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Palin’s Priorities.

I have to confess, that Mudflats has been in a lower gear than usual this past week.  Maybe it’s the sunshine – that sudden burst of Vitamin D and warmth that makes the world and the fingers seem to slow down.  I’ve got some catching up to do.

What’s to say about the whole Miss California thing that hasn’t been said?  We all know she only favors “opposite marriage.”  We know about the breast implants paid for by the pageant, we know about the topless photos, and we know that she and Sarah Palin have a lot in common. 

Both are self-described Christians.  Both had things paid for by the higher-ups to make them more camera-friendly; boobs on the one hand, and $180,000 in clothing on the other.  Both have interesting takes on reality when it decides to say “Gotcha!” (“I didn’t pose topless” “I wasn’t found guilty of ethics violations“).  And both think the rules don’t apply to them, whether they be pageant rules, or ethics rules.  They both complain of being the target of malicious liberal attacks.   Both like to be the center of attention.  Both make bad decisions about how to get there.  Both like to blame liberal bloggers for their woes, instead of what comes out of their mouths.  The only difference I can think of is that Miss California is probably actually qualified to be Miss California.  But all friends have their differences.

The thing that struck me the most was the fact that Sarah Palin came out nationally, with statements of support for Ms. Prejean.  It’s not because I’m surprised that Palin agrees with Prejean’s idealogy.   The thing that struck me is this.

Sarah Palin has celebrity.  This is not in doubt.  And with celebrity comes some capital.  How a celebrity (be they the governor, Miss California, Bono, Richard Gere, or any other) decides how they are going to spend that capital tells us a lot about them.  It’s like one of a host of different computer games.  You earn gold pieces and then you go to the shop.  Do you decide to spend the coins, or save them up?  Do you buy a weapon, or a vial of healing ointment, or a pair of really cool shoes?  Decisions, decisions.

Well, Sarah Palin just went to the big PR Shop with a whole lot of political capital.  Where is she going to spend her gold coins?  Is she going to talk about the horrendous flooding on the Yukon River, where Alaskans sit today looking at devastated homes lifted off their foundations and buried in giant piles of ice chunks the size of tractor trailers?  Is she tossing a few pr coins around to give us the details on the Rebuild Eagle Fund at Wells Fargo that will help these people rebuild their lives?  Is she telling us what we can donate to our fellow Americans who have just lost everything?

“The liberal onslaught of malicious attacks against [Miss California] Carrie Prejean for expressing her opinion is despicable,” said Palin in a statement. Palin added that she spoke to Prejean soon after the beauty queen said publicly that she believed she had lost the Miss USA competition due to her answer to blogger — and contest judge — Perez Hilton that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Nope, she made her decision and  just plopped down a nice drawstring pouch full of gold “political capital” coins to put her massive celebrity behind supporting a free implant sportin’, ex-topless teen model who’s defining characteristic is the outward support of policies that deny equal protection and benefits for her fellow Americans.



107 Responses to “Palin’s Priorities.”
  1. mysticdave says:

    I am so glad i found this website, came to me via Digg, so true and well written, i am posting this on my Blog, with a link back to this article, and i am totally checking out more:)

  2. wasillawarrior says:

    I love this web site !!!! Thank you for calling it ! Birds of a feather….

  3. Diane says:

    When she stayed home from the Press dinner that Todd went to with Greta, did Palin actually do anything but sulk? Did she go to the flooded places?
    Was she even in the Capitol?

    Also I agree with you. She is not being to smart about where she spends her time and whom she speaks to or about.

    Unless,(and I always can find an ulterior motive for her) she will not tangle with politics, Knowing she cannot compete. But she may think she has a following among a certain class of people, conservative right wing republicans.
    She seems to be addressing non political issues that they might think important.
    But how christian is posing topless?

  4. sue says:

    Hey Sarah – your grave is getting deeper.

    But, the deeper, the better.

    You can lead a politician to water, but you can’t make her think.

    And our governor doesn’t spend much time thinking.

  5. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Cathy in Texas Says:
    May 18th, 2009 at 3:06 PM

    Palin is a predator.

    I think she probably visited Prejean’s Facebook page and found a goldmine of future voters that she can pander to by befriending Miss California.
    I am still bettin that Alaska will be one of Miss California’s first stops on tour, you betcha.

    Sarah’s vanity is second to her need to grow her base. Prejean is a pawn for her.

    Given all that is going on in Alaska, this is, yet again, pitiful.


    Cathy in TX…… on. sigh. A perfect source for building her “grassroots” base of extreame weirdos, and they may have money, if they’re foolish enough to be gaga over a beauty queen, they’ll fall for supporting Scarah, perfect fit, I’m sure she’s hoping they’ll generously fund her pacs, also, too. foolish is as foolish does.

    Watching them (palin, repubs, their groupies) and contemplating their actions is moving beyond humorous for me, it’s becoming a sad freak show. Pass the aspirin. Now we have the greta/hillary fiasco, will it never end?

  6. austintx says:

    100 NY Dem Says:
    May 19th, 2009 at 4:29 AM
    Palin/Prejean 2012

    WOW !

    Can you just imagine THAT ticket running for Pres/VP in 2012 ?

    It boggles the mind !

    Boobs for everybody !!

  7. NY Dem says:

    Palin/Prejean 2012

    WOW !

    Can you just imagine THAT ticket running for Pres/VP in 2012 ?

    It boggles the mind !

  8. Irishgirl says:

    Cynamen Winter Says:
    May 18th, 2009 at 8:19 PM

    Irishgirl Says:
    May 18th, 2009 at 11:29 AM

    Palin is all about Palin, Alaskans are the last thing on her mind.
    Quite true….but have you noticed how she’s been ‘twitting’ up a storm lately as it pertains to issues in AK ….trying to regain some political capital; feigning as if she’s actually doing some “governy stuff.”

    Yes, she is being all “governy” lately, but it is so blatantly transparent what she is doing, which is simply furthering her own agenda!

  9. EyeOnYou says:

    justafarmer Says:
    May 18th, 2009 at 8:24 PM
    wow! that’s just…well…I’m speechless.


    Yes, she is quite the piece of work isn’t she? I love how she spoke of Bristol’s pregnancy and the fact that she once again inadvertently admits how she made a choice with Trig!

  10. justafarmer says:

    wow! that’s just…well…I’m speechless.

  11. Cynamen Winter says:

    Irishgirl Says:
    May 18th, 2009 at 11:29 AM

    Palin is all about Palin, Alaskans are the last thing on her mind.
    Quite true….but have you noticed how she’s been ‘twitting’ up a storm lately as it pertains to issues in AK ….trying to regain some political capital; feigning as if she’s actually doing some “governy stuff.”

  12. justafarmer says:

    @mlaiuppa: “And what happened to Bob Kincaid? He’s down to 135.”

    That *is* weird. Wonder what’s the story behind that. I like Bob.

  13. EyeOnYou says:

    Sorry about this, but I thought I was posting this in the Open Thread. Oopps!

  14. EyeOnYou says:

    I said before I thought that she was trying to reaffirm her “bona fides” with the base as far as her “Christian Beliefs”.

    I think this gives just another confirmation of that fact……

    From a recent interview with Todd & Sarah Palin in Christian Living

    Leading By Example

    Like most people in public life, the Palins have taken their share of hard knocks. The 2008 political campaign delivered some especially nasty blows: Everything from criticism of Sarah’s wardrobe to shots at her administration and-the really tough ones-attacks against her children.

    CL: How did those negatives affect you?

    Sarah: During the campaign, I was insulated. It was not until I returned home that my eyes were opened to various things coming from the mainstream media. But most hurtful were the lies spoken about my kids.

    CL: As a Christian leader, how do you deal with such difficult situations?

    Sarah: I look back at Scripture that reminds me, hey, I’m sure not the first to face this. Criticism will come. Unfair shots will be taken. The question is how are you going to react? I like I Peter 2:12. It says to keep your conduct honorable, so that by your good works, which are observed by others, God will be glorified. When I read that I know others have faced this before me. They face it today. Who am I to exempt myself from a principle like that? In spite of it all, I’ve got to live my life to glorify God. That’s what I promised myself I’d do 30 years ago, and that’s what I must do now-not just to talk it, but to walk it.

    CL: But how do you pass that concept on to your children?

    Sarah: It’s very timely that you should ask that question. Just the other day Bristol and Willow were at Wal-mart and Bristol called me and said, ‘Mom, you will not believe what I’m reading on the cover of the National Enquirer!’ At first I said, ‘Don’t even waste your brain cells!’ But she was upset because the inside story said that she used drugs and that I was trying to talk her out of getting married. It gave me an opportunity to tell her that if we let it, lies and criticism can consume us to the point of becoming paralyzed. We have to answer our critics with how we live our lives.

    With Bristol, God turned a situation that at first looked full of despair and embarrassment into such a blessing for our family. She has the most beautiful baby boy! I remind her and all our children that we have to stay focused on serving God, putting our lives in HIS hands and seeing the blessings flow from some less than ideal circumstances.

    Now we all know that she certainly doesn’t live according to the answers she gave in this interview, but it is just more proof of her hypocritical words and actions, but another confirmation that she lives by the “Do as I say Not as I Do”.

  15. Star says:

    49~Lynnrockets..Tooooo funny 🙂

  16. yukonark says:

    This is really a great, laugh-out-loud thread to end the workday…”Bare Boobs for Jesus” – too funny! Then I thought of “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” and freedom of speech, and just sobered up a bit.

  17. Physicsmom says:

    @Jake – LOL!

    Carrie certainly had the right to say what she wanted to answer the question, even though it was full of lies (choice to marry whom they want? Here? No, that’s the point, they don’t have the choice, you imbecile), and gibberish (“opposite marriage”). Sheesh. She should not be ridiculed for standing up for her beliefs, but for how she expressed them. Until she clearly articulates her position, there’s no point in trying to discuss equal rights with her (or GINO for that matter), because she won’t understand the arguments.

  18. seattlefan says:

    Excellent post AKM! Political capital is indeed like currency and she continues to spend hers like we all knew she would. Instead of putting it into worthy causes she squanders it on the cheap interests of her base supporters and her own self important ideas of what she thinks is relevant. Her “Three Coins in a Fountain” have been wasted on sensationalism and her selfish endeavors.

    She just doesn’t get the big picture.

  19. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck says:

    austintx — i saw that article in Politico about the “story” of how Coale asked palin to help hillary……..where do people get the drugs it takes to tell such a bunch of mallarkey?

    so i went and looked up the blogger/author —- jonathon martin — here is part of his bio: “Martin comes to Politico from National Review, where he wrote about politics for the magazine and the Web site. Prior to that, he worked for The Hotline covering topics ranging from gubernatorial contests to congressional leadership battles. He writes a blog about the candidates for the 2008 Republican nomination for Politico. A Virginian, Martin is a graduate of Hampden-Sydney College.”

    ahhhh. but that still doesn’t answer the question of why? why did he go on and on and on and on about palin and coale and hillary? it was all so completely absurd.

    do they do snark on politico? maybe i missed that ?? i always check for “eyeballery” here on the flats…….

    maybe jonathon is throwing palin under the bus by gluing on bits of coale and hillary to her national persona?

    oh and if you are wondering as i was, Hampden-Sydney College is a private four year liberal arts school for men.

    strange business this is.

  20. Wurzelhexli says:

    LOL! I love the handle ‘Thomas T. Baggins’ ( as in ‘Teabaging’)

  21. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    Re: the Netroots thing – I think there was going to be 10 winners in each of three rounds of voting.

    Round 1 — Ten recipients
    Application Deadline: May 11th
    Announcement: May 15th

    Round 2 — Ten recipients
    Application Deadline: June 15th
    Announcement: June 19th

    Round 3 — Ten recipients
    Application Deadline: July 6th
    Announcement: July 10th

  22. TBNTJudy says:

    @65 sheesh: Your comments are spot on. I totally agree.

  23. Closet Mudpup says:

    austintx @ 74

    That certainly bears out the point Anna Marie Cox made earlier today at WaPo – there’s nothing about being nuts that prevents your getting bad advice. She just happened to be talking about Palin at the time.

  24. Lee323 says:

    Prejean and Palin share another notable feature: Both were blessed with an interview with the “big kahuna,”…no, not Rush…. but the famed evangelcical leader, Dr. James Dobson of “Focus on the Family.”

    “Three weeks after becoming a hero to conservative Christians with her answer to a gay marriage question at the Miss USA pageant, Carrie Prejean hits the big kahuna of Christian radio this week, appearing today and tomorrow on James Dobson’s daily Focus on the Family program.”

    In this interview, the public learns that Satan, in a dramatic behind-the-scenes play for power, was the ultimate cause of Prejean losing that coveted crown. She survived the temptation and didn’t lose her soul (wild applause)…..Wonder what the winner thinks of that analysis, eh?

    Palin’s interview with Dobson in October ’08 was just a hilarious, mind-numbing sketch in concrete thinking: (all quotes Palin)

    “This is a strong platform around the planks in this platform that respect life and respect the entrepreneurial spirit of this great country and those things….”

    “…You would maybe have assumed that we would have gotten further away from those strong planks. But no, they’re there, they’re solid, we stand on them and again I believe that it is the right agenda for the country at this time. Very, very clear and contrasted tickets in this election November 4th. People are going to see the clear contrasts, you just go to the planks in our platforms and that’s where you see them.”

    “….I am such a strong believer that McCain believes in those strong planks and we do have good conversations about some of the details of the different planks and what they represent. I’m very heartened that John McCain … he doesn’t want a Vice President who will check the opinions … of me at the door and we talk about some of these and they’re very important. It’s most important though, as you’re suggesting, that Americans know that John McCain is solidly there on those solid planks in our platform that build the right agenda for America.”


    Between Prejean’s brave “Temptation of Christ by Satan” account of the drama on stage of the most superficial competition of artificial female pulchritude…..and Palin’s prolonged standing on robust plankiness, down to the screw and grain level……….well, I rest my case (and my head)

  25. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Miss Sunshine: I saw a Palin/Prejean 2012 blog with the shooting star logo, and a slogan underneath stating “the world is ending anyway” on the maeTharaS site by a Thomas T. Baggins.

    Oh how hilarious!!

  26. Canadian Neighbour says:

    75 mlaiuppa,

    Something has to be wrong with their site as Pam, who was in third place with over 200 votes is in 8th with 21.

    Bette Cole is in 4th with 59 when she was in about 12th with 62.

  27. Duncan says:

    “Born again Boobs” does it for me………

  28. austintx says:

    73 Closet Mudpup Says:
    May 18th, 2009 at 4:25 PM
    I think I’ll just write them both off as troubled assettes.
    ………or asshats.

  29. mlaiuppa says:

    Don’t forget….they both played basketball in school, also, too.

    Vote for AK if you haven’t already.

    And what happened to Bob Kincaid? He’s down to 135.

  30. austintx says:

    BWAHAHAHA – All I can do is laugh my ass off !!

  31. Closet Mudpup says:

    A lot of parallels can be drawn between Palin & Prejean, and none of them would be flattering. One claims to have told congress thanks but no thanks about a bridge to nowhere that she sought to build (and kept the funding after shelving the project); the other, with an equal lack of credibility, claims not to have known that the photographer she was showing her boobs to was going to take her picture with that camera she was looking directly at.

    The list is long. I think I’ll just write them both off as troubled assettes.

  32. 264 Crayons says:


  33. austintx says:

    Guess who has a birthday today ??

  34. rebekkah says:

    Wonder if the governor was jumping into the controversy because it makes her look good being in the same camp as Donald Trump. Does she see $$$ in this? Her Fund Trust is looking for donations.

  35. Mattie says:

    They both make me sick. They remind of the little kids at school that have to be in every picture, no matter what it is about. “Take my picture, Take my picture”!

  36. austintx says:

    65 trisha Says:
    May 18th, 2009 at 3:25 PM
    I see a speaking tour coming “starring” Sarah Palin and—
    Carrie-the topless Christian and Joe the not-so-much plumber.

    Sign me up.
    Gack !! A combo platter of dumb – asses………

  37. CrabbyPatty says:

    LOL – because Palin can’t complain enough about the evil “liberal media” attacking her, she’s got to go out of her way to claim that poor Prejean is now a victim of the same evil, evil liberal media? As if ONLY liberals are upset because of this a bleached newly-boobed blonde from California, who CLAIMS to be a Christian.

    So, in Palin’s worldview, does that mean that everyone who is Christian is firmly behind Prejean – lying about photos, fake boobs and all? Yup, you betcha.

  38. Canadian Neighbour says:

    52 @anadventurer Says:
    “Isn’t it nice that we live in a country where people have the choice to marry who they choose”
    Well I guess she would be so stupid if that statement were even remotely correct? ”
    She must have forgot where she lived. She must have thought she lived in Canada!!

    As we call her Miss Cali, we don’t have states or a province named that but we have a Town called Caledonia – Miss Cale!!!

  39. trisha says:

    I see a speaking tour coming “starring” Sarah Palin and—
    Carrie-the topless Christian and Joe the not-so-much plumber.

    Sign me up.

  40. sheesh says:

    Great post AKM! Go ahead Sarah and spend your points on defending a beauty pageant contestant!

    Must speak up on the Miss Cali thing though. I’ll qualify it by saying I believe beauty pageants are pointless. The amount of money these contestants plunk down over years of ‘training’ probably exceeds the actual scholarship monies that the pageants award the winner. And when contestants go to extreme lengths to alter what God has given them naturally, then it’s no longer a beauty contest. Ms. Prejean is an attractive young lady, who was stuck with answering a no-win question by a complete idiot (Perez Hilton) who seized on the moment to capitalize on the answer and vilify her for her beliefs….he was huntin’ for bear whether it was her or some other unfortunate candidate. I don’t have to agree with her but I defend her right to express her beliefs without the absolute vitriole that has been heaped on her. As a result, here we are talking about it and who is the winner? Why Miss Cali is! We’ve all forgotten the name of the woman who is actually wearing the crown. Hilton just handed her a meal ticket and made a fool out of himself doing so….hope she spends her PR points wisely. Would she have won had she had a different question? According to Donald Trump, no. Why should we even care?

    Someone earlier had commented that Sarah jumped on this one as more evidence that the ‘liberal press’ and the ‘left’ are out to smear those who express their Christian beliefs and thus somehow vindicating her in some way. Methinks that’s spot on. Quit yer whinin’ GINO.

  41. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck says:

    adventurer — i heard that assinine statement as well — figured prejean thought california was a country……”people free to marry who they choose.” ??? that was such a weird way to word it even if all she was thinking of was “opposite marriage”………okay, i have to take back the “thinking” part.


    (who vs whom — but that would be nitpicky, alas)

    palin is floundering like a drowning person….clinging to anyone and anything that (palin thinks) might save her from complete and total failure.

    palin is an insult to women in general, and certainly to women who are striving to accomplish goals in male-dominated fields, due to her complete disregard of the negative impacts caused by how she uses sex appeal to win favor. and it is an insult to the men she competes with…….

    palin is just one great big huge massive insult.
    begone with her, i say.
    begone and good riddance.

  42. trisha says:

    I think Palin commented on the Ms Califoria issue because she could not stand it that another….errr…beauty queen (cough,cough) was getting more attention than she was, so she has to try to inject herself into the conversation.

    What’s interesting is that she would publicly support a woman who poses topless. Hmmmm….What kind of “family values” does she represent?

  43. Sandra says:

    Frankly, I think Prejean lost because there was absolutely nothing unique about her looks, her brain, or her personality. She looked like a Ms. California — she looked like quite a few past–and undoubtedly quite a few future–Ms. Californias. She lost because she wasn’t the best. To now whine and claim that her answer to one question was the ONLY reason she lost is a perfect example of why she isn’t wearing that crown today.

  44. jojobo1 says:

    Seems to me whoever is speaking for Ms Palin is speaking out before thinking ,just like with the Levi talk.Maybe a little more thought should be given instead of speaking out before knowing what is going on

  45. Karin in CT says:

    Gino just wanted to remind the entire world that she was once a beauty pagent contestant herself. She’s so superficial, I can’t stand it.

  46. Cathy in Texas says:

    Palin is a predator.
    I think she probably visited Prejean’s Facebook page and found a goldmine of future voters that she can pander to by befriending Miss California.
    I am still bettin that Alaska will be one of Miss California’s first stops on tour, you betcha.
    Sarah’s vanity is second to her need to grow her base. Prejean is a pawn for her.
    Given all that is going on in Alaska, this is, yet again, pitiful.

  47. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    “The only difference I can think of is that Miss California is probably actually qualified to be Miss California.” NO, she is not. She lied on her application, which should disqualify her. Whether or not we agree with the rules is irrelevant. Them’s the rules and she is not qualified.

  48. mae lewis says:

    I think that this is all about publicity. Whom-so-ever is Palin’s publicity adviser is giving her some really bad advice, namely, say anything about anything just as long as you keep your name in the media. One time it is about Miss CA, another time it’s the shameless Bristol-Levi public spat, Piper’s “lemonade stand,” or another shout-out to People Magazine. These are all light weight issues, befitting the light-weight political figure that she is. There have been no serious articles written for serious publications, no major issue statements that reveal some profound deep-thinking. The lack of depth is the revelation that Sarah is not writing her own book– she needs a collaborator. So, next week she will criticize disgruntled bloggers, again– surprise!

  49. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Sarah Palin’s market share in the “I’m a beauty queen and a political figure also too” business is directly threatened by Miss Bare-Breasts-for-Jesus being a spokesmodel for NOM, such as. It’s a smart move to inject herself into the issue and get some of that attention on herself.


  50. Chaim says:

    “The only difference I can think of is that Miss California is probably actually qualified to be Miss California. But all friends have their differences.”


    But … it’s not quite sporting, is it? She’s jumping up and down, squawking, “Look at me, Look at me! I’m being stupid! I’m making it easy to ridicule my values by embracing the tawdriest, dumbest, most hypocritical person [besides me, whom I embrace also, too] who agrees with them (and BTW is a celebrity)! Martyr me, my fans are swooning!”

  51. aussiegal77 says:

    Palin yet again shows how utterly unqualified she is to be anywhere near decision making positions.

    File this away in the archives for 2012.

  52. I have not seen one word on what Prejean ACTUALLY said. Because what she said is one of the most ignorant statements ever. All “her view is why she lost” aside. What she said right before she said she didn’t approve of same sex marriage (and consequently has gotten lost):
    “Isn’t it nice that we live in a country where people have the choice to marry who they choose”
    Well I guess she would be so stupid if that statement were even remotely correct? EVERY ONE KEEPS MISSING THIS HORRIBLY IGNORANT STATEMENT. I have not seen one moment of this “controversy” touch on this giant departure from reality.

  53. UK Lady says:


    Aaargghhh!!! TOO FUNNY – Just watching CNN Situation room. Asked what do the public want in elected justices – big ticker headline at the bottom

    “What do the PUBIC want?”

    They were just congratulating themeselves for being so wonderful they got the Peabody Award.

  54. Ninufar says:

    I’m with Pearl89 — what these two people have in common also too is being two embarrassingly sore losers!

    My grandmother is a devout Christian, and I have never heard anything remotely like this “poor-me-blame-them” stuff from her. How insulting to the actual winner! (You can see commenters on Perez Hilton’s blog etc who actually think Miss Whineycakes won and not Miss North Carolina.)

    The good part to me is that the California Complainer is stamping the NOM movement with her own image, so she discredits it every time she speaks up.

  55. Greytdog Δ says:

    Jake W & austintx, thanks to your observations I have just spewed my coffee all over the monitor & my cat! Oh dear, too funny!

  56. lynnrockets says:


    Prejean to Palin: “I like your new clothes from the RNC”

    Palin to Prejean: “I like your new boobs from the pageant officials”

  57. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Prior to Trump’s press conference with her keeping her crown, he did an interview (I forget with whom as he is a media whore too), at which time he stated that they had checked all the records and in fact Cali would not have won anyways.

  58. austintx says:

    Q: What do you get when you put sarah and Carrie together ??

    A: A wind tunnel

    cranius atmospheres

  59. Super Bee says:

    I predict a statement release tellin’ Alaskans just how they can help out the flood victims also.

    I think Meg reads AKM’s posts because she has valid arguments.

  60. JakeW says:

    Q: What is the difference between Carrie Prejean and Sarah Palin?

    A: Carrie Prejean has fake boobs.

    Sarah Palin has fake boobs, too, also, but their names are Meghan
    Stapleton and Bill McAllister.

  61. EyeOnYou says:

    I think that this statement by Palin re the Prejean issue falls right in line with her Evansville RTL speech. She is attempting to cement her “christian belief” bona fides with her base, and I am willing to bet it has a lot to do with Bristol and that entire situation.

  62. pearl89 says:

    “it did cost me my crown”…does that mean the fix was in before she answered? I believe that miz CA has the right to her and opinion and to state it publicly. What I don’t believe is her assumption that she would have won, if she had answered differently. Where is the proof?

    I don’t watch nor care about beauty contests, but I feel like this is so unfair to the real winner, Miss NC.

  63. SillyWhabbit, Seattle, WA says:

    What surprises the hell out of me is that anyone expects anything of substance out of her still.

  64. ttownlotta says:

    You know what they say . . . “Birds of a feather stick together”

    Also, you are suppose to treat your body like a temple, according to their religions. Guess Ms. Calif. and Ms. Palin do not like the temple they were given.

  65. austintx says:

    MissSunshine – Here is a funny one for ya………

  66. lilybart says:

    The cynic in me thinks it’s just a matter of Sarah Palin being afraid that Prejean would take attention away from her.

    commenter saurkraut above has nailed it

  67. lilybart says:

    I just went to read a Miss USA pageant blog. They say that Miss North Carolina, the winner, was #1 in the individual categories, ahead all night, so Miss Bible Boobs lost because she was #2, not because she believes in Opposite marriage.

  68. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    “The liberal onslaught of malicious attacks against [Miss California] Carrie Prejean for expressing her opinion is despicable,” said Palin in a statement.”

    I guess the first amendment only applies to c4p’ers.

    “Palin added that she spoke to Prejean soon after the beauty queen ..”

    Hmmm…how did she find the time to comment on something that CLEARLY has nothing to do with AK when she CONSTANTLY whines that AK is her top priority…...

    Her desire to be the pagaent winner just wont go away. Perhaps she will.

  69. BigPete says:

    Are we sure Palin wasn’t grasping at Miss California’s coat tails? (OK, maybe not during the swimsuit portion of the show.)

    Since november, the aging Miss Wasilla has been ever vigilant for any chance to bask in the limelight. Did she finally stumble upon an opportunity that didn’t (obviously) seem like a desperate over-reach for attention?

  70. Maria says:

    Irishgirl had it right – Palin only reacts if it somehow reflects on her.

  71. Nan says:

    There’s a saying my mother used to use for anyone addicted to being in the limelight:

    [whoever] just has to be the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral…

    Pithy and succinct. Works for me.

  72. Blooper says:

    GA Peach: Yeah, the worst thing for SP is to not be in the news cycle. I bet She fears that more than bloggers, ethics complaints (at least they keep her name on the front page), and not winning re-election.

  73. delnorteco says:

    Once again, you said it like it is.You do have a way with words.Love it

  74. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    I think sarah sees her star falling and latched on just to get back in the national news. Can’t wait to see who’s limelight she tries to steal next.

  75. Blooper says:

    ziggybutterfly: I suppose when one reads ‘all of them’ it’s easy to be confused, lol.

  76. curiouser says:

    Great post! I appreciate the comparison between the 2 women and was glad to follow the “I wasn’t found guilty of ethics violations“ link over to AKM’s most excellent “Through the Looking Glass Post”. Palin seems to only spend her ‘political capital’ coins when she can play her christian martyr card…her language is code for ‘contribute to my personal treasure chest’ so I can fight the infidels.

  77. ziggybutterfly says:

    Thanks Sarah Palin, we were all waiting w/ bated breath to hear what you thought of the Miss California competition. !!!

    Palin’s assumption that those attacks came from the same bloggers who criticize her is just more evidence that Palin *does not read*.

    The blogger who’s been the *most* critical of Palin on a national level is the same blogger who defended Prejean’s right to free speach, also calling the attacks against her despicable: Andrew Sullivan (who also happens to be gay).

  78. C from Georgia says:

    Thank you for another daily dose of dumb Palin. I thought it was funny to hear her defend a fellow prom queen. Does she defend GW or Darth Vader? No. Does she put Alaska first? No… How about America first with the needed stimulus packages? No…

    She puts a fellow beauty queen first. There’s Palin’s priorities…

    Did anyone ever check to see if Palin’s parts are real? Seems we know this about most starlets/pageant entrants…

  79. Blooper says:

    If she has political capital these days, most of it must be borrowed because the way I see it she spent the majority of her banked capital during the 08′ campaign and subsequent pr gaffes & missteps.

    She shouldn’t have to worry about running out though, I hear China is happy to loan more… 😉

  80. MissSunshine says:

    I saw a Palin/Prejean 2012 blog with the shooting star logo, and a slogan underneath stating “the world is ending anyway” on the maeTharaS site by a Thomas T. Baggins.

    Of course it was deleted within the hour. Oh you cheeky monkey, T. Baggins! I did have a good laugh, though.

    The supportive blogs for Prejean have been markedly less enthusiastic after she had to cancel, after first accepting, an invitation to appear on Larry King, due to excessive late night partying. Where’s Carrie?

    After a through schooling by Palin on how an NPD acts out, I find my self- confidence increasing by being able to more quickly spot these “poor victims” and how they just can NOT take responsibility for any of their actions, even when presented with photographic evidence.

  81. Candy Knight says:

    Another thing the two beauty queens have in common: a complete lack of understanding of the first amendment. Both think it means they are free to say any stupid/offensive thing that comes into their heads, but no one else is “free” to criticize them for it. It is totally bizarre. It’s one of the things Palin keeps getting outraged over. Someone really needs to explain it to her.

  82. Nan says:

    For every “right action” there is an equal or greater return. For instance, if that big ol’ bag of gold coins was plunked down on something of substance (as in the flooding, the how and what to donate info etc), the capital would be doubled, or more. And there would be more capital to invest in more right action (appropriate nominations, maybe?).

    For every “purchase of empty calories,” the return may consist of expanding waistline and a dire need for antacid.

    Can somebody give her a freakin’ CLUE?

  83. sauerkraut says:

    l dunno if it’s really about political capital. The cynic in me thinks it’s just a matter of Sarah Palin being afraid that Prejean would take attention away from her. Nothing more sinister. Indeed, I refuse to believe that Palin is smart enough to know, understand or expend political capital. She really doesn’t know what it is or how it operates.

    As for those of you who call Prejean a fraud for going topless, just remember that beauty pageants are essentially a hoodwinking of the American male. They’ve been slathering on makeup, vaseline and taping their bathing suits to the undersides of their glutes since they started strutting. So she added some plastic and got all windy. It’s not as if she spread wide for big bucks for Hugh like the CA pageant director did after she won the CA title. And you can see a lot more boob in southern France.

    Yes, we do have a love affair with the female breast. But let’s not go too overboard about it.

  84. Blooper says:

    It’s notable how Sarah & her propaganda brigade use such emotionally charged words in their official communications. Words such as despicable, hate, asinine, etc.

    I find that those who use the strongest words often have the weakest arguments. Her case is no exception.

  85. West Coast Annie says:

    Ana Marie Cox weighs in on this topic in today’s Washington Post. McCain staffers swear to Cox that Palin is “genuinely nuts.” Cox also said Palin supports Prejean because she also gets bad advice.

  86. Enjay in E.MT says:

    Very good AKM – excellent points
    Obviously – SP intends on using her Political Capital,
    not for the betterment of Alaskans,
    but in support of the Christian right.

    Maybe she will call Graham again to
    fly power tools to Eagle & other area’s
    that need assistance –
    and she can take a set of screwdrivers
    as her donation.

  87. penny says:

    And she flings those Christian morals all around. With that, she looks like an idiot with her decisions. Either she is clueless .. or is all about padding the pocket.

    Bristol.. spokeswoman for Abstinence.. good
    With Candies.. NOT Christian-y

    Prejean girl.. no to gay marriage.. good
    Topless photos.. blah blah .. NOT Chistian-y

    I’ve gotta believe she has made it this far .. that she thinks a little
    but then.. seeing things get so weird with her.. I wonder

    There is always something so weird with her and her family .. hence, why my curiosity is always so peaked 🙂 Thank you for filling this need!

  88. WakeUpAmerica says:

    I agree with Leno. Prejean and Palin seem to be the type of Christians who pick and choose their morality like choosing tomatoes at the store. Since when can a beauty contestant have cosmetic surgery? Where is the contest in that?

  89. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Wonder if she expenses the call like she did to the ex-Senator Dole after she lost her seat. I recall something like a charge of $60

  90. Mel Green says:

    Speaking of “policies that deny equal protection and benefits for [one’s] fellow Americans,” one of the things going on locally here in Anchorage is that an ordinance which would add “sexual orientation” to the list of classes (race, sex, marital status, religion, etc.) that would be protected from employment, housing, public accomodations, credit, & other forms of discrimination in Anchorage. (The definition of “sexual orientation” in the proposed ordinance included gender identity, i.e., transfolk.)

    A lot of people are surprised to learn that to fire or evict someone for no more reason that that they are gay, lesbian, bi, or trans, regardless of job performance or excellence as a tenant. So not only do we not have equal rights of marriage, but we also don’t even have equal protection under the law from discrimination.

    I hope Mudflatters will be behind us in this battle, esp. on June 9 when the Assembly will take public testimony. Antigay powers like the Anchorage Baptist Temple’s Jerry Prevo are already gearing up to deny us equal protections. This will be our third try; both times before we had temporary victories that led to a long-term loss (1975 & 1992-93).

    You can read more about it at my blog & at Bent Alaska. Celtic Diva & Progressive Alaska have also had a couple of posts each about it.

    — Mel

  91. rocket says:

    Let’s see, Both Palin and Prejean are Christian Hypocrites, Liars and Frauds.


  92. saphire says:

    Sarah Palin is a great example of why we need to have an educational standard for the office of Governor. We have educational standards for other state positions.

    We certainly NEED one for the Governor position, good god what a nightmare she has been for our state.

  93. tigerwine says:

    Way to go, AKM. You’ve said it succinctly and with pizzazz once again!

  94. sandra in oregon says:

    Excellent point on the use of political capital. In this case I think SP strongly identified with Ms. Prejean. She projected her own feelings of victimhood onto the woman. SP does not see victimization in the natural world, so why worry about flood victims or other people’s disabled children or wolves? Her circle of compassion is extremely small.

  95. Far from Fenway fan says:

    Prejean professed: I’m a model AND I’m a Christian. Jay Leno retorted: But, apparently, you’re not a model Christian!

  96. Well, really, would we expect Sarah Palin to do anything else? She has proven time and again that she has no clue of what should be done to help others, unless they are like she is. I think the point about pageant bonding is right on target.

    And once again, Palin leaves the solutions for Alaska up to the people she despises the most – all those anonymous, and not so anonymous, bloggers. And she still doesn’t see what’s wrong with her actions. She never will.

  97. greatgrammy1 says:

    I love the way she blames liberals for all of the criticism. She is so stupid, she doesn’t realize that republicans and independants are also full of critical complaints about both of them.

  98. austintx says:

    I think there are more pictures.also.too.

  99. UK Lady says:

    Duh! AKM, she has to be nice to Miss Nooboobies, they are going to be co-workers over on Faux 🙄

  100. pvazwindy says:

    Pageant bonding from the women of many faiths. Superfluous reasoning, thats what she’s all about. Obama is worried about pajama clad bloggers and what they think and what they write. Has a team of sleuths checking them out. Big shoutout over on Huff.

  101. ican'tstandpalin says:

    Yup….One word for the Queen……….DESPICABLE!

  102. BooBooBear says:

    AKM-As ususal, you have a way of doing such clear comparisons. You remind us each and every day how despicable this GINO is. Sad……very sad…..for al Alaskans.

  103. pvazwindy says:

    As always she’s confused about spending.

  104. Irishgirl says:

    Palin is all about Palin, Alaskans are the last thing on her mind.