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Photos from France: Je suis Charlie

Vigils and rallies are springing up all around the world in support of the murdered cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo.

These stunning photos are sent to us from the south of France, Aix en Provence to be exact. Taken by Smaranda Tolosano, a photographer based in France but currently going to school in Boston. You can follow her work on TwitterTumblr or at her portfolio site.












5 Responses to “Photos from France: Je suis Charlie”
  1. Alaska Pi says:

    Ok So shaneholt, you have stepped over any line which relegates you to mere trolldom to total asshattery here.
    Pfft! you sorry sucker.
    As sad as my heart is over the butchery at Charlie Hebdo is, it still has room to condemn you as a complete failure as regards your inability to apprehend as well as comprehend the situation there .
    Stick it in your ear bucko
    politely and respectfully not yours, Pi

  2. mike from iowa says:

    Citizens of Paris know how to organize/galvanize marchers. Let’s hope it has a profound effect on radicals who abuse their religion as much or more as fauxknee christians in ‘merica.

  3. #JeSuisCharlie

    (The French cop who was killed defending the freedom of Charlie Hebdo was Muslim)