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Bird of the Week – Wilson’s Snipe

Any guy who ever went to camp likely went on a Snipe Hunt. For those who never did, it’s a mild form of hazing, involving pillow cases, expeditions in the dark and getting left in the woods to feel foolish. So it may comes as surprise to learn there is such a thing as a snipe. Specifically, Wilson’s Snipe.

Wilson's Snipe, Tanana Lakes, Fairbanks

Wilson’s Snipe, Tanana Lakes, Fairbanks

This is a bird that is heard much more often than it is seen. Snipe courtship involves “winnowing,” a spectacular courtship flight, during which individuals produce a haunting, tremulous sound (the winnow) with their outspread outer tail-feathers. It is “produced by airflow over outstretched outer rectrices of spread tail, modulated by beating of wing. Primarily an aggressive behavior for territorial defense, but also may act to attract mates. Mostly given by males, but females also Winnow.”

Wilson’s Snipe is found across Alaska, but is elusive, not often seen and, when seen, usually flying away from you at high speed. They winter from the southern U.S. down into South America.

Camera geek stuff: f10, 1/750, ISO2500.

For more bird photos, please visit Frozen Feather Images.



3 Responses to “Bird of the Week – Wilson’s Snipe”
  1. mike from iowa says:

    Ain’t the Blood Moon on Sunday liable to make Snowgrift Snoozie’s head ‘splode?

  2. mike from iowa says:

    Scott Walker political ads pop up here when I show up. Too bad. He is toast and out of the sweepstakes for America’s next right wing nut job loser candidate for Potus.

  3. mike from iowa says:

    Wilson,I take it,was the butt of the snipe hunt joke,but managed to actually bag a snipe so it was named after him.