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Friday, January 28, 2022

God Hates Changepoint & Bieber

The Westboro Baptist Church is making plans to picket another Anchorage location on its whistle stop Hate Tour of the Last Frontier. Their destination? Changepoint Church.

WBC had already announced plans to picket the Alaska Native Heritage Center on the morning of June 1 to voice their distaste about all that unholy Native Heritage and “diversity.” While they’re in the neighborhood, they’re going to stop by Alaska’s #2 mega-church and let ’em have it for being “lukewarm” about their Christianity.

There is only one other mega-church in the city – The Anchorage Baptist Temple – which so far has been passed over for picketing. The WBC had threatened to picket Ted Stevens’ funeral which was held at ABT.  At the time, Pastor Jerry Prevo said of WBC founder Fred Phelps, “This guy looks like he’s pretty well off the wall.” He also indicated demonstrators would not be welcomed on the grounds of the temple. The protesters never showed.

Despite being publicly dissed by Prevo, WBC’s decision to picket Changepoint instead of the Anchorage Baptist Temple might lead us to believe that ABT has in fact passed muster and is sufficiently extreme to save them from the sin of lukewarmness.

Quoting from the version of the Bible that resides in their own heads, WBC explains how Changepoint falls short of its divine mission.

“Your duty is to ‘declare unto [doomed Americans] their abominations.’ Ezekiel 23:36”

At least they put “doomed Americans” in brackets. The actual Bible quote is:

“The LORD said to me: ‘Son of man, will you judge Oholah and Oholibah? Then confront them with their detestable practices.'”

Close enough, apparently. Those “doomed Americans” would be along in just a few thousand years.



No news if there are any other engagements planned while WBC is in Anchorage. After coffee hour and fellowship, they’ll have the rest of the afternoon free to seek out other maudlin, same-sex sin-loving, milquetoast preaching Alaskans to save.

And then there’s always that errand they can run next door in Canada.


This is an actual image tweeted by Westboro Baptist Church. Really. Not kidding.



12 Responses to “God Hates Changepoint & Bieber”
  1. John says:

    They say our duty is to make sin “exceedingly sinful.” I think that is a great idea. I don’t always sin, but when I do, I want to do so with excess.

  2. god loves haters says:

    Speaking of pizza, we should order a bunch of food and have it delivered to them.

  3. Deport Bieber? Hm. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


  4. GoBig says:

    Prevo showed he WBC street cred by running off those darn Boy Scouts.

  5. Really? says:

    They probably won’t be driving up. , as far as I can tell by the way Canada is mentioned in the above sign.

  6. Zyxomma says:

    Oy, vey. Vey is mir.

  7. mike from iowa says:

    So,who wants pizza? Anyone?

  8. Ivan says:

    “Despite being publicly dissed by Prevo,” wbc can clearly see that Jerry is cut from the same cloth as Phelps.
    we all can see the hate and lies that Jerry spreads.
    and really? who likes the bieb.