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Repeal SB21 and Take Back Alaska


Here is everything you need to know about the ongoing effort to honor Alaska as an owner state. The time is now to be active, and take our state back from the undue influence of Outside corporations, and the legislators who do their bidding. Complaining is easy. Fortunately, so is acting in a positive way to take control of our future.

Gov. Parnell will sign SB 21 on Tuesday, May 21st at the Dena’ina Center in Anchorage between 11:30am and 1pm. Be there with a sign to protest the giveaway!

Alaska is an owner state. We deserve a fair share of our world-class resources to maintain our roads, provide decent schools, and adequate public safety. SB21, the oil wealth giveaway, will create a fiscal cliff for Alaska and puts the state budget immediately in the red.

There is a citizen effort under way to repeal the giveaway. Vote YES! Repeal the Giveaway is a grassroots group of Alaskans, led by a few legends; father of the Alaska Constitution Vic Fischer, former First Lady Bella Hammond and former Fairbanks Mayor Jim Whittaker. They are hard at work, rounding up 30,000 signatures in the next 60 days to get a referendum to repeal the giveaway on the 2014 ballot.

Can you help gather signatures? 

Can you chip in $10 or $20 to protect our PFD’s and the state treasury?

If you are in Anchorage, Thursday, May 16th, please join the team and help pack the house from 5-7pm at Cafe Del Mundo.

If you can help gather signatures, or if you need to sign a petition, please call 907-231-7925 for more information. Check out the effort online at Email is [email protected]Sign up to pitch in here.

Alaskans must have the chance to be heard about our resources and our future. Please donate as generously as you can.  Already there are commercials on the air opposing the repeal. Checks can be mailed to “Vote Yes! Repeal the Giveaway, 1231 W. Northern Lights Blvd #846, Anchorage, AK 99503.

Click here to find us on Facebook. Get in touch with friends, family, and activists across the state. Please make sure your contacts know how to sign the petition and stand up for Alaska. Share this post with your email list, share it on Facebook. Tweet it.  Call them on the phone. With your help, we’ll repeal this giveaway, and stand strong for our Alaska – our Owner State.

Alaska is in distress, and it needs you!

Alaska is in distress, and it needs you!



6 Responses to “Repeal SB21 and Take Back Alaska”
  1. anonymous alaskan says:

    Where can you find these petitions in the state? Fairbanks? Juneau? SouthEast? the coastal towns? Where can we find these petitions to sign?

  2. AKblue says:

    There is a fundraiser tonight at Cafe del Mundo in Anchorage from 5 – 7pm and a chance to sign the referendum.

  3. beth. says:

    AKM — with your efforts to repeal SB21, you and all the others are certainly doing a most worthy deed; a mitzvah. May you ”get through’ to those who’ve been complacent for way too long…and, together, get that sucker REPEALED! beth.

  4. Zyxomma says:

    I’m glad I wasn’t subjected to a photo of Sean ‘I’m with Conoco-Philips’ Parnell. Yuck.

  5. mike from iowa says:

    Be nice if you could make the public aware of Alaska’s state constitution Article VIII and show residents how rethuglicans are ignoring their sworn obligations to protect,conserve and manage wisely ALL natural resources for ALL citizens-not korporate amerika.

  6. Ice Gal says:

    I signed. I wrote a letter to the editor.
    Parnell should be impeached!