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The Audacity of Hype! Palin Signs Book Deal. But is it Legal?

Well she’s gone and done it.  She’s had them written about her, she’s tried to get some pulled off library shelves, but now the Governor will have one of her very own.  A book!

Reports are now out that Sarah Palin has signed a deal with HarperCollins.

“There have been so many things written and said through mainstream media that have not been accurate, and it will be nice through an unfiltered forum to get to speak truthfully about who we are and what we stand for and what Alaska is all about,” Palin said in an interview today in which she announced the deal.

I guess that means when we go to Barnes & Noble, we’ll be findng it in the fiction section.  Or humor, perhaps.

So, how much is she getting?  We’d heard rumors of $11 million when chatter of a book deal was first bandied about months ago.  Then she laughed that off.  Then we heard $7 million.  So what is it?  Palin’s not saying.

“The idea is to focus on the content of the book and what’s coming in terms of me being able to tell my story unrestrained and unfiltered,” Palin said.

So the amount of the deal (which she’ll have to disclose anyway next March on her financial disclosure forms), would distract from the content of the book which hasn’t been written yet?  Apparently so, according to Palin. 

And what about those of you who are saying, “Hey, wait a minute now.  What about that clause in the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act that says:

 ‘The head of a principal executive department (the governor) of the state (Alaska) may not accept employment (being an author under contract)  for compensation (money) outside the agency that the executive head serves (being the governor of the state of Alaska)?'” 

If you followed the parenthetical explanation, you’ll see that basically, that’s supposed to mean that the governor can’t have another job.  Fear not.  They’ve already thought that through.  According to Palin’s legal counsel, Thomas Van Flein, who is now a regular celebrity guest on The Eddie Burke Show, the state has preapprovedall of this.  You know….legal schmegal and all that. 

Palin said the book won’t interfere with her duties as governor, and others have written books while in leadership positions. She said she won’t work on the book during state time and will be jotting down her thoughts “after hours.”

Here’s a little 60 second dramatization to clarify that for those of you who are still confused.

Alaskans:  But Governor, you’re not supposed to have another paying job while you’re the governor.  See?  (we hold up the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act and point)

SP:  But the paying job won’t interfere with my duties.

Alaskans:  But you’re not supposed to HAVE another paying job. 

SP:  But other people have done it in other states, and in other positions.

Alaskans:  But our ethics act says your not supposed to have another paying job while you’re governor of Alaska!

SP:  But I’m only going to work at my other paying job after hours. You know, like moonlighting!

Alaskans: But you’re not supposed to have ANY other paying job while you’re the governor!

SP:  I’ll just be jotting thoughts in my own words…  And you don’t even have to know how much I’m making.

Alaskans:  But you’re NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE ANY OTH….  Does anyone have any whiskey?

(whiskey break)

Back in February, Bill McAllister, Palin’s communications director pointed out to us that the governor is the governor all the time.  That’s why she does such a great job.

In fact she works 24/7, on call 24/7 constantly monitoring what’s going on in all of state government and isn’t hesitant to make course corrections any old time, and I can tell you personally that I have often responded to her emails late at night or early in the morning.  She is on top of it.”

That was supposed to make us feel better.  No distractions, no taking her eye off the ball.  She’s on top of it.  So….now she’s going to be writing a book in less than a year.

The governor said she wants to do a lot of the writing herself, and that it will be her story and her words.

“It will be nice to put my journalism degree to work on this and get to tell my story, Alaska’s story.

Somehow I don’t think Alaskans are going to be thrilled with the governor “putting her journalism degree to work” when she’s supposed to be…you know…governing.  I can only imagine what the legislative session will be like next year.  And then there’s the book tour. 

And all this will be happening in an election year.  Which means that either the governor is hoping that the media attention and publicity from the book tour will escalate her approval rating enough to topple Lisa Murkowski from her seat in the Senate or get her reelected, or she’s not planning on running again for governor, but will just fly out of town at the end of her term and become the darling of the religious right, touring the nation, hosting fundraisers and signing copies of the book.  There’s no way of knowing.

Will she beat Joe the Plumber to the bookstands?  How many ghost writers collaborators will she go through?  Will they quit or be fired?  How about editors?  Will she begin the book tour three days before the end of the legislative session?  And what about the title?

I invite your thoughts below.





300 Responses to “The Audacity of Hype! Palin Signs Book Deal. But is it Legal?”
  1. Dame says:

    I apologize if someone has already expressed this thought. How is this going to affect her quality time with her special needs child? There is no way with only 24 hrs in a day she can adequately provide the mothering and nuturing to her child, be the governor, mother her other children, write a book, read the blogs, update facebook, make deals for public financing and twitter away. Just sayin.

  2. Rick in the ArkLaTex says:

    Keith Olbermann had a good title on tonight’s show.

    I Have My Answer Now, Katie.

  3. austintx says:

    297 Lori in Los Angeles – Courtney , the entertainment maven on MSNBC this am said it was “much less” than 11 mil. She was laughing her ass off. I watch MSNBC every morning and see her segment a lot and she is right on her info about 90% of the time.
    Here is Chris Matthews on “the book”.

  4. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Marnie Says: May 13th, 2009 at 7:37 AM

    I agree with the title “Pepper’s Mom” although I would amend that to “OK I’m Pepper’s Mom, but Who’s Pepper?”

    Late to reply, Marnie…but better late than never.

    Pepper is my little furry lady…a rescue Cocker Spaniel who is not perfect (front legs shorter than back, and left front shorter that right front), but she’s perfect for me.

    Trust me…her little legs do NOT stop her from running around like an out of control furball, especially up/down staircases; I’ve learned not to go up/down before Pepper – it’s painful.

  5. Blooper says:

    Dr Chill: You make great points. And that’s only assuming 3.65 Million. I”ve heard of figures going much higher, up to 10 Million. The ethics board is so stacked in her favor and I’m sure that she is going to be able to go ahead with the deal anyways.

    Judging by the amount of money the publishing house is willing to advance Palin they are predicting this book will be a huge success. One can only hope the book is a huge failure and they get stung for entrusting this huge sum of money to Palin and her questionable written/verbal talents.

  6. ds55 says:

    I’m watching Keith Olbermann on MSNBC. He remarked that GINO’s book deal was paid for by Rupert Murdoch. I thought he was joking, but I checked facts and it’s not a joke.

    Rupert Murdoch owns News Corporation which owns HarperCollins, the publisher for GINO’s book. Rupert also owns FOX News.

  7. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Had to post this comment from Palins Deceptions blog:
    midnightcajun said…
    Thought you’all might like to know that I just spoke to a little birdy in New York. Believe me, everyone in the publishing world is running around trying to find out how much Sarah’s advance was. I may have more definite info soon, but word is a figure around $1 million is about it, since they figure the market will be pretty much limited to the TeamSarah types and liberal pundits looking to make fun of her. As my source said, “What’s she going to write that no one hasn’t heard about?” When I said, “The truth?” she went into hysterics.

  8. DrChill says:

    More thoughts on legality.
    Okay, the DOL says nahhh its okay, it’s not regular work for a salary or wage.
    So irregular or one time compensation is okay?

    Lets break this down. Lets say SP is getting 3.65 million to write a book, and its going to take a year. And lets say the whole weighty tome is going to be 365 pages, and she can write and edit 1 page a day.

    That comes to $10,000 a page, $10,000 a day.

    Now if ADN hired her to write a daily column 1 page a day – for a year, that would be regular work. No good.

    Now if ADN hired her to write a weekly column 7 pages a week- for a year, that would be regular work. No good.

    How about a chapter a month? 30 pages a month. Monthly pay, $300,000 a month. regularly for 12 months. See?
    See where this is going? See how the ethical dilemma disappears when you save it all up for one big fat paycheck at the end of the year?
    No? Neither do I.

    The argument is the same if she’s freelance & self employed as it is if shes an ’employee of ADN.

    How is Daily pay Unethical
    Weekly pay Unethical
    Monthly pay Unethical
    But yearly pay ethical?… all for the same 365 pages @ $10,000 per page.
    Because it’s not “Regular?”

    And heck where’s the ethical dilemma, she’s only getting paid 25 times her salary as Governor. How would that interfere with her main job?
    Why on earth would she have divided loyalties?

    “Governor, the legislative session is almost…”
    “Not now! I’m almost finished chapter two of my best seller!”

  9. Alaskah says:

    Oops. Meant AS 39.20.050

  10. Alaskah says:

    Might be another legal violation. AS 38.20.050 titled “Exclusive compensation” says: “The compensation fixed by law for the governor and lieutenant governor is in full for all services rendered by each of them in any official capacity or employment whatsoever during their respective terms of office…” Not sure, but seems like this could mean that the governor cannot accept any other compensation besides her salary as fixed by law.

  11. KateinCanada says:

    So when was the book deal signed, and who was the Attorney General at that time? This is another case of so many bits of vague and conflicting information that the Gov’s office is expert at creating. Lots of smoke and mirrors and each little splinter is utterly transparent…
    From the Politico article:
    ” Palin signed the deal a few weeks ago in Barnett’s office.” [which is in Washington, but there could be a temporary one anywhere.]

    “The book is carefully timed: She wanted to wait to sign a deal until after the Alaska Legislature was finished, but interest in her is high now and could eventually wane.” [She wanted to, not waited to- so did she sign while WAR was AG? This would fit with signing before the legislature ended.]

    “the client meets with one publisher and signs a deal. The logic of that approach is that it creates less of a circus, takes less time for a busy person and ensures confidentiality.” [So not done by power of attorney?]

    “Through the governor’s personal attorney, Barnett got the deal cleared by the Alaska attorney general’s office. ” [I’ll bet it was the last thing done before they shot WAR and she couldn’t afford to wait to sign until after he was gone. This also explains why she stuck her neck out so far to keep him in house.]

    Also explains why she told so much personal story at the Pro-life dinner-it was a teaser for the publisher- “See what a great story I can tell?”

    So focus on the dinner- how much more criticsm would there have been if
    she had ditched the end of legislature to sign a book contract?

  12. zyggy says:

    since Sarah won’t be writing the book, it won’t be an ethic violation. The ghost writer will be doing all the writing. She is so sneaky, also too.

  13. ATF says:

    Two more ethics complaints thrown out.
    Who sits on that board? Todd?

  14. curiouser says:

    From the ADN: (sorry if this is a repeat of someone’s earlier comment)
    “Neither Palin nor HarperCollins would say how much she was being paid. Asked why, the governor and 2008 Republican nominee for vice president said she didn’t want to distract from the substance of the book.

    “The idea is to focus on the content of the book and what’s coming in terms of me being able to tell my story unrestrained and unfiltered,” Palin said.

    The governor said details will be reported as required under Alaska law when her annual financial disclosures are due next March. Her advance from the publisher is likely to be paid in stages, though, and it’s not clear if she has to disclose the full amount on that report or only the portion received in 2009, according to the state public offices commission.”

    In other words, if the total amount was known, money would stop rolling into the AK Fund Trust and SPAC.

    Also, I can’t help but wonder if the publisher set contingencies before she gets the whole wad.

  15. Bystander says:

    I am sure that the state of AK attorneys will never stand up to the Queen, however any AK taxpayer has the right to have a court decide if she gets to keep the money from a book written on the state’s time.

    Forget the lackeys in the state AG’s office and the ethics panel, which she has the right to hire and fire. Bring an action in court, before a judge she can’t fire, and get a decision. I’d do it myself if I were an AK taxpayer.

  16. ericmiami says:

    She’s using an Etch-A-Sketch to write the book.

  17. EyeOnYou says:

    sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    May 13th, 2009 at 10:52 AM
    EyeOnYou, all that AND a servants heart!


    No doubt that servants heart is what made her claim that she will give an undecided amount of the profits of the book to an unnamed (as of yet) charity. Lest we forget that old saying……Charity begins at home! 😉

  18. UK Lady says:

    “Too Much Pride and Prejudice”

  19. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    EyeOnYou, all that AND a servants heart!

  20. EyeOnYou says:

    sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    May 13th, 2009 at 10:33 AM
    So shes rich now, but still wants to swindle money from her followers? Is that the Christian thing to do? Sounds like socialism to me…


    She is a con artist plain and simple. She tells people how poor she is and can’t afford to pay off her bills so she gets her friends to set up a legal fund. Crying poor poor put upon picked on Sarah, they beg for money left and right. Then we find out she has a book deal all inked. Yet, she is still asking for cash for her legal fund (you know those lawyers bills that are growing because she is using the lawyer to help her broker book deals) and she is still asking for money for her PAC.

    So let’s get this straight.

    She gets a tidy salary from the state (let’s not forget any and all income that Todd might bring into the house, nor the large PF for all those family members and of course not having to pay much by way of the Iron Dog Costs because AC picks up that tab). She gets paid to live in her own home. The state pays for all travel and costs on state business, the PAC pays for all other trips (including her family to accompany her), she gets a legal fund set to pay off all her bills and it also allows her family and friends to share in the profits from that fund, and now she has a tidy little cash flow from a book deal.

    She sure has a pretty sweet deal going on there.

  21. austintx says:

    281 sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    May 13th, 2009 at 10:33 AM
    So shes rich now, but still wants to swindle money from her followers? Is that the Christian thing to do? Sounds like socialism to me…
    Shades of Jim and Tammy Baker and PTL { pass the loot }.

  22. JennAK says:

    Title: “The Lies and Crimes of Sarah Palin”

  23. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    So shes rich now, but still wants to swindle money from her followers? Is that the Christian thing to do? Sounds like socialism to me…

  24. Blooper says:

    This book should be Kindle only. As in fire-starter.

  25. austintx says:

    276 ChicagoMom – Thanks for the link. I noticed “co-publish for the Christian book market” and “Palin signed the deal a few weeks ago in Barnett’s office”. Hmmmm.

  26. curiouser says:

    276 ChicagoMom Says:
    May 13th, 2009 at 9:58 AM
    I hope that Couric releases all the additional footage she must have. I’m sick of hearing how ‘out of context’ Sarah’s incomprehensible nonsense was.

    Maybe SP will watch the video this time. In John Zeigler’s ‘Sarah Palin — Media Malpractice’ interview, SP complained about the Couric inteview editing, etc. but admitted she never watched the interview videos.

    And we must remember, Palin never whines….she just tells it like it is.

  27. EatWildFish says:

    The “unfiltered” story – when Palin is filtering it?

    This will backfire badly when she has to defend what she puts in print — it will be full of contradictions.

    This book will mark the end of Sarah Palin as a politician.

    Sadly, in the meantime Alaska will continue to suffer from her neglect.

  28. ChicagoMom says:

    My apologies if someone has already posted this, but according to politico, she’s planning to go positive in praising McCain, and reserve her venom for Katie Couric. I hope that Couric releases all the additional footage she must have. I’m sick of hearing how ‘out of context’ Sarah’s incomprehensible nonsense was.

  29. BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin says:

    Ghost writer is a given. That will be the ONLY way to ‘translate’ the word salad to readable material.

    Just let her write the intro or preface page, IN HER OWN WORDS, and print them… WORD FOR WORD! That would pretty much set the tone for the believability of the REST of the book!

  30. London Bridges says:

    Title: “Bride of Chance, The Gardener”

    Chapter One:
    See Sarah!
    Chapter Two:
    See Todd!
    Chapter Three:
    See Sarah run!
    Chapter Four:
    See Todd’s Arctic Cat!

    Gee golly this is way easier than I thought it would be!

  31. austintx says:

    263 KallieinTexas Says:
    May 13th, 2009 at 9:38 AM
    Harper Collins will lose money on this one.
    Yup – News Corp. just throws it out the window. And in sarah’s case , flushes it down the toilet………..

  32. strangelet says:

    @268 sjk: Ha! Perfect observation.

  33. InJuneau says:

    sjk–yeah, my spouse keeps commenting about how NO other DEFEATED candidate (for anything) has ever continued to be so much in the news. End it already!

  34. EyeOnYou says:

    I think that the bottom line is that there is no possibility that this book will be actually written by Sarah Palin. It will be written by someone else who uses her stories to make a comprehensive book out of the jumbo word salad that is Sarah Palin’s thoughts and ideas.

    The book will be based on what she wants to say, but there is NO CHANCE that it will be in her words. You can take that to the bank!

  35. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    This has to be the longest 15 minutes of fame ever.

  36. Lilybart says:

    They will hire a great ghostwriter and she only wants to be famous so she will let them write the book and because no one will ever tell, she will claim it’s all hers and no one is legally allowed to challenge that. My husband is ghostwriting a book for a famous choreographer now. I l already told him he has to say NO if asked to do her book!!!

    Now it is true that IF she is smart, she will be positive, but that is NOT what she is hinting at. It will be as whiney as her publisher allows.

  37. KallieinTexas says:

    Harper Collins will lose money on this one.

  38. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    va_soccer_mom Says:
    “The Electric Kool-Aid Arctic Cat Test: Determining who will buy what you’re selling”

    LOVE IT!

  39. MichiganderBerta says:

    If she writes like she speaks, heaven help her copy editor!

  40. va_soccer_mom says:

    LOL!! Great submissions! Here’s mine:

    The Palin how-to series:

    “The One Minute Governor: Making time for your own agenda by governing without blinking”

    “Under the Banner of Alaska: Hiding your true motivations by abusing your state’s good name”

    “The Narcissist’s Dilemma: It’s all about me. No, ME!”

    “Into Thin Air: Clearing your administration of pesky whistleblowers and incriminating e-mails”

    “Into the Wild: A guide for managing blogs and the annoying anonymous pajama-clad blogging bloggers who write them”

    “The Electric Kool-Aid Arctic Cat Test: Determining who will buy what you’re selling”

  41. Marnie says:

    251 GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble Says:
    May 13th, 2009 at 9:01 AM
    Marnie Says:

    If she’s smart she’ll take a pass on the negative and stick to the positive.
    Now, Marnie, you know she’s never been found guilty of being smart.

    My version of the audacity of hope?

  42. curiouser says:

    242 Marnie Says:
    May 13th, 2009 at 8:26 AM
    How about a title
    “My Jesus can Whup Your Jesus Any Day.”


    “Jesus Loves You….But He Loves Me Best”

  43. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    “Drill Baby Drill.”
    “Drilling, Killing, and other Progress.”
    “Progress, Polar Bears and other unfiltered thoughts”
    “Gotcha…How the media made me mad”.
    “Candies? You betcha.”

  44. Marnie says:

    How about just
    “The Audacity: or I’ll Stop When a Judge Makes Me”

  45. AKMFan says:

    Two questions:

    1. When one is on duty 24/7, when exactly is “after hours?”

    2. Does the Dept of Law have the authority to tell someone that it’s ok to violate a state statute?

  46. Hobos are Us says:

    Title: Sarah’s Legal Fee Bailout – U betcha

  47. austintx says:

    Meghan “Kiss my fat ass” McCain alone , will kick sarah’s ass up one side and down the other. She will , bank on it.

  48. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Marnie Says:

    If she’s smart she’ll take a pass on the negative and stick to the positive.
    Now, Marnie, you know she’s never been found guilty of being smart.

  49. Marnie says:

    190 BJA Says:
    May 13th, 2009 at 3:35 AM
    I bet McCain is thrilled with this news. She’s gonna trash him and his entire campaign staff.

    Both are into revenge. And McCain has many powerful friends and decades of building political IOU’s and Palin has few. If she’s smart she’ll take a pass on the negative and stick to the positive.

  50. Martha says:

    I thought I would find a book title contest on “the flats” by now. This is my request in my form of cyber begging;

    Pullllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee AKM,

    can we have a Palin book title contest? Maybe, Snoskred and Char, would oversee the contest, just for the humour?


  51. UK Lady says:

    GINO must know that every single word (her own or not) in this book will be fact checked and analysed against everything she has done and said in the past.

    She will not dare to criticize McCain or anyone in his campaign because of the damage they could do to her.

    At some point somebody is going to decide they can make a lot of money from outing her.

    Once she stops being influential in Alaska and Alaskan politics they will all come out of the woodwork.

  52. Marnie says:

    Just a thought.
    Since Sarah tried to fire a librarian, I wonder how many libraries will buy the book.
    The publisher may give them freebies, though that’s not normal, and patrons may demand it, so it will probably end up on library shelves eventually. Wonder how many will put it on their next year’s budget.

  53. Marnie says:

    181 Jamie Says:
    May 13th, 2009 at 1:38 AM
    “Come on, guys, easy peasy. Didn’t this kind of happen to Dick “It’s not torture” Cheney while he was VP? I mean, didn’t they put any earnings he could make from Halliburton on hold during those 8 (very long)”

    Its all put in a blind trust established when they go into office. The blind trust is managed by a close associate or family member. So, its probably not all the “blind.”

  54. Bretta says:

    GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble Says:
    May 13th, 2009 at 6:35 AM
    I’ve got an idea – let sp write her book and y’all get a ‘ghost’ governor to finish out her term. I’m certain there are multitudes of folks who could do a better job of ‘progressing’ Alaska also.
    LMAO !!! Sure wish we could!! Also. Too.

  55. Andrea says:

    Absolutely, Also, Perhaps as Told by Sarah Palin

    Is there a penalty for working another job whilst governor, like the state gets half the money or some such thing?

  56. MissSunshine says:

    I look forward to a series of Palin-themed books:
    My Story: Sarah Palin
    My Story: I was Sarah Palin’s ghostwriter
    My Story: Levi Johnston
    My Story: How I held their feet to the fire by Rex Butler
    and many more stories to come….

  57. Marnie says:

    154 curiouser Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 10:30 PM

    “I’m expecting a religious testimonial type of book…glories to God and all.”

    I’m sure a lot of the book will be just that. Which will make the book all that much more sickening. Especially since her interpretation of the New Testament is at least as much of a jumbled of confused concept as the rest of her statements.
    How about a title
    “My Jesus can Whup Your Jesus Any Day.”

    I had relatives like that. They were forever say “How can _____say that about MY Jesus.”

  58. rebekkah says:

    Book title; “Sarah”: A Fish Story

  59. Ratfish says:

    I hear the book is tentatively titled “The Second Coming.”

    The questions is whether the publisher will require her to be truthful about 3 generations of Heath/Palins becoming pregnant prior to marriage, or whether they will allow Palin to perpetuate the myth that she “eloped” to spare her parents the expense of a wedding- instead of telling the truth- she was 6 weeks pregnant.

  60. Ratfish says:

    Speaking of 24/7, the governor was using that line to defend of from ethics charges- like living in her own house and getting per diem.

    Governor’s staff defends her expense claims

    Of course she still had to pay the IRS after the same staff said she was eligible for tax-free payments.

    Just as she had to repay the state for thousands of dollars of family travel that had nothing to do with state business.

  61. Bystander says:

    No time to look at prior links, but I am sure someone has revealed the working title: “The Audacity of a Dope” Subtitled: “More Truth and Wisdom from the Narcissistic Nitwit”.

  62. austintx says:

    Courtney , the entertainment maven on MSNBC , scoffed at the 11 mil. figure this am. Said her sources told her it was “much lower”.

  63. zyggy says:

    sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    May 13th, 2009 at 7:43 AM
    The Audacity of Nope

    lmao, great title.

  64. EyeOnYou says:

    Marnie Says:
    May 13th, 2009 at 7:05 AM
    She’s a control freak and does not like to delegate her control.

    Palin said the book won’t interfere with her duties as governor, and pointed out others have written books while in leadership positions. She said she won’t work on the book during state time and will be jotting down her thoughts “after hours.” Palin said she’s kept journals throughout much of her life that she will use for the book.

    “My journaling really ramped up when I found out that I was pregnant with Trig and then Track was going off to war and I found out Bristol was pregnant,” Palin said. “When we had those episodes in our lives come to the surface, it was very therapeutic for me.”

    I agree with much of what you have said. I think her idea of writing is a romanticized idea of her being able to take her “journals” and just use them along with her “note taking”, but I don’t think she has a clue as to how much of this book will depend on her not actually doing much of the writing at all, but having someone else do it for her. Her inability to speak in a clear and coherent way, and being unable to get her message out in clean and concise manner is one problem that she has and I am quite sure that this will be evident in her writing as well. I can just picture a “ghost writer” looking through her journals and rolling his/her eyes and pouring a bottle of aspirin down their throat knowing what is in store for them.

    I see one of two outcomes on this. She wants to do the majority of the writing herself, and therefore cannot make the deadline for the book to be ready for release next spring (because she does indeed have other duties to attend to), or she just finds that she is unable to write the book herself and ends up having the majority of it written by someone else, which will make it much more clear that she cannot do the job as Governor and write like plans on doing (after hours).

    Personally I think that the control freak part of her will make it difficult for her to accept someone else writing the majority of the book for her, but who knows what will happen.

  65. Canadian Neighbour says:

    No Carbs – No Calories – No Truth
    A Word Salad
    You Betcha!!

  66. greatgrammy1 says:

    Two more ethics complaints have now been removed. Why should she care about ethics complaints? She will be out of office before the real ones can be addressed. I’m thinking they are holding back on any that have merit so they won’t have say she has broken the law. Where are the missing emails?

  67. Marnie says:

    79 Dame Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 7:52 PM
    How is she possibly going to choose which of the Trig birth stories to use? With all her conflicting stories on so many topics, the book is going to look like a rubrics cube.

    Unless the ghost is very asidious in their research and editing we can look forward to months of disecting the “truths” in Sarah’s book.

    Could one hope that there are so many “alterations” of fact that the book might just be Sarah’s last bridge to nowhere.

  68. AKRaven says:

    I suggest “Where’s Sarah” the reader- or viewer- can try to find her in different towns throughout Alaska. Hey people can learn about alaskan geography!

  69. Ennealogic says:

    Book Titles (with apologies to G.I.Gurdjieff):

    All and Everything … About Me, Me and Me!
    Life Is Real Only Then When I Am in the Spotlight

  70. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    The Audacity of Nope!

  71. Candy Knight says:

    Come on, Mudflats; YOU write a Palin book. One that actually tells the truth, in all its sordid, twisted permutations, with your own inimitable humor. Please.

  72. Marnie says:

    I agree with the title “Pepper’s Mom” although I would amend that to “OK I’m Pepper’s Mom, but Who’s Pepper?”

    Anybody not yet read Bertold Brecht’s “Mother Courage.” Sarah is the main character, and without the excuse of being trapped inside the 30 Years War.

  73. tm68 says:

    Shannon Moore said in her article that she denied the 11 million. Is this accurate? Is she doing this book for free? If she doesn’t take the advance and just makes money off the sales, is that the same as employment? Or, is it the CONTRACT itself, regardless of compensation (although it says that specifically), what is at issue?

    How and when did the legislature “preapprove” this?

    My biggest problem is how she’s going to pull this off and still do her job here in less than a year. With her blizzard of words, it will be the size of War and Peace for godsake and that’s not easy to pull off in less than a year!

  74. Marnie says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    Someone please explain to me how she is going to manage to do this kind of labor intensive work on a book AND govern the state at the same time?

    A lot of celeb books are ghost written. There are extensive interviews of the “author” by the real author. Much. particularly for politicians, is gleaned from appointment books, and notes taken at meetings often by a staff member, meeting agendas, notes jotted down about conversations with other pols, lobbyists, etc. All filed and organized and cross referenced for easy access.

    So much will depend on how well Sarah and or her staff have kept memo, notes, letters, emails etc. And a lot of that depends on how anal she and her staff have been about those types of things.
    And how willing she will be to allow access to them.
    She’s a control freak and does not like to delegate her control.

    Based on the way she talks it doesn’t strike me that Sarah has done any organized research or professional level writing in her life, so she may not realize what kind of time and discipline is involved, even if she personally does not write a single word of the book.

    I can easily see Carter, Gore, Chaney, Rove wetting multiple books as they are already articulate, organized and disciplined. Probably most of their day to day professional memos, letters etc are already at a professional level, and their staff are probably also very professional in their duties as well.

  75. Greytdog Δ says:

    Wonder if she’ll have Piper peddle this for her? Maybe Bristol will write an accompanying book – How Abstinence Gave Me a Baby and a GED

  76. zyggy says:

    I think, “Liars, and Bloggers and Bears Oh My” would be a good title. And Palin will write the first sentence, My name is Sarah,…….. and the rest by a ghost writer.

  77. EyeOnYou says:

    “Legal Smegal ~The Palin story ”
    “Sarah Palin on those Misperceptions”

  78. Lee323 says:

    “Malice in Wonderland”

    ” O, Babble On!”

  79. aha says:

    Book is going to be called:

    Knocking On Heaven’s Door


    God Called I Answered: Whoops I Got Punked It Was Those Canadians, Again

  80. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    I’ve got an idea – let sp write her book and y’all get a ‘ghost’ governor to finish out her term. I’m certain there are multitudes of folks who could do a better job of ‘progressing’ Alaska also.

  81. Marnie says:

    10 bucks says she misses the manuscript dead line – assuming she is doing the writing, corrections and rewrites.

    Oh, just a teeninie point. Who is being mother to her children? Or don’t they matter as much as the money and ego trip?

  82. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Sorry if a repost.

    Shannyn on the book

  83. aussiegal77 says:

    SIGH. Well, I expect she will use this whole book thing and subsequent tour to cement her national presence. Which means we won’t be able to swing a cat without something Palin. UGH. Thanks John McCain…..

    Book title……..I can’t think of one at the moment. My brain has crashed at the thought of Palin….writing….a book…..when she clearly doesn’t know how to either write or read or comprehend any written word.

    Good luck to the editors. Hint: Search for the word “Also” – it’s probably where all the grammatical errors are centered around.

  84. EyeOnYou says:

    BigPete ~ THANK YOU for that link! I laughed my butt off reading that.

    “In fairness to my family, this is going be a good opportunity for them, too, because there have been so many misperceptions out there about who we are and what we believe in, and I’m excited to get to put my journalism degree to work and tell my story as it relates to my family

    Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…..there had better be one heck of a good writer helping her.

  85. Largo says:

    tell my story unrestrained and unfiltered>

    lie straight faced.

  86. BigPete says:

    Anonymous blogosphere world.

    The quote in The Miami Herald included the ‘bodacious blogosphere’. The ADN wouldn’t be editing Palin’s pronouncements, would it?

    “There’s been so much written about and spoken about in the mainstream media and in the anonymous blogosphere world, that this will be a wonderful, refreshing chance for me to get to tell my story, that a lot of people have asked about, unfiltered.”

  87. DonnaInMichigan says:

    Ok…So Sarah Palin is still living in her house, still charging per diems to stay in her house, while being governor. So essentially, she is still being paid…..and she plans on writing this book on her “own time”??

  88. let it run says:

    She’s a voracious reader? Who’d a thunk it? Back of cereal boxes perhaps but come oooonnnn!!!!

    Strategically it may be a good plan and a sign that she knows she won’t win re-election and the VP dream is now a nightmare….I will take this as a good sign. The book will land in the dollar bins and I will buy it.

  89. Hobos are Us says:

    Is Harper Collins going to buy her & the family clothes for the book tour?

  90. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    So, now she’s going to need a PAY BACK THE PUBLISHER Pac when she fails to produce?

  91. txdemocrat says:

    I’m thinking that if Levi is going to put any kind of book out, he needs to start scribbling NOW, so he, too, can have a March 2010 book published. Maybe he and Sarah can do their book tours together…how cozy would THAT be. You know she will have Bristol and Tripp with her, anyway. This way it can be one big happy family book tour!
    I can see it now…HIS book being #1 seller on Amazon, her’s….to the 70% off page within a week, # 2,457 on the seller list!

  92. KJ in NC says:

    Just for fun I checked Amazon for Joe the Plumber’s book (reduced to $17.23) and found the Sarah book by Johnson selling for $0.01 plus $3.99 s/h. I shop Amazon all the time and have never seen a book that cheap.

    It certainly says something when shipping and handling costs more than the book. Maybe Harper Collins should take a second look at their investment. But on the other hand, I vote that Sarah will never be able to work with anyone long enough to actually produce something. The story line will be that she was too busy being an outstanding public official for Alaska to spend her precious time collaborating on a book. Too and also.

  93. Madeline says:

    Palin is not planning on being governor after 2010, she’s going to use the book tour to run for president. It worked for Obama, she thinks it’ll work for her.

  94. Hobos are Us says:

    Palin said, “I really look forward to promoting the book. My goal of course is to have a best seller.”

    Oh of course, we only expect the best from marvelously, multi-talented Sarah. Surely, she’s more talented than Walt Whitman. There’s a Pulitzer award with her name on it.

  95. lacoov says:

    Pat the Palin-a touch and feel book!

  96. Geneva FreeSpeech says:

    The words will be short, the sentences (or rather word clumps) will be long, and the bits of truth will be well hidden.

    The Chicken Soup series is taken. Maybe she could start the Moose Nugget series.

    Moose Nuggets for the Grifter Soul
    Moose Nuggets for the Moonlighting Soul
    Moose Nuggets from the Campaign Trail
    The Moose Nugget Cookbook

    …may Brian forgive me…

  97. EyeOnYou says:

    “Sarah…without the filter of the MSM and those lying pj clad anonymous bloggers in their parents basements…MY way. “

  98. austintx says:

    199 Ripley in CT Says:
    May 13th, 2009 at 4:08 AM
    Austintx. Excellent post above, too also. However, I suspect that word won’t be on the cover of any books…. Although, with a decent Sharpie, it just might… .HEHEHE
    OH !! – You and your Sharpie comment got me thinkin’…….little stickers…….Caution: Contains Word Salad.

  99. Ripley in CT says:

    and my bet: the title will have something to do with either God or a door opening.

  100. Ripley in CT says:

    Austintx. Excellent post above, too also. However, I suspect that word won’t be on the cover of any books…. Although, with a decent Sharpie, it just might… .HEHEHE

  101. austintx says:

    196 Ripley in CT Says:
    May 13th, 2009 at 4:02 AM
    Not just turning the book around on the shelf.. but placing it in the “self help” section, right next to any book that mentions a personality disorder.
    I’m putting it right next to any book that mentions this :

  102. austintx says:

    190 BJA Says:
    May 13th, 2009 at 3:35 AM
    I bet McCain is thrilled with this news. She’s gonna trash him and his entire campaign staff.
    Hey – Great point !! Then they will be on every show calling her a liar , and she will have to come forward to refute what they say. No Meg to do the talking. sarah will HAVE to finally come out to talk. Dang – that aspect of this circus could be some real fun !! sarah saying one thing – everyone else saying the opposite………hahahahaha !!!

  103. Ripley in CT says:

    Not just turning the book around on the shelf.. but placing it in the “self help” section, right next to any book that mentions a personality disorder.

  104. austintx says:

    UK Lady Says:
    May 13th, 2009 at 1:12 AM
    No way is GINO running for guv again, it’s been plain that she is completely bored with Alaska and a job that turned out to be harder and not as much fun as she expected, especially now her feet are being held to the fire.

    She has seen Paris folks!

    Alaskans were a stepping stone, well consider yourselves stepped on and done with, as is the MO of madam smacky lips.
    Yup Yup – sarah will collect her spoils and depart. Never was Alaskan , never will be. Oh – lips you say ……..warning: comments are brutal and nasty.

  105. RLS says:

    One correction, Joe the Plumber’s book: Joe the Plumber: Fighting for the American Dream is already out. Maybe the race is now who gets to the Remainder Bins the fastest, so Sarah still has a chance to win that one.

  106. John(Canadian MudPuppy) says:

    I would bet my entire months income that she will not be writing this herself. Palin majored in journalism but is there any evidence that she ever wrote anything of substance.The lack of ability to even pen a complete sentence proves she does not have what it takes to be a writer.I can just picture this book.God Almighty, the woman makes a mockery of the english language. Or am I missing something here? Maybe its Sarah’s way of inventing her own. She and her brood would be the only ones who can understand the “Palinese language.”

    My choice for title would be, “God and Me, You betcha” by Sarah Palin.
    Anyone reading it with any intelligence , it should make the dust bin by the end of the first chapter.

  107. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    why does she need a legal fund now? unless the book is gonna be that bad!

  108. anon blogger says:

    Wonder if those panhandling monies paid Thomas Van Flein’s fees for contract negotiations, as well.

  109. BJA says:

    I bet McCain is thrilled with this news. She’s gonna trash him and his entire campaign staff.

  110. anon blogger says:

    AKM…messed up with an error…trying again

    Quite funny actually, ol’ GINO probably collected the monies to pay for all those attorneys fees by panhandling before signing any contract so she does not have to pay for anything out of her own pocket. Yep, that would be my guess. Wonder if any donor now feels taken for a ride? Bankruptcy, indeed!

    “The Palin Story: Lies, Lies and More Lies” or “Damn Those Pajama Bloggers”

    Hobos are us #186….

    I agree. Alaskans should recall this GINO!

  111. Paula says:

    She’s going to write much of the book herself… then I say about 62 editors! I certainly hope she isn’t going to mention those kids, using her journalism degree and all would mean they’re off limits, right?

  112. anon blogger says:

    Quite funny actually, ol’ GINO probably collected the monies to pay for all those attorneys fees by panhandling before signing any contract so she does not have to pay for anything out of her own pocket. Yep, that would be my guess. Wonder if any donor now feels taken for a ride? Bankruptcy, indeed!

    “The Palin Story: Lies, Lies and More Lies” or “Damn Those Pajama Bloggers”

  113. Paula says:

    My son emailed me with the book news and this comment (thought you’d all enjoy the idea): “If you didn’t know already, thought you might be interested. I say we wait until the book comes out, take the copies in the book store and hide them behind encyclopedias.”

  114. Hobos are Us says:

    Don’t look for others to do what you can do. At this late date, there should at least be a recall petition. Her governance (or lack there of) is all about Sarah. Since she assumed office all she has done is try to figure how she can use the position as a stepping stone to advance herself and obtain more power and money.

  115. TiredMom says:

    arghhhhh….. I just threw up a little in my mouth reading her words

  116. DrChill says:

    strangelet Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 11:26 PM

    I’m afraid I have to agree with sauerkraut that she can get away with it, both because of the First Amendment argument, but more immediately because of the language of the act. …

    Subsection (c) is at once tighter and looser than subsection (a). It’s tighter because it prohibits any employment; but it’s looser because it prohibits any employment. Anyone who has ever worked as an “independent contractor” knows that the IRS, for example, has a large body of rules and case law that try to distinguish between being an “employee” and being a “contractor”. Writing a book would definitely be non-employee, hence it’s not “employment”, hence it’s not a violation.

    That may be right. The wording in A ) compensation for services, and in c) ’employment’, may not restrict her ‘self employment.’
    As you said she’s like a contractor, not an employee of Harper Collins.
    However that makes her self-employed- .(Probably)

    So the question is,
    Does this book deal make her self employed, and is self-employment the ‘outside employment’ that is forbidden in the ethics law?

  117. NY Dem says:

    I bet she plans on taking 10% of that $11,000,000 and donating it to the thousands of Alaskans living in rural villages so they won’t be hungry and cold this winter !

    And if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge that spans the Hudson River for sale, cheap !

  118. Actongue says:

    AOL Book poll
    Poll Results
    Are you likely to read Palin’s book?

    No 69%
    Yes 31%

    Do you think she will run for president in 2012?
    No 53% 1,719
    Yes 47%

    My guess about half of them will be reading it for the Novelty of it

    Since it is in Sarah’s Words we know that there will be a ton of lies.

  119. RedMountain says:

    “Think Like a Baby, Act Like you’re Crazy”

    Having had my little bit of fun with the title I would like to say that I see nothing wrong with her writing a book. It is something many politicians do including our President. If Alaska ethics rules say no, they need to be changed. Also, I believe writing a book is generally considered self-employment, not working for someone else. Just my opinion.

  120. Actongue says:

    We all knew this was going to happen (unless the Courts tell her it can not happen )

    Needles to say C4P are cheering and here is one post i found of Interest on her Popularity in Alaska


    I posted this in the open thread, but in case you didn’t see it I think this story is important because it’s contrary to what the Alaska media wants us to see:

    Crowds embrace Gov. Palin:
    End Quote
    At Lookout Park, Palin’s own video crew filmed her on a makeshift stage surrounded by veterans, American flags, and red-white-and-blue banners. About 200 residents crowded around the shelter there.

    I wonder how a Crowd of 200 Residents plus the film crew and media and the ones being honoured makes her Popular?

    Popular would be upwards to 750 or so

    200 equates to laughable

  121. IB Wilde says:

    Book title: Palindrone.

  122. Jamie says:

    Come on, guys, easy peasy. Didn’t this kind of happen to Dick “It’s not torture” Cheney while he was VP? I mean, didn’t they put any earnings he could make from Halliburton on hold during those 8 (very long) years so there would be no conflict of interest? All Ms. P has to do is have them hold off on paying her anything until she is no longer Gov, then she can claim that she isn’t gettin’ paid, so nothing illegal is goin’ on!

  123. UK Lady says:

    No way is GINO running for guv again, it’s been plain that she is completely bored with Alaska and a job that turned out to be harder and not as much fun as she expected, especially now her feet are being held to the fire.

    She has seen Paris folks!

    Alaskans were a stepping stone, well consider yourselves stepped on and done with, as is the MO of madam smacky lips.

  124. aha says:

    How to Use Alaska’s Energy Resources with a special section on drilling

    1. Five Wells Later: Being Drilled by First Dud The Joys of Deep Well Exploration
    2. Wise Use of State Resources: Gushering Free Family Travel Benefits
    3. Energy Efficient Housing: Tapping Into Sports Stadium Designing
    4. Maximum Security: Efficient State Police Configuration
    5. Communication Exploration: Research and Development of Private email systems.
    6. Being Governor Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry.
    7. Bloggers, Haters, and PJ Players: Piper Pipes Up

  125. Scorpie says:

    I am normally not up this late (3:50am), and a strange little thought ran through my mind. Is it within the realm of possibility that GINO might resign her office and allow the Lt. Governor to take over? That would solve the ethical problem. Anyway, just wondering.

  126. Irishgirl says:

    All I can say is OMG.

  127. Joyce says:

    So, this is going to be fiction, right? Which one of her personal stories is Palin going to tell – she has so many stories. We have to admit, she is a storyteller, and, frankly, I think she actually believes all those stories she tells. She screws up because she has told so many different stories on one subject or another, that she can’t keep her stories straight anymore. If she writes like she talks or thinks – then she better get that money up front, otherwise she will be paying the publisher to publish the book.

    Also, this book news might explain why the First Dud has been going around Wasilla saying he’s renting a house next door to their house for some famous person who is going to be staying there for six months. I figure it is either the FOX news lady with the crooked mouth, who seems to be in awe over the First Dud, or, possibly someone who is going to put Palin’s notes together, to try to write a book. With a lot of photos, she might be able to stretch it to 150 pages.

    Palin is not a person of interest, nor is she a celebrity or a humanitarian; she and her family are a sideshow – a novelty.

    Of course, Van Flein is pushing the book so he can get paid. I’m sure his fees are way over a 500 grand by now. By the end of the year she should be owing him a million.

  128. Amereurocan says:

    The book will be empty just like her head.

  129. Impeach_Palin says:

    Titles for the “book”:

    Sarah Palin: The Worst Mistake Alaska ever Made

    Sarah Palin: How Christian Fundamentalist Idiocy is Just Wrong

  130. Muppet2 says:

    Book title?
    Never blinked

    (but should have). bwaaaaaa

  131. BigSlick,

    I voted “yes.” There are now three “No’s,” so there isn’t any evidence of “skewing” so far.

  132. BigSlick says:

    Phil, polls are getting skewed by the “Others” these days….just sayin’….

  133. Also, my post links to my November 2008 DailyKos diary called “What Shall We Title Sarah Palin’s Book?”


  134. I’ve just written a post about this at Progressive Alaska. Also, I posted a poll:

    Should Alaska’s Governor Be Able to Sign a Contract to Write a Book While in Office?

  135. Super Bee says:

    Loved the greens Rubber Room Hotel. That’s great, it’s the quintessential Palin word salad I’d expect to find in a book written by her.

  136. strangelet says:

    Outstanding titles. Undoubtedly this comment thread is far more entertaining than the book will be.

    I’m afraid I have to agree with sauerkraut that she can get away with it, both because of the First Amendment argument, but more immediately because of the language of the act. Under the subsection (a), she can argue that writing a “memoir” — on her own time — is not incompatible with performing her official duties. Despite Billy Mac’s 24/7 blather, politicians are generally considered to have some personal time, just like anybody else. If the writing is not incompatible with performing her duties, she can be compensated for it.

    Subsection (c) is at once tighter and looser than subsection (a). It’s tighter because it prohibits any employment; but it’s looser because it prohibits any employment. Anyone who has ever worked as an “independent contractor” knows that the IRS, for example, has a large body of rules and case law that try to distinguish between being an “employee” and being a “contractor”. Writing a book would definitely be non-employee, hence it’s not “employment”, hence it’s not a violation.

    Like sauerkraut said, please don’t hate me.

    Now, there are a couple of possible twists. One would be if there was evidence (from floor speeches, legislative testimony, etc.) that the intent of the Legislature was that the “employment” referred to in (c) really meant any remuneration for services rendered, it might be possible to argue for that interpretation. But who’s gonna do that, the Personnel Board?

    Possibly more interesting: we know that GINO is not going to write this book herself. She is probably going to have to communicate pretty extensively with her “collaborator” if her collaborator is to have any hope of understanding anything she writes. We might keep an eye out for meetings, phone conferences, and the like. Being Gino, she may think that taking a few hours here and there to work on the book is the same as taking off afew hours to go shopping, but it isn’t, because she’s getting paid for the book.

    Anyhow, also, too.

  137. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Maverick vs. Boggers in PJ’s and the MSN ,The truth about being the Governor of Alaska and the view of Russia and also VP candidate about being mishandled too though and how to field dress a moose and make chili and abstinence in this great country with a door to walk through also too, pitbull hockey mom up there in Alaska and lipstick while we drill baby drill.

    And for the dust cover a winking SP.

    Oh I hope flyinyoureye will have fun with that.

  138. mt says:

    what a waste of trees! gads. I wont buy it or even borrow it from the library she cant even speak clearly.

  139. How to be a Scientology Tool – Sarah Palin in her own words.

    Alaska On My Trail.

    The Failed Christian.

    Chuck, Track, Trig & Todd.

    The Study Of A Fraud In Heels.

    ….well…. Im not sure of the title, but there will be a chapter on bloggers and haters there also, and again, energy and God and open doors and the pain of having been kicked through it also.

  140. BigSlick says:

    Sarah is counting changing the subject when it suits her and keeping her “buzz” going until she can run in 2012.

    She is the ultimate Troll.

  141. Lee323 says:

    Palin’s new book title:

    ‘When Bad Things Happen to Really, Really Good People”

    …wherein the reader is subjected to 152 1/2 pages of whining, finger-pointing, and blaming.

    Highlights include:
    -liberal media “gotcha journalism” tactics against really, really good people;
    -why Katie Couric is going to hell;
    -the scourge of pajama-clad bloggers and their annoying lies;
    -why the election was lost and it wasn’t because of a really, really good person;
    -how Bristol became pregnant by mistake and coercion by a dead-beat-dad-boy who lies and chases fame and fortune by exploiting really, really good people;
    -what 3 days of unremitting hard labor to bring forth the fruit of her loins while catching airplanes and giving speeches really, really feels like;
    -where the $180,000 of RNC clothing really are and why it’s not her fault, any of it;
    -how ethics complaints filers are trying to ruin her life with their outrageous claims that have no foundation in fact because she is a really, really good person and it’s not her fault;
    -why really, really good people don’t have to be smart to be president;
    -A whole chapter dedicated to how you, too, also, can send money to this good person because you know it’s not her fault and good persons need lots of shoes in the End Times…..

  142. shilo442 says:

    Gino’s book deal will ( might) make her money………………… After that GINO has nothing.

  143. vena45 says:

    SP will always be stupid in my book no matter what kind of title she tolds as governor.

  144. Alaskan says:

    I despise Palin and always have, but writing a book isn’t at all the same thing as “having a paying job”. There’s nothing unethical about a book deal.

    Other than that I think the Norwegian Blue has it right on.

  145. honestyinGov says:

    Professor Geezer Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 10:32 PM

    @ds55: virtual high five! We can stop this new Palin book, one book turning at a time! 🙂
    Just another idea to your’s….if you are going to pick it up, You might as well make sure it belongs in the ‘Fiction’ section as well.

  146. curiouser says:

    #148 Martha Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 10:21 PM

    I think her new book will be called………SO THERE!

    With a big raspberry on the cover.

  147. Professor Geezer says:

    @ds55: virtual high five! We can stop this new Palin book, one book turning at a time! 🙂

  148. ds55 says:

    @ Professor Geezer #148 – I’ve turned books backwards on a store shelf. I’ve also picked up a book, as if to purchase it, then accidentally on purpose ‘misplaced’ it somewhere else in the store. Like the toilet cleanser shelf.

  149. curiouser says:

    Hysterical post, AKM! Clever, witty mudpuppy comments!

    Unclever/unwitty comments follow:
    I’m expecting a religious testimonial type of book…glories to God and all. Focus on the Family will be buying thousands of books. (Wondering if any of her kids will ever question how God could be approving all the lies, misrepresentations and exaggerations. Or, maybe, I missed ‘the end justifies the means’ Bible passage.)

    If anyone files an ethics complaint, Palin’s personnel board will find a way around the ethics act and dismiss the complaint. No matter how distracted she becomes from her governing duties, I doubt the legislators will bother to hold her accountable with only one legislative session left in her term.

    It will be interesting to see if the book deal impacts contributions to the PAC and trust. She will not have any out-of-pocket taxes to pay from the trust, unlike from the book earnings. Hmmm….with distributions from the trust and the book deal, she’s probably not worrying about taxes or any other expenses. Guess we’ll have to wait until next year’s financial disclosure form to find out how much she’s earning. It’s possible she’ll spread the book deal payments out.

    Just hoping the true story comes out some day and she’ll leave public life for good.

  150. Gramiam says:

    Deb, Count me in on that PAC. That sounds like something we lower 48ers can get behind. My check writing finger is already itching.!!

  151. ds55 says:

    Publishers still have deadlines, don’t they? The GINO can’t meet deadlines.

  152. Professor Geezer says:

    I vow to turn the cover around of any copy of this Palin book that I see in any bookstore throughout the country in 2010. I do this all the time with Ann Coulter books, and I did it with the Johnson bio book on Palin throughout the nation during the campaign. I especially did it every time I was in Dulles and BWI.

    (Here’s how it works. You slyly turn the book so the back cover faces front as you browse. It attracts less attention that way and sales go down. It also may annoy bookstore employees somewhat later, but no one has ever complained to me.)

  153. Tidelines says:

    And her previous denial of a book deal is right up there with “….I don’t even know what the vice-president DOES…” Hey, do you think all those contributors to her legal defense fund might want some of their money returned? I mean, now that she has a big paycheck dangling out there? Do you think MAYBE that paycheck might retire her ambitions to run for a second term? We can only hope.

  154. Martha says:

    Lee323 Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 9:03 PM
    Palin….unrestrained and unfiltered???

    Didn’t we already see that episode in front of the bloody turkey chipper thingy last November?
    Do you mean as in “Silence of the Turkeys”?

    I think her new book will be called………SO THERE!

  155. Lisabeth says:

    Deb go for it!lots of us can help in some way once its established. This is exactly what has to happen.

  156. Deb says:

    I am going to bed. I have tomorrow off…and then 4 workdays left before my “vacation”. Thank you mudflats, for always keeping me updated on the weird politics of Alaska. I had read about Palin’s book deal in a brief new story earlier and then immediately came here because I knew i could get the “down and dirty”. Keep up the good work, AKM! Other than the fact that I think this woman and her “ilk” are disastrous for this great country of ours (plus the fact that I value proper use of our LANGUAGE), I have no idea why I continue to be so adamant about finding and revealing the truth about this woman to every one I know! But,I always come back to Mudflats for the “pulse” of that information.

  157. Professor Geezer says:


  158. Lainey says:

    It would be a worthwhile summer to figure out how to show the opposition that this woman faces.
    how about simple signatures on a recall petition?
    I would move to AK just to sign it. 🙂

  159. Deb says:

    @ seattlefan….very good point. I have read Obama’s books and have listened to him speak and yet there are still those who point the finger at his books and say he could not have written this. (I even read one “literary critque” who said it was Bill Ayers who wrote Obama’s books!) True literary analysis goes beyond “gotcha” and would find the flaws in the writing (beyond editing).

  160. Deb says:

    Lisabeth- I have the summer off. It would be a worthwhile summer to figure out how to show the opposition that this woman faces.

  161. Lainey says:

    she may not ever really “get” that. Sad, huh?
    I suspect she never will, but to be honest…(and a little insensitive) you get what you deserve.

  162. Lisabeth says:

    Deb that is a very good idea. I have seen it suggested but no one has done it. I think you could accomplish a great deal. I am not convinced that our comments on blogs change much, Yes we inform people but maybe more is needed. A PAC could do many different things.

  163. Juneau says:

    She’ll whine all the way to the bank with her moneylode from

  164. seattlefan says:

    Here’s a thought….once the “ghost writer” does his/her job, it will be a matter of time before he/she writes the tell all. This woman will never get away with a memoir… way! The truth will come out. It might take time, but it will come out.

    Oh, and BTW, anything in this book that is coherent will be suspect in my mind because she is not capable of speaking coherently, much less writing coherently.

    Good luck on that memoir Palin!!! You will be the laughing stock of the literary world. (Not to mention the press, who will analyze each and every word your ghost writer puts down.)

  165. Priceless says:

    Ah, let her write her widdle bookie. Toddy hates to have to hold down a REAL job to support the family, they’ll need the cash when their second grandchild – Abstence (abby for short) is born next year, and it will will keep the rednecks busy sounding out the words for a few years. Besides, how many pages could it REALLY be? 12, max?

  166. mhrt says:

    @ Lori in Los Angeles Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 8:58 PM

    I do not care if she makes millions off the word salad book – if it gets her off the political stage and onto faux news where she belongs, I am all for it.
    I agree with with you..

  167. mlaiuppa says:

    So *that’s* what that phone call was all about.

    Carrie Prejean has agreed to ghost write it for Palin.

  168. the norwegian blue says:

    Following up on the previous comment about the happy Rupert Murdoch family of Fox & HarperCollins, this jumped out at me from the AP interview:

    “The book will be co-released by the HarperCollins imprint Harper and, for the Christian market, by the HarperCollins-owned Zondervan, which publishes “The Purpose Driven Life” author Rick Warren, among others.”

    Whatever substance and structure there is to SP’s intellect is drawn from her lifelong immersion in the Wasilla Assembly of God and its teachings. It’s not the “journalism” degree, it’s not the brush with “politics” or “celebrity” or even “Alaska” that inform her worldview. Her drive to be heard, pure and free from any MSM, stems from this fundamentalist soup of witchcraft and Rapture. Her enormous self-confidence and obliviousness to temporal rules of law were forged in the fires of these endtimes convictions. If she’s really writing in her own words, that’s all there is. That’s why she disdains mere governing, why the speeches — to those of us outside the anointed few — are so muddled.

    And that religious fervor, poor ghostwriters, is what you will have to tweak into the familiar memes of GOP ambition and family values to sell her with any credibility at all. Separation of church and state — good luck with that. I think this “book” will be a big chunka voodoo with a thin veneer of “what I, governor of this great state of Alaska, really told Bristol about Levi sleeping over” —

  169. Deb says:

    After reading comments about her at KOS and wonk, does anyone know technicalities about creating a PAC? Would love to see a PAC called “Say NO to Sarah” funding going to oppose ANY political campaign she may enter in the future. There are obviously enough of us, in Alaska, and beyond, who would donate to such a PAC. Anyone??? I’ll do the “legwork” to set it up even. If she can create a PAC, surely there are avenues open to create a PAC to oppose her???

  170. BooBooBear says:

    She may end up filthy rich but she needs to remember that her time on earth is but a blink of an eye…..and her eternity in Hell is a very long time. Her lies will follow her there. That is payback enough for me.

  171. Deb says:

    dunno writing….but do I smell ethics complaint #14???

  172. I saw this in the AP article – “Under the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act, the governor and any head of a state agency are prohibited from having outside employment. But the book deal would fall under another provision of the act outlining outside services for a financial benefit. ” What provision is that?

  173. Deb says:

    as I wrote “anonymously” over at wonkette…”memoirs” are typically written at the END of ones career…….LOVE LOVE LOVE that she is indicating that is NOW!!!!

  174. honestyinGov says:

    I saw this one on Daily Kos…. “Yu Betcha Life”.

    Or something like “Tina Fey- How ‘ I ‘ made her Famous”

  175. mlaiuppa says:

    “You betcha I wrote this book, also.”

  176. Deb says:

    excellent post, woodstove

  177. Deb says:

    @ Lainey….she may not ever really “get” that. Sad, huh?

  178. Lainey says:

    I ‘betcha’…even in her little twisted mind, she never in a million years thought that her fame would become her infamy.

  179. Wolfe Tone says:

    Who’s ghost writing this bombshell?
    Mr. I’m Much Smarter™ than YOU Mike Doogan?

  180. woodstove says:

    Even if not one intelligent person buys the book, it can still make the best sellers list. There is no end to ignorance in America. Can the Republic base read? We know they can’t spell. Will they have the spare money laying around to splurge on a copy? Sooner or later the Republic base will realize that it is not guns and God and gays or high taxes on rich people that is preventing them from putting food on the table. And when the edumacated and union Republic base figure out that their 401K is the biggest tax that they pay and it goes right in the pockets of the people they so desperately want to be like, it will be too late…….BTW insurance companies are the worst form of Communism ever and if you haven’t noticed they are at this moment trying like hell to keep themselves off of the endangered species list. And for all the idiots out there crying about America becoming Socialist, well Socialism is the only thing that has kept Capitalism alive for the last 30 years. The only catch is that it is that we have borrowed and continue to borrow what the rich should be contributing to provide the essential services we all need to survive. And yet as we sit eating next Thursday’s lunch today we still expect there will be lunch next Thursday.

  181. Deb says:

    AND………. if it really is “in her own words”….I look forward to using it as a text for my middle school students to correct in an editing exercise!

  182. Impeach_Palin says:

    Title I’d like to see someday [with files from AKM, Andree Mcleod, Shannyn Moore, Phil Munger, etc.]: GRIFTER GOVERNOR – THE RISE AND FALL OF SARAH PALIN. A book I look forward to buying.

  183. yellerdogg says:

    I have no doubt that the book will feature Sarah’s own words (per Bill Bennett). It’s the arrangement of those words into sentences that will belong to others.

  184. Deb says:

    Jus’ goes to show you the little witch really does understand “gotcha journalism”. Just sayin….

  185. yardwork says:

    If she were to actually write it herself the book would be just one egregiously long run-on sentence.

  186. Lee323 says:

    Palin….unrestrained and unfiltered???

    Didn’t we already see that episode in front of the bloody turkey chipper thingy last November??

  187. Cynamen Winter says:

    I suppose the “twittering” experiment is not yielding the response that she was wagering on…so this is part C of her master’s plan for relevance in 2010-12. I presume that the Coale train is devising the strategy and Van Feign is the head puppeteer.

  188. MinNJ says:

    She’s ( Greta) is the one behind the deal and her husband put it in writing:, therefore, she’s with him. Money and a deal, and this was a done deal so long ago. Sex? I don’t think so. Money makes peole do strange things, but unlike politics, you never go with what’s against you.

  189. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    I do not care if she makes millions off the word salad book – if it gets her off the political stage and onto faux news where she belongs, I am all for it.

  190. Dame says:

    Thanks AustinTX, that was fun, daily Kos has one going to. I hope there is a central site or page that is devoted to titles. This could be so fun.

  191. Enjay in Eastern MT says:

    This will almost guarantee that she will not run for 2nd Term –

  192. pvazwindy says:

    austintx-maybe Rex will start swinging this coming Monday. Sherry’s court date.

  193. AlaskaDisasta says:

    “How to Spin Friends and Influence Sheeple”

  194. AlaskaDisasta says:

    “An Idaho Spud in King Salmon’s Court”

  195. Professor Geezer says:

    How can Sarah Heath Palin “tell the Alaska story”? Sarah Heath is from Idaho.

  196. Martha says:

    Folks in AK are pretty hot on other blogs about Palin “telling the real Alaskan story” They want bumper stickers saying “Palin does not speak for me”

    Of all and any Alaskan, Palin is the one to Tell the Alaskan story?? I wonder if she can spell or comprehend “hubris”

    Talk about a hornets nest!

  197. austintx says:

    94 PalinSucks Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 8:21 PM
    You think the Palin’s & Greta and creepy ass husband are swapping partners?
    I’m one sick puppy , but that’s a hard visual to wrap my mind around.

  198. AlaskaDisasta says:

    “Sadie and First Dud’s Excellent Adventure”

    “The Apprenticeship of First Duddy’s Grab Ass”

  199. PalinSucks says:

    Guys vote here.

    Online Poll

    How would you rate the state’s response to recently flooded Alaska communities?
    Excellent Adequate
    Inadequate Poor

  200. MinNJ says:

    No. This is money at it most wretching worst. Denial Denali: more stories from the flood and the frozen.

    She makes me sick and always has.

  201. austintx says:

    89 Lori in Los Angeles Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 8:14 PM
    Harper Collins is owned by News Corp. who also owns Fox News. Methinks her book promo will be done on Fox and ONLY Fox and the buyers will be her base. GINO will take the money and run – but I do not think she will run for Gov. again. Bye GINO.
    Ah-h-h………..ok , did not know that about Harper Collins. Makes sense now. Stupid. But I get it. And yeah – I think you are right about not running. She’s grabbing for everything she can get her grubby hands on……….

  202. The Right Reverend says:

    seattlefan Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 7:18 PM
    Don’t you just know she is probably reading this thread and all the others that are out there now? Hah! She won’t get a wink of sleep tonight. BTW, “in her own words….? Yep, we will wait and see. If she truly does use her own words, the world will know also, too.

    Seattlefan, here’s hoping you’re right. Palin, here’s a message you must read.
    Palin, the nation is on to you. This is not the 80s, 90s, or even the early millenials (OK, I know that’s not a word). Nothing you say or do can be hidden so easily anymore. At any other time in the past, a politician’s corruption could be hidden, but that’s not the case in the Information Age. Everything you’ve done so far WILL be brought to light should you decide to run for higher office. So if seattlefan is right and you are reading this thread, read this: you have no hope, no future, no crack in the door. This is bigger than Alaska. The world knows you now and they don’t like what they see. You’ve proven you refuse to find any fault within yourself (as any adult would), nor any reason to see why you should act within the rule of law. You want to polish your image, when what’s really needed is for you to remake yourself. You refuse to mature. You refuse to grow. You refuse to do what is necessary to be a responsible leader, and worse than that, you cannot see it. I pity you, as do we all. Bottom line: you cannot be allowed to go any further politically. Be happy with what you have now, because you will have no more. You can write a book, but everything… EVERYTHING you’ve done so far that you wish to gloss over or omit has been recorded, and will continue to be recorded. And it will be on full display. Palin, the nation does not hate you, but an elected official must act in the people’s best interests. You do not uphold that contract, so you will be held accountable at every step.

  203. AlaskaDisasta says:

    “The Whining, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

  204. Martha says:

    DrChill Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 7:14 PM
    She can blog it freely, but get paid? mmm maybe not.
    We’ll see if ’self employed ‘is forbidden just as ‘employed’ is.

    Palin may get a free pass on this.

    If you read all the restrictions here, there is no way no Palin can “legally” lift a finger and be “compensated” for it. (a) covers what the definition employment is.

    However, I think this is exactly why she has been screaming about”frivolous” ethics complaints and the ethics complaints that have been rejected the last few days, are not in any type of order. The only order they are in is to be rejected as part of the set-up for this book BS. Whatever Palin gets away with does not surprise me.

    AS 39.52.170. Outside Employment Restricted.
    (a) A public employee may not render services to benefit a personal or financial interest or engage in or accept employment outside the agency which the employee serves, if the outside employment or service is incompatible or in conflict with the proper discharge of official duties.
    (b) A public employee rendering services for compensation, or engaging in employment outside the employee’s agency, shall report by July 1 of each year the outside services or employment to the employee’s designated supervisor. During the year, any change in an employee’s outside service or employment activity must be reported to the designated supervisor as it occurs.
    (c) The head of a principal executive department of the state may not accept employment for compensation outside the agency that the executive head serves

  205. EyeOnYou says:

    PalinSucks Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 8:21 PM
    You think the Palin’s & Greta and creepy ass husband are swapping partners?


    He does seem to like a woman who wears the pants in the relationship doesn’t he? 😉

  206. MinNJ says:


  207. PalinSucks says:

    Lori in Los Angeles Says “Harper Collins is owned by News Corp. who also owns Fox News. Methinks her book promo will be done on Fox.”

    Then Todd, exploiting his position as First Dumbass, as an invitee of Fox, to the Correspondent’s Dinner and Alaska House should be charged with exploiting the state office for personal gain.

    You think the Palin’s & Greta and creepy ass husband are swapping partners?

  208. MinNJ says:

    HarperCollins is owned by NewsCorp which is Fauxnews. Greta made her deal.
    Akaska is officially screwed. But the good news is that she is the “outside’ now. Game on.

  209. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Guess News Corp figured out she wasn’t talk show material.

  210. AlaskaDisasta says:

    “My Pet Gloat”

  211. KateinCanada says:

    Funnier analysis of Palin’s speech mannerisms from Vanity Fair.

  212. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Harper Collins is owned by News Corp. who also owns Fox News. Methinks her book promo will be done on Fox and ONLY Fox and the buyers will be her base. GINO will take the money and run – but I do not think she will run for Gov. again. Bye GINO.

  213. CO almost native says:

    “Governing for Dummies”

    “Throwing Them Under the Bus: My Life in Politics”

    How about a contest on the Forum for Best Title? Most Humorous?

  214. AlaskaDisasta says:

    “Abstinence makes the Heart go Wander”

  215. Terpsichore says:

    Oh will I have more to write about this later, but to start –

    Ethics Shmethics, we have it in writing that it is a memoir and predominantly about her time from being Mayor of Wasilla.

    Which means … really little basis for the Palin’s taking tax deductions from this. Hard to justify any expenses before the book announcement or after book’s already to press,

    So if they get a cool million or more for the deal , fine. They need to pay their taxes on what they get, like every other real American would have to do.

  216. taupe in Fargo says:

    Having not quite read through all the posts because my side hurts from laughing…

    doesn’t this make the need for her begging the cash-strapped/credit poor public to pay her legal bills a HUGE JOKE?

    someone, anyone, please convince me how “writing” a book while being employed by the State of Alaska is NOT a conflict of interest. Couldn’t she continue making incredibly stupid decisions as governor simply to increase sales of her book?

    On the day this over-hyped piece of putrid fiction is released, I hereby pledge to go out and buy a new hardbound dictionary because, although it may be boring, it is well-constructed, articulate, includes correct pronounciation, contains complete thoughts, serves a clear purpose, is honest, knows that Africa is a continent and not a country, and has the added benefit of being in alphabetical order. In other words, I’d rather read the dictionary…

    Any bets on when the next ethics complaint will be filed?

  217. pearl89 says:

    It just makes me sick that someone like this can get millions for writing a book that will be filled with lies and half truths. The way she milks her fan base reminds me of TV evangelists milking their flock. Of course, her flock isn’t any brighter than the TV dudes either. How she and her underlings get people to donate money to someone who has a huge book deal in the offing is beyond me. They are still begging for money to support a millionaire.

    Book Titles
    How to Stick It to Real Alaskans
    View From the Top of the Bus
    Witches,——-,and Me
    Snow Flakes
    Sarah Palin – A True Story of a Jaundiced Mind
    How to Lie With a Straight Face
    Palin’s Guide to Family Values
    In My Own Words (written by insert collaborator’s name here)

  218. AlaskaDisasta says:

    “Some Came Bumming”

    “An Inconvenient Goof”

  219. seattlefan says:

    Possible Book Title:

    “Legally Blind and Clueless” (wink and a leg flash!)

    I know it is lame but I tried. Love “The Audacity of Hype”!! LOL!

  220. MinNJ says:

    Didn’t she deny this on record? Oh, the scams of scarah! Grifter and scam artist enterpreneur. (Of, course, she did. Right here, and very provable, forever in the intertubes world.)

  221. austintx says:

    If it is put on audio with her reading it , waterboarding will never be used again.

  222. austintx says:

    76 pvazwindy Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 7:50 PM
    I’m surprised that there isn’t a political activist lawyer in AK, willing to take the gov to task.
    I’d suggest Rex Butler , but his plate is full right now.

  223. Dame says:

    How is she possibly going to choose which of the Trig birth stories to use? With all her conflicting stories on so many topics, the book is going to look like a rubrics cube.

  224. pvazwindy says:

    I’m surprised that there isn’t a political activist lawyer in AK, willing to take the gov to task.

  225. austintx says:

    70 Dame Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 7:43 PM
    Word Salad with Fecal Dressing
    I think you would like the wonkette link I provided. comments also.too.

  226. AlaskaDisasta says:

    Won’t this be taking time away from her ‘job’ (and I use that term loosely)? How do Alaskans feel about that? Most people have the decency to wait until they LEAVE OFFICE before they write about themselves. But then decency and Grifters don’t seem to go well together.

  227. SystemBucker says:

    So I read this part of the ADN article and thought…hmmm…could those high legal fees have anything to do with hiring Robert Barnett? Where is that money from the defense fund really going????

    “Palin hired Robert Barnett, a Washington, D.C., lawyer who is one of the most powerful figures in book publishing, to negotiate the deal for her memoir. His past deals reportedly include $12 million for Bill Clinton’s memoir and an $8.5 million advance for Alan Greenspan.”

    …or maybe he just gets a cut from the deal. And now I have to ask if she can use Barnett’s fees as a tax deduction…but then to do that, you have to call it out as a business expense…oh wait, this isn’t a business or is it????

  228. honestyinGov says:

    I just had a verrrrrry funny visual….

    Wouldn’t it be GREAT if Katie Couric did an interview for her Book…?

    Katie…. where are You…?

  229. Miss Demeanor says:

    Maybe Doogan will “ghostwrite ” with Sarah Palin.

  230. Dame says:

    Word Salad with Fecal Dressing

  231. rebekkah says:

    Book title; The Princess and the Toad (Todd).

  232. DrChill says:

    sauerkraut Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 7:19 PM
    51 DrChill Says: May
    missed the point.

    Its not the free expression. Its not the writing. Its the having an outside JOB as a writer.
    She can’t become a paid writer for ADN.

    The statute section is titled- Restrictions on outside employment.

    She could write for free. its getting paid from outside employment part that is at issue.

    “Judge are you saying I can never have sex?”
    “No. I’m saying you can never have sex for money!”

    The idea -IMO- is that the employer may exert a corrupting influence on the employee, and make him/her engage in malfeasance or misfeasance as a result of divided time & loyalties.

    In this case the self employment will make Palin 25 times what she’s making now, and may at least distract her from the mundane day to day 24-7 of being a governor.

    Since other people have outside interests, that take time, and the payment for writing does not necessarily or obviously conflict with the job, she’ll probably be allowed to do it.

    I believe, although I am not certain, that this is also a constitutional issue within the Alaska constitution regarding the “two jobs”. I’ll see if I can find it. AKM

  233. Eli says:


    If the law itself is really spelled like that, Sarah will probably try and use the typo as proof she’s not breaking any laws. Ok, ok, not Sarah, actually the team of lawyers riding her dim-witted coat tails into their new cars and mansions.

  234. Peggy Pierce says:

    Ok, I read the whole post, laughing tears running down my cheek! This is awesome. By the way, I now hate the word “also.” Does anyone else feel the same way?

  235. austintx says:

    49 sauerkraut Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 7:11 PM
    re Austin @ 37: yes, fees from book tours, etc., have landed a few politicians in hot water, but not the actual writing of the books.
    I agree. I think that the problem for sarah is going to be exactly what Karin in CT quoted from Huffpo —————
    “The real purpose of this book is, of course, STEALTH FUNDRAISING. By putting out a book donors can support her without actually filing information with the Federal Elections Commission. Wealthy donors can buy up 1000 copies and warehouse them. Large Conservative PACs will offer the books as gifts for donations…again buying up tens of thousands. It’ll look as if she has massive sales…but the ‘leadership’ will mainly be giveaways or laundering money for her political campaigns.”
    She will be expected to go on booksigning tours and appear on tv and appearances at wingnut soirees. Poor Alaska and her kids will be left in the dust.

  236. MinNJ says:

    Hahahahahaha! Titles are unmericless and creative. Great and wonderful.

  237. sauerkraut says:

    My suggestion for an attention-grabbing book title –

    Sarah Palin – Corrupt but Unimpeachable.

  238. DrChill says:

    Suggested Title– “Also..” By Sarah Palin


    “Also too…” By Sarah Palin

    Second edition of the sequel – Also, Too, Though. AKM 🙂

  239. MinNJ says:

    Paid blogging is ridiculous as a governor, whatever the state in this country. What pretzel are you arguing?

    and I still think that austintex has a great mind for law. logical and satiricle. jmo.

  240. seattlefan says:

    P.S. to my post…AKM, I Flove your title, the Audacity of Hype. LOL!!!!! Genius.


  241. MyChildrenAreOffLimits says:

    Title: The Grapes of Graft

  242. Peggy Pierce says:

    OMG: I can’t even hardly type. I have not even read this article Mudflats, because the title has me laughing so hard …. how ingenious! creative! so absolutely wonderful .. you have outdone yourself and that is no mean feat.

  243. sauerkraut says:

    51 DrChill Says: May 12th, 2009 at 7:14 PM

    in Palin’s case, if her writing business violates the ethics law its illegal.
    The free expression isn’t at issue, its the -getting paid for it that is.-


    I’ll give you a point for the “getting paid for it” part, but even something similar was raised with term limits and legislative salary caps. And we know how the courts ruled on those. But the free speech issue remains.

    btw – your two examples are a bit extreme. At this point, she’s not releasing confi info and she’s not advocating a terroristic act. She presumably is going to write about her experiences. That’s not illegal. But it is her expressing herself – a constitutional act not analogous to yelling “fire” in a theater.

  244. .

    “Hello, Marketing? Yeah, um, you are aware that Palin’s target audience can’t actually read?

    OK, OK, good, a picture book. About what? Road kill? ROAD KILL???

    Oh. It’s a cookbook.

    This just keeps getting better and better.”

  245. MO Inkslinger says:

    Waiting for Todd to get a book deal. Suggested title “Nalin’ Palin” for Todd’s book.

  246. seattlefan says:

    Don’t you just know she is probably reading this thread and all the others that are out there now? Hah! She won’t get a wink of sleep tonight. BTW, “in her own words….? Yep, we will wait and see. If she truly does use her own words, the world will know also, too.

    Anything credible that is written in this book will surely be ghost written. The woman does not have command of the English language, nor does she have the capacity to link a thought or for that matter, create one.

  247. austintx says:

    Oh yeah – I was waiting for this. Warning: comments are brutal.

  248. rocket says:

    Free Speech and Compensation are two very different things.

  249. DrChill says:

    sauerkraut Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 6:42 PM
    No matter how much we dislike how she comports herself or insults our collective intelligences, she still has free speech rights which trump any state law.
    That’s just how it is. Don’t hate me ‘cuz my opinion is different this time.
    Oh foo. Thats just not true.
    Example: AK ethics law does not allow you to freely express confidential information.
    Federal law does not allow you to freely express your desire to overthrow the government by violent means.
    And in Palin’s case, if her writing business violates the ethics law its illegal.
    The free expression isn’t at issue, its the -getting paid for it that is.-

    Or as AKM put it in another post-
    P: “Judge, ya mean I can’t have sex?”
    J: ” No. You can’t have sex for money!”

    She can blog it freely, but get paid? mmm maybe not.
    We’ll see if ‘self employed ‘is forbidden just as ’employed’ is.

    Palin may get a free pass on this.

  250. rocket says:

    How not to Govern a State but write a book instead!

    Lies Like Truth

    You can’t blink when you’re a blank

    Word Salad: My Life

    I Can’t really see Russia from my house!

  251. sauerkraut says:

    re Austin @ 37: yes, fees from book tours, etc., have landed a few politicians in hot water, but not the actual writing of the books.

    Writing is an act of free speech which may not be impinged upon. Even if the responsible state agency determines that writing a book is in essence a “job” (which it isn’t really), she’d be able to make a claim at the federal level that whatever provision upon which the state agency relies in determining that she cannot legally write the book while she’s governor is unenforceable. We may not like her, but she’s still got the same constitutional rights as any of the rest of us. She does not lose those rights upon becoming the governor.

  252. aha says:

    Aha, another finger in Alaskan’s eyes…one for you and you and you and…YOU

    Might as well let her do it, then file another ethics complaint. If you file too early, she’ll just practice abstinence and pull out early and claim she never received any money…yet.

    Doesn’t her admission of having ”after hours” help one of the other already filed complaints in the complainant’s favor. I can’t remember which one off the top of my head (maybe one where she left the state to run for v.p.)

    Yeah, and what about this Alaska Fund Trust? Oh, she (I mean her ‘handlers’) have figured out a way to make her the top governor to have become enriched in office. Legally(?)

    Just because the Dept of Law okays it doesn’t mean it’s ok. We’re having that debate of Bush and his legal opinions on Torture, right now. Aren’t we?

  253. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    phoebe Says:

    Will there be pictures?
    LOL. Oh, that’s it. It’s going to be a picture book. With help, she can probably do that.

  254. MinNJ says:

    You should have been a lawyer; you inspire me.

  255. rebekkah says:

    Yep, she’s a legend in her own mind.

    To Wired Differently: better wear a “Depends” before reading about the adventures of Sarah.

  256. empish says:

    The Silencing of the Turkeys, by Sarah Palin

  257. honestyinGov says:

    I liked this post by someone on Huffpo as well….
    instagladiator See Profile

    Oh goodie goodie. I can’t wait for my copy of “My Pet Moose”, the 5-page spell binder. sigh…
    Handclap to the instagladiator.
    Somehow I see the phrase…. “My Pet Moose”… being repeated many times down the road. I hope GINO signs a copy to be placed in the Bush Library.

    She hates to come in 2nd…,But ‘G ‘ comes before ‘ M ‘… so Bush’s Book will be first on the shelf though

  258. PalinSucks says:

    “Bloomberg did its own Barnett story in 2007 headlined “Rove’s $900-an-Hour Book-Deal Broker Preps Hillary for Debate.”

    Palin, who claims she is in debt half a million to an Anchorage, lawyer, doesn’t pay that obligation then continues to incur thousandths upon thousandths more with another attorney?????

    What is MINDBLOWING is there is little Trig, barely a year, into the rest of his life and his mother is writing off his health insurance & security for a cover of another magazine. Palin Sucks!!!!!

  259. Karin in CT says:

    Best seller, you betcha! Below is a comment from HuffPo and it is all true–why do you think mAnn Coulter is on the NYT Best Sellers list? The Rethugs buy up in these books en masse and they then languish in storage places somewhere in Texas (sorry austintx).

    “The real purpose of this book is, of course, STEALTH FUNDRAISING. By putting out a book donors can support her without actually filing information with the Federal Elections Commission. Wealthy donors can buy up 1000 copies and warehouse them. Large Conservative PACs will offer the books as gifts for donations…again buying up tens of thousands. It’ll look as if she has massive sales…but the ‘leadership’ will mainly be giveaways or laundering money for her political campaigns.”

    Keep hitting her hard AKM and all of you Alaskan bloggers!

    All those NYT Best sellers that they buy in bulk end up getting given away “free” when you donate to Human Evens, or other right wing organizations. AKM

  260. MinNJ says:

    peppersmom: that is so funny for a title!!!

    Apparently, nothing to do with Newton, Galileo, Mendel, Darwin, Edison or Einstein. Boo, science. *holding my head and wondering*

  261. phoebe says:

    Every word of it is to be written in her very own words……….arghhhhhh. I must say I’m a little bit interested in the early years. I’m quite curious about Daddy Heath…I think he’s a little psycho. I wonder if all of the animal massacres will be included. Will there be pictures?

  262. austintx says:

    21 sauerkraut Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 6:42 PM
    Plenty of politicians write books. None of them, as I recall, have ever been legally precluded from writing. Nor have any of them ever been charged with an ethics violation.
    This fella had a book problem. With sarah’s various PAC’s and trusts and other ethics issues , along with a mandatory booksigning tour , she could easily slip along the way.

    I got this information from wikipedia.

    [edit] Ethics investigation and resignation
    Wright became the target of an inquiry by the House Ethics Committee. Their report in early 1989 implied that he had used bulk purchases of his book, Reflections of a Public Man, to earn speaking fees in excess of the allowed maximum, and that his wife, Betty, was given a job and perks to avoid the limit on gifts. Faced with an increasing loss of effectiveness, he resigned as Speaker on May 31, 1989, effective upon the selection of a successor. On June 6, the Democratic caucus brought his Speakership to an end by selecting his replacement, Tom Foley, and on June 30 he resigned from his seat in Congress.

    The incident itself was controversial and was a part of the increasing partisan infighting that has plagued the Congress ever since. The original charges were filed by Newt Gingrich in 1988 and their effect propelled Gingrich’s own career advancement to the Speaker’s chair itself. Seven years later, Gingrich would himself face 84 charges of ethics violations.

  263. EyeOnYou says:

    PepperzMom (GA) Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 6:45 PM
    Too bad…the DOL cannot change the statutes nor grant a ‘waiver’ to do “whatever she wants”.

    While I agree, I am willing to bet that they will say that she can do this. She seems to be able to do whatever she wants without fear of any problems, so I won’t hold my breath that anyone will be able to stop her. Personally I think that her signing a deal with a book company is an outside contract, and with the fact that she is going to have to work fast & furious to get it done in a years time, in my opinion, means she is going to have no time to spend with family or give her full attention to AK. That is just my opinion on the matter though.

  264. Closet Mudpup says:

    Here are my picks:

    She won’t beat JtP By the time the editing is finished, his book will be out of print.

    Collaborators: 3 – The first will have “family problems”; the 2nd will leave screaming and enter linguistic rehab.

    Editors: Just one – but heavily medicated before he’s finished.

    Book tour: After Sarah convenes joint sessions on five consecutive mornings to read them a chapter from her book each day, the legs will wrap the whole session a week early and send her on tour.

    The title: One thing of which I am certain – it will make us nauseous.

  265. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    It’s going to be SO obvious if she doesn’t write it.

    Possible titles
    “Progressing My Pocketbook in my Naughty Monkey shoes also”
    “I can’t see the truth from here”

  266. sauerkraut says:

    @ 27 Austin

    Yessssshhh… lemme add one letter to foil the filter, but…

    “You know too bear mama said just keep boxing also britches.”

  267. EyeOnYou says:

    From the Huffinton Post article:
    Palin’s book will address, and complicate, the push-pull between home and public life. With the release date just one year away, the governor will have to work quickly. Barnett said that the governor has formed an outline in her mind, but has yet to start writing. Burnham said Palin did not submit any writing samples when she met with HarperCollins executives in Washington, earlier this year. She will work with a collaborator, to be determined.

    Someone please explain to me how she is going to manage to do this kind of labor intensive work on a book AND govern the state at the same time?

  268. wired differently says:

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Using her journalism degree! (wipes mirthy tears from eyes) (hiccups) hahahahahahahahahahaha! oh, sorry, can’t help it! (shakes head in disbelief) hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! omygaaaawd! my cheeks hurt! hahahahahahahahahaha! I think I’m gonna wet my…. oh, criminy, too late. (hiccup)

  269. rebekkah says:

    What does she think people want to read about? We know she likes huntin’ and fishin’ and cookin’ chili. She’s no different than your average-day mom who has to juggle time between life’s challenges. I’m embarrassed for her because she really believes she is more special and has accomplished much. Many women, like Sarah Palin, mother’s with physical disabilities themselves, or with disabled children, or working mother’s making minimum wage, are the real heroes; I know women with very little support who volunteer and give of their precious time, for no pay, who support young women at shelters, etc. Why shouldn’t they be the ones writing?

    Sarah, the ambitious, pitbull, who leaves the care of her kids seemingly with everyone else, has little to say in my opinion, that would make me run out and buy a book. She’s a fat cat with a following of groupies at her beck and call, a woman who earns good money, is blessed beyond imagine, and still wants to squeeze every ounce of attention out of her base.

    Lastly, why, why, has this news been released today? Where was she this weekend? has a press release been made in regards to the flooding? Has she outlined an emergency plan? Shouldn’t that have taken priority – at the very least, for the sake and respect of the flood victims who have lost homes, couldn’t she have at least waited a few weeks before releasing her exciting news? Must be my PMS.

  270. sauerkraut says:

    There are two things which are certain to happen with anything written by Palin:

    1) a team of editors will be needed to clean it up

    2) it will end up in the dustbins next to mann coulter’s last book.

  271. austintx says:

    “Hi , My Name is Sarah and I Have Schizophasia”

  272. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    EyeOnYou Says: May 12th, 2009 at 6:35 PM

    Palin Signs Book Deal. But is it Legal?”

    It is my understanding that her attorney is saying that it has been pre approved by the Dept. of Law. Looks like she can do whatever she wants.

    Too bad…the DOL cannot change the statutes nor grant a ‘waiver’ to do “whatever she wants”.

  273. Karin in CT says:

    AKM, thanks for taking one for the team regarding reading the future brochure of SP’s life!

    This woman irritates me like no other on a daily basis and I live far far way from her madness. She is completely insane.

  274. wasillawarrior says:

    What the H-E double hockey sticks !!!!! IMPEACH !!!!! RECALL !!!! It’s Sarah’s turn to be pimped out….I don’t care if she writes a book but wait till your not the Governor….

  275. Lainey says:

    first she has the challenge of writing it (verbalize) and appealing to a wide, accepting audience, then will a publisher even touch it…if she slips through the cracks (as she does) will it sell? I wouldn’t buy it! I couldn’t listen to one more of her lies!

  276. sauerkraut says:

    Hobos – there appears to be a real question of whether she ever is “working at her day job.”

  277. sauerkraut says:

    Good point, Eye. Betcha there will never be a real answer to your question, tho.

    Plenty of politicians write books. None of them, as I recall, have ever been legally precluded from writing. Nor have any of them ever been charged with an ethics violation.

    And why not?

    First Amendment, folks. No matter how much we dislike how she comports herself or insults our collective intelligences, she still has free speech rights which trump any state law.

    That’s just how it is. Don’t hate me ‘cuz my opinion is different this time.

    Palin, however is constrained by the Executive Branch Ethics for the State of Alaska, which (believe it or not) is actually quite stringent. So while the governor of Arkansas, or the Senator from Illinois might have written books, they were not bound by the same laws. And that law states she can’t make money at it, or hold another job. It’s like the Arctic Cat jacket. She can wear it as an expression of her personal taste, but when Todd is getting paid for it….then you’ve got problems. It’s all about the money. AKM

  278. Hobos are Us says:

    Great news for us, she isn’t going to be working at her day job.

  279. PalinSucks says:

    Palin, she really believes she is relevant doesn’t she. She is a JOKE who is nothing more to the masses then CHEAP entertainment.

  280. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    dowl Says: May 12th, 2009 at 6:35 PM
    ‘Sarah: The Uncovered Truth In Her Own Words’

    Followed by the sequel: “Sarah: The Uncovered Truth In Her Own Worlds”

  281. EyeOnYou says:

    I’d like to point out that if she does have a book deal then there really is no need for her to have a legal fund any longer as she will have sufficient money to pay off her legal bills…right?

  282. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Warning! Dangerous run-on/nonsensical sentences on the horizon, never mind actual truth, justice and the American way. Duck!

    As someone who had a minor in English for the first 3 semesters in college, I cringed reading the full AP article…;_ylt=AmPlA2plWvy8zhMl4D4k._qs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTFranIwMzFvBHBvcwMxNTQEc2VjA2FjY29yZGlvbl9lbnRlcnRhaW5tZW50BHNsawNwYWxpbmhhc2Jvb2s-

  283. Lainey says:

    @AKM…good dramatization…that’s EXACTLY how I imagine the dialogue would go…and HAS gone in the past and in ALL scenarios!
    This woman is…well, I’m speechless. Is there ANY steadfast solution to re-gaining control of your state and it’s officials?…who work for you all by the way, not the other way around. I’m frustrated for you all.

  284. ds55 says:

    There will be no book. GINO will pull out of the deal at the last minute.

  285. EyeOnYou says:

    Palin Signs Book Deal. But is it Legal?”

    It is my understanding that her attorney is saying that it has been pre approved by the Dept. of Law. Looks like she can do whatever she wants.

    Bear in mind, though, that if she’s getting her “approval” from the Dept. of Law, they’re the same people that said she could nominate three people for the Juneau Senate Seat. Which wasn’t legal. AKM

  286. I want to know how many…errrr…favors she had to do in college to get her homework done for her degree…at the 3rd or 4th college!

    Perhaps she’ll be reprising those…errrr…favors now!

  287. dowl says:

    ‘Sarah: The Uncovered Truth In Her Own Words’

  288. windpond says:

    Book Titles:

    From Here to Illiteracy

    Artificial Intelligence (taken, I know, but whatever)

  289. phoebe says:

    Hopefully just one book can be purchased & the reader can get back to the rest of us. If she writes it herself you won’t be able to decipher what she is saying. You’ll need a word salad translator & they are hard to come by. One way or another Miss Sarah plans to walk away from this governor thingy with her pockets full of money.

  290. KaraInJuneau says:

    “Being a voracious reader, I read a lot today and have read a lot growing up. And having that journalism degree, all of that, will be a great assistance for me in writing this book, talking about the challenges and the joys, balancing the work and parenting, and, in my case, work means running the state,” Palin said.

    “I’ve read a variety of books, and that helps shape my opinions and my views.”

    ~~~ For some reason, I find myself laughing (REALLY laughing) when I read that… I alone?

  291. Wendy says:

    No. No. No. Please. No. Make her stop. Please.

  292. Sara Oppenheim says:

    Here’s an early sneak peek:

    “Me like-um OIL! Me like-um MONEY! Me no like-um…how you say…THE BLOGGERS!!!”

    You’re welcome.

  293. austintx says:

    What about the kids ?? Especially Trigg. Oh wait……never mind.
    Gov. 24/7 my ass.

  294. Jim says:

    Must be nice, living in her split-level head… 😐

  295. Lee323 says:


    “The Velveteen Grab-it (and run)”

    “The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective Governors”

    “1001 Ways to Lie Before You Die”

    “The Audacity of a Dope” ……( I can’t credit for this one. I’ve seen it on several sites)

  296. Sarah in SC says:

    Oh, please, just make it stop.

  297. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    i’m on the “not buying” bandwagon.

    that’s what we have mudflats for…to do our book reports.

    yep, mudflats, is our ” cliffnotes” for all things distasteful.

    Glad to be of service….I think. 😉 AKM

  298. mlaiuppa says:

    Will a book by Mercede and Levi and the rest of the family be far behind?

  299. I can’t wait to not buy it!