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Friday, January 28, 2022

1 Simple Act You Can Do to Save Alaska

On this day when even the most ardent curmudgeon can’t help but feel a little patriotic stirring, even if it’s only for what has been… or what might yet be, you have something to do, Alaskans.

Santa says. And so does this guy.



Yes, I am talking to YOU. NOW.

This is the last week to sign the petition to repeal the most devastating legislation Alaska has ever seen – Senate Bill 21 (SB21).

You don’t have to think of him as Uncle Sam. He can be Uncle Jay (Hammond), or Uncle Wally (Hickel), or Uncle Bob (Bartlett), or Uncle Ted (Stevens). Or anyone, for that matter, who always thought of Alaska first, regardless of their politics. And by “Alaska,” they didn’t mean “Alaska’s oil.” Alaska is more than oil.

Alaska is a land of small business owners, and oil company employees. It is a land of fishermen, and miners; builders, and conservationists; urban dwellers, and cabin dwellers; Republicans and Democrats; fourth generation die hards, and new wide-eyed transplants. Alaska is complicated, and it’s diverse. But Alaska is home, and it will continue to be home for generations of children who will grow up to be those fishermen, and oil company workers, and small business owners, and who will have children of their own.

The oil wealth giveaway, which was conceived and passed by those who have sold out their state for short term gain, as our founders feared, is a reality. It has had real world consequences.

Just now, I went HERE, and I grabbed a screenshot of a ticker that keeps tabs on how much Alaska has lost since the Governor signed SB21.



Think of how fast an experienced bank teller can count out bills. That’s how fast the ticker is moving. An expert, super fast bank teller, giving your money away as fast as they can count it. And it’s all going to Houston, and London, and into the bloated bank accounts of the richest and most profitable corporations the planet has ever known.

And what do they owe us for it?  NOTHING.

This is the money that should be fixing our roads, educating our children, making sure our bridges are safe, making sure WE are safe.

And if you need any more convincing, I ask you this.  Would Santa steer you wrong?


This is the actual Santa Claus – his legal name. He lives in North Pole, Alaska and as a true steward of Alaskan children and their future, he urges you to sign the petition to repeal SB21

The campaign to repeal SB 21 embarks on its final week of signature collecting over the 4th of July weekend.  The effort to undo the massive transfer of oil wealth created by Senate Bill 21 this past legislative session has hit full swing. And we need your signature.

This doesn’t magically happen because of someone else. There are many people out there who are apathetic, and who don’t understand this issue. Some have never heard of it. That’s why it’s YOUR job to step up. You are informed. You are needed. And you have no excuse.

Signature gatherers will be hitting 4th of July celebrations across the state, today, and throughout the weekend.

Massive organized signature efforts are planned in Seward, Juneau, Fairbanks, Anchorage and across the state from Kotzebue to Ketchikan.

To find out where to sign a petition booklet in your community visit, call 907-231-7925 or email [email protected]

Here are some of the stationary locations where you can go to sign.


  • Arctic Import Repair, 512 International Airport Road, (907) 277-3399, Monday – Friday from 8am – 6pm
  • Blue-Holloman Gallery, 3555 Arctic Blvd C5, (907) 563-2787, Tue – Fri: 11:00 am – 6:00 pm Sat: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm Sun: 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
  • Carrs on Minnesota and Northern Lights, 4-5pm every day
  • Bombay Deluxe Restaurant, Valhalla Center, 555 W. Northern Lights Boulevard, Anchorage, Alaska


  • Orca Book and Sound, 507 1st Street, Monday through Saturday during business hours.


  • Please call 590-0315 during office hours and you will be directed to an individual with a booklet in your area of town.
  • There are booklets at 2000 Airport Way at the IBEW Hall on Airport and Wilbur Street.
  • There are booklets at 1018 College Road at Denali Chiropractor near Creamer’s Field.
  • Noel Wien Library,1215 Cowles Street, Daily, from about 11:30-5 pm


  • The bookstore when Tom is working,
  • Buckshot and Bobbypins.
  • Nelle Jurgeleit-Greene has a book! Sign please!


  • Sundog Consultants, 165 E Bunnell Ave Homer, AK 99603 (907) 235-5971


  • Observatory Books 299 North Franklin, Monday through Friday 10am – 530pm, Saturday noon to 530pm, ask for Dee Longenbaugh or MaryLou Spartz
  • Alaska Robotics Gallery, 220 Front Street, ask for Pat Race
  • In Lemon Creek, look for Phil Rolfe at 5338 Shaune Drive, Allied Van Lines near the Alaska Brewery. Hours are Monday through Friday, 8 to 5 p.m.
  • IBEW, 813 W. 12th Street Mon-Fri


  • Already Read Books, 506 Attla Way, 335-2665, on SATURDAYS from 12pm – 5pm!


  • Plaza Mall, Monday-Saturday


  • Fireside Books in Palmer, 720 S Alaska St # B, (907) 745-2665during business hours; Monday-Saturday from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
  • DMV Parking Lot in Palmer, Mon – Thurs from11am – 1pm, 1800 Glenn Highway, Suite #1, (Located in the Palmer Business Park)
  • Fireside Books in Palmer, 720 S Alaska St # B, (907) 745-2665during business hours; Monday-Saturday from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
  • Mon – Thurs from11am – 1pm at the DMV Parking Lot in Palmer, 1800 Glenn Highway, Suite #1, (Located in the Palmer Business Park)
  • Friday from 11am – 3pm for the Friday Fling at the Palmer Farmers Market. Jim Sykes will have a signature collecting table set-up. For more information call 745-6962 or email [email protected]
  • Friday from 11am – 3pm for the Friday Fling at the Palmer Farmers Market. Jim Sykes will have a signature collecting table set-up. For more information call 745-6962 or email [email protected]


  • Resurrect Art Coffee House, 320 3rd Ave., Seward, AK 224-8662
  • Cover to Cover Bookstore


  • The Backdoor Care, 104 Barracks St., during business hours


  • River City Bookstore at the “Y” in Soldotna…ask for Peggy, Robin or Donna…open every day of the week!

Now that this quick little post is done, do you know where that ticker is?


You should check in on it now. Because while I wrote a blog post that took just a few minutes, more than $14,000 of your money flew to Texas. And it’s still going.



13 Responses to “1 Simple Act You Can Do to Save Alaska”
  1. mike from iowa says:

    Have any of my friends from the ‘Flats read this article? Why, you should be ashamed of yourselves for disparaging the wealthiest korporations for bribing lawmakers to get more tax cuts. The nerve of some people,especially Lib pols.Harrumph!

  2. Zyxomma says:

    Is there a petition for those of us Outside?

  3. slipstream says:

    This evening I ran into Harry Crawford collecting signatures for this petition in front of Carrs Eagle River.

    Harry is one of the good guys.

  4. yukonbushgrma says:

    Sorry guys, it bothers me that we folks out here in the bush can’t contribute to this! I would LOVE to repeal SB21, and I wrote my rep’s when it was being addressed …… but now, I can’t do anyting if I don’t live somewhere where the paper petitions are being circulated? —– really?????

    Think about everyone in the bush! What are we, chopped liver ??????


  5. E of Anc P says:

    I signed a long time ago in Homer. I believe he said someone from Cook Inlets Keepers had gotten him the petition to gather names. But, I notice a couple of young ladies outside Safeways with a couple of petitions. a few days ago. It surprised me so much that our Representative and Senator that had previously voted against the bill the year before, ended up voting for it. A true give-away, as they don’t have to use the money here or do anything for it.

    Look around and sign the petition so we can vote. Of course even if we vote, there’ll be lots of advertisement saying we need to give the oil companies this money. I’m ashamed the State will do this, and then cut programs for childrens health programs, schools, etc.

    Thank you.

    • mike from iowa says:

      Welfare for kids and schools is socialism. Welfare for the wealthy is what capitalism is all about. The rwnj ruining your state are the ones that should be ashamed,if that were possible for them to feel shame.

  6. COalmostNative says:

    Good luck, Alaskans-go voters go!

  7. fishingmamma says:

    I have been telling people “even if you support the tax change, you should sign the petition so we can all vote up or down. It deserves to be brought out for a vote” That one makes people stop and think a little.

  8. Alaska Pi says:

    I signed quite awhile ago and have steered neighbors to going to at least ask about the petition- most of whom have signed 🙂
    I was so happy to see the petition circulating during our 4th of July parade here 🙂
    Alaskans don’t take their referendum rights lightly and right now a lot of them are taking them quite seriously!