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Friday, January 28, 2022

Dan Sullivan’s Website of Lies Continues

Ok, maybe that’s a bit of a dramatic title for this piece, as we’re not talking about something criminal, just criminally stupid. Over the past couple months I’ve written about many of DC Dan’s awkward photographic adventures into Alaska, eventually causing him enough shame to switch his photos to ones actually taken in Alaska.

I thought DC Dan’s adventures were finally done – his campaign long out of the early stages, and running at full speed, raising hundred of thousands of dollars. I would have guessed that he might actually have gotten some researchers to join his staff, maybe even some locals that could teach him a couple things about the state he’s running to represent in the US Senate. They could teach him important things, like what the state actually looks like.

But, I guess not. Just tonight I got sent this image from a keen-eyed observer.



Underneath the image is the text:

“Oil tax reform is one of the most important economic issues facing Alaska, but Mark Begich won’t be honest with Alaskan voters about where he stands. Sign my petition to tell Mark that real leadership means not dodging the big issues.”

Well, this is awkward. As a photo editor I know it’s really important to illustrate my articles with the correct photos. I once spent four hours making sure that a photo I was using to illustrate a piece on a shooting was the same type of gun used in the crime, because I knew I would get called on it otherwise. Sometimes these things are really hard to find out; photos don’t always have the best caption info. This photo here, though… does.

Please notice that the photo he uses to illustrate Senator Mark Begich’s supposedly deceitful attitude on oil taxes aka SB21 is in fact a “COAL TERMINAL DOCK.” Oddly this is something that even I could have told the former head of DNR, Dan Sullivan as I’ve researched them when Jeanne Devon and I covered the Chuitna coal mine.

Screen Shot 2014-07-20 at 11.15.59 PM

But really, Dan didn’t need to even look that far, he and his likely DC based web people just had to look at the freaking title in the shutterstock profile. By the way, the photographer (who’s quite talented) is based in San Francisco, which while still not based in Alaska is at least based in the United States. Which is a lot closer than Phuket, Thailand.





13 Responses to “Dan Sullivan’s Website of Lies Continues”
  1. Moose Pucky says:

    Appreciating Sen. Begich for his work for health care for all, women’s rights, aid to veterans, work on behalf of seniors, workers, Native Alaskans, and healthy fisheries. He is a solid listener and representative for Alaskans and the nation.

    Dan Sullivan already has shown how little respect he has for Alaskans by working to limit public input and streamline harmful development on important land-use decisions in Alaska while heading by DNR. Really bad choice for Senate for Alaska and the nation.

  2. slipstream says:

    Sullivan knows so little about Alaska, he can’t tell the difference between North Pole and Nome.

    Here’s a tweet from his campaign — which he attempted to delete 15 minutes later:

    If you’re going to Christmas in July in Nome this weekend, don’t forget to stop by the Sullivan for Senate booth
    Dan SullivanDeleted after 15 minutes about 18 hours ago, via TweetDeck.

    And here’s the real event — in North Pole, not Nome:

    Danny, Danny, Danny . . . why don’t you just go back to Cincinnati?

  3. mike from iowa says:

    Shutterstock photo is where Exxon’s shareholders park their container cargo ships to stock up on gubmint cheese that was converted to greenbacks to flow out of Alaska’s treasury more easily. Orrin Hatch wants to rewrite tax laws so korporate masters pay no taxes whatsoever on offshore monies they sent there to avoid taxes in the first place.

  4. Sue says:

    I hate to be a name-caller but… this just screams “Dipstick Dan”.

  5. Mo says:

    My gauge for when vested interests feel a blog post is cutting too close to the bone is the number of trolls who show up.

    How do I know they’re trolls? Ultraviolet light makes them glow green. Plus the sneers from under the bleachers and the high heaviosity outgassing from the corporate box seats.

  6. Alaska Pi says:

    Dear Mr Sullivan and your doofus campaign helpers and some of the FB commenters above-
    I don’t give a rat’s patoot what Senator Begich, Mr Treadwell, Mr Miller or Mr Sullivan think about SB21.
    It is a state issue. Period.
    Not a federal issue. Not something a sitting Senator of the United States should be flapping on about.
    Lest you think it’s time to ratchet down the federal-overreach/state’s rights crap, sir, I’d say shut it on this subject . Even if you did knock that crap off, I’d say shut it on this subject,
    I am so
    sick and frickin tired of NON issue issues , Jeezncrackers and holy moley- talk about some federal stuff you doof!!!!
    Thank you,
    Alaska Pi

    • Alaska Pi says:

      oh and ps- Pfffttt! on the coal dock pic . I’m figuring we’ll be seeing shots of the Bay of Pillars titled Prudhoe Bay or some similar horsepunky here pretty soon.

  7. AKblue says:

    Sullivan’s well funded campaign has been surprisingly amateurish–or they think we are all stupid.

  8. Millie says:

    Mark Begich has my vote – not the carpetbagger!

  9. mike from iowa says:

    Seems apparent wingnuts defunded education while Sullivan was growing up.At the very least it was not a priority to teach wingnut children stuff they’d actually need to use as adults-like reading and thinking skills. Notice,I didn’t say “critical” thinking.