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Black Lives Matter Takes to the Streets in NYC

Black Lives Matter protestors took to the streets once again in Manhattan seeing several arrests and some abuse. This time the marchers were in solidarity with the Minneapolis occupiers that were shot, allegedly white supremacists and with the Black Lives Matter protestors in Chicago.

They didn’t just take to the streets, they also took to Thanksgiving Day’s Official Sponsor, Macy’s. Employees and tourists stood by taking video with their phones and managers stood by just shaking their head as just for a moment, consumerism stopped. [Click on the links to view the videos]

Raw Footage: #BlackLivesMatter March Through Macy's

#NYC #BlackLivesMatter walking through Macy's Wednesday night. Raw Footage

Posted by Zach D Roberts on Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Photographer and activist Jenna Pope [full disclosure, I’m in a relationship with her] posted this video to her facebook that showed just some of violence that press and marchers alike withstood the night before Thanksgiving. [warning, strong words and action]

Fuck Da Police (NYC Style)Footage I shot from tonight’s #4thPrecinctShutDown solidarity march in NYC, turned into a bit of a music video, specifically highlighting how the NYPD deals with #BlackLivesMatter protests.

Posted by Jenna Pope on Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Photos by myself.










2 Responses to “Black Lives Matter Takes to the Streets in NYC”
  1. mike from iowa says:

    Black lives don’t seem to matter to Rudy Giuliani who said Chicago cop had every right to murder a black teen because the teen had committed a crime. Trump’s goon squads don’t think black lives matter when they beat and kicked a black man at a Trump rally with the Donald’s blessings. Maybe it is just some white wingnuts that don’t give a shit about black lives.

  2. Zyxomma says:

    Have a happy, healthy, peaceful Thanksgiving, muddies. Love to all.