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Krazy Kampaign Ad – Part III







11 Responses to “Krazy Kampaign Ad – Part III”
  1. tallimat says:

    What is it with the Jesus obsessed republican chicks?
    Don’t turn your back on that chick, or she’ll give you one of those bible demon abortions with a golf club and some duct tape.
    And no, I’m not joking. My cousin had to DEAL with her.
    She is worse than Loonbat.

    • No Name says:

      yeah and what they do and say they perceive as ‘God’s Will’ …and they have done some ‘dirty deeds’…

    • No Name says:

      yeah and what they do and say they perceive as ‘God’s Will’ …and they have done some ‘dirty deeds’…

  2. mike from iowa says:

    I’m gonna insist this woman scarf down a corndog so I can tell that she isn’t the bat shit crazy one from Minnesota. Those eyes,I feel as though Vincent Price is standing behind me with a pendulum swinging for my neck.

  3. Zach says:

    She’s got Bachmann eyes.

    • Dan Heynen says:

      I was thinking the exact same thing.

    • Dan Heynen says:

      By the way, Pete LaFrance is running a great campaign against Shelley and can use your support! Your chance to put an end to the Hughes nightmares!

      • Allison Little says:

        We have a fundraiser for Pete LaFrance on August 30. It is being advertised on Facebook. The event is called “Take a Lap for LaFrance.” Please attend, meet and support him!

    • Alaska Pi says:

      Me three. Eeeks!!!!!
      I wouldn’t turn my back on those eyes…

  4. Thanks for the nightmares Jeanne