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No Means No, Mr. Sullivan


Republican US Senate candidate Dan Sullivan has an interesting way of showing “respect” for women.

For the past two weeks, Anchorage Assembly member and stalwart women’s advocate Elvi Gray-Jackson has been getting concerned phone calls from constituents about the use of a photograph captured at a “Choose Respect” rally—intended to highlight the issues of domestic violence and sexual assault that plague the state in record numbers. The event had nothing to do with the upcoming election.

So what is Elvi Gray-Jackson doing with a Republican behind a giant banner advertising his senate candidacy?

That is exactly what Assemblywoman Jackson and many others have been wondering.

Dan Sullivan likely thought it made him look all woman-friendly, surrounded by the likes of Gray-Jackson, State Sen. Lesil McGuire, and U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski. A man is known by the company he keeps, right?

Well, so is a woman, and Gray-Jackson, who holds a non-partisan seat on the Assembly, wasn’t thrilled with the Photoshop shenanigans and implied endorsement of Sullivan’s campaign. She delivered a letter on Monday asking Sullivan to stop using her image in his campaign flyers and TV ads.

“The use of my image implies an endorsement of your candidacy,” Gray-Jackson wrote, “It’s my face. I support women’s rights, and I don’t want anyone to think otherwise.”

Gray-Jackson went on to say that she does not support Sullivan’s senate bid, specifically citing women’s issues and her pro-choice stance and emphasizing that these “strongly disagree” with Sullivan’s policies.

Ironically, Mr. Sullivan does not in fact “choose respect” and instead refuses to honor Ms. Gray-Jackson’s request to stop misappropriating her image. He will continue to use the misleading photo for his own political purposes and against her will. Perhaps, someone needs to explain to Mr. Sullivan that “no means no.”

The winner of the GOP Senate primary will take on incumbent Senator Mark Begich, a pro-choice Democrat.



13 Responses to “No Means No, Mr. Sullivan”
  1. Cliff says:

    can you explain the “Photoshop shenanigans” comment? Clearly she was standing next to him while holding the sign. If Elvi doesn’t like have her image next to a republican, she shouldn’t stand by one.

    The wording on the banner was changed.

  2. Beavis says:

    Too funny. Sullivan got Star Trek all worked up.

  3. Tallimat says:

    NO, means NO !!
    NO, means NO !!
    NO, means NO !!
    NO, means NO !!
    NO, means NO !!
    NO, means NO !!
    NO, means NO !!
    NO, means NO !!

    What are you deaf Sullivan?
    Quit using her image.
    What, me and the kid gotta stand out side your campaign office with signs to make you understand?
    Don’t tempt me.

  4. mike from iowa says:

    Commodore Vanderbilt apparently had trouble with the word no. If it isn’t nailed down it is his and if he can pry it loose,it is not nailed down.

  5. mike from iowa says:

    Photoshop this picture of a new Sully/new party planner. The URL for this photo had 883 characters and anyone who has seen this before recognizes Texas wingnut Blake Fahrenthold’s jammies.

    • slipstream says:

      Awww . . . baby ducks! That is SO cute!

      • mike from iowa says:

        He is what passes for a t-bag nutjob,congressvarmint from Texas. Thanks for opening the road to Valdez,in case I ever get there before I die. 🙂

  6. ugavic says:

    I am with a little photoshop turn around on him until he screams and post and share this scam until it make the National new media!!

  7. Jag24 says:

    Does this mean that Elvi will need to trademark her image and name, and avoid any contact with anyone in public in the future? This is nuts!

    Can others retaliate and make a banner with Dan supporting things that he actually supports that are not so great?

  8. Zyxomma says:

    Just the sort of unethical shenanigans I’ve come to expect, but still WRONG. Why do all these Dan Sullivans sully their offices?

  9. juneaudream says:

    ALLLlrighty fair play, according to each person in charge of your flyers/leaflets and assorted media outlets..where that..particular poster is use? I do believe that means they can be found guilty..of lying..eventually. Until then..I’d suggest everyone who has the ..photoshop skills..craft some outstanding images of strippers (lightly clothed..but perhaps tassels on the outside of his shirt)..and ballerinas and fairy princesses..or even.. a selection of salmon..standing upon their tails..with ..his head. Use that poster..m’friends…. until..he SCREAMS FOIR MERCY!! Hop to people..hop to!

  10. Ice Gal says:

    Neither dansullivan should be elected to any office in Alaska. And this one running for senate should be in jail for shuffling around the paper work to promote a strip coal mine over salmon.
    Wake up Alaskans keep electing these trepublicans and it is going to be over in our state for equal rights, labor rights, the environment, public safety, education…

  11. Jeff says:

    Does he own the copyright to her picture? If not he might want to consult an attorney.