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UPDATE: Whose Tardis is This? Doctor Who’s Tardis found in Alaska


I just received an Update on the origins of the Tardis in Homer. It is not stolen from Gallifrey as early reports originally implied. It was created by the Wolfe’s (Bad Wolf(e)? Rose Tyler might want to watch out…)

From Nina: My daughter Rosemary Wolfe and the rest of the family are huge Doctor Who fans. We run the sod farm to the west of the grove where the Tardis is located. She, mostly, built the Tardis but had to leave to return to school and so it needs a bit more touchup, however, I am looking for the sign for the front and will apply it when I get it. We had previously built a Tardis out of cardboard and had a picture taken of it on the Time Bandit along with a macau claw. Long live Doctor Who.

As I was driving through the fishing community of Homer, Alaska, I discovered something – a blue box on the side of the road that read “POLICE BOX.”  It seemed to be a Time and Relative Dimension in Space – more commonly known to fans of Dr. Who as a “Tardis.” I waited for a while, hoping that the Doctor or maybe one of his companions might make an appearance, but to no avail. So, the best I could do was take a whole bunch of pictures.


Homer Alaska, population 5,085 is a small community on Kachemak Bay, about a 4-5 hour drive from Anchorage. It is well known for its interesting characters, awesome food, and being an outpost of progressivism in the red state of Alaska. Jewel is from there, and so is MSNBC contributor Shannyn Moore. The Tardis was discovered between a open field and the Homer Oil and Gas station, no information as of yet who built this wonder, or why it was in Homer. If you have any information, please shoot me an e-mail (zdroberts at and I’ll update the story.

[This story is cross-posted at the other site I write and photograph for –]  



All photos copyright Zach D Roberts











12 Responses to “UPDATE: Whose Tardis is This? Doctor Who’s Tardis found in Alaska”
  1. Zyxomma says:

    Thanks for the update, Zach.

  2. fishingmamma says:

    I’m not going in. No way. I don’t like to talk about it. But don’t anyone look too closely at the photos of Soapy Smith and the woman standing in the background.

  3. mike from iowa says:

    Iz there a Dr. Who conspiracy going on between Zach and

  4. AKjah says:

    That “booth” is the second incarnation. There was a different one for a few years before. I know the house were this one spent this last winter in the yard. Next time i am out that way i could stop and ask the whats an whys but i feel it might be a sad subject.

  5. Ice Gal says:

    Did you not look inside?

    • Zach Roberts says:

      Should have added… the door was locked. No way of confirming if it was actually bigger on the inside.

  6. Zyxomma says:

    Wow, Zach. Homer is even more interesting than Shannyn reports!

  7. laurainnocal says:

    What the hey?!

  8. slipstream says:

    Oh, so that’s where I left that. Righto. Sorry.

  9. mike from iowa says:

    If Peri Brown(Nicola Bryant) from the t.v. series-1984-1986-appears,please gift wrap her like a salami and send to mike from iowa,ICO iowa before Christmas. Thanks in advance and all that rubbish.

  10. hedgewytch says:

    Did anyone stop and look inside it? Is there anything there?