Rural Update – Hope Truck Heads for Eagle!
Here is a great way for Alaskans on the road system to give a hand in a time of need. The folks out in Eagle are trying to assess the horrendous flood damage, save what they can, and rebuild the rest by fall. Anyone who lives here knows that the construction season is short, and that every hour of summer daylight is precious. It will take all they’ve got to have winter ready places to live by the time the snow flies.
We know from Mudflatter yukonbushgrma who lives in Eagle that tools, clothing, dogfood and other supplies are needed by local residents, some of whom have lost everything to the rising river and the unforgiving ice. But transportation and shipping can be a challenge, so Mudflatter Hope has stepped up and offered to use her pickup truck to make stops on the Kenai Penninsula, and anywhere on the road from there, through Anchorage, Eagle River, and the Valley taking donated supplies and messages of support to the people in Eagle! Three cheers for Hope!
If you want to meet up with the Hope Truck (I love that!) and coordinate a pickup, email Hope at:
She will be leaving the Penninsula on Friday, May 29 at about noon, arriving in Anchorage at about 4:00, then heading off through Eagle River, Palmer and Wasilla. I’ll keep you posted with further developments as I know the specifics.
I know there’s a lot of you out there in the area, and it won’t take much to fill that truck if we all pitch in a little! And of course Hope and others will be keeping us all posted on the Odyssey to Eagle. In the meantime, here is a list of needed items:
Bush Appropriate Clothing Items (Gently used)
Jeans, work shirts, t-shirts, underwear, socks
Hiking boots, Xtra tuffs, rubber boots, work boots, tennis shoes (especially mens sizes 9-12)
Work gloves, and heavy duty rubber gloves for clean up (fishing season gloves)
Rain Gear
Pry bars
Chainsaws & accessories
Tape measures
Screw guns
Hack saws
Paper towels
Bleach (not the scented kind – can’t cleanse a well with that)
Hand sanitizer
Toilet paper
Dog Food! – Don’t forget our furry friends!
We have also gotten word from yukonbushgrma that a pressure washer is desperately needed in the community. A team of Mudflatters is working on this over on the Forum. Details on how you can contribute to this, as a gift from the Mudflats community, will be coming shortly.
So gather what you can and email Hope at [email protected]
Yes we can.
@ Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Says:
May 22nd, 2009 at 6:19 AM
“You guys crack me up! I’ve been giggling at the flat rate box since the beginning of our mission (I suggested these way back in Jan ……”you remember reading about Say NO to Palin in Politics adventure with the nazi postmistress back in Feb
Ah yes! I remember the stories. In fact, I bow to your Flatrate Prowess and have been trying to emulate you ever since! And after Say NO to Palin in Politics’ shared stories about the Nazi Box Police, I always stress about any bumps in the box.
Relieved that I got the level mailed today. Only one other box because I swapped my burrito t-shirt box to large after I found more stuff to ship, like those Awls. Yep, those were what I had seen in both ex- and John’s toolboxes. Have no idea what they’re for, but they were on YBG’s list.
Had to have a box made to fit John’s level. Hey, it only ended up costing $12.95 to ship. Was worrying after Honesty’s comments the other day about adding msmts to weight, this was light but bulkier than expected. Probably silly and sentimental. It was old, solid wood and single airbubble gauge. But well used so I’m sure someone found it plenty functional. As much as John loved Alaska, his brother lived in Fairbanks, I know he would have wanted to be a part of rebuilding. I had sent some of the tools from his toolbox earlier, but this level was special.
oops, meant to put that Gara post in the stimulus thread.
Les Gara says this…….
“I personally think the following makes sense – and should have been done in the first place. The Governor’s agencies – presumably with her input since she’s head of the state’ agencies (AHFC and AEA) – proposed to spend the funds on a number of efforts. All $29 million could have instead been spent on building renewable energy projects around the state, to achieve this state’s renewable and diversified energy goals. It’s odd to have renewable energy goals, like the Governor announced in her Winter press conference, and to reject funds needed to build those projects. I would encourage folks to run this proposal by the Governor – one she of course could have proposed in the first place – and see if we can encourage her to accept the funds for these purposes, if she didn’t like the purposes her agencies proposed in the operating budget.”
and “WHY” are these teams sent in “AFTER” the flooding, ARG…..from the same article I just posted. Gads, there is another ice jam
“The Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management said it was sending a team to the village Thursday.”
“The service reported a significant ice jam lodged about five miles upriver of Pilot Station, holding back about 40 miles of ice and causing extensive flooding. Its upper end was about 10 miles upriver of Marshall.”
am I daft? why are these tanks not moved to higher ground “before” the flooding its?
now it’s headed to Emmonak……..Ann stay safe!
“Wednesday a 17,000-gallon gas tank floated about town until people tied it down, local residents said.”
@ Kath the Scrappy & honestyingov-
You guys crack me up! I’ve been giggling at the flat rate box since the beginning of our mission (I suggested these way back in Jan for sending supplies from around the country in response to the food/fuel crisis). I’ve been using these for a couple of years because I mail a lot of stuff to family. Sounds weird to mail FROM Alaska to other states, but I do it all the time. It’s a legend how much I can pack into a box. I got better, and better, and better at it. Kind of like the rabbit coming out of the hat – stuff just manages to fit in there just right, then the pile on the other end looks WAY bigger than the box!
Even big sis here in Juneau, who was skeptical of my fame, finally gave into my greatness when she gave me some things to mail to Maine for her son and granddaughter. She gave me a pile ‘o stuff, and I reported back to her that it all fit in a flat rate box (this was before the large size came out). She said “no way”. I said “yes way”. She even fussed because she was sure a beautiful ornament might get broken since it was one of a kind. I said “don’t worry”. She fussed until all arrived, then she bowed to me for my powers, finally!
OK, so now I have to share my legendhood with you guys – and I couldn’t be in better company, I might add! You have the power, too. Don’t know if you remember reading about Say NO to Palin in Politics adventure with the nazi postmistress back in Feb – they named her such and then Say NO started going to a different PO, after the gal sent Say NO back home to repack a box whose “flaps did not TOUCH”. That sent me into a fit of giggles, too – because I fudge all the time (just a little) but since I use Click N Ship right from my home, I can ignore the nazi postmistresses of the world.
So “here here” to you guys and the one rate boxes – I am sure that on the other end, there will be raised eyebrows as to how much came out of those boxes! Love ya all for helping!
You guys ROCK, and the people on the other end are going to cheer on your ingenuity and ability to make things 5 times smaller, during shipping only.
Hope……thank you!
It would be nice if you could have “backup” caravan drivers in case you are full up by a certain point. People willing to join your Hope to Eagle Train. Not sure how you’d go about it, perhaps through the radio? or a church? also to collect more goods?
Time is short.
@ # 36 honestyinGov Says:
May 22nd, 2009 at 12:08 AM
I had one Big Daddy box and then two flat-rates boxes off today.
Just keep stuffffffing that stuff in….. and tape it close real quik !
So proud of you honesty, I just knew you would do it right. Bet those jeans were done burrito style to get so much in your box. Trick is to use your knee. Hold that puppy down while strapping the tape quik! Empty airspace in the box is not good, it’s like a chess match between Us vs. the Box. lol Well done kiddo!!!
Tomorrow, I’m struggling to find a box or maybe a tube to ship the level that I found from my dear coworker/friend’s tool box. Sure won’t fit in a flatrate, probably 24″ long. He died from AIDS 10yrs ago (I was his volunteer caregiver) and he so loved Alaska, made 2 trips. It may be an antique but the bubble still seems to work up/down within the lines from what I can see. Might be more primitive than what they’re hoping for. But the way I figure, better Used and Available right now, instead of waiting 3-4 weeks for New. I hope they will be able to use it.
Actually, there’s a difference.
Food may be measured by the lbs. in our boxes.
Tools, clothes, well…I left some air space in one of those work boots, the other was packed with nails/screws. Forgive me Eagle, but it was a HEAVY box anyway, lol.
@ 38 yukonbushgrma
Understood. That’s why I pay the extra 70-cents Confirmation, so that I can track to see that it got there.
But, someday when things would ‘ease’ up and more time even if it’s next winter, it would be nice to hear Cindy’s perception of how it came down and the reactions of what happened from the flatrate box ‘Anonymous Bloggers’. Like, did they like our PJ goodies?
Just sent off a PM to one of you guys — but also wanted to say it to everyone ….
Unfortunately, the way our distribution center is set up, I will not be able to report back to you on what was received, and from whom, like Ann and Vic did. I wish I could do that. Our disaster is pretty big, and as I’m one of the involved folks I just don’t have the time to do it, even if the mechanics were in place.
I hope you understand. Truly, I do believe that when you send your donations to the distribution center as directed (in care of Cindy) they will go to the people who need them.
Just wanted you all to know that!
(p.s. – if there is something you really really must get to me (but it had better be not much!), then you should PM me on the forum and I’ll give you my email, OK?)
heh, heh
You guys are turning into postal EXPERTS !!!!
# 34
Kath the Scrappy from Seattle Says:
May 21st, 2009 at 11:42 PM
And may I say, those “10 tight burrito T-shirts into a medium size flatrate box” were all ExtraLarge. No air left in THAT box. Just saying.
Kath the Scrappy… I have to agree with you. Those boxes are the post office look prettttttty small when you are starring at them on the wall though.
I had one Big Daddy box and then two flat-rates boxes off today.
One flat rate box had 4 pair jeans ,1 T-shirt, 2 pair gloves, some small stuff from the tool box and a few bathroom items to fill the cracks.
Just keep stuffffffing that stuff in….. and tape it close real quik !
And may I say, those “10 tight burrito T-shirts into a medium size flatrate box” were all ExtraLarge. No air left in THAT box. Just saying.
Pretty exciting to watch this unfold and come together! Hope, you are a TROOPER! The Experts over on the Forum are putting together their expertise and figuring out the BEST pressure washer. It’s pure fun to watch them work together!
Would you mind if I pause for a Pat on the Back moment? Today I managed to pack 10 tight burrito T-shirts into a medium size flatrate box. Yes, TEN! Can’t believe they would all fit. So will have another 3 boxes in the mail tomorrow.
Discovered what an “Awl” looks like, so tomorrow I’m back to raiding my ex-husband’s tool box to see if there’s more goodies to “rescue”.
the hope truck is a great thing, way to go folks!
here is the skinny from Arlan DeYong with AK VOAD (Alaska Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster) which came out this morning. there are several ways listed here you can help dogs.
Updated 5/20/09 Version 2
Urgent Dog Food Needs Due to Flooding on the Upper Yukon
The Alaska Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (AKVOAD) desk at the State Emergency Coordination has validated the need for dog food for the communities of Circle, Eagle, Stevens Village, and Tanana. The estimated total need is for 8,000 pounds per week for the foreseeable future. Many of the villages will need dog food until the salmon arrive in July. There may be additional needs for dog food in other villages as the word comes in.
Dog food can be donated several ways. The most urgent need at this time is for dog food to be staged out of Fairbanks.
1. Drop off at the Civil Air Patrol hanger in Fairbanks at 3855 S University Avenue (East Ramp, Fairbanks International Airport). During working hours the dog food can be dropped off inside; at other times drop on the pallets outside the hanger.
2. Order (credit card) dog food from a store in Fairbanks and ask them to drop off the food at the Civil Air Patrol hanger in Fairbanks.
a. 49er Dog Food Store in Fairbanks
(907) 488-4999
b. Coldspot Feeds. (907) 457-8555
3. Anchorage. Drop off at the Alaska Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASCPA), 549 W International Airport Rd (907-562-2999) Deliveries ONLY Weekdays from 10AM to 4PM.
AKVOAD will coordinate delivery from Fairbanks and Anchorage to the affected communities.
On Tuesday, May 19, 1,500 pounds of dog food was delivered to Tanana by the state and 2,400 pounds of donated dog food was delivered to Stevens Village by the Civil Air patrol.
AKVOAD has a general need to help with unmet human needs due to the 2009 floods. AKVOAD is accepting donations to the “2009 Spring Floods” account at any Alaska USA Federal Credit Union. Additionally, checks may me mailed to:
2535 Crestwood St
Anchorage, AK 99508
POC: Arlan DeYong, VOAD Desk in the State Emergency Coordination Center, (907) 428-7131 or [email protected]
AK VOAD is a 501(c) (3) and their tax ID is 71-0963557.
Hope honey,
Hope – Our new friend PM’d me and asked about donating pet food. Please ck. with her.
occurs to me that a Hope truck caravan would result in a literal Mudstock in Eagle!
ravines…eeeeeek!!! Sounds like roads here in my area, are ravines are VERY steep! No shoulders on the road, no guardrails, just *gulp*, don’t look!
Ont hose stretches of roads, I’m the driver that creates a frustrated congo line following me ’cause I drive soooo slow.
Wouldn’t THAT be fun, justafarmer!? A whole caravan!
Thanks for the advice, YBG! I can hardly wait!
EEEEEEE! I’ll take pix of the ravine, but won’t lean out too far so all of us can enjoy!
this is so great and I’m happy to be doing my little part by sending boxes from Appalachia. Wish I was closer so I could join the Hope truck caravan (I’ve got a covered 4WD pickup).
We have — oops, USED to have — a 6’x12′ covered trailer that we hauled behind our pickup. That was how we got things over the Taylor Highway between Tok and Eagle. If the trailer maneuvers well with the truck, you should have no problems. Just take it carefully going around the sharp curves, and DO NOT get over on the shoulder! (Good way to find yourself down a deep ravine!)
Oh, by the way, Hope — make sure you have extra spare tires, and plenty of food and water with you. The only real services between Tok and Eagle are in Chicken. When in Chicken, if you want to stop for a break, try Chicken Gold Camp — Lou and Mike own it, great place. (espresso & capuccino even!)
And one more little thing – no one takes credit cards in Eagle!
“…so it’ll be ok if it rains. It only leaks a LITTLE! And only when it rains!”
Hi, Everybody! You’re right! I AM filling up, but I may have a trailer I can use, too. We want to get AS MUCH STUFF up there as possible. How’s that road between Tok and Eagle for a trailer, YBG?
It’s so great to know you’re all with the Hope Truck! I’ll get pictures, and I’ve already started my journal, so let me know what you’ve got and about how much space it’ll take up. I have a cab on my truck, so it’ll be ok if it rains. It only leaks a LITTLE! And only when it rains!
I’m heading over to check the email and start my calculations in cubic inches! FEET!
Oh you guys ………….
{{{{SOB}}}} {{{{SNIFF}}}} {{{{TEARS WELLING UP}}}}
You all give me warm fuzzies from the top of my head to the bottoms of my feet!!!
Can’t believe how wonderful you all are.
Hang in there … I’m working on the Paypal and will let AKM know as soon as I’ve tested it and know it works!
All of Eagle sends hugs –
21 honestyinGov – That trucks not full yet………I don’t see cages full of fowl strapped on top………
austintx, YBG Hope, and some of the others have been having conversations over in the Forum. With this new email address ‘eagletruck’ and a way for people to leave messages and what they will be dropping off it might be a good idea to think about whether or not someone has an open utility trailer as well that Hope might be able to use and tow.
( we know how MudPuppies can over-do things…. they don’t settle for average)
I personally have a Nissan long-bed pickup with a topper on it and it is pretty easy to get that thing full. ( I don’t know the size of Hope’s truck).
Martha Unalaska Yard Sign just said she might be able throw a couple big bags of dog food in…. AND if people at the last minute find more stuff…. she could be full before she gets there. (just thinking ahead)
We wouldn’t want to be turning away donations that could help.
Hope will have to be the one to tell us the amount of what she has already on her list… and keep us updated.
We don’t need for Hope’s truck to look something like this….. NOT safe.
austintx- great! and a new pup? i figured you was busy. up to doing good works.[smile]
bubbles – We are working on it. Recruited a new ‘pup while I was helping.
>>>Reposted on Open Thread<<<<
MUDPUPPIES bark with the big dogs!!! WOOF. waiting to hear about a pressure sprayer[?] needed in eagle. yukongrandma will let us know.
injuneau~C.neighbor..Thx on my way to sign up..:))
I’ll say it again, this place is the best.
Way to go Hope!
God dang it Hope! You made me cry again, knock it off! Sure wish I could go…we could use Internet cell and a laptop and blog the trip as we go! Be sure to take a notebook and journal so you can jot downs names and places where you stopped for stuff (people can have anonymoose names if they want, or use their real ones).
I’ll check on your plans in the forum, and if a Costco in Anchorage is one of your stops I can prepay a couple big bags of dog kibble and have it set aside for you. They do bush orders all the time as you know, so they are good at that stuff!
Now I’m off to cry some more…
Star–go to and look for the “Sign up” link. It’s fairly easy to walk through.
It’s been sometime like 5 years since I signed up. Just go to
If I recall, you can sign up using your bank account or a credit card. It’s not hard to sign up.
Say NO to Palin in Politics,
You had a question on the fish & Pebble Mine page. I have left an answer on that blog page.
Anyone~ ummm how do you sign up for paypal???.would love to help..:)
Aw, Irishgirl, we all {{{{{you}}}}} too!
And ((Uk Lady)) and ((UkMan)). 🙂
OK, I’ll stop now!!
((TiredMom)) and ((Hope)) and ((yukonbushgrama)) and ((AKM)) and ((mudpuppies))!!
I am constantly impressed by the kindness and just plain get it doneness of the people I read about on this site. Just Bravo!
Way to go Hope! I know Mudpuppy love will make this a most successful trip! I, too, also am on PayPal – let us know AKM. Go Mudpuppies Go!!! Off to the rescue again….. Eagle folks, know our love and prayers and soon supplies are with you! Yes we can, because we do!
Wow, I’m dying to see pics from this trip.
Also too, a hip hip hooray for Hope!
I’m on Paypal as well so will be listening for news on that.
You guys are so wonderful, you make me cry. I’m in on the
Paypal if and when it gets set up. (((HOPE))) (((MUDFLATTERS))) I ♥ AKM!
i’m hoping that hope (that was fun to type) can set up a paypal account so that we waaaaayyyyyy down here the 48’s can help out with the effort.
crossing my fingers
Yay – Hope is doing a bangin’ job folks.