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Federal Dollars v. Federal Dollars. And the Winner is…

Governor Palin has requested assistance from (dum da dum dum) the federal government.  (Imagine that “federal government” part done in some kind of creepy, drippy Halloween font).  Shortly after the Federal Emergency Management Agency had arrived in Alaska last week, the Governor announced that she had decided to ask for a damage assessment.  That was very convenient, of course, because they were already here doing one.

And now the governor is requesting a federal disaster declaration so that Alaska may be eligible for federal money to help in relief efforts.  She’s so eager for the federal money, apparently, that she’s not even waiting to get the results of the assessment.

“The next step in a state’s rebuilding process after a natural disaster is to request our federal government’s assistance,” the governor said in her press release.   “Now we must rebuild our communities and this formal request is the first step in that process.”

Will the new buildings that go up be built to the federal energy efficiency standards?  Would that $29 million of stimulus money earmarked for energy efficiency that the governor rejected be handy right now?  What’s the difference between accepting federal money to assist Alaskans in hard times, and … accepting federal money to assist Alaskans in hard times?  (scratching head)  Just give them a minute, I’m sure they’ll come up with something.

While they’re busy thinking, those in Alaska on the road system between Kenai and Wasilla who want to donate work clothes, tools and other needed items to flood victims, email [email protected] and Mudflatter Hope will get your goods to Eagle where they are desperately needed.




78 Responses to “Federal Dollars v. Federal Dollars. And the Winner is…”
  1. KaJo says:

    sjk from the belly of the plane Says May 26th, 2009 at 12:57 PM:
    “meanwhile over at c4p land those idiots actually think Obama will refuse or delay the FEMA request just to spite Palin. They are sickos!”

    What Pres. Obama OUGHT to do is not only approve Palin’s FEMA request for funds but send along an additional $28.6 million specifically for upgrades and improvements for energy conservation in remodelling or rebuilding of the flood-affected homes — which SHOULD benefit those folks who suffered so badly this last winter at the mouth of the Yukon, shouldn’t it?

    Since Emmonak is currently flooded, won’t it be in “the official disaster area”? (re: akbuckie’s question #1 @ 6:08 PM yesterday).

    And I’m going to have to remember that “nuts4nitwits” nickname. So appropriate, because Palin isn’t the only nitwit that they worship.

  2. the problem child says:

    We’re discussing this on the open thread, but it is on topic for here as well.

    ADN has the letter to President Obama requesting federal disaster aid:

    Note the hypocricy in the following from page 3:

    “Western Alaska communities have the highest average heating fuel ($7/gallon) and gasoline prices ($6.75/gallon). Most rely on limited seasonal employment … Residents were choosing between food and fuel even before the floods and several communities affected by the floods had requested state economic disaster declarations.”

    Writing Raven has more @ Alaska Real.

  3. trisha says:

    Well, good ol’ Palin……puttin’ her journalism degree to work.

    She can’t spell, can’t speak, can’t use the English language correctly. Ya’, that’s some real presidential material going on there. NOT.

  4. TBNTJudy says:

    Oh, samper, I see what your question is. Just as I never saw the impeachibility of BC’s pecadillo, I don’t see the rationale for impeaching Obama now. Good grief! As I said above, GWB and crew were far more impeachable, but it didn’t happen. I really think we need to hold Obama’s and the democratic congress’s feet to the fire about this one. It is about to slip away into obscurity, and it is one horrendous crime. Look at the link I provided above about Cheney. Scarey.

  5. TBNTJudy says:

    Have I posted this link before?

    Has to do with Cheney making the rounds so furiously.

  6. TBNTJudy says:

    samper, what I want to know is how can GWB and crew get away with wholesale murder and torture and not be impeached. So far, they have. Seems like the bushies, like the palins, are teflon coated. Is that what you mean?

  7. TBNTJudy says:

    @#71 Karin in CT: Roflmao!!!!!

    @austintx: Roflmao, again!!! One of my friends in Idaho said he’d rather have a president guilty of a BJ than one guilty of murder…can we say GWB? I totally agree!!

  8. Karin in CT says:

    Something really stinks…

    Oh, my dog just farted and I need to evacuate the area.

  9. samper says:

    austintx: I’m not a boy, so I don’t know for sure, but I’m guessing NO BJ is worth $70M!


    TBNTJudy: See Keith Olberman tonite? A radio jock from Chicago (??) had himself waterboarded, thinking and saying all along that it’s NOT torture, that it’s a benign event.

    Once he had it done (and he and Keith, while perfect gentlemen tonite, do NOT like each other), he went on KO’s show to say it is, INDEED, torture. Mea Culpa in the biggest way!

    How can that happen at the hands of OUR president and NOT be impeached????? Never mind all the other stuff.

    Atrocities, all. You are 100% correct.

    This crap about Clinton is child’s play in comparison, yet was OH SO IMPORTANT back then.

  10. samper says:

    OK, we’re all clear?

    Impeach is to bring charges and hold a “trial” (“hearing”, “conference”, “gossip fest”, “lynching”, whatever).

    Then, IF found GUILTY, sanctions are suggested and voted on, up to removal from office.

    Here’s the DIFFERENCE between Clinton and Obama… Even IF Obama “lied” about something (although that blogger doesn’t refer to what he lied about, the facts of the accusation, etc.), Clinton supposedly did it UNDER OATH, if memory serves.

    That’s called perjury and IS a crime.

    It’s been a while and the timeline and nitty gritty details escape me at the moment. Please correct me if I’m wrong. I do know that Monica had quite the “affection” for Bill, though! 😉

    Lying at a pep rally (making a “campaign promise” that hasn’t been fulfilled in a whole *gasp* 4 months? Or maybe Dear Blogger still doesn’t believe our President was born in Hawaii?) isn’t quite the same thing and is not impeachable.

    I can’t think of any big fat lies so far, in official capacity as President. So, what is this blogger talking about???

  11. austintx says:

    Marnie -Thanks for the reminder – We got the PW with hose waiting at Lowes for Hope’s arrival on Friday. She is going to have a killer report to share !!

  12. austintx says:

    66 TBNTJudy Says:
    May 26th, 2009 at 6:22 PM
    And, yes, Bill was guilty of lying, and we spent a ridiculous amount of money on one man’s crusade to bring Bill down for nothing more important than a pecadillo.
    I love to gig my Republican friends and call that fiasco the “70 million dollar BJ”. To this day they go bats^*t !!

  13. TBNTJudy says:

    the problem child said: “I just really get upset at the idea that “impeached” is the same as “found guilty”

    We are in complete agreement. Impeach does not mean found guilty, but I suspect the tea partiers, as well as many others, don’t understand that. And, yes, Bill was guilty of lying, and we spent a ridiculous amount of money on one man’s crusade to bring Bill down for nothing more important than a pecadillo.

    We have just been through eight years of lying by the Bush administration, and it seems they will not get even a slap on the hand for the atrocities they committed. Where is the justice? There certainly wasn’t an impeachment.

  14. akbuckie says:

    essential difference between now and January’s food/fuel shortage? easy… Eagle is primarily a white community, while Emmonak is primarily Alaska Native. what i want to know is:
    1. How much of the flooded areas are in the official disaster area?
    2. How will these disaster relief funds be distributed?
    3. Will new construction meet federal energy and efficiency standards?
    4. Will someone smack Palin for me?


  15. Marnie says:

    Samper If you come back to this page

    There is an up date article of the 22nd, using “Previous Articles” at bottome left of the Home page.
    Rural Update – Rebuilding Eagle and How You Can Help!
    It a long article with update and infor and there is a nother one a few days earlier than that.

    “Go to
    Login with your email address and password
    Select “send money” tab
    Enter the email address to send the funds to: [email protected]
    (note that the email ends in “zero nine”, not the letter ‘o’ nine)
    Enter your donation amount and select “services/other”
    Hit “CONTINUE”
    Select your bank account, e-check, or credit card/debit card
    Important: In the optional “message” at the bottom, PLEASE note it’s for “Rebuild Eagle – from a Mudflatter”
    and finish as prompted

  16. TBNTJudy says:

    Sorry, but impeach means to bring charges, and that is what happened to Clinton.

  17. TBNTJudy says:

    #56 samper said: “Do those idiots UNDERSTAND that term limits, electoral voting, and separation of church and state are actually all ADDRESSED in our Dec of Ind, Const and Bill of Rights?”
    No. They have been reading too much internet crap. They have no clue how to fact check.
    ‘”Then, the moron who wrote about Impeaching the President… does that person even KNOW that impeachment is reserved for “real” crime, not what he/she THINKS might be a “lie”????”‘
    Sadly, Bill Clinton was impeached for lying..

  18. honestyinGov says:

    Isn’t it rather ‘ strange ‘ that she thinks this is an emergency, But back in January her little pea-brain was not able to realize the food and fuel shortage in Emmonok was a crisis as well. They look rather similar to me.
    Someone in Her cabinet should explain it to Her.
    Hopefully not that Agriculture appointment that was qualified for the job….. because she ‘ like cows’…. duh !

  19. TiredMom says:

    THAT woman! (and I use that term loosely) She never ceases to amaze….. thank goodness we and Alaskans have AKM! Mudpuppies to the rescue again! It is just absolutely amazing that when you guys in AK have a real, honest to goodness, crisis/disaster, that bloggers have to do the governors work! Jeesh!

  20. samper says:

    I think the nuts4nitwits expected Obama to jump on AF1 with a briefcase full of money (cash) the second SP put the pen down after signing the request… yesterday. Yeah, right… He’s going to cancel a nice golf outing to tend to SP’s painfully dragging feet on getting assistance to the folks in need.

    (While I’m at it, Mudpuppy Hope is AWESOME for donating time & truck to take supplies in! Is there an address I can send a monetary donation to? I’m in MI and can’t bring supplies to the drop point.)

    As for the teaparty manifesto… I soldiered on to the VERY END and even checked out the “Impeach Obama” article.

    I had to change my underwear twice from laughing so hard.

    Do those idiots UNDERSTAND that term limits, electoral voting, and separation of church and state are actually all ADDRESSED in our Dec of Ind, Const and Bill of Rights?

    Isn’t one of the items on the manifesto “To honor, uphold…blahblahblah… the CONSTITUTION?

    There are some intellectually handicapped folks in this world. But THOSE folks are absolutely insane! They say one thing and then contradict themselves through the entire ‘declaration’!

    Then, the moron who wrote about Impeaching the President… does that person even KNOW that impeachment is reserved for “real” crime, not what he/she THINKS might be a “lie”????

    I can’t believe such idiots are running around, much less allowed to vote. I had a clue, but never actually saw it in such blatant, mind numbing fashion.

  21. Nan says:

    ROFLOL Aussie Blue Sky

    Oh, I was ready to spit nails the first time I heard that phrase.

    Odd how it strikes me as hysterical now. Go figure.

  22. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Are nuts4nitwits demanding the return of ‘Heckuva Job Brownie’ yet? 😉

  23. WakeUpAmerica says:

    That was supposed to be “goofy doofus” Sigh…..

  24. WakeUpAmerica says:

    What a googy doofus she is. She doesn’t even have enough sense to know that she is embarrassing herself. Apparently, her family has no clue or simply doesn’t care that she has made them the laughing stock of America.

  25. Lainey says:

    I’m sorry, Alaska. I hate to see you suffer for the stupidy of one governor, BUT…she has GOT TO LEARN that indecision or the wrong decision has consequences! She snoozes, she loses! There has to be a deadline and once you’ve past it (like she has)…that’s it…that’s the end. No wonder she thinks her s*** doesn’t stink! EVERYONE caters to her. If I were the federal government, I would say no way jose…no money for you!

  26. Blue Idaho says:

    Paula- Very funny.

  27. London Bridges says:

    The lip smacking good comments mesh perfectly with Dr. CBJ’s pre-election letter which noted that Sarah was not taking any “routine” medications – that if you interpret that to mean that anti-depressants are not “routine.”

    Also: Dr. CBJ’s letter made note of not doing liver enzyme tests. This is bizarre and would seem off the wall, unless you realize that anti-depressants cause significant liver damage. Was CBJ protecting her *ss?

  28. Mike from Everett Wa says:

    Okay… Triple post.. Mods delete all mine.. They are coming out strangely garbled. Thanks.

  29. Mike from Everett Wa says:

    Okay.. forgive me.. Meds for cold.

    Somehow “I will never >EVEREVER!< could run better myself”

    Someone send me back to grade school, I need to relearn the english language (Or stop taking copious amounts of nyquil. @.@

  30. Mike from Everett Wa says:

    I haven’t posted in a while, real life issues… But couldn’t resist while doing my daily “Drive by” of mudflats to catch the latest news.

    I am sad at the profound lack of a firm grasp on reality SP keeps showing. I am even more distressed at how much alaskans are suffering from this poor display of governing, the fact that there is a underground semi-grassroots movement to get supplies to a state in our own country supplies and aid. The type one would expect to go to hard hit third world countries, is profound.

    I will never >EVERI< could run better myself. It’s common Sense SP, really it is. Hire a contractor or something to whisper in your ear, “common sense says …. (Insert rule of thumb here) .. “

  31. Paula says:

    Does this mean she isn’t bringing cookies?

  32. ValleyIndependent says:

    What is it with the people at nuts4nitwits anyway? After reading a whole string of comments about how our president is “pure cold-hearted evil” and how Celtic Diva and others are “evil” with nary a reasoned argument or link to anything of substance, I wonder how it is, exactly, that they think of US as “haters” and fail to see the irony in that.

  33. mommom says:

    My mother once had to apply for FEMA money after a flood damaged her home.My dad was dying from pancreatic cancer,insurance did not cover the damages .This was salt water,so the electrical,plumbing,and heating systems were ruined,as were the sheetrock and the hardwood floors.She was granted a sum total of $10,000 to do repairs.If my DH and I had not immediately moved from out of state and done the repairs,it would never have been done with that money as it was,I got valuable experience in installing and repairing furnaces,water pumps,and electrical wiring.I already knew how to sheetrock,and my DH did the floors,painting,and other repairs.All of this in freezing winter weather,while we all cared for my dad who was mortified by being unable to do this himself.
    Had she wanted to take on a loan,there was a program available to get a bit more money ,but she did not want to take on the payments.There was some sort of oversite set up to make sure the funds were used for repairs,but if i remember correctly,no one ever actually checked on her house.

    Im sure GINO’s supporters will not see the irony in her words.

  34. lynnrockets says:

    The oh, so confusing world of Little Miss Sunshine.

  35. Marnie says:

    Medications for ADAH also can have that effect. And ADAH could help explain her lack of educational background, her habit of leaping from one thing to another and leaving all unfinished, her inability of unwillingness to study material thoroughly, even though she’ll have to, to be a serious national candidate or pundit.

    If she is also a caffeine addict and/or takes uppers to keep her energy up, that would increase the hyperness, lack of ability to concentrate, vacuousness, dry lips, and the fact that she now has a neck that makes her look anorexic.

  36. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    she waited HOW LONG to ask for help? several weeks at least!

  37. ValleyIndependent says:

    Good heavens. Thanks nebraska. Directly from nuts4nitwits:
    Blogger AKReport said…
    obama is having a slow response.
    May 25, 2009 7:56 PM

    As you say, not like their hero was in any rush to get out there herself or request the funds sooner, and as for his wanting to “get back at her,” those are her tactics, not his. Can we say “projection”? And get back at her for what, exactly? As I recall, he’s President, and she’s just a loser with visions of grandeur. I’m sure he has more important things to consider.

  38. Nan says:

    I don’t know if the money supplied by the Feds after a natural disaster is 1. handed out freely 2. loaned at hugely discounted interest rates or 3. some combination of the above. I’ve read variations of all the above, but don’t know what or how much is fact.

    Wouldn’t that just be a kick in the teeth, though?

  39. Ripley in CT says:

    nswfm CA :

    Yep, side effect city there, with the lip-lickin’, too also. You betcha.

  40. Marnie says:

    19 ValleyIndependent Says:
    May 26th, 2009 at 12:26 PM
    Good point about whether the new homes will be built to federal energy efficiency standards

    Since this is Federal money, not stimulus money, it may be mandated. Does anybody know?
    Sarah may just have had to step in (or unknowingly stepped into) a major league cow poo, just to cover her exposed PR arse.
    That would be just too funny.

  41. nebraska mudflatter says:

    The obsessive thinking on that Palin-worship site is that “the delay” in getting emergency funds (?!) is because Obama is holding it up, and there is a “real” possibility that he will reject her request for funds to “get back at her.”

    Seriously. Not like she just waited weeks to do much of anything except photo ops. And I can’t imagine Obama spending a nano-second even thinking about Palin!

    As you always say, AKM, “you can’t make this stuff up!”

  42. austintx says:

    29 mommom Says:
    May 26th, 2009 at 12:54 PM
    Constant licking of the lips is a symptom of dry mouth,,a common side effect of ant-depressants.Vaseline or Carmex,etc is no help,because the entire mouth is dry.How much you want to bet the medical records show anti-depressants and mood elevators?
    BINGO !! I was googling side effects of the meds that treat what you are talking about. Also I know someone who is bipolar and does the same thing. And I was serious when the talk was on sarah’s quick weight gain and I said Seroquel would do that. A one page letter on election eve is not medical records.

  43. Marnie says:

    nswfm CA Says:
    May 26th, 2009 at 11:57 AM
    OK, I looked it up–stupid comment from the “strategist”.

    Actually, for Rich Whorehouse Perry, “stupid” is probably a complement.
    When Duhbya was Governor Rich was like one of those brainless drooling little lap dogs. Go to Google images and you’ll see photo after photo of Perry standing behind Duhbya, at the podium, looking at him with adoring worshipful eyes.

    I was still in Texas then and it was sickening when Perry became governor.

  44. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    meanwhile over at c4p land those idiots actually think Obama will refuse or delay the FEMA request just to spite Palin. They are sickos!

  45. mommom says:

    Constant licking of the lips is a symptom of dry mouth,,a common side effect of ant-depressants.Vaseline or Carmex,etc is no help,because the entire mouth is dry.How much you want to bet the medical records show anti-depressants and mood elevators?

  46. Marnie says:

    I on the other hand want to scream – ITS BEEN A MONTH ALREADY YOU HEARTLESS CRETINESS.

    Urban Dictionary: Cretin
    A word associated to people whose lack of intelligence, manners/etiquette, appreciation, moral fibre and glaring social ineptitude, which in turn allows upstanding, educated, decent, moral, intelligent, socially respectful and hard working people to perceive them as “degenerates” (owing to their inherent and blatantly obvious flaws).

  47. MI Troublemaker says:

    Dr. Patois Says:
    May 26th, 2009 at 12:10 PM
    Another Oy! Perhaps these folks would make better use of their time by helping flood victims instead of attending a tea party…

    If you read their “stimulus package”…Gino might be out office under their plan.


    I love the part where they would abolish the electoral college. They would really have a fit then as the largest populations are in New York and California and they would be deciding the elections.

  48. Gramiam says:

    I saw that stimulus money to rebuild the Governor’s mansion article, Austintx. is of the opinion that Gov. “Whorehouse, Good Hair” Perry ought to invite all the Texans who are homeless to share his “digs” once the work is done. Sounds like a plan!!. Might spur GINO to open her home to the folks in Eagle and elsewhere who need shelter.

  49. austintx says:

    22 bigdayqueen Says:
    May 26th, 2009 at 12:42 PM
    One of my favorite quotes from another blog is actually a quote from Gomer Pyle….”Surprise, surprise, Surprise”
    You should really hear him say it…………..

  50. Marnie says:

    “Shortly after the Federal Emergency Management Agency had arrived in Alaska last week, the Governor announced that she had decided to ask for a damage assessment. That was very convenient, of course, because they were already here doing one.”

    AKM, you must be getting numb. You said that with hardly a verbal twitch. Don’t let the Palin water torture, drip, splash, drip, splash, dirp, splash, drip, splash, drip, splash, dirp, splash, drip, splash, drip, splash, dirp, splash, drip, splash, drip, splash, dirp, splash, , drip, dirp, drip,drip, drip, dirp, drip, drip, unceasing, innervating, mind numbing, on and on, hour after hour, day after endless day, unceasing, unrelenting, forever, as far as the mind can fathom.
    You must fight it, be brave, be strong, don’t let the Palin water on the brain torture win!

  51. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Selective Socialism!

  52. bigdayqueen says:

    One of my favorite quotes from another blog is actually a quote from Gomer Pyle….”Surprise, surprise, Surprise”

  53. askin says:

    Palin’s children get royalty money from their Federal government sanctioned Native Corporation.

    Her first children might have been born or covered as children with Native healthcare money, which is federally funded.

    Q: Did Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper ever use Federal Government socialized medicine?

  54. EyeOnYou says:

    Dr. Patois Says:
    May 26th, 2009 at 12:10 PM
    Another Oy! Perhaps these folks would make better use of their time by helping flood victims instead of attending a tea party…

    If you read their “stimulus package”…Gino might be out office under their plan.


    These people want a theocracy.

  55. Irishgirl says:


  56. ValleyIndependent says:

    Good point about whether the new homes will be built to federal energy efficiency standards and whether that $28.6 million would be handy about now. Wouldn’t it be nice if they were all 5 star plus and powered, at least in part, by renewable energy?

  57. TBNTJudy says:

    Re: link

    Well, I’m not sure their manifesto is referring to U. S. Legs or AK Legs, but point #2 “All legislators must pay into the Social Security yearly from their wages.”
    is probably based on a common fallacy that has been floating around forever about the U.S. Legs. They already do pay into Social Security. That is as far as I got. I almost stopped at “aboration,” but I soldiered on.

  58. Maria says:

    Palin just boggles the mind. She turns down stimulus funds and then turns around and holds her hand out for federal money. We need to remember this if she makes a run for the White House. She needs to have her feet held to the fire.

  59. karen says:

    Why does she continually refer to the “First Family”? I do not believe I have seen another Gov refer to family as “First Family”. Additionally, I do not think it is by accident that she announces TODAY that she is making an appointment to the AK Supreme Court. Sorry, Miss Sarah, there is only ONE First Family. They live in Washington DC, not Wasilla.

  60. nswfm CA says:

    Austin, Martha UYS,
    Why is she always licking her lips? Hasn’t she heard of Vaseline?

  61. austintx says:

    11 Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Says:
    May 26th, 2009 at 12:00 PM
    If you had a hairdo like hers, you’d be confused, too also! Her actions never make any sense and you can’t understand a word she utters. Exactly how did we end up with this dummy?

  62. Dr. Patois says:

    Another Oy! Perhaps these folks would make better use of their time by helping flood victims instead of attending a tea party…

    If you read their “stimulus package”…Gino might be out office under their plan.

  63. KJ in NC says:

    As Charlie Brown used to say, “Oooooooooh, that makes my stomach hurt.”

  64. InJuneau says:

    Oy, just oy, she’s giving me a splitting headache (AGAIN!). Where’s the industrial strength pain reliever bottle hiding?

  65. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    If you had a hairdo like hers, you’d be confused, too also! Her actions never make any sense and you can’t understand a word she utters. Exactly how did we end up with this dummy? That’s right, she was in charge of ethics in the oil and gas commission and ran through a whole drama scenario to bring attention to herself. Sound familiar?

  66. Dr. Patois says:

    “Alaskans and our communities have a long history of independence and opposing many mandates from Washington, D.C.”

    “The next step in a state’s rebuilding process after a natural disaster is to request our federal government’s assistance”

    I love seeing the two quotes side by side. They better hope the FEMA employees keep their opinions to themselves.

    And where did this “next step” come from? Is it the 2nd, 3rd? What was the first? Does she have a manual?

  67. nswfm CA says:

    OK, I looked it up–stupid comment from the “strategist”.

  68. BigPete says:

    Palin has been too obsessed with her “outside” base and the time might be right to show the locals some love. Besides, reacting forcefully to a disaster might even be perceived as “leadership”-just ask George Bush.

    Maybe, the previously “wildly popular Governor” is having doubts about future employment opportunities in DC, and is just trying to hedge her bets.

  69. nswfm CA says:

    BTW, what is this Governor WhoreHouse Perry business? Didn’t Elliot Spitzer get smacked for pallin around with hookers? What is Perry’s deal?

  70. nswfm CA says:

    “Sorry, people, you are on your own. We don’t need the FEDS!” exclaimed SP when she was too busy interviewing ghostwriters for her fiction bookand sticking up for the bleached blond bimbo from San Diego, our own inarticulate Miss California….

  71. tigerwine says:

    Do you you mean to tell me that she is JUST NOW asking for federal assistance? This should have been done a couple of weeks ago!

  72. pvazwindy says:

    Recognizing another opportune time. What an embarrassment she is and she’s all yours, Alaska.

  73. Ripley in CT says:

    Good point. As usual.

  74. Lilybart says:

    Just heard that Palin is making a supreme court appointment in alaska….

  75. austintx says:

    Our Gov. “whorehouse” Perry is taking 11 mil. Fed. money to rebuild our/his Governors Mansion.