[Open Thread] Subway to the National Parks
Wouldn’t it be awesome if this was really a thing? Imagine just hopping on a train and catching the express from the Badlands and connecting at the Shenandoah to the Everglades. It’d certainly be better than my commute when I lived in Queens.
After looking at this I really need to step up my park visiting game. I’ve only been to the Badlands, Redwoods, Kenai, Denali, Everglades, and the Grand Canyon. Time to get back on the road.
How many have you been to?
Hat tip to Treehugger
This is still the current open thread, so here’s the bad news, per Daily Kos:
4Q Fundraising:
AK-Sen: Mead Treadwell (R): $228,000 raised
I’ve been to 22 out of the 59. Took nine months off to explore them about seven years ago. This map inspires me to knock a few more off. Glacier Bay, Mammoth Cave, and the Everglades are next on my bucket list!
Is “Big Awl” lying to you ? Hell yes!
Big Oil is a taker. Period.
That article is well done. Thanks!
Biscayne, Denali ( wife) Everglades, Glacier Bay, Grand Canyon, Hawaii Volcanoes, Shenandoah, Smokey Mtns, Yosemite… all good, cuz it means I’m on vacation !! although the Glades kinda suck.. too humid and too buggy..
I love me some Open Thread. There’s a gourmet shop selling spices, oils, mushrooms, and such around the corner from me (it’s practically underneath my bedroom window, four flights down). You won’t be able to guess what I bought last week, so I’ll tell you: BIRCH SYRUP. Oh, yum. I had a drizzle of it on my coconut-milk based vegan yogurt for breakfast this morning, and it was SO good.
“How many” depends on whether or not one includes national recreation areas (Delaware Water Gap), trails (Appalachian), and national seashores (Fire Island).
If not, my guess would be two dozen, including Glacier, Wind Cave, Badlands, Mt. Rushmore, Devil’s Tower, Yosemite, Yellowstone, Hawaii Volcanoes, Grand Canyon, Arches, Zion, and Craters of the Moon, just to name a few. Unfortunately, I haven’t yet visited any in Alaska, since I was only at the airport in Juneau for long enough to deliver a birthday present from the pilot to a friend, and Slipstream has assured me that airports don’t count.
And the subway idea would definitely fall apart in Yellowstone, since the entire park sits atop a supervolcano.
Oh, and this being an open thread (how I’ve missed them!!), let’s congratulate the women of North Carolina, who will no longer be subjected to an ultrasound should they ever need an abortion.
What is this-make mikey feel bad day? I’ve seen cornfields! I’ve walked through cornfields! Top that,if you can.
Mikeys..’got the proper vibe’..oh yes he does!
Do not feel bad, mikey.
I’ve only been to 9 National Parks. If I added in all the National Forests, Wilderness, and Monuments I’ve had the good fortune to visit , It jumps up to about 100 national sites, add in local and state special places and it gets way huger.
Howsomever, I have never been in a cornfield. Never.
(And I’m ok with a train round the places but not with a subway- eeks! Who wants to run under all the beauty? )
Saw a postcard of Mt Rushmore once.
I have eaten corn.
“lifted” a couple of watermelons out of a field…
. . . installed some crop circles . . .
…visited Roswell…
climbed the highest mountain in iowa.
Dang ! can’t beat that… Mikey wins!
Hawkeye Point, at 1,670 feet above sea level.
Very impressive, mikey!
I want a one year pass on the yellow line!
Slipstream hisownself has been to: Denali, Lake Clark, Crater Lake, Lassen Volcanic, Yosemite, Sequoia, Death Valley, Saguaro, Grand Canyon, Zion, Bryce Canyon, and Mesa Verde.
Anchorage today: 44 degrees, raging wind, pounding rain on top of ice-covered roads. What fun.
weather sucks here… clear skies, 80 degrees in the afternoon, low 40’s at nite… SUPPOSE TO BE RAINING !!!! we are SOOOOO DRY !.. not good !, send that rain down here!!
Oh, if only!
We are not getting the super high winds Slip’s area has
but we are getting the rain and weird warm temps.
May hit 50 today and we passed up the Jan rain normals for this wet place before the 10th.
Icefalls are back to being waterfalls.
We are running almost 2 feet above normal on snowfall but have hardly gotten to enjoy it before a wet warm front melts it all… with the ice rink routine in the middle of course
Fictional??? Not for long..I can hear hugebellied moneybags.., slapping themselves..up-side-the-head..and putting their ..people..on it! (and tell anyone where MOI fave spots are? HELL NO!…..)