Morning, Baby! Look… Penguins Everywhere.
It’s only Wednesday, and there is much to be done.
Time to turn up the gas and start accomplishing! And because we’re all about implementing the latest in scientific research to improve the bottom line (click for evidence), we present to you something which will help.
Imagine if you will, lying on a beach full of baby penguins…
What does a baby penguin stick figure look like,besides undernourished? Ma and Pa penguins feet rival a bear’s tootsies in size and for claws.
For a few moments..we listen, watch..and imagine’downy-fluffy’..all this World! Those who can fly..on the wings of..what if, or how-do-ya-suppose..this/that might work..if we did..This..are forever..reinventing this world. Joy in living..must be generated in the ..questing many things. Exposure to baby lives..and steel-toed journalists..who..tell it like it is..and seek the face of often, amazing odds. We loves it..we Really does! Thank you.