Bird of the Week – Common Raven
You knew it would happen eventually. The Common Raven, Corvus corax, is found essentially everywhere in Alaska, all year around.
A lot of folks, WC included, think that the Common Raven should be the state bird. Smart, tough, adaptable and clever. The subject of myth and legend. This is the quintessential Alaska bird.
Camera geek stuff: f5.7, 1/250, ISO 125
For more bird photos, please visit Frozen Feather Images.
I’d have thought every citizen of Alaska would be required to have and re-tell at least one raven story. Don’t they carry rum kegs to avalanche victims while waiting for Slip and the gang to show up? Aren’t they used as messengers like pigeons?
It’s okay to assign a raven to carry the keg of rum to an avalanche scene — but I always carry the tap.
Slipstream was not born yesterday.
Dear god..this ‘thread’ pure gold kids..pure gold..
It’s all Slipstream’s fault. Him and his wicked(some say warped) sense of humor. BTW,Slip-5 below at 5 AM mikey time today.
39 above and light rain here, mikey. Water running in channels through the ice in the streets. Newcomers will get up their hopes about an early spring, but us sourdoughs know that March will clobber us once again.
Wingnuts have their own state bird-the middle finger-for everyone except the koch bros.
The name..I understand..however..the Raven..has never been, is not now..or never will be..common! Nope..noway..never gonna happen. I had one..maybe 20ish years ago..outside of Juneau..come..’side-y’ hopping..toward me on a lil beach area..and speak a Tlingit word to me..3 times. After the 3rd time..I was..rooted to the shock. It seemed pleased with itself..flew off. Not certain my sons..believe it even now. As to the black coloring..once upon a time..they were as white as the driven snow..but then..a Doughnut Shop..opened in Juneau..and they all turned black..and now strut..along the roof edges..the better to be seen..for tossed tidbits! (Would I lie to y’all?)
Love this.
Worth three Smileys.
I love corvids. One of the best things about my last visit to Yellowstone was being followed around by a raven, walking and quorking. Yes, it should be Alaska’s state bird.
You are in wingnut run Alaska. Why isn’t the Raven white?