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“Active Homosexuals” to be “Embraced” by Boy Scouts?


Read it and weep. Jim Minnery, of Alaska Family Council sent out an email calling supporters to show up at a Town Hall meeting of the Boy Scouts to address whether “active homosexuals” will be “embraced” by the Boy Scouts. Not sure about those inactive people who have let their homosexual memberships lapse, but “embracing” is definitely a red flag. If you get his meaning. *ahem*

Next month, the Boy Scouts of America plans to vote about whether to lift the ban on gays in scouting. And one 16-year old Maryland Eagle Scout candidate who has come out, may be booted from the organization.

A bill currently in the California Senate would strip the Boy Scouts of America’s tax exempt status if the organization doesn’t abandon its ban on openly gay members.

The email from Jim Minnery is below. I was going to comment, or highlight the particularly offensive passages, but this is one of those times when the thing speaks for itself.

Please note the time and location of the meeting TODAY (Saturday) in Eagle River, if you’d like to go tell them what you think.

Great Alaska Council delegates to vote:
Will active homosexuals be embraced
by Boy Scouts of America?

This Saturday, April 13th, from 2-5 pm, the Boy Scouts of America Great Alaska Council will hold a Town Hall meeting at Community Covenant Church in Eagle River, specifically for MEMBERS OF THE SCOUTING FAMILY here in Alaska. While the gathering will cover several topics, this meeting is the principle format for Scouting families to convey their concerns in person to the three voting delegates to the BSA National Meeting, where this issue is scheduled to be decided next month.

Alaska Family Action is forwarding this information because many concerned families are not aware of this important meeting.

For decades, this honorable group has kept the interest of the boys it serves as the focus of all its actions. No matter what, the Boy Scouts of America could be counted upon to do the right thing and not yield to any social pressure, and has thus far stood strong.

We firmly believe that the Boy Scouts should not jeopardize the safety and moral integrity of Scouting in the interest of social activism. The proposal to relegate the decision on homosexual leaders to local chartered organizations sends the wrong signal from the national body: that political correctness ultimately triumphs over character.

Present BSA policy, upheld by the US Supreme Court, excludes avowed homosexuals because this behavior is not consistent with a key part of the Scout Oath: “Morally Straight.” Nevertheless, Scouting is under tremendous pressure from the homosexual lobby, including corporations, to abandon their long-standing policy. If BSA caves, many chartering organizations will drop the program, making this venerable part of our national heritage unavailable to millions of boys.

If you are a registered Scout leader, or the parents of a registered Scout, please take the time to attend this meeting and express your concern.

One of the most thoughtful statements I’ve read about this sad episode was the following comment regarding a First Things article recently that went as follows –

Sexual tension and/or attraction had no place in the former culture of the Boy Scouts. But then children (as we then called them) were allowed a period of stasis which provided them with the time necessary to integrate their sexuality – time to achieve at least the beginnings of mature personhood before being labels as a “this” or a “that” rather than simply a growing boy.

I am certain that a certain number of Boy Scouts have in the past and at this time struggled with questions surrounding sexuality.

But, until now there was no need to announce a particular policy on this question of sexuality. No child who was struggling inwardly with sexual desires was excluded (surely the Boy Scouts were not capable of mind reading) unless he himself or certain interested parties chose to make the matter an issue – in other words, decided to force a confrontation.

Since the organization has nothing whatsoever to do with sexual activity and since all of the members are of the same sex, the reasons for this initiative seem politically motivated.

As this outstanding resource from FRC states,”Affirming homosexuality in Scouting would be a violation of the Scouts’ own moral code and would jeopardize the well-being of vulnerable young men. It would introduce issues of explicit sexuality into the lives of boys who join Scouts to learn to camp, hike, and become responsible and respectable citizens. The homosexual lobby is free to start their own organization based upon their own values. Is it fair for them to force scouts and parents to surrender their values?”

Show up Saturday and make sure your answer to that question is heard.

Standing for Families,
In His name!

Jim Minnery, President
Alaska Family Action



17 Responses to ““Active Homosexuals” to be “Embraced” by Boy Scouts?”
  1. Ice Gal says:

    Do not ever trust anyone with a delusion. Especially a god delusion

  2. John says:

    Minnery needs to read the Scout Handbook on what it means to be morally straight.

    “respect and defend the rights of all people”. How much respect does he show to LGBT?

  3. John says:

    Even Jesus must find it difficult to love Jim Minnery. Every thing he does is the opposite of what Jesus taught.

  4. Zyxomma says:

    I’d be interested in hearing from anyone who attends. Jim Minnery and his ilk are dangerous people.

  5. Alaska Pi says:

    AKM- Can sure see why trying to highlight offensive bits and pieces wasn’t necessary. Sheesh.Hard to find something which isn’t offensive there.
    Really interested in the proposed California law.
    Waiting to see what the national BSA board decides here and Pfffting Mr Minnery and the AFA’s our-kids-will-get-cooties fear mongering .

  6. Audacious Alaskan says:

    I have two boys and one of them has been wanting to join the Boy Scouts since 2nd grade-mostly to be a part of the pinewood derby-but I can’t let him join. The organization’s cruel stance on homosexuality toward its scouts and scout leaders is offensive. I want the ability for my children to be able to tie complicated knots, wear polyester shirts with badges haphazardly sewn onto it, but not if that organization teaches either through actual words and/or by policies to discriminate. That is not the moral guidance I want to instill in my boys. While I am not a scout parent, I am planning on driving all the way to Eagle River just to voice this opinion.

    • GOOD FOR YOU…! I am with you in spirit…!!

    • fishingmamma says:

      My son was a scout for years, in the same troop as Lisa Murkowski’s boys. I’m going to the meeting.

    • Jeff Rogers says:

      I’ve heard and read this argument many times and must ask you to be careful. If you live in Alaska, and our constitution forbids gay marriage, then why are you and your family still here? It’s the same argument you’re apply to Scouting. It’s wrong. Knock it off. Please don’t pick and choose ‘cruel stances’ to take issue with.

      • beth. says:

        Who said anything about gay marriage, Jeff Rogers? All that’s being asked is that ALL boys who want to, be allowed to join WithOUT regard to their sexual orientation — WithOUT discrimination against them because they just happen to be gay. Why can’t they enjoy the same great things about BSA that their fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, male cousins, did/do as Scouts …can’t even join –or remain in the BSA– solely because they just happen to be gay?

        I’ve heard many arguments about why a gay child shouldn’t be allowed into the BSA, but I’ve yet to hear anything from those Nay-sayers that wasn’t firmly rooted in misinformation, pseudo-‘science’, and/or fear born of willful ignorance about LGBTs. Do you have an answer to my questions (above) that isn’t, Jeff? If so, I’d be more than happy to consider it…until then, I, too, agree that the current BSA policy is, indeed, a Most “cruel stance” against these children of (the collective village of) ours. beth.

      • mike from iowa says:

        Using Alaska’s constitution to pick and choose is a specious argument in light of the recently adjourned legislative session in which one political party(yours from the sound of your post) completely ignored their constitutional obligations to all citizens Discrimination is wrong.

  7. Janet says:

    I lost interest at the misuse of the word “principle” in the first paragraph.

  8. tallimat says:

    HIDE YOUR KIDS!!! Minnery and his ilk are gonna show up.!!

    Minnery pays himself to obsess over the sex organs of pre teens.
    Seriously, hide your kids from this sick guy and his followers.
    Seriously think about what this guy thinks about… then look at your kids and HIDE THEM.
    Minnery is sick.

  9. mike from iowa says:

    Those vulnerable young men would be a lot less conflicted and confused if they weren’t exposed to religious whackjobs. Minnery should concentrate on cleaning up church morals since there are so many sexual predators working for his god. Could be he is an “active” so called christian.

  10. GoI3ig says:

    Those kids have a lot of bravado. Good for them.

    I wonder if Minnery asks for the sexual pedigree from any firefighters or law enforcement officers who have occasion to help him? News flash Jimmy, there are gays in both those service organizations.