every right to have a page on the “First Dude” on the website, and that his interests (The Iron Dog) being listed does not constitute a violation especially since they have no control over what the Iron Dog lists on their page.

    I could be wrong, I would love to be wrong, but since she has been able to weasel out of so much wrongdoing on basic technicalities, I am willing to bet that this would be the same.

  40. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    “May not use State time, equipment, property or facilities for their own
    personal or financial benefit or for partisan political purposes;”

    FeDawg is not a hobby for the Palin family. It is BUSINESS. they BRAG about it. and they ADVERTISE IT on the State website. Its low hanging fruit. Someone in AK should file. As I said, I think the Arctic Cat complaint is much weaker, but it did make me think about this toad page quite a bit…Its all right there on the internets!

  41. EyeOnYou says:

    sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 5:47 AM
    EyeOnYou, igonrance is not an excuse!

    Hahahahahaha, but it does seem to work for the Governor! 😉

  42. EyeOnYou says:

    sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 5:46 AM

    The Arctic Cat complaint was WAY less solid than this.


    Oh I disagree with that. The Governor herself was wearing sponsorship clothing from head to toe, in her official capacity as Governor while at a race that the sponsor is paying her husband money to compete in, and major publications (Sports Illustrated) were there, along with major media outfits (Fox), as well as local media outfits.

  43. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    EyeOnYou, igonrance is not an excuse! 🙂

  44. EyeOnYou says:

    austintx Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 5:41 AM
    I dunno – If you start off on the state site…….and you can click a few times and end up looking at a sponsor of Toads……I mean…….talk me down……but it just does not pass the smell test , at the least.


    Personally I agree, but we have to view this from the standpoint of where they are going to try and explain it away. You know that they will not just allow an ethics complaint to go unchallenged, so figure how how they can and will challenge it, and then go from there.

  45. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    just the link to the race site passes the smell test. its not a hobby of his. its his 2nd or 3rd job. then to be able to click to a sponsors page and see his face?
    The Arctic Cat complaint was WAY less solid than this.

  46. EyeOnYou says:

    sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 5:35 AM
    EyeOnYou Says, I love it! The counterpunch to that is you can get to the first duds page from sarahs page. His page is listed under the Governors links and his page has the State Seal on it. It is a clear misuse of a State of AK page for a commercial site that directly benefits the Palin family. 🙂

    Okay, playing devil’s advocate again,

    Then go back to my original statement that says they cannot control what the Iron Dog Page puts up on it’s site, and even if it is a link on the Dud’s page which is linked via the Governor’s page.

  47. austintx says:

    I dunno – If you start off on the state site…….and you can click a few times and end up looking at a sponsor of Toads……I mean…….talk me down……but it just does not pass the smell test , at the least.

  48. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Personal Interest – the interest or involvement of an employee (or a
    family member) in any organization or political party from which a
    person or organization receives a benefit.

  49. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    EyeOnYou Says, I love it! The counterpunch to that is you can get to the first duds page from sarahs page. His page is listed under the Governors links and his page has the State Seal on it. It is a clear misuse of a State of AK page for a commercial site that directly benefits the Palin family.


  50. EyeOnYou says:

    sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 5:22 AM
    EyeOnYou, they can claim what they want. This one is airtight, imho.


    The **MISUSE OF OFFICIAL POSlTION (AS 39.52.120)** will probably not apply to the first dude because he is not a official with the state. If the link was on the Governors page it might be more in line with that, but since it is on her husbands page, I doubt that they will consider it to be a misuse of official position.

    (Playing Devil’s advocate here because I hate seeing us all get our hopes up for something that may not happen)

  51. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    FeDawg is essentially one of Toad’s jobs. They brag about it. They PROFIT from it. They link to it’s commercial site from his State of AK page. One of the major sponsors has Todds face on its home page. Did I mention they profit from it…snark!

  52. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    EyeOnYou, they can claim what they want. This one is airtight, imho.

  53. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    How many violations does that FeDawg link entail?

    Public employees may not use their positions for personal gain or to
    give an unwarranted benefit or treatment to any person. For example,
    public employees may not:
    ¨ use their official positions to secure employment or contracts;
    ¨ accept compensation from anyone other than the State for
    performing official duties;
    ¨ use State time, equipment, property or facilities for their own
    personal or financial benefit or for partisan political purposes;
    ¨ take or withhold official action on a matter in which they have a
    personal or financial interest; or
    ¨ coerce subordinates for his/her personal or financial benefit.
    ¨ attempt to influence outcome of an administrative hearing by
    privately contacting the hearing officer.

  54. EyeOnYou says:

    austintx Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 4:59 AM
    I think you are onto something. I mean , product placement on an official state site. Todd directly benefits from this co.

    How much do you want to bet that they will claim that this isn’t on the site, but in a link on the site and that they cannot control what the Iron Dog Page puts up for information, therefore there is no violation?

    Not trying to be a spoiler, but trying to look at how they will attempt to explain it away.

  55. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Even Piper is smart enuff not to link to her lemonade stand!

  56. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    austintx, to me its a one page slam dunk filing. If he mentioned he was a past champ, like they do on SP’s page no problem. But he links to it and they BOTH profit from it. Cant use state resources for personal gain. This is just that.
    Lets do it!

  57. austintx says:

    75 sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 4:25 AM Look who’s face is there.
    Todd CLEARLY has financial interests in the Iron Dog as a competitor for money, as well as recieving money from sponsors.
    I think you are onto something. I mean , product placement on an official state site. Todd directly benefits from this co.

  58. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Look, the easiest complaint is to file against Toad’s official page on the State of AK website. The link to the Iron Dog is a total conflict of interest. Once at the Iron DOg site one of the major sponsors is :

    Look who’s face is there.
    Todd CLEARLY has financial interests in the Iron Dog as a competitor for money, as well as recieving money from sponsors.

    I approved this message!

  59. aha says:

    I haven’t read the other comments, yet, but offer my view of the dismissal:

    To me, the ethics complaint was ”early” and best charged after we see in what manner the funds are expensed. However, having said that, the complainant now has insight as to the investigatory slant of the personnel board and was/is therefore invaluable as a tool toward perfecting a future filing.

    The dismissal letter made some very interesting statements which will be useful in the future. Pay heed.

  60. Irishgirl says:

    @aha, good thinking….that hadn’t occurred to me!

  61. aha says:

    Is it correct to believe:

    This just thrown out ethics charge got moved to the front of the line because someone wants her to be able to receive money from this ”trust” she setup. Otherwise why haven’t the rest been ruled on yet? Could it be they are being delayed until her term is over then they can just be discarded?

  62. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    Really prefer the Discussions stay with the Subject with this new format (Thank You Very Much AKM & Snoskred! much easier to read).

    With regard to the Ethics complaints being dropped so easily & quickly, I think that may backfire. Just because the Personnel Board (fearing for their livelihoods) might have to jump up and salute doesn’t mean that regular Alaskans aren’t saying “Wait a minute! This doesn’t pass the stink test, I smell an odor of fishiness here.”

    While the Gov can twitter her chirpiness, I think it might be a temporary measure. Sure, they may be stuck with her, let’s face it we were stuck 8 YEARS with GW Bush, and all the ramifications SP leaves behind – at least Alaskans are a bit more understanding about the corruption going down.

  63. Irishgirl says:

    I’m sorry Alaskans that this was dismissed – not a good start to my Saturday.

  64. akmuckraker says:

    I want to remind everyone about something. I try to maintain a civil discussion area here. As a matter of fact, I insist on it. That means bringing your manners to the table. I regard this blog and these comments kind of like I regard my living room. That means I expect people to behave themselves accordingly. If I don’t feel that that is happening, I will not hesitate to delete comments, which I have done in this thread. I have a right to do so, and I will exercise that right. These are the ground rules here. I will post any opinion as long as it is polite.

    If you look in the Comment Guidelines, you’ll notice that I mention specifically if something doesn’t pass my “cringe test” I will delete it. That’s the way I’ve always moderated comments and so far it has worked fairly well. I don’t always get to it instantly, and anyone who has an issue is always welcome to email me. I may act faster if I’m notified in this way.

    So everyone take a deep breath, behave and play nice.

  65. Snoskred says:

    Thanks Phil – I’m out to dinner, I’ll take that with me. 😉 Maybe I’ll bring you back some soup or something.. 😉

  66. {{{{{Snoskred}}}}}

  67. Snoskred says:

    Philip –

    I didn’t use the “s” word. I spelled BS out. One of my favorite books, written four years ago, is called “On B*****t.”

    Ah, but the spam filter makes no such distinction. 🙂 It saw the S word, even though you had bull in front of it. It will filter words within words, email addresses with those words in them, usernames also too – so we do have to be very careful what words are in there, otherwise it goes crazy and throws heaps of comments in the spam bin.

    I hate to say it but I spend quite a bit of time fighting with the darned thing – no other spam filter is as effective, though. We don’t see anywhere near as much spam these days and one reason for that is the spammers know what blogs are using that filter, so they know not to bother. 😉 If we turned it off, we would be knee deep in male enhancement goods and fetish sites in no time! 🙁

  68. Snoskred says:

    Also to Philip, re #2 –

    I can attest that this is one of the most caring communities I have ever been involved with. Just this past week I have seen massive evidence of that when one of the community members lost her husband.

    Actually that has been evidence of the caring of the mudflats community for a while, because while he was ill people would send mail, postcards, packages, stuff to brighten his days. It meant a lot to him and I am sure extended his time here with family and friends

    Hundreds of dollars have been donated towards flowers for this member, and hopefully she won’t read this and spoil the surprise, but we decided to make sure she has something from us for the next few weeks rather than send one massive arrangement.

    I hope that people can understand why we have chosen to make a slight change in allowing the open thread to return to the blog. As AKM said, it is likely to save her time and let her know at a glance which topics are resonating with people. It is also about trying to keep everyone happy which is never an easy thing to do.

  69. I didn’t use the “s” word. I spelled BS out. One of my favorite books, written four years ago, is called “On B*****t.”

  70. bubbles says:

    thanks phil munger. …love b

  71. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    @Phil – sometimes weird things happen. Liz P is very late to the party.
    With all Mrs Palin’s talk about beating ethics complaints, I have no doubt she’s adding Travelgate to that list. If the Personnel Board held on to the complaint about the fraudulent travel claims until the money was paid back – bingo! No finding of any sort of violation.

    Now I have to wonder how long the Personnel Board is going to hang on to the other filed complaints …..

  72. Liz P,

    1) The investigator has stated in his finding that Palin was acting in her role as a national figure in the complaint dismissed. It sort of boxes her in re some of the others out there, as many take up just how our existing executive ethics legislation pertains to the current governor’s activities outside what she claims to be a 24-7 job.

    My short-term hope is that his finding in this case strengthens some of the other, earlier complaints that are awaiting one decision or another.

    My long-term hope is that all this bullshit will lead to the introduction of legislation that will make our executive ethics statutes among the best in the USA, rather than the most poorly written.

    I truly want to see VF’s billings broken down case by case.

    2) Regarding your earlier comment about the community at the Mudflats. It is a community.

    Especially late at night, people at HQ blogs like this one have a tendency to go OT. A lot. They care about each other, and have built up subtext dialogues that you and I might not get.

    I merely visit this place from time to time, but I sense it is the most caring large-scale blog community in Alaska.

  73. akConstant says:

    I tend to agree that the use of the ethics complaint to address any grievance one has with Palin’s politics appears petty and does seem to water down the use of the ethics complaint.

    I just keep coming back to the story of the boy who cried “wolf”. People are becoming desensitized to the noise, that appears to be juvenile bickering coming from both sides of the debate. People are tuning out.

  74. Liz P. says:

    Please note that the attorny states that since he finds that the ethics act has not been violated that there is NO NEED FOR AN INVESTIGATION AND HE IS DISMISSING THE COMPLAINT.


    The complaint was dismissed ergo there is no need for any attorney and no need for ANY attorney fees to defend against it because IT WAS DISMISSED !

    Palin is now on nightly news complaining how these complaints cost so much money, she does not mention WHO it is costing, but since state employees are on the clock anyway, it is not costing the state money and since she did not have to defend against it BECAUSE IT WAS DISMISSED WITH NO INVESTIGATION, it did not cost her money either.


    To counter Palin’s spin, one has to show how she lies when she spins. With the info in front of us in the attorney’s letter, it is a shame to not quote him.

  75. BooBooBear says:

    CREW=Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. Let’s bury them with Palin corruption facts.

  76. DrChill says:

    I concluded that SP did not violate the ethics act when her PAC paid her to speak in Indiana about right to life issues, after all, she was not acting as governor, But then I read her spokespeople saying she did official business, at a meeting with an oil&gas company.
    Why does this decision not mention the official acts performed there?

  77. Polly says:

    I’m speechless

  78. Lisabeth says:

    Her twitter comment littlerally males me sick!!! I agree with whoever said to send info to FBI! What is crew?
    Those dismissal will really go to her huge head!!

  79. PalinSucks says:

    Aussie Blue Sky, excellent grasp on the findings. You showed me a few points, I had missed. Thank you.

  80. TBNTJudy says:

    #47 Karin in CT Says:

    “AKM, boy oh boy, you make me laugh my rear end off!”

    Wouldn’t it be nice if we could really “laugh our rear ends off?”

    I would have no rear left…

  81. Martha says:


  82. Lisabeth says:

    There is a funny kind of story on the net today called “All about Palins”
    You can google it I am sorry I don’t have cut and paste on my iPod touch which I am on.

    This complaint was processed so fast it makes one wonder. Yes about the other ones but also about possible bias. The unsigned editorial at ADN was so poorly written, biased and unprofessional! How can they possibly find totally impartial investigators. I think your whole process for these are very biased. It would be intersting to see how other states handle this.

  83. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    May 8th, 2009 at 8:52 PM
    So does anyone from Anchorage know the attorney Thomas Daniel who was the one hired as the “independent counsel” by the personnel board?
    He’s a labor lawyer who works for employers.

    My computer didn’t find anything wrong with the file.

  84. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    btw, I found Daniel’s constant admonishment about “the place to do that is the ballot box” quite unprofessional.

  85. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Having read the pdf I can see that Mr Daniel granted a couple of points and gave a big, big hint for any future ethics complaints. He noted at one point that Ms Tompkins wasn’t specific enough.

    The reason that legal jargon is so long-winded (“the party of the first part and the party of second part”) is because in olden days lawyers were paid by the word. It makes sense, then, that they single out each word and potential interpretation for close attention.

    But none of that matters as long as Mrs Palin’s cronies on the Personnel Board want to keep their jobs in a completely corrupt system. Walt Monegan is a shining example to them of what happens when you tell Sarah Palin, “No”.

  86. oregonbird says:

    Was it one day or two after this bogus complaint was filed that Palin threw SarahPAC to the wolves?

    @ carol: GINO isn’t going to “leave” office; ordinary citizens (not just the cyber-troops that keep the blogsphere cooking) will have to come out of the woodwork and vote her out. Something they did not bother doing for something closer to home, the mayorial race. Ethics complaints simply won’t do it.

    Although the Alaska Fund Trust seems 1) based entirely on her being governor (unless “Alaska” is code for “Nation”) and 2) is meant entirely for her personal benefit — paying off legal bills for which she cannot request reimbursement. Because… those bills did not accrue during legitimate work as the GofA. If it was not specifically stated in her filing papers that the disbursement of those collected funds was nobody’s business, it would be interesting to know if she is using them to pay off the defense of her personally-filed ethics complaint would be considered…

    It’s like a mobius strip, isn’t it?

  87. EyeOnYou says:

    So does anyone from Anchorage know the attorney Thomas Daniel who was the one hired as the “independent counsel” by the personnel board?

  88. CO almost native says:


    Would that be a quiet twitter at her tweets? Probably not…(heh heh)

  89. justafarmer says:

    Apparently Snidely has a completely inflated value of himself and HEY!!! WHO is the “independent counsel”? Is that Snidely?????
    justafarmer is off to sleep now….is late and very very wet in Appalachia tonight…

  90. PalinSucks says:

    CO almost native “Governor Twit tweeted an idiotic twitter. Sounds more like a second grader”

    Her Twits are being laughed at all over the net.

  91. CO almost native says:

    Governor Twit tweeted an idiotic twitter. Sounds more like a second grader, sticking her tongue out at an invisible audience, smirking…so adult.

  92. nswfm CA says:

    What is staggering is that she is so inept and can’t get her yahoo emails turned over, Bill. How hard would that be, for crying out loud.

  93. carol says:

    GINO’s gloating about the ethics violation complaint dismissal makes me sick.
    It will be such a relief when she finally leaves office and we don’t have to deal with her farce of governorship any longer.

  94. curiouser says:

    43Tealwomin Says:
    May 8th, 2009 at 7:45 PM

    “It’s staggering that the governor has accumulated more than half a million dollars of personal debt defending herself against a flurry of ethics complaints that have yet to substantiate a single infraction,” said Bill McAllister, the governor’s director of communications.

    “It’s obvious that these ethics complaints -usually announced with great fanfare, violating the confidentiality provisions of the law – are intended solely for damaging publicity and not for true accountability in government.

    The debt is staggering….to the point of being unbelievable. Where’s the detailed accounting of the legal debt?

    About violating the confidentiality laws….how about the part where that only apply to complaints against legislators. How does Bill McAllister get away with statements like this? The Alaskan press is not doing it’s job.

  95. pearl89 says:

    I’m bummed.

  96. curiouser says:

    19 antiAnti Says:


    “Great day! Another frivolous ethics complaint against me was dismissed! I won against another false allegation, too! More info to follow…”
    What a childish, stoopid, ungovernorly twit!

    I won’t be surprised if the pending complaint about the AK Fund Trust will be dismissed using a very similar legal argument. For the older complaints, it just takes longer to come up with a settlement before they can dismiss them and she’ll say she was never guilty of anything. If there are any really incriminating emails for behavior that is worse than minor, they’ll never be found. I hope I’m wrong.

  97. Karin in CT says:

    AKM, boy oh boy, you make me laugh my rear end off!

  98. Tealwomin says:

    “It’s staggering that the governor has accumulated more than half a million dollars of personal debt defending herself against a flurry of ethics complaints that have yet to substantiate a single infraction,” said Bill McAllister, the governor’s director of communications. “It’s obvious that these ethics complaints – usually announced with great fanfare, violating the confidentiality provisions of the law – are intended solely for damaging publicity and not for true accountability in government.

  99. Michelle aka Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Just a little info: Comparing the release on the Gov. website to the independent council’s pdf in AKM’s post above, they left out a paragraph:

    “Thus, by making the trip the Governor may have been seeking personal gain in the form of political advancement, but there is no probable cause to believe the Gov. used her position to do so. Moreover, news reports of the trip stated that the Gov. used SaraPAC funds to finance the trip, not state funds. That fact also shows that the Gov. was not using her position as Gov. to make the trip.”

  100. Tealwomin says:


    APOC Dismisses Complaint Filed Against Governor

    May 8, 2009, Juneau, Alaska – Governor Sarah Palin today welcomed the news that a complaint filed with the Alaska Public Offices Commission (APOC) regarding last year’s Ballot Measure 4 has been dismissed. The complaint, filed by Brian Kraft, alleged comments made by the governor at a press conference against Ballot Measure 4 violated AS 15.13.145, which restricts the use of state money to influence the outcome of an election on a ballot proposition.

    APOC did not find Kraft’s argument persuasive because the governor’s spontaneous comment did not require the state to spend any money.

    “I appreciate the commission recognizing the constitutional right of free speech and the implications of trying to regulate what a governor can say,” Governor Palin said.

    APOC also found the State of Alaska did not authorize the use of the governor’s official portrait in an Anchorage Daily News advertisement against Ballot Measure 4.

  101. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Lori in Los Angeles Says:
    May 8th, 2009 at 7:28 PM

    I suspected this would happen when Andree posted a few days ago that the personnel board themselves referred to the complaints as “frivolous.” Nope, not expecting them to do much with any of the complaints. Crystalwolf, thank you for your tireless efforts with CREW and FBI. FBI has raided AK before (those “nasty” Feds) and I believe that they must again if the GINO is to be stopped.
    After the first mess with Doogan…I decided although there are a couple of Leg. (Les) and a couple of other, most are not willing to go against the wrath of GINO. That did change with WAR thankfully, but the personnel board found her NG of any transgressions on troopergate, I gave up and just send EVERYTHING to CREW and FBI. CREW has been watching GINO since clothesgate. Until Alaska can Elected personnel boards, and AG or a Ethical governor….it is a crazy thought to think anyone is going to reign in GINO EXCEPT the FEDS!!!
    Now if McCains campaign starts talking, and Sadie, and SOME BRAVE people of WASILLA only then will we know the truth about GINO. Everynight, I visualize her and dud walking with matching bracelets on….she is totally delusional at this point doing the pageant wave and smile…..
    ahhhhhhhhh! One can dream… Eh????

  102. austintx says:

    Dang it – Where are the GD e-mails !?!?

  103. EyeOnYou says:

    Does anyone have a list of all the complaints? Their claims that 9 of 14 have been summarily dismissed has me wondering exactly what they are.
    I know that they are including Troopergate, these latest 2 makes a grand total of 3 that have been blown off, so what are the rest that have been tossed?

  104. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    I suspected this would happen when Andree posted a few days ago that the personnel board themselves referred to the complaints as “frivolous.” Nope, not expecting them to do much with any of the complaints. Crystalwolf, thank you for your tireless efforts with CREW and FBI. FBI has raided AK before (those “nasty” Feds) and I believe that they must again if the GINO is to be stopped.

  105. EyeOnYou says:

    Palin already has this stuff up on the Governor’s Website:

    The governor’s attorney, Thomas Van Flein, noted that of 14 ethics complaints filed against the governor or her staff, nine have now been resolved without any finding that the law was broken. Another five complaints are still pending.

    “This one was so clear-cut that all the investigator had to do was read the complaint and compare it to the ethics statute,” Van Flein said. “Ms. Tompkins simply did not allege any facts that constituted a violation of the law.

    “Moreover, the investigator states that the governor has a First Amendment right to speak out on issues.”

  106. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Did all these ethics complaints get heard today??? That why she stayed in AK!!!
    She had to put the hooker boots on and walk around and whisper sweet NOTHINGs/threats in peoples ears.
    I still have the feeling the other shoe about to……DROP! Dennis Zaki headline still up re: ss palin.
    fire up the popcorn poppers…….. 😀

  107. Physicsmom says:

    I’m hoping AKM is right and that other complaints with more merit are still being investigated. However, if I remember correctly, the “independent” investigators send their reports to the Personnel Board. The PB decides whether they agree or not and also whether to release the report. So, if the investigator finds for the complainee (I’m not a lawyer, so I’m sure that’s not the right term), but the PB disagrees, the public will never know. (Barring a whistleblower, and we all know what happens to them when GINO is involved). Light a candle for truth.

  108. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    BooBooBear Says:
    May 8th, 2009 at 6:31 PM

    To heck with the Personnel Board. I wrote to both the FBI and CREW. No one local within this administration is going to find any fault with Palin. Sickening isn’t it???? We need to reach higher and broader. GINO’s corrupt behavior must be stopped.
    They also have contacts with IRS 😀

    If they have independent attorney review these cases…like WAR???? Or the many people who owe favors to GINO??
    What about Karen Loeffler??? How to we get her to look at this???

  109. austintx says:

    Thanks Snoskred !! I think the new “wide open” thread works. We can get it all out , and later stay on track. I’m bummed about some leaving………you know who you are – PLEASE come back. We’re family here.

  110. JakeW says:

    Having a “to be fired at will” Personnel Board be in charge of conducting an investigation into the ethical lapses of their boss is an inherently corrupt process.
    I think it is important to pursue an initiiative making the Personnel Board not appointed, but elected, and not subject to being fired by the Governor. The legislature will never do this, but it is a common sense law that anyone can see makes sense.

  111. EyeOnYou says:

    jojobo1 Says:
    May 8th, 2009 at 6:28 PM
    crystalwolf my point exactly/She hand picked these people .What are they going to do go against someone who seems so vindictive? I think not.I hold out no hope that this board will find any complain t not ethical.Seems like they all follow in line just like the just say no to everythings in washington,except for a few.

    The problem is that the personnel board hires “independent” lawyers/investigators to review these complaints (at least that is my understanding). Now if they disagree with the findings of aforementioned lawyers/investigators I have no idea what would happen, but the claims are going to be that it is all legit, even though these people are “at will” employees of hers.

    The argument can be made that they will pick “independents” who are sympathetic, and while I don’t doubt that may indeed be what is happening, it will be difficult at best to prove anything like that.

    I just have this gut feeling that nothing will come of any of these complaints, all will be dismissed or glossed over, like the personnel board investigation with Troopergate was, and that there is nothing anyone can do about it which tells me that things need to change in some manner.

  112. austintx says:

    Hey – What about this ??
    51 sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    May 8th, 2009 at 10:38 AM
    Never mind Arctic cat…this is even worse IMHO…

    Iron Dog sponsor link from the duds State page
    55 austintx Says:
    May 8th, 2009 at 11:26 AM
    Wow – Product placement. Wonder what the payout is . Should the tax payers get a piece of that action ?? Just sayin’……..
    56 sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    May 8th, 2009 at 12:15 PM
    If I was a competitior of MystikLube I would be askin’, “How do I file an ethics complaint?”

  113. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    (Oh, so this is what the voice of Clean Coal(e) sounds like.)

    Is there an appeal process outlined anywhere? Oh do we just need to start collecting 32K signatures to make a seat on the Personnel Board an electable position?

  114. EyeOnYou says:

    antiAnti Says:
    May 8th, 2009 at 6:44 PM
    HMMMM, what is the “another false allegation” and how did Palin win?

    APOC rejects Measure 4 complaint against Palin

  115. michigander says:

    They’ll try to pick them off but some have merit. Well, maybe they all have merit but I mean legal merit so those will stand. Funny it took so long to find one (o: Pity party in the mean time. Poor Sarah – Wah Sera, Sera.

    Olberman slammed Palin again (o:

  116. akdennis says:

    Obstruct, obfuscate, repeat. Obstruct, obfuscate, repeat. Oh, unless there is “no merit” to the complaint. We’ll get right on those…You betcha’!

  117. antiAnti says:


    “Great day! Another frivolous ethics complaint against me was dismissed! I won against another false allegation, too! More info to follow…”

    HMMMM, what is the “another false allegation” and how did Palin win?

  118. Lainey says:

    @crystalwolf aka caligrl
    Well…what did we expect from Her HANDPICKED PERSONNEL BOARD that found no wrongdoing of troopergate??
    no kidding!?! amazing, isn’t it? I wonder…how many lip prints are on her behind? Who has the long list? 😀

  119. PalinSucks says:

    She is aleady on Twitter.

    AKGovSarahPalinGreat day! Another frivolous ethics complaint against me was dismissed! I won against another false allegation, too! More info to follow…
    12 minutes ago from web

  120. PalinSucks says:

    With the past 48 hour blitz circulating of Palin’s, PLUMMETING, poll numbers…someone coughed up a favor for some positive press. I doubt, many will be swayed this has been dismissed but what is interesting, is that someone obviously combed through complaints to try to find one to easily shrug off. Seems, Palin, has some serious explaining to do on another 10 violations.

  121. BooBooBear says:

    To heck with the Personnel Board. I wrote to both the FBI and CREW. No one local within this administration is going to find any fault with Palin. Sickening isn’t it???? We need to reach higher and broader. GINO’s corrupt behavior must be stopped.

  122. jojobo1 says:

    crystalwolf my point exactly/She hand picked these people .What are they going to do go against someone who seems so vindictive? I think not.I hold out no hope that this board will find any complain t not ethical.Seems like they all follow in line just like the just say no to everythings in washington,except for a few.

  123. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    My, my, my. They say ‘vindicate’ and I say, ‘obfuscate’.

  124. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Well…what did we expect from Her HANDPICKED PERSONNEL BOARD that found no wrongdoing of troopergate????
    Sent all yer eithics complaints to CREW and the FBI. And the personnel Board should be investigated also…too!

  125. AKPetMom says:

    What about 1-11 and 13 and 14? What about the emails that McLeod asked for months and months and months ago? Why is a complaint from April 2009 being given legal precedence over more important claims files back in the fall?

  126. pvazwindy says:

    I think there just trying to beat all the bad news. gotta have something positive to crow about.