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Friday, January 28, 2022

Stories We Missed

StoriesWeMissedBetween the news from Boston, Watertown and Texas the 24 hour news media seemed to be like a pig in… well you know what. MSNBC, FOX, CNN all seemed unable to cover anything else other than the two big stories – they threw their entire media machine at them. Meanwhile, stories that would normally be headline news went by the wayside – and weren’t even talked about. While I could never pretend to have caught all the really important ones here’s a bunch of the news stories that we at TheMudflats thought were really important and deserve a second shot at the spotlight.

Do you have a story that you caught that deserves attention? Please leave a comment with the link.


From the CBC
China earthquake toll rises to 180
At least 11,000 injured as shallow, magnitude-7 quake strikes Sichuan province

From the Guardian
House passes Cispa cybersecurity bill despite warnings from White House
White House advisers warned they’d recommend president veto legislation in face of increased privacy concerns

From Truthout (friend of the office, Jason Leopold)
Inmates Rising: Worsening Gitmo Mass Hunger Strike

From Reuters
Pakistan bears brunt of Iranian earthquake, 35 killed
(Reuters) – A powerful earthquake struck a border area of southeast Iran on Tuesday killing at least 35 people in neighboring Pakistan, destroying hundreds of houses and shaking buildings as far away as India and Gulf Arab states.

From Slate
New Zealand Lawmakers Burst Into Song as They Legalize Gay Marriage

From Wired
ACLU Appeals Ruling Allowing Feds to Stay Mum on Drone Targeted Killings
The American Civil Liberties Union today appealed a judge’s ruling allowing the President Barack Obama administration to keep mum on its legal basis for its drone targeted killing program, including information connected to the killing of Americans via drones.

From The Sacramento Bee
Nevada buses hundreds of mentally ill patients to cities around country
Over the past five years, Nevada’s primary state psychiatric hospital has put hundreds of mentally ill patients on Greyhound buses and sent them to cities and towns across America.

From Amnesty International
Greece: Despair pervades camps after 33 migrant workers shot in Manolada
A group of 33 Bangladeshi workers at the farm in Manolada were shot on 17 April by farm supervisors when they joined other workers protesting because they had not been paid for seven months. Eight of them were seriously injured.



8 Responses to “Stories We Missed”
  1. Zyxomma says:

    At least 112 people are dead after the latest garment factory fire in Bangladesh:

    A hundred years after Triangle Shirtwaist, nothing has changed except the location.

    • Zyxomma says:

      The death toll has risen to 230 (the eight story building, which housed a number of garment factories, collapsed). Hundreds are injured, and attempts to find survivors among the rubble go on.

      • Zyxomma says:

        Over 300 are now confirmed dead. confirmed that bank employees who worked in the same building were told to stay home because of the crack in the building that crumbled. Garment workers were kept working, with tragic results.

        If you buy your T-shirts at Walmart or The Gap, you may be getting them cheap, but at what cost?

  2. Evelyn says:

    I thought you had to be crazy to go TO Las Vegas. Nice policy, nice state. They may have a replica of the Statue of Liberty, but have certainly not adopted the sentiment. Back to the tables, kids. Nothing to see here.

  3. `ugavic says:

    Bill Walker (R) just announced he will run for Gov of AK in 2014. Hope he gives SP2 a run for his money!!

    • Zach Roberts says:

      Damn, I had that one on my original list, but deleted it by accident. Thanks!

  4. Pinwheel says:

    I hope for more widespread coverage of the Pennsylvania State House Rep who chastised his fellow Reps, concerning another one of those attacks on women: I’ll find the link, but for now: “….We swore, with our hand on the Bible to defend and uphold the Constitution. We did not swear, with our hand on the Constitution to defend and uphold the Bible….”

    Great idea Zach. Thanx, n