Alaskans Call Out Bully Governor
About 80 people gathered in the spirit of righteous indignation today outside the Anchorage office of Governor Sean Parnell.
Protesters called on Parnell to drop the administrations campaign to recoup legal fees from a lawsuit involving the proposed Pebble Mine project in Bristol Bay. He’s demanding a million dollars from 88-year old Vic Fischer, an original framer of the Alaska Constitution, and 80-year old former First Lady of Alaska, and others. The stalwart bunch fought the state and sued unsuccessfully for the public’s right to know about exploration work at the mine site.
And if you’re wondering about the answer to the logical question after reading our previous rally announcement – Yes! A pitchfork was present thanks to Mudflatter Patricia! There were no torches, however, but that’s probably just as well.
The day was a beautiful one. Blue October sky, bracing air, and still some heat left in the sun. As the crowd began to gather in the large park area next to the Atwood Building, home to the administration’s Anchorage offices, the first banner showed up. One has to wonder about whomever is advising the governor and his crew about public relations. Because any policy position that allows this sign to be politically relevant is a losing one.
Senator Bill Wielechowski was first in a series of speakers who expressed gratitude for the octogenarians’ service and dedication to the state. “The governor does not have to do this,” he said into the bullhorn. “Bella Hammond should not be sued by this governor for her land!” The crowd cheered as he made clear that seeking this million dollars is entirely at the governor’s discretion. He is choosing to go after Hammond and Fischer, and is not bound by law. And while some pro-mining voices may squawk about keeping any random Tom, Dick, or Harry from suing the government because they can, this was clearly not a frivolous case, and those involved have proved themselves to be honest brokers, Alaskan patriots of the highest order, and serious political voices.
Next was Senator and candidate for Lt. Governor Hollis French. “I’m mad!” he bullhorned, and the crowd agreed. He really fired up the crowd who chanted, “Shame on you, Sean Parnell!”
After the third or fourth round of that particular chant, I started to feel a nice warm sensation radiating from my solar plexus. “Ooooo,” thought I. “Chanting ‘Shame on you, Sean Parnell’ feels good.” It’s like a restorative tonic, and I encourage you to try it the next time you drive past his offices, or see him on the news. You can even practice alone in the shower for a nice echo-ey effect like that Pink Floyd saxophone solo that was recorded in the bathroom.
Transcendental shame chanting… It could be a thing.
There were others who took the mic, each speaking eloquently about the situation while voicing their disgust at the level to which this administration has sunk. Hammond, who lives a quiet and modest life in her rural Lake Clark cabin near Bristol Bay could lose her home and land if forced to pay. Shame on you, Sean Parnell indeed. Visions of Governor Jay Hammond jumping out of a cloud, eyes flashing, kicking the current governor in the backside danced in our heads.
The second banner was almost more devastating than the first.

Hollis French and Bill Wielechowski hold the banner. Clearly the governor has no shame – at least he hasn’t demonstrated it yet.
Cook Inletkeeper’s Bob Shavelson addressed the crowd, as did Vince Beltrami from the AFL-CIO, former legislative candidate and political activist Nick Moe, former state legislator Chancy Croft, and writer Shelly Gill who made the drive from Homer, Alaska to support her friend Bella Hammond. Former Anchorage Mayor Jack Roderick was also present.
Chants of “Enough is enough!” “Stop the lawsuit!” and (riffing on the governor’s “choose respect” mantra) “Choose respect, choose Bella!” attracted the attention of passers-by.
The mood was one of solidarity, albeit infused with more than a little outrage at the audacity and outright meanness the administration has displayed. “Don’t be a bully, Sean Parnell!” The chants got louder and louder, directed at the tall blue glass tower.
We could see, despite the mirror shine reflecting the sky, the outlines of people who’d gotten up from their desks to peer out at the protesters. Suggestions were made for new chants, and I wanted desperately to suggest, “You’re-an-ass-hat-Sean-Par-Nell!” because I had tried it out in my head already, and liked the rhythm. And I really could have sworn at one point I may have seen the governor himself peeking out the window…
Look! It IS him!
Come on… chant it with me. “You’re-an-ass-hat-Sean-Par-nell!” Feels nice, huh? I didn’t lie.
The rally lasted for about an hour, and when both banners joined forces it made for a nice photo op.
So did this.
And especially this:
If you were unable to make it to the event, and want to pass your sentiments on to the governor’s office, please do so. He welcomes all comments and concerns. He even said so on his webpage.
email: [email protected]
And remember, the governor is doing this because he wants to, and because he can, NOT because he has to. Nothing is binding him to this decision except himself. And we should try to change his mind.
And frankly, if he had half an ounce of sense, or a decent PR advisor, he’d do it and make this all go away. Because bullying old ladies, and Constitutional delegates isn’t generally a successful way to build good will going into an election season.
Luck has nothing to do with crimes committed in Alaska with a Birthright owner as Hollis coined it long ago…
Ask him…and when justice for all is done in Geneva…no the natives probably won’t get it ALL back…but with the evidence the Kid has…oh shat does not cover a half-century of crimes committed with monies that were not given to the legal owner and now…paybacks are coming indeed…for all mankind indeed they are a coming!
I can see Alaska being real cooperative after those court trials – and they won’t be in Alaska – boo hoo Sean!!!
The people that elected parnell and tredmeedwell should be ashamed of themselves. What a pathetic state of affairs.
Is it true that Bella Hammond’s land is subject to seizure for payment of this group’s legal bills? If that’s true, it makes me wonder about the rich folk who are bankrolling this campaign, but leaving Bella out there to be evicted from her own land. I would hope that the same people who payed to file the lawsuit would be ready to step to the plate and pay legal fees, rather than asking Bella Hammond to cover the costs.
it’s an internal and external attempt to get someone else to “move” and leave state…ain’t happening…they just happen to be handy and the thought of the risk of “losing it all” to Sean is well “crucifying to those he cannot forget” so Hammond just got caught in the mix…it’s all going to be told in international courts…
How about that Sean? We will discuss all your crimes of the century our Captain Zero that you are!!!
Hey may be we can confiscate his worldly possessions and bank accounts – here and overseas…head tilt!
A note is being sent to the UN – regarding the actions of the past and current administrations – and their obvious disregard for human rights- domestic-terrorism activities – and obsession with greed – the internal and external stalking and the intentional legal trampling that has occurred…for shame for shame indeed…
When it is all said and done…I hope to accomplish for all mankind is:
1 – Natives of Alaska will be given back ALL lands of Alaska and rights to ALL resources…price of silence!
2 – Those “issues” I have to deal with – will be settled and a HUGE payment from USA and UK !
3 – Humanity will use the technology to keep “calling out” those that are caught in the “illusions” of politics!
4 – Governments and officials will be adhere to their peoples demands – not the other way around!
After all – some have the rest of their lives to file lawsuits – make global trips to Geneva – and on and on…
Sounds like the second coming to me….for the religious rightists that is – their moments of reckonings…
and next is the “stage of enlightenment”…how does that sound to humanity?
sounds good to me!
Yeh well good luck on that
I know your “well I’m pissed off rick” attitude and it will be discussed in Geneva soon! Hang in there kiddo!
What we need to have others file in Geneva to get some attentions to Alaska that Sean does not need!!!
There is just an overwhelming amount of cases that almost exceeds the amount in third world countries!
Chanting does the soul good. Last time I did it was a few weeks ago, at the Keystone XL pipeline protest.
Well,a potato fork is better than nothing. Symbolism seems to be lost on nutters,except for $$$$$$$$.