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Palin on GOP – They Turned Me into a Newt! Again.

To truly appreciate the latest incident between the Republican Party and Governor Sarah Palin, it’s helpful to take a moment to refresh our memories.

I posted a while backabout the strange and devolving relationship between Sarah Palin and the GOP when it comes to “making dates”.  Here’s a quick recap.

First Palin says she can’t speak at the GOP winter retreat because she’s got homework in Alaska, and then shows up that same night at the Alfalfa Club Dinner across town in D.C.  Then she commits to speak at the CPAC convention, confirms, and then cancels.  Now, she’s all set to deliver the keynote address on June 8 at the Republican Senate-House dinner, it gets announced to the press, and published in all the papers and blogs, and over the airwaves, and then.  Ohhhhhh!   Lucy pulls the football! Again.

Then on March 31, this little gem from the Republicans about Palin’s involvement with the biggest fundraiser of the year:

“After initially confirming her attendance, Governor Palin’s team informed the Committees that her gubernatorial responsibilities in Alaska prevented her from committing until the end of the legislative session. We completely understand and respect Governor Palin’s focus on her official state business; however, there is obviously an enormous amount of planning that goes into this annual event. For that reason, we invited and are honored to have former Speaker Newt Gingrich join us as our speaker at the 2009 Senate-House Dinner. As one of our Party’s brightest minds and most energetic speakers, we are looking forward to having former Speaker Gingrich provide the keynote address on June 8.”

Keep in mind that the event in Auburn, NY that she attended yesterday was on her calendar long before the end of the legislative session, but for some reason she couldn’t seem to commit to the event above.  So Newt was recruited.

Get ready for deja vu, all over again.  Sort of.

It’s happening all over again, but this time the roles have changed.  In this act, the role of Charlie Brown will now be played by Sarah Palin, and the football-pullin’ Lucy will be played by NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions.


After being invited — for a second time — to speak to the annual joint fundraiser for the National Republican Congressional Committee and the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Palin was told abruptly Saturday night that she would not be allowed to address the thousands of Republicans there after all. 

The Alaska governor may now skip the dinner altogether, and her allies are miffed at what they see as a slight from the congressional wing of the Republican Party.

The reason given for the snub, said a Palin aide, was that NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions was concerned about not wanting to upstage former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, the fundraising gala’s keynote speaker.

Yes, after being invited back to the same event to speak, and after accepting the invitation, the governor has been disinvited to speak, and replaced by Newt Gingrich.  Palin’s been channeling Newt anyway, so why not cut out the middle-man and go right to the source?  Gingrich is obviously not particularly pleased with the governor for reasons which may or may not relate to her borrowing his article on Ronald Reagan. And, we’ve been getting the sense for a while that although Palin’s message seems to be resonating with “the base,” or as I would rather think of them “the base of the base,” when it comes to party leadership, she just can’t seem to get along.  There are plenty of bodies under the bus that know exactly what it’s like to work with the governor.  The GOP isn’t stupid.  OK, well …. they’re not THAT stupid.

So why did she even get invited back again after the debacle back in March?

…last week — in part due to the urging of Republican überfundraiser and Palin friend Fred Malek —  the NRSC extended a new invitationfor Palin to speak.

Ah, yes. Our old friend Fred Malek. We know him well.

But then a finance official with the NRSC called Palin aide Meg Stapleton Saturday night to say that Sessions didn’t want Palin to speak.

Recounting the conversation Sunday, Stapleton said she told the NRSC staffer: “Why, at a time when we’re trying to build the party, would you pull a move like that on somebody who earlier in the day just attracted 20,000 people?”

Palin was to sit [at] the table of NRSC Chairman John Cornyn of Texas, and Senate campaign committee officials were still trying Sunday to persuade the Alaska governor to attend.

I don’t think I’d pay a dime to attend the fundraising dinner, but to be a fly on the wall on Saturday night when all this was going down?  Big money.



181 Responses to “Palin on GOP – They Turned Me into a Newt! Again.”
  1. Nan says:

    Sandra, have a WONDERFUL time!

    And take pictures! lol


  2. KaJo says:

    Interesting, sandra in oregon….I’ve always wanted that itinerary to add to my list of cruises taken… 🙂

    My husband and I, in all but 3 cruises where we sailed with my sister, have gone on 7 total, but now he’s so advanced into “stroke syndrome”/Alzheimer’s I don’t trust him on a ship, or in a stateroom with a balcony. My sister and I have talked about putting him temporarily in a care facility so that we can take the cruises together that I would have with him, were he still healthy.

    I heard about Elderhostel just the other night when I was watching the TV Guide Channel’s “Survivor Winners: Where Are They Now?”. Seems the near-60-year-old teacher who won (was it just last year? time flies!) has retired from teaching and he and his wife are spending part of their time volunteer guiding for Elderhostel.

  3. Demetria Nelson-McNaulty says:

    I would not want Palin speaking at any event, Sessions probably cannot stand to hear her voice, nor her red shoes. She is not original and believe me I bet you that as soon as the GOP boys are alone that they have a good ol’ chuckle about the way she speaks.

  4. sandra in oregon says:

    I will be leaving for two weeks and hope you can keep things going. Have to brag that I am taking a cruise with Elderhostel from Boston to Montreal. I highly recommend Elderhostel for those of you who have retired and want to keep learning. I don’t have a lap top, and will very much miss the daily thoughts and entertainment from Mudflats.

    Midway through the vogyage I will wear my “I <3 Mudflats” t-shirt. If I don’t come back, look for me in the Atlantic.

    sandra in oregon

  5. Irishgirl says:

    Seems as if Newt is keeping quiet.

  6. duct idaho palin says:

    Or even to just show up with a sign saying “Speakers– be sure to copyright your speeches”

  7. duct idaho palin says:

    I wish I lived near where they’re holding the dinner. Wouldn’t it be great to put up an “I can see a plagiarist from my house” sign?

  8. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    sorry for the typos…..hurrying so I can get back to Scarah soap opera.

  9. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    It’ll be facinating to see how the gloss over Palin plagarizing Newt and Palin’s being univited, and gosh where will she sit? Gotta tear myself away and run to town. what time is the dinner tonight?

    right now it’s 5:20 EST

  10. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    June 8th, 2009 at 12:54 PM

    Fred Malek on Hardball right now!

  11. NY Dem says:

    Ok, haven’t caught up on all the reading yet, just got home form work. I did catch something though that raised an eyebrow, and I’ll go back after this post and read it all.

    I thought it said that Palin “credited Newt” somewhere in the speech she plagiarized. Is that right ? Did she credit him ?

    The point being, she is admitting outright that she plagiarized the speech !

    And after she was called on it, she goes back and says “well, I credited him somewhere”.

    She’s not even denying she stole the speech, just that she used it and credited him !

    Amazing !

  12. Elizabeth says:

    Buffalo Girl, I was about to say something like that. Do we have a Mudpuppy on the scene? You know, waiting tables or such. (You can hear all kinds of interesting things waiting tables. The “guests” think you are part of the furniture.) This is going to be almost worth the price of admission just to watch the antics, say little of the speeches. I’ve got my popcorn ready.

  13. BuffaloGal says:

    Has this been posted yet?

    From Time Mag online:

    >>How in the world is the Republican Party going to orchestrate its comeback if it’s having such a tough time organizing the seating chart for one fundraising dinner? That, at least, is the question being posed by many amused spectators of the GOP’s puzzling game of musical chairs it appears to be playing with Sarah Palin. <<,8599,1903421,00.html

  14. txindygirl says:


    if this version is true, we texan mudflatters may have found one reason to respect john cornyn…

  15. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    #165, lol…… already had an article up while I was trying to put two and two together…..

    tick, tock………time to throw Meg Forktongue under the bus?

  16. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    okay get this interesting connection……..Scarah is to go to TX for “energy” talks (probably help with her pipeline) this week, she’s invited to sit with TX John Cornyn……..but wait, she’s uninvited by TX Pete Sessions who has a whole lot in common with Scarah, a DS child and was probably very instrumental in backing Scarah’s special needs advocacy campaign, who woulda thunk it. He’s got a heck of a page on his helping special needs resume link at bottom of page. Also too, read his news page, some interesting articles there.

    So let’s see, there is the TX Rick Perry for Gov connection, and of course Bush, Cheney, Rove, Griffin and Malek connections.

    And awe, isn’t that so sweet, they are trying to “persuade” her to attend, like come on Scarah, don’t be mad.

    “The reason given for the snub, said a Palin aide, was that NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions was concerned about not wanting to upstage former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, the fundraising gala’s keynote speaker.”

    “Palin was to sit [at] the table of NRSC Chairman John Cornyn of Texas, and Senate campaign committee officials were still trying Sunday to persuade the Alaska governor to attend.”

  17. London Bridges says:

    Flash from AmericaBloG:

    In another sign of the sway that Sarah Palin and her supporters in Palin Nation hold over the GOP, NRCC chief Pete Sessions is working behind the scenes to get Palin reinvited to the big GOP fundraiser tonight, GOP sources say.

    It’s the story of the day that GOP leaders have been battling over who’s to blame for the fact that Palin was “snubbed” when she was mysteriously disinvited from the big fundraiser, which is for the two Congressional committees, the NRCC and the NRSC. Politico laid the blame on NRCC chief Sessions, claiming he didn’t want her to upstage keynote speaker Newt Gingrich, prompting a round of bitter finger-pointing.

    But GOP sources say that Sessions right now is working the phones to try to get Palin to attend, after all. The Hill, in what seemed like an answer to the Politico piece, reported that the real culprit behind Palin’s disinvitation had originally been NRSC chief John Cornyn.

    In addition to working to ensure that Palin does come, Sessions plans to stress party unity in his speech tonight. “Together, we are showing America that we are a unified party with the best solutions to create jobs and grow our economy,” Sessions will say, according to an advance copy sent my way.


  18. Nan says:

    Discontinuous Permafrost


    Terrific pun!

  19. Nan says:

    Could anyone enlighten me? I don’t mean this as anything other than I just don’t get it.

    If my husband has a business trip out of town, I truly do not see anything wrong with his staying an extra day to see the sights, or visit his great-uncle’s grave in the “other” town, or whatever. He’d use his own money for the extra day, and his vacation time (as needed).

    So what’s the problem in this case for SP to do “other” things while in New York? From what I understand, the PAC paid the airfare, if not the whole trip. It almost sounds as if she’s doing “work” while on her own time – “vacation”. Most employers are tickled when someone does extra work without overtime pay.

    As I said, I don’t mean this for … I am simply missing something here, apparently.

  20. txindygirl says:

    89 Isabella Says:
    June 8th, 2009 at 5:36 AM

    Palin, always late and wearing a big ass corsage.


    ain’t that the truth, sister!

    (as i wipe away a mouthful of cracker crumbs that are now scattered across my desk. LOL!)

  21. let it run says:

    @158: Isabella. Couldn’t tell about make up ! Although I have disapproved of her lipstick skills in the past. Meg had the big glasses and phone attached to her ear. Wow power! I actually have a big problem with Meg’s role in all of this. Her head may have gotten bigger than SP’s at VP nomination time! I would LOVE to know what her real agenda is and/or what “dirt” she has on Sarah Palin.

  22. BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin says:

    Saracuda’s B.A. stands for…

    Beautifully Awesome
    Been Around
    Belicose Arse
    Betray Always
    Bull***t Artist
    Bilking Alaskans

    Etc, etc,etc…

  23. I believe the correct term for what happened to Sarah is “newtered”.

  24. Isabella says:

    let it run “BTW: Was that Meg in the red get up and new doo at Founders Day Parade? taking that red “thang” from Sarah’s closet. Too done up for a yokel parade me thinks!”

    Was she even wearing make-up?

    Meg, was showing herself off as the local girl gone big. This time next year she will be in a hat and sunglasses wearing khakis hoping no one see her.

  25. Largo says:

    I can understand why they told her they wanted her to attend, but not speak after Newt.

    Who wants to hear the same speech twice?

  26. Isabella says:

    “Palin’s one exposure to real economics came in one of the five cow colleges she attended, where she got a D and gave up. She is ignorant of the world of money, as she betrayed with her answer on the Freddie Mac question this winter.”

    Anyone have a link?

  27. let it run says:

    Why, at a time when we’re trying to build the party, would you pull a move like that on somebody who earlier in the day just attracted 20,000 people?”
    Megaphone is such a hack! “[p]ull a move” come on find some professional way of reacting on behalf of the governor!

    BTW: Was that Meg in the red get up and new doo at Founders Day Parade?
    taking that red “thang” from Sarah’s closet. Too done up for a yokel parade me thinks!

  28. Isabella says:

    BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin ” I got a ‘D’ in Algebra. See? I can spell it! Actually, I got a ‘D+’ because I also put the correct date on the final! LMAOAM!”


  29. anadventurer says:

    The wheels on the bus go round and round…..

  30. akgrrl says:

    Actually, the first Autism Awareness Walk in Alaska was held on April 26, 2009 in Soldotna. My autistic nephew was one of the walkees.

  31. trisha says:

    Palin says on Hannity and in her speech (regarding economic policy) it goes against the basic principals of Economics 101. If someone asked Palin, what ARE the basic principals of Economics 101″, could she answer that question?

    We already know this answer…..NO, she couldn’t.

    BTW: Why does she always throw in a comment about her college degree. She really needs to quit “bragging” about her B.A. It’s not like she has an advanced degree from an esteemed university.

  32. BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin says:

    I’m sure.

    I got a ‘D’ in Algebra. See? I can spell it! Actually, I got a ‘D+’ because I also put the correct date on the final! LMAOAM!

  33. sauerkraut says:

    Are you sure? Remember, this is Sarah Palin we are talking about.

  34. BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin says:

    They learn how to spell the subject name.

  35. SBfromNL says:

    Was Governer Palin disinvited after the Seward event? (I’m in Europe and get really confused as to what is happening when on your side of the globe.)
    The turn-out in Auburn wasn’t exactly packed crowds and traffic jams for miles. Had this been the case (and perhaps this is what the Sarah posse had deluded themselves into thinking would happen), that would have been clear proof that Governer Palin has enough of a following to be important to the Republican party. As it is…

  36. sauerkraut says:

    Isabella quotes Paliln: “it defies any sensible economic policy any of us ever learned thru college. …”


    Hold up… didnt’ she brag about earning a “D” grade in intro economics? What does a person learn when getting a “D” in any subject?

  37. leenie17 says:

    BuffaloGal Says:

    Okay folks, here’s a big NEWS FLASH!!!…

    I checked out the story linked by BuffaloGal and found this comment (spacing and asterisks added by me!). I guess this means that Sarah Palin was formerly known as ‘Craig Shirley’. Are we talking transgender thing happening here because Jerry Prevo needs to hear about that!!!!

    Makes the rest of the comment particularly ironic. Also. Too.

    – – – – –

    by gingersnapple [Jun 8, 2009 12:01:24 PM]
    For the person who wanted to know why people are so after Palin because she seems sincere, etc…that is exactly why they are after her. And, the other thing about her “plagerising” is already old news and untrue. She quoted from

    **** something she co-wrote with Gingrich****

    and she also stated that when she was speaking. Incredible how lies and distortions will make the rounds as you all participate in the destruction of somebody you don’t even know….just because she is a Republican. Try thinking and researching for a change. It would be a whole lot better for our country.

  38. BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin says:

    “Why, at a time when we”re trying to build the party, would you pull a move like that on somebody who earlier in the day just attracted 20,000 people?”

    Meg-a-mouth at her finest! Just how many of those 20k dedicated and concerned supporters of that cause were coming ALREADY? How many did her appearance ACTUALLY account for? One in ten? Two in ten? Sounds about like her odds for re-election to the govenorship of AK.. as well as her chances in 2012!

  39. Isabella says:

    ‘TOLD YA SO’
    Mon Jun 08 2009 10:29:02 ET

    Sarah Palin hits FOXNEWS tonight for the big ‘Told Ya So’ interview, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

    As President Obama vows to spend the ‘stimulus’ faster, Governor Palin tells host Sean Hannity: ‘You gotta quit digging that hole!’


    HANNITY: What do you make of – look at the state of the economy now…

    PALIN: Well, when you consider that the federal government is about eleven trillion dollars in debt, and we’re borrowing more to spend more.. it defies any sensible economic policy that any of us ever learned through college. It defies economy practices and principles that tell ya ‘you gotta quit digging that hole when you are in that financial hole’

    Palin continues:

    “America is digging a deeper hole and how are we paying for this government largesse. We’re borrowing. We’re borrowing from China and we consider that now we own sixty percent of GENERAL MOTORS – or the U.S. government does… But who is the U.S. government becoming more indebted to? It’s China. So that leads you to have to ask who is really going to own our car industry than in America.”

  40. nebraska mudflatter says:

    A couple of folks on this thread have already mentioned utilizing the link to Pete Sessions so graciously provided by cons-4-pals, to thank the Senator for uninviting SP. I think that is a great idea! There is also a special e-mail address just for communication about the dinner tonight, and that may also be a nice way to send your heartfelt thanks:

    P.S. the mail I tried to send to Sessions failed

  41. Andree McLeod (R) says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics Says: June 8th, 2009 at 8:26 AM
    Andree…….note this: a mix of state and personal business, hmmm.
    Thanks. Saw it last night and have incorporated it into my appeal of the dismissed complaint…like it’ll do any good!
    You’re right about Palin refusing to answer the reporter’s question about her itinerary “…for security reasons.” What possible reason is there for this governor to keep her activities secret from the people she was elected to serve by not answering this reporters questions?
    Alaskans should be outraged at the ever-darkening cloak of secrecy surrounding this governor and her whereabouts.
    It’s that conflict of interest thing again…Palin’s personal interests overide Alaska’s and Alaskans’ interests.
    And what do legislators have to say about this? Nothing. As usual.

    Recommended (2

  42. Marnie says:

    On has to wonder, if after listening to a tape of Sarah’s quarter hour + long dysjointed rant intro for Reagan, the head RepoTalibans just don’t want their elite audience to have that type of thing inflicted on them right after eating.

    Letting her loose on the masses is one thing, but risking having half of an elite audience decide they needed a bathroom break during one of her stream of unconsciousness rants is another.

    I’m not sure whether having the RepoTaliban “learn” is a good thing or not.

  43. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    “yet again” cry baby and whiner throws a dagger……….it’s always about big bad other guys, never is Scarah to blame.

    “They say the governor was happy to appear and fire up party loyalists, but that, yet again, GOP operatives and officials in Washington would just as soon try to marginalize her.”

  44. Lilybart says:

    You know who is cynical enough to give us more palin? Jeb Bush. He would have her as VP and he would use her for fundraising, which is her only asset. The Fundies will spend every last penny they have to save the BABIES!!

  45. Isabella says:

    nebraska mudflatter “We’ll say nice things about her,” said the source. “But she’s so unpredictable. She just thought she could swoop in.”

    Palin, will show. She has self entitlement issues.

  46. Priceless says:

    Just thought you’d like to see what One GOP actually does for kids with special needs. Pete Sessions – yes, that Congressman Sessions, has done MORE for Downs chidren than Sarah ever has or ever will.

  47. nebraska mudflatter says:

    @ #114 Buffalo Gal:

    Thanks for that link! This is an amazing quote from FAUX NEWS:

    “We’ll say nice things about her,” said the source. “But she’s so unpredictable. She just thought she could swoop in.”

    These have to be the end times.

  48. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    oops, sorry, I once again thought I was on open thread, my bad……..sorry for the autism walk posts!

  49. trisha says:

    I’m guessing Newt will stay quiet about this until he can use it for political advantage. Now, Shirley is another matter—who knows? But, will they speak out and hold another member of the GOP accountable? I doubt it.

    Most likely, the backlash will be more subtle—like uninviting Palin to speak and like Newt and McCain “forgetting” to mention her name as potential 2012 running mate.

    This time, Palin can claim she did nothing wrong, but she is no longer the judge on this. If she stole from someone else who wasn’t a leader in the GOP, they would probably be suing her butt.

  50. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Andree…….note this: a mix of state and personal business, hmmm. Let’s ask that reporter if they showed him that Agenda as proof or just “said” it was so. This all sounds like damage control spin which could blow up in her face.

    “Palin was in New York this weekend on a mix of state and personal business — she celebrated the 50th anniversary of Alaska statehood Saturday at a large celebration in Auburn, N.Y., the hometown of William Seward of “Seward’s Folly” fame — and the idea was that she’d swing down to the capital on Monday for the dinner before flying on to Texas for energy-related events.

    Palin’s staff had even been sent an agenda with the governor’s speaking slot included.”

  51. Priceless says:

    Word Salad, yummy yummy.

  52. Isabella says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics Says “look at these two pictures”

    Meg, probably jotted down that 2012 sign sticking it into the picture also.

  53. KateinCanada says:

    My guess is that the GOP dinner folks decided it would look bad with the base if Palin was loudly in town and they didn’t have a dinner plate for her. The she asked to for a chance to talk and they said yes, Then they thought about trying to get her stopped talking before 17 minutes. And Stapleton claiming that thir fundraiser made twice as much with Sarah there. Then they said no…

    EyeOnYou- about the disappeared clothes- I just had a light bulb-
    Remember that the pastor says she’s in danger of witchcraft? Suppose the clothes went to a charity and witches got a piece, even a whole outfit? They could curse her! She might forget how to speak. She might gain weight. Her shoes might hurt. Her ratings might go down. Her lawyers might want to get paid. Or worse– people might see her clearly.

    So, if you had four or five garbage bags full of used clothes that you wanted to protect from voodoo idollatry, what would you do with them? Like Hoffa? Were any massive concrete projects happening near GOP headquarters last fall?

    But it didn’t work, because there’s all those wierd plastic Sarah dolls, already made….

  54. trisha says:

    So, why was Palin invited to this (autism) function? I think that “Autism Walks” needs to get a few letters from people who are disgusted that Palin was the highlighted for what she has done for these children. Really? I would like them to name ONE thing that Palin has done for children with autism.

  55. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    look at these two pictures, “12,000” people lined up to walk for Austism, not knowing Palin was coming…..Palin arrives Meg pushes her to the front of the line, upstaging those already there, next picture instead of the kids in front, shows police and body guards (Meg of course) as Scarah “helps” with the ribbon cutting and Meg checks this photo op and news story off her “agenda list”. what a sham

  56. nebraska mudflatter says:

    @ Kath the Scrappy from Seattle (#49):

    “I think Sessions could see this was one big trainwreck rolling down the track! So he yanked the brakes.”

    Actually, allowing the train wreck to happen may have been the best thing we could have imagined. She can now garner sympathy for being dissed. Maybe it would have been better to just let her go and show all those Beltway folks she disdains what she is really like. Then, the only ones pissed off would have been all the rich GOPers who paid thousands of dollars for a dinner that then they would want to toss!

  57. Martha says:

    Long-time GOP strategist Craig Shirley — whose 2005 article on Ronald Reagan, co-written with Newt Gingrich, was lifted by Palin this past week.

    For Palin, however, the incident is yet another in a slew of unfavorable or potentially damaging stories that have arisen since her run as Republican vice presidential candidate. And charges of plagiarizing a GOP standard-bearer like Gingrich and a respected operative like Shirley seem likely to further widen a developing rift between the Alaska governor and the national GOP. On Monday, it was reported that Palin may end up skipping an annual fundraising dinner for the Republican Party’s two campaign committees because she would not be allowed to address the crowd. Organizers, it seems, were concerned that she would upstage another keynote speaker — Gingrich.

  58. Isabella says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics “was this a sideways slam, the spokesperson “vice president of government relations” for Austism Speaks, shared with the reporter “there is no Autism walk in Alaska”.”

    There were certainly some slams in there.

  59. Fran says:

    The GOP can too be that stupid. I just think it is hysterical that their choices for keynote speaker boil down to Palin and Gingrich. Palin, arguably the only VP candidate in the history of American elections to actually have a negative inpact on her ticket and Gingrich, the guy who resigned in disgrace as Speaker of the House.

  60. Isabella says:

    Visitor Says “Just so ya know, it wasn’t Heather’s son that asked Wooten to Tase him, it was Molly’s son from another marriage, his name is Payton.”

    With all those special needs children in the Palin, caln you’d think there would be some attachment by the governors office to support causes IN ALASKA for children.

  61. skip from Asheville, NC says:

    Palin’s handlers sure are doing a helluva job since the Nov campaign. She is a disaster and looking so bad nationally. I hope she keeps them onboard going forward as her blunders just reinfornce her lack of abilities and skills. She’s a has been already who will continue to flop and the more flops she has …the more her team of bozos will blame others in the GOP!

  62. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    was this a sideways slam, the spokesperson “vice president of government relations” for Austism Speaks, shared with the reporter “there is no Autism walk in Alaska”.

    gosh if Scarah is “such” an advocate and has done “so” much for those with disabilities, she’s been such a “champion” and all…….and she thinks this community fund raiser walk is such a great thing, like she would know……..why, is there nothing like this done in AK? her Autistic nephew is 14 yrs old, what is Scarah’s or for that matter her sister’s track record of involvement proving advocacy in this area?

    Since she now has a 1 yr old DS child, is she’s attempting to “build” this into her background resume, gag, lending her face and name does not qualify as care in my book. The Special Olympic ad early this year, the April breakfast with DS families, now this walk and dinner, it’s all an orchestrated “campaign plan” to “establish” (in short order I might add) this background, this image. It’s shallow, she speaks of the “blessing”, human “value and worth” what does she say about anything else? the serious realities and hardships that go hand in hand, expenses, therapy, health problems, health care, family dynamics, education, etc. what has she done to understand, embrace and put in place to help? what can she claim? her face and name? it’s so shallow.

    The reporter said she just showed up, dropped in so to speak. Sounds like she messed with what they had organized…….just like the RNC fund raiser, this stuff is backfiring on their little sneaky strategy schemes.

    “What a great thing New York is doing here,” she said, adding she was happy to see an emphasis on community during the walk. The interview was cut short when a staff member intervened and escorted Palin to one of two black SUVs waiting outside of the building.

    Palin was initially planning on walking alongside her sister, Heather Bruce and Bruce’s 14-year-old son, Karcher. But Elizabeth Emken, vice president of government relations for Autism Speaks, said it would have slowed down the walk. She said there is no autism walk in Alaska.”

  63. austintx says:

    Yeah Baby !! Those kids at wonkette are having fun with this. First comment outta the gate is :Lascauxcaveman says at 11:33 am, June 8th, 2009
    She is invited to my annual summer solstice Jello-Wrestling and Peyote Party, as long as she doesn’t speak there, also.

  64. mmboucher Florida says:

    113 tigerwine Says:
    June 8th, 2009 at 7:25 AM
    mmBoucher #108 I believe that was her daughter’s graduation, where she didn’t let them know she was coming until the last minute (that morning, I believe), then insisted on being on stage. But they didn’t let her speak. Good for them!

    Tigerwine, It was the Veteran’s Memorial Event, ” After accepting an invitation at the last minute, too late to be included in the program, her legginess asked to sit right up on the stage” Dailey wrap- showing some skin 5/27/09

  65. Visitor says:

    Just so ya know, it wasn’t Heather’s son that asked Wooten to Tase him, it was Molly’s son from another marriage, his name is Payton.

  66. BuffaloGal says:

    Re: Chock Full O’ Nuts coffee –

    Meant to say that I wasn’t sure if it was a NATIONAL brand or not but that we enjoy it here in New York.

    Also wanted to add that, for the first time today, I got the feeling that we might be able to start exhaling. Perhaps I’m being naive but I think we might just be witnessing the rounding of the corner when it comes to any chance she had for a GOP run in 2012. I’m thinking her only chance is a different party’s ticket or focusing only on a run for Governor again. And if that doesn’t work I see a “Sarah Will Save Ya in the ‘Silla” church in her future, with a big ol’ red neon “Sarah’s Savin’ Shoes” sign blinkin 24/7 out front.

  67. Isabella says:

    tigerwine Says “mmBoucher #108 I believe that was her daughter’s graduation, where she didn’t let them know she was coming until the last minute (that morning, I believe), then insisted on being on stage”

    I betcha Palin, the fact she had People Magazine photographer and writer with her didn’t go over well either.

    In the mag reporter comments, Palin, took up the front TWO rows at the ceremony.

  68. BuffaloGal says:

    Apologies if someone posted this already. Seems that more and more folks are waking up and smellin’ the “Chock Full o’ Nuts” coffee that is Sarah Palin :
    (not sure if that’s a coffee brand or not. We do enjoy it here in New York tho)

  69. tigerwine says:

    mmBoucher #108 I believe that was her daughter’s graduation, where she didn’t let them know she was coming until the last minute (that morning, I believe), then insisted on being on stage. But they didn’t let her speak. Good for them!

  70. samper says:

    Random thoughts:

    When can we STOP saying “Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, who was also the Republican VP candidate…” I am sick to death of the reference to being the VP candidate. It’s over, she failed. Let’s move on from that nightmare, shall we? She probably demands that that is how she is referenced, lest someone forget just how close to the WH she was. Blech.

    Just on MSNBC, a “Republican Strategist”: To PARAPHRASE, the guy said that his “inside sources” say that Newt didn’t even know about the going/not going/going issues. Therefore, to go on this guy’s word, we shouldn’t assume that Newt had anything to do with the dis-invite last night.

    I think the RNC has just had enough of her and the “lifting” of Newt’s speech caused such a ruckus that they didn’t want to be on the heels of the heated debate about it.

    They KNOW that the entire event would be completely disected if she appeared, or worse, even uttered a word. They don’t need “our” kind of microscopic analysis. Because “we” embarrass them every single time.

    They have enough trouble. Why invite more?

  71. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    “Why, at a time when we’re trying to build the party, would you pull a move like that on somebody who earlier in the day just attracted 20,000 people?”

    Ummm cause those 20,000 arent republicans. they’re sarahphants.

  72. Isabella says:

    trisha Says “Did she really take her nephew who has autism and leave her baby at home? If this is true.”

    As if anyone in that clan cares about Autistic children. Especially their own.

    Look at this testimony. Palin’s sister and Bristol, were right there watching the boy get prepped for several minutes after begging for awhile to be tasered. ?The comment the boy wanted to be to show Bristol, he is not a mama’s boy….my God, these freaks taunt their kids, harass, bully, then place them in harms way. They are MONSTERS!!! Levi, needs to grab his kids now!

    “So we went in our living room and I had him get down on his knees so he wouldn’t fall. And I taped the probes to him and turned the Taser on for like a second, turned it off. He thought that was the greatest thing in the world, wanted to do it again,” Wooten told the investigator. The boy flinched but nothing more, he said. The boy was about 11 at the time.

    In his interview with troopers, the stepson said it hurt for about a second, according to Wall’s report. The boy said he wanted to be tased to show his cousin, Palin’s daughter Bristol, that he wasn’t a mama’s boy. The probe left a welt on his arm, he said. His mother was upstairs yelling at them not to do it, the boy said.

    As Bristol remembered it, the jolt knocked the boy backward, the trooper report says. She said she was afraid.

  73. LiladyNY says:

    Wasn’t that the Memorial Day ceremony? Sheesh what a diva! That act is getting tiresome.

  74. mmboucher Florida says:

    101 Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
    June 8th, 2009 at 6:51 AM

    Say no to Palin in politics, Didn’t she just go to an event in Alaska where she just showed up and insisted on be placed on the stage without confirming she would be there? She is the “Queen” after all.

  75. rebekkah says:

    It’s anyone’s guess about her DISinvite to speak. But, her patterns of behaviour since the election have shown a lot of immaturity for a 45 year-old when it comes to courtesy and dependability in keeping promises to speaking engagements and invitations. Going, not going, going, not going.

    Very similar behavior to an immature young woman who won’t commit to something because another wilder party might be happenin’ and she sure wouldn’t want to miss that one. It’s like calling the shy boy back and saying she can’t go on a date; she has to wash her hair.

    What a nonsensical reply, by Meg Stapleton, about the Sarah attracting about 20,000 people……again, very developmentally-challenged in diplomacy. There does exist a controlled method of communication among professional politicians, and it’s withstood the tests of time. But, Sarah’s advisors seem to think they can create their own brand of political dialogue. Meg’s reply feels like, “do you guys know who you snubbed? She’s just attracted 20,000 people. She’s a star! Who do you guys think you are?” Well, darn tootin, now you’ve gone and done it, she just won’t show up at all. You’ll have to grovel your way back if you want to hear from her again.”

    Right! At a time when they’re trying to build a party! HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!

  76. Isabella says:

    Oh thanks I didn’t catch that, mmboucher Florida/LiladyNY. It was on of three videos highlighted on youtube search, Palin/Autism Walks.

  77. LiladyNY says:

    oops – Purchase

  78. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Me thinks Meg and Scarah, and other powers that be were a little too pushy and ambitious, crash the party and steal the show, tisk tisk tisk, way tacky.

    gosh, how will she save face now?

    did you note that Malek is Scarah’s “friend”, ewww, not a good palin around association………

    “A great deal of effort has been put into this fundraising event, and Speaker Gingrich has gone above and beyond the call of duty,” said NRCC spokesman Ken Spain. “It is our hope that Gov. Palin will attend the dinner and be recognized, but we understand if her busy schedule doesn’t permit her to do so.”

    The disinvitation from speaking, said a campaign committee official, was done “out of respect” for Gingrich.

    “You dance with the one who brung ya,” said the official, who stressed that event organizers were still happy to have Palin appear and be introduced.

  79. LiladyNY says:

    That’s the number that’s posted on the website for June 7, 2009 – a bit over $401,000. It there are other donations, the website does not show it. BTW, Purchase is the city in upstate NY not an actual purchase! There is an awesome state college in Puchase. : )

  80. mmboucher Florida says:

    Does that mean they raised less than half the amount because Gino was there? From $900,000 June 2008 to $401,000 June 2009.

  81. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    BTW……I think Van Flea earned every dollar she owes him for having to go through her wednesday speech, LOL, he must have been near looney by the end. 17 minutes of Scarah’s tossed word salad water boarding.

    I think she blew it, she may have “meant” to win brownie points with Newt and GOP by honoring his speech, kissing up to him, knowing she was going to be at the repub fundraiser and possibly co-speaking, but she BLEW IT, she messed it up, she didn’t pull it off, it backfired, which is so typical of her, she is in over her head.

  82. mmboucher Florida says:

    97 Isabella Says:
    June 8th, 2009 at 6:40 AM
    LiladyNY “Just wondering where $900,00 number came from.”


    Isabella if you look at the date on that youtube it states 2008 walk!

  83. LiladyNY says:


    That’s from June 12, 2008!

  84. Isabella says:

    trisha Says “Help me out here….Did she really take her nephew who has autism and leave her baby at home? If this is true, God help us all.”

    Alaska Governor and former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and her autistic nephew Karcher Bruce, (C) walk in an autism awareness fundraiser.

    He is the one in the orange shirt.

  85. Isabella says:

    LiladyNY “Just wondering where $900,00 number came from.”


  86. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Sarah always causes so much DRAMA! ALWAYS……….she is such a poor example of a female politician, right up there with M. Bachman and A. Coulter, yuck…….what embarrassments. Get them out of politics!

    Look, she just gave 3 speeches in less than a week, I heard the first two and I thought she did an absolutely terrible job. I think it’s “finally” becoming obvious to the GOP what we’ve known for a long time, she’s a nut case and a liabilty, there are bucket loads of trouble that would go with her as a repub nominee. Is this the beginning of 2012 campaign drama? man, we’re gonna need to buy stock in popcorn.

    The only reason people like Malek are behind her is because they can use her as a pawn, not because they think she has substance and could or would do a good job, she’s a fricken female copy of Bush and they know it.

    It’s not going to fly Malek! Rove! Cheney! the world isn’t that dumb, no way, no how, no more Bush crap.

  87. ValleyIndependent says:

    @ #75 Paula – Thanks for my first laugh of the morning. Do you think the RNC is hoping they can save $150,000 next time?

  88. trisha says:

    Help me out here….Did she really take her nephew who has autism and leave her baby at home? If this is true, God help us all.

    She will use ANY child as a prop to help her political ambitions. This really makes me angry.

    What is the name of the organization that she represented? I think they should be getting some letters expressing displeasure for supporting this kind of explotation of a child.

  89. LiladyNY says:

    Just wondering where $900,00 number came from.

    This is from the 2009 Autism Speaks Walk Now for Autism website:

    CT Westchester/Fairfield 06/07/2009 Purchase $401,961

    Total 2009 Walk Donations: $10,492,941

  90. samper says:

    She said “RECENTLY” so folks wouldn’t find the original work. Who’s going to go back four years in archives for something they think is “recent”?

  91. Candy Knight says:

    My personal take on this is that the RNC invited her, and when Newt heard about it he pitched a fit, so they disinvited her to please him. She may have Mr. Barbecue behind her, but Newt’s been around a long time and a lot of people owe him. Given his refusal to mention her as a rising star in the party, he obviously detests her. One has to wonder why, since it’s obviously not for the same reasons we do. Perhaps he has some inside information from the campaign. And of course he’s obviously planning to run himself and is aiming at the same Dominionist base.

  92. samper says:

    Sorry… make that ONE irresponsible teen who evidently has her hands full with her OWN child and … what is Piper these days? An eight year old.

  93. Isabella says:

    Great point on Huff. Palin’s, half a million dollar man claims Palin, acknowledge Newt’s speech saying he RECENTLY wrote good article on Reagan when the item written is FOUR YEARS OLD.

    Palin, always late and wearing a big ass corsage.

  94. samper says:

    Who’s taking care of Trigg?

    Is that responsible parenting of a special needs child? To take the nephew as a prop and leave one’s own at home with irresponsible teens?

  95. samper says:

    Palin was an afterthought.

    She wasn’t involved in the walk, she’s not involved in autism, she hasn’t done anything except accept awards for her “work” with developmentally challenged children.

    The walk was all locally planned, organized, and orchestrated. The participants participated because of their desire to raise money for the cause. They did NOT go there to see Palin.

    They have bigger fish to fry than to worry about her stupid photo op.

  96. LiladyNY says:


    I thought the same thing when I read that. They very clearly were telling her she was persona non grata at this event.

    She’s been acting like a coy lover, but this strategy seems to be blowing up in her face. By now, the lady has protested too much. She is way too much of a lightweight for the entrenched pols in Washington. Even with all her hateful rhetoric, she still measures up as a demented, neurotic, yappy Chihuahua next to Newt who is as dangerous as a frightened snake (no insult to snakes intended). The GOP just smacked her on the nose with a rolled up newspaper.

  97. Isabella says:

    califpat Says “If this was an Autism walk that was targeted to raise money to fight Autism, then how does it play out that SP was the incentive that raised $900,000 when”

    Now I see why Palin, hauled her nephew into town. He has Autism. Damn, what child won’t that creep exploit? Especially, if he is the on that was Tasered, while, his mother & Bristol, stood by watching doing nothin. Does anyone know if this is the same boy?

  98. trisha says:

    It really chaps my hide that Palin is taking credit for the money raised and the attendence for autism event.

    First of all, I am disgusted that she was invited. What has she done for children with disabilities other than produce one?

    Secondly, My sister has a son with autism and she can’t stand Palin (she is a Evangelical Christian and a Republican). She was really angry that Palin was invited since she has done nothing for autism and actually mocked fruit fly research and reduced the budget for the Special Olympics.

    I think many people attended and donated in spite of Palin.

  99. samper says:

    Anyone notice that in the NRC statements, they say things like:

    With her ‘busy schedule’, we’d certainly understand if she can’t attend? They say it a couple of times.

    FOR THE RECORD: I am paraphrasing what I read in someone’s article (ADN?), but can’t remember where, for sure, I saw it.

    That to me just screams the following message loudly and clearly:

    We don’t want you to speak. We don’t want you to attend. HOWEVER, we are going to be gracious enough for you to fabricate a scheduling conflict so that you are not further shamed by this situation.

    Does anyone else see it that way?

    ANYONE? Bueller?

  100. Terpsichore says:

    “Why, at a time when we’re trying to build the party, would you pull a move like that on somebody who earlier in the day just attracted 20,000 people?”

    Got a better question for you, Meg:

    Why can’t you, or whoever else makes her calendar, actually PLAN AHEAD and say a simple YES or NO to an event and mean it?

    Or this one:

    Do you realize how BAD this behavior makes the Governor look? Why do you either cause it to happen or let it happen?

  101. redwoodmuse says:

    Well, I guess it is no surprise that ADN removed the article, but please, don’t let her slip slide away from this. It is plagiarism no matter how the other side tries to twist it…and what a great time for Van Flein to show his ethics in supporting ‘lies and the lying liars that tell them’. I sure hope that Huffpo et al keep this going viral…in my own little way, I’ve spread the word to my network…some of whom are mystified by my love affair with AK politics.

    And Phil, you are taking one for the team… and we applaud you for your bravery…maybe we (mudpuppies) could create a purple moose award for all the brave progressive media (and Dennis is definitely included – so hard to argue with those pesky videos) who put their eyes, ears and brains on the line for the sanity and safety of the rest of us.

    thanks to all of you.


  102. trisha says:

    So, Palin says she credited Newt in that speech. But, is it really her call at this point?

    It’s pretty obvious when listening to the speech, that she did NOT credit him properly and used his words as her own.

  103. mary b says:

    The reason she was dis-invited was bacause the Newt can’t stand her. And, there isn’t any room for another ego up on their stage. The GOP knows that Palin will be slaughtered in a republican primary. So, they are hoping for the Newt. He can talk in complete sentences. The GOP voters have a real short memory when it comes to politics and the insiders know this. So, Newt is their new man.
    I sure as hell hope someone, anyone out there reminds the voters of what a corrupt bastard the Newt is long before primary time. He scares me. Palin amuses me.

  104. The Rethug inner circle has seen the light and is treating her like the toxic waste she . Unfortunately, they don’t seem to get that the recent poll showing her and Huckleberry tied for first place preference means that her bigoted base-shared with huck-is all they have left.

    And as an aside, as much as I like a good fashion snark-opportunities for which are ample with Sister Sarah-at some point snark for the sake of snark is a distraction.

  105. trisha says:

    I see a pattern with Palin who seems to have difficulty committing to anything and completing the task at hand. It’s no wonder that it took her so many years and so many schools to get her BA. Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.

    She could never handle a campaign for President. She would commit to interviews and cancel, commit to rallies and then change her mind, she wouldn’t like her staff or handlers telling her what to do, she would spend most of her time bashing anyone who says anything against her….ya- da, ya-da. She shows a lack of judgement (and lack of integrity).

  106. Lilybart says:

    Palin has denied the plagerism.

    Says she credited Newt.

  107. Paula says:

    ValleyIndependent Says:
    June 8th, 2009 at 1:57 AM
    I have yet to hear of RNC doing anything with the clothes, which were supposedly going to charity. Does anybody know what has happened to them?

    Maybe they’re saving them for her 2012 Presidential run?

    Then she can stand on stage and say, “See, I’m wearing this old frock I found in a trash bag. See, I’m thrifty. See, see, see.” Wink.

  108. Paula says:

    $900,000 raised for autism; deduct that from the 27 million she rejected for education and special education and she’s still minus 26 mill.

    I can picture Palin, (plagorizing Lucy), hands held high, looking toward heaven screaming, “I just want my fair share! I just want what I have coming to me!”

    And the Lord replying, “Slam!”

  109. sauerkraut says:

    34 Philip Munger Says: June 7th, 2009 at 11:27 PM

    Aussie Blue Sky,

    You think I need one more [exorcist] than she does?

    I’ve just come to realize that I’m wasting valuable time even dealing with Palin.

    No, Phil, you are doing a great public service. The more you write about her foibles, the more people will realize what a frikken political joke she is. The works of folks like yourself, Linda KB, Shannyn and AKM, among others, is bound to help send Sarah Palin into retirement where she can only harm herself.

  110. sauerkraut says:

    32 Isabella Says:
    June 7th, 2009 at 11:25 PM Hey, Geoffrey, Let Me Show You Real Plagiarism;
    BTW W T F is a Sarah Palin relative? Is she really that much of a brand she has her own relative to her own shadow?


    Unless I’ve misread that letter, you’ve misread the context in which “relative” is used.

    Still that letter is hilarious. Especially when he goes on about the “sub-context.”

  111. sauerkraut says:

    21 nswfm CA Says: June 7th, 2009 at 11:10 PM

    Hey, don’t insult the space cadets! She’s in her own private Idaho.


    You mean in this place?

  112. sauerkraut says:

    Rank and file to GOP leadership: can’t ya alls just get along?

    Meanwhile, the peelanders are looking forward to bisquitbutt addressing this issue on blab radio this morning.

  113. SK from MN says:

    I’m giggling like a school girl over this story! I would love to have been a fly on the wall when Meg told Sarah her speech was cancelled. Can’t you just picture Sarah throwin’ a little hissy fit?

    Me thinks that maybe the GOP was just givin’ Sarah a taste of her own medicine? Pull the ball on us and we’ll pull it right back. Perhaps they had this planned right from the beginning and just wanted to show her who’s really in charge!

    I love it! Ha, ha, ha, ha …

  114. austintx says:

    Who footed the bill for the 2 big-ass black Suburbans with drivers and “security” ?? Gov. Patterson sign off on that ??

  115. Gardenslug says:

    I watched the video of the palinized/plagiarized speech and I wonder if, on top of the plagiarism, Newt isn’t miffed at the laughable imitation of his voice that Palin attempted?

  116. womanwithsardinecan says:

    Walks for cancer or disability always draw a huge crowd because most of those coming have a relative or friend who has suffered whatever the subject of the walk is. If some people showed up just because Sarah was there, who cares? That just cheapens the event in my book. She has shown no REAL concern for special needs. Always a political prop. And yeah, Willow looks like a slutty teenager trying to get out of Bristol’s shadow. Personally, I think it would be much nicer if Sarah just showed up to events like this without being a speaker and without the pomp and circumstance of announcing her attendence. How about duct tape and comfortable shoes as her outfit? How about just walking the walk, and not talking the talk?

  117. ValleyIndependent says:

    Glad to hear UK Man is well.

    @ #62 Eye on You – I keep thinking that we should hear something when her uber expensive jacket from the RNC speech turns up, but so far not a whisper.

  118. London Bridges says:

    Why GOP wants Sarah at the meeting, but wearing a little duct tape – but not on her shoes:

    Think of the GOP as the Wrangling Brothers Circus. Before you bring out the main act, the elephants, you first, warm up and amuse the audience with a clown act.

  119. Leota2 says:

    I think Sarah has the worst advisors in the world. But like most, I don’t believe even the best political operatives could save this woman. She will not listen to anyone. Even more frightening–It’s screamingly obvious she does not have the capacity to understand what is politically feasible, or at times even legal. Did she understand that she was plagiarizing an entire speech and that it was WRONG?
    Does she understand that the crazies (republican base) might love you–but they’ll never hear her because the big play group won’t invite her to anything important– because she repeatedly eats paste and blows her RSVP to the parties?
    I will never forgive John McCain for inflicting this actress from Being There on the public.

  120. EyeOnYou says:

    NY Dem Says:
    June 8th, 2009 at 2:11 AM
    Does anyone know who is paying for this latest “vacation” for the Palin family ?


    From what I have heard, SarahPAC is paying for the entire trip.


    ValleyIndependent Says:
    June 8th, 2009 at 1:57 AM
    I have yet to hear of RNC doing anything with the clothes, which were supposedly going to charity. Does anybody know what has happened to them?


    Nothing verifiable has been published. Reports are that they have already been donated, or not depending on whom you want to believe, but nothing concrete as of yet.

  121. UK Lady says:


    UKman is in fine fettle, gone a bit sheepish after realising how big of a blog it is and how many comments he got, but secretly pleased I think. Going dogwalking now, back later.

    Yeah, that staffer must have been terrified, poor sod.

  122. ValleyIndependent says:

    Listening to the speakers at the RNC last fall, I was not in the room with the television. I couldn’t believe how awful and bigoted the speaker sounded, so I peeked around the corner to see who it was, and there was Rudy. I have no respect left for him.

    I’m kind of curious as to who’s paying, too. I’m also waiting to see what the latest per diem amounts for living at home are.

  123. NY Dem says:

    Does anyone know who is paying for this latest “vacation” for the Palin family ?

    Are the People of Alaska going to get stuck with the tab ?

    Aside from that, as a die-hard NY Yankees fan, I was sickened yesterday when I tuned in the game and one of the first on-camera shots was Rudy and Sarah and Todd sitting in almost the front row next to the Yankees dugout.

    My only hope was that a screaming foul ball would find it’s way into that section and bop one (or more) of them.

  124. ValleyIndependent says:

    Eric-the-Bun, that was classic!

    Good catch, UK Lady. How is your lovely other half? Did we scare him off when he visited?

  125. ValleyIndependent says:

    I have yet to hear of RNC doing anything with the clothes, which were supposedly going to charity. Does anybody know what has happened to them?

    Can she get them back? I know she’d have to claim them on her APOC report, and probably as income, but if they aren’t going to do anything useful with them, we’d appreciate it if she was dressed appropriately.

  126. UK Lady says:

    AKM writes –

    But then a finance official with the NRSC called Palin aide Meg Stapleton Saturday night to say that Sessions didn’t want Palin to speak.

    Recounting the conversation Sunday, Stapleton said she told the NRSC staffer

    A staffer!! wow who drew the short straw?

    Would love to have heard the conversation with Meg and hapless ‘staffer’, and then the subsequent one with Meg and Palin. Bet they were incandescent with rage, even more so because it was a ‘staffer’ who gave them the bad news.

  127. moseyon says:

    How old is this woman? She looks like mutton done up as lamb.

  128. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    @ Eric-the-Bun
    “3) they got concerned when she emailed Newt for an advance copy of the speech he was going to make.
    5) they suddenly realised she was actually intending to show up.”

    lol, I think you nailed it! Pure genius!

  129. califpat says:

    @Erin the Bun: You are so right. I was laughing so hard that my husband woke and said. “what is the matter”? I couldnt even answer, I was laughing so hard. You go, Erin the Bun!

  130. Eric-the-Bun says:

    “The reason given for Sarah Palin’s snub was that NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions was concerned about not wanting to upstage former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, the fundraising gala’s keynote speaker. ”

    Alternative reasons:

    1) they were worried about how many in the audience would actually be mudflatters, noting every golden moment of SP’s speech and reporting to the blogosphere.

    2) they realised their insurance would not cover them for the psychiatric treatment the guests might require after listening to her word salad.

    3) they got concerned when she emailed Newt for an advance copy of the speech he was going to make.

    4) the caterers insisted on extra payment for the increased alcohol consumption that would occurr during and after her speech.

    5) they suddenly realised she was actually intending to show up.

  131. Doggonit says:

    She probably demanded a cut of the money go to SarahPac and that the RNC re-cloth and accessorize her and the fam. And they said thanks, but no thanks.

  132. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    @ 38 Baker’s Dozen Says:
    Perhaps she has a Wizard of Oz hangup–tap those heels together three times and say, “There’s no place like the White Home–uh house!”
    – –
    Now THAT was a hoot!

  133. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    While I think the worries about embarrassing Newt was at the forefront after the blatent speech plagurism, I think they ALSO had to be worried about the lady doing the maverick-ing and being out of control at the podium.

    Given all her speeches lately, using same tired subject lines over & over, how do well do you suppose it would go down when she started crowing that SHE was the ONLY Republican Gov LEFT that had ‘refused BO’s strings (ropes) and stimulus money’? And endlessly ‘splaining why she did that.

    Like, Mark Sanford of South Carolina isn’t feeling a bit stung by SC Supremes, and the Repubs didn’t feel that embarassment recently? Then she could start in with the “I said thanks, but NO THANKS!” baloney. I think Sessions could see this was one big trainwreck rolling down the track! So he yanked the brakes.

  134. Nan says:

    Philip Munger
    Noooo… It’s like the antibiotic the doc prescribes for the sinus infection. Even when you think it’s all better, you have to finish the prescription in order to make sure that all the infection is gone.

    Maybe it would it sound better if I said “It’s always darkest before the dawn” and let you have hope that the dawn is approaching?


  135. Baker's Dozen says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 7th, 2009 at 11:50 PM
    Baker’s Dozen Says “Perhaps she has a Wizard of Oz hangup–tap those heels together three times and say, “There’s no place like the White Home–uh house!”

    TEARS STREAMING I cannot see the screen, ROTFFLaughing so hard!!!

    Thank you! I’m now all puffed up and thinking very highly of myself. 🙂
    Actually, that’s all my own work. I never ever heard any of that from any other source. Newt never said it. Ask Sarah.

  136. Isabella says:

    AndreeMcLeod wrote on 06/07/2009 03:39:13 PM:
    Palin busted again: Looks like the gov’s publicly-funded state-paid office staff is still VERY involved in this grand-daddy of all Washington DC beltway partisan Republican Party fundraisers of the year…and the personnel board denies any wrongdoing by dismissing complaints, eh? Why is Palin still using staff in the gov’s office that belongs to ALL the people of Alaska for her personal partisan political purposes?
    “Palin’s staff had even been sent an agenda with the governor’s speaking slot included.”
    One snafu after another….and legislators still won’t life a finger to fix this mess.

  137. Isabella says:

    Not for nothing, is Trig, ever going to get on Palin’s top 20 list of things to do?

    She wants to claim he is hers, what a great mother huh? Thousandths of miles away accepting a BOGUS award for mothering a special needs child but not anywhere near him for days on end.

  138. Isabella says:

    Baker’s Dozen Says “Perhaps she has a Wizard of Oz hangup–tap those heels together three times and say, “There’s no place like the White Home–uh house!”

    TEARS STREAMING I cannot see the screen, ROTFFLaughing so hard!!!

  139. Doggonit says:

    CNN repeated the delusional statement that Sarah drew a crowd of 20,000. As if it were a campaign rally and not a parade, a small town celebration with entertainment and food. I wonder if Stapleton is going to claim all the people who attended the NY Yankee’s baseball game, actually went to see Sarah.

    SP & family train wreck really should do us all a favor and keep stupid in Alaska.

  140. Isabella says:

    10,000 Participants Raise Over $900,000 at Westchester/Fairfield Walk Now for Autism Despite unseasonably hot weather

    Meg, gonna, claim this amount raised was all due to Palin?

  141. Baker's Dozen says:

    samper Says:
    June 7th, 2009 at 11:25 PM
    Now, I’m commenting on the Red Ho Shoes link.

    Ummm…. really? Are those the ONLY shoes she owns besides sneakers? They look ridiculous with whatever she pairs them with.
    Perhaps she has a Wizard of Oz hangup–tap those heels together three times and say, “There’s no place like the White Home–uh house!”

  142. Super Bee says:

    Hahaha. First Wasilla High Commencement next the Republican Senate-House Dinner. Keep yanking that football boys. Lord knows you can’t kick in those damn Franco Demarko (or whoever he is) hoochie mamma shoes anyway.

  143. honestyinGov says:

    There was ONE ‘positive’ thing that came about as a result of her Reagan speech..?

    AKM got a great story to put on HuffPo (with 972 comments ) and because Geoffrey Dunn read it and did a story as well…. DUNN had over 1,200 comments on his story.

    Palin sure can pull everybody together like that… dontcha know… 😉

  144. samper says:

    Isabella says: Willow, showed up in short shorts.

    UNBELIEVABLE! She let her daughter out of the hotel room for a public event, to represent the “FIRST FAMILY” dressed like a slut?

  145. Isabella says:

    Philip Munger Says “’ve just come to realize that I’m wasting valuable time even dealing with Palin.”

    No no no, Palin, is like one of those blood sucking vampires. You don’t stop until the stake is right in the heart and she is turned to dust!!!!

  146. Isabella says:

    samper Says “Perhaps a nice pair of walking shorts with a cute top and summer flats that are NOT sneakers might have been more “event appropriate”.”

    Willow, showed up in short shorts.

  147. Aussie Blue Sky,

    You think I need one more than she does?

    I’ve just come to realize that I’m wasting valuable time even dealing with Palin. It’s more important to plan for and write about the future, than to waste time on somebody, like her, who probably doesn’t have enough of a political future to have much impact.

    I’ve always known Palin had gone beyond her shelf life expiration date, when she was picked to team up with McCain. But these past two weeks have underscored how totally doomed her viability really is.

  148. samper says:

    I should clarify…

    I clicked on Isabella’s link @ 23 for my last comment.

    Now, I’m commenting on the Red Ho Shoes link.

    Ummm…. really? Are those the ONLY shoes she owns besides sneakers? They look ridiculous with whatever she pairs them with.

    Maybe if she wore them with a RED outfit, it wouldn’t be SO barf-inducing.

    She’ll wear red ho shoes, but not her wedding band. Go figure!

  149. Isabella says:

    Hey, Geoffrey, Let Me Show You Real Plagiarism; UPDATE: Palin’s Attorney Demands ADN Remove Story; Letter Included

    LMAO, those WATB over at LaLa Land are all upset and cannot sleep.

    As if demanding the ADN remove their post matters.

    BTW W T F is a Sarah Palin relative? Is she really that much of a brand she has her own relative to her own shadow? LMAO, Van Phlegm, must be getting paid by the word now. SIX FREAKIN PAGES, wow and overtime on a weekend. DAYMN.

  150. EyeOnYou says:

    Update (OT) Palin Attorney DEMANDS removal of plagiarism story from ADN, they remove it from the front page. I posted about it on the correct topic.

  151. samper says:

    Just clicked on Isabella’s link.

    I especially like the sneakers with the skirt and blouse. Real classy!

    Perhaps a nice pair of walking shorts with a cute top and summer flats that are NOT sneakers might have been more “event appropriate”.

    Unless you’re in Manhattan, walking from the subway to your office (with your “real” shoes for the office in your tote), you have no business in sneakers with a skirt and blouse!

  152. Far fromFenway Fan says:

    Ah, Palin. Wait until she throws her hat into the GOP presidential ring and the big boys in her own party go after her for her ineptitude. If ya think WE’RE bad, honey, ya ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

  153. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Phil, you’d better call an exorcist.

  154. Baker's Dozen says:

    nswfm CA Says:
    June 7th, 2009 at 11:10 PM
    Hey, don’t insult the space cadets! She’s in her own private Idaho.
    My badness!
    I apologize sincerely to al Space Cadets. I also realize that this gaffe has put an end to my political asperations since I will be unable to raise a penny from said Cadets or their supporters. Alas.

  155. samper says:


    She was “abruptly” told she can’t speak because they are afraid of what will tumble out of that mouth of hers, thanks to HuffPo, AKM’s sacrifice, and the guy (forget his name) who recognized her word salad as being the abomination of something that once actually had sentence structure.

    Lord knows she doesn’t have an original thought in that little head of hers and they wondered who’s speech from 2005 she had planned to give under her own name.

    I’m sure it would be embarrassing for her to stand up, give a speech, and have it be another one of Newt’s right before he’s introduced. He wouldn’t be able to give his own speech in the wake of the audacity of Palin the Plagiarist.

    What a piece of work. Now watch! She won’t go, but she will pout and stomp her feet like a 2-year old about how “wronged” she was in being disallowed to speak.

    Oh, and Meg? Those 20,000 weren’t the direct result of SP attending. They had many other attractions and shiney objects to go to the event for.

    She just happened to be in the same place at the same time. It’s not ALWAYS all about SARAH!

    Or IS it???????

  156. Isabella says:

    Palin, on her self promotion tour.

  157. I began using the term “her base base” to describe the racist creeps waiting to get into Palin campaign events early last fall. “The base of her base” is at least as apt to describe this creepily continuing saga.

    I’m seriously considering stopping writing about Palin at my place for a month, unless she does something like try to steal a nuclear weapon or step out on Too Odd to have s*x with Osama bin Laden’s long-dead body.

    These past two weeks – the Ziegler movie crowd, the teabaggers, the M. Reagan event, the theft of Gingrich’s words, the Auburn videos – I want a divorce from this woman. Right now!

  158. nswfm CA says:

    Hey, don’t insult the space cadets! She’s in her own private Idaho. Surrounding herself with other crazy people. I’m betting they heard about the blatant ripoff of the article in her speech, read the transcript of the spew, and said even they couldn’t understand her word swill. Then someone with a functioning brain cell said, “Forget it, she’s going nowhere.”

    This must not be the iceberg that’s going to bring SS Palin down, but a self-inflicted wound caused by her total stupidity. She’s way out of her league and still majoring in the minors, obsessed with how she looks instead of the substance. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving mean girl nitwit.

  159. Visitor says:

    I love this part: “But many in the party establishment, mindful of her polarizing persona and the devastating caricatures that emerged last fall, would prefer she remain in Alaska and leave the party rebuilding to others who may appeal to the broad middle of the country.”

  160. Isabella says:

    News reports do not confirm this 20,000 turn out. Although without the orchestrated event to serve Palin, no one would have been there, because there would have been no block party….the games, parade, fun, insane beautiful weather, food & friends in this populace area would have brought out thousandths without the freak show on any other day.

  161. Isabella says:

    Honeymoons over, lol.

  162. Baker's Dozen says:

    People don’t think much of your organization if the people you get to speak for you are known for, uh, “borrowing” other people’s words without proper authorization. You also don’t look like a new party when she’s spewing the same stuff word for word that was said 5 years ago. Introducing Reagan to an adoring crowd in Anchorage may have put a nail in her party elite support balloon. Do ya’ think Newt is thinkin’ they dodged a bullet when she didn’t become VP? Not that he likes Obama, but can you imagine the damage control the GOPers would be doin’ with her ensconsed at the Naval Observatory? Though she’d fit right in. What a Space Cadet! 🙂

  163. mhrt says:

    @mlaiuppa Says:
    June 7th, 2009 at 10:33 PM

    Saturday night, huh?


    Could it be Gingrich heard her speech introducing Michael Reagan, recognized his own words being turned into unattributed word salad and pulled the plug on her? Ya think? Please? Pretty please?
    Some one has to pull the plug.I think now is a good time to start.
    Thank you AKM, S and G. Had you three not got to this M. Reagen thing and reported on it, this might have been completely missed in the lower 48. Now every one knows. Keep going along to get along. (sara palin talk).
    Yaa to AKM and the Alaskan bloggers!!!

  164. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    If all it took was money, you’d have it in minutes, AKM!

    There must be a whole lot to this story. ‘Barbecues Galore’ thought he had it in the bag, obviously. Was that a little premature? Did he not throw his weight or his money around enough?

    And why on earth would the Republicans want her there, anyway? I thought they were madly trying to dissociate themselves from the rabble she attracts.

    Poor old Mrs Palin. Whichever way she goes with this she looks a fool.

  165. seattlefan says:

    @ Bakers Dozen….

    yep I think you are right. This story has exploded and I’m sure the organizers put the lid on her speaking (apparently with the hopes she would not attend at all.)

  166. justafarmer says:

    lol, windpond, me too! Great minds bwahahaaahaaa!
    And. technically, I’m a Republican (which I certainly DID mention!)

  167. Baker's Dozen says:

    AKK! Speach???!!!!
    I’ve got Sarahitis!

    Speech! Speech! (But not from Sarah)

  168. Baker's Dozen says:

    mlaiuppa Says:
    June 7th, 2009 at 10:33 PM
    Saturday night, huh?


    Could it be Gingrich heard her speech introducing Michael Reagan, recognized his own words being turned into unattributed word salad and pulled the plug on her? Ya think? Please? Pretty please
    He didn’t hear her speach–I bet he saw AKM’s coverage and exposure on HuffPost. Way to go, AKM!!!:_)

  169. mlaiuppa says:

    Saturday night, huh?


    Could it be Gingrich heard her speech introducing Michael Reagan, recognized his own words being turned into unattributed word salad and pulled the plug on her? Ya think? Please? Pretty please?

  170. windpond says:

    SeaForPea has a great link to tell Pete Sessions what we think about the disinvite – I was happy to oblige.

  171. Baker's Dozen says:

    Stapleton says, “Why, at a time when we’re trying to build the party, would you pull a move like that on somebody who earlier in the day just attracted 20,000 people?”

    Hmmm. Did ALL her supporters actually fly out to see her?!! You have to admire the loyalty of the base of the base, but you need more than 20,000 people to vote for you, unless you’re running for mayor of Wasilla. 😀

  172. seattlefan says:

    I’m with you AKM on your last sentence. LMAO. Fly on the wall..priceless!

    I’m predicting that her nice weekend trip to NY and TX was RUINED by those despicable bloggers and the liberal media.

    This whole saga is way better than any soap or night time drama. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

  173. mhrt says:

    Poor,poor sarah. They have to beg her to come to the dinner.YA right. But it must be nice to have friends with alot of money. How could she show up and actually have to answer questions. Nope, she is not going. She has to be assured it will be all positive for her. I guess not in this case.

  174. justafarmer says:

    snubs always come back to haunt a person. I suppose she might have to get used to it. Or maybe the world is spinning so fast now that she’s not the center anymore. ooo…there’s another visual for a graphic, or a song for Lynnrockets (“Stop the World! I want to get off in DC”).

  175. Ashkee Colorado says:

    Apparently the word salad is getting a bit too much for even conservatives.
    I can’t wait for the presidential run, stumble, and crash.
    “Most conservatives are not stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.”

  176. Sarah in SC says:

    She is desperately seeking relevance at any price.

  177. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    what a mess. I think that the temper tantrums of GINO and Meg will be over by tomorrow night and GINO will have to attend – it will look worse if she does not. I predict she will dress VERY inappropriately to draw attention to herself.
    Did Todd and Mr. Heath step in and chew out Sessions for the dis-invite? I think the Repubs/Newt are beginning to feel she is an embarrassment.
    There is absolutely NO reason SP could not have confirmed this date when she was first invited (as first choice!) since she was to be in NY anyway for the parade. BTW, the parade numbers are about the same each year, the public did not go to the parade to see the GINO – they go every year in same numbers (sorry Meg).

  178. karen marie says:

    now THAT is a funny story!

    what a twit she is!

    apparently no one has told her that being a member — nay, a leader in a political party means you have to be able to do more than just draw “20,000 people” to an event. getting along with and helping your fellow “leaders” is probably more important.

    but la palin, the political wunderkind, doesn’t seem to have figured that out.

    thanks for the laugh, AKmuckraker!

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