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The Weekend Off – News You Missed



Fairbanks News Miner – Pro-Begich super PAC takes on Treadwell

JUNEAU, Alaska – A super PAC that supports Democratic U.S. Sen. Mark Begich has a new ad that, for the first time, takes on Republican Senate hopeful Mead Treadwell.

Put Alaska First’s ad also features Republican Dan Sullivan, the presumptive front-runner in the race who has been a target of the group for months.

Alaska Dispatch News – Nixon took time out from Watergate to plot politics with Young, Coghill

Forty years after Richard Nixon resigned the presidency in disgrace, the secret tapes that proved his role in the Watergate cover-up continue to reveal the inside story of his years in the White House.

Three new books this summer draw extensively on hundreds of taped conversations about Watergate, foreign policy, political strategy and Oval Office intrigue.

Juneau Empire – Officials question unauthorized ‘law school’ set to open in 2015

ANCHORAGE — The Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education has asked state attorneys to draft a cease and desist letter for a woman who says she is creating Alaska’s first law school.


Bitch Media – In Texas, Activist Group “Stop Patriarchy” Draws Criticism

Inside the federal courthouse in Austin, Texas, Whole Woman’s Health and the Center for Reproductive Rights spent Monday morning fighting to preserve access to safe, legal abortion. Outside the courthouse, a group of people called Stop Patriarchy marched around, proclaiming, “Forced motherhood is enslavement!”

Politico – Why Eric Cantor really resigned

In his decision to quit Congress altogether, Eric Cantor gave only one reason: so his successor could get a head start and “have a voice in what will be a very consequential lame-duck session.”

But several GOP lawmakers and aides suggested to POLITICO that there was more to this move.

Desmogblog – Green Billionaires Club? David Vitter Owns Stock in Coal Utilities Fighting EPA Carbon Rules

On July 30, the Republican minority of the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, headed by Sen. David Vitter, released a report titled “The Chain of Environmental Command: How a Club of Billionaires and Their Foundations Control the Environmental Movement and Obama’s EPA.”


The Guardian – US air strikes hit Isis again as efforts intensify to evacuate Yazidi refugees

US fighter jets and drones struck vehicles and artillery belonging to the Islamic State (Isis) five times on Sunday, bringing the new US air war in Iraq into a fourth day of what President Barack Obama said might be a protracted effort.

NY Times – Ukraine Steps Up Assault of Rebel City

DONETSK, Ukraine — Ukraine pressed ahead on Sunday with its military assault to stamp out pro-Russian separatists in the east of the country with its most intensive artillery bombardment of this rebel capital yet.

BBC – Colombian rebels attack Tibu oil field, says government

It said the attack on the Tibu field near the Venezuelan border, had put the lives of workers and residents at risk. However no-one was injured.

The Colombian military has not specified which group carried out the attack.



4 Responses to “The Weekend Off – News You Missed”
  1. mike from iowa says:

    Mary Burke became the first female of either major party to win nomination for Guv of Wisconsin. Hope she slays the misogynist Walker without breaking a sweat.

  2. mike from iowa says:

    Lauren Bacall has passed. Off to meet Bogey for some heavenly tryst,I guess. 89 years old. 🙁

  3. mike from iowa says:

    …and Don Young has been “offensive” ever since.