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Friday, January 28, 2022

Open Thread: BP Continues to Leak [only water…]

I found this photo on reddit titled “Water bottle leaked and ruined my laptop. Definitely should’ve seen that one coming…”

Via reddit: user camomac

Via reddit: user camomac

It made me think about the fact that while all the Federal Parks are closed to normal citizens, they’ll continued to be open to drilling. From ThinkProgress:

….because Congress allocates resources to federal agencies through a complex mix of funding sources, public lands and waters would likely remain open to most oil, gas, and mining operations.

This is even true for national parks. Drilling is currently happening in 12 national parks, including in Padre Island National Seashore in Texas and Big Cypress National Preserve in Florida. The National Park Service’s contingency plan did not specify what impacts the shutdown would have on oil and gas operations within these areas but it does note that “access to personal and commercial inholdings and leased facilities is permitted.”

Ok, BP, Exxon, Chevron… can everyone just NOT cause any big explosions or leaks in the Gulf? Please? At least until we get this whole hostage negotiation figured out in DC?




4 Responses to “Open Thread: BP Continues to Leak [only water…]”
  1. mike from iowa says:

    Looks like a Pullitzer winning photo. Gun is much larger than I remember,but the victim is just as dead.

  2. Really? says:

    Thank you for the article. I learn a lot every time I read The Mudflats. Drilling on federal lands while there is a “shutdown”. How absurd.

  3. Zyxomma says:

    So Yosemite turned 123 years old with no humans to celebrate its birthday, but lovely Padre Island is being drilled? I, for one, am sick of being held hostage to RWNJs. Maybe we need some good, old-fashioned treason trials.

  4. NickWI says:

    if the parks are shut down, so too,should all drilling and mining on federal lands . you wanted a shutdown you tea party crazies, well here’s where your big sugar daddies take it in the teeth, and a few other places as well.