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Palin Backer Wanted to Pay the Clintons to be Friends With Sarah.


John Coale, husband of Fox’s Greta Van Susteren, who is oddly bipartisan and likes getting to know powerful female politicians and promoting their careers in a way that borders on the creepy, tried to be a matchmaker to the stars.  He figured if Sarah Palin used the legally allowed $5000 from her PAC money to pay off some of Hillary Clinton’s campaign debt, then Democrats and Independents would like her more, and wouldn’t pick on her so much.  Apparently, after he sobered up and still thought it was a good idea, he came to Alaska with his wife to see Todd Palin in the Iron Dog race, and asked Sarah Palin to become BFFs with Hillary on Valentine’s Day.   Aww.   Insanity can be so adorable.

Palin was amenable to getting acquainted with the Clintons but was skeptical of using her PAC to help the former first lady.

She expressed concern to aides about Coale’s request that weekend and a few days later directed Meg Stapleton, an Alaska-based campaign aide, to tell Coale that she would not help retire Clinton’s debt.

“While we appreciate your efforts and recognize that a friendship with the Clintons is appropriate, the governor believes (and I concur) that using SarahPAC to pay down Hillary’s debt is not a prudent use of the money,” Stapleton wrote to Coale in a Feb. 17 e-mail, a few days after he made his pitch to the governor. “Contributors who chose between heating their homes and sending in a contribution because they believe in Sarah would be crushed.”

Really?  There were contributors who chose not to heat their homes in favor of donating to SarahPAC?  Were these the people in Western Alaska this winter who were running out of fuel and food because of mismanaged fisheries and an early winter?  The ones that Sarah went to visit with an evangelical preacher and a plate of cookies?  Or were these other people….little old ladies who put on an extra sweater, and burned their furniture so that Sarah Palin might prosper.  We wouldn’t want to crush them.

I wonder how they’ll feel now that Palin has a multi-million dollar book deal, a legal defense fund, and SarahPAC all teaming up to pay her expenses? 

“He thought the Clintons could rein in some of the Democratic firepower aimed at her,” said a dumbfounded Republican privy to the discussion who advocated fiercely against the idea. 

A former Clinton aide hadn’t heard of the plan but deemed it “not rooted in anything that would touch on reality.”

Clinton spokesman Matt McKenna said Coale suggested that the former president and Palin get together, but the former president’s office declined.

“With these people from the opposite side, I’m trying to turn down the volume a bit on the attacks,” Coale said.

Note to John Coale – It’s only Alaska politicians that can be bought off for $5000 or less.

For more, including Politico’s take on Palin’s “series of embarrassing miscommunications” click HERE.



105 Responses to “Palin Backer Wanted to Pay the Clintons to be Friends With Sarah.”
  1. let it run says:

    Clearly not able to spell (type) right doesn’t help my argument above re: Meg-aphone. Oh well, I can type and I can spell…just not at the same time. LOL!

  2. let it run says:

    Late tot this game agina…Meg is so unprofessional in her writing…

  3. trisha says:

    Thanks for that breakdown on the “sources” (or lack of) for this story. You should post this at Politico.

  4. North_of_the_Range says:

    88 txindygirl Says: I’d love to know whom they are quoting. I can’t believe there are ANY top Republicans who truly think Palin has any potential for serious success.

    OK, my numbers are probably a little off, but here’s a little exercise in reading between the lines. (In this case, not difficult, as this Politico piece is such an obvious plant that it should put roots down in Kensington Gardens.)

    The author attributed portions of his story this way:

    Palin allies, unnamed, 6 or so attributions
    PP (I’ll leave her real name off), “a Washington-based Palin advisor” 2 quotes
    “Washington based Republican” 1 attribution
    “Top Republicans” 2
    “GOP sources” 1
    Just plain “sources” at least 1

    So far, these can all conceivably be the same person. Let’s keep going.

    Coale 8 or so attributions
    [which quite possibly come to us via the all-purpose source also too]

    Stapleton, at least 3 [no comment required here]

    And of course there’s my personal favorite, “dumbfounded Republican,” who chimes in once.

    Matt McKenna (1) and unnamed former Clinton aide (1) also appeared in response because hey, you gotta give the other side an opportunity to snort their disbelief in their most professional manner.

    For the most part, not a whole lotta real identifiable folks with a real identifiable story, if you ask me. The whole slippery piece is not much better than an Alaska Ear commentary, is it, d’ears? But it must benefit somebody.

  5. Physicsmom says:

    A couple of things: Politico definitely has a right-wing bias; we need to take anything said there with a grain of salt. They do some decent reporting, but the commentary is slanted right. IMHO, there was no way the Clintons would have participated in this phony rapproachment. As to Stapletongue, we already know that everything out of her mouth is a lie, so why believe anything about contributors foregoing heat for caPharaS contributions – that’s her fantasy getting in the way, when actual Alaskans were struggling with that issue thanks to GINO’s neglect.

  6. aha says:

    Are you kidding? why would Clinton want to ‘subsidize’ Palin? Delirious

  7. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    some of the groupies are turning on Greta and Coale……

    “The fact that Coale and Greta made tens of millions of dollars from suing tobacco companies is another good reason for Sarah to stay away from him. That association will not go over well in a Virginia primary in 2012!”

  8. aha says:

    What genius decided Palin’s family is one of the ”most prominent” ? I had such a good laugh at that.

  9. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    this is from a Scarah groupie…… ho ho ho

    “I think Coale was trying to do was to have Sarah and Hillary do several joint bi – partisan fund raising events together in Washingto, New York, LA etc.. They would then split the proceeds 50/50 – half to repay Hillary’s debt and half to SarahPAC.”

  10. Go See Alice / Copper Lipstick Palin says:

    Paying for her to have friends- OMG, reminds me of the old joke around here that somebody’s kid was SO ugly that the parents would tie a pork chop around the kid’s neck to get the dog to play with him ( or her.)

  11. Go See Alice / Copper Lipstick Palin says:

    Paying for her to have friends- OMG, reminds me of the old joke around here that somebody’s kid was SO ugly that the parents would tie a pork chop around the kid’s neck to get the dog to play with him ( or her.)

  12. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    So Coale thinks just because Clinton called Scarah after the election that he detects sympathy and support from Clinton? HA! I’m sure that was just a well timed right thing to do call by Clinton.

    So he thought he had an opportunity for building womanhood camaraderie between to political and intellectual opposites, HA! I bet the Clinton’s laughed about that one.

    Coale thought he could get Clinton to come to Alaska for a chum visit with Scarah to give her some credibility? HA!

    Buying friends and influencing people…….there’s a book title.

    Greta then invites Scarah to White House Correspondent’s dinner for a chance to rub elbows and get some DC credibility, Scarah can’t go, and Greta “handles Toad”……LOL, Scarah would have been “handled too” don’t ya know. ya gotta give him credit for trying. Now the cat’s out of the bag. Dang, for that, now anytime Greta or Coale interact with Scarah we’ll all know the exact reason. Game plan B? Try another door Scarah.

    And once again we all say in unison, You just can’t make this stuff up.

  13. Martha says:

    trisha Says:
    May 19th, 2009 at 8:33 AM
    As a woman, I find one line in the Politico story really disturbing…and insulting.

    It says, Palin has the raw talent of an athlete who needs coaching. Seriously, raw talent? Come on boys, get your hands out of your pants. What talent? Have they even looked at her record as a mayor and Governor? What has she done that is so impressive?
    She looks really hot in those red pumps and tight skirts?

    If Palin was very plain—like a Susan Boyle, she would never have made it to the Governors office…let along the national stage.

    She knows little about the world, makes word salad everytime she opens her mouth, doesn’t understand international relations, the constitution, US policy, world leaders, Supreme Court decisions, etc—–and she has raw talent? I just find this so insulting.

    Your comment is bang on! You have to consider the writers of this article, they are terrible. Check out Ben Smith, he’s the reason I stopped reading Politico. During the campaign he was obviously infatuated with her.

  14. Blooper says:

    “Unlike many in politics, Governor Palin’s career has been defined by people seeking her out to run for office, instead of the other way around.”

    Strangely enough, I actually agree with that statement. The players who want her in office are as much to blame as she is creating the travesty that is the Palin phenomenon.

    Still, I’m still not sure whether John McCain (an outside player) picking Sarah was a good or bad thing. You could say it’s good in that it has resulted in a post-election vetting that has served to reveal Sarah for who she really is to the majority of thinking Americans. But if he hadn’t picked her she would still be a minor celebrity confined to the backwoods of Alaskan politics.

  15. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    paralyzed and floundering…… to my ears, flounder on

    “Advisers say the Palin camp was paralyzed by divisions between state-based advisers who wanted Palin to focus on Alaska, with an eye on restoring her political standing in the state ahead of a potential reelection campaign, and those who wanted her to capitalize on her celebrity and take a higher profile in national politics. ”

    “What she really needs is somebody who has good political sense to move to Alaska,” said a Washington-based Republican who wants her to succeed. “And until that happens, she is going to continue floundering.”

  16. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    John Coale is too stoopid for even SP to listen to. $5K to buy some friendship with the Clintons? LMFAO!

  17. txindygirl says:

    Good one, Moose Pucky!

    I’m still laughing at UK Lady’s How to Win Friends and Influence Sheeple.

    How can Politico even waste webspace pretending Palin is credible? I’d love to know whom they are quoting. I can’t believe there are ANY top Republicans who truly think Palin has any potential for serious sucess. Raw talent? She’s raw alright. How can she get past the national joke she has become?

  18. Moose Pucky says:

    Alaska–from A to Me
    by Sarah Palin

  19. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    trisha Says:
    May 19th, 2009 at 8:33 AM

    As a woman, I find one line in the Politico story really disturbing…and insulting.

    It says, Palin has the raw talent of an athlete who needs coaching. Seriously, raw talent? Come on boys, get your hands out of your pants. What talent? Have they even looked at her record as a mayor and Governor? What has she done that is so impressive?
    She looks really hot in those red pumps and tight skirts?

    If Palin was very plain—like a Susan Boyle, she would never have made it to the Governors office…let along the national stage.

    She knows little about the world, makes word salad everytime she opens her mouth, doesn’t understand international relations, the constitution, US policy, world leaders, Supreme Court decisions, etc—–and she has raw talent? I just find this so insulting.
    Palinbots all they talk about is how she looks, they are very superficial and yes if she looked like susan boyle they wouldn’t of given a second look, in fact they would of attacked her looks!
    AKM hit it on the head about the people donating instead of buying heating oil…That takes real nerve for GINO or stapletongue to think that let alone say! And to try to buy off “Hill”, No way, no how, especially after she called her “the B!tch”!!! That is just too Hilarius!!!!
    Coale and Greta are Creepy!

  20. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    oops! thought I was posting on the open thread……will move the palin interview there. sorry!

  21. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    oh and the greta thing…..she wrote a short “leader” on May 15th before the news broke, most likely anticipating it coming out but hoping it didn’t. Then May 19, she does an update to say, yes, it did happen and spins it er I mean explains it.

    first title……May 15th….Could opposing parties ever talk?

    added title….May 19th….. Is there a gesture to jump start it?

  22. txindygirl says:

    “Contributors who chose between heating their homes and sending in a contribution because they believe in Sarah would be crushed.”

    so, basically meg is admitting she and sarah know people are forgoing necessities to send money to palin… and they’re happily taking it.

    there are no words. this group sinks to new lows daily.

  23. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    GAG! a huge pic of Scarah on Christian Living…….and wow, all good news, lol.

    All sorts of BS and non truths to pull apart. Do we really have to do this for 4 more years? puleeze!

    “Unlike many in politics, Governor Palin’s career has been defined by people seeking her out to run for office, instead of the other way around.”

  24. trisha says:

    As a woman, I find one line in the Politico story really disturbing…and insulting.

    It says, Palin has the raw talent of an athlete who needs coaching. Seriously, raw talent? Come on boys, get your hands out of your pants. What talent? Have they even looked at her record as a mayor and Governor? What has she done that is so impressive?
    She looks really hot in those red pumps and tight skirts?

    If Palin was very plain—like a Susan Boyle, she would never have made it to the Governors office…let along the national stage.

    She knows little about the world, makes word salad everytime she opens her mouth, doesn’t understand international relations, the constitution, US policy, world leaders, Supreme Court decisions, etc—–and she has raw talent? I just find this so insulting.

  25. Leota2 says:

    Okay, what is it about Van Susteren and her husband when it comes to the Palins? I think there’s something psycho-obsessive-sexual. It seems Greta and Coale become overwhelmed, clueless, fawning and panting when either Sarah or Todd are in the room. Eeeewwwww . . . .

  26. Blooper says:

    Huh, sounds like Coale was (among other things) trying to lure more of the PUMA constituency into siding with Palin. The guy sounds mostly delusional, but I guess I can see his reasoning in that regard.

    Pretty pathetic, either way. Someone should remind him that oil and water don’t mix.

  27. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    LOL…..greta is “explaining” on her web site…… was meant as “a gesture of unity”, a show of goodwill amongst politians, a show of support between women, LOL……yeah right, it’s not meant to “buy” anything.


  28. InterestedPerson says:

    When I read this on Politico, I thought I must have hit The Onion.

    I was hoping AKM would respond to the weirder misstatements in the original….

    You really can’t make this stuff up…

  29. Cynamen Winter says:

    @Forty Watt
    “Sadly, it all hinges on the concept of *prominence* that the media has promulgated and too many people have taken on board.”
    I agree…this is indeed a sad, sad commentary to an aggregious state of affairs in this nation. The fleecing of America continues; only this time ~ they’ve put lipstick on it.

  30. anadventurer says:

    If you want to learn a about Scientology: Try South Park: “Trapped in the Closet”

  31. Star says:

    hmmmmmm…Haven’t seen von suckup address this at fix noise…LMAO

  32. Maybe Sarah could be a White House intern?

  33. 0whole1 says:

    Not to put too fine a point on it, but where the &*## did *this* come from? Why in the name of all that’s holy would anyone think Clinton would ever do Palin a favor for a mere five grand?

    This is just plain weird.

  34. UK Lady says:

    Good catch Bodie P

    Nowhere I can find, is Todd the 1st Dud legally running anything.

    With his secessionist tendencies (AIP), it would be outrageous if he even passed a security vetting to enter through th WH door.

  35. rebekkah says:

    Well, for the first time Palin/Stapleton made a wise decision by not giving in to this request. Yes, donations to Sarah PAC are from her supporters, and taking that money to help pay for Hillary’s campaign? debt is ridiculous. The Clintons are multi-millionnaires, hadn’t Bill Clinton had a speech circuit at Universities and clubs where he got paid tons?

    Alaskans need not have to pay for this, the governor at least made the right decision to refuse. On another note, I can’t believe how the system works, where advisors like Coale would use monies from hard-earned souls to pander for favors and friendships with the rich and famous, to get one governor in the political circle. There’s got to be a better way.

    I think when christians say, “God opens a door” – To them it means, He will open it his way, not man’s underhanded way.

  36. Priceless says:

    Your post would fall under the banner of “personal responsiblity”. Palin and Huckabee are both the same types. They give little care about where folks are getting the money to send to them. Forgo heating a home to send Sarah $? Pawn a beloved wedding ring you’ve had for 60 years to send it to huck? You’re an idiot if you do that. Everyday I go out to people who are behind in homes, cars, credit cards, etc to counsel them and help them through this mess they often created for themselves. I tell them, your family comes first. Make sure the house is paid, is heated and your children have food. Sell the cars, if you have to and get a clunker. Plant a garden, cut the budget everywhere. You don’t get a vacation this year, unless it involves a tent, sleeping bags and open fires to cook over. If I found out that one of my clients was in this mess, and still donating to SarahPac or HuckPack or even ObamaPac – I’d blow a gasket and drop them in a second. (and have)

  37. BodieP says:

    Not for $5,000 at least…

  38. Martha says:

    What a joke! The Clinton’s palin’ around with the Wasillabillies.

    I guess Cole thinks Bill is such a backwoods horndog, he just wouldn’t be able to resist Palin.

    That would go over really well with Hillary. That and Palins remarks about Hillary’s new boss “palin’ around with terrorists”

    I almost forgot, the generous offer of $5,000 for a $5.000,000 debt. WOW!! That is HUGE! 0.1%!

    How could the Clinton’s resist a 0.1 payment of Hillary’s campaign debt?

    That just goes to show you that the Clinton’s cannot be bought!

  39. Star says:

    Sweet..LMAO What a way to start the day…That’s a good “thing”….Morning AKM…Mudpups….:)

  40. BodieP says:

    What does it mean? What does it mean?

    I went and read the linked Politico article, and noticed a peculiar thing. Now, as far as I know, ONLY SARAH Palin was elected governor, right? So why the heck does Politico (and apparently John Coale) seem to have the idea that Todd Palin is also governor, and also considering running for office outside Alaska?

    Note: Stapleton, the Alaska governor’s aide, said the Palins were open to working with the former president on Alaska-related policy issues such as seafood or arctic climate change, but not on anything political.

    And: Asked about Palin’s decision to keep her focus on Alaska, Coale replied: “They’re doing whatever they’re doing.”

    Sarah Palin herself seems to share the confusion, sending Todd off to fulfill her speaking engagements. Seems to me that if Todd wants to be Governor, Todd should run. If they want to govern jointly, they should run jointly. Am I the only one who finds it somewhat unsettling that Todd, who as far as I know has shown little interest in or aptitude for governing, is apparently so central to Sarah’s decision-making process? Who is really governing here? Could Sarah’s incoherence in unscripted situations result from having to speak for something she really doesn’t understand, let alone support? There just seems to be such a huge gap between what I would expect a woman running a state to know and do, and Sarah, who seems to involve her husband at every turn. Anybody that involved needs to be elected, or at least extensively vetted. Was he?

  41. Forty Watt says:

    “John Coale has labeled the Palins a prominent national family.”

    Sadly, it all hinges on the concept of *prominence* that the media has promulgated and too many people have taken on board.

    When prominence means being continually plastered all over the news and when what gets you there is not so much intelligent or worthwhile actions, but scandals and various forms of disfunctional craziness, then the Palins qualify for the soubriquet “prominent family”, although I presume that’s not what Coale has in mind.

  42. delnorteco says:

    sarah does not know what “share” means.She thinks it somebodys name.Cher

  43. Geneva FreeSpeech says:

    You mean there’s a bizarre, venal idea she won’t latch onto?

    Oh, wait–it involves letting go of cash.

    Knew there was a principle in there somewhere.

    Now if it had been cookies…

  44. not that sarah says:

    @ dowl asked: “Why would Politico (John Coale, Mr. Greta Van Susteran) â��breakâ�� this story now?”


    Very good question. One wonders if Coale disliked being bitten by Stapelgun. Palin is so clueless as to think that her small town pettiness will work on the larger stage. Not so much. She shouldn’t have humiliated Coale by having her mouthpiece reply for her. But then, she has n ever been good at diplomacy or real politics. SHe has the lying and the power abuse parts down pat, but she needs to work on her assessment of her strengths and her long term strategy.

    HAH AH AHA. I just cracked myself up. “her strengths and strategy” right!!! LOL.

    Clinton wouldn’t stand next to this moronic patriarchal barbie in red monkey stripper heels. Palin is not fit to stand in the same room with Clinton.

    With love for Alaskans but not your gov, from the lower 48. Let us know when the recall starts– I’ll be pitching in before I pay my heat bills (ha ha- hopefully the recall will start before the winter)

  45. Lilybart says:

    Can’t wait for the Press Release denying she ever considered this or even heard of it and besides, she is not being supported by coales at all, also.

  46. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    @Bystander #56

    Perfect – LOL.

    I’m sure she would have Jumped at the chance had it not involved ‘her’ money.
    I’d love to listen in on a conversation between Bill, Rhodes Scholar, and sarah, former pageant contestant.

  47. grainnekathleen says:

    At first I thought this was a joke, but then it kept getting stranger, deeper and deeper into detail you simply can’t make up. (Hillary Clinton cackles loudly and maniacally)

  48. Bystander says:

    This is historic. Palin had the opportunity to do something mind-numbingly stupid, and for the first time declined!

  49. Canadian Neighbour says:

    35 califpat Says,

    Do you think she should bring Gary Coleman into her camp? :LOL:

    Coale to me gives me more of the impression of a stalker than a political anything. Seeing him makes me gag. Makes me wonder if he seriously thinks woman flock to him – Oh yuck

  50. Greytdog Δ says:

    pvazwindy Says: “John Coale has labled the Palins a prominent national family.”

    Well they are – for the white Fundamentalist Christian families in the South and Western states. . .

  51. UK Lady says:

    This is some of the cr^p that scientologists think is real, lifted from wikipedia

    Scientology includes the belief that souls (“thetans”) reincarnate and have lived on other planets before living on Earth.[11] Former members say that portions of Hubbard’s writings on this remote extraterrestrial past are included in confidential Upper Levels and are not revealed until thousands of dollars have been paid to the Church of Scientology

    Pah! bunch of dingbats!

  52. Ripley in CT says:

    Ok, now this is funny.

  53. WakeUpAmerica says:

    “…not rooted in anything that touched on reality.” Come on! He’s a Scientologist; how much reality can there be in his life?

  54. catdance says:

    Greta van Susteren is married to a man?

  55. Paula says:

    “not rooted in anything that would touch on reality.”

    nuff said.

  56. Specterchaos says:

    If Sarah really wanted to be friends with the Clintons, she would give Bill a humedor, or a hummer, or ah, something that sounds like that, too, also, ah, whatever. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm……. 😉

  57. DonnaInMichigan says:

    I wonder if Palin has page 1 done yet of her book.

    It has, after all, been almost a week.

  58. UK Lady says:

    You would have thought that anyone bordering on rational would have realised to stay away from GINO by now. All she ever does for anyone who tries to forward her is end up making them look really foolish. What seems to be a pattern is, they meet her and get an initial WOW factor thing going. I think she does what I have watched others do, flatters and flirts and makes people feel special.

    Then, as they quickly realise that she is utterly egotistical and will not listen to adice i.e. keep your heard down work hard and learn stuff, they get that they’ve been punked.

    Doe we know how this info leakedout? I’ve just got up and am a bit behind on this one.

  59. PalinSucks says:

    Dr. Patois Says “The visual I had was Gino’s white knuckled hands clenching the CapHaras cash.”

    Me, also, too. I imagine Palin, spent all weekend coming up with that lame ass excuse not to dole out a penny to anyone anywhere.

    BTW, has there been a release of collections & dispersement yet to SarahPAC?

  60. PalinSucks says:

    Dr. Patois Says “The visual I had was Gino’s white knuckled hands clenching the CapHaras cash.”

    Me, also, too. I imagine Palin, spent all weekend coming up with that lame ass excuse not to dole out a penny to anyone anywhere.

    BTW, has there been a release of collections & dispersement yet to SarahPAC?

  61. Irishgirl says:

    This is just too funny. I’m afraid Palin isn’t in the same league as the Clintons, and someone needs to tell her that, pronto.

  62. califpat says:

    Dr. Patops:
    Your visual is too vivid and I love it. I add to the visual that in her dreams, and only in her warped dreams, {{{{shutter }}}}that she holds her lost beauty queen pageant victory up as a 2012 Presidential victory, with Hillary’s blessing. Now that’s Twilightzonish.

  63. SameOld says:

    Sarah knows all those stories are out and about. That’s why she avoids DC and party events. She hasn’t the temperament to walk on past. The woman is too thin skinned for politics. Imagine her having to take what Hillary has.

  64. Dr. Patois says:

    The visual I had was Gino’s white knuckled hands clenching the CapHaras cash.

  65. SameOld says:

    You give Coale too much credit. Think about the level of crassness it takes to get cozy with the notion that Palin is a serious contender for anything.

    Sarah tried to get close to Hillary during the campaign. Remember the event at the UN she tried to crash in NYC?

    It’s too funny. I would love to hear the REAL inside stories from the campaign. They must be hilarious and are certainly making the rounds.

  66. clark says:

    “’What she really needs is somebody who has good political sense to move to Alaska,’ said a Washington-based Republican who wants her to succeed. ‘And until that happens, she is going to continue floundering.’”

    right after they turn back the clock nine months, eh.

  67. califpat says:

    @Shiloh442: LoL. I had to step back from my screen as I ate fresh watermelon, because I was laughing so hard. What a visual? Too funny.

  68. Dr. Patois says:

    I was gobsmacked when I saw this on Politico this evening. Absolutely gobsmacked. I went right to the Mudflats open thread and sure enough, someone had just posted the link. Sorry, can’t remember who. So, I knew I just had to wait for AKM’s brilliant post. Delicious! As are all of the comments.

    The “…not rooted in anything that would touch on reality” was dryly, hilariously, spot on.

    The “Contributors who chose between heating their homes and sending in a contribution because they believe in Sarah would be crushed.” response is pathetic and will come back to haunt. Exactly what did she think contributors thought of her $180,000.00 spending spree?

    I am not knowledgeable enough to know what the game play is but there is some definite gamesmanship going on. Coale is a lot of things but I don’t think stupid is one of them. Am I wrong?

  69. califpat says:

    I have always been baffled by people who have blind allegiance to people who are micro mental midgets but are on the world stage like Gino. I surmise that these people who worship Gino have a fantasy hope that if they support her in every possible way that she will throw them a bone and be appreciative. Not!!
    Gino, is in her own fantasy world and that consists of the fact that she is on the same level with the Clintons. Pah-leeze!!! She looks at her base as beneath her (trailer trash) but much needed entities to feed her egotistical ego. She really craves to be of Hillary’s stature and will become the devil’s advocate to obtain that position. Gino is becoming desperate and she’ll have to dig deep down into bottom of the Repubs party to find someone she can attach herself to so that she can gain any credibility.

  70. InJuneau says:

    Terpsichore–I think that’s a fabulous name for a blog!

    And, OMG, this is just unreal! I caught it first at Alaska Politics and then shot on over here to see the Mudflats’ take. Precious…

  71. shilo442 says:

    I can just see Chelsea and Bristol having a sleep over
    Better yet Bill Clinton on the back of Todds snowmachine and
    Hillary Moose shooting with Sarah.

  72. shilo442 says:

    @ 21 Terpsichore Says:
    May 18th, 2009 at 9:49 PM

    A lot have no money and bills to pay but they’ll send money to their Gino.
    Reminds me of people complaining that the bills are going up and they have no money but stand in line and play $50.00 on lotto tickets. That’s their mentality, Gino is like a lotto ticket.

  73. Lee323 says:

    @ Chaim #25
    The same thing jumped out at me.

    “Some top Republicans who are sympathetic to Palin….compare her to an incredibly gifted athlete with raw skills but no coach to help her develop a pro game.”

    How many ways can it be pointed out that this view of Palin is fantasy…..a twist on the “Eliza Doolittle just waiting for her Professor Higgins” type of fantasy. Palin is an incredibly superficial politician with limited true gifts and a personality that is hostile to any type of coaching.

    The only remote connection between Palin and the Eliza Doolittle fantasy is Eliza’s last name…

  74. Chaim says:

    Among the mere “refinements in need of a little coaching” I forgot to include “accomplishments.”

    Terpsichore — really like “parsing the snark”! — and your so-generous helping of warmed-over canned conservatism.

  75. honestyinGov says:

    After reading this type of story you almost expect Ashton Kutcher to show up
    and say ” You’VE been PUNKED !!”. It sounds so totally made up.

    And speaking of getting ‘punked’ DNC style…. they got Norm Coleman.
    (dollar a day folks)

    He shows up somewhere and he thinks he has fans. They ask him for his autograph…. blah.. blah…blah…. being very nice. He gives it to them.
    I can’t give it away… too funny. Watch the video….

  76. mlaiuppa says:

    Like that would work?

    Hillary would take the money and still dis Sarah.

  77. Chaim says:

    From the Politico story:

    “Some top Republicans who are sympathetic to Palin understand her short-term political imperatives at home — her approval numbers have fallen considerably from last year …. They compare her to an incredibly gifted athlete with raw skills but no coach to help her develop a pro game.

    “What she really needs is somebody who has good political sense to move to Alaska,” said a Washington-based Republican who wants her to succeed. “And until that happens, she is going to continue floundering.”

    First, if there are “top” Republicans still sympathetic to Palin after her grifting and ingratitude, the GOP has no “top,” it is hypnotized or decerebrate.

    Second, this reveals that these “top” (as in “spin”?) Republicans think charisma is all it takes, because that’s all she has. Knowledge, intelligence, judgment, ethics, character — they seem to think these are just refinements in need of a little coaching.

    Third, they’ve been there, done that. McCain’s people tried to manage and coach her, and she didn’t like it. Unless Sarah gets a brain implant or puts her tongue in trusteeship, if they’ve got somebody with political sense to move to Alaska, he or she might as well be the candidate. With apologies to the Army, Sarah’s been all she can be.

  78. Lani says:

    Love this comment: “not rooted in anything that would touch on reality.”
    Quote of the day, and so accurate for anything involving Gino.

  79. mwThatOne.. says:

    LOL#1: “promoting their careers in a way that borders on the creepy”….graphic turn of phrase, there, AKM
    LOL#2: Martha: ~ Hillary would carry one of those language translator recorders they have these days, while trying to program it to interpret “Village Idiot Speak”
    LOL#3: Parsing the Snark…. good one, Terpsichore!

    Also/too that was a pretty funny idea at HuffPo, where it was mentioned PO being worried about the pajama-ed bloggers coming after him next……as if!

  80. dowl says:

    Why would Politico (John Coale, Mr. Greta Van Susteran) ‘break’ this story now?

  81. mhrt says:

    NO way . NO how. NO Palin. isn’t that what HRC said. BFF ..gag!

  82. Terpsichore says:

    ““Contributors who chose between heating their homes and sending in a contribution because they believe in Sarah would be crushed.””

    [insert whatever level of snark you feel appropriate to the below]

    Every true fiscal conservative knows that political or any type of contribution is made out of what is called one’s ‘disretionary spending’. NOT out of the budget for necesseties. You give up going to the movies one night a week for a while, or cut down on the wine for a bit. But if you’re having trouble paying that mortgage and about to be foreclosed upon? Ya got no business donating to anybody for anything. Ya got any debt? Every extra penny needs to go to pay back the obligations you have already made. If you didn’t want to be foreclosed upon, or have all that debt, you should have just not bought all that stuff, or not bought that house you couldn’t really afford. Can’t pay your heating bills? You shouldn’t expect the government to help you out, you should stop wasting your money elsewhere, like frivolous campaign contributions. That was good money you could have and should have used to pay your own way in this world. That’s what fiscal conservatives do. So all you fiscal conservatives, if you cannot pay your mortgage or you already incurred debt or are having trouble in any month paying your heating/cooling bills, or car insurance, rent, food expenses, and/or if you don’t have health insurance because you can’t afford it, then by golly DON’T SEND US A PENNY! The first thing you need to do to be a Good American and a good Fiscal Conservative is to take care of your own house first.

    Have fun Parsing the Snark.

    Hey, that sounds like a good title for … something. Maybe my new blog, if I ever get one?

  83. seattlefan says:

    Martha Unalaska Yard Sign: Hey!

    I actually submitted one of my book titles as “Pulp Diction” in the contest. It didn’t win but I was Lmao thinking about it! Her choice of words and phrases absent of thought and intellect add up to “Pulp Diction” in my mind. LOL!

  84. Carol.Seattle says:

    The Clintons are way too savvy and intelligent to ever fall for something like that. Sarah Palin being promoted by the Clintons…. that’s the best laugh I’ve had all day.

  85. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I NEVER want to see the day that SP tries to flirt w/ Bill C which is exactly what she would try to do. Hillary would carry one of those language translator recorders they have these days, while trying to program it to interpret “Village Idiot Speak”.

    @ seattlefan

    “tragic diction”

    I have to say that you just made one of the funniest and best descriptions of SP’s horrid screechy speech!

    That would have been a great book title, too, also. Hey, wait – you could save it for the upcoming crash and burn biography movie title contest.

  86. califpat says:

    Seattlefan says:

    I would love to see that conversation and better yet, would love to see the written transcription. Palin�s words when put in the written word truly show her dismal intellect and tragic diction. She can never measure up to Hillary on any level and I think she probably knows it.

    I would love to see that too. And you’re so right, a transcript of Palin’s conversation would reflect her inadequacy and poor grasp of the English language. And you betcha, she knows that she is outclassed in every aspect by Hillary. What were they thinking??

  87. JS in Chicago says:

    Never thought about the possibility that Sarah was actually in on the plan initially. If that’s true, it would make those SarahPac contributors even bigger suckers than they already are. It will be interesting to see if Greta continues to her girl crush coverage on Fox.

  88. Dame says:

    Seattle Fan, I agree he has a dis order, but I think it’s that old blood volume thing. Only enough blood to work one head at a time. And on that note I am done.

  89. JS in Chicago says:

    Funny thing, I just read this in Politico and came to Mudflats to see if anyone had caught it. Wouldn’t you know AKM was already on it (Sarah and Hillary as BFF’s!!) In what world would that actually happen? Oh, I know, the bizarro world! I wonder what Coale’s real agenda is with Sarah. He actually makes her look like the more rational one here, and that’s creepy in and of itself. “…not rooted in anything that would touch on reality” sums the whole thing up quite nicely.

  90. justafarmer says:

    ok, this is completely Twilight Zone/Outer Limits now.

  91. “Contributors who chose between heating their homes and sending in a contribution because they believe in Sarah would be crushed.”


    Can this monstrosity of GINO be more devious than feared?

    She is using Nick Tucker’s plead!

    Her camp leaked this info, shes breaking the symbiotic allegiance with the coales after she got his sleazy legal tactics. Now we know why she didn’t go to the dinner in Washington and opted for a photo op of the destruction of the flood. Revolting!!

  92. seattlefan says:

    califpat Says:
    May 18th, 2009 at 8:58 PM
    Even if Hillary, in a time of insanity, entertained the idea of even having a conversation with salad spewing Gino, Gino would be lost trying to comprehend the intellectual words of Hillary. I can see Gino’s mind shutting down as it is bombarded with words and information that is beyond her comprehension.


    I would love to see that conversation and better yet, would love to see the written transcription. Palin’s words when put in the written word truly show her dismal intellect and tragic diction. She can never measure up to Hillary on any level and I think she probably knows it.

  93. Enjay in Eastern MT says:

    This from a woman that said Hillary was “whining” about the media

    I’d type more but am laughing too much.

  94. califpat says:

    Even if Hillary, in a time of insanity, entertained the idea of even having a conversation with salad spewing Gino, Gino would be lost trying to comprehend the intellectual words of Hillary. I can see Gino’s mind shutting down as it is bombarded with words and information that is beyond her comprehension.

  95. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Just imagine what was going through the mind of the ‘former Clinton aide’ – “How can I put this so it expresses my outrage but omits swearwords?”

    “Not rooted in anything that would touch on reality.”


  96. seattlefan says:

    He (Coale) has the same brain disorder that McCain had when he thought Palin would bring in the votes of the Hillary supporters. What a transparent, clueless, and W*T*PH kind of thing to try! Only the clueless Palin supporters would buy into this.

    No wonder the Clintons did not bite. Good for Bill for not making a meeting, and good for Hill for not having any part of this. Don’t you know that SP was all over this and truly wanting it to happen? She must have been crushed when it didn’t happen and her spokesperson made it sound like she wasn’t interested. Yea….rrrrright!

  97. pvazwindy says:

    John Coale probably runs around in ladies lingerie, like Marv Albert, who was caught in his pantyhose, as he waited for his hooker. John Coale has labled the Palins a prominent national family. What a frickin joke. Makes me want to barf.

  98. CO almost native says:

    “Contributors who chose between heating their homes and sending in a contribution because they believe in Sarah would be crushed.”

    How could Stapletongue say this with a straight face?! I assume Palin knew at that time she would need all the pennies she could get her grubby hands on to pay legal fees…

    Hilary would’ve thrown Palin under the bus-

  99. califpat says:

    I should say trying to buy legitimacy and respect. Not realizing that these features have to be earned and not given by associuation.

  100. EyeOnYou says:

    Hillary Clinton is way to smart to get involved with the likes of Sarah Palin!

  101. karen marie says:

    the idea of the clintons becoming best buds with la palin is one of the funniest things i’ve heard all day.

  102. califpat says:

    Not surprised. Trying to buy political friends on the other side.

  103. pvazwindy says:

    He wanted to connect two prominent families. hahahahahaha