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Friday, January 28, 2022

Morning Baby! Porcupine Pumpkin Feast

It’s Hump Day. It’s less than a week until the election… Halloween is just around the corner. You’re exhausted.

We know you’re ready for a mid-week productivity boost.

So since science is on your side, here is an adorable porcupine that can help you.

This is Teddy Bear the porcupine, to be specific, and the noises he makes will make your brain turn into candy corn.



19 Responses to “Morning Baby! Porcupine Pumpkin Feast”
  1. Moles says:

    Where can I get one? Please?

    • slipstream says:

      Moles, you can get a small pumpkin at almost any grocery store.

      I hope you enjoy it as much as the baby porcupine enjoyed his.

  2. Krubozumo Nyankoye says:

    We, the video impaired, miss out on this cuteness for lack of even a simple written description. 8-(

    • juneaudream says:

      Taking a it. Imagine a porky..facing camera..whiskerness..and furry prickles..all a fluff, and the sounds..of a whole three pecan pies..with a few slabs of ..peanut brittle..being nibbled, then..FULLON..chewing..and the sounds..of extatic..OVERconsumption..roll out of his chops..groans of joy, of slobber..being swallowed..and safeplace..of eating..allowing indulge, Indulge..OVERindulge. Yeah..nibbly-chewies..crunch crunch.. oh..such almost..belching pleasure..and all 2 and a half min. of it..’in the moment’.

    • Jeanne Devon says:

      A porcupine eats a tiny pumpkin and makes impossibly adorable eating noises.

      • mike from iowa says:

        Imagine a youngster’s first Christmas morning with the oohs and ahs and overwhelming joy accompanied by endless christmas paper being ripped and then tossed aside.

        Good to know you are still with us. Patiently awaiting snow and bitter cold weather. Most foliage is brown except a few trees with reds and oranges and yellows. Corn and soybean harvest is winding down and soon the fertile land here will lie fallow until next Spring in the Northern Hemisphere.:)

  3. mike from iowa says:

    As your Sinator,Dan Sullivan of Ohio will take that pumpkin away from that prickly beaver and give it gladly to the more deserving koch bros prickly beaver. Think about that for a moment before you vote.

    • mike from iowa says:

      there in lies the rub. The koch bros spend millions to get Sullivan elected to steal one pumpkin from one porcupine just because they can.

      OTOH,Mark Begich will tax the koch bros more so America can afford more pumpkins for more porcupines and make America stand for all that is good,again.

      This blatant message was approved by me-mike from iowa and is no way connected to any political party or politician.

      • Alaska Pi says:


        • mike from iowa says:

          State of South Dakota hired Joan to ride the state float in Macy’s Parade until cattle ranchers found out she was a vegan and freaked.That link is on this thread under commenter e platypus onion(me). 🙂

          BTW i have my first and last,hopefully,case of gout (right hand/wrist and all the requisite misery entailed. OUCH!!! Hurts to even smile.

          • Dagian says:

            Mike – You have my deepest sympathies. My dad had his first go-round with gout about 10 years ago. He’s “only” had a few bouts with it since then (3? 4?) but I’m amazed you can even pretend to smile.

            Does this mean meds and “lifestyle” changes for you? Do what you can to not need the meds – my dad had to give up his pilot’s license.

            • mike from iowa says:

              Dagian,I go back to the doc on Monday. My diet hasn’t changed much for years so it must be my sedentary lifestyle killing me. Seriously,I haven’t a clue what has changed but I guess we will find out sometime. I did have surgery on that wrist 20 some years ago. The radius bone in my forearm had grown into the wrist and had to be shortened. There is a plate and screws in there.The joys of aging,I guess. And I am not “that” old,yet! 🙂 ps I go on SS next February when I turn 62,so the good people at SS Disability tell me.

  4. Dagian says:

    Not only did I enjoy the overwhelming cuteness (and I did!) so did my resident surly male adolescent child.

    I’m looking forward to the first of November when I can get multiple pumpkins for very little money and give them to the horses. Yes, horses enjoy eating pumpkins too. So do elephants.

  5. Carol says:

    Candy Corn. Darn, where did I put that bag? Thanks /sarcasm for reminding me.

  6. slipstream says:

    And in other animal-lover news, Mayor Dan comes out in favor of impaling moose on fences.

    Better warn Brian.

    • mike from iowa says:

      In order to raise the ungulate population for Parnell’s out of state hunting buddies,he better send out the choppers and aerial gunners and hose down these fences like bears and wolves.History repeats itself-the poles with attack modern tanks with their horse cavalry,similar to 39 in Europe with similar results.

  7. mike from iowa says:

    Who knew?-a multi-tasking prickly beaver. Can talk and chew Pumpkin at the same time. Doesn’t pad the per diem stats as a way to cheat the public. Must therefore be of the Liberal persuasion.Save a tree,eat a pumpkin.

  8. Zyxomma says:

    Cutest! Morning Baby!! EVER!!!!! That was exhilarating. OK, I’m ready to be really productive now. Let’s see if I can get the flex shaft on my Dremel working (I failed earlier).

  9. juneaudream says:

    What a gift that episode was. Bowing low..and giving thanks..for the family who made that lil video, and for you at Mudflats..for putting up..for our extended..Family..of the Flats. Joy..pure..crunchy..whisker-flippen JOY!!