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Friday, January 28, 2022

Alaska to NY in About 10 Minutes with a GoPro

Earlier this year, during the infamous ‘Polar Vortex,’ I decided it would be a completely reasonable idea to drive the Alaska Highway. Starting in Alaska I drove to Dawson Creek, British Columbia (the end of the Alaska Highway), and then on through Canada and the Midwest to Upstate New York. It took me about 10 days. Thanks to a GoPro attached to the windshield of my car now you can watch the trip in a little over 10 minutes.

I’ll be posting some photos from the trip over the next couple of days throughout The Mudflats end of the year round up coverage.

Enjoy, there’s some great music I found for the video – makes the 10 day trip blow right on by!

GoPro: From Anchorage, Alaska to Syracuse New York in about 10 mins. from Zach Roberts on Vimeo.



4 Responses to “Alaska to NY in About 10 Minutes with a GoPro”
  1. RipleyInCT says:

    I LOVE this!! this needs to go viral. The pit stops are awesome… great job, Zach… I’l be tweeting this. A lot.

    • RipleyInCT says:

      and it’s a little freaky that it appears you only saw about a dozen cars total on day 2. Remote, Eh?

  2. Jamie says:

    This is fabulous in every way. Cool and clever and so well done. A huge thank you for sharing!

  3. Zyxomma says:

    Wow, Zach. I don’t drive, but that was a terrific trip. (I do navigate. Well. And sail. Quite well.)