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Condescension from the Daft












Jon Stewart once said of President George W. Bush that “it’s not that he’s stupid, it’s that he talks to us like we’re stupid.”

We have our own kindergarten dialect in the Alaska State Senate.

During her last campaign, in a newly drawn district, Sen. Cathy Giessel used a Chamber of Commerce forum in Seward to greet her new constituents by showing the locals a map of their area—pointing out to them where they are, and what towns one passes en route to Anchorage. (Whoa, slow down, Senator! Even though we live here and have driven to Anchorage and back countless times, you’re going to have to speak more slowly! We’re way too daft to grasp where we are on the map.)

What makes this behavior truly maddening of course is the fact that those perpetrating it tend to be, shall we say, something less than intellectual powerhouses themselves. Condescension is bad. Condescension from a stupid person is worse.

Which brings us back to Stewart, and last night’s Daily Show:



7 Responses to “Condescension from the Daft”
  1. Alaska Pi says:

    It took me 3 days to figure out what this batch o doofs reminded me of.
    Someone with a plate of cookies making a trip ….

  2. fishingmamma says:

    “Suppose you were an idiot,” Mark Twain once said, “and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.”

  3. Zyxomma says:

    Glad Michele-one-L is retiring from Congress. Sorry that she’ll be getting a too-good pension and benefits.

  4. AKblue says:

    Not only are these 3 people deficient, but the thousands and thousands of people who voted for them….

  5. I See Villages From My House says:

    I’m ill, truly ill that our tax dollars finance their junkets to nowhere. At least it didn’t automatically bring about World War III.

  6. hedgewytch says:

    Jon is just brilliant. I wouldn’t be able to get through the week without loosing it if it weren’t for Jon and Stephen letting me know that I’m not alone and these people ARE just as stupid as I think they are.

  7. DaveO says:

    This is dis dub umm help!!!!!!!!!!! RSFR( Ran Screaming from room!)…
    Before losing anymore consciousness.