Open Thread – And the Winner IS….
Well, here’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for. The top 10 titles for Sarah Palin’s memoir. So many wonderful suggestions came in after the poll went up I’m almost tempted to have another one. You notice I said “almost” because frankly, I don’t know if I can handle another day of non-stop laughter like that. It’s rather a shock to the system, especially so close to the end of the legislative session.
But, without further delay, here are our top 10 vote getters out of 1561 voters over a 48 hour period. Remember that The Audacity of Hype, and the Lyin’ the Witch and the Wardrobe weren’t included since they were already the titles of Mudflats blog posts, and we were going for new and original.
(trumpet fanfare!)
Gold Medal
Silver Medal
Bronze Medal
And the Coveted “Aluminum Medal” goes to:
Honorable Mention for #5-10
To see how the rest of the list fared, click HERE.
And may I say, Mudflatters….in my eyes you are all winners. I do believe this epic and hilarious thread will go down in Mudflats history as the largest collection of wit and downright cleverness of all time. A tip of the hat to all of you.
A tie and all I get is a bronze?!?! Bah humbug…
Just jokin’ folks!
– – – – – –
But…while listening to the (it’s a oldies, 50’s-70’s mainly, station that is broadcast in multiple cities, as well as online) simulcast, I heard DJ Scott Shannon talking about Tiny Tim’s “hit” single, Tiptoe Through The Tulips, and of course (d’oh!) had the perfect title come to me…way too late for consideration.
Tiptoe’n Thru The Tundra….
# 107
califpat Says:
May 18th, 2009 at 8:44 PM
@Same Old: I really just know her name and the baby’s name.
Thanks for the information. I will definitely try those venues. Again thank you sincerely.
I’m in-state with you up near SF and caligrl.
If she has not remarried and has the same name you should get some hits on the name. (address and phone # ) Like I said practice with names you know first (your own)…. so you know how the filters work…. and learn the system.
It can be fun. And you can do it from your basement in your pajamas.
@HonestyinGov: Thanks for the info. I will definitely try that. Again thanks for taking the time to answer. I appreciate it immensely.
@Same Old: I really just know her name and the baby’s name.
Thanks for the information. I will definitely try those venues. Again thank you sincerely.
If only that round peg would do a little more “talking”.
Could it be that Sarah needed that extra team of lawyers to make sure that both the book deal and the “hush hush” clause relating to the Johnstons were correctly worded?
Meghan Mccain was just on the Daily Show. Said she disagrees with Bristol’s abstinence idea/plan. Last question he asked…. said he was told she would NOT make any comment about Sarah Palin beforehand. Would you like to comment…. on THAT comment…? She said NO.
At one point she was giving her opinions or views and she said she supports gay marriage … etc. Colbert says…. Can we call you a Democrat..?
She is way too reasonable to be a Republican. A round peg in a square hole. It just doesn’t fit.
Lori in Los Angeles Says:
May 18th, 2009 at 6:50 PM
A MUST read from blogger in Wasilla:
Wow. Is there no end to the fires she needs to put out? It must be exhausting keeping track of everything requiring attention – and expensive too.
Congrats to all the winners! so creative, everyone!
97 califpat Says:
May 18th, 2009 at 4:53 PM
Hi Fellow MudPups:
I have a question. I always hear about people finding love ones over the internet but I have been unsuccessul in my search. My question is, is there is a procedure of a way to do this?
I may have an answer for you that is much ‘ simpler ‘ than you would think. There is no guarantee… But a couple years ago at a 30 yr H.S reunion we were looking for people. (Much easier with Guys … the last names don’t change)In many cases we knew they were in either one state or another…. just didn’t know where. The answer…. the regular online Yellowpages or Whitepages. It allows you to ‘filter’ the names. Pick the State, the last name and maybe the first letter of the first name and one of the filter options is age. Choose an age range to narrow it down otherwise you might get 18-65. I think it was in 5 yr increments and you probably already know her exact age already.
Practice with your own name or family members first and people in other states where you know what the answer will be… but you can adjust the filter options to get the smallest group of names. Start large… then narrow it down, so you don’t miss anybody. If her name is unusual… you will get even fewer hits. Try various states as well…. but do a little practice.
My instructions are not real detailed (and I am going from memory ) so if you need a little more help come back and ask more questions.
Hope you can find her.
Lori in Los Angeles Says:
May 18th, 2009 at 6:50 PM
A MUST read from blogger in Wasilla:
There seems to be a lot of rumors like this going around, yet no one has any confirmation of anything. It will be interesting to see what is going happen, but it would explain the rushed through book deal, but even then that isn’t a lot of money.
A MUST read from blogger in Wasilla:
Do you know if the woman is originally from Buford? If so the old fashioned way is to contact all people with the same last name. If she has remarried, marriage licenses are public records. These are online. Generally you need to find out who she is — parents, dob, etc You may be able to trace her through a work record. It depends on what you know.
The best sources for looking are in adoption circles where adoptees and birth parents look for each other. There are lots of web sites, books, support groups and so on.
Check this out from Huffpo (originally from Politico). It appears shennanegans (sp?) were in the works earlier this year with Greta’s husband pushing for Palins’ PAC to reach out to Hillary. HA! Looks like the Clinton’s wanted nothing to do with her. Wow, they must thing the voting public is so stupid.
Hi Fellow MudPups:
I have a question. I always hear about people finding love ones over the internet but I have been unsuccessul in my search. My question is, is there is a procedure of a way to do this?
In 2002, my son who had been living in Buford, South Carolina with his fiance for several years was killed in a car accident. We live in California. We had his body shipped back to California and his fiance attended. We found out that she was pregnant with my son’s child. She went back to Buford and the following year she sent us pictures of my beautiful grand daughter. As time went on, she moved and we moved and lost touch. I have tried companies that claim to find people for a fee but have come up empty. Does any one know of a way to get in touch with loved ones? This has been on my mind for a long time. I would appreciate any suggestions.
Check out THESE polls……yeah!! Maybe James Carville is correct, in the title of his new book “40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation”
May 18, 2009
GOP Losses Span Nearly All Demographic Groups
Only frequent churchgoers show no decline in support since 2001
by Jeffrey M. Jones
PRINCETON, NJ — The decline in Republican Party affiliation among Americans in recent years is well documented, but a Gallup analysis now shows that this movement away from the GOP has occurred among nearly every major demographic subgroup.
Since the first year of George W. Bush’s presidency in 2001, the Republican Party has maintained its support only among frequent churchgoers, with conservatives and senior citizens showing minimal decline.
#63 CRFlats said: “For Christmas this year I received a book from a friend called “The Wit and Wisdom of Sarah Palin”, and the pages were blank.”
That’s better than what I got…my “friend” gave me a Sarah Palin calendar. So, I sent her a Dick Cheney calendar in return!
#77 honestyinGov:
I haven’t seen an answer to your question yet, so this is from the F.A.Q.:
Q. How can I upload an avatar?
The default avatar is a randomly generated geometric pattern. Some people call them quilts, others call them snowflakes. If you want to use your own avatar, you’ll need to go to and create an account. Then follow the instructions to upload your own avatar. It will automatically be used throughout WordPress.
Thanks for that tpc – that is indeed good news.
Bravo London Bridges! Giving Lynnrockets some competition! That was very funny!
Song: What A Bizarro World This Would Be
With apologies to Sam Cooke’s “What A Wonderful World This Would Be”
Don’t know much about history
Don’t know much biology
Don’t know much about an ethics book
Don’t know much about the sex ed I took
But I do know that I love, love me
And I know that if you vote for me too
What an armageddon world this would be
Don’t know much about geography (Russia?)
Don’t know much about who’s trig’s mommy
Don’t know much about per diem rules
Don’t know what a condom is for
But I do know that one on one makes three
But if you think Trig belongs to me
What a dark, dark world this would be
Now I don’t claim to be an “A” student
But I’m trying to deceive
So maybe by being an “Abstinence” baby
You can win POTUS for me
Don’t know much about history
Don’t know much biology
Don’t know much about an ethics book
Don’t know much about the sex ed I took
But I do know that I love, love me
And I know that if you vote me too
What a end of times world this would be
La ta ta ta ta ta ta
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
La ta ta ta ta ta ta
(Ethics book)
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
(Sex Ed I took)
But I do know that I love, love me
And I know that if you vote me too
What a bizzarro world this would be
Wow . Something odd has happened to the voting at :
AKM has over 400 votes. But the odd part is that some other popular people are missing, and some votes for the #2 guy have been subtracted!
AKM is WAY in the lead. What happened to the competition?
I also just sent an email to AKM to see if AKM knows the reason for not being chosen (despite most votes). I have a feeling it is the anonimity. Just a theory.
I sent them an e-mail (Netroots) to ask why no AKM? if AKM is nowhere in sight, must be a reason – beause he/she is anonymous? wondering.
That doesn’t make any sense just had a look over at Netroots. AKM’s name is nowhere in sight.
What the hell . . . . . . ? How come AKM didn’t win? I’m confused too Lori in LA. Maybe it is as Tina in Tennessee says, it’s all about donations. So is it based on popularity or on economics? Very disappointing if it’s the latter.
…wonder if joining and voting wasn’t enough?… wonder if they wanted donations from the joiners ~ and that was the deciding factor.
We need to let ’em know we’re busy taking care of flood victims, right now, if money is the deciding factor. If’n that IS the case, i wish they would be a little more straightforward about it.
“Fish Out of Water”
An interview with Dud
Somebody got past Greta ……
Netroots Nation lists the winners of round 1. NO AKM. These appear to be the SAME people who ran with/against AKM and had less votes than AKM. So, I am confused.
Was AKM in round #1 or not? If so, why did she not win the scholarship?
Banker Rescues Darling Ducklings /Absolutely adorable
Aaargghhh!!! TOO FUNNY – Just watching CNN Situation room. Asked what do the public want in elected justices – big ticker headline at the bottom
“What do the PUBIC want?”
They were just congratulating themeselves for being so wonderful they got the Peabody Award.
Congrats to all the Book Title winners!
Loved them all…..and all the others on that behemoth naming thread!
Fun times. Fun times.
Congratulations to Cathy in Texas…and to all the other winners. Although I feel the real winners were those of us who had such enjoyment posting and reading the book titles.
Here’s an open question… and I see caligirl has a pic for her gravitar. Is there a process to download a photo…. and where is that at..?
After loooooong procrastination I finally got signed up on the Forums so I could log into YBG’s Eagle drive and get info.
refresh your memories with this video……it’ll make ya shake your head. I had missed a lot of these because we don’t get cable news……now exactly what has fiscal Palin done for special needs?
Just a quick observation…. over on NetRoots Nation….
Did they restart the competition for the next month… or something?
AKM is still in first with 405 but Bob Kincaid in 2nd had about 345 before…. and now he has 135….? The former 3rd place woman has only 21 now as well. She had 217 before. Hmm….
I don’t know what this means…. since AKMs numbers didn’t change.
CRFlats Says:
May 18th, 2009 at 10:49 AM
For Christmas this year I received a book from a friend called “The Wit and Wisdom of Sarah Palin”, and the pages were blank.

witsendnj says:
Mudpuppies, I do wish there was a special place on this blog for climate change issues.
@witsendnj–Hop on into the forum. There is a category called “issues”. And the thread stays open for all comments on each specific topic. Current comments bring he topic back to the top of the list. You can start a new topic and/or follow and/or comment on a previously started topic.
Today is Tina Feys birthday. LOL, shout out to Tina and Happy Birthday!!
Congratulations Cathy and to all the Mudpuppies!
What fun!
It’s hard to stop coming up with new ones. Open thread material from now on, eh? Unless the title is on-topic also, too. The top ten finalists are awesome. Kudos to collective choice! So there it is, Sarah Vain and Simple. Still laughing at the same old delightful ones and all the fresh new ones, also too.
new thread
Sry about the link. I have a hell of a time with copy and paste
Oh dear……is Obama looking at us?
Seems that the link is kicking off my comment, so here is the excerpt and you can go to to find the article.
I say go, Sarah go!
Huntsman strategist: If Palin and Limbaugh dominate, GOP ‘headed for a blowout’ in 2012
Chief Political Correspondent
05/18/09 12:24 AM EDT
The Republican strategist who helped Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman prepare for a possible presidential run says the Republican party is in for a devastating defeat if its guiding lights are Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Dick Cheney. “If it’s 2012 and our party is defined by Palin and Limbaugh and Cheney, then we’re headed for a blowout,” says strategist John Weaver, who advised Huntsman and was for years a close adviser to Sen. John McCain. “That’s just the truth.”
Huntsman strategist: If Palin and Limbaugh dominate, GOP ‘headed for a blowout’ in 2012
Chief Political Correspondent
05/18/09 12:24 AM EDT
Excerpt and link;
The Republican strategist who helped Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman prepare for a possible presidential run says the Republican party is in for a devastating defeat if its guiding lights are Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Dick Cheney. “If it’s 2012 and our party is defined by Palin and Limbaugh and Cheney, then we’re headed for a blowout,” says strategist John Weaver, who advised Huntsman and was for years a close adviser to Sen. John McCain. “That’s just the truth.”
For Christmas this year I received a book from a friend called “The Wit and Wisdom of Sarah Palin”, and the pages were blank.
Just a suggestion… (Gates Foundation)
I sent off an email about an hour ago to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in reference to the Eagle disaster and the surrounding area. Their emphasis is on Education but under one of the tab/headings they have a section ‘ Emergency Relief ‘.
This definitely qualifies. I told him my little box/contribution would be in the mail and if He would like to ‘ chip in ‘ some of his support… or his Foundations.
Seeing as how almost of the bloggers are using his products….. it seems only fair as well. (I left that part out though)
Referred to the Mudflats stories, Sen Begich’s support… etc
If you want to email… couldn’t hurt.
The Life and Times of Sarah Palin
A legend in her own mind.
Go Sarah go! What wonderful company you’re in!!
The Washington Examiner reported:
“If it’s 2012 and our party is defined by Palin and Limbaugh and Cheney, then we’re headed for a blowout,” says strategist John Weaver, who advised Huntsman and was for years a close adviser to Sen. John McCain. “That’s just the truth.”
Somehow the memory of the GOP convention speech keeps haunting me in regard to all the wonderful entries in the book contest.
“I guess being a small town mayor is sort of like being a community organizer, except you have actual responsibilities”
Well, to all the Mudpuppies with various responsibilities in daily life, I applaud your involvement in politics and the information that flows through the posts on Mudflats. Bravo to all the entries…..time, thought, and action were taken to enter them while still having “actual daily responsibilities”.
Soooooo….I would like to say
I guess that submitting titles to a “potential award winning” book is sorta like being an author……except you actually COMPOSE AND WRITE the title.
If Sarah stays true to form, the title she will choose will simply be SARAH.
In her mind, that says it all.
Ripley in CT @53
Not to mention that in the last couple of weeks she has been scurrying round like a little beaver, doing Guvvy type things, too little, too late I say.
Go Sarah go!! What great company you’re in!
Excerpt and link;
John Weaver: GOP “Headed For A Blowout” In 2012 If Cheney, Limbaugh, Palin Lead
“If it’s 2012 and our party is defined by Palin and Limbaugh and Cheney, then we’re headed for a blowout,” says strategist John Weaver, who advised Huntsman and was for years a close adviser to Sen. John McCain. “That’s just the truth.”
Just making the list made me feel like i won the lottery! Hubby was looking over my shoulder and it was awesome sharing my delight with him.
Thanks for the rush, AKM, and thank you to the 39 folks who included “Idaho to Alaska…” in their top ten list!
(It could almost be her real title if she changes it to “Idaho to Alaska ~ How I went From Spud to Dude”)
From today’s Washington Post, interesting info Ana Marie Cox heard from McCain insiders:
Hollywood: Is Sarah Palin getting really bad advice or is she just plain nuts? Why would she weigh in on the Miss California gay marriage question?
Ana Marie Cox: I reject your binary choices.
I know McCain staffers who will swear up, down and sideways that she’s genuinely nuts.
(“Then why did you put her on the ticket?” I ask, to which they say, “It seemed like a good idea at the time! And, look, the polling improved!” To which I say, “But you’re glad you lost, then, since it prevented a crazy person being in the White House?” Then they say: “Let me think about that.)
But let’s face it, she could ALSO be getting bad advice.
There is supposedly something BIG coming down the pike on GINO. I’m sure that’s why all the talk of a new lawyer. And the AFT funds. And the make-up with the Johnston clan. And the sudden book deal to tell her side. Another pre-emptive strike, I say.
I can’t personally wait to see it. It’s been brewing on some other blogs for about 3 weeks now, with nobody giving anything up. I’m not sure what “they” are waiting for, but I suspect when it hits, there will be much hand-wringing and furrowing of brows. See4Pea will implode.
And btw, I loved the contest to name the book. Laughed my tail off many times. And I voted for the eventual winner, and some of the runners-up.
Forever Anonymous Says:
May 18th, 2009 at 9:34 AM
So, they were waiting to set up the legal funds before announcing the dismissal of the bulk of the ethics complaints ?
The legal fund monies went to resolve the ethics jam?
Let’s just say that this “Legal Fund” came at a very convenient time. I believe the money needed to be repaid by July 21st (I could be wrong on that day as I am going by memory here) . The “Legal Fund” allows her (Palin) to use that money for not just lawyers bills but for anything relating to her job as Governor, so the repayment to the state of this money would fall into that category.
EyeOnYou Says:
May 18th, 2009 at 9:22 AM
Don’t forget that included in that claim of “dismissed/resolved” is the one where she is being forced to pay back the state nearly $10,000.00 in funds that she charged to the state for her kids travel & hotel expenses, claiming that they were on state business when they were not. Those are the travel vouchers where she went back and changed the information on them to ensure that it looked like they were on state business when they obviously were not. She even admitted to changing the information on them claiming that she was simply doing it to clarify the information on the trips in order to be open and transparent, and yet those are the trips that she had to repay for because it was determined that the kids were not on state business.
Furthermore, I recall reading that the investigator, (conveniently the same one who found her not guilty in the Personnel Boards investigation of the Troopergate issue) stated that the $$ amount was agreed upon and no further investigation into prior charges to the state by Palin would be looked at. He also stated that this could not be called an “exoneration” because it had not gone to trial, and was basically an out of court settlement.
So in other words, Palin got to claim no wrongdoing on her part but was forced to repay the state the money by a set date. This was a brokered deal by Palin’s lawyer with the AK State Personnel Board and their investigator in order to avoid a potential problem for Palin.
Oh I know!That’s why I find it so questionable about 11 complaints being “dismissed” and that her personal “attorney” van flea is blabbling about STATE biz (for free?) on a radio show…? And what were the other ones that were “dismissed”? I think someone should send the whole shebang up to Karen Loeffler isn’t she the US Attorney General for Alaska?
And not just the ethics complaints should be questioned but the whole damn personnel board and investigators, van flea, the acting AG all of them!! Rotten to the core!!!! Like GINO!
#33 Mlaiuppa wrote-
My Dad would love to put up a wind turbine too, but so far no efficient and viable system small enough for a house is available with a good maintenance record.
We have used a SW Windpower 200- produces 1 KW -for going on 4 years up here in AK. Has held up very well in our up to over 100 MPH winds.
Our neighbors have a number of different ones – all off grid – that he uses too from this supplier. He is in a gustier area and overall is happy with them. (If you want more info to contact him direct let me know as he posts on some RE places and is a big resource to people here for RE)
They do offer a “on grid” one that has been installed in a number of places here on the Alaska Peninsula, many different wind conditions, that seems to be holding up well.
I believe you will find the maintenance on them is minimal at the most and the so far we have had good service for anything odd that has happened.
Hope it helps
OH Yes— Russian Mission was definitely where SP went and Ann has written about getting her food from Emmoncak.
They are already getting some flooding, from melting snows – you can catch up over at
Congrads to all the winners!!
Victoria B
Ugashik/Pilot Point Food Drive
So, they were waiting to set up the legal funds before announcing the dismissal of the bulk of the ethics complaints ?
The legal fund monies went to resolve the ethics jam?
crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
May 18th, 2009 at 8:45 AM
Ok I did manage to find this from the 9th:
“Thomas Van Flein, Palin’s attorney, said 14 ethics complaints have been filed against the governor or her staff and nine have been resolved without any finding that the law was broken. Van Flein said five complaints are still pending.”
Don’t forget that included in that claim of “dismissed/resolved” is the one where she is being forced to pay back the state nearly $10,000.00 in funds that she charged to the state for her kids travel & hotel expenses, claiming that they were on state business when they were not. Those are the travel vouchers where she went back and changed the information on them to ensure that it looked like they were on state business when they obviously were not. She even admitted to changing the information on them claiming that she was simply doing it to clarify the information on the trips in order to be open and transparent, and yet those are the trips that she had to repay for because it was determined that the kids were not on state business.
Furthermore, I recall reading that the investigator, (conveniently the same one who found her not guilty in the Personnel Boards investigation of the Troopergate issue) stated that the $$ amount was agreed upon and no further investigation into prior charges to the state by Palin would be looked at. He also stated that this could not be called an “exoneration” because it had not gone to trial, and was basically an out of court settlement.
So in other words, Palin got to claim no wrongdoing on her part but was forced to repay the state the money by a set date. This was a brokered deal by Palin’s lawyer with the AK State Personnel Board and their investigator in order to avoid a potential problem for Palin.
GlobalVillage, here is the Johnston trial info…….
From People online:
“Sherry Johnston, the troubled mother of Levi Johnston, the ex-fiancé of Bristol Palin, has been granted a short reprieve to consider her options.
An Alaskan judge Friday postponed her May 18 jury trial on felony charges for allegedly selling OxyContin. Instead, the judge, Eric Smith, scheduled a May 21 hearing at which Johnston, 42, will have the opportunity to discuss her case with a prosecutor and judge and consider changing her plea.
Johnston had previously pleaded not guilty to charges resulting from a December 2008 arrest for allegedly pedalling the prescription drug in a Wasilla shopping center parking lot. Johnston later told PEOPLE she became addicted to the painkiller after taking it years ago to treat pain from a hysterectomy and several subsequent surgeries.
Johnston’s attorney, Rex Butler, did not return calls Friday. Messages left at the district attorney’s office in Palmer, Alaska, were also not returned.
Johnston’s son, Levi, 18, recently claimed in TV interview that tensions with Bristol Palin and her family have prevented him from spending quality time with the estranged pair’s infant son, Tripp. Meanwhile, Bristol Palin, 19, has finished high shool and graduated with classmates in Wasilla on May 14.”
Elizabeth…….there’s talk of that( blowing up ice jams) from some, but the down side would be killing fish and such. My beef is the spilled fuel damage occurring right now, look at the extent of it compared to blowing up jams.
yes, crystalwolf, you are correct…..wrong village, lol, I hope it doesn’t flood.
Ok I did manage to find this from the 9th:
“Thomas Van Flein, Palin’s attorney, said 14 ethics complaints have been filed against the governor or her staff and nine have been resolved without any finding that the law was broken. Van Flein said five complaints are still pending.”
And since then 3 (?) have been dismissed? I just think this is alittle funny, I wonder if the people who filed can appeal ?
And Yet…Alaska Report still has this on its front page!
“Rumor Central: Big story still heading towards the S.S. Palin
A deal-breaker is heading toward the Palins. Can it be stopped? I don’t think so. Will it topple the house of cards, all signs say yes. Stay tuned…”
I just hope so!!!!
I really do. And about CREW YES report Housegate! I have already but the more the merrier! They also work with the IRS!!! So send concerns about GINO’s slush fund there, too, also!
Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
May 18th, 2009 at 6:55 AM
crystalwolf……adn says 11 have been dismissed.
isn’t this where Ann goes for food?
“The National Weather Service just issued a new flood warning along the Yukon River, near Russian Mission, as the break-up flooding continues to make its way down the river this weekend.
A pilot has spotted an ice jam about 25 miles downstream from the Yup’ik village of roughly 300 people, the Weather Service reports. The problem is that a rush of ice and water is headed for the area, so unless the ice jam breaks, expect moderate flooding in the village. “
I think Russian village one of the places GINO & Graham did the food drop, I think Ann goes somewhere else?
I will have to look in the ADN, I want to see where 11 have been dropped.
Congratulations Cathy from Texas! (And to all the others who posted book titles). I agree, this was the best contest so far, it has really energized this site (not that it needed any extra juice!).
And about the ethics violations being dropped, I firmly believe the boards are stacked in Sarah’s favor so that even legitimate complaints are being dropped. How can a governor be held accountable when she gets to cherry pick those who are supposed to police her?
Aye Carumba!
Re: the Yukon flooding
I know nothing of ice jams, but can’t they blow them apart before the flooding starts? I would think a few well placed bombs could do wonders.
Congratulations to all the winners and thanks for many a good laugh. I needed that.
more on Cheney…..
mlaiuppa…..please share more about your energy savings……did you go with a certain company? the initial cost?
Republican strategist thinks if GINO and Limpbrain are top of GOP ticket they will go down in flames.
I watched a representative of CREW on PBS last night… and now I see they have a tipline……
How ’bout we ask them to investigate Housegate? Hmmmm?
what is she up to? I find it so odd that she does this sort of thing through the newspaper avoiding a press conference where questions may be asked for further clarification. Anyone else find this strange for a gov in her state, supposedly available?
Maybe it’s just me…..I’ll have to check whether other govs have done or do this.
There was some disagreement on which path the line should go, something about going a path where studies had already been done and paid for but she didn’t want that path… this her way of strong arming her preference?
All gas line options up for discussion
COMPASS: Other points of view
“That’s why I asked the Legislature to fund a thorough review of an in-state pipeline to move natural gas from the North Slope to Fairbanks, through the Railbelt and Southcentral regions, serving as many communities in the state as economically feasible.
We’re not wasting any time in this effort. The Legislature adjourned just three weeks ago and the gas line review is already under way, led by Harry Noah, former commissioner of Natural Resources under Gov. Wally Hickel.
First, I want to reassure Alaskans of our purpose.
Our effort complements the progress TC Alaska is making on a line to the Lower 48, using its state license under the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act. Alaskans can look forward to all the benefits the AGIA project will produce.”
re: ethics charges being dismissed willy-nilly.
It only takes 1, folks. It only takes 1.
WTG~ Kathy & Mudpups…Off to the dentst…Would rather be blogging …Have a great day…:))
I’m in California.
I put in PV and it is net metered. I did it in 2007. My parents did it last year.
No maintenance and our electric bills are zero at the end of the year. I think I pay $5.00 a month to “rent the meter” and pay for it to be read. A pretty good deal if you ask me.
My Dad would love to put up a wind turbine too, but so far no efficient and viable system small enough for a house is available with a good maintenance record.
I hope those in Anchorage take advantage of this renewable clean energy conference! Call the gov’s office and see if she or anybody from the state is going.
To boost clean energy in Alaska, we need to think small
COMPASS: Other points of view
Andy Baker, PE, is an independent clean energy consultant and a member of the Alaska Center for Appropriate Technology. ***Interested readers can learn more at The Business of Clean Energy Convention at the Dena’ina Center in Anchorage today and Tuesday.
“The good news is that net metering is now being considered by the Regulatory Commission of Alaska. For every megawatt of new net metered systems installed in Alaska, an estimated $10 million will be spent locally on consulting, equipment and installation.
Many states, local governments and utilities in the Lower 48 offer small incentives to homeowners and businesses to install renewable energy systems. For example, in Colorado, the Governor’s Energy Office has allocated rebate funds that will cover up to $3,000 for residential solar water heaters and $9,000 for small business solar water heaters. The Wyoming State Energy Office offers an incentive to cover half the cost of an off-grid or on-grid residential photovoltaic system up to $3,000. “
Don’t forget to vote for AKM.
crystalwolf…….I think Regina has a list on her blog
Has there been any Johnston news? I thought there was supposed to be a court appearance this week sometime but I haven’t seen any references anywhere. Maybe I’m confused and this thought came to me in a nightmare and I can’t make the distinction between fact and fiction any more.
Congrats to all the winning mudpups- my sides still hurt from laughing.
BTW: Why should it surprise any of us that ethics complaints are dismissed? Her BFFs are on the Personnel Board, her paid lawyers…I hold a slim hope that-maybe- the Legislature might draw the line if all complaints are dismissed. (ever the optimist)
crystalwolf……adn says 11 have been dismissed.
isn’t this where Ann goes for food?
“The National Weather Service just issued a new flood warning along the Yukon River, near Russian Mission, as the break-up flooding continues to make its way down the river this weekend.
A pilot has spotted an ice jam about 25 miles downstream from the Yup’ik village of roughly 300 people, the Weather Service reports. The problem is that a rush of ice and water is headed for the area, so unless the ice jam breaks, expect moderate flooding in the village. “
crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
May 18th, 2009 at 6:30 AM
Does anyone know the total number of Ethics complaints dismissed against GINO?
I know she has racked up approx 13?
I just heard van flea on eddie smurk show on youtube and he says 11 of the complaints have been dismissed but some have “sub-titles”? So that would mean that there are 2 or 3 left? Where is a list of all the complaints and dismissals? I looked @ the department of law website and couldn’t find anything there. Anyone know??? I think this is a sham, and what is van flea talking about ethics complaints for? Does he work for the SOA now?
A vehicle for change
New federal transportation bill can help support public transit
“An upcoming rewrite of the federal transportation law gives the U.S. a chance to finally begin spending transportation dollars in a more Earth-friendly way. Instead of mainly funding new roads, the law for the first time may provide money to operate public transit systems.”
” Rep. Young was the main architect of the last big surface transportation bill and will be involved in writing the next one, his office said. He favors using federal money to operate public transit — and in fact co-sponsored a bill to do so last year. He also supports “complete streets,” said a spokesman — code for taking full account of biking, walking and bus riding when you design a road project.
Sen. Begich said he is co-sponsoring a bill to promote “complete streets,” and supports Transportation for America’s call for a bigger share for public transit, as well as an emphasis on maintaining roads and bridges. Begich says there needs to be a new financing plan, but he doesn’t want to increase the gas tax.”
wow, ADN is disagreeing in print with an ethics finding….
Our view: Not on our dime
Palin complaints dismissed, but one of them missed a point
“But to describe her trip to Georgia as state business because Chambliss favors ANWR drilling is fig leaf cover at best. Supporting Alaska in a congressional issue is hardly grounds for using State of Alaska money to support one side in an election battle. With a standard that loose, a governor could spend an entire election season campaigning at state expense in all 435 House races and 33 Senate races,
Paying State of Alaska per diem for Kris Perry while she was with the governor on a campaign trip doesn’t pass the red-face test.”
That’s what I heard. Probably why she’s so reticent. If it were 11 mil, she’d be crowing, albeit through somebody else. She may need a ‘pay off the publisher’ fund before it’s all over.
Does anyone know the total number of Ethics complaints dismissed against GINO?
I know she has racked up approx 13?
Oh boy, oh boy…I just love a good pop up picture book…
In NYC media circles, reported here or on another blog, she may have signed what is called a “chumps deal” where she takes a hit on some expenses, I don’t remember but also, it was around 1 million, then taxes, payment % to agent/lawyer, it is not Hedge Fund bucks, it’s not even average banker bucks.
Sauerkraut: Then YAY for capitalism!
Congrats to all!
Sarah’s looking for waterproof cookies so she can bring a plateful to those towns along the river.
BigPete – if Palin does laugh all the way to the bank, perhaps she’ll be too busy to run for office. Capitalism will bear responsibility for getting her out of where she does not belong. And Alaska might then be able to get a governor who actually does something for its residents.
This whole thing was the most fun group blog contest I’ve ever seen! Great stuff!
Congrats, Cathy (and everyone else)!
Congrats, Cathy. You deserved the win.
What fun! Let’s do again.
Congratulations to all the winners – you were all very clever. I agree with AKM about that day – it was indeed one of the funniest days – I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face – absolutely hilarious! Read . . laugh. . . read . . . laugh – it became very addictive.
Wow! I have something in common with Sarah now! We both got the Aluminum!
(I’m recycling mine!)
That was a blast. I can’t wait until somebody else decides to write a book so we can do it again. Congratulations to the deserving winners.
@ witsendnj Says:
May 18th, 2009 at 3:53 AM
Mudpuppies, I do wish there was a special place on this blog for climate change issues….
and also, the devastating Eagle flood which is related to rapid unprecedented warming.
There is a thread on the Forum to discuss the Eagle flood.,7285.msg70240/topicseen.html#new
Everyone welcome!
Congratulations Mudpuppies. You all rock! Extra congratulations to the very worthy winners.
I just wrote a message to Rev. Jenkins, the President of Notre Dame. If you would like to do so also too, the address is
Ga Peach linked this on the previous Open thread-her title is “Winkin’ Blinkin’ and Todd”. A Mudflats shout-out was obviously too painful for the (fair & balanced) ADN ear.
“the ever expanding list of suggested titles for the book now whirling through the blogosphere. It’s a favorite game on assorted blogs”.
Some of the least mean: On the Bridge to Nowhere; Pulp Diction; Confessions of a Neiman Marxist; On A Clear Day, You Can See Russia; The Overbearing Being of Lightness; The Audacity of Hype; Carpe Per Diem; A Series of Unfortunate Remarks; Winkin’ Blinkin’ and Todd.
Ear imagines Sarah laughing all the way to the bank.
Should there be a competition for what she will really call the book?
My Life
My Path
Opening Doors
Sarah’s Story (the most appropriate title any day)
You Betcha
Alaska Grown
Made in Alaska
The Book of Sarah
In My Own Words
With God at My Side
Onwards and Upwards
Great job on what appears to be a ton of work.
I’m sure she’s complaining about all the folks who came up with all the clever titles.
Mudpuppies, I do wish there was a special place on this blog for climate change issues. See this story:
and also, the devastating Eagle flood which is related to rapid unprecedented warming.
The consequences of climate chaos are going will soon eclipse all other issues and it is critical that we take action to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
Youz are a funny but very observant bunch also.
YAY Cathy from Texas !! And all others also.too.
Congratulations to Cathy from Texas!!! for being first. And everybody else for having good senses of humour.
Me too for being first today!!