Gov. Debates Wielechowski!
This is the best thing I have seen in a very long time.
March 14, 2025
Thursday, August 3, 2023
The Quitter Returns! -Monday, March 21, 2022
Putting the goober in gubernatorial -Friday, January 28, 2022
This is the best thing I have seen in a very long time.
Who is this fellow, and does he do this kind of thing all the time?
Actually, that’s a rhetorical question, assuming teh google can tell me something about Alaska Robotics.
Oh my, that was a HOOT!
Hey, Alaska, how about running Senator Bill for Governor?
Conoco has decided not to drill in Arctic through 2014.
yeah that makes me wonder why…oh right “those legalities” that stop up productions when ownership is in question…nevermind…
It’s more tragic than it is comic.
Alaska Robotics rulz!
Was the dateline on this April 1st, by any chance? There used to be a great tradition of poking seriously nasty fun at the Alaska government, ranging from Alaska Public Radio’s April Fools broadcasts to Whitekeys’ skits at the Fly By Night to various Alaska Folk Festival bands to the truly inspired antics of Jeff Brown and John Palmes. Glad to see the tradition continues!
Empty Oil Barrel Band and others keep up the festival part of the tradition, Mag.
You really ought to come “home” for Festival some year
I would love to, Pi! It would be fun to meet you, although it’s quite possible that I already have. Say hello to Ed and the Empty Barrel Band for me.
Ah, I read the news ticker and volunteer to chase Dung Young around with a ossik. Which inturn I will donate to the Juneau museum.
With my signature on it.
Wonderful! Oh Em Gee, too funny!
( How do you type a thousand gut busting guffaws ? )

Loved it!
Kinda like having Senator Bill be the governor too,