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Bristol Bay Debate Wednesday!

Wednesday night is the last in the four part series of moderated debates on the ballot issues of the day. It will focus on Ballot Measure 4: An Act Providing for Protection of Bristol Bay Wild Salmon and Waters Within or Flowing into the Existing 1972 Bristol Bay Fisheries Reserve.

Thanks to Alaska Common ground for providing a forum for discussion about the SB21 oil tax, the minimum wage, the legalization of marijuana, and the protection of Bristol Bay.

A Forum on Bristol Bay Forever

Wednesday, August 13, 7 – 9 pm
Wilda Marston Theatre, Loussac Library

You can click these links for information:

Alaska Division of Elections ballot measure language
Attorney General’s review of petition language


Dick Mylius – Former Director of the Division of Mining, Land, and Water of the Department of Natural Resources and Alaska Common Ground board member.

Advocating “Yes” Vote

Christina Salmon – Initiative Sponsor

Anders Gustafson – Executive Director of Renewable Resources Coalition

Advocating “No” Vote

Deantha Crockett – Executive Director. Alaska Miners Association

Richard Hughes – mining engineer


More info is HERE.




One Response to “Bristol Bay Debate Wednesday!”
  1. mike from iowa says:

    I read Ballot Measure No. 4-12BBAY. First question is who wrote this dang thing?

    ……because mines can produce toxins and pollutants.Is there a mine in recorded history that has not produced toxins and pollutants,especially when poisons are used to help extract minerals?

    What happened to Pebble’s pledge to not build the mine if the people didn’t want it?