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The Weekend Off – News You Missed



ADN – Locals, biologists free polar bear caught in fishing net in Arctic Alaska

Kaktovik residents and visiting biologists worked together to free a large polar bear that became entangled in a fishing net near a Beaufort Sea barrier island Saturday night.

Smithsonian – Denali and America’s Long History of Using (or Not Using) Indian Names

For American Indians, place names always tell something about the location, they aim to express the essence of the place, or its dominating characteristic or idea. As Europeans settled on the continent and early pioneers explored, they often gave places new names commemorating the Founding Fathers and other important Americans.

ADN – Coast Guard identifies worst potential oil spills in Arctic

There are two types of oil spills in the Arctic that federal agencies have decided would be their worst nightmares and trigger calls for help from other Arctic nations.


Gawker – There Are No Union Mines Left in Kentucky

The last union coal mine in Kentucky, a state where workers fought and died for the right to organize, has closed, the Associated Press reports. Patriot Coal had announced the closing of its Highland Mine, which employed about 400 hourly workers, late last year.

BusinessNewsDaily – Working on Labor Day? You’re Not Alone

Although Labor Day is meant as a celebration of the American worker, not all employees will be joining in on the fun, new research finds. While 97 percent of the employers surveyed in a new study from Bloomberg BNA will give their workers a paid day off this Monday, 41 percent will require at least some employees to work on the Labor Day holiday.

LA Times – U.S. task force warns cities on efforts against homeless camps

A year ago, Mayor Eric Garcetti stood with First Lady Michelle Obama before a crowd of 900 in the ballroom of the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza and pledged to end veteran homelessness in the city by 2016.

Six months later, Garcetti and the U.S. secretaries for Housing and Veterans Affairs led columns of volunteers, advance men and news media past the derelict lean-tos and ragged tents of skid row for the official homeless count.


The Guardian – Mining industry’s new ‘coal is amazing’ TV ad labelled desperate

Australia’s mining industry has launched a new ode to coal in the form of a major advertising campaign that hails the mineral’s ability to “create light and jobs”, as well as claiming that new technology will drastically slash its emissions.

Newsweek – Photos: Hundreds of Refugees Begin Long March From Hungary Towards Germany

After days of being stranded at Budapest’s main Keleti train station, hundreds of refugees have set off on what they’re undoubtedly hoping is the final leg of their journey: another long walk, this time hundreds of miles from Hungary to Austria, where they hope to board trains to Germany.

Time – The French Agent Who Bombed the Greenpeace Ship Rainbow Warrior Apologizes After 30 Years

The French secret service agent who led an attack on a Greenpeace ship that killed photographer Fernando Pereira 30 years ago has apologized publicly for the first time. Speaking to the New Zealand station TVNZ on Sunday, Jean-Luc Kister said now was the right time to apologize to Pereira and his family for what he said was an “accident.”





4 Responses to “The Weekend Off – News You Missed”
  1. mike from iowa says:

    Here is another warm wishes for Obama from another right wing f—ing nut job.

  2. mike from iowa says:

    Send dumbass donald a message written with one of several Trump heads.Mix and match the heads and have a blast.

  3. mike from iowa says:

    Any man made,man caused spill in the Arctic will be a disaster. Obie loses points for allowing it to happen.

  4. Zyxomma says:

    Happy Labor Day, muddies. Wish I had a job. Shell never should have been issued their drilling permit. It should be revoked. Now. I hate coal, but I’m still sad about the Kentucky mines being entirely non-union. Blood, sweat, tears, and illness.