Bird of the Week – Spotted Sandpiper
We’re back to the peeps, the sandpipers. It doesn’t take many weeks to see all of Alaska’s hummingbirds, after all. But there are lots and lots of shorebirds.
The Spotted Sandpiper is fairly common in Alaska.
The signature spots are only present during breeding season. But the Spottie also has a distinct, teetering or rocking behavior that makes it pretty easy to recognize in the field, even after it loses its spots.
Spotted Sandpipers are among a small minority of birds that have reversed sex roles; i.e., females are more aggressive and active in courtship than males, and males take the primary parental role. In contrast to the normal pattern in birds, female Spotted Sandpipers arrive first on the breeding grounds, stake out territories, and attempt to attract males. This was very likely a male, trying to lead WC away from his hatchlings.
Camera geek stuff: f11, 1/800, ISO400, -0.33ev.
For more bird photos, please visit Frozen Feather Images.
Texas Attorney General,who violates the constitution by refusing to give birth certificates to anchor babies,is under indictment for three counts of securities fraud. Hell,it seems like all wingnut pols are crooks.
The wizard of ODD-
That’s a really lovely photograph. Keep them coming and thank you!
I enjoy all your photos, WC, and this one’s really beautiful.