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Friday, January 28, 2022

KXL & Pebble Mine – One Company OK’d Both for Gov’t

State Dept’s Keystone XL Contractor, ERM Group, Also OK’d Controversial Pebble Mine in Alaska (via Desmogblog)

A DeSmogBlog investigation has revealed Environmental Resources Management Inc. (ERM Group) — the contractor performing the U.S. State Department’s environmental review for the northern half of TransCanada’s Keystone XL tar sands pipeline — gave…



7 Responses to “KXL & Pebble Mine – One Company OK’d Both for Gov’t”
  1. Eileen says:

    Sign the petition to Stop the Pebble Mine to Save the Alaskan Fisheries. We’ve signed a few all ready, written to the EPA as our State Government and Administration doesn’t seem to listen to Alaskans on this subject and others like the proposed Chuitna Coal Mine. Senator Begich has another petition to sign. Please keep signing. We “Thank” Senator Begich for coming out against the Pebble Mine. What a gorgeous place to ruin with such a mine, Volcano country, numerous wildlife, Earthquake area, etc.

  2. NickWI says:

    you cant mine in a national park or monument. so declare bristol bay a national monument and tell northern dynasty to go pound sand. protecting the watershed and the bay itself will likely require over 10 million acres for comparison Wrangell St Ellias cover 13 million. yes there would be bitching and moaning as when carter set aside a bunch of areas in 1978, but it would ensure the fihgery is there indefinitely, which would not be the case if the mine was put in. putting in a requirement to hire local residents to set up the monument would bring millions of dollars into those communities, through jobs and federal cash.

  3. Zyxomma says:

    Here’s the reaction by the populace to a silver mine in Morocco, that locals say has messed up their lives:

    ““In the 1990s, I used to have trees, fruits, oil, almonds,” said Bou Tahar, 70, a farmer. But they died after the mine began taking the water, he said, adding, “Since we cut the flow in 2011, our wells are starting to fill up again.”

    According to Mr. Hilson, these kinds of disputes are not uncommon. “If you’re operating in a place like that with quite a few people living in the community, it would be suicidal to exhaust the place from its water supply or to reach a point where villagers become agitated over the consumption of water,” he said. “It is always challenging to operate in dry environments. There are issues with water, with waste disposal and community development because it all revolves around water.”

    The company categorically denies the townspeople’s accusations and says that an environmental impact study has proved that it is not contaminating the water supply or harming the environment. The company says that the mining was certified as meeting global environmental standards and that it has put in place irrigation systems for the farmers.”

  4. akbatgirly says:

    One look at that picture taken from above, shows just how wrong this plan was from the beginning. Water, water, everywhere.

    I’m sending a thank you to Begich (even though I’m still mad about his stance on guns, etc.) right now, and a chastisement to Murkowski.

  5. ~Sil in Corea says:

    It is WAY past time that ERM was investigated for conflict of interest! It is clearly biased and its reports are suspect. How could the State Department not know this?

  6. Naomi says:

    To whom should we write, scream, holler, wail? I will happily give Mr. O and Mr. K a Not OK!

  7. Zyxomma says:

    NO to KXL, and NO to Pebble. No, no, no, a thousand times no.