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Dunbar Beats Young in Straw Poll


Don Young lost. That hasn’t happened since 1972 when he lost to Congressman Nick Begich, who had already been killed in a plane crash.

OK, this time it wasn’t an election proper, but it’s good news for those who are no fans of “the Congressman of everyone who voted for me.” Young has been in the halls of power since 1973, and at least for the thousands of attendees at the Tanana State Fair in Fairbanks last week, that’s long enough.

In the final results of the fair’s straw poll announced by the League of Women Voters of the Tanana Valley, Democratic challenger Forrest Dunbar beat Don Young by a single vote. The straw poll that broke the crazy coot’s back.

Don’t scoff. Actual elections in Alaska have been decided by a single vote. And once there was a tie decided upon by a coin toss on to a beaver pelt. The beaver lost.

This from Dunbar’s campaign:

“We knew this was going to be close, but my team is thrilled that we won outright,” said Dunbar.  “…Alaskans are waking up to the fact that Don Young is no longer influential and the state needs more effective representation.”

Historically, Fairbanks has been a reliable stronghold of support for Young. This year’s poll marks the first time the congressman has been beaten head-to-head, according to the LWV’s record of published results. Both parties were pushing supporters to cast votes in the contest.

“This is clearly a competitive, two-way race, and the toughest race Don has had in years,” said Wiley Cason, Dunbar’s communications director. “We have offered Rep. Young the chance to debate Forrest in a setting of his choice, and he has declined. Anytime he decides to change his mind, we’re ready.”  

Young, who usually relishes any opportunity to snarl and grumble at the competition in a public forum hasn’t taken the bait. So far.




2 Responses to “Dunbar Beats Young in Straw Poll”
  1. juneaudream says:

    Most excellent news for this morning. Sort of an Uber-urban renewal..project..starting to..take hold! Forrest run.

  2. Alaska Pi says:

    Lots of work ahead to make it a reality but straw poll results sure made me smile today 😀
    Mr Dunbar’s name recognition is growing , his message is getting out
    Good, good start!
    Run, Forrest, run!!