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I’m Both Hungry And Pissed Off – Inequality in the USA in Terms of Pie

We always talk about pie charts and people joke saying things like… mmmm pie [in a Homer Simpson voice]. But what if someone actually discussed something like, say income inequality in the United States, through the medium of pie. Not pie charts – but delicious, completely edible real pie.

Well, thankfully someone did over at The Atlantic. Business Editor, Derek Thompson bought three pies at the insanely cool looking pie shop Dangerously Delicious Pies in Washington DC and made this video explaining how things look in America these days…. they don’t look good. (The pies look delicious though…)

Make sure you check out the rest of Derek’s great video series Economic’s in Plain English at The Atlantic.



7 Responses to “I’m Both Hungry And Pissed Off – Inequality in the USA in Terms of Pie”
  1. CityKid says:

    Thought this might be of interest to some (the topic has been covered here) and it seems like something the budget hawks from the Tea / Republican Party should be all over. Mighty expensive balloon at $35 million. You would have thought the contractor that’s getting our money would have been required to fix the roof first?

    “$35-million airship damaged after part of hangar’s roof collapses”

    A 266-foot experimental airship that is being constructed inside an enormous World War II-era blimp hangar in Tustin was damaged Monday when a portion of the structure’s roof collapsed.

    Falling wood from the roof struck the $35-million airship, a prototype being built under a government contract, and caused a blast of helium to be released, forcing the evacuation of the area. Officials with Worldwide Aeros Corp. said the damage to the airship is “repairable” but declined to be specific.

    The blimp-like aircraft is being built for the military to carry cargo to remote areas around the world, part of a resurgence in the production of blimps, zeppelins and spy balloons for everything from espionage to hauling supplies to isolated areas.

    In Tustin, the site of the former Marine Corps Air Station Tustin, the project has brought new life to a hangar that was a home for blimps during World War II.

    Crews working on the prototype reported hearing creaking from the ceiling of the 17-story hanger and got out before a 25-foot by 25-foot portion of the roof collapsed.

    A beam of sunlight poured through the hole onto the deflated airship Monday afternoon as officials waited outside for building officials to say it was safe to enter.

    A cause for the collapse has not been determined, said Matt West, Tustin’s principal management analyst. There were no reports of injuries.,0,7221265.story

  2. Dagian says:

    Why isn’t it closed-captioned for those who either don’t hear or whose computers sound systems are poor or nonexistent? I want to know what he’s saying too.


  3. Mo says:

    Nice little government you have there. Be a shame if something happened to it.

    • beth. says:

      I’m always reminded of the 1983 movie, Trading Places, when I think of the Koch brothers. Can’t help it.

      Wish it weren’t so, though. Desperately wish it weren’t so… beth.

      Link to movie info:

      [from Wikipedia: “Duke brothers Randolph and Mortimer own Duke & Duke, a successful commodities brokerage in Philadelphia. Holding opposing views on the issue of nature versus nurture, they make a wager and agree to conduct an experiment, switching the lives of two people at opposite ends of the social hierarchy and observing the results.”]

  4. Mo says:

    Another picture to make you angry:

    “We have never before had so much money concentrated at the top. These are vast fortunes beyond our imaginations. It makes perfect sense that some of these oligarchs would spend tens of millions to buy elections. It’s not that much money to them. “

  5. ~Sil in Corea says:

    I’m going to share this. It’s important information.

  6. Zyxomma says:

    Thanks for posting this. I don’t often read The Atlantic, but this is a great feature; one I’ll revisit.