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Rep. Les Gara on Palin, The Stimulus, and Renewable Energy for Alaska


By Rep. Les Gara

Alaska has the highest energy prices in the nation. The solution to the problem isn’t rejecting funds that could (if we choose) be dedicated to build wind, hydro and other renewable energy production.

Urban Alaska is facing a dangerous short-term shortage of natural gas.

Rural Alaska is facing a shortage of affordable, reliable energy.   The nation is trying to grapple with an over-reliance on foreign oil.

The Governor’s decision doesn’t help the national goal of domestic energy production to minimize our reliance on energy from rogue countries, or countries that are leading to world instability. It doesn’t help the state’s goal of increasing affordable, diversified energy production.

So, obviously, I agree the decision by the Governor was a mistake, and have written to tell her so.

Governor Palin’s decision is as ironic as it is troubling. Ironically, the state is likely to adopt the efficiency measures required by federal law – and just not get the $28 million offered to us for doing so. So – as I’ve said, what she’s done is as effective as spending your time blowing dandelion seeds into the wind. I’m confident Alaska will eventually adopt standards for smart, energy efficient construction, and the private sector is already doing this. In that sense, the construction world is passing us by. It’s hard to stop the world from progressing towards energy efficient construction. Consumers want it because it saves us money.  The nation wants it because it protects our national security.

So far every other state in the nation is complying with the federal request that we decrease our use of oil and gas (to lower our reliance on foreign sources, and conserve what we have here) – and energy efficiency is the cheapest way to do this. That’s why the Alaska Homebuilders Association supports the energy efficiency standards referenced by the federal law, as does the state’s housing agency, Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (energy efficiency code compliance is a precondition for getting an AHFC loan).

Many are requesting a veto override from the Legislature. That was my first instinct too. But (we’re still researching this) a veto override may not accomplish anything productive. The Governor has to affirmatively apply for the available federal funds, and promise the President Alaska will join 49 other states by committing to make the required progress on energy efficiency standards. If Governor Palin won’t do that, we cannot receive the federal funds. It is unlikely the Constitution allows the Legislature to require the Governor to write this compliance letter to the President. That’s the problem with a veto override. The effect of an override would be to say that we can use the money, but only IF the Governor applies for it. A veto override would not be effective, assuming my reading of the law is correct.

In the meantime, the smartest thing we can all do is let the Governor know, in e-mails to her and letters to the newspaper, and elsewhere, what we think. It is my hope she would change her mind if faced with logical argument, a reminder of the nation’s national security goals, and a vibrant public discussion about local energy needs.

I would advocate for using all $28 million to build renewable energy projects around the state – a purpose allowed by the federal law, and will keep pushing the Governor to reconsider her decision. If she doesn’t, it will just cost the state $28 million in a time when we need diversified energy projects, and need the funds to build them. I plan on asking the Governor if she’ll re-evaluate her decision if we change her agencies’ spending proposal, and dedicate the $28 million to energy production as stated above. The current budget proposal, submitted by her agencies, stated the funds would be used for planning and other purposes.

While those intended uses were sensible, I hope the Governor agrees that if we target the funds to power plants in rural and urban Alaska, where the energy is needed, it would justify a change of mind. I hope we can all join together and do this for the good of the state, and the good of the nation.



101 Responses to “Rep. Les Gara on Palin, The Stimulus, and Renewable Energy for Alaska”
  1. marcus2 says:

    Sarah Palin continually makes false statements. Whether she’s being manipulative or simply ignorant doesn’t matter. Either way, it shows she’s not qualified for legitimate Public Office. Most people understand this.

  2. michigander says:

    mlaiuppa- You are right and I keep hoping someone in Alaska cares enough to do something about it. Thanks for stating the facts.

    ” The legislature can’t impeach her. Not enough grounds.

    The people can recall her.

    But even if the recall doesn’t succeed, it will do plenty of political damage. That’s almost a win. Get a recall on the ballot in November and you’ve won. If it actually passes, that’s gravy.”

  3. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Oh OKAY. I get it. Scarah says in her press release that if the legislature does not like it or agree with her decision, they can override her……..except they can’t really. So she says this stuff, they can’t do anything about it so in the end it looks like they accept and agree with her decsion.

    IF this is the case, which wouldn’t surprise me, it’s a calculated and very underhanded manipulative act, which should say something about her personal character.

  4. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    some good Alaska WINTER visuals shared in the media would help drive home the need for these dollars, how important it really is. She has to be held accountable for her actions. Most people in the US don’t know anything about the conditions of the Native Villages.

  5. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Hey Les, you could ask the gov how to override her veto…….she seems to have the answer, she said you could if you wanted, perhaps she can back her words with facts.

    As for her reconsidering and changing her mind, lol……since when.

  6. Martha says:

    Dear Mr. Gara,

    If you really want to do something foe Alaskans, please support Mr. Poe. It’s about time that the legislators spoke up as Mr. Poe has done. You have a much louder voice to the media than ordinary citizens.

    You should find support in the legislature, come forward as a group and speak up, on the radio, to the newspapers and the local TV. Believe me it would go national in a heartbeat. In as much as Sarah Palin has “played” to the media, now ANY story concerning her WILL draw national attention.

    Use her media popularity against her, FOR the people of Alaska. Lay out your plan there and let her TRY to explain her decision away to national reporters.

    Keep at her until you get an answer, the legislators and one Democratic Senator, are the only voice in power that Alaskans have left.

    The following is from another mudflats post, Mr. Gara please pay attention;

    Bob Poe
    “Once again Governor Palin has demonstrated her narcissistic governance of Alaska by becoming the only Governor in America to reject federal stimulus funds to promote energy efficiency. These are funds that not only help stimulate a growing base of alternative energy companies in Alaska, but which would pay dividends in additional energy cost savings for many years to come.”

    Poe added, “This is just a cynical way for Palin to save a little face nationally in her earlier much touted stand to reject as much as 40% of the federal stimulus funds. Considering that one third of Alaska’s current economy depends on federal spending, it further underlines the Governor’s remarkable lack of understanding of the economic underpinnings that have helped our state avoid many of the economic difficulties currently experienced by many others.”

    “But perhaps the most striking aspect of this veto is to contrast it to $1,200 Palin paid out last year to every man, woman and child in Alaska for energy assistance, boosting everyone’s Permanent Fund dividend to $3,200, and raising her popularity to record levels helping secure her as the Vice Presidential running mate pick with Senator John McCain. Apparently, when it suits the Governor’s purpose she will happily spend Alaska’s resources, and again when it meets her political needs she will reject very useful federal stimulus funds for Alaskans,” Poe added.

    Poe concluded, “Governor Palin’s choice to veto federal stimulus funds for energy efficiency should leave no doubt in voters’ minds that her highest priority is not Alaska, but her run for President in 2012.”

  7. SameOld says:

    Class action suits take years. It would be longer than a recall.

    The most effective action is to keep her stupidities in the news. It is a daily reminder of how awful she is and what Alaskans have to tolerate. Most of the actions she takes are ridiculous. 8th grade anyone? She may set back the state another year, but it will be over.

  8. mlaiuppa says:

    The legislature can’t impeach her. Not enough grounds.

    The people can recall her.

    But even if the recall doesn’t succeed, it will do plenty of political damage. That’s almost a win. Get a recall on the ballot in November and you’ve won. If it actually passes, that’s gravy.

  9. TBNTJudy says:

    Greytdog said: “Sorry Sarah ain’t gonna be impeached – unless she gives Bill Clinton a bj.” I’m not sure even Bill Clinton would be *up* for that!

  10. Tealwomin says:

    …sorry Alaska, that’s all I, a non-resident can offer…

    I hope ppl are keeping track & mounting a recall or at the most not re-electing her sorry @$$

  11. redwoodmuse says:

    Serious wild card here, but I wonder if instead of impeachment, recall etc, since it seems that isn’t going to happen …what if there was a class action suit by the citizenry against SP specifically for directly causing harm to her constituency…by helping foment instances of freezing, hunger and death? Bumper stickers all over Sarah Froze Me Out….lots of media attention ads reminiscent of Marie Antoinette with SP’s quote about her warm house and ‘let them freeze’ superimposed. If I understand correctly, you folks only have about 3 months to get everything rebuilt and winterized before the next cold weather. This would be a clear citizen uprising ala French Revolution. If the leg doesn’t serve the people (and I agree they are pandering to her) then the people must take control. It’s time for the iceberg, but I’m afraid it will fizzle if folks don’t step up to the plate and do the right thing now.

  12. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    oops “a lot of residents know HOW awful an election campaign would be”

  13. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Kajo – don’t be so quick to assume what’s her face would win a re-election bid – I highly doubt it! We have some good contenders on the D side, and it will be interesting to see who runs for the Rs. I don’t think she’ll run – the dirt will fly if she does, and her little freak teams would be awfully busy trying to muck around in Alaskan politics which they have completed sucked at so far. If she ran and lost – which I think would happen – well, even SHE would have a tough time spinning that one.

    I think a lot of residents know awful an election campaign would be in this state if she ran again, and many – even those who are right, leaning right, and independent, just want Alaska back. Many of us are tired of the national attention – esp. when everyone associates the terd gov with our state and the way we live. I have read and heard enough stupid comments and assumptions about Alaska in the last nine months to last a lifetime. From the media, from politicians, from everyday people who believe everything they read without question.

  14. katiebegood says:

    When are the people in Alaska finally going to get the message that Sarah Palin could care less about Alaska or the people living there. All she cares about is enhancing her “conservative image”.

    If I lived in Alaska I would be doing all I could to start a recall campaign or get her impeached (whichever method Alaska has to get rid of a useless Governor).

  15. Greytdog Δ says:

    Sorry Sarah ain’t gonna be impeached – unless she gives Bill Clinton a bj. That would be the only acceptable reason for impeachment

  16. KaJo says:

    mlaiuppa said May 22nd, 2009 at 6:30 PM “This is payback for WAR and the senate seat. It’s punishing for the sake of punishing. It has nothing to do with logic, law, what’s best for the people, the budget future, whatever. It’s Palin throwing a hissy and saying you can’t make me.

    I suggest any and all that can start recall proceedings asap and cite this latest as the final straw. Add whatever else you like, but start the wheels rolling on the recall. There’s a procedure in place. Get started.”

    Really! Rep. Gara might utilize his time better if he began looking into the procedures for the state Legislators to impeach Palin, rather than continuing to joust with her and her crack team of shysters, incompetents, and excuse-makers.

    It took the Illinois state Legislature only a couple of months to get rid of Blagojevich. It’s either go that route, or endure the remainder of Palin’s term.

    I wouldn’t wait for a “citizen revolt” for recall, if I were a disgruntled Alaska state legislator. According to The Cook Political Report, if Sarah Palin does declare for re-election in 2010, she’s in like Flint.

    Four more years, folks. A recall isn’t going to work. Write your legislators, over and over again if that’s what it takes. Get them moving on the impeachment thing.

  17. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Thank you, Rep. Gara, for being the reasonable legislator you are – you know, the one with the cool head and a decent brain to boot.

    Yes, I want to pick her up and shake her, then do that thing to the back of the knees where the recipient falls forward into dog poo. In my wildest dreams, I’d do it several times just for good measure.

    So – bottom line – it’s a good thing I’m not a Legislator, and it’s a good thing that YOU are! Somehow, I don’t know how, you keep a straight face around the Palin but I’m sure that must hurt. Somehow, you manage to stay reasonable and to do the job you were elected to do. More power to you, Les, just because I can’t imagine being in your shoes and finding the grace to not turn everything into a playground brawl. With lots of poo involved.

  18. rebekkah says:

    Decent ethical people who are elected officials would have resigned long ago with these situations at hand. With so many of her colleagues and peers seemingly begging her to use “reason” for the good of Alaska, I would think she’d have, as a christian, stepped down and allowed a qualified person to take over.

    When it comes to the lives and quality of life for all Alaskans, her “conscience” should have dictated this past year, with the freeze and now floods, the high suicide rate, highest teen pregnancy rates, homeless, economy, etc. – but does she really have a “conscience”? This seemingly christian mask that she refers to in Magazine interviews has many wondering exactly how she interprets scriptures.

  19. blue moose says:

    whom ever gets money from big oil always wins politically in alaska.. most citizens just care about there pittance share of the mass fortunes stole from the people of alaska by big oil company’s and most of them are to stupid to figure out they’ve been HAD..
    GINO is proof of their high level of stupidity..

  20. Polly says:

    Wouldn’t recall or impeachment be a bad move at this point? It takes too long to go into effect. All of the state administrative posts, including Lt. Governor, are hand-picked Palin cronies, so “she” would still have her “influence.”

    (IMO) We really need to get behind a strong, intelligent Gov. candidate to replace the current garbage. The election is around the corner- 2010 isn’t far off. And we can’t mess up on this one!!!

  21. Nan says:

    “…were you lying when you said you wanted to “progress” not only Drilling, Baby, Drilling, but also alternative energy development and energy conservation measures? Never mind, I know the answer to that question already. Sarah has made it plain.”

    A new phrase! “Palin-plain”

    The result of word salad usage.

  22. Ripley in CT says:

    Perhaps letters are being written to the wrong person(s). If GINO is so bent on impressing a base, one that is losing ground fast, then wouldn’t it be prudent to have said “base” denounce her? If the Steeles, Limballs, Chambliss’ of the world publicly denounce her decision, based on what’s “good for America” then wouldn’t that be the thing to tuck her tail between her legs? We need to pull the rug out from underneath her by way of her own party. Surely these right wing lunatics have some semblance of logic. Surely their states are accepting money and using it for the common good…At least I would hope so.

    She’s in 7th grade, people, remember this. If the cool crowd (in her mind, anyway) snubs her, she’s bound to either blow a gasket or change what she’s doing to regain their favor. I wonder what they think of all her posturing on their behalf?

    I’m personally waiting in line to see “To blow a Gasket”. There will be oil everywhere!

  23. Ennealogic says:

    You know, $28 million is a small amount of money relative to the the total stimulus package for Alaska. To turn down $28 million looks like a token gesture to me. But to turn down this $28 million puts a big fat lie to Sarah’s main talking point during her VP campaign: queen of energy independence, because solving energy problems = directly enhancing national security.

    So, Sarah, why do you want our country and your state to be less safe?

    Or were you lying when you said you wanted to “progress” not only Drilling, Baby, Drilling, but also alternative energy development and energy conservation measures? Never mind, I know the answer to that question already. Sarah has made it plain.

  24. Marnie says:

    What an impressive guy. Can Alaska clone him and share out the duplicates to other Repocon controlled states?

    Unfortunately, there’s no way Sarah will get her Self out of the way long enough to do what’s good for the peasants of Her Kingdom.
    “Let’t them eat Moose Nuggets.”

  25. drdubski says:

    SameOld – dupa?!… nice use of polish.

  26. michigander says:

    Citizens of Alaska need to stand up for themselves. A recall should have been started long ago. I am hoping there is one in the works up there flying under the radar.

    I have read comments in the past that by the time anything came of it Palin’s term would be over (or close to it). SO WHAT! You would be sending a very clear message, standing up for yourselves and the nation.

    Come on people – do something constructive about this whack job. She is abusing and neglecting the people of Alaska. Start a recall.

  27. not that sarah says:

    @NMJ — Just a note to say that most women who die at the hand’s of a domestic abuser actually die when they are leaving or right afterward. That is the most lethal time for a woman in an abusive relationship.

    Recognizing this is important in assisting women to safely exit these relationships, and also in understanding that she knows this intuitively. Most women have tried to leave many times before getting out successfully. Not only are they threatened, but their loved ones (parents, kids, friends) are threatened. Each time she wants to leave, the stakes are raised higher and higher. That makes leaving more and more difficult.

    Other than that, I agree with your assessment and analogy. Isolation is a powerful factor in successfully abusing people. The VP race may have been the worst move she ever made; it brought light from the lower 48 onto her every move.

    Good luck, Alaskans. this latest move of hers is heart-breaking and devastating.

  28. SameOld says:

    Absolutely BigSlick. I would guess that Sarah’s future income depends on making mining happen. There is no big money in fishing for her. The biggest nasty against her is that she seems to prefer foreign companies. Now THAT will come back to bite her on the bony dupa.

  29. BigSlick says:

    Let’s face it. The 28 million is money that could easily be used to assist rural Alaskans (mostly First People) to become energy self-sufficient.

    She’s gonna make sure that never happens. She wants to get them off that land for mines and coal pits and other methods of rape of the earth.

    This is Sarah giving Nick Tucker the middle finger.

  30. califpat says:

    @NMJ; I think that GINO has been able to get elected as mayor and governor because of the isolation, among other things. She has also been able to get away with disregarding laws as if they dont apply ro her because of the isolation and her practice of nepotism and favoritism in her hiring because nobody has ever challenged her. She feels invincible and that she can do anything she wants and dares anyone to go up against her.

    She has gotten away with so many “gates” as well as take off from her duties as Gov and trot her impregnated daughter, (what politician has ever done that) her daughter’s baby daddy, and the rest of her family on a VP campaign, without shame, and nobody has called her on this madness.

    She feels empowered and feels that there is no one in Alaska that can take her down. Remember again, she has been doing this since Alaska voted her in as mayor and she bankrupted Alaska. She will never stop because she thinks that here is no greater power in Alaska than her. She is another “W” and if she is not circumvented, Alaska is in trouble.

  31. SameOld says:

    Another reason for the problems (not only in Alaska) is local and state news is no longer adversarial when necessary. The best think to happen to Alaska would be to expand broadband to improve communications. With little in the way of competitive news it is difficult to get information. Democracy depends on an informed public.

  32. NMJ says:

    I like Rep. Gara a lot but, at this stage of the game, writing letters and trying to “convince” Palin to do the right thing is not only inappropriate, it feeds her ego.

    I can only think that that Rep. Gara, like most Alaskans, are the equivalent of the abused in a domestic violence equation. Those that are abused always believe that if they can find the right words, they can make the relationship better. They always think that making it work is up to them. That’s why relatively few ever kick the abuser’s a$$ to the curb and get out while they’re still alive.

    Because of Alaska’s isolation, they’ve never been exposed to any “good” relationships between people and their elected representatives. As much as we all complain about and fight with our politicians, compared to Alaska we really do have good relationships (there’s no such thing as a perfect union). At least our representatives don’t make decisions that condemn us to slow, miserable death by starvation and/or freezing. Any other state would have their governor impeached, recalled in disgrace, or worse, in that situation.

    As with all domestic violence, the abused must choose a better way, of their own volition, and depart ways with the abuser. Most won’t. And yes, many die when they refuse to make the choice. Rep. Gara is lucky to live in a nice, warm house, instead of rural Alaska, where the whip of desperation might make his decisions less tentative.

  33. strangelet says:

    First off: Lynnrockets / Shemp ? Definitely Lynnrockets.

    Now then, what we have here is a failure to communicate. Or, more precisely, a Federal stimulus spending bill (yay) that contains — in what I would have considered an excess of paranoia — some provisions for state legislatures to accept funds even if their governors reject them (and why, in a rational universe, would that ever happen?). However, it appears that the paranoia of the bill drafters was insufficient, and they neglected to allow for legislatures that do not meet year-round. Or maybe they couldn’t figure out how to — I admit I can’t.

    So now the Legislature is out of session, and GINO is posturing. Can the Leg do anything? I’d say no. Even if every legislator hates GINO (which is possible), a majority of them are still Republicans, as she theoretically is. It’s just not politically likely that they can convene a special session to override, especially since it appears that even if they did so, nothing would happen because of technicalities in the stimulus bill. It’s probably better for them to just register their disapproval. GINO will not get much mileage out of the “Well they could have overruled me” meme, because it is so evidently not true. AK has a part-time Legislature, by choice. Most Alaskans will realize that an out-of-session Legislature can’t instantly mount a riposte to the thrust of a year-round executive. Really. They will. They may be conservative, but they are not stupid.

    Of course, some may react with “neener neener, Sarah got away with it”, but those folks will have the same response no matter what the Legislature does.

    Jeez, I’m babbling. Let me sum up. Rep Gara is right. It’s over for now. The Leg should register protest and leave it alone. Despite the stupidity — I mean, this is ALASKA, and you’re turning down funds to improve ENERGY EFFICIENCY. What, haven’t there been enough -80F days in recent years?

    But, really, there isn’t anything to be done right now.

  34. califpat says:

    @ Aussie Blue: So true. So true. And it is time for Alaskans to stand up to GINO so that its citizens never have to endure the suffering they were forced to go through this past winter, and not to mention the flood victims. Please take a stand!

    Alaskans, we will help, just tell us what you need us to do and it is done.

  35. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Remember ‘Alaskan Women Reject Palin’?

    It’s time for ‘Alaskan Men, Women & Children Demand Energy Funds’

  36. honestyinGov says:

    Alaskans who are frustrated and angry need to watch the movie “Network ” again.
    Any ideas….? Here’s some advice at about 1:35 in the clip…

  37. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    @ califpat, someone made the comment yesterday that Mrs Palin’s foreign Obama-bashing fansite skipped over her decision in record time – and that’s her blindest fanbase – so obviously they aren’t busy crowing to the heavens about how utterly brilliant it is (like they normally would).

    Clearly, the payoff isn’t there.

  38. califpat says:

    Rep. Gara: Everyone here is right. There has to be a public outcry against this lunacy and outrage. This would not be tolerated anywhere else in the states. GINO is not God, she is just an incompetent, inarticulate, non-compassionate, unintelligent imbecile who has fooled enough people to vote her in office. Now is the time for the people of Alaksa to realize that (just like it was a huge mistake electing Bush) it was a drastic mistake in voting in this incompetent. It is time to take Alaska back and the only way to do that is to have a huge protest and notify political officials, the media, and anyone of import who will listen. GINO can be stopped but it will take you and the people to stop her. Go Rep. Gara! The Mudpups have your back!!!

  39. SameOld says:

    The Governor has the control in this issue because each is the administrative head of government and actually has the power to manage and spend the money. Because the money comes from the Fed, is already designated in terms of use, and legislated nationally, there isn’t really anything for the state legislature to do. The state legislature can override her veto but can’t force her to actually use the money appropriately.

    Alaska has some serious problems and will now have to work them out. It doesn’t seem they have the will.

  40. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    lynnrockets Says:
    May 22nd, 2009 at 10:41 PM
    “Housegate” won’t send you to jail in Alaska. Look at Uncle Ted Stevens.
    Ted Stevens got off because the prosecutors screwed up. He was lucky. He was guilty and he was going to jail – and he knew it.

  41. CCH says:

    Hopefully, Rep. Gara, you have read the above comments.

    You have no recourse! Sorry, but Gov. Palin has to go! Even if you overcome this obstacle, there will just be another…and …another.

    Instead of wasting any effort to pander, beg, kneel down to her…just use that energy to start an impeachment process. Trust me, this would be the best thing you could do for the people of Alaska and I think you know it!

    There is still time. Didn’t you recently ask for Alaskans to pull together for the instate pipeline and your concern was Alaskans didn’t trust Gov. Palin and you needed to work together?

    Can’t you see the problem? It’s “Gov. Palin” for crying-out-loud!

    I’m begining to think she is Alaska’s “J.Edgar Hoover”..remember him? Does she have so much dirt on people in the Legislature that no one will touch her? Is that why she thumbs her nose and pokes everyone in the eye?

    Maybe, just maybe, if enough people “cry-out,” You will get the message!

  42. califpat says:

    I do believe that Aussie Blue has a point because GINO should not be that adamant about the building codes. I do believe that she is afraid that the building codes may lead up to an inspection of her mysterious house that resembles the sports complex. If GINO were a true governor, she would be encouraging building codes that would be beneficial for the people. Something is truly amiss.

  43. Lee323 says:

    “The Governor has to affirmatively apply for the available federal funds, and promise the President Alaska will join 49 other states by committing to make the required progress on energy efficiency standards.”
    This makes no sense on principle or legally…..

    In essence, it says the contract for the funds is exclusively between the governor and the President since ONLY the governor can affirmatively apply for them. That has to be absolutely against the constitutional allowances for veto and veto override by different branches of the government.

    I hope the U.S. Constitution turns up somewhere in your research on this subject. Otherwise, it sounds like a dictatorship scenario to me….with a flaming idiot as the dictator here.

  44. lynnrockets says:

    “Housegate” won’t send you to jail in Alaska. Look at Uncle Ted Stevens.

  45. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Is it possible that her paranoia about building codes is all related to Housegate? That’s the only thing that makes sense. To refuse the funding for political gain will blow up in her face just like her many political “appointments”.

    She’s clearly not afraid to look stupid, but she may be terrified of going to jail.

  46. califpat says:

    @Lynnrockets: Yep! Yep! You betcha!

  47. lynnrockets says:

    @ califpat #53

    Speaking of “jeopardizing”, wouldn’t it be fun to see Sarah on”Jeopardy”?

  48. califpat says:

    @HonestyinGov: I comletely agree with you. I think it is the only way to combat GINO and her insanity that is jeopardizing the people of Alaska.

  49. lynnrockets says:

    @ nswfm CA #51

    I only refer to SP as “Little Miss Sunshine” because, like the girl in the movie, Sarah is also a beauty pageant loser.

  50. nswfm CA says:

    Ok, stop calling her Little Miss Sunshine. She’s Little Miss Tanning Bed. And Gray Davis was a rocket scientist compared to Governor Twit. He at least is a lawyer. She is a grifter and a dipspit. (Tryin’ to keep it cleanish.)

  51. lynnrockets says:

    @ curiouser #43

    “Me” as in me. “Me” as in you. I don’t know. I’m all confused now.

  52. honestyinGov says:

    KJ in NC Says:
    May 22nd, 2009 at 9:15 PM
    I’m of the same opinion as KJ in NC on this one. I posted two days ago on Gryphens story that instead of those stupid 4th of July Tea-Bagging that was planned after the Tax day protest that this decision by GINO should cause enough outrage ‘ even by Republicans’ that there would be enough of a protest and a coming together by everyone. This is NOT a party-line issue.
    All the AK progressive blogs could pull this together and get the word out. They did it with WAR.
    4th of July is coming up. Call it a ‘ Celebration of Independence’.
    Independence from Governor Palin as well.
    Shannyn could be on Olberman telling the Natl audience what is going on. Let the Nat’l blogs pick up on it and promote it. AK Progressive blogs have power as well. Even GINO gave you credit for that. Spoken with a certain amount of sarcasm probably…. but it is time to make her ‘eat those words’.

    What a story this would be when AKM attends NetRoots Nation in August…..?

  53. Lee323 says:

    “It is my hope she would change her mind if faced with logical argument, a reminder of the nation’s national security goals, and a vibrant public discussion about local energy needs.”
    Extremely optimistic assessment if you think Palin would respond to or understand a “logical argument.”

    Trying to have a logical discussion with a vindictive, emotionally unstable control freak with an obvious personal agenda that excludes Alaskans’ needs is indeed “blowing dandelion seeds into the wind.”

    The legislature did an excellent job this last legislative session in trying to curb her ridiculousness…..but they had to throw some elbows and shoves, twist an arm or two. That’s the only way this woman knows how to play….because she “learned everything about life from playing sports”…..EXCEPT for good sportsmanship and intelligent strategy.

    I admire the heck out of your intelligence and analytic skills, Rep. Gara…..but they are wasted on Palin. You would make an infinitely better governor than Palin..

  54. califpat says:

    I think KJ in NC is right. I think there needs to be a huge protest with signs and everything. Today, here in Southern California, high school students were walking out of school and protesting in the streets about the education cuts. The local news picked the story up and interviewed a lot of the students. I think somebody up in Alaska need to organize the people, especially children and elders that will be affected by Gino’s ignorance and shine the glaring spotlight on her arrogance, by inviting and calling the media’s attention to the protest.

  55. honestyinGov says:

    I think Rep. Les Gara could could accomplish something if he was dealing with someone who is ‘rational’ and has some common sense. In this case…. GINO has neither. Proven… time and time again. I don’t even think she is smart (and don’t give her Credit) enough to think this is some sort of a ‘ genius plan’ that she has thought out. She can’t even deal with the here and now…. let alone think 2 or 3 moves ahead.
    Case in point—- the Mt. Redoubt eruption. She did nothing… she made no decision. She just let everything happen….and was Lucky.

    Mr Gara, you need to talk to someone (not GINO) who truly does care about Alaska and has no ulterior motives other than do what is right for Alaska and the People. Or who is at least worried about getting re-elected. (GINO has given up on THAT) And talk to someone who has some power to do something.

    I have to think that your only choice would be to have talks with your Republican Majority Leader in the Legislature and come up with a plan. He has spoken out in the past when the Stimulus debate was going on and she canceled the meeting. He said ….” she was a liar”.
    Let the Majority Leader pull all the troops together, with You, to act in the best interest of Alaska. The way I see it, HE is your ONLY option. I think You know that as well.
    You are wasting your breathe talking to the Governor. She has her fingers in her ears going….. lalalalalalala. She can’t hear you. She has turned her back on You and all of Alaska….. and is just walking away.

  56. Cathy from Colorado says:

    Dear Sarah,
    This message is being delivered to you via another Christian Woman, please pay attention…You have failed miserably in the areas of ethics, compassion, empathy, honesty, and humility in your chosen life path. The doors you were seeking to open for you are now closed and locked. Please contemplate your actions over the past year and consider an alternative path.

    Thank you

  57. KJ in NC says:

    I don’t think I will be able to go to sleep until I respond to this.

    What I keep asking myself is where are the pickets like there were against Sarah during the campaign? Where are the interviews with real Alaskans about how the loss of this money will affect them the coming winter if fuel prices stay high and what they went through last winter? The effect on old people and children? Where is the outcry to DC about Palin?

    I read a statement from one legislator, not Les, who said her refusal was “disappointing”. What???? Not getting reservations to a special restaurant is disappointing. What she is doing is criminal and she needs to be called on it.

    People out with signs and coming together would get national attention, even if some were in opposition. Negative national attention is not what Sarah wants and being against cold, hungry children can not be supported by either side.

    I totally agree with everyone who says logic won’t work. That is obvious. The issue has to be personal, with visuals that stick in peoples’ minds.

    Wouldn’t it be fun to start a Move Over Sarah campaign? Slogan: You won’t do your job so bloggers will do it for you. Then have a PayPal fund dedicated to efficiency, weatherizing, whatever people who need it most would want to use it for. Bumper stickers with Honorary Alaska Governor for everyone involved.
    Or AKM could come up with a printable certificate, suitable for framing.

    She wants independence, then make everyone governor, whether they live in Alaska or not and show the world how meaningless she really is. David Letterman or the Daily Show would love it. I doubt the GOP would be too impressed, also.

  58. curiouser says:

    lynnrockets…is that ‘me’ as in me or ‘me’ as in you?

    and to keep on topic…Thanks to #33 Co almost native who managed to say in 2 concise sentences what I struggled to say in 3 lengthy paragraphs.

    I would like to emphasize my question: What happens if the governor ignores a veto override? What happens if a governor fails to administer laws passed by the legislature?

  59. Must be that reading the progressive blogs give an inaccurate view of the governor and there is so much that is logical and professional that we don’t know.

    Sorry, I really don’t know the art of debate, Rep. Les Gara seems to be a mediator with an incredible capacity to withstand BS.

  60. lynnrockets says:

    @ curioser # 39

    Is the answer, “me”?

  61. curiouser says:

    #39 continued:

    or an IQ test. or a psych evaluation

  62. curiouser says:

    If the legislature would require complete medical records from anyone running for governor, guess who would never run.

  63. lynnrockets says:

    I believe that the legislature should move forward with the override anyway (so long as they are sure that they have the necessary votes). Such is the case because even if the Guv still refuses the money, those legislators that voted for the override can show the voters (when they are up for re-election) that they did all they could for the constituents and deserve to be re-elected. The voters can also throw Little Miss Sunshine out in her re-election bid.

  64. shilo442 says:

    @ here_in_PA Says:
    May 22nd, 2009 at 7:36 PM
    I couldn’t agree with you more. Gino’s running alaska into the ground. There has to be some Republicans in the Legislature that see what’s she’s doing, Don’t seem like the democrat’s want to do much either. This women is like a time bomb, she has got to be defused before real permanent damage is done, You would think someone in the senate or rep. would find her unfit to Govern.
    It’s not like it’s hard to prove. Tell you when the real circus is going to start 2012, no I’m wrong the circus started the day she didn’t blink. How can this women, trollop not care if Humans Beings in her state suffer hardship, because she wants to pander to the extreme right wing. There’s not enough votes in that base to get her elected Potus even if she was running against Daisy Duck. Daisy would win in a land slide. I don’t even want to see THAT WOMEN’s face campaigning in 2012. Hope you can get rid of her.. Sorry for the rant but I am really getting ticked off with THAT WOMEN.

  65. mlaiuppa says:

    You don’t get it.

    Palin is the puppetmaster on this.

    If the legislature does nothing, she wins. She can crow they didn’t override her veto, use those “checks and balances”.

    If the legislature does override her, she just doesn’t request the money, refuses it, whatever. And you still get nothing. So the override is a waste of time. And she can gloat about how she pulled their strings and they’re still empty handed.

    It’s win-win for her, lose-lose for the legislature.

    Time to take it out of their hands. Time for a grassroots movement to kick her out of office. Nominate your leader. Get the paperwork, read the directions, fill it out. Pay the fees. Get the petitions signed. With luck it’s on a ballot in November. Doesn’t even matter if it passes or not. It’s a public slap in her face and it will go national.

    She needs to be disciplined. She is a spoiled child run amok. She’s been spanked by the legislature several times and it hasn’t done any good. Time for the public to put her in permanent time-out.

  66. seattlefan says:

    Mr. Gara,

    You make a great summary of the renewable energy and the stimulus. My question is what can be done? It is troubling to me that a veto override may not be effective. What kind of law is written into your state Constitution that a check and balance is not in place? I’m the first to admit I know nothing about the law, but I do know right and wrong along with just and unjust. This whole thing is just crazy to me.

    I like your proposal of renewable energy projects being built around the state with the $28M. Has this been brought to the Governor’s attention? If so, what does she say.

    I follow Alaskan politics these days as closely as I do our national issues because I believe Alaska is truly our last frontier and a land of opportunity, abundant resources and promise….a microcosm of what our country is (or used to be) in general. The only difference is that Alaska has a chance to get it right. It has a wonderful opportunity to take the lead on all relevant issues facing our nation and to do it differently and better. I hope the leadership of Alaska will change and try to achieve this vision.

  67. Martha says:

    33 CO almost native Says:
    May 22nd, 2009 at 8:06 PM
    Rep. Gara:

    I hope the AK Legislature will reconvene and vote to override Palin’s veto. Even if she refuses to apply for the energy monies, at least the Legislature is on record, doing everything they can to get the funds for Alaska. If Palin refuses, then it’s her responsibility.

    Doing nothing means she wins, at least in the short term.

    Please stand up for your citizens who need reasonable, efficient energy sources.

    Well put!

  68. CO almost native says:

    Rep. Gara:

    I hope the AK Legislature will reconvene and vote to override Palin’s veto. Even if she refuses to apply for the energy monies, at least the Legislature is on record, doing everything they can to get the funds for Alaska. If Palin refuses, then it’s her responsibility.

    Doing nothing means she wins, at least in the short term.

    Please stand up for your citizens who need reasonable, efficient energy sources.

  69. lynnrockets says:

    @ Karin

    Now that’s what I’m talking about. If we all pray hard enough, will Lil Miss Sunshine just go away. On second thought, let’s pray that she doesn’t go away, but instead continues to make a moose’s behind out of herself so that we can go on laughing at her.

  70. Karin in CT says:


  71. Doggonit says:

    686,250 Alaskans versus 1 village idiot who doesn’t care about Alaska.

    There are many comments on various sites asking what is mastermind Palin up to? What is her strategy? How does this or that play politically? Who is she pandering to?

    And I laugh because Sarah is clueless. She doesn’t know what she is doing, even as Mayor of Wassila. She is like Chauncey Gardner in the movie “Being There”.

    She should have been recalled a long time ago.

  72. lynnrockets says:

    Let me hear an “Amen”!

  73. Lainey says:

    With someone like her, thick-headed for Jesus…you won’t win! you can’t win!

  74. Lainey says:

    Leaders of religious movements and stead-fast narrow beliefs do NOT belong in government. They can muster up members and preach to their cult, church (whatever) to their hearts content…to the cows come home…BUT NOT IN GOVERNMENT!!! Those two entities can NOT overlap! palin doesn’t get it! her supporters don’t get it!
    She CANNOT choose what’s best for Alaska if she ignores her constituents …does what she pleases… does what she thinks God told her…what she thinks she knows is only in HER best interest…serves herself first… and ?????? on and on

  75. lynnrockets says:

    Oh, no. Does that make me “Shemp”?

  76. lynnrockets says:

    Actually, the more that I think about it, it feels like they are poking me in the eyes and pulling my hair out.

  77. here_in_PA says:

    The thing that I don’t understand is why the continuation of playing games w/her. Does she hold that much power that everyone is afraid of her. Look at Hutchins and the Soldotna dealership, he sure did some back pedalling after Meg Mouth gave him a call. The legislature sure doesn’t hold her accountable. All I see are excuses, one right after the other. I just don’t get “it”. What is really going on here? Thats all I want to know.

  78. lynnrockets says:

    Sarah, Sanford and Perry truly are the modern day Three Stooges. Can’t you just picture that crew poking each other in the eyes and pulling hair out?

  79. curiouser says:

    I greatly appreciate your discussion supporting energy efficiency in AK. I do not understand why the legislature wouldn’t convene to override the veto even if that would not result in a request for the funds. Perhaps I am missing or misunderstanding parts of the puzzle or perhaps my own logic is faulty.

    If a veto override would not ensure that the governor would request the funds, was her veto pointless (except for pandering to her base)? Are you saying Palin could have ignored the energy budget item (without bothering to veto it) and simply refuse to submit a request for federal stimulus energy funds? Why were the energy funds put in the budget in the first place?

    How can the extent of citizen effort to contact the governor be measured? It would seem easy for the her to ignore phone calls and emails, especially, if she is not planning to run for re-election. What happens if a large number of Alaskans don’t understand the issues and believe Palin’s irrational objections. Aren’t legislators in the best position to explain the problems with Palin’s position and isn’t the most effective way to make the point with a veto override?

    Since the legislators are representatives of the people, a veto override would be a convincing message to the governor from AK citizens and one that would generate significant media coverage and couldn’t be ignored. What are the consequences of a governor failing to implement laws duly passed by the legislature? If Palin refused to honor the override and refused to request the funds, would impeachment be in order?

    Perhaps the legislature doesn’t have the votes for an override. I hope lawmakers will take some definitive action to see that Alaskans benefit from the availability of federal funds for energy efficiency.

  80. Lisabeth says:

    Martha you are right. It’s a codependent sick relationship. I see the legislature pandering, negotiating with Palin. She only cares about her nutty base now.. It is so obvious. There is a point where reasoning with someone is a waste of time! You can’t reason with a narcisstic person.

  81. lynnrockets says:

    Well stated, Mr. Gara. Please keep spreading the word.

  82. Martha says:

    10 Dr. Patois Says:
    May 22nd, 2009 at 6:52 PM

    Great post, I could not agree more!

  83. Lisabeth says:

    I am sorry but I just don’t think Palin cares. I don’t think she cares at all what Alaska thinks, how this effects freezing Alaskans or what state legislaters think. All of you can write her and be rationale but I don’t think it will do a damn thing. Why? Shebisnt rationale and she already knows how others feel and how this will effect people. She has already moved on and is running for president. This decision is a wacko way for her to show them she’s a fiscal conservative.
    Never mind she has taken millions in federal dollars as gov and mayor of Wasilla. Never mind Obama was just elected and it is WAY too early for her to be sending out national press releases constantly criticizing Obama! Never mind her facts about building codes are wrong, never mind she is lying. Never mind she committed publically to help Alaska be less dependent on oil and never mind Alaska is the coldest state with the highest heating costs and now people will suffer! It’s OBVIOUS she does not care and why Alaskans would try to reason with her is beyond me. Sorry to be negative but it’s a waste of time. Your legislature needs to be much tougher on her then they are. This and the rest are outrageous. Surely something concrete can be done besides talking, writing , rationalizing and complaining about her. Just mho, I am sick of her, she is mean, irresponsible and unethical and I don’t see how anyone could like her or how Alaskans can tolerate her anymore!!

  84. Martha says:

    Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Says:
    May 22nd, 2009 at 7:12 PM
    Does anyone know where I can get a Sarah Palin sized banana peel?

    They’re all sold out!!

  85. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Does anyone know where I can get a Sarah Palin sized banana peel?

  86. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    10 Dr. Patois Says: May 22nd, 2009 at 6:52 PM

    “If (you Alaskan legislators) don’t (vote to override her veto) GINO will just say ‘well they could have used the “checks and balances” they had at their disposal but they didn’t so I thought they understood my reasoning and did not request the funds.’ She will place the blame on YOU.”

    I agree. 20 bucks says: If it blows up in her face, she WILL blame it on the legislature.

  87. Martha says:

    While I certainly do not like to see Alaskans or anyone else suffer, Palin continues to count on others to save her from herself.

    When will she have to be responsible for her decisions? When will she have the opportunity to be called to task for her glaring ignorance?

    I think Mr. Gara’s idea is wonderful for Alaskans, at the same time if Palin adopts this, she will of course take the credit.

    This really reminds me of a codependent relationship. Pressing Palin with great ideas (should she take them) is enabling.

    Palin uses and abuses her family and the citizens of Alaska every chance she gets and you KNOW it will not stop until she is no longer governor.

    Coercing Palin into making a good decision will only last till the next time, IF she adopts this one.

    Mr. Gara says;

    It is my hope she would change her mind if faced with logical argument, a reminder of the nation’s national security goals, and a vibrant public discussion about local energy needs.
    Now I suspect that Mr. Gara is truly sincere . Mr. Gara must know Sarah Palin as well as the rest of us.

    Palin has never given any indication that logic has anything to do with her decision making, national security goals are not HER goals and she could care less about public discussion.

    Palin has proved that time and time again. She has only one goal in mind and we all know what that is.

    If in her mind, turning down these funds is going to play to the GOP base, that is just what she will do. NO amount of effort on anyones part will stop her.

    On the other hand, if she thinks that this will somehow make her look good on the national stage, she might reconsider, but I just don’t see this idea fomenting in her mind. I don’t see how this great idea ( I truly do think it’s a wonderful idea) will assist her national aspirations.

    I can just hear her now, being the only governor with “the guts” to turn down stimulus monies! Thanks but no thanks and so forth.

    Aren’t there federal agencies Alaskans can plead to put pressure on Palin?

    I just do not believe pandering to HER will do any good, unless she sees a benefit for herself.

  88. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    Logic, unfortunately, doesn’t enter into the equation, Les. Had logic been involved, this discussion wouldn’t even be happening!

    But I do like your idea to try for a compromise. An estimated $120 billion was already invested in renewable energy (globally) in 2008. How much will the price of oil (and therefore AK’s tax income) fall, when this figure is increased by stimulus dollars?

    Also, “…ummm… helping the… uh, it’s gotta be all about job creation, too, shoring up our economy and putting it back on the right track.”

    “Currently about 2.3 million people worldwide work either directly in renewables or indirectly in supplier indus­tries.1 Given incomplete data, this is in all like­lihood a conservative figure. The wind power industry employs some 300,000 people, the solar photovoltaics (PV) sector accounts for an estimated 170,000 jobs, and the solar thermal industry, at least 624,000.2 More than 1 million jobs are found in the biomass and biofuels sector.”

    (From )

  89. Suchanut says:

    Impeach Palin.

    Yes we can.

  90. Karin in CT says:

    Dear Mr. Gara:

    Good luck with the “logic” idea when dealing with your Gov. She is mind-boggling. I pity you and the other sane (and ethical) politicians in AK.

    A devoted Mudflatter

  91. Dr. Patois says:

    Gino has already vetoed the funds. Doesn’t the legislature have to override the veto to force her hand? Even if the override of the veto doesn’t actually get AK the funding, IMO the legislature should do it in order to take a clear stand on the issue. If they don’t GINO will just say well they could have used the “checks and balances” they had at their disposal but they didn’t so I thought they understood my reasoning and did not request the funds. She will place the blame on YOU.

    “In the meantime, the smartest thing we can all do is let the Governor know, in e-mails to her and letters to the newspaper, and elsewhere, what we think. It is my hope she would change her mind if faced with logical argument, a reminder of the nation’s national security goals, and a vibrant public discussion about local energy needs.”

    Please, she is the Governor of the State of Alaska, she needs to have the nation’s security goals and local energy needs logically explained to her?
    You think a woman who brought a plate of cookies and some bibles to freezing and hungry villagers is going to see the light?

  92. Nan says:

    mlaiuppa says it all.

    The legislature is not going to impeach (their only tool, I believe), it’s going to be up to the Alaskan citizens to demand a recall. (which is possible, depending on the strength of commitment)

    Just two questions:
    Can you stand to have the Lt Gov acting as Gov?
    Can Alaska stand to have another year of SP?

  93. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    DrChill, as far as “checks and balances” Palin seems to have done away with that as far as her administration is concerned…… See last AKM post the $640.000 dollar question.

  94. DrChill says:

    Palin mentioned ‘checks and balances’ when she rejected the money, so maybe she’s amenable to being forced to do what’s obviously right.

  95. mlaiuppa says:

    This is payback for WAR and the senate seat. It’s punishing for the sake of punishing. It has nothing to do with logic, law, what’s best for the people, the budget future, whatever. It’s Palin throwing a hissy and saying you can’t make me.

    I suggest any and all that can start recall proceedings asap and cite this latest as the final straw. Add whatever else you like, but start the wheels rolling on the recall. There’s a procedure in place. Get started.

    Whining, pleading and begging isn’t going to do it. Palin gets off on that stuff. Makes her feel like she’s GOD. The only way to deal with Palin is by force. She needs to know that doing it is less painful and threatening to her than no doing it. You can call it blackmail. I like the term extortion. It’s coming down to her level, but unfortunately that is all she understands. It’s all about what she gets out of it and right now she doesn’t get anything by saying no. If she can get something by saying yes, she’d do it. Yes could be a dropped lawsuit, silence on a delicate matter, whatever. But when you’re dealing with a juvenile you have to deal with them on their level in a manner they understand.

    Start the recall NOW.

    She needs her feet cut out from under her.

  96. EyeOnYou says:

    I encourage everyone in AK to write/email the Governor and ask that she accept these funds, however I don’t think that she will and sadly I don’t think a great outpouring of support for these funds will make any difference to her.

    If she was doing what she thought best for AK, first and foremost as she always seems to say, then doing everything in her power to ensure that all of Alaska was ahead of the curve when it came to energy efficiency would be her goal. Denying these funds is not going to change the overall federal deficit, and is not going to lower any costs to Alaskans. All it does is visibly show the people of her state that she cares more about making a public statement directed at people outside of her state, rather than making a decision she doesn’t want to make because she knows she will be seen by her base as “caving in on accepting the funds” after her previous statments. And rather than deal with a decision that is good for Alaskans but bad for her popularity within her party/base, she puts her own priorities above and beyond the people she has sworn to serve.

  97. Star says:

    Can’t fix “stupid” She needs to go..seriously!!!

  98. akmuffin says:

    It wasn’t too long ago that California recalled their Governor for similar actions or inactions:

    [Governor Davis’s actions were a] “gross mismanagement of California Finances by overspending taxpayers’ money, threatening public safety by cutting funds to local governments, failing to account for the exorbitant cost of the energy, and failing in general to deal with the state’s major problems until they get to the crisis stage.”

  99. Gramiam says:

    Sounds like the Palinator took shooting lessons from Dick Cheney and shot herself right in the foot!

    Found these two tidbits at Mother Jones today.

  100. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    As a rural Alaskan who is off the grid (not by choice 13 years ago before we started building we were assured by the local power company that we would have power in 2 years) I find the Governor’s rejection of these funds despicable.
    The cost Rural Alaskans pay for power and gas and fuel oil is outrageous. many of us can no longer afford to live in our homes, that we certainly can not sell.

  101. CO almost native says:

    Maybe if many Alaskans twitter Governor Twit about her decision…